HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-03-23 ~227 Bozeman, Montana March 23rd, 1949 The Commission of The City of BozEman met in reGular session in the Commission Room. City Hall Building. Wednesday afternoon, March 23rd. 1949 at 1:00 o'clock F. M. Those bein= Fresent were Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner L0we, Commissioner Healy, City Manager Henderson. City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk, when the following proceedinGs were had: I The minutes of the last re~ular session were read, and it was moved by Commiss:ioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy that the minutes be 8lproved as read. and the motion was carried by the followinf:; Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beinij Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commis- sioner Healy; those votinG No, none. Service Station tlat arrroved -- 8th & Main A ground l'18n of e proposed service station to be constructed at the corner of Eighth Avenue and Main Street, by the Gerter Oil Company, was presented. The rlan showed two driveweys f'rom Eichth Avenue and two dri vewa~rs from Mah! Street. and a discussion of rarkinc space tBken uI by driveways for businesses followed. It was moved by Corrunissioner Healy, secone;ed by Commissioner Lowe that the flat as presented be Rkrroved and the City Manager be instructed to get inf'ormation from other cities regardine an encroach- ment tax for driveways across public sidewalks. and the motion W(ClS carried by the following Aye 8.nd No vote: those voting: Aye being Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Inrkine; Lot on }'iendenhall ],::r. Floyd I3utler WBS present to ask if the City of':ozeman would be i.nterested in lurchasinz, I Lots 6, 7, and 8. Block I of the Oritir.al Townsite for use as a parkine lot. After consideration of the location of this property and a personal inspection of it by the Ci'cY COIlmJission find the City Mana~;er, it was decided ths.t the City would not be interested in rurcJH)sin~~ it. F F. .1. IOIPY SHle. 1I1ay 28 th. 1949 , . A request from the Veterans of' Foreii::n Wars to sell foppies on. Bozeman streets, S8turday. May 28 th. 1949 was [resented. It was moved by Commissioner Healy. seconded by Conrrnissioner Lowe that the request be 81rroved and the mot:ion W8S carried by the followin;;:; Aye Bnd No vote: thosr) vo-tinr; Aye beinG Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those votinG No, none. :Flans and SE ,'~cific..;tjons for HoatinG Swbnning Fool A proposal from R. L. frussing, ConsultinG lRechanic~JI Encineer, BillinSs, Montana. WHS read stating thBt he would prepJre }lans and specific8tions for heat,inc the SwimrninL Tool for 8~;:; of the conLrf'ct work involved, 20~~ of Uis f'ee to be raid ufon submission of rreliminary rlens, 55% on c011l1.1etion of workin,~ rlBns and sreeific8tions and the remainin.,; 25% uron sW8rd of the contrl'ct. Liter discussion. it was decided that, before bids ("yule; be cfllled f'or or any work stertc)(: toward instrlla- tion of equipment for heetinc swirn:nins pool we.ter, FInns nnd sr'3cific8tions would be Eecessar.y, where- upon, it we.s moved by Conuais~lioner Healy. seconded by Go;-;-,missioner Lowe that the Ci ty E8n8i~er be I authorized to aneare Mr. ~-t. L. trussing to 1 rorare the r.ec"IJs8I'",/ r lr'ons end sr"H:~ifif:f\e Jr':L f;cvic1e,1. ~,hcf'iH11 257; of his fee be peid \JTon the comrletion of the c'Jntr8ct :l:nrJte:.,cJ :)f Yi},({(l a c:)ntr[i(~t is Bnd trle motion was carried l<y tho followin~~ Aye and 1<0 vote: thoso votin}, Aye 'Loin;;:; Mhyor awarded, Sorenson, COI:llnissloner Lowo [lnd Cormdssjoner Eosly; tLose VOtil'-c. ~:o. r;one. ArFlicn,j ons for City Licenses The followini:j shlications for City Licenses were }resented: fS" -".j.. -p" ,-.", ,-.c,( -(....1... t' s) \ ec L'~X,. L' be J ,"r _, 1.", o~ LII- lea "lon 228 Roy's Ovel E Bozemnn Auto Wreckers l\Ic<:racken Eros. i):neman Carburetor & ~~loctric The C1.1(~ Modern Cleaners Be.rrel Cle 8ners Bo zemsn Coca Cola BottlinL ~~rks Wm. Van Dyken Motor Inn Courts I':lontanFJ Air Condi ti oninL Co. Gsa. EnLlish Sheet Metal It was moved by COlillnissioner Lowe. secorlded by Commissioner Hedy that the apllications be approved and the motion was c8rriod by the f'ollowinL Aye and 1\0 vote: those votinL Aye beint: Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Heal,." and COlllinissioner Lowe; LLos (; votinc N'), none. I Investit~/. LiOYi 3.0,)'J.l'din,. the Licens in;; of Slot Llachinos Attention was cr,} 1. Dd to th'~ faet that several non-rrofit clubs bave b'3en recently orGanized in Bozeman and heve installed and are oFeratini~ slot machines as ITovided by the state law. After con- sideration, and in view of the larGe increase in the number of slot machines put into operation, i.t wes moved by Commiso:ioner Lowe, seconded b;y Commissioner Healy thd the City Attorney investigate stAte law rerhl in:inc to licensinc: slot machines and }Jrepare an ordinance to impose the allowRble city license on slot machinBs, and tl::.e motion W'$S carried by the followint: Aye and IJo vote: those voting; Aye being; Meyor Sorenson, COl'uuissioner Il8aly Rnd Commissioner Lowe; ttose voting; No. none. Ac:j ournment There beinG no f'urther business to come bef'ore the Conunission at this tirrle. it was moved by Corrdnissioner Healy. seconded by Corrrmissioner Lowe thet the meeb n2: adjourn and the motion was carried by the followint: Aye and No vote: those votinc Aye beilJ,::; Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Bealy and Corrunissi oner Lowe; those vobng; No, none. ~~ f~/ Mayor I Attest: ofj~~ Cle rk of' "'the City Conunission I