HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-10-15 40 Bozeman, Montana Oc tober 15 th, 1947 The Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman me t in regular sA,,>sion iTl the Commission 'Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday, Oc tober 15 th, 1947, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Those being present were Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson, Commissloner Lowe, City Manap'er Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk when the following proceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commiesioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe thqt the minutes be approved as read, and the mo- I tion was carried by the following ~ye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those votin iT No, non e . Street Sign Bids The Cit;:, ManaR:er recommended thAt action be deferred on bids for street sii7ns until further information is obtained and until other samples of signs are received, and it was so ordered. Approval of Purchase of Parking Lot Messers. w. w. Spain, C. W. Backlin, G. Doering, Jr., Frank Brown, R. E. Malsar, Frank Preston, Howard Nelson, Nelson Story III, E. L. Heidel and Dean Chaffin appeared be- fore the Commis si or' to commend the City on its action relative to a proposal to lease, with an option to buy from Gallatin Lodge No. lB. A.F. & A.'rI.ff. property at the corner of Babcock and Tracy Avenue for free parking area. These gentlemen stated that they represented no organiza tion, bu t tha t the y were appearing as interested indiViduals to urge tha t the .- City Commission accept the offer which had been made to the City to acquire this property. They cited the need for additional permanent parkinrr areas and expressed the opinion t,ha t the acquisition of this tract WOll1d be an excellent investment under any clrcumstances. I Traffic Mr. W. ~!rr' . Spain remained to inc!1)ire about right-of-wyas of vehicles at intersections and also statinR: thAt h8 wonld aDprove a series of publi(:ations i:-- local newspapers re- . cr,ardin9' driving instructions and safety ~)les. Bids on Sewa~e Disposal Plant Equipment Bids received on Sewa:re Dis posa 1 Plant Equ ipment, October 1st, 1947. were given con- sideration at this time. The recommendations of Burns & McDonnell, Consulting Engineers, -- -~ were read. Dean w. r,~. Cobleigh was present as an official of the State Board of Health. He s ta ted tha t the recommenda tions of Burns & McDonnell, as read, were approved by the State Board of Health, with the exception tha t chlorin8 ting equipmen t sho111d provide for both pre and post treatment of sewaITe and that the bid on such equipment should be accepted only on condition th8 tit wou Id provide for such tre8 tment. After considAration of the recommendations as submitted, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner SorensoD thst Burns & McDonnell, Consulting Engineers, be inst~Jcted to prepare contracts for the suc ce 9 sful bidders, and that the bids be accepted in accordance with the recommendations of Burns & McDonnell, as follows, with exceptions I to SUCr-1 recomrrenda tions as are hereinafter ci ted, and thAt the certified checks or bid bonds submitted by the unsuccessfl)l bidders be ret1Jrned. wriAn the contracts have been completed: Sec tion l. COYrminutor. The Chica!="o Pump Company at their bid price of :~3,764.00. Time of delivery twelve weeks. Sec tion II. Sludge Pumps. The Chicap'o Pump Company at either thair bid price of $603.00 per pump or at any adjusted price up to $1206.00 for two pumps. Time of delivery 41 twenty-six weeks. Tl:'iis acceptance condi tioned on two pumps belng furnished a t not to ex- ceed $603.00 each or a total price of not to exceed $l206.00. Section III. SludE:e and Scum Collec tion Equipment for Primary Sedimen ta tion 'I'ank. The Dorr Company at their bid price of $9845.00. Tirre of delivery six to ei hrh t mon ths . The accepted bid on this eqlJipment is not the lowest in price but consideration is given I to the fact that the Dorr Company has many instAllations of such equipment in successful operation whereas Infilco, In c . , the low bidder, has no installation in operation of equip- ment comparable in size to that which they proposed to furnish under their bid. Sec tion IV. Di~ester Equipment The Dorr Co~pany at their base bid under IV-B Al- ternate of $12,251.00 plus IV-C of $3,130.00, or a total of t15,381.00 Time of delivery twel ve to fifteen months, reduced verbally by their sales representative to ten mon ths. This acceptance conditioned on the selection of digestor tan k dome s , as between steel domes for both digester tanks or a steel dome for one tank and a concrete dome for the othAr, being left to the discretion of The CitJ of Bozeman, decision as to the type domes to be installed to be made when rrore information is available on comparative costs of the two types of domes. Section V. Sewage Metering Equipment. The Bailey Meter Company at their bid price of ~;:,500. 00. Time of delivery 130 days. Section VI. Chlorinating l~aulpment. The Water Works Equipment Company of Salt Lake Ci ty 8 t thpir bid price of $2,902.00 on Wallace & Tiernan type ~MSV unit on condition that this equipment will provicle for both pre and post chlorination, it beinp considered thn t, I while this eqlJipment is not the lowest priced of the chlorinating equipment on which bids WAre received, U~e au tom8 tic fea tnres of this M'MSV tvpe, t07ethor with the fact that othAr chlorinatinQ' equipment owned by the City of Bozeman is 1Nallace & Tiernan make and usinf'; '. new equipment of the same manufacb1re will simplify maintenance, makes the higher priced equipment in tllis case the more desirable purchase. The motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tho se voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Comrrissloner Lowo; thof1 e voting No, no ne . Quinnoll to Visit Sewaae Disposal Plants The City TVTanap'er reolJested authorit',7 for F'red'Juinnell, Resident Engineer, on the Sewa~e ~isposal Plant, to visit sewage plants in ope ra tion in ~ron tana to get first-hand information re~ardlrp the operation o~ U'ese plants. It was moved by CommissIoner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson th9 t, it bejng in the public in tere s t, Mr. Quinnell, be 311 thorized to visl t such plants and that the expense of such visits be paid from the FWA 24-P-56 Fund, anc3 the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votiDP; Aye being Mayor Healy, CommissIoner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; tho,s e vo tint! No, none. Resoln ior No. 613 -- Weed Assessment I The Wanager stated that the resolution levying the assessment in the amount of ~67.65 for cutting weeds in 1947 had been prepared. He presented Pesolution 1'<To. 613, en ti tIed: A RESOLUTION OF' TIll;' COMJ\HSSIOjlT OF 'J'J:E CITY OF BOZETvTAN, LEVYING AND A;~:':;ESSING A SPECIAL ASST~SSM1-;;NT or TAXF,S lJPOE CERTAIN PRopr;'RTn~S IN THE CITY OF BOt~j';~I:AY, COTTNTY OF' GALIf TIN, STATE OF' MOYTANA, TO DEPRAY THE COST OF EXTERfnNA TION AND REl,ffOVAL OF NOXIOUS 1NEEDS FOR THE YEAR 1947, PUESUA1\iT TO THE PROVISIONS OF OR- DINANCE NO. 428; ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AI\D PROVIDING FOR 'l'PE PUNISH- TfENT AND ABA TE~mNT OF CERTAIN NUISANCES. II 42 It was moved by Commissloner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the resolu- tion be provisionally passed and October 22nd, 1947 be set as the date for the hearing of protests and the motion was car~ied by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be- ing Ma~or Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; thos e vo ting No, none. . Resolution No. 614 -- Snow Assessment The resolntion lAv:'inp' the cost of snow removal in the amount of q~206.69, for the season I of 1946-47 was presented, entitled: A RESOUT'T'I01\T OF 'J'}rE; COMMIS2ION OJ<' THF~ CITY OF ~30Z:'~MAN, LfGVYING AND A.SSESSING A SPECIAL ASSES;:',NTENT OF' TAXF:S UPON C:~PTAIJ\T PPOP~RTIES IN THE CITY OF BOZE<.~MAN, COUNTY OF GALLA InN, STA TE OF lIWNTANA, TO DEFRAY TIlE COST OT,l RI:;;MOVAL OF' SNOW FOR THE Y1~-:AR 1946-1947 PUPSTTANT TO pPOVIsrm's 01<' OPDI]\TANCE NO. 502, E1TTI TLRD : "AN ORDINANCFi; PROVIDING -:<'OR 'l'HE REMovAL OF' SPOW FROU TIfe;; SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF' BOZ"RMAN AJlTD REF~ALING ORDINANCE NO. 385, EN- TITLT~D : tAN opnIN^~C~ PPovI0TNG FOR THR REMOVAL OF SNOW AND lCB, DIRT, FILTH, AND O'T'Hf~R OBS'l'RUCTION FROM SIllEWALKS ON MAIN ,'-"TRF'T';T BT;~T.VE::'~J\T WALLA(;E AVENUE A1T~~\ FOURTH AilRNUE IN THF CITY OF' BOZEll/AN III . It was IT'oved by Commif1sioner Lowe, seconded b:v Commls sioner Sorenson tha t the Resolu- tion be provisionally passed and October 22nd, 1947 be se t as the da te for thn he aring of protests and the motion was carried by the. following ~ye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and CommiRsioner Lowe; thos e vo Una: No, none. Resolution No. 615 -- W ~ C 1946 Assessment The Manager stated th8t the resolution levying the assessment in the amount of $8l55.52 for the construction anirepair of Misc. W~,' C 1946, had been prepared. He presented Reso- lu tion No. 615, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF 'l'BF. COMMISSIOF OF' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPFCIAL ASSESmfl'SNT OF TAXES UPON CERTAIN PRoprmTIES IN THS CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLA TIV, STA TE OF "'WFTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF CONSTRTTCTING ANt) INSTALLING AND/OR REPAIRING ~:II.'3C~LLAtnWUS SIDEWALKS AND CURBS :)URINC THE Yf~AR 1947. I It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b~ Commissioner Lowe that the reso- lution be provisionally passed and October 22nd, 1947 be set as the date for hearing pro- tests anr] the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; tho se votin~ No, none. Vacation of Hayes Street from Willson Avenue East The matter of the vacation of Hayes Street from Willson Avenue east to the City Limits which had been taken under advisement a t the public hearing held December 18th, 1946, was given further cons idera tion . It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, ?econded by Com- missioner Lowe that, in view of protests made against this proposal, the City Commission rescind their Resolution No. 597, declaring it to be their in ten tion to vacate said por- tion of Hayes Street, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Wayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting 1Jo, none. Ad,iournment 'l'here being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Lown, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the meeting ad~ourn I~ and the motion was carried by the following Aye and ~o vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Attest: fM&*, ~$~~ Clerk of the City Commission ~o .