HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-10-14 177 Bozeman. Montana October 14. 1948 The City Commission of The City of Bozeman met in adjourned session in the Commission Room. City Hall Building. Thursday afternoon, October 14th. 1948. at 1:00 o'clock f. M. Those being present were Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe. Commissioner Healy. City Manager Henderson. end the Clerk when the following proceedinEs were had: I The minutes of the last regular session held Octocer 6, 1948 and of the adjourned session held October 13, 1948 were read. end it was moved by Commissioner HeElly. seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the minutes be arrroved &s reed. end the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinlC Aye being Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe and Commiss ioner Healy; those voting No. none. Renew of Hogan Lease The Menager stated that the lease with Rose Story HOE;an for the parking lot at the corner of Black and Mendenhall Street he.d exr,ired August lst. 1948 . He explained that this lease was originally written for a two year term with a provision that it could be contir.ued for an additional three years at the option of the City on condition that the City notifY the owner. prior to August 1st. 1948. of its desire to continue the lease for the additional three years. He stated that. through oversight, this notice to the owner of the City's deSire to continue t!'le lease had not been sent. In discussion of the matter it wes brought out that the continued use of the property as a. parkinc lot is desirable and that the lease should be continued whereupon it was moved by Commissioner Lowe. seconded by Commissioner Henly. that the City Manager write to Mrs. Hogan end secure her consent and agreement to continuinG the le ase. under its original terms. for the three years be[inning Ausust 1st. 1948 I <md the motion wa s carried by the fall owinG Aye and No vote: those votin[~ Aye being; Hayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those votinG No. n~ne. Resolution No. 635 -- Garbage Assessment The Manager stated that this was the time and place se' for the heerin[: of protests to the final passai;e of the garbage assessment resolution. He presented the Affidavit of fublication of the notice and stated thct no protests have been filed and no one is present to protest. He presented Resolution No. 635, entitled: A RESOLT'I'IOK OF TIl'P, cor::ISSIOF OF TH;~ CITY OF Boz'S'rAN, :"C'~:Tf.KA L ~VYn!G P.ND ASSSSSn'G A SI''SCIAL ASSESSrXSlI:'I OF TAXSS UPON !illL R:';AL fHOF~RTY IF" 'ITf, CITY OF BOZEI!A.N, COUNTY OF GALI,ATIN. STATE OF MONTANA. SERVICED M'D FRm: 'NHICE GA:'lP/\GE WAS COLLECTED ANt RBMOV1m DURnG TEE YEAR 1948, TO DEFRAY TIrS COST AND EXfZ!i'SE 01,' COLt.ECTll:G jlND DIS- lOSn::G OF GARBAGS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ORDU'j\.NCE W. 696 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. It was moved by Corrunissioner Healy. seconded by Conunissioner Lowe thai., the resolution be finally passed anu adopted and the motion was carried by ttlt: follov:.ingt-..ye and ;"iJo 'fote: these votinc /\::7n ;)H:~q" NeY0l' Sorenson. ''';uIljT,issiYJ;)' lowe and Comm.iss.~ cner He.J-,"::; those votil~b 'H). none. House in Alley in Brady's Rearrangement Comr1yinr; with instructions Liven to him by the City Commission on June 30. 1948. the Ci t.J' Attorney sent a notiee on July 2nd. 1948 to Dorothy Louise Sherrard. owner of record. to Ike E rad;y . 1 end to otr.er parties known to have interest in Lot C of Brady's Rearnmc;ement of Lot One (l}. Block Seven (7). Babcock and Davis Addition to Bozeman. Montana. that a. buildj.ng which encroad;es on the alley on the east end of this lot must be removed within nirlety (90) dRYs. Th<1t n:r}sty (90) days lHwin;~ expired 8nd no action hevin['., been token by the owners to remove the bu_ilcin,: in C'uestion i-Iv we.s moved b:: Commissioner Eealy, sec~nded by Commissioner Lowe. that the C:'i_ty Attorney serve 8. final notiee on these owners thd; the removal of the buildiq; must be ur.der wey witbin tom ( 10) day s from the receirt of such fir181 notice and that. if it is n8t. the City Attorney is to take such leEal 178 sters es are required to bring the matter into court And to hrve the building removed thz'ou0h due process of law and the moti.on was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinc Aye beinc'; Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe and Conunissioner Healy; those voting No. none. Bid for College Street Paving Rejected The matter of the bids for the construction of S. I. D. No. 349. oil-mat paving on College Street from Fourth Avenue to EiGhth Avenue WHS reconsidered. The bid of the StandRrd Construction I Company is tr.e only bid received on this project. Thic bid exceeds the City Engineer's estimete of cost of the l'roposed work nearly 80~~. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe. seconded by Corrunissioner Healy that the bid of the Standard Constn;ction Company be rejected. and the certified check returned to the bidder, and the c all for bids be re-advertised at a lAter dAte. and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votiTlfi: Aye being Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No. none. Sewer Charge for Jersey Dairy and Co-op Creamery The City Manager reported that, as instructed at the meeting of September 15th. 1948. the City Engineer. the Weter Superintendent and he had given consideration to the sewer rental charge for the Jersey Dairy. 37 North Tracy and the Gallatin Co-or Creamery. 24 North Grand. and it is their recorrunendation that. because of the laree and undetermined amount of water tha.t goes into the storm sewer !'It these two plants. the sewer rental charge should be figured on a basis of 60% of average winter usage instead of at 80% as at present. It wa.s moved by Commissioner Healy. seconded by Conunissioner Lowe thnt the reconunendntion be approved and accerted and the proper credit be extended to the two accounts and the motion was cnr ried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye I being Mayor Sorenson. Conuniss ioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No. none. Reports The annual report of the State Examiner of the examina.tion of the Bozeman Fire Department Relief Association accounts was presented. It was moved by Conunissioner Lowe. seconded by Conunissioner Healy that the report be app roved and accepted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te : those voting Aye beinc Mayor Sorenson. Conunissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No. none. The followinG reports for the month of September. 1948 were presented: Sanitary Inspector Buildi.ng Inspector Ca.shier Nurser? School It was moved by Conunissioner Heal:,T. seconded by Corrnnissioner Lowe that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those vo ting Aye being Mayor Sorenson. Conunissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No. none. Bond for A. W. Coleman The bond of Archie W. Coleman as City Plumbing and City Gas Inspector and Assistant Building Inspector in the amount of $1,000.00 was presented. It was moved cy Corrnnissioner Lowe. seconded by Corrnnissioner Healy that the bond be accepted 1 and Hpproved subject to the approval of the City Attorney and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votin.:; Aye being Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Heel;n those votinrc }!o. none. Burglary Insurance The matter of burclary insurance to cover cash funds in the City Office was discussed. It was pointed out thet facilities in the City Hall do not provide good protection against burglary. The vaul t where money is ker,t is old end coul d be opened quite easily by a clever burglar. It was als 0 179 brought out that large sums of money are never kept in this vault, that the location of the falice Station directly above the City Offices affords added protection and it was considered thet the risks now incurred are not excessive. that purchasinG a safe or other facilities in which to keep money or carrying burglary insurance would not be a necessary or advantageous experJditure for the Ctiy under present circumstances. 1 Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time. it was moved by Commissioner Lowe. seconded by Commissioner Healy that the meeting a,-1journ end the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinr; Aye beinc; Mayor Sorenson. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those votir'C No. none. Attest: 4./~ (!~ ~ lerk of the Commission Mayor I 1