HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-03-30 229 Bozemnn. Montana I,jarel, 30th. 1949 The Cor:unission of The City of' BO:i'.eman met in re[=ular session in the COlmnission Room. City !IFill BuildirL!:.:., '/fednesdey afternoon, March 30th, 1949 et 1:00 ole IJ C ~ ~ F. :" . Those bein~ ~rG6cnt wars .I,.r;)':)r Sorensoll, Commissioner Lowe, COlmnissioner HA''>-ly. City Manacer HendersoL, Ci ty Att~ornoy Lovell'<ce unci the ClarkI when the follovvini.> lroceedin.::;s were had: I The m::.nutes of tno last reGul9T session were readl and it was moved by Co:ml.issiotH3I' Lowe, seconded by COlmnissioner Healy tho t the minutes be 8Il-roved as reGel, and lhe moti::m was c8Tried by the fo11owinc Aye and 1\:, vote: those votlnb Aye beinG lcleyor Sorenson, Cormllissioner ::"01"0 e.nd COI'e,is- slone1' Healy; those votinc No, none. Hesolution No. 641 -- CroutinG S. 1. D. I1Jo. 351 The Manecer r,tetad that tIJe City Attorney ss inst.ructed has l"rererod the resol'J.t5on cn::ptiq: Sj, pej [,1 Improvement District No. 351. favinc on Lamme Street fro'fl ChurcL to Rouse Avenu8, on Rouse Aver:ue from Lamme Street to Olive Street. on Babcock Street from Bozeman Avenue to Church Avenue, nnd on OL, ve Street from Lindley [lace to Church Avenue. He presentod Resolution No. 641, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Cm,il.:ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE~,:AP CR'~ATnJC A SrECHL II'j;''tOVCI:IENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOI'iK AS S:r):CIliL DLIiROVET,rE:hT DTS1'RTGT r-:n.rrJE'1 351 DF n:E ern OF BCZ~:J'.'AN FOE T'lE FURlOSE QF' cm.'STffiTCTIt\G COECI?ETE cmBS AND STOm7 SE','IERS, ANL AFILYIKG USE: CRATSL, FA'JE;.:ENT Alm SliRFAcn:G ON TWRTE AND SOl:'I'H ROUSE AVEfTE FROT/ LAI:i,iE STREET TO OLIVE STREET (EXCEIT lAVED rORl'IONS); EAST LAMME STREET FRm: RorSE AVSKUE 'ID CEURel] AVEI0lTE; EAST BABC.XE STREET FROM BOZ-;NlAN AVEJ'\llF. TO CHURCE AVENUE; MiD EAST OLIVS; STREET BETV'iESN r.n:DLEY STREST AN D CIIUHCF AVENUE, IN SAID CITY. It was moved by Cormnissioner Lowe. seconded by Commissioner Healy thct the resolutioE be lassed and adopt cd end AI- ril 20 th. 1949 be set a.s the date for the opening of bids and the motion was car ried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beint; Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe I and Commissioner HeBly; those voting No, none. Fublic Hearing -- S. I. D. :No. 353 The ManaGer stBted that this was the time Hnd l-ilace set for the IJublic heDrinz; of Srecial Improvement District No. 353. paving on South Seventh from ~.1ain to Koch Street. Olive Street fro;n Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue and on Curtiss Avenue fraiL Sixth Avenue to Eic;hth Avenue. He }resen tad the affidavit of publication of the Notice to rroperty owners end the Clerk's mailing; certificate that all l-Tol-srty owners have been notified. The written protests of 1. 991;" of the prorerty owners in the district were presented. It wa s mov sd by Cormnis s i oner Hea ly, seconded by Commiss ioner Lowe that the protests be over- ruled as insufficient in law and f'act and that the City Attorney be instructed to lTepar8 a resolu- tion crea:'-ing the district. and the motion was carried by the following; Aye and No vote: thos e vot- ing Aye bein{", Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those votins No, none. Resolution No. 642 -- Creating S. 1. D . T~ 0 . 353 The Manager stated that the City Attorney as instructed has prepared the resolution creating Special Improvement District No. 353. He presented Resolution No. 642. 8Etit1ed: A HESOLliTION OF THE CITY Cm~MISSION OF TEE: CITY OF' BOZETv!IjlT CREATING A SIECIAL HilFROVE!{l<::NT I DISTRICT 10 BE KNOWN AS SIECIAL IlvIIROVEMENT DISTHICT NUHEER 353 OF' TEE C TTY OF BOZEMAN lOR THE iFRFOSE OF COFSmUCTn~G CONCRETE CFRDS AND STO!D" SEWERS, l\Jm AlFL ynW BASE GH!lVEL ','IHERE NEEDED, IAV~r..IENT AND SUHFACn:G ON SaUTE SEVENTF: AVEtn;E BE'YifEEN MAIN STREET AND KOCH STREET; liVEST OLIVE STREET BETWEEN SIXTH AVENUE lIND EIGUTlT AVSNT'E: Al.\'D 'NESTC1~HTISS BWI:'IVEEN SIXTH AVENUE AND EIGHTH AVENUE IN SAID CITY. It was moved by Commissioner Healy. seconded by Conunissjoner Lowe that the Resolution be passed and adoFted and Ar-ri 1 20th, 1949 be set as the de te f'or the ol-enin[-': of bids, ar'd tloe motion was carried by the followint~ Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye being lInyor Sorenson, Commission0r Lowe and COIrnnissioner Healy; those voting Ko, none. 230 Publio Bearing -- S. I. D. No. 354 The Manager stated this was the time and plaoe set for the public hearing of Special Improvement Distriot No. 354, paving on North Grand Avenue from Lamme Street to TRmaraok Street. He presented the affidavit of publioation of the notioe to proper~ owners, and the Clerk's mailing certifioate that all property owners have been notified. Be stated that no protests have been filed, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Bealy that the City Attorney be instruoted I to prepare a resolution creating the district and the motion was oarried. Mayor Sorenson and Corrnnissioners Lowe and Healy votinG Aye; and those voting No, none. Resolution No. 643 -- Creating S. I. D. No. 354 The Manager stated that the City Attorney as instructed has prepared a resolution creating Special Improvement Distriot No. 354. He presented Resolution No. 643, entitledl A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CREATING A SnCIAL IMPll>VEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER. 354 OF THE CITY OF BOZlWAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXCAVATING AND CONSTRUCTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ON NORTH GRAND AVENUE FROM WEST LAMME STREET TO WEST TAMMAllACK STREET IN SAID CITY. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seoonded by Commissioner Healy that the resolution be passed and adol.ted and April 20th, 1949 be set as the date for the opening of bids, and the motion was oarried by the following Aye and No votel those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No. none. Bids for Redecorating City Library The Kanager stated this was the time and place set for the opening of bids tor painting and redecorating at the City Library. Be presented the affidavit of publioation ot the Notice to Bidders, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy that the bids be opened and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson. I Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Bealy; those voting No. none. The following bids were thereupon opened and readl Ingolph Johnson . . . . 11,862.80 J. L. Ford . . . . . 897.65 " Tschache Bros. . . . . 1,668.00 It was moved by Commissioner Lawe, seoonded by Comudssioner Healy that the bid of J. L. Ford in the amount ot $897.65 be aooepted. and that the certified Cheoks ot the unsuccessful bidders be returned and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Be81YJ those voting No, none. Fetitions for Faving -- Dickerson, Story, Fifth Fetitions to pave the following streets were presented: Diokerson Street from Third Avenue to Eighth Avenue Story Street from Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue Fifth Avenue from Story to Koch Street It was moved by Commissioner Healy. seoonded by Commissioner Lowe that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare estimates of costs tor such a distriot and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the resolution of intention to oreate the distriot and the motion was oarried by the follo'Wing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Hetiy; I those voting No. none. Delegates to Water & Sewer Sohool The Manager stated that the annual meeting of Montana Sewage Works Operators is to be held on April 7, 1949 and the annual meeting of' the Montana Section, Amerioan Water WorkS Association is to be held on April 8th and 9th, 1949, both meetings to be held in Great Falls, Montana. It was moved by Commissioner Healy. seoonded by Commissioner Lowe that it being in the publio inter- est the City Manager and W. R. Border. Water Superintendent. be authorized to attend these meetings. 23l and their expenses be paid from the Water Fund end the motion was oarried by the following Aye and No vo te: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and. Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Ci~ Policy as Vacations The Manager reported that Chapter 131, Laws of Montana, 1949, provides an annual vacation for all I city employees, and a policy applicable to all employees should be established in order to clariry the the provisions of said ohapter. He presented and read the following recommendations as to vaoation polioy: a. For purposes of computing vaoation credit, not less than twenty full days of employment during any 0 a1 endar month will be oonsidered as one month of servioe. b. For purposes of computing allowable elapsed time for vacations, six days per week shall be oonsidered a work week. c. To be considered as a regular employee, entitled to vacation with pay, any per$on must have been in oontinuous employment by The City of Bozeman for not less then six (6) months. d. Vacation schedules shall be arranged by the Department Head of each City Department, shall be subject to approval of the City Manager and shall be soheduled so that vacations will be granted at such times in the year as will cause the least inconvenience to the normal work program of the City. It was moved by COlmnissianer Healy, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the above policy be adopted as to vacation leave for all city employees, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Renewal Certificate -- Gas & Flumbing bond F. J. Trunk The renewal oertificate of the Gas F'itter's Bond in the amount of $2,000.00 and the :Uumbing Bond I in the amount of' '600.00 of Frank J. Trunk were presented. The renewal certificate was approved by the City Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seoonded by Commissioner Lowe that the renewal certificate be approved end aooepted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Applications for City Lioenses The following applications for City Licenses were presented: Barer's Bennett Motor Sales Cutting's Newsstand Bozeman Cash-Way Lumber & Hardware Co. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy that the applications be aFproved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Approval of Root Beer Stand Ground Plan The ground plan for a proposed Root Beer Stand at the corner of Eighth Avenue end Baboook Street was presented, showing a proposed driveway from Babcock Street. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy that the proposed plan be approved and the motion was carried by the fo llowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner I Healy; those voting No, none. Report of Folice School Captain C. V. Sawders reported on t~epolice school he attended in Missoula, Montana. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried 232 by the following Aye and No votel those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson~Commi8sioner Healy and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. c~ 1 ~ Attestl I LJJ~ Clerk of the City Commission I I