HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Transportation Master Plan - Appendix B - TMP Survey ResultsAll On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM As with any public comment process, participation in Bozeman Online City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM, this forum had: Attendees:519 On Forum Responses:75 All Responses:393 Hours of Public Comment:19.7 This topic started on December 7, 2015, 1:34 PM. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 2 of 405 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. Responses Do you live in the City of Bozeman? %Count Yes 80.0%60 No 20.0%15 Do you work in the City of Bozeman? %Count Yes 85.3%64 No 14.7%11 Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? %Count Excellent 40.0%30 Very Good 48.0%36 Good 8.0%6 Fair 4.0%3 Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? %Count Excellent 2.7%2 Very Good 12.0%9 Good 37.3%28 Fair 40.0%30 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 3 of 405 %Count Poor 8.0%6 The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards) %Count Very High Priority 36.0%27 Somewhat High Priority 28.0%21 Middle Priority 21.3%16 Somewhat Low Priority 9.3%7 Very Low Priority 5.3%4 b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.) %Count Very High Priority 29.3%22 Somewhat High Priority 28.0%21 Middle Priority 26.7%20 Somewhat Low Priority 6.7%5 Very Low Priority 9.3%7 c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.) %Count Very High Priority 13.3%10 Somewhat High Priority 33.3%25 Middle Priority 40.0%30 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 4 of 405 %Count Somewhat Low Priority 13.3%10 d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.) %Count Very High Priority 37.3%28 Somewhat High Priority 28.0%21 Middle Priority 24.0%18 Somewhat Low Priority 8.0%6 Very Low Priority 2.7%2 e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.) %Count Very High Priority 62.7%47 Somewhat High Priority 16.0%12 Middle Priority 10.7%8 Somewhat Low Priority 6.7%5 Very Low Priority 4.0%3 f. Trail projects %Count Very High Priority 45.3%34 Somewhat High Priority 24.0%18 Middle Priority 14.7%11 Somewhat Low Priority 9.3%7 Very Low Priority 6.7%5 g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.) Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 5 of 405 %Count Very High Priority 33.3%25 Somewhat High Priority 28.0%21 Middle Priority 21.3%16 Somewhat Low Priority 10.7%8 Very Low Priority 6.7%5 The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies. %Count Very High Priority 52.0%39 Somewhat High Priority 36.0%27 Middle Priority 10.7%8 Somewhat Low Priority 1.3%1 b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman. %Count Very High Priority 50.7%38 Somewhat High Priority 32.0%24 Middle Priority 16.0%12 Very Low Priority 1.3%1 c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 6 of 405 %Count Very High Priority 14.7%11 Somewhat High Priority 37.3%28 Middle Priority 37.3%28 Somewhat Low Priority 8.0%6 Very Low Priority 2.7%2 The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods. %Count Very High Priority 42.7%32 Somewhat High Priority 38.7%29 Middle Priority 16.0%12 Somewhat Low Priority 1.3%1 Very Low Priority 1.3%1 b. Enhancing tourism. %Count Very High Priority 9.3%7 Somewhat High Priority 18.7%14 Middle Priority 41.3%31 Somewhat Low Priority 17.3%13 Very Low Priority 13.3%10 c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 7 of 405 %Count Very High Priority 21.3%16 Somewhat High Priority 20.0%15 Middle Priority 34.7%26 Somewhat Low Priority 14.7%11 Very Low Priority 9.3%7 d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs. %Count Very High Priority 10.7%8 Somewhat High Priority 26.7%20 Middle Priority 42.7%32 Somewhat Low Priority 10.7%8 Very Low Priority 9.3%7 The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations. %Count Very High Priority 66.7%50 Somewhat High Priority 21.3%16 Middle Priority 10.7%8 Very Low Priority 1.3%1 b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 8 of 405 %Count Very High Priority 8.0%6 Somewhat High Priority 18.7%14 Middle Priority 33.3%25 Somewhat Low Priority 28.0%21 Very Low Priority 12.0%9 c. Optimizing roads for all users. %Count Very High Priority 58.7%44 Somewhat High Priority 21.3%16 Middle Priority 13.3%10 Somewhat Low Priority 4.0%3 Very Low Priority 2.7%2 d. Improving road surface conditions. %Count Very High Priority 6.7%5 Somewhat High Priority 38.7%29 Middle Priority 44.0%33 Somewhat Low Priority 10.7%8 e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network. %Count Very High Priority 25.3%19 Somewhat High Priority 32.0%24 Middle Priority 34.7%26 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 9 of 405 %Count Somewhat Low Priority 5.3%4 Very Low Priority 2.7%2 f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network. %Count Very High Priority 62.7%47 Somewhat High Priority 10.7%8 Middle Priority 13.3%10 Somewhat Low Priority 8.0%6 Very Low Priority 5.3%4 The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman. %Count Very High Priority 29.3%22 Somewhat High Priority 34.7%26 Middle Priority 21.3%16 Somewhat Low Priority 10.7%8 Very Low Priority 4.0%3 b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks. %Count Very High Priority 62.7%47 Somewhat High Priority 16.0%12 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 10 of 405 %Count Middle Priority 16.0%12 Somewhat Low Priority 1.3%1 Very Low Priority 4.0%3 c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks. %Count Very High Priority 53.3%40 Somewhat High Priority 26.7%20 Middle Priority 13.3%10 Somewhat Low Priority 2.7%2 Very Low Priority 4.0%3 Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system. %Count Strongly Agree 37.3%28 Somewhat Agree 30.7%23 Neutral 25.3%19 Somewhat Disagree 2.7%2 Strongly Disagree 4.0%3 Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system. %Count Strongly Agree 65.3%49 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 11 of 405 %Count Somewhat Agree 26.7%20 Neutral 6.7%5 Somewhat Disagree 1.3%1 Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system. %Count Strongly Agree 46.7%35 Somewhat Agree 29.3%22 Neutral 20.0%15 Somewhat Disagree 2.7%2 Strongly Disagree 1.3%1 Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system. %Count Strongly Agree 69.3%52 Somewhat Agree 20.0%15 Neutral 9.3%7 Strongly Disagree 1.3%1 Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community. %Count Strongly Agree 37.3%28 Somewhat Agree 41.3%31 Neutral 17.3%13 Somewhat Disagree 1.3%1 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 12 of 405 %Count Strongly Disagree 2.7%2 Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources. %Count Strongly Agree 73.3%55 Somewhat Agree 13.3%10 Neutral 6.7%5 Somewhat Disagree 4.0%3 Strongly Disagree 2.7%2 Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process. %Count Strongly Agree 53.3%40 Somewhat Agree 29.3%22 Neutral 14.7%11 Somewhat Disagree 1.3%1 Strongly Disagree 1.3%1 Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? %Count Has a very large impact 14.7%11 Has a somewhat large impact 40.0%30 Has a medium impact 28.0%21 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 13 of 405 %Count Has a somewhat small impact 14.7%11 Has a very minimal or no impact 2.7%2 As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? %Count Roundabouts 66.7%50 Stop signs 1.3%1 Traffic lights (stop lights)20.0%15 No preference 12.0%9 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? %Count Very comfortable 76.0%57 Somewhat comfortable 16.0%12 Somewhat uncomfortable 5.3%4 Very uncomfortable 2.7%2 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? %Count Very comfortable 41.3%31 Somewhat comfortable 32.0%24 Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable 6.7%5 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 14 of 405 %Count Somewhat uncomfortable 16.0%12 Very uncomfortable 4.0%3 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? %Count Very comfortable 56.0%42 Somewhat comfortable 28.0%21 Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable 9.3%7 Somewhat uncomfortable 6.7%5 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? %Count Very comfortable 5.3%4 Somewhat comfortable 21.3%16 Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable 14.7%11 Somewhat uncomfortable 34.7%26 Very uncomfortable 24.0%18 How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 15 of 405 %Count Car, truck, or van 60.0%45 Bus 1.3%1 Motorcycle 1.3%1 Bicycle 25.3%19 Walked 12.0%9 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? %Count One (1) - Travel by Myself 36.0%27 Two (2) - Myself plus one other person 34.7%26 Three (3) - Myself plus two other people 2.7%2 Four (4) - Myself plus three other people 2.7%2 More than Four (4+) - Myself plus four or more people 1.3%1 Did Not Drive 22.7%17 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? Answered 75 Skipped 0 10 10-15 15 20 25 30 5 6 7 bike bus hour min mins minutes one walk was way Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 16 of 405 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). %Count Less than 5 days 58.7%44 Between 5 and 20 days 20.0%15 More than 20 days 21.3%16 For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school %Count Very Frequently 38.7%29 Somewhat Frequently 17.3%13 Never 44.0%33 b. Recreation %Count Very Frequently 38.7%29 Somewhat Frequently 41.3%31 Never 20.0%15 c. Exercise/for my health %Count Very Frequently 36.0%27 Somewhat Frequently 45.3%34 Never 18.7%14 d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 17 of 405 %Count Very Frequently 38.7%29 Somewhat Frequently 25.3%19 Never 36.0%27 e. Required for my job %Count Very Frequently 1.3%1 Somewhat Frequently 4.0%3 Never 94.7%71 What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? %Count Marked bike lanes on paved roads 34.7%26 Shoulders of paved roads 5.3%4 Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) 29.3%22 Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails 13.3%10 Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand) 1.3%1 Sidewalks 1.3%1 I don't ride a bicycle 8.0%6 Other 6.7%5 Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 18 of 405 (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes %Count Strongly Agree 40.0%30 Somewhat Agree 30.7%23 Neutral 10.7%8 Somewhat Disagree 8.0%6 Strongly Disagree 10.7%8 b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks) %Count Strongly Agree 6.7%5 Somewhat Agree 9.3%7 Neutral 33.3%25 Somewhat Disagree 22.7%17 Strongly Disagree 28.0%21 c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible %Count Strongly Agree 17.3%13 Somewhat Agree 21.3%16 Neutral 20.0%15 Somewhat Disagree 13.3%10 Strongly Disagree 28.0%21 d. Personal health or disability Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 19 of 405 %Count Strongly Agree 5.3%4 Somewhat Agree 9.3%7 Neutral 10.7%8 Somewhat Disagree 6.7%5 Strongly Disagree 68.0%51 e. Bad weather %Count Strongly Agree 16.0%12 Somewhat Agree 34.7%26 Neutral 21.3%16 Somewhat Disagree 14.7%11 Strongly Disagree 13.3%10 f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars %Count Strongly Agree 30.7%23 Somewhat Agree 29.3%22 Neutral 10.7%8 Somewhat Disagree 16.0%12 Strongly Disagree 13.3%10 g. Distance to destination is too far %Count Strongly Agree 17.3%13 Somewhat Agree 18.7%14 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 20 of 405 %Count Neutral 25.3%19 Somewhat Disagree 14.7%11 Strongly Disagree 24.0%18 h. No bicycle available %Count Strongly Agree 4.0%3 Neutral 8.0%6 Somewhat Disagree 9.3%7 Strongly Disagree 78.7%59 i. Not interested in bicycling %Count Strongly Agree 5.3%4 Somewhat Agree 4.0%3 Neutral 4.0%3 Somewhat Disagree 8.0%6 Strongly Disagree 78.7%59 Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? %Count Yes 61.3%46 No 38.7%29 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 21 of 405 minutes? %Count Less than 5 days 14.7%11 Between 5 and 20 days 37.3%28 More than 20 days 42.7%32 Did not walk, run, or jog outside 5.3%4 For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school %Count Very Frequently 12.0%9 Somewhat Frequently 24.0%18 Never 64.0%48 b. Recreation %Count Very Frequently 53.3%40 Somewhat Frequently 33.3%25 Never 13.3%10 c. Exercise/for my health %Count Very Frequently 54.7%41 Somewhat Frequently 34.7%26 Never 10.7%8 d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 22 of 405 %Count Very Frequently 21.3%16 Somewhat Frequently 34.7%26 Never 44.0%33 e. Required for my job %Count Very Frequently 5.3%4 Somewhat Frequently 13.3%10 Never 81.3%61 What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? %Count Paved roads, not on shoulders or lined bike lanes (walking in the same lanes as cars or other vehicles) 1.3%1 Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) 57.3%43 Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand) 6.7%5 Sidewalks 26.7%20 Grass 1.3%1 Other 6.7%5 Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 23 of 405 %Count Strongly Agree 10.7%8 Somewhat Agree 24.0%18 Neutral 17.3%13 Somewhat Disagree 22.7%17 Strongly Disagree 25.3%19 b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.) %Count Strongly Agree 17.3%13 Somewhat Agree 34.7%26 Neutral 14.7%11 Somewhat Disagree 16.0%12 Strongly Disagree 17.3%13 c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance %Count Strongly Agree 17.3%13 Somewhat Agree 30.7%23 Neutral 13.3%10 Somewhat Disagree 21.3%16 Strongly Disagree 17.3%13 d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible %Count Strongly Agree 10.7%8 Somewhat Agree 25.3%19 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 24 of 405 %Count Neutral 20.0%15 Somewhat Disagree 14.7%11 Strongly Disagree 29.3%22 e. Personal health or disability %Count Strongly Agree 5.3%4 Somewhat Agree 4.0%3 Neutral 13.3%10 Somewhat Disagree 12.0%9 Strongly Disagree 65.3%49 f. Bad weather %Count Strongly Agree 9.3%7 Somewhat Agree 22.7%17 Neutral 17.3%13 Somewhat Disagree 13.3%10 Strongly Disagree 37.3%28 g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.) %Count Strongly Agree 2.7%2 Somewhat Agree 12.0%9 Neutral 6.7%5 Somewhat Disagree 17.3%13 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 25 of 405 %Count Strongly Disagree 61.3%46 h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.) %Count Strongly Agree 9.3%7 Somewhat Agree 24.0%18 Neutral 22.7%17 Somewhat Disagree 17.3%13 Strongly Disagree 26.7%20 i. Distance to destination is too far %Count Strongly Agree 16.0%12 Somewhat Agree 20.0%15 Neutral 24.0%18 Somewhat Disagree 20.0%15 Strongly Disagree 20.0%15 During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. %Count Yes 20.0%15 No 80.0%60 How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 26 of 405 Answered 75 Skipped 0 0 1 2 none What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? %Count Commuting to work or school 12.0%9 Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) 8.0%6 Medical services 1.3%1 Social, personal business 14.7%11 Other 64.0%48 Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? %Count Yes 76.0%57 No 24.0%18 Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go %Count Strongly Agree 18.7%14 Somewhat Agree 21.3%16 Neutral 28.0%21 Somewhat Disagree 13.3%10 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 27 of 405 %Count Strongly Disagree 18.7%14 b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to %Count Strongly Agree 29.3%22 Somewhat Agree 29.3%22 Neutral 26.7%20 Somewhat Disagree 8.0%6 Strongly Disagree 6.7%5 c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible %Count Strongly Agree 18.7%14 Somewhat Agree 12.0%9 Neutral 21.3%16 Somewhat Disagree 16.0%12 Strongly Disagree 32.0%24 d. Personal health or disability %Count Neutral 18.7%14 Somewhat Disagree 2.7%2 Strongly Disagree 78.7%59 e. Bad weather Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 28 of 405 %Count Strongly Agree 1.3%1 Somewhat Agree 2.7%2 Neutral 21.3%16 Somewhat Disagree 5.3%4 Strongly Disagree 69.3%52 f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.) %Count Strongly Agree 1.3%1 Somewhat Agree 1.3%1 Neutral 24.0%18 Somewhat Disagree 5.3%4 Strongly Disagree 68.0%51 g. Distance to bus stop is too far %Count Strongly Agree 20.0%15 Somewhat Agree 14.7%11 Neutral 16.0%12 Somewhat Disagree 10.7%8 Strongly Disagree 38.7%29 Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 29 of 405 %Count Yes 86.7%65 No 13.3%10 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 30 of 405 Emma Bode inside Bozeman February 28, 2016, 2:49 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Middle Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 31 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 32 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 5-10 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 33 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 34 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 35 of 405 Sara Amish inside Bozeman February 26, 2016, 1:48 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Poor The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 36 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat Low Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 37 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 minuets DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 38 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Somewhat Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 39 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 40 of 405 Paul Gannon inside Bozeman February 26, 2016, 8:25 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 41 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 42 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 43 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 20 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 44 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 45 of 405 Kristi G outside Bozeman February 25, 2016, 5:16 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Middle Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 46 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 47 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 48 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 49 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Don't use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 50 of 405 Greg Allred inside Bozeman February 25, 2016, 12:11 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 51 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Middle Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 52 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15-20 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 53 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 54 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 55 of 405 Darrin A outside Bozeman February 25, 2016, 9:57 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Poor The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very Low Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Middle Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 56 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very Low Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very Low Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Neutral Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Neutral Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 57 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 25 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Shoulders of paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 58 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 59 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - don't use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 60 of 405 Eric Bowman inside Bozeman February 24, 2016, 10:46 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 61 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 62 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 5 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 63 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Neutral g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Did not walk, run, or jog outside For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 64 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - I didn't use it Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 65 of 405 Whitney Geiger inside Bozeman February 24, 2016, 10:58 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 66 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat Low Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat Low Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat Low Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 67 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Other - Equally prefer paved and unpaved bike paths Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 68 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Did not walk, run, or jog outside For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Other - Not applicable Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Agree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 69 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Not applicable Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 70 of 405 Robert Moore outside Bozeman February 23, 2016, 11:35 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Fair Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Poor The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat Low Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 71 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Middle Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat Low Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very Low Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Disagree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Disagree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Disagree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Disagree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Disagree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very minimal or no impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 72 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 30 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 73 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Agree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Agree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Very Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Agree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 10 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 74 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Agree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 75 of 405 michaelanne beighley inside Bozeman February 23, 2016, 3:36 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 76 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 77 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10-50 min DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 78 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 79 of 405 1 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 80 of 405 Jan Boyer inside Bozeman February 23, 2016, 10:36 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 81 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat Low Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 82 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 minutes (this is slower than normal because I am recovering from an ankle injury and have to walk. Normally I bike more often and is closer to 10 minutes) DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 83 of 405 c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 84 of 405 How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 1 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 85 of 405 Åsa Pape inside Bozeman February 23, 2016, 8:55 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 86 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 87 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10-15 min DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 88 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 89 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - I did not use public transit. Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 90 of 405 Ivy Pedersen inside Bozeman February 23, 2016, 8:17 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 91 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 92 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 93 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 94 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - I didnt use public transit Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 95 of 405 todd hoitsma inside Bozeman February 22, 2016, 8:24 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 96 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 97 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 5 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 98 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 99 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - did not use bus Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 100 of 405 Amy Hoitsma inside Bozeman February 22, 2016, 8:12 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 101 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 102 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10-15 minutes by bike. Longer if driving and need to find parking. DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 103 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 104 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - did not use. I can get to where I need by bike or foot. Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 105 of 405 ryan galloway inside Bozeman February 22, 2016, 4:21 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 106 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Very High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 107 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Very Frequently What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Other - Where ever i can manage, usually shoulders, bike lanes, or side streets with little traffic. PLEASE PLOW BIKE LANES MORE Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 108 of 405 c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Somewhat Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 109 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - none Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 110 of 405 Danny Kaiser inside Bozeman February 22, 2016, 3:02 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Middle Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 111 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 112 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 6 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 113 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 114 of 405 None What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - N/a Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 115 of 405 William Kleindl inside Bozeman February 17, 2016, 10:10 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 116 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 117 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Three (3) - Myself plus two other people DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 118 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 119 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - do not use I bike or walk occasionally drive Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 120 of 405 Jeff Milchen inside Bozeman February 9, 2016, 5:39 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat Low Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 121 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat Low Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Neutral Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 122 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 5 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 123 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 124 of 405 1 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 125 of 405 Jennifer Rockne inside Bozeman February 5, 2016, 4:43 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 126 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat Low Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 127 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Neutral b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 128 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 129 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - N/A Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 130 of 405 Cameron Hildreth inside Bozeman January 8, 2016, 7:45 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 131 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 132 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 6 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 133 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 134 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - didnt use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 135 of 405 Melissa Frost inside Bozeman January 8, 2016, 7:05 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 136 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 137 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 minutes, walking DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 138 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 139 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Did not use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 140 of 405 Ben Werner inside Bozeman January 8, 2016, 3:18 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 141 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 142 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 5-6 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 143 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Other - Trails baby! It's all all the about the trails. This is why I moved my high tech startup to town: The mountains and our trail system. Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 144 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - N/A Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 145 of 405 Lindsey Hanna inside Bozeman January 7, 2016, 4:59 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 146 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 147 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 148 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 149 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - n/a Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 150 of 405 Christian Black inside Bozeman January 7, 2016, 4:28 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 151 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 152 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 153 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Very Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 154 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - didn't use public transit Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 155 of 405 Kiah Abbey inside Bozeman January 7, 2016, 3:57 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 156 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 157 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 158 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Neutral g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Agree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Very Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 159 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 160 of 405 Nichole Money inside Bozeman January 4, 2016, 12:12 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Fair Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 161 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Neutral Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 162 of 405 (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 163 of 405 e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 164 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Didn't use. Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 165 of 405 Chris Thompson outside Bozeman December 28, 2015, 3:19 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Excellent The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Middle Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 166 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Middle Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 167 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Neutral b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 168 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Agree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Neutral g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Neutral i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Grass Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Agree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 169 of 405 15 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 170 of 405 Lucian Hand inside Bozeman December 26, 2015, 8:38 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 171 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 172 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 173 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 174 of 405 1 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Bridger Bowl Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 175 of 405 Heather Higinbotham inside Bozeman December 22, 2015, 3:40 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 176 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 177 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 5 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Other - Both paved and unpaved bike paths, and back streets with little traffic Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 178 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 179 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Did not use public transit Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 180 of 405 Katie Seipel inside Bozeman December 22, 2015, 2:39 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 181 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 182 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Other - It really depends on "directness" of the route. Usually I ride with traffic because it is more efficient than any available trails (which are, in bozeman, designed for exercise, not getting from point A to point B). Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 183 of 405 c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Other - Again, it depends on the nature of the walk. I like direct routes, when I'm going from point A to point B. In which case I'd answer sidewalks, otherwise, I prefer trails. Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 184 of 405 How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Never rode it because it's too circuitous. Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 185 of 405 Lindsay Turnquist inside Bozeman December 22, 2015, 12:29 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 186 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 187 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 25 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 188 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 189 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 190 of 405 Thomas Eastwood outside Bozeman December 21, 2015, 4:06 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 191 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Disagree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 192 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 30 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 193 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 194 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Did not use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 195 of 405 CAROLYN POISSANT outside Bozeman December 21, 2015, 9:18 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 196 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 197 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 198 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 2 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 199 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 200 of 405 Jack Tyhler inside Bozeman December 21, 2015, 4:37 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 201 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 202 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 mins DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 203 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Other - Safe separation from bikes & cars is, for me, more important than the type of surface Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 204 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Did not use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 205 of 405 Lieveka White inside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 11:19 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Middle Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 206 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Neutral Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 207 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 to 15 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Neutral b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 208 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Somewhat Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 209 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - None Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 210 of 405 Clay Guinn inside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 9:20 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Very Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 211 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Very High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Neutral Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 212 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Motorcycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 30 min DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 213 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 214 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Don't ride Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 215 of 405 Seth Grossman inside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 8:48 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Poor The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 216 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat Low Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 217 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Three (3) - Myself plus two other people DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 25 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 218 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 219 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 220 of 405 Keegan Fields inside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 8:28 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Middle Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat Low Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 221 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat Low Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat Low Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Neutral Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Neutral Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 222 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 25 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 223 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 224 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - n/a Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 225 of 405 Lauren Vinson outside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 8:06 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Middle Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 226 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Stop signs As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 227 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Four (4) - Myself plus three other people DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15min DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 228 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 229 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Na Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 230 of 405 Sheryl Goff outside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 7:59 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Middle Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 231 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 232 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20-30 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Other - Subdivision streets Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 233 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Agree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Strongly Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 234 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - None Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 235 of 405 Hilary Parker inside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 6:10 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 236 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Very High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Neutral Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 237 of 405 (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 12 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 238 of 405 e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 239 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Traveling in city other than Bozeman Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 240 of 405 Dan Lee inside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 12:41 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very Low Priority f. Trail projects: Very Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 241 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Middle Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 242 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 mins DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Shoulders of paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Neutral b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 243 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Somewhat Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? None Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 244 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - None Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 245 of 405 Sara Erickson inside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 12:26 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat Low Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 246 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 247 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? I don't ride a bicycle Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 248 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Agree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 249 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - I have never used it Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 250 of 405 Lincoln Erickson inside Bozeman December 20, 2015, 12:23 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat Low Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 251 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Middle Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Neutral Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 252 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 min DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 253 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Neutral i. Not interested in bicycling: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 254 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Do not use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 255 of 405 Mark Corner outside Bozeman December 19, 2015, 8:30 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very Low Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Middle Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very Low Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 256 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very Low Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very Low Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Neutral Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Disagree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 257 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 25 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Neutral b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 258 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 259 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Didn''t Use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 260 of 405 Carol Larson outside Bozeman December 19, 2015, 8:11 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Middle Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 261 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 262 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? Approximately 25 min DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? I don't ride a bicycle Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Neutral b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 263 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Neutral i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Did not walk, run, or jog outside For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Strongly Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 264 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Not used Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 265 of 405 Thomas kostelnik outside Bozeman December 19, 2015, 1:47 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 266 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 267 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15-30 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 268 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Neutral g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Strongly Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 5 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 269 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 270 of 405 Jennifer MacFarlane outside Bozeman December 19, 2015, 11:58 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 271 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Disagree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Disagree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 272 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 273 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 1 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 274 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 275 of 405 Douglas Stream outside Bozeman December 19, 2015, 7:09 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 276 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 277 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? More than Four (4+) - Myself plus four or more people DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Shoulders of paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 278 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 279 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 280 of 405 Betty Aleagha outside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 10:08 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 281 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Very High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 282 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 283 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Agree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Somewhat Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 284 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Did not use Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 285 of 405 Thomas Wilkerson outside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 8:28 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Fair Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 286 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 287 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 to 20 min DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? I don't ride a bicycle Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 288 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Neutral i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Did not walk, run, or jog outside For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Agree f. Bad weather: Strongly Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 289 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 290 of 405 Bobby Bear inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 2:37 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 291 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 292 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 293 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 294 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Medical services Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 295 of 405 Tom Kujawa inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 1:40 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 296 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 297 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 298 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 299 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 300 of 405 Shannon Mahoney inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 1:21 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 301 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 302 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 303 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Very Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 304 of 405 16 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 305 of 405 Taylor Lonsdale inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 1:16 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat Low Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Middle Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 306 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Middle Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very minimal or no impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 307 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 18 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 308 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 309 of 405 1 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 310 of 405 Scott MacFarlane outside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 12:10 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 311 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 312 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Four (4) - Myself plus three other people DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 15 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 313 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 314 of 405 2 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.) Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 315 of 405 Melani Burnett inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 11:05 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Excellent The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very Low Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very Low Priority f. Trail projects: Very Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Middle Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 316 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Very High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very Low Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very Low Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Neutral Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Disagree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 317 of 405 (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Shoulders of paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 318 of 405 e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree f. Bad weather: Strongly Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 319 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - I don't ever use public transit. It's a waste of money for the city to provide this. Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 320 of 405 paul burns inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 10:58 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 321 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Middle Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Neutral Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 322 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Walked DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 323 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 324 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - NA Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 325 of 405 Chris Kukulski inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 10:55 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 326 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 327 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 minutes to work 20 minutes to get the kids to school DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? I don't ride a bicycle Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 328 of 405 c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Neutral g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 329 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - have not used Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 330 of 405 Perry Hooker inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 10:44 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Middle Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 331 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 332 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 333 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 334 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - n/a Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 335 of 405 Sue Pellegrini inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 9:53 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 336 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat Low Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 337 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bus DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? By bus, one hour one way: 30 minutes for the bus ride and 30 minutes to walk to the nearest bus stop to by apartment. On days where the bus was running late 1 hour 45 min one way, as the route was discontinued downtown and I had to transfer to another bus that was not directly going to my destination. DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 338 of 405 b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Other - All of the above Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree f. Bad weather: Strongly Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 339 of 405 How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 25 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 340 of 405 Joe Gilpin inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 9:52 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 341 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Neutral Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 342 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 343 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 344 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - none Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 345 of 405 Ashley Nettles inside Bozeman December 18, 2015, 8:56 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Poor The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 346 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 347 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 8 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 348 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Neutral g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Somewhat Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 349 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Did not use. Never use. Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 350 of 405 Jay Sinnott inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 6:45 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 351 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 352 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 353 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Neutral g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. Yes How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 1 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 354 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 355 of 405 Teri Ball inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 6:32 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 356 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Somewhat High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 357 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 20 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 358 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Agree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 359 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Have not used it Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 360 of 405 Susan Fraser inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 3:57 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 361 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Middle Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Neutral Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 362 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 363 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Neutral i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 364 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Commuting to work or school Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Strongly Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 365 of 405 Chris Naumann inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 10:30 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat Low Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 366 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat small impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 367 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 5minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 368 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 369 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - never used public transit Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 370 of 405 Jennisse Schule inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 10:19 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Somewhat High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Middle Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Middle Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 371 of 405 For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 372 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Did Not Drive DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10-15 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 373 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Somewhat Frequently What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 374 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - none Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Neutral Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 375 of 405 Matthew Thomsen inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 9:20 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Very High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Somewhat High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 376 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Middle Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Somewhat High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 377 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Somewhat Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 378 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? No DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 379 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 380 of 405 Sam Haraldson inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 8:48 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Very Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Middle Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Middle Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 381 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Middle Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 382 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 7 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Paved bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Neutral b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 383 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Disagree g. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Agree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 384 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - I did not use public transport in the last 30 days Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 385 of 405 Ian Maddaus inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 7:31 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? No Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very Low Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Very High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Middle Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Middle Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Middle Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Somewhat Low Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 386 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very Low Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat Low Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very Low Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Neutral Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Neutral Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Somewhat Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 387 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Bicycle DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 10 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). More than 20 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Very Frequently b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Very Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Marked bike lanes on paved roads Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 388 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Neutral h. No bicycle available: Somewhat Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Somewhat Frequently b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Agree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Somewhat Agree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Somewhat Disagree f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Somewhat Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Somewhat Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 389 of 405 0 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - I don't use it Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Somewhat Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? No Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 390 of 405 mike popiel inside Bozeman December 17, 2015, 7:14 AM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Fair The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very Low Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Very High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Very High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority f. Trail projects: Very Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Very Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Very High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Middle Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very Low Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very Low Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Middle Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 391 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Middle Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Very High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Very Low Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Very Low Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Very Low Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very Low Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Neutral Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Neutral Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Disagree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Neutral Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a medium impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? No preference As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Very comfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 392 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Very comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 7 min. DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? I don't ride a bicycle Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Disagree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Strongly Disagree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 393 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Strongly Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Somewhat Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Between 5 and 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Somewhat Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Paved roads, not on shoulders or lined bike lanes (walking in the same lanes as cars or other vehicles) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Strongly Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Strongly Disagree c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Strongly Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Disagree e. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Disagree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 394 of 405 never What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - never used Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Disagree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 395 of 405 Ken Spencer inside Bozeman December 16, 2015, 7:22 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? Yes Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Excellent Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Poor The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Very High Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Somewhat High Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Very High Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat High Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat Low Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Very High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very Low Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Somewhat Low Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 396 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Middle Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Somewhat High Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Somewhat High Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Very High Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Very High Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Somewhat High Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Very High Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Disagree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Strongly Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Strongly Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a somewhat large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Roundabouts As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 397 of 405 As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? One (1) - Travel by Myself DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 16 DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Somewhat Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? Unpaved bike paths, walking paths, trails Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Strongly Agree b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Somewhat Agree c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Somewhat Agree Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 398 of 405 d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Strongly Agree g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Strongly Disagree i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? More than 20 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Very Frequently c. Exercise/for my health: Very Frequently d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Somewhat Frequently e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Bike paths, walking paths or trails (defined as paths where cars are not allowed to drive) Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Somewhat Disagree b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Somewhat Disagree d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Somewhat Agree g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Somewhat Agree h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Strongly Agree i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Disagree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? 0 Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 399 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Social, personal business Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? Yes Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Strongly Agree b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Strongly Agree d. Personal health or disability: Strongly Disagree e. Bad weather: Strongly Disagree f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Strongly Disagree g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Disagree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 400 of 405 Stacy Ulmen inside Bozeman December 8, 2015, 3:00 PM Do you live in the City of Bozeman? No Do you work in the City of Bozeman? Yes Overall, how would you rate the quality of life in Bozeman? Very Good Thinking about transportation in Bozeman, how would you rate the overall quality of the transportation system in Bozeman? Good The following are possible actions to improve Bozeman’s transportation system. For each possible action below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Street reconstructions (“complete streets” including curb, sidewalk, bike lanes, boulevards): Middle Priority b. Smaller efficiency projects (signal upgrades, signal timing changes, turn lanes, etc.): Somewhat High Priority c. Maintenance projects (resurfacing, chip seals, etc.): Middle Priority d. Pedestrian projects (marked crossings, sidewalks, etc.): Middle Priority e. Bicycle projects (bike lanes, routes, etc.): Middle Priority f. Trail projects: Somewhat Low Priority g. Transit service improvements (additional routes, increased frequency, etc.): Somewhat High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the way transportation fits in with other issues in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. A transportation plan that supports the overall City of Bozeman growth policies.: Somewhat High Priority b. A transportation plan that focuses on providing improved transportation connections between key areas in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority c. A transportation plan that has overwhelming community support.: Very High Priority The next guidelines are about a few of the economic aspects of transportation in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Improving the movement of people and goods.: Very High Priority b. Enhancing tourism.: Very High Priority c. A transportation system with a low cost to local residents.: Very High Priority d. Reducing operations and maintenance costs.: Very High Priority The next few guidelines are related to the safety and convenience of transportation in our community. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 401 of 405 a. Improving safety at known high crash locations.: Very High Priority b. Optimizing roads for motor vehicle use.: Somewhat High Priority c. Optimizing roads for all users.: Middle Priority d. Improving road surface conditions.: Middle Priority e. Closing gaps in the arterial and collector street network.: Somewhat Low Priority f. Closing gaps in the non-motorized network.: Somewhat Low Priority The last few guidelines involve public transit, bicycling, and walking in Bozeman. For each guideline below, how much of a priority should it be to address now? a. Adding and improving public transit services (bus) in Bozeman.: Somewhat High Priority b. Adding and improving bicycle facilities like bicycle lanes, trails, and racks.: Middle Priority c. Adding and improving pedestrian facilities like sidewalks, trails, and crosswalks.: Middle Priority Draft transportation goals for the Bozeman community have been developed as part of this planning process. Please rate the draft transportation goals (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Goal 1: Maintain the existing transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 2: Improve the efficiency, performance and connectivity of a balanced transportation system.: Neutral Goal 3: Support and promote coordinated land use and transportation planning efforts to manage and develop the transportation system.: Somewhat Agree Goal 4: Provide a safe and secure transportation system.: Strongly Agree Goal 5: Support economic vitality of the community.: Strongly Agree Goal 6: Protect and enhance environmental sustainability, provide opportunities for active lifestyles, and conserve natural and cultural resources.: Somewhat Agree Goal 7: Promote a financially sustainable transportation plan that is actively used to guide the transportation decision making process.: Somewhat Agree Think now about the ease of travel in Bozeman. How much, if at all, does traffic in Bozeman affect you personally? Has a very large impact As a driver, which type of intersection in Bozeman do you prefer to travel through? Traffic lights (stop lights) As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by roundabouts in Bozeman? Somewhat uncomfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by stop signs in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through intersections controlled by traffic lights Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 402 of 405 (stop lights) in Bozeman? Somewhat comfortable As a driver, how comfortable are you, if at all, travelling through uncontrolled intersections in Bozeman? Very uncomfortable How did you most frequently get to your primary daily destination DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS? If you usually used more than one method of transportation during the trip, please select the mode of travel you used for the majority of your trip. Car, truck, or van DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many people, including yourself, usually rode to your primary destination in the same car, truck, or van? Two (2) - Myself plus one other person DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how long (in minutes) does it usually take you to get from your home to your primary destination? 30 minutes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how may days did you ride a bicycle? (Please do not include stationary bicycles). Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below, please identify how frequently you used a bicycle as the primary means of transportation? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer to ride on when you use a bicycle for transportation? I don't ride a bicycle Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to ride a bicycle for transportation (strongly agree to strongly disagree). a. Lack of adequate bike lanes: Neutral b. Lack of a place to store my bike at my destination (bike racks): Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 403 of 405 e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Feel unsafe while biking next to / with cars: Neutral g. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree h. No bicycle available: Neutral i. Not interested in bicycling: Somewhat Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the City's bicycle routes and trails? Yes DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS, how many days did you walk, run, or jog outside for more than 10 minutes? Less than 5 days For each purpose listed below please identify how frequently you walked, ran or jogged OVER THE LAST 30 DAYS? a. Commuting to work or school: Never b. Recreation: Never c. Exercise/for my health: Never d. Personal errands (to the store, post office, etc.): Never e. Required for my job: Never What surface do you prefer when walking, running, or jogging? Sidewalks Please rate the following reasons why you would choose not to walk, run, or jog more often? a. Lack of sidewalks: Neutral b. Sidewalks poorly maintained or inaccessible (not cleared of snow, non ADA accessible, etc.): Neutral c. Trails, either a lack of trails or poor trail maintenance: Neutral d. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral e. Personal health or disability: Neutral f. Bad weather: Neutral g. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral h. Facility safety (street crossings, lighting, etc.): Neutral i. Distance to destination is too far: Strongly Agree During the last 30 days, did you ride on any public transit within Bozeman? Examples of public transit include a Streamline bus or other provider. No How many days DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS did you use public transit? none Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 404 of 405 What was the primary purpose of your most recent trip using public transit? Other - Didn't ride public transit Is public transit available within a one-mile radius around where you currently live or stay? No Please rate the following reasons that keeps you, if anything, from using public transit more often? a. Bus doesn’t go where I need it to go: Neutral b. Bus doesn’t run when I need it to: Neutral c. Work schedule or family obligations make it impossible: Neutral d. Personal health or disability: Neutral e. Bad weather: Neutral f. Personal safety (harassment, crime, etc.): Neutral g. Distance to bus stop is too far: Strongly Agree Do you feel it is easy to find information about the availability of transit services and transit routes within the City? Yes Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman. All On Forum Responses sorted chronologically As of March 4, 2016, 5:59 PM http://www.peakdemocracy.com/3292 Page 405 of 405