HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-06-23 36 Bozeman, Mon tana June 23rd, 1948 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in re~lar session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, June 23rd, 1948, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Those being presen t were Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe, Commissioner Healy, Ci ty Attorney Love Is ce, and the Clerk, when the following proce(3dings were had to-wit: 'l'he minu te s of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Lowe tha t the minutes be approved as read, and the motion I was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thos e voting Aye be lng Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Bids for S. I. D. No. 347 The Mayo r s ta ted thq t thi s was the time and place set for opening of bids for Spe- cial Improvement District No. 347, the inst81lation of water mains on-North Fifth, North Fourth, Villard Street and Durston Road. The affidavit of publication of the Notice to Bidders was presented, whereupon, it was moved b:,: Commis s ione r Healy, seconded by Com- rn issioner Lowe that the bids be opened and read, and the motion was carried by the fol- lowing Aye and No vote; thos e vo tlng Aye being Mayor Sar enson, Commis sion er Heal y and Commissioner Lowe; tho s e vo t i ng lIT 0, non e . The bid of F.dnes & Lee being the only bid received was opened and read and found to be as follows: For construction of S.T.D. No. 347 using Cast-iron pipe $ 13,070.25 For construction of ~.I.D. No. 347 using Asbestos-Cement pipe 9,026.65 After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy th.a t the bid be referred to the City Manager fo r recommenda tions a nd tabula tions and the I motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Ayebeing Ma~tor Soren- son, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; tho se 'Voting No, non e . Exchange of CII'S of S.D.S. Investments The Director of Finance reported that the TJ. S. Secretary of Treasury was offering 1-1/8% Treasury Certific8tes of Indebtedness, Series F-1949, IDa turing July' 1, 1949, on an exchange basis, par for par, to holders of Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series H-1948, maturing July 1, 1948, and s ta ted fur the r that the Series H-1948 CII's were invested by the Sewage Disposal Sys tern Cons truc tion Fund. After consid era ti on, it was moved by Comwissiorer Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy tr.at the Director of Finance be authorized to notify the First National Bank of Minneapolis, c us to dian of said certifica tes, to make the exchange as offered by said Secretary of Treasury, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo t e ; thos e va ti ng Aye be ing Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Report The report of the Cle rk of theCeme tery Board for the mon th of May, 1948 was presented. I t was moved by Commis stoner Rea ly, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the report be ac- I capted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and Novo t e ; those voting Aye belng Payor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe and Commis sioner heal y; tho se voting No, none. Continuation Certificate of D. L. Hen r" . ,- The Continuation Certificate of the bond of Donald L. Henry, as City Cashier, in the amount of $2,000.00 was presentl')d. The certificate was approved as to form by the City 137 Attorney, whereupon, it was ~oved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the Certificate be approved and accepted and the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote; th ope voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, COTI1missioner Healy and Com- m'issioner Lowe; tho se voting No, none. Applications for City Licenses I The following applications for City Licenses were presented: Business: Diefenderfer Votor Sales Beer & Liouor: Bozeman Country Club It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the applica- tions be approved anc the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Healy and Commis- sioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Comnnmica tion -- Annual CPA Audit A communication from C. E. Coulston, CPA, was presented and re ad, asking that he not be considered for the city's annual audi t. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commiss ione r Lowe the t the Ci ty Manag er make an effort to o b ta in the servi.c es of C. E. Coulston, and if not to make 0 the r arrange- ments for the annual audit and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; those voting Aye being Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Lowe; thos e voting No, none. Ad j ournmen t I There be1n~ no further business to come before the Commission at this ti me , it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Healy the t the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tho se voting Aye be ing 1Via:{or Sorenson, Commis s1 on er Lowe an d Comm1 ssi oner Heal y; those voting No, none. . . ~~/ J::./4t.<Ur'1.t/ C erk f the Commis s1 on C~Al Mayor , I