HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-13 31t E'J Z C1Hh11;j l'vlO.rl t6.J1n. Ji.:"t8ber 13J 1~j49 7Le Cor.llnission of '~'he C:ity of Bozeman '''ct in resubr sescioll :ir: the LOl'::!Lissioll lbo/Ill Ci t:., E~,ll Builu- inC' 'l'llurSUD.Y afternoon, Gctobel' 13th, 1949, At 1:00 o'clock I. M. Those beirl~ ~l~esent were ~~:'or SOTeT1so2~J C,)rrmlissi,)T~8r Lowe, COI'1Inissioner Healy, City Manpg;er HendersOY11 City Attorney Lovelaee andbhe Clerk, when t.he following; proceedings were hael: I The ;niDutes af the 8cJjourned sessions of Gctobel' 5, 1949 end October,S, 1949. and of tho reGular sdjourned session of October lO, 1949, were read, and it was ,noved by CC)"lrlffiissio~eI. LIeal~/ J s.ee0rlced ;.;:,r CcJlnr'li s si oner Lowe, ths. t tbe minutes be arfro-iTed as readl and the motion was carried by the I'oT hHving; Aye and No vo te: those v:Jting Aye being Ivi8yor Sorensonl Co,r"nissioner Lowe ar::d COI:--.:r:lisc,loner iiealy; those va bir,g No, none. Hospitalizing of Alcoholics Dr. A. L. Vadheim Bnd Dr. Deane C. Erler, representing the Gb1latin County Madical Association, and Hichard Lubbenl represcntins the Deaconess Hosrital, 8Fpe('1red before the Commission to discuss problems pertaining to hospitalization of alcoholics. They Ioirlted out that persons suffering froill alcoholism !'u'e definitely ill and require special facilities and helf for their care. The problem of pay for hospitaliza- tion for indigent alcoholics was also discussed. Vim. Wortma.n, Galls. tin C,)lmt:/ Commiss ionsr, Ch8rl es Idce, SherIff and Iolice Csrtain Saunders were also 1 resent and took leart in the discussion. To arrive at some defini te f'rocedure in solving the l;roblem, lVIr. Lubben, for the Deaconess Hospital, agreed to s-\lbmit a letter stating just what facilities the hos:rital will rrovide f:Jr such cases; Drs. Vsdheim Bnd Epler, for the Gsllatin County l\IedielJl L~s'n., agreed to submit a letter Living recoD@endations on needs for m~le atterldents or other srecinl needs for caring for them and the City Commission acreod th:::il;.. urOD rec:elft I of those letters, they would go in"~o the matter with the Gallatin Count;'l ComlJ)iss~;Jhers to work out deLinite }olicy and fix responsibility for providing necessary care for such caSes. Sewer Connecti OI, for Water-Softening flant Mr. D. It. Strait:Jn, of the Culligan Soft ~\-ater Service, was Iresent to disct,sS a sewer cormecUon at their r1rmt beiriE; constructed at 815 'Nest Main Street. The f.ossibility of a storm sewer connection and e, srni tar;y sewer connection were discussed, and it was shovm that a storm sewer connection under present conditions is imrractical, and it was decided that, before a semi tary sewer connection is made, informa- tior, regardinG wastes and amount of water used should be obtained from Billings where a similar rlH1t is in operation. Lease from N. F. Railway Co. for Water Line A lease from the Nort:hern Facific Railway COffirany for the City of Bozeman to connect to their water line to serve the SewaGe Tre~,tment llant, was rresented. The lease was al-rroved RS to form by tbe City 1l.ttorney, whereupon, it was lTloved b,y Commissioner Lowe, seconded by CorI'Jnissioner Healy, that the Mayor and the Clerk ()f the Corrnnission be authorized to sign the lease for The City of Bozeman, and the motio:n was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being; Mayor Sorenson, CO:Tunissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. I Resolution No. 661 -- Garbage Assessment The Manager stated tbet the resolution levyinc the annual assessment for garbS-be dislosal for lU49 has been rrepHed in the amount of $22,271. 52. He presented Hesolution Ko. 661, en ti tl ed: A RESOLUTIO~ OF TES CmalISSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZEMAl':1 I.DKTANA, LEVYIl\Y AIm ASSESSIN\) A SrECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES u;pr' ALL REAL fROIERTr IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, C01:1;:TY OF GAI.L1l.Tlh, STATE OF MOJlTANA, SERVICED AND FRO~ "i/HICH GARBAGE WAS COllECTED AND REl,TOVED DURING THE YEAR 1949, TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EX}ENSE OF' COLLECTING AND DISIOSIlW OF' GARBAGE lIT\DSR THE lROVISIOl\S OF ORDIJUJiJCE NO. 696011' TEE CITY OF BOZEIvlAN. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the Resolution be rro"dsionclly tassed, and October 19th, 1949 be set as the date for the hearinG of protests, and the motion was carried - -~'- 312 by the following Aye and No vote: those votin6 Aye being, Mayor Sorenscm, Commissioner Lowe and Com- missioner Healy; those votins No, none. Resolution No. 662 -- Assessment for S. I. D. 345 The Manager stated that the resolution levying the assessment for the construction of Sf.edal Imfrovement District No. 345, water main on North Tracy and Tmnflraek Stre8t, has been rrerered.. ir~ th e anount of $2,408.55. He presented Resolution No. 662. entitled: I A RESOLUTION OF THE CQT/1MISSION OF TIlE CITY OF BOZEMAN, }.'.ON1'AKA LEVYING AND ASSESSn:;G A SIBCIAL ASSESS~'lENT OF TAXES UFQ,N ALL TEE FROfERTY H: SfECIilL H1};.ROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 345 HI THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, G01JN 1'y 0 F GALLA TIN, S TATE or l'JiON TANA, 'ID DEFRAY THE COST OF' CONSTRDCTING .A..liJD N.AK- ING THE nIfR071;;?~'IS WITHH;: SAID SfECIAL Ilv!I'ROVEMEliT DISTRICT NO. 345. It was moved. by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Cmmnissioner Lowe, the t the Resolution be :provision- ally rassed, and Octoter 19th, 1949 be set as the date for the hearing of rrotests and the motion was carried by the following Aye end No vote: those votitlg A;;'e beinG IVlayor Sorenson, Cmmnissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those votine; No, none. Resolution No. 663 -- Assessment for S. I. D. 347 The Manager stated that the resolution levying the assessment in the amount of $9,490.70 for the constructior: of Grecial Improvement District No. 347, water majns on North Fourth, North Fifth, and Durston Roed has been prepared. He presented Resolution No. 663, entitled: A RESOLLTIO}; ,)}' TITZ COi;~nSSIOl\ OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LEVYING Ju"iJD ASSESSING A SfECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UfON ALL TIlE :PROFERTY n SF.3CIAL ILIFROVEMENT DISTRICT r:o. 347 IN TIlE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, S TATE OF t:ONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COBT O:rc CQ};STRVCTING AND HAKILG THE WIROVElIlJENrS WITHIN SAID SFECIAL nr.JROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 347. It was moved by Corrunissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the resolution be provision- ally passed, end October 19th, 1949 be set 8S the date for the hearing of protests, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 1:0 vote: those voting Aye being Ko.yor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and I Comr1iss:ioner Healy; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 664 -- Assessment for S. I. D. 349 The r.:enager stated that -the resolution levying the assessment in the amount of $8,649.139 for the construction of Sl-ecial Improvement District 10. 349, J?avement on ColleGe Street from Fourth to EiGhth Avenue has been pre:pred. He ~resented Resolution No. 664, entitled: A RESOLTjTIOlJ OF TliECm'IEISSIOK OF' TilE CITY OF BOZEILAr, IiIOl\ TAI\A, L"S'VYING AND AS8ESSI};G A SFSCIAL ASSESS~I1ENT OF' TAXES nO} ALL Tl1E f<:tmERTY IN SfECIAL IMHIOVEMENT ;:JISTRICT 170. 349 11\ TEE CITY OF' BOZEMAN, GO~Jt\TY OF GALLNrn;, STATE OF HOKi'ANA, TO DEFRAY TEE COST O}' CONSTRUCTING AKD HAKI1'G TEE EIf'ROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SFECIAL D:rROVSI,iENT DISTRICT 1JO. 349. . It was moved by Conuniss ioner Haaly, secoY,2ed by Ccnuni ss iorwr Lowe~ th.':J t the resolution be l,rovision- ally passed, and October 19th, 1949 be set BS the date for the hearing of protests, and tLe motion was carried by the following Aye and l~o vote: these votini "lye beinG Msyor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Eealy; those votinG No, nx,e. Resolution No. 665 -- Assessment for S. I. D. 354 The Manl1g:er stated thst the resolution levyint; the assessment il1 the amount of $20,680.<;;9 for the constructioll of 81'8Ci& 1 ~~rovement District No. 354, Isver.lent on North Gnmd from Larllme Street to Tamarack Street has been rre[sree. Ee lresenteo Resol:,ti~)r, No. G65, enU tled: A RSSOL;?r::JN OF TITE CO:.:InSSIOE 0I; ~'HE CITY m EOZf~'<A1':, J,iOTi'AIA, Ll~VymG Alm ASS3S.':illi:C A S};~CIAL I ASSESSP1\ T 81 TA..XES mON ALL TIi:~ fRmEHTY r:.: Sl-:ZCIAL n,JR()V"J,::BL',: DIST'GCT FO. 354 II: TEE CITY J1 EO Z2:\:n~, CO,:1:TY OF CALLATn:, S.Tl~.T:'-~ 01' j,,:Ol;'Il1J;A, TO r;EF1AY TEE COST CF GCJ..8:' IUCTI::G AJ..:';,' lUZING '1'1:8 H],HOV;:;J:E?(TS 'iH nUN 31.1D 3j ;Cl~\L l1.'J }:CYLL1B1\ T DLJ'L::Cl' l;O. 3G4. It W&~; :.::UV{:\~; l:.~,: 'CG:nl;'l,.:.S~3i'~'I.E'.::.r L~)WG, sCJc;':1Yldcd b;,' COT'un',;:: i :mer Ee!d;)', thn:, the, r(;:Loll;t10t, be I,1'e- v isioLull.}< 18sr''''0 and OctoLe!' lS th, lD49 l.e set n.s tL<:i dot,,: :',;1' tLe hecr"int; of }-I'ote<;ts and the motiorl WhS carried 10;}' tL(~ j::J.l.)wirJ[; A:/o nncl lio vO'_\:.: thos e '.;ot':llt, ;,";)e lJeiq; MaJ'or .sox"ens()n, Curm:is s j on er Lowe and COlmdssionel' Ilt.:aly;I.LoEG vot~ng h,-~, none. 313 Applications for City Licenses The f:Jllowinc pIJ,lic'cltiuHS i cr Cit;! L::.cens8.:.; were lresentecJ: .h... ;Y. Overturf E. D. l:irtzI-(~tcr Dni teJ S.,les Acenc'J' GwmtLer 1'1'(iC1:.-:,r C0. Valley SUFPly It was moved 1.;y C~)trunissioner Hcal'J', seconded by Coyr,mh:sioner LO'NO, thDt tho f'rrlicutL)r;s to Bnrcved 8. Ed the l:icenses .1 S G u.e d 8.:nd. the motion was carried t~, thc~ followinG Aye [,nd k) vote tLoGf' v~YLint: J.ye I beinG Meyor Sore~son, Cocmissioner Lowe and Conmissioner EeaJy; t]~ose volinL K8, rlo~e. Reyorts The followiLL rey orts for tbe TEontLJf SCl,tember, 1949 were ~res8rted: "'wYeter CoIl actor rolie8 Jud.::;e It wes moved by Comr:dssioner Lowe, seconded by CQlrJnissiorler Eealy, that the rerorts be accept0d and ordered file,l and the lr:(Jtion wan carried by tLe followin.; Aye end NJ vote: i:!lOS e vo tine Aye beinb I,lflJ'or Sorenson, C::lITl.clissioner Lowe and Commis~;ioner Healy; those voting; No, none. The Marw(;er lresented I> rel.ort front the Kontnna StbLe Bosrd vf' Eebl tL of' a l'iolcl InvestiL;B.tion made of the various I-ortions of the water sUlply at Bozeman for the informa tion of the City Co;nmissiuners. Resolution No. 660 -- Intention to Create S. I. D. No. 359 The :tv:onng,er stated that the City Attorr"ey, as instruct0d, has [refared the re301~tion of' intention to create Special Improvement. District No. 359. sanitary sewer on loiorth Blade from Cotl;onwood Street to Tamarack S.treet. Ee presented Resolution No. 660, enti'Lleu: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Cmv[J'HSSION O} TIE~ CI'iY or BOZEMAF DECLA,UNG IT TO B~;: T~:'E INTEL ION OF TEE CITY OF BOZElvW; TO CREATE A SI.ECIAL HtFRO'lSLIEFT DJ 3T;nCT 'ID BE KKJ.-/:N AS S}-EC IAl E.:IROVl~MEh 'l DISTInCT ~UMBEH 359 OF THE C lTY OF' BOZEMA},' :FOR TEE rUHIOS:S OF CONSTR1JCTING AND INSTALLING A Sl.N ITAI\.Y SEVlER OK NORTE BLACK AVEN1J}~ BET{i[EEN COTTONWOOD A}:D TAlv:j,RACY STREETS D: SAn: CITY. I It was moved. by Commissioner Lowe, seconded ty Cowrdssior,0r Healy, th9, t the n,::;olution be pnssed rmd adoFted and Novembe:c 2nd, ID49 be set as the da-l;e for the heariL(; of rrotosts. [u~d e,1';' mot ion wa" ce rr ied by the followinG Aye and 1':0 vote: those voting Ay~ beins I,byo.' Sorense)),. Co:r..;'~.i$S~jOl,er Lowe I;',no. COTi'.:r,.LS- ~doner Healy; those voting No, none. Stop Order for raving Districts The status of lavinc districts now in process of construction WBS discussed, Bnd the Me.nDcer st.ated thfl.t the Contractors rmd the City Engineer recorruneLd the. t, due to the cool weather and lateness of the seascn, it is rot flc;visable to cOInl-,lete oiling; work in the districts this fnll. It was moved by Commissionsr Healy, seconded b:/ Corrur,issiontJr' Lowe, that the City Engineer is hereby instructed to issue n stop order to tLe Blacktop Cor.struction CO:TIr any for SIecie,l IlIll-,rovement District 1\0. 355 and to the Standard Construction Coml-sny for ;:'l-'ec~al Improvement District No. 356 to discon Linne that part of their work which calls for al-plicAtion of oil to street surfaces irJ these districts until weather conditioms are favorable for resuming such work in the s}-rine of 1950 and the :notion wes c8rrieo. by n,e followint: Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beinG iJirc;yot' Sorer::.soL, COJTanissioner Lowe :u:d Commis- sioner Healy; those votinG N::, none. Adjournment I There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it we t1 rr:oveo. "c'y CorrJlli ssioner Lowe, seconded by Commissi oner Healy, thet the meeting adjourn and the moti OE was carried by the followiIlb. Aytf /',nd No vote: those votins Aye being Ma,yor Sorenso!:, Cormni s s ioner Loy.e and Commiss3.oner -I{ealy: -thoRe voting; No, none. C~- f~A/ Mayor - A:;test: ~.f~Sjon