HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-11-05 49 Bozeman, ~~on tana November 5th, 1947 The Commission of The Ci tv of Bozeman met in reglllar session in the Commlssion Room, . ',. City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, November 5th, 1947 at 1:00 o'clOCk F.M. Those belng present were ~rayor Peal?, Commissioner sorenson, Commis ~don8r Lowe, City Manager IJenderson, City Attorney Lovelace, and the Clerk, vlhen the followinf! proceedings were had: I The minutes of the la s t r e Q:11 18 r s e s s ion were rea d , and it wa s moved b:' Commi8 sion cr Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson thnt the minu te s be approved as read, and the motlon was carried by the followin~ Aye and No vote; thos e votJnQ" Aye being Fayor Healy, Commipsione Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those votinp' No, ron e . Exchange of' Trucks for GarbR,ge Collection Mr. Robert Mest and Wm. ROlfe, of Rolf e & Mes t, ..Lnc. , appeared before the Commission and stated that mounting a Garwood Load-Packer body on a Dodge, WRA-68, truck with a double reduction rear axle, would necessitate mounting the body ten inches higher than on che same truck with single reduction rear axle. 'rhey called a ttentlon to their original bid, submitted, Augu s t 13 th, 1947, in which they quoted a reduction of $261.00 from their bid price if a s,ingle reduc tion rear axle was furnished. They also stated that the Dodge Man- ufacturers have announced their 1948 models and that the new model WR-68 which is of the same capacity and general specifications as the 1947, WRA-08 model, but with 1948 Impro ve- men ts, can now be furnished at the same price as their bid for furr:ishing the WRA-G8 model. It WRS moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that Rolfe & Mest, In c. , be authorized to furnish the WR-68 model with a single reduction rear axle in accord- I ance with their bid of August 13th, 1947, 8Il.d the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Canvass of Vote-- General Election This being the first legal day after the GenerAl Municipal Election held on November 4th, 1947, the Clerk of the City Commission, aided and assisted by the City Commissioners proceeded to canvass the vote of said election. The canvass showed the following results: J. Harry Healy 505 v 0 t e s Peter <T. l\.rudde 354 votes crT Gilbert Lowe 598 vo tes r'lI . Wayne E. Thompson 503 vat es Clyde Cox 3 vo t e s Howard hel son 2 votes Sam Cox 1 vote It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that J. Harry Healy, and 'vV. Gilbert Lowe be declared elected, and that certificates of elect~on be issued to them, and the motion was carried by the fOllowing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson ara Commissioner Lowe; those voting ~;o, r,one. I Applicqtions for City Lice~ses The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read: Barrel Laundry Paul's Modern Market Veteran's Co-op Association it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, secorcded by Cornm.Lssioner Lowe that the appli- cations be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following A-:le an.d l~o vo t e ; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Gommissioner Lowe; those vo tingNo, none. 50 Reports The following reports for the month of October, 1947 were presented and read: Chief of Police Water Collector Librarian Sanitary Inspector Police Judge Fire Chief It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion 'Nfl s c~rried by the following Aye and No vot e; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those I voting No, none. Apoointment to Librnry Eoard Mayor Healy announced the appointment of Mrs. G. Y. Patten as a member of the Library Board, term to expire January 13 t, 1950. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Cor:unissioner Sorenson that the appointment be approved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thes e votir g Aye being Mayer Healy, Commis- sioner Sorenson and Commlss~oner Lowe; those voting No, no n e . ClAims for the Month Claims Nos. 1838 to 2074 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: Band tJ,l.. 14.53 ,jji Cemetery 732.92 FWA 24-P-50 451.50 Garbage 1,361.83 General 17,659.05 LibrA,ry 669.24 Park 1,108.68 Parking Meter 545.58 Police Reserve 86.15 S. 1. D. No. 341 3,500.00 S. 1. D. No. 344 8,000.00 Withholding Tax 1,208.97 I Water 5,562.20 Tot 81 $ 40,900.65 The Hanager stn ted that he ha saudi ted the se cIa im3 and fi nds them GO be true and lawful cl aims agains t The Cit y of Bozem~J.ri and recommended that warrants be drawn for their payment. After examination of the claims in detail by the City Commisslor., it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commis sior~er Sorenson that the claims be approved and warrants drawn for the ir payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No va te; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commisslofler Lowe; those voting No, non e. Dome for Digester Tanl{ -- Sewage DisDosal .2hmt Mr. Fred Quinnell, Resident Engineer for the Sewage Disposal Plant, reported thet the Dorr Company has requested informa tion a s to whether or not the City intends to ins tall a concrete dome or a steel dome on the primary digester tank at the plant; and s ta ti ng that if it is the intention to install the steel dome in accordance with the bid submitted, it is important that Dorr Company have tha t informa tion a s soon as pos sible so th8.t they can place their order for the required material. I Mr. Quinnell stated that he had been unable to get quotations from local contractors on a concrete dome constru':..; tion on which to base estLna tes; and, al so , that experiences with concrete construction in Bozeman indicated many structures where concrete did not stRnd up well, and thought it might be advisable to purchase a steel dome. 1n view of his recommendations to use a steel dome on the primary digester, Mr. Quinnell was instructed to wr.i te to Burns & ~cDonnell for thei, r recommenda tions, and upon receipt of approval from Burns & McDonnell, to inform the Dorr Company thA t the Ci ty accepts their bid for the 51 steel dome on the primnry digester tanl::. Cor t inuntlonCertii'i c 0. te for R. Br~dy The continuation certificate for the Plumbing Bond of Ronald Brady W8S presented. The certificate was apDroved as to form by the Clty .1\ t to rn e y, whereupon, it was moved by 'Commie siarier Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the certificHte be accepted I and approved and the motion was c':lrried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commis si oner Sorenson and Commi ss ioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Water Agreemen~ with N. P. Ry. Term.lnated. to furnish water The Man9.ger stAted that certain contrects/had been entered into by and between The City of Bozeman and the Northern Pacific Railway Lompany as follows: A contract dated July 28th, 1908, N. P. Docket No. 4250 A contract dated January 26th, 1912, N. l' * Docket No. 6398 A contract dated January 4th, 1919, L P. Docket No. 10640. The Manager stated that the agreements cited above have been made null and vold by reason of the fact that, at dates subsequent to such agreemen ts, all water rates have been set by the Public Service Commission of Mcntana, and that rates now being charged are lower than those set by these agreements. He stated further that the Northern Pacific Railway Company has requested that the original copies of these agreeme~ts be sent to them for cancellation but that such original copie s CRnnot be found. In view of these circumstances, it WRS moved by Commissioner Lowe, secor:ded by Com- missioner Sorenson that the agreements cited F.\bove be considered term...r:Rted and cancelled I Rnd that the Northern Pacific Railway be furnished a certified copy of this m~nute entry to complete their records and the motion was c~rried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson I1nd Commissioner Lowe; tho s e voting No, none. Qui t Claim deed To Streets abutting Clock 30; N. '} Addition. 1 . A quit claim deed from The City of Bozeman to David DeLap relinquishing any rights the City mif~t have in the vacated streets abutting the portion of Block 00; Northern Pa- clfi c; Addition, was presented. The qui t clairrl deed wa s appr'o ved by the City Ii t to rne y, Whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe thnG the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to sigr: the deed for The City of Bozeman and the motion WaS carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Conuni s- sloner Sorenson and Commis s ion er Lowe; those voting No, none. Aba tement of Garbnge Assessment - 425 E.. Dabeo ck Deni ed lhe application of Dail Monroe, 425 East Babcocl:: for a garbage aba tement in the amour:t of $3.12 was presented and read. The application stated the house has two apartment s, but I the two families only use one kitchen and live as one family. The Commission stated that houses having apartments, should be rated as apartment houses, whereupon, it was n:oved by COlnmissloner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the application for abstemcnt be denied and the motion was cQrrled by the following Aye and No vote; tho Be voting Aye beIng Mayor Healy, Commis sloner Sorenson and Connniss.loner Lowe; tho se vot ing No, non e. 52 Offer of Spieth to Rent with Option to Buy Parking Lot A proposal was presented and read from William, Edward, and Fredrick Spieth to The City of Bozeman offer..i..ng to lease to The City of Bozeman the property at the corner of ~, The lease to be on an annual basis, BAbcock and Rouse Avenue at qp55.00 per month. renew- able annually for ten years, and to include an option to buy the property for the alUn of Five Thousand Dollars. All monthly rentals paid would, at any time the City desired to I exercise its option t:o buy the property, be applied to amortlze the pur'chase price of ~;5,OOO.OO with taxes and interest at 4J~ per annuIT'.. on unpaid balance to be deducted from rentals paid and the balance applied on the purchase price. It was moved by Commis sloneI' Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the City Attorney be instructed to examine the abstract for this property, and finding the title clenr, prepare the nECessary papers for the rental of the property under the terms offered and the motion was carried by the followlng Aye and 10 vote; those voting Aye being TJIayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vot e; those voting ,1ye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Attest: c<,1~- Miff~ ' I . e r.: 0 t e omm. S S l 0 n I -.-----