HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-09-24 31 Bozeman, Montana September 24th, 1947 The Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Ci ty Ha 11 Building, Wedne sda y afternoon, September 24th, 1947, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Those being present were Mayor Healy, Comrnis sioner SoreTIS on, Commissioner Lowe, City Manager Hen- ders on, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had: I The minu tes of the last remllar session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the minutes be approved as read, and the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; thos e vo tbg No, none. Rearranrre1"1ent of pnrk Side AdrH tion vr. Ha 1 Bolinger a ppeared before the Commis sion to presen t a plan for the rearrangemen t of Park Side Addition to The City of Bozeman. Under the proposed plan Mr. Bolinger wmlld dedicate a strip eight feet wide along the north of this tract, ad~acent to Bogert Grove Park, and a strip thirty-six feet wide along the wes t of the tra c t and The Ci ty of Boz enB. n wOll1d dedica te a strip thirty-six feet wide along the south of Bogert Grove Park and a strip eip;ht feet wide, along Bozeman Creek on the west of the t ra c t , all for street purposes. After discussion, Mr. Bolinger was informed thatif he would present a plat prepared in accordance with this plan and in detail as required by law, approval of the plat would be favorAbly considered. Re por ts John McCrosson, Fire Chief, was presen t and ga ve a verbal repor t on the Fire Chief's I Convention which he attended in Spokane, on September 17th to 20th, 1947. The following reports for the mon th of AUf1uS t were presented and read: Ceme tery Boa rd Sanitary Inspector's Wilk Report It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b~ Commissioner Lowe that the reports be accepted and ordered filed ane the motion was carried by the fa llowinp' Aye and No vote; those vo ting Aye being Yayor Hea ly, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; th os e voting No, none. Offer to Sell Property for Park Purposes A communication from Verne Ballantyne, offoring for sale to The City of Bozeman for $1500.00, Block 12 of the Normandy Rearrangement of West Side Addition for park purposes was presented and read. Mr. Ballantyne was present and stated that he would not sell any lots In this block until the City has had time to give his proposal ample consideration. The ma tter was taken under advisement. Resolution No. 612 - Provisional Passage The Manager s ta ted tha t the resolu ti on levy lng the assessment in the amount of $15,400.00 for the construction of Special Improvement District No. 343, sani ta ry s ewer in the Normandy I RearY'8n~ement of West Side Addition had been prepared. He presented Resolution No, 612, enti tIed: A RESOLUTION OF THE COmnSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZ-SW.AN, MONTANA LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL 'THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPRovEMBNT DISTRI CT NO. 343 IN THR CITY OF BOZ EMA~T, COUN'IiY OF GALLA TIN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAKING THR IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEM~TT DISTRICT NO. 343. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson the t the Reso lu tion be provisionally passed and October 1st, 1947 be set a s the date for the hearing of protests and the motion was carried b~l the followill1g Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, non e. 32 Sub-Leasing of Armory A sub-lease of the Armory B1Jilding for a term of two years to the Adjutant General of ing The State of Montana, under the same terms and conditions as the City now has the build/leased, was presented and read. It was moved by CommIssioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe thB t the sub-lease be approved and tha t the Ma yor and the Clerk be au thori zed to sign the lease for The Ci ty of Bozeman A.nd the motion was ca rried by the following Aye and No I vo te ; thos e vo ting Aye being Ma yor Healy, Commis si.oner Sorenson and Commi sslon er Lowe; tho s e vo ting No, none. Bond and Contract S.I.~, Nop.. 345 and 346 The b0nd and contract of the Standard Construction Company for the construction of Special Improvement Districts Nos. 345 and 346 were presented. The bonds and contracts were approved as to form by the Ci ty Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the bonds and contracts be accepted and ap- proved, ths t the Mayor and the Clerk be au thorized to si Q'n the contracts for The City of Bozeman, subject to the Standard Cons trnc ti on Compan y furnishing the bonds required, and th"l t the certified checks be re turned to the Standard Construction Company and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thos e voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Basic Rate for G~rbage Assessment The Manager stated that a basic rate of $6.00 for garbage collection had been used for last year; tha t a complete re-survey of the garbage situation in the City had recently been completed, and tha tit be d been de termined ths t a bis lc ra te of $8.00 for the curren t I fiscal year would be required to pay present collection costs and to provide reserve to apply on cost of garba.Q'e collection equipment recently purcha sed by the City. The Manager was instructed to prepare the resolution assessing the ~arbage collection costs for the year 1947 using $8.00 as the basic rate as provided by Ordinance No. 696, the Garba ge Ordinance. Appoin tmen ts to A.dvisory Boards The Mayor announced the following appointments to Advisory Boards: Recrea tion Boa rd Mrs. .Jesse Bradle y Term Expires, ,January 1, 1950 Cemetery Board Mrs. Amelia Hammer Term Exp ire s, January 1, 1950 Library Board Mrs. J. M. Hami 1 ton Term Expires, January 1, 1949 Mr. ,John Shively Term Expires, ,January l, 1949 Mrs. Edna T. Whi te Term Expire s , January l, 1948 Adjustwent Board 1I,ffr. Wm. H. Lovelace Term Expires, November 8th, 1950 Mrs. W. w. Spain Tent' Expires, Novembe r 8 th, 1950 Mr. C. A. Haeckel Term E~.pires, November 8th, 1950 Mr. Frank L. S to n e Term Expires, November 8 th, 1950 Mr. Elmer Bartholomew Tec I'm Expri e s , November 8th, 1950 It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, secon~ed by Commissioner Sorenson that the appoint- ments be approved ann the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thos e vot ing Aye being Mayor Healy, Commis sion er E~orenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. I Ad.i 01) rnmen t There beIng no fur ther business to cone be fore the Commission at this time, i t wa s moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconi'ed by Commissioner Sorenson that the meeting ad,journ and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votin~ Aye belng Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. A t te s t : ~~~~/ . C erkof the Commis si on