HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-07-07 t40 Bozeman. Montana July 7th. 1948 The COllUlllssion of The City of Bozeman met in regular seuion in the Commission I.oom. City Ball Building. ..dnesciay afternoon. July 7th. 1948. at 1:00 o'clock P. II. Tho.e being present were.ayor Sorenson. C01IIIl118ioner Lowe.CODlIIdsaioner Healy. City Manager Henderson. City A.ttorneyLovelace. and the Clerk. when the following proceed1Dgs were had to-wit, The minutes of the last regular se..ion ...re read. and it was IlOved by'Co-.1asioner Lowe. seconded I by Commi..10ner HealY' that the mnutes be approved as read. and the motion was carried by the f'ollowiDg kje and 110 vote. those Toting Aye being Mayor Soren80n, Comais.loner Lowe. and Commie. loner HealY'J those voting No. none. Bida for Roof at Librar,y TheJlanager stated that th1a was the time and plaoe set for the opening of bids for a new root on the LibrarY' Building. He presented the aff'idavit of publioation. of the Notice 'to Bidders. llDd stated that no bids haTe been reoeived. 1'11e lIanager reoOJllDlended that in view of the fact that an emergenoy exists, the law has been complied with, and 11110e no bids have been submitted, he be authorbed to pur- ohase material and hire a oontractor to cloth18 work. whereupon, it was moved bY' CommiSsioner HealY" seconded by Comra1ssloner :t.owe that 'the City JlaDager be instructed 'to oontact 100al oontractors and lUllber dealers to get estimates ot oosttor haTiDg th1sroot installed ona day labor balis and to present suoh e.timate to the CoDDdI.ion at the earli.st date po.sible and the motion was oarried bY' the tollaw1ng Aye and No vote. those voting Aye being llayor Borenson, Colllllill8iouer Lowe end CoDlllias1oner Hea1fJ those voting No. none. Cla1ma for the )(on-th Cla~ Nos. 3468 to 3710 inolusive were pre.ented on the various rund. a. tollows, I General Fund 13,460.79 Parkil1g Meter 3,761.09 Water 4,569.96 S.D.8. Constr. 15,652.10 Library 146.79 Park 3.028.12 C emetel")" 2,267.24' Airport 1,893.84 Garbage 8,376.22 Ca. Perm. Care 3,660.00 Withholding Tax 1,042.20 S. I. D. (341) 6.200.00 Police lte.erve 86.16 Fire llelier 4,162.23 B811d 14.63 Cemetery Suspeu.e 130.00 Total . 69,021.25 The llenager .tated that he has audited thele claims and rinds them to be true and lawful claims against The City ot BOleman end reoODlJll8nds that warrants be drawn f'or their payment. Atter examination of the claims in detail by the CODIld.81cm. 1t.... IlOTed b)r Co_be1oDerBealy. seconded by ColllDl1.sioner Lowe that warrant. bedre:wn tor "their payment and the aotion was carried by the following k(e and No Tote. those voitng Aye being Kayar Soren.on, CoJB1aaioner towe and Comadll8ioner Hea).):. .~08'8"-'tOthg No, aone. I Applications tor City Lioens.. -- !he following applioations tor City Licenses were pre.entedl The Stockman B. G. Darl1nton Northland Greyhound Line. Co'ttage Cafe Mac'. Shell Servioe Sohraeder's ".etrigerator Serv. "I, " Win. Batchelder Ark Seoond Hend Store I't was moved by Comm1ss1onerLomt, .eoonded by CoJlllll1..a1oner Healy that the applications be approved md the l1cenae8 issued and the motion 118.8 oarried by" the following Aye and 10 vote' those voting AJe being )layor Sorenson. C~.81oner Lowe II1d CO.lsioner Bealn those voting 10, none. 141 1teports The following reports for the month ot June, 1948 were presented. folice Chief Polioe Judg. Cashier Librarian Sanitary Inspector Water Colleotor Ieoreation Direotor I It was mewed by Commiee1oner Healy, aeconded byComm1..ioner Lo_ that the report8 b. acoepted and ordered tiled and the motion was a.rried by' the toll~ qe and Bo Tote, those voting J.:ye beinl Mayor Soreneon, Colllllda8ioner Lowe and Co.u.8aioner Heal1' those vot1Dg )fo.. none. Fire A1a~ System A. oormaunication was read by' the Board or Fire.. Underwriters 8tating tha.t it the pre8ent tire alarm. system. at the City of BOI~n was .11JD.1Dated.that fireinluranoe rate. J1Vuld be inoreased at least trom 8 to 10 percent. aeport.~~Peaoe Otficer's Sohool Chiet at Polic.Haas reported on the Peaoe attieert, Sohool which h. attended in Mi.loula. Budget 1948-1949 C1 ty )laager Henderlon presented tentative budget figures whioh were explat ned to the Cl ty CO..18810n. AdjOUl1llDeut There being DO further bU.1neS8 to 00.. betore the CODl.iealoD at this t1., it wa. moved by' CoJlll'ld8s1oner Lowe, aeoonded by Comale.ioner Healy, that the....ting adjourn a:nd the motion ..a carried by the tollowing liTe aDd 10 vote. those Totlnc J:Te beiDg llayor SoreDlon, CoDll18sioner Lcnre and I ColllDisaioner Healy. thoBe voting 10, none. Attest. C~ /..~ cht:~~n I