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Montana 53
November 12th, 1947
The 'Commts sion of The City of Boz emar: met in regu1 ar session in the Commi ssion Room,
City Hall Building, Wedne sday af ternoon, November 12th, 1947, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Tho se
being present were Mayor Healy, 'Commissioner Sorer.son, Commlssioner Lowe, Ci ty ManAger
Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk, when the following proceed....r.gs 'Nere hAd:
I The minut es of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner
Sorenson, seconded by Co~nlssioner Lowe that the minutes be approved as rea~ And the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vo te; th 0 s e voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Comm! s-
sloner Lmve, and Commissioner Sorenson; tho se voting No, none.
Purchase of S.l.D. Bonds-- Cemetery Permanent Care Fund
The Mana ger repor ted that the Commercial National Bank had bid to purchase Special lm-
proveme nt District Bonds of Districts Nos. 341 and 344, and had submlcted certified checks
in the total amount of $4,500.00 to guarantee their bid, and they wcuid offer to sell the
bonds of either of these two districts to the Permanent Care Fund of Sunset Hills Cemetery
at the same p ri ce as their bid. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe,
seconded by Commi s sioner :Sor enson tho t, if such offer is submItted in writing, the Ceme-
tery Permanent Care I<und of Sunset Hills Cemetery be perml tted to take over the bid of the
Comrr erci 131 Nati anal Bank for the pur cha se of the bo nds of S. l. D. 1\0. 341, and that they
be permitted to deposit u. S. Government bonds with the City in t.he amoun t of 'Two Thou sand
two hundred DollArs to guarantee fulfillment of 8greement to purchase said s. 1. D . bond s
and, upon such deposit being made, the certified check for the Commercial National Eank
I bid, in the amount Two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars, now held as a guaran tee of th e i r
bid be re turned to them and the motion was cBrried by the following Aye and t, 0 vo t e ; those
voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson ar.d Commissioner Lowe; thos e vat! ng
No, nor, e.
li.equest for Busine3s--Res~dence Dist. No. 2 in Nest Side Iddi tion
A con_munication from Verne Ballantyne requesting that the boundaries of the Business-
Residence Distri ct No. 2 be extended to include Lots 7 & 8 of Block 22; and Lot s 5, G 7,
& 8 of Block 21 all of the Normandy Rearr!3.ngement of the 'Nest Side Mdition was presented
and read. After consideration by the Comrnis sion, it was thoul3ht that 9 request of this
kind should come from a more representa ti ve group of property owners in an area which might
be affected by a chnnge in zoning; that srn nll bu s 1 n e s s areas shou Id not be established in
residenti A1 districts, and that thi s reque s t did not show sufficient need for a shoppinG
district in the area, whe reupon, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by CamlT1Is sioner
Sorenson that the request be denied and the motion was csrried by the following Aye and
No va t e; tho s e voLt ngAye be i ng Mayor Heal y, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe;
I those voting No, none.
Sewer ~nstal1ation in Park Side Addition Completed
The Ma~ager reported that Mr. E. Jtaley, con trac tor, had completed the sewer co~str~c-
tion in the ParI::: Side Addi ti on to the sati sfaction of the CIty Engineer; that the water
main which had been broken had been replRced And Mr. Staley had submitted a check in the
amount of $57.25 to covel' th e C03 t of replacing the water main and making the p a vemen t
patch. It was moved by Commissioner Sorer:sor, seconded by Commi.ssioner Lowe that the
c8.shier's check submitted as protection for The City of Bozeman be returned to Mr. Staley
and the mot io E was ca rri e d by the fo llowing 'lye e. nd No vo t e ; those vo t i ng Aye bel n g ri;ayo l'
Healy, Commissioner Sorenson ar:d Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none.
Chri:Jtmas Decorations for City
Mr. Tom Ellis, Secetary of the Chamb er of Commer ce, ap peared before the Commission I
rela.tive to making Christmas decorations of the streets a general citJ~ expense. He ex-
plained that the Chf:1mb er of Commer ce, wto have sponsored such decorations in the past,
might pa.y $1,000.00 per year for their share 0:::' the cost but tha t numerous complaint s
carne in because decorations were inadequate. Further discussion brought out that th ere
have also been protests against spending 1 arge amounts for street decorations when other
needed permanent projects could not be built for lack of funds and thnt these decorations
were primarily for trade promotion and srlOuld ri g..lJ. tfully be an expens e of the Chamb er of
Commerce or other cIvic or trade promoti on organizations. Mr. Ellis was informed that the
Ci ty would pay thi s year' 3 ele c tric auI' ren t C03 t used in the Christmas decorations, and
would remove decorating ffi"l terlal from the streets whe!" it is taken down, but tJ:lat any
proposal for l' urther expendi ture of city fund s should be brought up at the time for pre-
paring the annual city budget.
COAsting on South Sh th Avenue
The City Manager explaine d th P.t it had been the p rac ti ce for many yeAr :3, to barricade
South Six thAvenue to provide pro tection for children coasting on this street, and this
has now been do ne again thi s ye 131'. The Commission WRS of the opinion that the children I
would and had coasted on the street even if it was not barricaded and the barri cades fur-
nl shed considerable protection to the children and they expressed themselves as favoring
barricades on the streets when it was thou ght necessary for the protec tion of th e child-
ren constlng on the street.
The I' eport of the City Engineer for the month of October, 1947 was present ed. 1 twas
moved by Commissioner LO'iile, seconded by Commissioner Sorem,or: that the report be accepted
and ordered flIed and the motion was carried by the fo llow in g '\ye and No vote; those voting
Aye being M.R.yor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and CommIssioner Lowe; thos e votl ng No, non e.
Cancellntioi of Lease for Blocks 3 << 4, Spr In[Ibrook Add.L t.i on
The matter of renewing the lease with the Holy Rosary ?arish of Blocks 3 & 4; Spr ing-
brook Addi Cion for park..i.ng Durposes was discussed. 1t was pointed out that the blocks are
not being used for pArking purpos es or for temporary dwelling or trailers as was originally
planned, and it WG8 ly,oved by Comrr.issioner Lowe, s ecor.ded by C ommi ssloner Sor en,san that the
lease be cancelled and t ermln a ted and the motion WRS carrie d b:,T the following Aye and No I
vot e; t!:o s e vo ting f::,ye bel ng lilayor Healy, Commissioner Sor en son ond Commissioner Lowe;
those voting No, no n e .
Bono of ,J.F. Le,9.1'J 8S C lt~7 Co:nml s .:ii or er
rrhe tX)nd of J. Harry Healy as City Commissioner in the amount of $2000.00 was presen-
ted. rrhe bo nd W'3. S appr ov ed 13. s to form by the Ci ty Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Com-
missIoner So ren son, seconded by Commls siener Lowe that the bond be accepted and ap proved
ar.d the mo~ion WAS carri ed l.y the fa llowing Aye ar.d No vot e; those voting Aye being Com-
___ u____ _____mm__
missiorer Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Healy not vo t i r g .
Commissioner Lowe's Bond
The bond of W. Gilbert Lowe as City Commissioner in the am~~nt of $2000.00 WAS pre-
sented. I'he bor.d WAS eppr 0 ved as to form hy the City Attorney, ,'{hereupon, it was moved
by Commi6sioner Sorenson, seconded by Mayor Healy that the bond be accepted and approved
I and the motion W8S ca.rried by the following Aye and ho vo te; those vo tir;g Aye being Iv,ayor
Heal y, Commis sioner Sor enson; th 0 s e vo t in g No, non e . Lowe not voting.
Steel Dome for Digester
Fred Quinnell, Resident Engineer for the Sewage Dis?osal Plant presented a communica-
tion from Eurns and McDonnell which stated th~t in view of Iocsl costs ~nd conditions they
hl1 ve chanc;ed their former recommendation for InstA.l11r:g a concrete dome on the prlmflry di-
Cester tarJc to be erected nt the plant; and now recommend thnt the bid of the .corr Com-
par:.y for i'urnisfJ.inc; a steel cover for ~his tank be accepted. In view of these recommen-
dn tions, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, secorded by Commissioner Sorenson trwt tl-:..e
bid of the Dorr Company RS cited in City Commission minutes of October 15th, 1947 t'e amendeJ
to read that the bid of the Dorr Company on Section IV-B & IV-C for furnishing equipment
for 2 two-9~age digester tanks complete with two steel covers for :;';15,265.00 and furnish-
ing a digester heating and gas control equipmen t for $3,130.'00, rr:ak.lng a total bid price
of $18,395.'00 be accepted and that the Dorr Company, Burns &. McDora:ell and the State Eoard
of Health be notified of this acceptance and the motion was carried by the following !..ye
AEd ho vote; those vcting Aye being Mayer Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner
I Lowe; those voting No, non e.
Ad,! ournment
There t einE; no furt1:'ler tusiness to come before the Gommission at this time, it was
moveJ by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson t.hnt the meeting adjourn
and t'ne r.1otion was c8.rried by the following ~,ye and 1<0 vo te; those voting Aye being Mayer
Healy.. Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting J\o.. r~one .
Ie k of the City 80mmlssion I