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Boz aman, Mon tan a
March 25th, 1948
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in an adjourned session in the Commission
Thursday morning
Room, City Hall Bui1ding,/March 25th, 1948, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Those being present were
Mayor Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe, Commissioner Healy, City Attorney Lovelace, Ci ty Manager
Henderson and the Clerk when the followin.g: proceeding s were had:
Sale of Revenue Sewer Bonds
I The proposition of Kalman & Company as submitted at the regular meet:ing March 24th,
1948 was taken up. At the request of the Cit'T Commission, Mr. D. E. Green of tl~e Commercial
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Na tional Bank and Mr. Brooke Hartman of the Gallatin Trust and Savings Banlr wer-e-'present
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to hear and advise on the proposition. After further and detailed discussion, Mr. Aby
revised his proposal as follows:
Kalman & Company will purchase the entire $300,000.00 revenue bc)nd issue. They will
pa y a 11 legal fees and other ex-pens es incurred by them in connection wi th the is sue. They
wl11 pay for the print in g of the bon ds . Bonds will be in $1,000.00 denominations and will
be dated April 1, 1948. Kalman & Company will pay all lnterest accrued on the bonds up to
the date of delivery in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Bonds will bear interest, will mature, and will be callable as per the following
Amount of Bonds In teres t Ra te Maturity Date Date Callable
$ 10,000.00 $ 2].% April 1, 1949 At Maturity
11,000.00 21~ Aprl1 1, 1950 At Maturi ty
11,000.00 21% April 1, 1951 At Ma tur ity
12,000.00 21"% April 1, 1952 At Maturity
I 12,000.00 56,000.00 2%% Apri 1 1, 1953 At Maturity
13,000.00 2-7/8% April 1, 1954 At Ma tur i ty
13,000.00 2-7/8% April 1, 1955 At Maturity
14,000.00 2-7/8% Apri 1 1, 1956 At Maturity
14,000.00 2-7/8% April 1; 1957 At .Ma turi ty
15,000.00 69,000.00 2-7/8% April 1, 1958 At Ma tlJri ty
15,000.00 2-7/8% April 1, 1959 April 1, 1958
16,000.00 2-7/8% Apri 1 1, 1960 April 1, 1958
16,000.00 2-7/8% Apri 1 Ii 1961 April Ii 1958
17,000.00 2-7/8% Apri 1 1 i 1962 April Ii 1958
17,000.00 2-7/8% April 1, 1963 April 1, 1958
18,000.00 99,000.00 2-7/8% April 1, 1964 April 1, 1958
18iOOO.00 3tt April 1, 1965 April 1, 1956
19,000.00 31:% April 1, 1966 Apri 1 1, 1955
19,000.00 31% April 1, 1967 April 1, 1954
20,000.00 76,000.00 3+% April 1, 1968 April 1, 1953
$ 300,000.00
Bonds callable in advance of their maturity d9te shall be callable at par plus one years
interest in advance.
All phases of this proposal having been considered and Messers. Green and Hartman
having advised that they believe it to be an entirely fair proposition; that the interest
rates quoted are in accordance with present market quotations, and they consider this a
I good deal for the Ci t~T of Bozeman, it was thereupon moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded
by Commissioner Lowe tha t the proposal be accepted and tha t the Mayor and the Clerk of the
Ci tv Commission be an thorized to sign a written agreement for the City with Kalman & COm-
pany in accordna ce wi tb the terms herein set for th and the motion was carried by the fol-
lowing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Sorens on, Commissioner Lowe and Com-
mis sioner Healy; thos e voting No, non e.
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this timc, it was
moved by Com~issioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Lowe tha t the meeting adjourn and
the motion W9S carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor
Sorenson, Cornmi ssioner Lowe and Commis si oner Heal y; those voting No, non e .
Attest: I
otut~~~on (!~ L;~ra.v-vv/
- Mayor
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