HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-17 City Commission Packet Materials - A4. The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 PUDPage 1 of 21 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Date: Design Review Board (DRB) Meeting of May 24, 2017 at 5:30 pm in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Avenue. City Commission public hearing, June 19, 2017 at 6:00 pm in the City Commission room, City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Avenue. Project Description: A Preliminary Planned Unit Development application for the 4th phase of a multi-phase residential development located on 65 acres south of Durston Road, east and west of an extension of Laurel Parkway. Phase Four includes 21.059 total acres with 2.703 acres to be developed for 27 dwellings on 25 lots and the balance of the area in right of way, open spaces, and a 9.885 acre lot for future development. Fifteen relaxations were approved with previous phases and are continued to be requested with this application. Project Location: Lot R2A of Phase 3 of the Lakes at Valley West Subdivision, located in the NW ¼ of Section 9 Township 2S, Range 5E PMM City of Bozeman, Montana. Located at 5600 Durston Road Recommendation: Approval with conditions Recommended Motion Design Review Board: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17150 and move to recommend approval of the planned unit development with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Recommended Motion City Commission: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17150 and move to approve the planned unit development with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Report Date: June 8, 2017 Staff Contact: Chris Saunders, Community Development Shawn Kohtz, Engineering Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) 136 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 2 of 21 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues None Project Summary The proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) continues the previously approved Lakes at Valley West PUD. PUD relaxations approved in that project added uses to the existing R-1 district, modified numeric standards of the R-1 district, established an alternate alley standard, and modified block dimensions. The PUD is proposed in conjunction with a subdivision to create 25 residential lots for 27 homes with associated open space. The project is a continuation of the Valley West Planned Unit Development. This project will have a customized R-1 district which will be in effect only within the project boundaries. Unless the PUD modifies a standard, the base requirements of the Unified Development Code remain in effect. This project proposes a unique combination of uses and configuration. The applicant asserts that the overall outcome of the proposal is superior to what would be obtained from the application of the default R-1 district. The outcome will be a diverse small scale neighborhood with unique access and development standards. Homes are expected to be smaller than what is commonly constructed in Bozeman. Substantial open space is provided in both public and private ownerships. This combination is not presently available in the community. A description of the lot and home sizes from prior phases has been provided. The first three phases provided more than the minimum park land as a bank for future phases. This phase is drawing on that reserve. Open space is provided within the phase. The PUD, with the recommended conditions, conforms to the requirements of the Unified Development Code criteria. This is the fourth phase of the development and prior phases have identified and resolved the design issues. This phase is executing the previously approved concepts in phases 1-3. A PUD is a discretionary approval and the review authority -must find that the overall development is superior to that offered by the basic existing zoning standards. See Section 38.20.030.A.4, BMC. The obligation to show a superior outcome is the responsibility of the applicant. Design Review Board The Design Review Board considered the application on May 24, 2017. No public comments were received. The DRB recommended approval of the application with the conditions proposed by staff. The video of the meeting is available at http://www.bozeman.net/services/city-tv-and-streaming-audio. 137 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 3 of 21 Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the recommended conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 2 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 2 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 2 Design Review Board ......................................................................................................... 2 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 2 –REQUESTED RELAXATIONS ....................................................................... 7 SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ...................................... 8 SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS ................. 9 SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ........................................ 9 SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ............................................................. 9 Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. .............................................. 9 Applicable Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC .............. 13 APPENDIX A –PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY................................ 18 APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.............. 19 APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ................................................... 20 APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF............................ 20 APPENDIX E –PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT INTENT ........................................... 20 FISCAL EFFECTS ................................................................................................................. 21 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................... 21 138 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 4 of 21 139 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 5 of 21 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Overall Project Boundaries 140 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 6 of 21 Overall project layout showing possible future phases. 141 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 7 of 21 Phase layout SECTION 2 –REQUESTED RELAXATIONS Planned Unit Development Relaxations are requested with this application. The applicant has requested relaxations to the following standards. The summary of each relaxation, the customized zoning district incorporating those relaxations, and the overall reasoning behind the relaxations is in Section D6 of the PUD submittal. The altered standards are depicted by lot and described in text in Appendix C of the Design Manual included in the PUD submittal. Explanatory notes are attached to each section of the municipal code proposed to be altered. Items 1-15 are a carry over from the previously approved phases 1-3. Summary List of Relaxations Code Section Summary of Section 1) 38.08.010.A.2 Intent of R-1 District 2) 38.08.020 Expand Authorized Uses in R-1 3) 38.08.030.A.2 Increase Allowed Lot Coverage and Floor Area 4) 38.08.040.A Reduce Minimum Lot Area 5) 38.08.040.B Reduce Minimum Lot Width 6) 38.08.050.A Reduce Yards 142 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 8 of 21 7) 38.08.060 Replace Building Height in R-1 to be the same as R-4 8) 38.22.030 Allow R-1 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) without a Conditional Use Permit for defined lots 9) 38.23.040.B Allow Increased Block Length 10) 38.23.040.C Allow Smaller Block Width 11) 38.23.040.D.3 Allow Alternate Pedestrian Walk Surface 12) 38.23.040.E Not Require Block Numbering 13) 38.24.060.A Design Standards (length of tangent at intersection) 14) 38.24.060.B Alternate Alley Section to Allow Woonerf 15) 38.23.100.A.2 Reduction to minimum wetland setback SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. These conditions are specific to the planned unit development. Additional conditions apply to the subdivision of the property being processed concurrently with this planned unit development. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. The final PUD plan shall be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to approval of the final plat. 2. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. The applicant shall submit with the application for Final PUD Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how they have responded to each of these comments. This narrative shall be in sufficient detail to direct the reviewer to the appropriate plat, plan, sheet, note, covenant, etc. in the submittal. 4. The final plan submittal shall identify the uses to be allowed on each proposed lot in the design guidelines and associated development standards as was done with Phases 1-3. 5. No property may be removed from the covenants without written approval of the City of Bozeman. 6. The City of Bozeman has relied upon the overall design standards required as part of the planned unit development application. The design standards may not be altered without consent of the City. 143 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 9 of 21 SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS A. None are identified at this time. SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Having considered the criteria established for residential planned unit developments approval with conditions is recommended to the Design Review Board (DRB). The DRB shall forward its recommendation to the City Commission for consideration and action. The Planning Board will conduct a public hearing on the related subdivision and make a recommendation to the City Commission. The public hearing is not yet scheduled. The Development Review Committee (DRC) considered the Planned Unit Development on April 26, 2017. The DRC found that the application was adequate to proceed in review. The City Commission is scheduled to consider the proposal on June 19, 2017. SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, and plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis in this report is a summary of the completed review. Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy This project is proposing residential uses within a residentially planned area. No conflicts have been identified with the growth policy future land use designation or goals and policies. Section 1c of the application is the applicant’s response to this criterion. The application support various growth policy goals and principles as described in Section 1c of the application. No conflicts with the growth policy have been identified. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations There are no known violations on the property. The project proposes several alternative standards for development within the PUD. If the remaining PUD and subdivision processes 144 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 10 of 21 are completed, and the City Commission approves the requested relaxations, then the project will be in conformance. If the Commission does not approve the relaxations then the project will not be in conformance and should not be approved. Relaxations 3, 4, 5 request alternate standards for individual lots. The specific applications of Relaxations 1-8 are shown in Appendix C of the Design Manual in the PUD submittal. The remaining relaxations 9-14 are primarily related to the subdivision design. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations Applications for design and review of infrastructure, compliance with building permits, and related processes are future events. Compliance will be required as the project advances. The application includes correspondence regarding wetland and water right changes indicating the applicants have begun the required processes. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property The proposed construction of the street network provides for connectivity and continuity of streets. Trail networks are proposed that cross the project and are connected to perimeter and internal sidewalks. The proposed location of additional open space will integrate with the existing Bronken Park, Baxter Creek Natural Area, and associated trails. A paved trail is proposed along the western edge of the project which can be connected to a developing similar trail in development to the south and a prior phase to the north. This trail connection will be an important N-S connection. The property is bounded either by prior phases of the development or by landscaped open spaces. The physical separation provides a green edge that separates the unusual lot configurations on the property. The individual home sites are unlikely to have negative affects off the property. The proposed design manual and standards are proposed to mitigate potential conflicts. No particular conflicts have been identified at this time. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions Adequate parking appears to be provided. The application does not request relaxations related to parking. The site is accessed by Durston Road, an arterial street and Laurel Parkway, a collector street. Westmorland and Westgate are local streets providing internal circulation. The named woonerfs provide access to most of the homes. The anticipated traffic load does not exceed the capacity of the streets. The woonerfs have been tested by traffic during the past winter and appear to work adequately. Active snow management provided by the HOA is necessary to achieve this result. This is established in the conditions of approval of the subdivision and the associated supplementary documents. 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress Adequate circulation is provided. The street cross sections will be further analyzed with the subdivision. The woonerf section has been installed in the first three phases. At this time it 145 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 11 of 21 appears to be functional. The proposed street network provides adequate access and circulation. 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation The pedestrian trail and street networks and open space landscaping are shown on sheet SD1 of the open space plan in the application. The classification of the various streets and trails are depicted and are consistent with other phases and City standards. The landscaping plan demonstrates compliance with the landscaping requirements of Article 38.26. 8. Open space The project proposes several open spaces. The area along Aajker Creek provides a buffer to the creek and to the adjacent homes. The large section of the pond being set aside as open space is included with a public access easement. The required amount of open space has been provided. 9. Building location and height The PUD proposes to replace the existing R-1 allowed building heights with those of the R-4 zoning district. The overall difference is a maximum of eight feet in height. The proposed lot sizes are in some circumstances much smaller than normal for the R-1 district. The additional allowed height enables the homes to have additional area on upper floors. This is Relaxation #7. The allowance for smaller lots and taller buildings is part of the distinctive nature of the Lakes at Valley West. The additional height allowance provides opportunities for steeper roof pitches. 10. Setbacks Relaxation 6 modifies the setbacks. Some lots adjacent to open spaces will have reduced rear yard setbacks. Lots adjacent to woonerfs will have a setback of 15 feet. Setbacks are included on the individual lot diagrams in the design manual. A buildable lot area appears to be provided for each parcel. 11. Lighting New lighting will be required along the public streets. The proposed street lights and building mounted lights conform to the City’s dark sky requirements. The private lighting is subject to the proposed design guidelines which direct use of LED lighting. Lighting has already been installed along Durston Road and appropriate internal intersections. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities All necessary utilities appear to be provided. This issue is addressed primarily through the companion subdivision application and associated conditions of approval. 146 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 12 of 21 13. Site surface drainage Drainage is placed within appropriate locations. Placement and design will be addressed with the subdivision conditions. 14. Loading and unloading areas None are proposed. 15. Grading The site has little natural contours. Two large artificial lakes already exist on the site which provide the greatest topographic change. No substantial grading is proposed except for that required for the installation of streets. Future phases have several large piles of gravel excavated from the lakes. No changes with those are proposed at this time. 16. Signage None is proposed at this time. 17. Screening No proposed element of the project requires screening at this time. The design manual approved with earlier phases and continued to this project addresses screening with individual residences. 18. Overlay district provisions Not applicable to this application. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties No public comment has been received at this time. 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming or The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming. Not applicable. The site will be divided according to the companion subdivision. 21. Compliance with article 38.43 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This application was deemed adequate prior to the effective date of this requirement. The application does not propose price restricted housing. 147 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 13 of 21 22. Phasing of development The present project is the subsequent phase of the project. The prior phases are being completed at this time. The phases appear adequate to enable use and development of the property independent of other work. Applicable Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC E. In addition to the review criteria of section 38.19.100, the review authority shall, in approving a conditional use permit, determine favorably as follows: 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity; The site is adequate. The existing lakes have been used as design features and are integrated into the development. Landscaped area are coordinated with adjacent property and within the proposed development. Parking is provided on each lot and along the public streets. Special areas are designated along the woonerf. The relaxations will allow a tighter development pattern. The resulting designs for homes will require substantial care to conform to the Design Manual. The applicant has provided within the Design Manual lot specific information to enable future designers to comply. The proposed standards appear achievable. 2. That the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof; No adverse impacts to abutting properties have been identified. Issues of traffic impacts which does interact with the larger transportation system will be addressed with the related subdivision. 148 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 14 of 21 3.That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: a. Regulation of use; b. Special yards, spaces and buffers; c. Special fences, solid fences and walls; d. Surfacing of parking areas; e. Requiring street, service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; f. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; g. Regulation of signs; h. Requiring maintenance of the grounds; i. Regulation of noise, vibrations and odors; j. Regulation of hours for certain activities; k. Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; l. Duration of use; m. Requiring the dedication of access rights; and n. Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner. The proposed covenants associated with the project will address these areas. The covenants will be addressed primarily through the comments on the related subdivision. No changes to the previously approved covenant are proposed other than to extend them to this phase of development. F. In addition to all other conditions, the following general requirements apply to every conditional use permit granted: 1. That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure; and 2. That all of the conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing, and shall be recorded as such with the county clerk and recorder's office by the 149 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 15 of 21 property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final plan approval or commencement of the conditional use. The necessary recording of documents will be addressed as part of the final site plan process and will be required prior to approval of the final site plan. Applicable Planned Unit Development Review Criteria, Section 38.20.090.E, BMC Sections D6 and D16 of the application presents the applicant’s response to these criteria. 2. In addition to the criteria for all site plan and conditional use reviews, the following criteria will be used in evaluating all planned unit development applications. a. All development. All land uses within a proposed planned unit development shall be reviewed against, and comply with, the applicable objectives and criteria of the mandatory "all development" group. (1) Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, trails/walks/bike ways, sanitary supply, irrigation companies, fire protection, electricity, flood hazard areas, natural gas, telephone, storm drainage, cable television, and streets? Except for those standards proposed for relaxation it appears the application conforms. (2) Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? The site has been substantially disturbed by previous development. There are some existing wetland areas within proposed open spaces which will remain largely undisturbed except for installation of pedestrian trails. There will be substantial placement of new vegetation within the open spaces and parks. Wetland areas in the open spaces were previously reviewed and approved with a 404 permit. The permit has been closed. The project is providing a buffer along Aajker Creek which will lessen disturbance of that vegetation. (3) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? Yes, the proposal appears cohesive and has a variety of coordinating elements ranging from design standards to physical street configurations. (4) Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g., building construction, orientation, and placement; transportation networks; selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources; etc.) contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? The project has lot layouts which are favorable to installation of solar systems. Such systems are not proposed at this time. Individual site designs have not been completed. The site will be integrated in to the existing and developing pedestrian and bicycle network which will 150 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 16 of 21 enable travel without motor vehicles. The site is on the western edge of the City at this time and there are few services or employment locations in near proximity at this time. Services are developing on other sites along Cottonwood Road and Huffine Lane. (5) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? The site designs for individual lots are not known at this time. They will be designed individually. The Design Manual provides guidelines in this area which appear to address this criterion. (6) Park land. Does the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of park land or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by section 38.27.020. The project has a surplus balance of parkland from prior dedications. No additional park land is proposed with this phase. The tabulation of parkland is provided in the subdivision submittal. The standard is met. Individual open space by unit is not applicable. (7) Performance. All PUDs shall earn at least 20 performance points. With a PUD, Section 38.20.090.E.2.a.7 requires at least 20 performance points for the subject property. There are 11 options provided in the UDC to meet this requirement. Points can be met using any combination of on-site and off-site open space or other options listed in the code. The Preliminary PUD must specify how the performance points are being met. Open space provisions for phased PUD developments: If a project is to be built in phases, each phase shall include an appropriate share of the proposed recreational, open space, affordable housing and other site and building amenities of the entire development used to meet the requirements of section 38.20.090.E.2. The appropriate share of the amenities for each phase shall be determined for each specific project at the time of preliminary approval and shall not be based solely upon a proportional or equal share for the entire site. The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 PUD is proposing to satisfy the performance requirement solely with additional open space. The tabulation is under the parkland section of the application. The application satisfies the requirement. Public access to the open space will be provided by easement. (8) Is the development being properly integrated into development and circulation patterns of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods so that this development will not become an isolated "pad" to adjoining development? The overall property is well integrated into the arterial and collector system. Local streets provide additional connectivity. The two lakes and associated stream and wetland areas are substantial barriers which limit connectivity. Trail connections have been placed to improve connectivity to Bronken Park and its trails. This current phase continues the trail networks. 151 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 17 of 21 b. Residential. Planned unit developments in residential areas (R-S, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RMH and R-O zoning districts) may include a variety of housing types designed to enhance the natural environmental, conserve energy, recognize, and to the maximum extent possible, preserve and promote the unique character of neighborhoods, with provisions for a mix of limited commercial development. For purposes of this section, "limited commercial development" means uses listed in the B-1 neighborhood service district (article 10 of this chapter), within the parameters set forth below. All uses within the PUD must be sited and designed such that the activities present will not detrimentally affect the adjacent residential neighborhood. The permitted number of residential dwelling units shall be determined by the provision of and proximity to public services and subject to the following limitations: (1) On a net acreage basis, is the average residential density in the project (calculated for residential portion of the site only) consistent with the development densities set forth in the land use guidelines of the city growth policy? The property is planned a Residential and zoned as R-1. The R-1 district has a standard minimum lot size of 5,000 sq ft. This provides a base net density of 8.7 dwellings per acre. Appendix A of this report describes the range of planned residential densities of between 6 and 32 dwellings per acre in Bozeman. Application element D7 provides the required calculation for the density bonus. Proposed density complies with the growth policy and this standard. (2) Does the project provide for private outdoor areas (e.g., private yards, patios and balconies, etc.) for use by the residents and employees of the project which are sufficient in size and have adequate light, sun, ventilation, privacy and convenient access to the household or commercial units they are intended to serve? Private spaces are provided on each lot. The central open spaces provide additional light and ventilations to adjacent lots. (3) Does the project provide for outdoor areas for use by persons living and working in the development for active or passive recreational activities? Yes, private open spaces are provided. Park land was provided with earlier phases. (4) If the project is proposing a residential density bonus as described below, does it include a variety of housing types and styles designed to address community wide issues of affordability and diversity of housing stock? The project includes a diversity of housing types. Relaxation 2 allows additional housing types within the R-1 zoning district and Relaxation 8 enables inclusion of accessory dwelling units without a conditional use permit on specific lots. 152 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 18 of 21 (5) Is the overall project designed to enhance the natural environment, conserve energy and to provide efficient public services and facilities? Yes. See the Design Manual for description of sustainability elements. The site has been annexed for many years and is served by municipal services. Additional on-site extensions of services will be required as is expected with new development. (6) Residential density bonus. If the project is proposing a residential density bonus (30 percent maximum) above the residential density of the zoning district within which the project is located and which is set forth in article 8 of this chapter, does the proposed project exceed the established regulatory design standards (such as for setbacks, off-street parking, open space, etc.) and ensure compatibility with adjacent neighborhood development? The number of dwelling units obtained by the density bonus shall be determined by dividing the lot area required for the dwelling unit type by one plus the percentage of density bonus sought. The minimum lot area per dwelling obtained by this calculation shall be provided within the project. Those dwellings subject to chapter 10, article 8, shall be excluded in the base density upon which the density bonus is calculated. Application element D7 provides the required calculation for the density bonus. Proposed density complies with the growth policy and this standard. (7) Limited commercial. If limited commercial development, as defined above, is proposed within the project, is less than 20 percent of the gross area of the PUD designated to be used for offices or neighborhood service activities not ordinarily allowed in the particular residential zoning district? No limited commercial is proposed. (8) Does the overall PUD recognize and, to the maximum extent possible, preserve and promote the unique character of neighborhoods in the surrounding area? Yes, The property to the north is approved for residential uses and is primarily developed as detached homes. The property to the east is Bronken Park to which the development provided an addition of five acres with Phase 1. Additional parkland is expected in the future from subsequent phases. As discussed in the application materials, the Valley West development, of which this is a part, has a character defined by the existing PUD. APPENDIX A –PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The subject property is zoned “R-1” (Residential Single Household Low Density District). The intent of the R-1 residential single-household low density district is to provide for primarily single-household residential development and related uses within the city at urban densities, and to provide for such community facilities 153 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 19 of 21 and services as will serve the area's residents while respecting the residential character and quality of the area. Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The Future Land Use Map of the Bozeman Community Plan designates the subject property to develop as “Residential.” The “Residential” classification designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. High density residential areas should be established in close proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. Implementation of this category by residential zoning should provide for and coordinate intensive residential uses in proximity to commercial centers. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development. The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies between 6 and 32 dwellings per net acre. A higher density may be considered in some locations and circumstances. A variety of housing types can be blended to achieve the desired density. Large areas of single type housing are discouraged. In limited instances the strong presence of constraints and natural features, such as floodplains, may cause an area to be designated for development at a lower density than normally expected within this category. All residential housing should be arranged with consideration of compatibility with adjacent development, natural constraints, such as watercourses or steep slopes, and in a fashion which advances the overall goals of the Bozeman growth policy. The residential designation is intended to provide the primary locations for additional housing within the planning area. APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development proposes to modify the existing Valley West development. The developed portion of that project exists east of Cottonwood Road. The original Valley West development included Bronken Park and the Baxter Creek Natural Area. This property which is the subject of the current application has been physically altered over time to accommodate two lakes and adjacent wetlands that were required as wetland mitigation area for the phases of Valley West east of Cottonwood Road. This area has always been a planned phase of Valley West, but the approved PUD design has changed over time. This latest proposal requests a modified design that eliminates a small commercial element and proposes a small lot pocket neighborhood design with alternative access via a modified alley design. The new layout reduces the amount of parkland area with street frontage and provides, in lieu, a combination of parkland and public access open space with less street frontage. The development has the potential for additional phases of 154 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 20 of 21 residential development. A subdivision of the property is proposed with two initial phases with a mix of townhome and detached home lots for 62 total lots at this time. The PUD seeks to create a unique pocket neighborhood with small lots and alley (woonerf) access. A detailed Design Manual has been prepared. The first two phases have completed review and are platted. Home construction has begun. This project will continue the general pattern established in the initial phases. APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Noticing has been provided. Notice was provided at least 15 and not more than 45 days prior to the City Commission public hearing. No public comments have been received as of the writing of this report. APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner: The Lakes at Valley West, Bozeman, Two, LLC, 2880 Technology Blvd., Bozeman MT 59718 Applicant: Kilday & Stratton, Inc., 2880 Technology Blvd., Bozeman MT 59718 Representative: Morrison Maierle, Inc. 2880 Technology Boulevard W, Bozeman, MT 59718 Report By: Chris Saunders, Policy and Planning Manager APPENDIX E –PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT INTENT Sec. 38.20.010. Intent. A. It is the intent of the city through the use of the planned unit development (PUD) concept, to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. Specifically, with regard to the improvement and protection of the public health, safety and general welfare, it shall be the intent of this chapter to promote the city's pursuit of the following community objectives: 1. To ensure that future growth and development occurring within the city is in accord with the city's adopted growth policy, its specific elements, and its goals, objectives and policies; 2. To allow opportunities for innovations in land development and redevelopment so that greater opportunities for high quality housing, recreation, shopping and employment may extend to all citizens of the city area; 3. To foster the safe, efficient and economic use of land and transportation and other public facilities; 155 17150, City Commission Staff Report for The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Page 21 of 21 4. To ensure adequate provision of public services such as water, sewer, electricity, open space and public parks; 5. To avoid inappropriate development of lands and to provide adequate drainage, water quality and reduction of flood damage; 6. To encourage patterns of development which decrease automobile travel and encourage trip consolidation, thereby reducing traffic congestion and degradation of the existing air quality; 7. To promote the use of bicycles and walking as effective modes of transportation; 8. To reduce energy consumption and demand; 9. To minimize adverse environmental impacts of development and to protect special features of the geography; 10. To improve the design, quality and character of new development; 11. To encourage development of vacant properties within developed areas; 12. To protect existing neighborhoods from the harmful encroachment of incompatible developments; 13. To promote logical development patterns of residential, commercial, office and industrial uses that will mutually benefit the developer, the neighborhood and the community as a whole; 14. To promote the efficient use of land resources, full use of urban services, mixed uses, transportation options, and detailed and human-scale design; and 15. To meet the purposes established in section 38.01.040 FISCAL EFFECTS No individually budgeted items will be affected by this application. Normal costs and revenues will occur with the new development. ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. Application materials DRB minutes 156 The Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development: Phase 4 Preliminary March 2017 157 PHASE 4 PRELIMINARY PUD TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Introduction & Document Organization B. Application form and fee calculation (Form A1 and PUDP) C. Adjacent Owners (Form N1) D. PUD Preliminary Plan Required Materials (Form PUDP Requirements) 1. Overall Project Narrative a. Colored Aerial Vicinity Map b. Preliminary Plat c. PUD Green plan, Overall d. Phase 3 Green plan e. Concept PUD responses 2. List of Proposed Relaxations 3. Contact information for Owner, Applicant and Project Design Team 4. Title Report 5. Site Condition maps, land uses within ½ mile of project site, land use map, zoning 6. Overall Land Use Ratios 7. Overall Project Floor Area Ratio and Net Residential Density 8. Development Schedule 9. Phasing Plan Exhibit 10. Phasing Table, Site and Infrastructure Improvements 11. Table of Proposed Buildings, Existing and Proposed 12. Colored Aerial Vicinity Map (see #D.1) 13. Overall Site Illustration (see #D.1) 14. Statements of Objectives and Conformance to City Policy and Plans a. Specific land use goals furthered by this PUD b. Ownership of public and private open space c. Number of Employees d. Rationale Statement e. Compliance with PUD criterion in 38.20.090.E f. Land use conflict mitigation g. Design methods to reduce energy consumption 15. Information not provided by subdivision application 16. Site Access and Utilities Narration 17. Development and Design Guidelines (Design Manual) and Phase 4 lot exhibits 18. Signage Plan (not applicable) E. Open Space Plan F. Site Plan Checklist Materials not provided above (Form SP1) Compliance Narration 158 The Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development: Phase 4 Preliminary March 2017 159 The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 PUD Preliminary Plan, March 2017 A. Introduction and Document Organization Summary Since its original approval in 2002, the overall design of the award-winning Valley West Planned Unit Development (PUD) has continued to mature and adjust to ongoing parks and wetlands design, changing land use regulations and policies, developing adjoining properties and overall market conditions. Several significant land use changes have recently occurred – most notably, a school and church have been constructed on the property west of Cottonwood Road in place of what was originally contemplated as a residential neighborhood. The set of PUD “Green Plans” provided on the following pages illustrates the evolution of the Valley West PUD. The Phase 4 Preliminary PUD proposes to continue the neighborhood character that was defined by the 2015, 65-acre Lakes at Valley West PUD modification and its first three phases (Phases 1, 2, and 3). Phase 4 will also create residential pocket neighborhoods connected by open spaces, trails, streets and enhanced alleys inspired by the European planning concept of a woonerf. Woonerfs are described in the Unified Development Code as: “streets where pedestrians and cyclists have priority over motorists. Woonerfs may be permitted on public local streets or alleys through the PUD process” (38.09.030). Phase 4 will consist of 25 residential lots, 4 open space tracts and 2 accessory dwelling units. The Lakes at Valley West master plan shows likely development patterns for approximately 300 dwelling units on the entire 65 acres. This is for reference only. The property owners require flexibility as future phases are submitted to adjust to continuing changes in the Bozeman market. Phase 4 will be the next step in the overall Lakes at Valley West PUD and will be incorporated into the Lakes Design Manual and covenants approved for Phases 1, 2 and 3, along with a few, phase-specific updates. Document Organization The organizational format for the Phase 4 Preliminary PUD application is the new, PUDP application form and Site Plan Checklist. 160 Evolution of The Valley West and Lakes at Valley West PUD 2002 PUD Plan Original Valley West PUD, One lake, very limited roads and trails on west portion School site identified 2005 PUD Plan Modified PUD Lots surround one lake, West portion more developed 2008 PUD Plan 2nd Modified PUD 2 lakes Straight gridded roads and alleys 161 2015 Plan 3rd Modified PUD [Note: church and school were previously modified between 2008 and 2014 plans.] Modified grid to create pocket neighborhoods. Addition of “woonerfs” in place of alleys No commercial node proposed in west portion 2016 Green Plan, November The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 through 7, additional detail 2017 Green Plan, March The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4-6, slightly different lot configuration 162 A1 Development Review Application A1 Page 1 of 3 Revision Date 01-04-16 Required Forms: Varies by project type Recommended Forms: Presentation of submitted plans and specifications DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. PROJECT Development Name: Description: 2. PROPERTY OWNER Name: Full Address: Phone: Email: 3. APPLICANT Name: Full Address: Phone: Email: 4. REPRESENTATIVE Name: Full Address: Phone: Email: 5. PROPERTY Full Street Address: Full Legal Description: Current Zoning: Current Use: Community Plan Designation: 163 Development Review Application A1 Page 2 of 3 Revision Date 01-04-16 Required Forms: Varies by project type Recommended Forms: Presentation of submitted plans and specifications Overlay District: Neighborhood Conservation Entryway Corridor None Urban Renewal District: Downtown North 7th Avenue Northeast None 6. STATISTICS (ONLY APPLICATION TYPES 2-12, 17, 24 AND 26) Gross Area: Acres: Square Feet: Net Area: Acres: Square Feet: Dwelling Units: Nonresidential Gross Building Square Feet: 7. APPLICATION TYPES Check all that apply, use noted forms. Form Form 1. Pre-application Consultation None 17. Informal Review INF 2. Master Site Plan MSP 18. Zoning Deviation None 3. Site Plan SP 19. Zoning or Subdivision Variance Z/SVAR 4. Subdivision pre-application PA 20. Conditional Use Permit CUP 5. Subdivision preliminary plat PP 21. Special Temporary Use Permit STUP 6. Subdivision final plat FP 22. Comprehensive Sign Plan CSP 7. Subdivision exemption SE 23. Regulated Activities in Wetlands RW 8. Condominium Review CR 24. Zone Map Amendment (non Annexation) ZMA 9. PUD concept plan PUDC 25. UDC Text Amendment ZTA 10. PUD preliminary plan PUDP 26. Growth Policy Amendment GPA 11. PUD final plan PUDFP 27. Modification/Plan Amendment MOD 12. Annexation and Initial Zoning ANNX 28. Extension of Approved Plan EXT 13. Administrative Interpretation Appeal AIA 29. Reasonable Accommodation RA 14. Administrative Project Decision Appeal APA 30. Other: 15. Commercial Nonresidential COA CCOA 1 6. Historic Neighborhood Conservation Overlay COA NCOA 8. APPLICATION FEES AND MATERIALS A. Fees are to be provided based upon the adopted fee schedule FS. Contact our office for an estimate. 164 165 PUDP Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 1 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN REQUIRED MATERIALS APPLICATION SETS 3 total sets are required that include 1 copy of every item below bound or folded into 8½ x 11 or 8½ x 14 sets. Complete and signed development review application form A1. Complete materials required by the SP1 checklist. Materials and plans that include all the required items listed in the preliminary PUD plan checklist below. Standard application sets required plan sizes: 2 sets that include full size 24 x 36 inch plans 1 set that include 11 x 17 inch plans 2-digital versions of all materials (JPEG or PDF) on separate CD-ROM’s or USB drives. Individual files must be provided at 5MB or less in size. Files shall be named according to naming protocol. Notes: All plans must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½ x 11 inches or larger than 24 x 36 inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Plans that are rolled or not bound into sets will not be accepted. NOTICING MATERIALS Completed and signed property adjoiners certificate form N1and materials APPLICATION FEE Base fee $1,616 If includes dwellings add: $94 per dwelling unit If includes nonresidential uses add: $292 per 1000 square feet of nonresidential gross building space. PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN CHECKLIST A Planned United Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan review is the second step in the PUD entitlement process. When a subdivision is proposed in conjunction with a zoning PUD the subdivision review shall be coordinated with the zoning review and a subdivision preliminary plat application shall also be submitted concurrent with this application. 1. Overall project narrative providing a thorough and extensive description of the overall project including design intent, project goals, project timefra me, proposed uses, site improvements and buildings. 2. A complete list of proposed relaxations to the BMC listed by individual section and reason for the relaxation. 3. Name, mailing address and full contact information for project team including: owner, developer, architect, civil engineer, landscape architect/designer and electrical engineer. 4. A title report for subdivision or proposed subdivision guarantee with all current property ownership. 5. Data regarding site conditions, land characteristics, available community facilities and utilities and other related general information about proposed uses, adjacent land uses and the uses of land within one-half mile of the subject parcel of land both existing and proposed. This shall be in narrative and/or table formats. Provide the following supporting maps: exis ting land use map, 166 Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 2 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: community plan land use designation map, city zoning map, neighborhood and entryway overlay map for property showing conditions within 200 feet of the project boundaries. 6. Overall land use ratios for: a. existing footprints of existing buildings and structures b. proposed buildings and structures c. driveways and parking areas d. streets, roads and alleys with areas of rights of way identified separately e. private open spaces for residential uses f. landscape areas g. city parkland 7. Overall project floor area ratio (FAR) and net residential density. 8. Development Schedule. If phasing is proposed, provide narrative clearly describing project phasing with the proposed phasing of all infrastructure, buildings, driveways and parking and landscaping. 9. Phasing Plan exhibit clearly showing all site and infrastructure improvement with phase boundaries including detailed limits of construction and approaches to mitigate any conflicts with phase boundaries and site safety and function. 10. Phasing table that shows phase area and data for each phase including: area in acres and square feet, lot area in acres and square feet, building foot print square feet, building floor area, FAR, street right of way, common opens space, landscaped area, PUD open space square feet and percentage of total , PUD performance points by type and parking space requirements. 11. Table of proposed buildings include phase information, footprint, gross square footage, stories, whether building is existing or proposed, and building use designations by building floor. 12. Colored aerial vicinity map within one-half mile of the site with project site and other significant community facilities, streets, trails, watercourses, railways, highways and other applicable features identified by name. 13. Overall site illustration in color showing all building foot prints, landscaped areas, site circulation including vehicular, bike, and pedestrian facilities. 14. Statements of objectives and conformance to city policy and plans: a. Statement of applicable City land use policies and objectives achieved by the proposed plan and how it furthers the implementation of the Bozeman Community Plan, provide specific land use goals and objectives in the Community Plan that are furthered by the proposed PUD; b. Statement of proposed ownership of public and private open space areas and applicant’s intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the PUD; c. Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses; d. Description of rational behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant; e. The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable Community Design objectives and Criteria of Section 38.20.090.E, documentation pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use; the applicant shall submit written explanation for each of the applicable objectives or criteria as to how the plan does or does not address the objective or criterion; the Director may require, or the applicant may choose to submit, evidence that is beyond what is required in that section; any variance from the criterion shall be described; f. Detailed description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated; g. Statements of design methods to reduce energy consumption, (e.g. - home/business, utilities, transportation fuel, waste recycling). 15. If not provided by subdivision application materials, physiographic data and summaries for: landforms and geology and soils; hydrology; vegetation; noxious weeds; wildlife and viewsheds. If the project is a brown field site, provide site history, data and copies of any environmental site 167 Planned Unit Development Preliminary PUDP Page 3 of 3 Revision Date 4-8-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1 Recommended Forms: assessments that have been completed. An approved noxious weed management plan must be submitted. 16. Narrative descriptions of site access and overall utilities including an overview, parking, existing and proposed condition of the streets providing access to the site, proposed accesses to the site and utilities including water, sewer, storm drainage, solid waste, gas, electric and shallow franchise facilities. 17. Development and Design Guidelines per Section 38.20.070.D.2 BMC. 18. Comprehensive Signage Plan, if applicable. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net 168 The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Preliminary PUD Plan March 2017 City of Bozeman Fees: Base fee $ 1,616 Per lot fee $94 x 27 dwelling units = $2,538 Total = $4,154 169 170 Note: Adjacent owner lists are based on the Lakes at Valley West, Phase 3 Final Plat being filed. Phase 3 is scheduled for the City Commission on April 3, 2017 and will be filed shortly thereafter. Since the Phase 3 plat will be filed prior to any public notice effort for this application utilizing this methodology is appropriate. 171 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION- PHASE 4 PROPERTY OWNERS- CONTIGUOUS TO PROJECT SITE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY PROPERTY OWNER’S NAME MAILING ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER FROM COUNTY TAX RECORDS 1 S09, T02 S, R05 E, C.O.S. 1581, PARCEL 1, ACRES 20.519 S09, T02 S, R05 E, C.O.S. 1581, PARCEL 2, ACRES 20.526 ALAN D. FULTON 958 RIALTO WAY BUTTE, MT 59701-7113 2 S09, T02 S, R05 E, ACRES 0.77, A 25’ STRIP OFF NORTH END OF SW4NW4 NORTON EAST RANCH SUB PH 3A, S09, T02 S, R05 E, LOT R1, ACRES 79.3085, PLAT J-564 NORTON PROPERTIES, LLC 63026 LOWER MEADOW DR., SUITE 200 BEND, OR 97701-6984 3 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 2, S09, T02 S, R05 E, OPEN SPACE F, PLAT J-572 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 3, S09, T02 S, R05 E, OPEN SPACES C AND F VALLEY WEST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. PEAK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 716 S 20TH BOZEMAN, MT 59718 4 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 3, S09, T02 S, R05 E, LOTS 30, 31, 47, 48, 49 AND 50 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST BOZEMAN TWO LLC 2880 TECHNOLOGY BLVD W BOZEMAN, MT 59718 NOTE: This list is developed based on a filed Phase 3 Plat. 172 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION- PHASE 4 PROPERTY OWNERS- ADJOINER NOT CONTIGUOUS (BUT WITHIN 200 FEET OF PROJECT SITE) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY PROPERTY OWNER’S NAME MAILING ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER FROM COUNTY TAX RECORDS 1 S09, T02 S, R05 E, ACRES 39.25, SW4NW4 LESS 25’ RD ON NS AAJKER CREEK PROPERTIES, LLC 4700 GOOCH HILL RD BOZEMAN, MT 59718- 9027 2 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 3, S09, T02 S, R05 E, OPEN SPACES B VALLEY WEST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. PEAK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 716 S 20TH BOZEMAN, MT 59718 3 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 1, S09, T02 S, R05 E, LOT R1, ACRES 10.381, PLAT J-572 BOZEMAN INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LLC 2880 TECHNOLOGY BLVD W BOZEMAN, MT 59718 4 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 3, S09, T02 S, R05 E, LOTS 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 44, 45, AND 46 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST BOZEMAN TWO LLC 2880 TECHNOLOGY BLVD W BOZEMAN, MT 59718 5 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 2, S09, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 33, 34, 35,36, PLAT J-572 ZACH WERMERS CONSTRUCTION INC 598 CLIFDEN DR BOZEMAN, MT 59718-6749 6 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 2, S09, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, PLAT J-572 SHANE COLLINS CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 11090 BOZEMAN, MT 59719-1090 7 LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PH 1, S09, T02 S, R05 E, ACRES 4.92, CITY PARK PLAT J-572 CITY OF BOZEMAN PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN, MT 5977-1230 NOTE: This list is developed based on a filed Phase 3 Plat. 173 Aerial Vicinity Map: Lakes at Valley West PUD and Subdivision Axon Aerial Image (Source: Google Earth) 174 ©COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 PLOTTED DATE: Mar/10/2017 PLOTTED BY: cole norsworthy DRAWING NAME: N:\5352\008\ACAD\Survey\5352008--PHASE4-PREPLAT-PLOT.dwg 1/4 SEC.SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE PROJ. #:SHEET OF PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MONTANA COUNTY, MONTANADATE: SCALE: CLIENT: FIELD WORK: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721 Fax: 406.922.6702 11THE LAKES GALLATIN 5352.008 1"= 500' 03/2017 JR CN MMI 5E 2S 9NW LOT R2A OF PHASE 3 OF THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION, PLAT J-XXX, SITUATED IN THE NE1/4 NW1/4, OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. PRELIMINARY PLAT OWNER THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST, BOZEMAN TWO, LLC 4515 N56TH ST PHOENIX, AZ 85018-3119 ZONING CITY OF BOZEMAN R-1 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 4 PURPOSE TO CREATE 25 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, 4 OPEN SPACE LOTS, AND 1 RESTRICTED LOT I, Jon C. Wilkinson, Montana Professional Land Surveyor License No. 16411LS, hereby certify that the Final Plat of The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 was surveyed under my supervision between January 2017 and July 2017, and platted the same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, §76-3-101 through §76-3-625, M.C.A., and the Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. I further certify that monuments which have not been set by the filing date of this instrument will be set by December 2017, due to public improvements construction pursuant to 24.183.1101(1)(d) A.R.M. Dated this___________day of_________________, 2017. ________________________________________________________ Jon C. Wilkinson, PLS, CFedS MT Reg. #16411LS Morrison-Maierle, Inc. THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST, BOZEMAN TWO, LLC. By: ________________________________________________________________________________ James M. Kilday, Authorized Representative Dated State of ____________________________________ County of ___________________________________ On this ________________ day of ___________________________, 2017, before me, the undersigned Notary Public for the State of _____________________ personally appeared James M. Kilday, known to me to be the Authorized Representative of The Lakes at Valley West, Bozeman Two, LLC. and acknowledged to me that said LLC executed the same. Notary Public in and for the State of ___________________ Printed Name _____________________________________ Residing at _______________________________________ My commission expires _____________________________ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS I, James M. Kilday and I, James R. Nickelson, a Registered Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Montana, hereby certify that the following improvements, required to meet the requirements of Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code or as Conditions of Approval of the Final Plat of The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4, have been installed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications, or financially guaranteed and covered by the improvements agreement accompanying this plat. Installed Improvements: None Financially Guaranteed Improvements: 1.Street Improvements 2.Sewer & Water Improvements 3.Storm Water Improvements 4.Sidewalk Improvements 5.Open Space Improvements The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a period of two years from the date of acceptance by the City of Bozeman. The subdivider grants possession of all public infrastructure improvements to the City of Bozeman and the City hereby accepts possession of all public infrastructure improvements, subject to the above indicated warranty. ___________________________________________________________________ James M. Kilday Authorized Representative Dated The Lakes at Valley West, Bozeman Two, LLC. ___________________________________________________________________ James R. Nickelson, No. 9063PE Dated Morrison Maierle, Inc. ___________________________________________________________________ Craig Woolard Dated Director of Public Works City of Bozeman, Montana I, Craig Woolard, Director of Public Works, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to conform to the law, approve it, and hereby accept the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as being dedicated to such use. Dated this __________ day of ____________________, 2017. ________________________________________ Craig Woolard Director of Public Works City of Bozeman, Montana I, Kimberly Buchanan, Treasurer of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on the land to being divided have been paid. Dated this __________ day of ____________________, 2017. ________________________________________ Kimberly Buchanan Treasurer Gallatin County, Montana _________________________________________ Tax ID No. _________________________________________ Tax ID No. CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER I, Charlotte Mills, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed in my office at _______ o'clock, __________(a.m., or p.m.), this _________ day of ______________, 2016, and recorded in Book ______ of Plats on page __________, and Document # ____________________, Records of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. Dated this __________ day of ____________________, 2017. ________________________________________ Charlotte Mills Clerk and Recorder Gallatin County, Montana CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER The Lakes at Valley West-Phase 4, Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City of Bozeman, Montana, a first class municipality, and with the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy which was adopted pursuant to Section 76-1-601 et seq., MCA, and can be provided with adequate storm water drainage and adequate municipal facilities. Therefore under the provisions of Section 76-4-125(2)(d), MCA, this survey is excluded from the requirement for Montana Department of Environmental Quality review. Dated this ________________________ day of _______________________________, 2017. ________________________________ Craig Woolard Director of Public Works City of Bozeman, Montana CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR We, the undersigned property owners, do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys, and other divisions and dedications, as shown by the plat hereunto included the following described tract of land to wit: Phase 4 of The Lakes at Valley West, being Lot R2A of The Lakes at Valley West - Phase 3, Plat J-XXX; situated in the NE¼NW¼ of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Corner to Sections 4, 5, 8, and 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, as described on Certified Corner Recordation, Book 4, Page 931, Document No. 2566976, filed at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office; thence N.88° 04' 19"E., 1337.30 feet to the West One-sixteenth Corner between Section 4 and Section 9; thence S.00° 59' 02"W., 659.06 feet along the east boundary of the NW¼NW¼ of Section 9 to the southwest corner of Phase 3 of The Lakes at Valley West, the Point of Beginning; thence along the south boundary of Phase 3 of The Lakes at Valley West S.89° 00' 58"E., 82.84 feet; thence continuing along the said boundary N.84°34'24”E., 57.69 feet; thence N.75°16'23”E., 33.24 feet; thence N.63°07'43”E., 86.94 feet; thence N.56°35'13”E., 64.64 feet; thence N.53°42'03”E., 60.00 feet; thence N.50°56'59”E., 90.09 feet to an angle point on the south boundary of Phase 3 of The Lakes at Valley West; thence continuing along said boundary S.36°32'03”E., 62.13 feet to point of curvature; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 280.00 feet, a central angle of 24°45'39" for an arc length of 121.00 feet to an angle point on the south boundary of Phase 3 of The Lakes at Valley West; thence N.88°04'19”E., 783.80 feet to the southeast corner of Phase 2 of The Lakes at Valley West a common point on the west right-of-way of North Laurel Parkway; thence S.0°58'16”W., 694.85 feet to a point on the north boundary of the SE¼NW¼ of Section 9; thence S.88°28'17”W., 1292.11 feet to the Northwest One-sixteenth Corner of Section 9; thence N.00° 59' 02"E. for 682.78 feet along the east boundary of the NW¼NW¼ of Section 9, to the Point of Beginning. The Area of the above described tracts of land is 917,326 square feet, or 21.059 acres, more or less. The above-described tract of land is to be known and designated as “The Lakes at Valley West - Phase 4”, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public lands shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. Unless specifically listed herein, the lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public lands dedicated to the public are accepted for public use, but the City of Bozeman accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. The owner agrees that the City of Bozeman has no obligation to maintain the lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public lands, hereby dedicated to public use. The lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public lands dedicated to the public for which the City of Bozeman accepts responsibility for maintenance of Westgate Avenue. The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person firm or corporation, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, electric power, gas, internet, cable television or other similar utility or service, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and removal of their lines and other facilities in, over, under and across each area designated on this plat as "Utility Easement" to have and to hold forever. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION VICINITY MAP DURSTON RD. VICINITY MAP All streets, alleys, and rights-of-way, shown hereon as "DEDICATED", are not easements. The intent of the dedication is to convey all the streets, alleys, and rights-of-way to the public, upon acceptance by the governing authority. DEDICATION AND EASEMENT NOTELAUREL PARKWAYWEST BR O O KE SUBDI VISI O N PHASE 1VALLEY WESTSUBDI VISI O N NOR T O N E AST R A N C H SUBDI VISI O N BRO N KE N PARKC.O.S.1851C.O.S.1851LAUR EL GLE N SUBDIVISIONBABCOCK ST.COTTONWOOD ROADPROJECT AREA PHASE 3 PHAS E 2 PHASE 1 BASIS OF BEARING THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE MODIFIED RECORD BEARINGS. THE RECORD BEARING PER C.O.S. 1005B, N.88°04'24”E., ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 9, WAS RECOMPUTED BASED ON THE FOUND CORNERS BETWEEN THE ONE-QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 9 AND SECTION 4, AND THE CORNER TO SECTIONS 5, 4, 8, AND 9. THE RESULTING BEARING IS N.88°04'19”E. 175 NW 1/16 C-N 1/16 W 1/16 LAUR E L G L E N SUBD I V I S I O N P H A S E 1 TRAC T 1 C.O.S. 1 5 8 1 NOT P A R T O F T H I S S U R V E Y TRAC T 2 C.O.S . 1 5 8 1 SW4N W 4 L E S 2 5' R D O N N S O F S09,T 0 2 S , R 0 5 E , LOT R 1 NORT O N E A S T R A N C H S U B D I V I S I O N PHAS E 3 A LOT R 1 NORT O N E A S T R A N C H S U B D I V I S I O N PHAS E 3 A LOT R 1 NORT O N E A S T R A N C H S U B D I V I S I O N PHAS E 3 AS0°59'02"W 659.06'S89°00'58"E 82.84' N84°34'24"E 57.69'N75°16'23"E 33.24' N56° 3 5' 1 3" E 64.64' N63°0 7' 4 3 " E 86.94' N53° 4 2' 0 3" E 60.00' N50° 5 6' 59" E 90.09'S36 ° 3 2 ' 0 3 "E 6 2 . 1 3 'R=280.00'L=121.00'Δ=24°45'39"CB=S24°09'14"ECH=120.06' 296.79' 487.01' N88°04'19"E 783.80' S88°28'17"W 776.71' N89°00'58"W 90.00' S0°59'02"W 2.42' N89°00'58"W 250.00'N0°59'02"E 682.78'S0°58'16"W 694.85'364.67'330.18'1292.11' S88°28'17"W 1337.16' 45.04'352.78'12.50'330.00'N89°00'58"W 122.84' N0°59'02"E 22.42'N89°00'58"W 32.00' R=20.00' L=31.42' Δ=90°00'00" CB=S45°59'02"W CH=28.28' N88°04'19"E 1337.30' FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC." AT A POINT S. 66°18'19" E., 0.27 FEET FROM THE POINT SHOWN ON C.O.S. 1005B, & N. 15°22'16" E., 0.85 FEET FROM THE POINT FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 2 OF C.O.S. 1581 NOT P A R T O F T H I S S U R V E Y N88°28'17"E 150.14' ©COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 PLOTTED DATE: Mar/16/2017 PLOTTED BY: cole norsworthy DRAWING NAME: N:\5352\008\ACAD\Survey\PPLAT\5352008--PHASE4-PREPLAT-PLOT.dwg 1/4 SEC.SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE PROJ. #:SHEET OF PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MONTANA COUNTY, MONTANADATE: SCALE: CLIENT: FIELD WORK: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721 Fax: 406.922.6702 42THE LAKES GALLATIN 5352.008 1"= 100' 03/2017 JR CN MMI 5E 2S 9NW BASIS OF BEARING THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE MODIFIED RECORD BEARINGS. THE RECORD BEARING PER C.O.S. 1005B, N.88°04'24”E., ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 9, WAS RECOMPUTED BASED ON THE FOUND CORNERS BETWEEN THE ONE-QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 9 AND SECTION 4, AND THE CORNER TO SECTIONS 5, 4, 8, AND 9. THE RESULTING BEARING IS N.88°04'19”E. LOT R2A OF PHASE 3 OF THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION, PLAT J-XXX, SITUATED IN THE NE1/4 NW1/4, OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. PRELIMINARY PLAT THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 4 OWNER THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST, BOZEMAN, LLC 4515 N56TH ST PHOENIX, AZ 85018-3119 ZONING CITY OF BOZEMAN R-1 PURPOSE TO CREATE 25 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, 4 OPEN SPACE LOTS, AND 1 RESTRICTED LOT LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18LOT 19 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 LOT 24 LOT 25LOT 8 LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 LOT 17LOT 18LOT 19LOT 20LOT 12 LOT 11LOT 10LOT 9 LOT 36LOT 35LOT 34LOT 33LOT 32LOT 31LOT 30LOT 29LOT 28LOT 16LOT 15LOT 14LOT 13 LOT 22 LOT 23 LOT 2 4 LOT 2 5 LOT 26LOT 27LOT 2 8 LO T 2 9LOT 3 0LOT 3 1 LOT 5 0LOT 4 9LOT 48LOT 47LOT 46LOT 45LOT 4 4 LOT 43 LOT 42 LOT 41 LOT 40 LOT 39 LOT 38 LOT 37 LOT 36 LOT 35 LOT 34 LOT 33 LOT 3 2 LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 1 2 LOT 11 LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 LOT 6LOT 5 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 WESTGATE AVENUELAUREL PARKWAYWES T M O R L A N D D RI V E DURSTON ROADWESTGATEAVENUE LAUREL PARKWAYLOT R 2B 430,581 SQUARE FEET 9.885 ACRES PHASE 4 486,745 SQUARE FEET 11.174 ACRES LEGEND RIGHT-OF-WAY PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT SET REBAR, 5/8 IN. DIAM. WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "MORRISON-MAIERLE INC. 14732LS" FOUND REBAR, 5/8 IN. DIAM. WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "MORRISON-MAIERLE INC. 14732LS" FOUND REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP FOUND REBAR, 5/8 IN. DIAM. WITH AN ALUMINUM CAP, 2 IN. DIAM. MARKED "MORRISON-MAIERLE INC. 14732LS" FOUND SECTION CORNER AS NOTED FOUND ONE-QUARTER CORNER NOTHING FOUND OR SET UNZO N E D UNZ O N E D POINT OF BEGINNING R-2 R-3 R-4OPEN SPACE BOPEN SPACE A OPENSPACE DOPEN SPACE F OPENSPACE CLOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 AREA SUMMARY- PHASE 4 LOT AREA: PUBLIC R-O-W AREA: OPEN SPACE (PUBLIC): PHASE 4 TOTAL AREA: LOT R2B AREA GRAND TOTAL AREA 2.703 acres (117,751) Sq. Ft. 1.064 acres (46,331) Sq. Ft. 7.407 acres (322,663) Sq. Ft. 11.174 acres (486,745) Sq. Ft. 9.885 acres (430,581 Sq. Ft.) 21.059 acres (917,326 Sq. Ft.) CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 5' MAJOR AND 1' MINOR OPENSPACE ELOT 27*LOT 2 6 LOT 2 5 LOT 2 4 LOT 2 3 L O T 2 2 LOT 2 1 OPEN SPACE DOPEN SP A C E F LAKE LAKE PHA S E 1 PHA S E 2 CITY P A R K 1 OPEN SPACE A AAJKER CREEKAAJKER CREEKBOUNDARYZONEINGPHAS E 3 LOT 22LOT 23LOT 24LOT 25LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18LOT 19LOT 20LOT 21LOT 12LOT 11LOT 10LOT 9LOT 8LOT 7LOT 6LOT 5LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 HERSTAL WAY (32' R/W)THE 1/4 CORNER BETWEEN SECTIONS 4 AND 9 FOUND AT THE RECORD POSITION. SEE CCR BOOK 4, PAGE 930. DOC. NO. 2566975CORNER TO SECTIONS 4, 5, 8 AND 9 FOUND AT THE RECORD POSITION. SEE CCR BOOK 4, PAGE 931 DOC. NO. 2566976 POINT FOR W 1/16 CORNER FALLS IN DURSTON ROAD FROM WHICH A FOUND REBAR WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP, 5606S, BEARS S 01°38'14" W., 32.38 FEET RECORD N88°04'24" E 1337.30' MEASURED N88°04'19" E 1337.30'WESTGATE AVENUE (60' R/W)OSTEND LANE (32' R/W) 176 RESIDENTIAL LOTS PHASE BOUNDARY/ PROPERTY BOUNDARY LEGEND S PUBLIC OPEN SPACE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY WATER INFRASTRUCTURE SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE W ROADWAY INFRASTRUCTURE 10' UTILITY EASEMENT LINE WALKING TRAIL SIDE WALK STORM WATER INFRASTRUCTURE PUBLIC STORM WATER AND SNOW STORAGE AREA 10' SNOW STORAGE AREA GAS, ELECTRIC, COMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE LOT 1 4054 sq.ft. LOT 2 5105 sq.ft. LOT 3 5100 sq.ft. LOT 4 5100 sq.ft. LOT 5 3825 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE A0.42 acs.18180 sq.ft.LOT 12 5463 sq.ft. OPEN SPACE D 6.51 acs. 283700 sq.ft. LOT 7 3400 sq.ft. LOT 8 3400 sq.ft. LOT 9 3400 sq.ft. LOT 10 3397 sq.ft. LOT 11 5355 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE B0.42 acs.18080 sq.ft.LOT 17 5550 sq.ft.LOT 6 4508 sq.ft. LOT 14 5270 sq.ft. LOT 15 4250 sq.ft. LOT 16 4250 sq.ft. LOT 23 5426 sq.ft. LOT 22 4791 sq.ft. LOT 21 4950 sq.ft. LOT 20 4950 sq.ft. LOT 19 4950 sq.ft. OPE N S P A C E C 0.06 a cs.2703 sq.ft. LOT 18 4950 sq.ft. LOT 25 5153 sq.ft. LOT 24 5426 sq.ft. LOT 13 5728 sq.ft.27.80'L=18.19'L=15.97'44.06'60.00'60.00'45.00'30.00'S0°59'02"W22.42'S89°00'58"E 85.85' N89°00'58"W 95.15'45.00'60.00'S0°59'02"W60.00'60.00'45.00'S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00' 3 2 . 10 ' 3 0 . 0 3 ' S50° 5 6' 5 9" W 9 0. 0 9' S56° 3 5' 1 3" W 6 4. 6 4' S63°0 7' 4 3" W 8 6. 9 4' S75°16'23 " W 33.24'S84°34'24"W 57.69'N89°00'58"W 82.84'S0°59'02"W 330.00'S89°00'58"E 32.00' S89°00'58"E 80.00'11.02'L=14.11'11.43'44.76'L=13.82'L=13.05'29.48'42.50'42.50'42.50'S89°00'58"E 79.28' S89°00'58"E 80.00' S89°00'58"E 80.00' S89°00'58"E 80.00'30 .0 4 ' 2 8 .3 8 'L=49.81'L=35.32'45.49'62.00'50.00'50.00'60.00'32.00'R=20.00' L=31.42' Δ=90°00'00" 190.00' N72°56'1 2 " E 84.39' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' N88°28'17"E 776.71'N0°58'16"E 364.67'487.01' S60°0 4' 4 5 " W 90.00' S74°46'47 " W 90.00' N89°28'49"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' S56°3 5' 1 3" W 76.69'S23°21'42"E54.46 ' 7.50'S0°59'02"W60.00'N89°00'58"W 30.00'N0°59'02"E52.50'7.50'42.50'42.50'42.50'42.50'80.63'S63°0 7' 4 3 " W 70.61' S89°00'58"E 80.00'32.50'L=3 1.42'S89°00'58"E 67.50' S89°00'58"E 92.50' S89°00'58"E 80.00' S89°00'58"E 80.00' S89°00'58"E 80.00' S89°00'58"E 79.28' 296.79'L=16.84'L=71.84' N72°56'1 2 " E 84.39' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00' S89°00'58"E 85.00'S0°59'02"W 216.23'50.00'50.00'62.00'54.23'N0°59'02"E 250.63'189.48'28.39'L=6.83' 2.02'30 .0 3 ' 2 8 . 1 5 ' L =2 1. 9 3'L=48.75'L=48.75'L=4.99'47.07'55.00'55.00'55.00'55.00'30.00'S0°59'02"W 2.42' S74°46'47 " W 90.00'L=71.84' L =32 .32 ' S89°00'58"E 90.00'55.00'55.00'55.00'55.00'47.07'L=7.35'L=55.00'N89°28'49"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' S89°00'58"E 90.00' N50° 56' 5 9" E 90.09' S60°0 4' 4 5 " W 90.00'299.49'N0°59'02"E 220.00'299.49'R=2 80 . 0 0'L=121.00'Δ=24°45'39"R=134.00'L=30.51'Δ=13°02'43"R=160.00'L=104.77'Δ=37°31'05"261.48'N14°01'45"EN0°59'02"EN0°59'02"EN3 6 ° 3 2 ' 03 "W S89°00'58"EN23°46'55 "W10.56 ' S89°00'58"E 122.84' 60.00' S89°00'58"E 250.00' N88°04'19"E 783.80'S3 6 ° 32 ' 0 3 "E 62 . 13 ' S53° 4 2' 0 2" W 6 0. 0 0'32.00'LOT 36 4500 sq.ft. LOT 34 4364 sq.ft. LOT 32 4364 sq.ft. LOT 30 4201 sq.ft. LOT 29 4000 sq.ft. LOT 28 4000 sq.ft. LOT 27 4500 sq.ft.S0° 13' 01"E100.0045.00' 45.00'30.58' LOT 35 4086 sq.ft. L=11.13'S0° 13' 01"E100.00S0° 45' 51"W100.0030.58' L=9.42' L=40.00'S4° 56' 16"W100.00L=47.28' L=47.26' L=47.27' L=47.23' L=25.93' 18.0 9 ' 40.00 ' 45.00 'S19° 42' 50"WL=40.00'L=40.00'L=40.00'S9° 05' 52"W100.00S13° 15' 53"W100.00S17° 24' 33"W100.00S19° 42' 50"W100.00S19° 42' 50"W100.00S19° 42' 50"W100.00OPEN SPACE F 1.85 acs. 80606 sq.ft. LOT 33 4363 sq.ft. LOT 31 4362 sq.ft.47474757 475147514750 0+00 47 5 0 4 7 5 5 47504765 4765 4760 4750 4760 4750 8S 8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8S8SSD SD SD SD SD SD SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSD SD SD WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W 4750 N89°49'42"W 80.00' N45°58'1 2"E 68.0 0' ©COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 PLOTTED DATE: Mar/27/2017 PLOTTED BY: cole norsworthy DRAWING NAME: N:\5352\008\ACAD\Survey\PPLAT\5352008--PHASE4-PREPLAT-PLOT.dwg 1/4 SEC.SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE PROJ. #:SHEET OF PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MONTANA COUNTY, MONTANADATE: SCALE: CLIENT: FIELD WORK: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721 Fax: 406.922.6702 43THE LAKES GALLATIN 5352.008 1"= 40' 03/2017 JR CN MMI 5E 2S 9NW LOT R2A OF PHASE 3 OF THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION, PLAT J-XXX, SITUATED IN THE NE1/4 NW1/4, OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. PRELIMINARY PLAT OWNER THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST, BOZEMAN TWO, LLC 4515 N56TH ST PHOENIX, AZ 85018-3119 ZONING CITY OF BOZEMAN R-1 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 4 PURPOSE TO CREATE 25 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, 4 OPEN SPACE LOTS, AND 1 RESTRICTED LOT CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 5' MAJOR AND 1' MINOR AREA SUMMARY- PHASE 4 LOT AREA: PUBLIC R-O-W AREA: OPEN SPACE (PUBLIC): PHASE 4 TOTAL AREA: LOT R2B AREA GRAND TOTAL AREA 2.703 acres (117,751) Sq. Ft. 1.064 acres (46,331) Sq. Ft. 7.407 acres (322,663) Sq. Ft. 11.174 acres (486,745) Sq. Ft. 9.885 acres (430,581 Sq. Ft.) 21.059 acres (917,326 Sq. Ft.)UNZONEDUNZONEDAAJKER CREEKAAJKER CREEK50' CREEKSETBACK50' CREEKSETBACK10' ASPHALT TRAIL30' MINIMUM SETBACKFROM AAJKER CREEKWESTGATE AVENUE POND WATER LINEHERSTAL WAYWEST M O R L A N D D RI V E POND WATER LINE EXISTING STORM DRAIN EASEMENT DETAIL 4.2' 5.9' SCALE: 1" = 30' 1 5 . 0 '15.0'EXISTING STORM DRAIN EASEMENT SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET BASIS OF BEARING THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE MODIFIED RECORD BEARINGS. THE RECORD BEARING PER C.O.S. 1005B, N.88°04'24”E., ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 9, WAS RECOMPUTED BASED ON THE FOUND CORNERS BETWEEN THE ONE-QUARTER CORNER BETWEEN SECTION 9 AND SECTION 4, AND THE CORNER TO SECTIONS 5, 4, 8, AND 9. THE RESULTING BEARING IS N.88°04'19”E. STORM DRAIN TO SERVE FUTURE PHASE 177 SD SD ©COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 PLOTTED DATE: Mar/23/2017 PLOTTED BY: cole norsworthy DRAWING NAME: N:\5352\008\ACAD\Survey\PPLAT\5352008--PHASE4-PREPLAT-PLOT.dwg 1/4 SEC.SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE PROJ. #:SHEET OF PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MONTANA COUNTY, MONTANADATE: SCALE: CLIENT: FIELD WORK: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721 Fax: 406.922.6702 44THE LAKES GALLATIN 5352.008 SEE DETAIL 03/2016 JR CN MMI 5E 2S 9NW CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SHEET THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 4 LOT R2A OF PHASE 3 OF THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST SUBDIVISION, PLAT J-XXX, SITUATED IN THE NE1/4 NW1/4, OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. PARK AREA TABLE: REQUIRED PARKLAND: LOTS 6 AND 17 REMAINING 23 LOTS TOTAL: SURPLUS PARKLAND FROM PHASE 1 AND 2, AND PHASE 3: SURPLUS PARK LAND PHASES 1, 2, 3 AND 4 TO BE APPLIED TO FUTURE PHASES: 0.06 acres/lot 0.12 acres 0.03 acres/lot 0.69 acres 0.81 acres 1.32 acres 0.51 acres The 27 dwelling units consist of 1 unit on each lot in Phase 4 and one accessory dwelling unit on Lots 6 and 17 in Phase 4. The Lakes at Valley West, Bozeman Two, LLC. By: ______________________________________________________________________________________ James M. Kilday, Authorized Representative Dated State of ____________________________________ County of ___________________________________ On this ________________ day of ___________________________, 2017, before me, the undersigned Notary Public for the State of _____________________ personally appeared James M. Kilday, known to me to be the Authorized Representative of The Lakes at Valley West, Bozeman Two, LLC. and acknowledged to me that said LLC executed the same. Notary Public in and for the State of ___________________ Printed Name _____________________________________ Residing at _______________________________________ My commission expires _____________________________ Certificate of Transfer of Ownership and Completion of Non-Public Improvements; and Conditions of Approval : The following are hereby granted and donated to the property owners association noted below for their use and enjoyment: Common Open Space parcels designated with letter A, B, C, & D. Unless specifically listed in the Certificate of Dedication, the city accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. The Lakes at Valley West, Bozeman Two, LLC hereby further certify that the following non-public improvements, required to meet the requirements of chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, or as a condition(s) of approval of the subdivision plotted herewith, have been installed in conformance with any approved plans and specifications prepared in accordance with the standards of Chapter 38 or other City design standards, or have been financially guaranteed and are covered by the subdivision improvements agreement accompanying and recorded with this plat. Installed Improvements: None Financially Guaranteed Improvements: Landscaping, Irrigation System, Sidewalks and Trails. The subdivider hereby grants ownership of all non-public infrastructure improvements to the property owners association created by document number _____________________________________. We further certify that the text and/or graphics shown on the Conditions of Approval sheet represents requirements by the governing body for final plat approval and that all conditions of subdivision application have been satisfied; and that the information shown is current as of the date of the certification, and that changes to any land use restrictions or encumbrances may be made by amendment to covenants, zoning regulations, easements, or other documents as allowed by law or local regulations. 178 MASTER SITE PLAN MARCH 2017 179 NOTE: DUE TO THE SCHEMATIC NATURE OF THIS PLAN, AREAS, LAYOUTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SEE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND/OR DRAFT COVENANTS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION MARCH 2017 180 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application Response to Pre-application Preliminary Plat and Concept Plan Review Comments The responses to the City Staff review comments from the Pre-Application and the Concept Plan are included in this section. The Staff comments are provided in standard font, responses to their comments are in italics: Department of Community Development – Concept PUD: 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. The owner is aware of this and accepts this condition. 2. The applicant shall submit with the application for Preliminary Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how they have responded to each of these comments. This narrative shall be in sufficient detail to direct the reviewer to the appropriate plat, plan, sheet, note, covenant, etc. in the submittal. Please accept this document as the narrative. 3. The preliminary plan submittal shall identify the uses to be allowed on each proposed lot in the design guidelines and associated development standards as was done with Phases 1, 2, and 3. The permitted uses are limited to residential, see Article IX, 9.3 of the covenants. The lots on which more than one dwelling unit is permitted are identified on the Lot Exhibits which are part of the Design Guidelines and shown on the Preliminary Plat park allocation table. 4. Please provide a written analysis of the phases that currently have structures. This analysis should include: SF of lots, SF of houses, Total number of Accessory Dwelling units, parking spaces provided and other items that were provided via the relaxation process. See the pages following this document for a detailed spreadsheet for staff’s requested analysis for Phases 1 and 2 of the Lakes at Valley West Project. 5. Please clearly identify what, if any, elements of the adopted covenants will apply to Phase 4. Unless a specific reason is given to exclude this phase the City will expect that the City’s participation in covenants for this phase will mirror those for Phases 181 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application 1, 2 and 3. The First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for The Lakes at Valley West includes all property that is part of the overall The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision and as such all provisions, with those that state that they apply to a specific phase apply to Phase 4. Copies of the covenants are included in the application materials. 6. The proposed covenants shall include a section which clearly indicates those portions of the covenants which were relied upon for the approval of the PUD. This section shall restrict those portions from alteration without written approval of the City of Bozeman. The existing covenants include this provision and if during the Phase 4 approval process it is determined that additional covenants are required the same process will be followed. 7. No property may be removed from the covenants once established without written approval of the City of Bozeman. See Article 12. 9 of the covenants. This prohibits removal of property from jurisdiction of the covenants without City approval. 8. Connectivity to the open spaces on a sheet for pedestrian pathways throughout this phase. There needs to be a system of hard surfaces and ADA acceptability to the open spaces. A green plan showing pedestrian connectivity, located in section D.1, is included in the Preliminary Plan submittal. The open space landscape plan, located in section E of the Preliminary Plan submittal, shows surfacing types and more detail for Phase 4 of the project. 9. The PUD Final Plan shall be completed before the approval of the final plat. Timing is noted. 10. A notice prepared by the City shall be filed concurrently with the final plat so that it will appear on title reports. It shall read substantially as follows: Lots within the Lakes at Valley West Subdivision Phase 4 are subject to specific design standards, unique building setbacks from property lines, and restrictions on use. These standards may be found in [insert correct reference to design standard location]. Lot owners are advised that these are specific to the Lakes at Valley West Subdivision Phase 4 and are in place of the general development standards of the City of Bozeman Zoning. If a development standard is not specifically established in the Lakes at Valley West Subdivision Phase 4 approval documents the general standards of the City apply. Modification of the special standards would require an amendment to the Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development. Modifications are strongly discouraged. It is the obligation of the lot owner to be fully informed as to these standards before beginning any home or site design process. Approval by the design 182 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application review entity established in the covenants of the development does not bind the City of Bozeman to approve a construction plan. Comment noted. 11. The City of Bozeman will rely upon the overall design standards required as part of the planned unit development application. The design standards may not be altered without consent of the City. Comment noted. 12. Relaxation 1 description notes purpose is affordable housing but later compliance with 38.43 is disclaimed. Please either conform to 38.43 or use a different descriptor as it causes confusion. The language in Relaxation 1 has been modified to read exactly as that approved for Lakes Phases 1, 2, and 3. As was done with the Phase 3 Preliminary Plan submittal the justification for the relaxations has been removed as the issues have already been resolved with the previous approvals. 13. Relaxation 4. Please provide example sketch plans to demonstrate viability of these parcels in compliance with the requested relaxations based on the smaller lot sizes. At this time the relaxation appears to be much larger than needed. Please either explain this request or increase the square footage. To ensure that lots are not further subdivided the appropriate sized relaxations should be requested. A conceptual layout is provided and is included in the PUD application that shows the viability of these parcels which are very similar to those within Phases 1 and 2 of the project which has successfully demonstrated that the parcels are valid. In order to maintain consistency across the PUD, we are requesting that the 2,500 square foot minimum lot size for a single household dwelling be maintained for Phase 4. There is no intent of the applicant to further subdivide the parcels and it is noted that any further subdivision, would require City approval of both a revised PUD and subdivision and that the HOA would also need to approve the further subdivision. 14. Relaxation 8 shall be note to only those lots specifically identified as approved for an ADU. The specific lots have been identified in the lot layouts and also noted on the park table on the preliminary plat. The two lots that ADUs are allowed are Lot 6 and Lot 17. 15. Relaxation 9 and 10 are asking for block lengths smaller than allowed. The key to this relaxation is to ensure there is appropriate pedestrian connectivity. The phases to the south that are currently not proposed should have a transportation/pedestrian connection layout. The open space areas must be accessible for pedestrians, please identify the pedestrian connections to these areas. To provide this relaxation a drawing showing all of the alternative connections 183 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application should be added to this submittal. A concrete path within a 30’ easement will be required. A green plan showing pedestrian connectivity, located in section D.1, is included in the Preliminary Plan submittal. The open space landscape plan, located in section E of the Preliminary Plan submittal, shows surfacing types and more detail for Phase 4 of the project. 16. The requested relaxations are generally found to be acceptable as proposed in the application materials if adjusted as noted in these comments. Comment noted. 17. Please provide a landscaping plan per 38.26 for the PUD open spaces. The landscape plan is included in the PUD submittal. 18. Formal applications for preliminary plat and preliminary plan must be submitted within one calendar year of the date of the comment letter. Comment noted. Future Impact Fees - Please note that future building permit applications will require payment of the required transportation, water, sewer and fire impact fees according to the City of Bozeman adopted impact fee schedule in place at the time of building permit issuance. If you desire an estimate of the required impact fees according to current rates please contact the Department of Community Development and/or visit www.bozeman.net. Comment noted. The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board review committee suggests that the path along Aajker Creek be coordinated with the Norton development to provide a continuous paved shared use path from Durston to Huffine Lane. Please coordinate with the Parks Department regarding construction details and specifications. The RPAB and Parks Department has approved the use of a Class 1B, 10-foot wide paved shared use trail on the west side of the project. This is what is being proposed for Phase 4. Department of Community Development – Pre-Application: 1. A waiver to the supplemental information under 38.41.060, BMC is granted with this pre-application plan review application for: 7) Historical Features, 8) Agriculture, 9) Agricultural Water User Facilities, and 184 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application 19) Miscellaneous, and A waiver to the supplemental information for the following are not granted: 1) Surface Water, 2) Floodplains, 3) Groundwater, and 4) Geology-soils-slopes, 10) Water and Sewer, 11) Stormwater management, 12) Streets, roads and alleys, 13) Utilities, 14) Educational Facilities, 15) Land use, 16) Parks and recreational facilities, 17) Neighborhood center plan. 18) Lighting plan, 20) Affordable Housing, While the supplemental information may be as simple as providing the existing documents from previous phases, these must be included with the application. Each application is required to be a complete and stand alone package of information, therefore these waivers are not granted. The submittal materials for this application address this comment. 2. The preliminary plat shall conform to all requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and the Uniform Standards for Subdivision Plats (Uniform Standards for Certificates of Survey (COS) and Subdivision Plats (24.183.1104 ARM). The applicant is aware of this requirement. 3. Section 38.41.50A.5, BMC “Documents and Certificates” - A draft copy of the covenants, restrictions, and articles of incorporation for the creation of a homeowners’ association shall be submitted with the preliminary plat application for review and approval by the Department of Community Development and shall contain, but not be limited to, provisions for assessment, maintenance, repair and upkeep of private streets, common open space areas, public parkland/open space corridors, mail delivery areas, stormwater facilities, public trails, snow removal, and other areas common to the association pursuant to Article 41 of the Bozeman Unified Development Code. The existing covenants are provided in the application materials and address these items. The First Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for The Lakes at Valley West includes all property that is part of the overall The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision and as such all provisions, with those that state that they apply to a specific phase apply to Phase 4. 185 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application 4. Section 38.39.030 Completion of Improvements. If it is the developer’s intent to file the plat prior to the completion of all required improvements, an Improvements Agreement shall be entered into with the City of Bozeman guaranteeing the completion of all improvements in accordance with the preliminary plat submittal information and conditions of approval. If the final plat is filed prior to the installation of all improvements, the developer shall supply the City of Bozeman with an acceptable method of security equal to 150 percent of the cost of the remaining improvement. The applicant is aware of this requirement. 5. A complete preliminary plat application shall be submitted to the Planning Department within one calendar year of the date the Planning Department dates, signs and places pre-application comments in the outgoing mail. The applicant is aware of this requirement. 6. Deeds will be required to be filed at the time of final plat to transfer ownership of parks and streets to the City. Prior to final plat approval, in conjunction with required or offered dedications, the subdivider (or owner of the property being subdivided if the owner is not the subdivider) shall transfer ownership to the City of all dedicated parkland and any open space proposed to be conveyed to the City and all its right, title, and interest in any improvements made to such parkland or open space. For the transfer of real property, the subdivider or owner of the property shall submit with the application for final plat a warranty deed or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney transferring fee simple ownership to the City. The subdivider or owner of the property must record the deed or instrument at the time of recording of the final plat with the original of such deed returned to the City. For personal property installed upon dedicated parkland or City owned open space, the subdivider shall provide the City an instrument acceptable to the City Attorney transferring all its rights, title and interest in such improvements including all applicable warranties to such improvement. The applicant is aware of this requirement and will provide deed documents with the final plat application. 7. The final plat shall include the following certificate: CERTIFICATE OF TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP & COMPLETION OF NON PUBLC IMPROVEMENTS The following are hereby granted and donated to the property owners association noted below for their use and enjoyment: (insert description and designations, e.g. open space parcels, storm water, etc. with each parcel having its own description like open space parcel A which corresponds to the labels on the plat face). Unless specifically listed in the Certificate of Dedication, the city accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. I, (insert subdivider), hereby further certify that the following non-public improvements, required to meet the requirements of Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, or as a condition(s) of approval of the subdivision plotted herewith, have been installed in conformance with any approved plans 186 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application and specifications prepared in accordance with the standards of Chapter 38 or other City design standards, or have been financially guaranteed and are covered by the subdivision improvements agreement accompanying and recorded with this plat. Installed Improvements: (list as appropriate - STORM DRAINAGE, DETENTION PONDS, COMMON OPENSPACE IMPROVEMENTS EXCLUDING THOSE LISTED BELOW). Financially Guaranteed Improvements: (list as appropriate - COMMON OPEN SPACE IRRIGATION & LAWN.) The subdivider hereby grants ownership of all non-public infrastructure improvements to the property owners association created by Document Number____________________. (To be filled in when recorded) By: _________ , Subdivider Date: ________________ The applicant is aware of this requirement. 8. Accessory dwelling units are only permitted on specific lots. The covenants shall explicitly state which lots may have an accessory dwelling unit and which lots may not have them. This covenant may not be changed without City written consent. Acknowledged. The applicant is requesting two accessory dwelling units on Lot #6 and Lot #17 9. Lots shall have their boundary with an adjacent common open space clearly delineated. If the subdivider does not choose to construct the specified fence style along the perimeter an alternative ground marking which is readily visible and durable shall be placed. The type of delineation shall be identified with the final PUD plan and shall be installed prior to final plat approval. The subdivision landscape plan, which is included with the preliminary plan submittal, includes an alternative ground marking (4x4 wood posts) to delineate private lots with the public open space. 10. Fences located in the front, side or rear yard setback of properties adjacent to any park or publicly accessible open space shall not exceed a maximum height of four (4) feet, and shall be of an open construction designed in a manner to be consistent along all park land and open space areas. Proposed fencing shall conform to Section 38.23.130 “Fences, Walls and Hedges.” This requirement with appropriate exhibits of fence types shall be addressed and illustrated in the property owner’s association documents. The documents shall include a single fence style acceptable to the City for locations fronting any public park. Please see the design guidelines which identify the approved fencing options for the development that conform to the requirement. Future Impact Fees - Please note that future building permit applications will require payment of the required transportation, water, sewer and fire impact fees according to the City of Bozeman adopted 187 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application impact fee schedule in place at the time of building permit issuance. If you desire an estimate of the required impact fees according to current rates please contact the Department of Community Development and/or visit www.bozeman.net. Comment noted. The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board review committee suggests that the path along Aajker Creek be coordinated with the Norton development to provide a continuous paved shared use path from Durston to Huffine Lane. Please coordinate with the Parks Department regarding construction details and specifications. The RPAB and Parks Department has approved the use of a Class 1B, 10-foot wide paved shared use trail on the west side of the project. This is what is being proposed for Phase 4. Engineering Department The following comments pertain to review of the submitted materials for the above referenced project: 1. The 100-year floodplain associated with Aajker Creek must be indicated on the site drawings per Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) 38.31.090. As part of the Phase 1 and 2 approval process, a flood study was completed on Aajker Creek. The flood plain for Aajker Creek does not extend into Phase 4. This information is documented in the preliminary plat submittal. 2. A current wetlands delineation must be indicated on the site drawings per BMC 38.30. There are no wetland impacts in Phase 4. Wetlands associated with the lake located in the open space were created through a United States Army Corp of Engineer’s permit and no work is being completed in this area. Refer to section 13 of the preliminary plat submittal. 3. The watercourse setback from Aajker Creek must be placed 50-feet from the edge of the wetlands (BMC 38.23.100.A.2.c.4.b), and the applicant must indicate the corrected setback on the preliminary plat application drawings. Acknowledged. Setbacks are shown on the preliminary plat. 4. The proposed development falls within a known area of high groundwater. No crawl spaces or basements may be constructed such that sump pumps are required to pump water from these spaces. Sump pumps are not allowed to be connected to the sanitary sewer system. Sump pumps are also not allowed to be connected to the drainage system unless capacity is designed into the drainage system to accept the pumped 188 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application water. Water from sump pumps may not be discharged onto streets, such as into the curb and gutters where they may create a safety hazard for pedestrians and vehicles. The applicant agrees and will comply with this condition with a note on the conditions of approval sheet as was the case for phase 3 of the project. 5. The transfer of water rights or the payment of cash-in-lieu of water rights shall be provided in accordance to BMC section 38.23.180. Comment noted. 6. Adequate snow storage areas must be designated outside the sight triangles, but on the subject property (unless a snow storage easement is obtained for a location off the property and filed with the County Clerk and Recorder's office). This is particularly challenging on the Woonerf streets. Since the proposed woonerfs are a new concept in Bozeman, snow storage has been brought up as a concern for all phases of the project. Based on experience gained in the snow plowing season that has occurred in Phases 1 and 2 this past winter, it has been demonstrated that snow plowing and snow storage has been successful with the woonerf street sections. The Phase 4 project has a woonerf and a 10 foot wide snow storage easement, along lot frontages that are on the concrete border side of the woonerf. We have calculated the ratio of available snow storage width (for standard streets and woonerf) and the table below shows that the woonerf section has more snow storage, per width of plowed street than the 35-foot standard local section. If snow on one side of a standard 5 foot wide sidewalk is considered, the woonerf section has an equivalent snow storage, per width of plowed street/sidewalk, as the 31-foot standard local section. To further address this concern regarding snow storage, the developer is retaining rights to utilize the large open space parcel surrounding the lake, for snow storage. This open space parcel will serve as a snow storage area for all phases of the Lakes at Valley West. The details of access for snow storage and specific areas dedicated for this open space parcel, will be worked out with future phases and as the lots along the boundary of this open space are fully defined. Below is a chart that has been prepared showing the snow storage areas in the woonerf area compared to standard street sections. 189 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary Plan Application Street type Full width half width Snow storage width Snow storage width per foot of street Half sidewalk width Half width street plus sidewalk Snow storage width per foot of street and half of sidewalk Woonerf 24 n/a 11 0.46 n/a n/a 0.46 31 foot local 31 15.5 8.5 0.55 2.5 18 0.47 35 foot local 35 17.5 6.5 0.37 2.5 20 0.33 37 foot local 37 18.5 5.5 0.30 2.5 21 0.26 * Note: the 37 foot wide local street was the city standard for many years and is functioning well in numerous areas of the community. 190 Analysis of the Lakes at Valley West Phases 1 & 2 *This Table is prepared at City Staff's request to analyze development of Phases 1 & 2. Phases 1 Lots Lot Square Footage Built Home Square Footage Accessory Dwelling Units Onsite Parking Spaces Undeveloped Lots Lot Coverage Percent 1 5775 2757 Yes 4 32% 2 5250 2120 Not Allowed 4 38% 3 5775 Yes 4 5090 1878 Not Allowed 4 36% 5 6049 1597 Not Allowed 4 35% 6 5842 2631 Not Allowed 4 32% 7 5072 1985 Not Allowed 4 39% 8 5072 2426 Not Allowed 4 36% 9 5072 Not Allowed Yes 10 5870 2342 Not Allowed 4 33% 11 5605 2085 Not Allowed 4 30% 12 5072 1604 Not Allowed 4 41% 13 5072 Yes 14 5072 1604 Not Allowed 4 41% 15 5634 16 6489 Yes 17 6000 2048 Not Allowed 4 41% 18 6000 2380 Not Allowed 4 30% 19 6551 Yes 20 5763 1892 No 4 32% 21 5250 Yes 22 5250 Yes 23 5250 1539 Not Allowed 4 39% 24 5250 Yes 25 6500 Yes Phase 2 1 4320 1263 Not Allowed 4 23% 2 3780 997 Not Allowed 4 22% 3 4050 Not Allowed Yes 4 4050 Not Allowed Yes 5 4050 1647 Not Allowed 4 34% 6 4050 1647 Not Allowed 4 34% 7 4050 1366 Not Allowed 4 47% 8 5240 1366 Not Allowed 4 36% 9 5463 1203 Not Allowed 4 33% 10 3872 1192 Not Allowed 4 46% 11 3951 1985 Not Allowed 4 34% 12 3939 1985 Not Allowed 4 34% 13 3829 1739 Not Allowed 4 33% Information Not Available 191 14 3000 1819 Not Allowed 4 42% 15 3000 1806 Not Allowed 4 42% 16 3440 1617 Not Allowed 4 34% 17 3684 Not Allowed Yes 18 3119 Not Allowed Yes 19 3038 1340 Not Allowed 4 35% 20 2868 1059 Not Allowed 4 31% 21 3513 1776 Not Allowed 4 38% 22 3452 1776 Not Allowed 4 39% 23 3000 1686 Not Allowed 4 45% 24 3000 1686 Not Allowed 4 45% 25 3000 Not Allowed Yes 26 3750 Not Allowed Yes 27 4500 Not Allowed 4 35% 28 4000 Not Allowed 4 39% 29 4000 Not Allowed 4 39% 30 4201 Not Allowed 4 37% 31 4362 Not Allowed 4 36% 32 4364 Not Allowed 4 36% 33 4383 Not Allowed Yes 34 4364 Not Allowed Yes 35 4086 Not Allowed Yes 36 4500 Not Allowed Yes 192 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 2: List of Preliminary PUD Relaxations The same relaxations to strict adherence to the underlying R-1 zoning and UDC Development Standards that were approved for the 65-acre Lakes at Valley West PUD, and specifically Phases 1 and 2, are being requested to be applied to Phase 4. The detail associated with the justification for the 15 relaxations was provided for in the Phases 1 and 2 application and are applicable to Phase 4 and future phases of The Lakes (all of the application forms referenced the entire 65-acre PUD), and the covenants specifically allow for annexation of subsequent phases into the authority of the covenants and Design Manual. The relaxed standards as stipulated in the Design Manual (see Section D. 17) are working very successfully for The Lakes at Valley West Phases 1 and 2. After over one year’s construction experience the reduced size lots and modified accesses via the woonerfs are both working well. Since the previously granted relaxations were approved for the entire Lakes project area (all of the application forms referenced the entire 65-acre PUD), and the covenants specifically allow for annexation of subsequent phases into the authority of the covenants and Design Manual, the relaxation justification language presented here will be limited to a table. Summary List of Relaxations* 193 Relaxation # Code Section Summary of Section #1 38.08.010.A.2 Intent of R-1 District #2 38.08.020 Authorized Uses in R-1 #3 38.08.030.A.2 Lot Coverage and Floor Area #4 38.08.040.A Minimum Lot Area #5 38.08.040.B Minimum Lot Width #6 38.08.050.A Yards #7 38.08.060 Building Height #8 38.22.030 R-1 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) #9 38.23.040.B Block Length #10 38.23.040.C Block Width #11 38.23.040.D.3 Pedestrian Walk Surface #12 38.23.040.E Block Numbering #13 38.24.060.A Design Standards (length of tangent at intersection) #14 38.24.060.B Alternate Alley Section to Allow Woonerf #15 38.23.100.A.2 Reduction to minimum wetland setback *Table Notes: Note that relaxations are not requested from Sections 38.23.030.D “Corner Lots” and 38.24.010.A.9 “Cul-de-sac” because these sections of the code have built-in flexibility under certain conditions with an approved development plan. As a point of clarification, since woonerfs are alleys, not streets, any residential garage in the Lakes PUD facing a woonerf will not have to comply with the design criteria in 38.080.070. Specifics of the lot relaxations are included in the design guidelines. 194 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary PUD Application D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 3: Owner, Applicant and Project Team Contact Information 195 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 4 Preliminary PUD Application APPLICANTS and DESIGN TEAM OWNER: The Lakes at Valley West, Bozeman, Two, LLC Greg Stratton 2880 Technology Blvd. W. Bozeman, MT 59718 406-599-5603 APPLICANT: Kilday and Stratton, Inc. Greg Stratton 2880 Technology Blvd. W. Bozeman, MT 59718 406-599-5603 ARCHITECTURE & LAND PLANNING: Intrinsik Architecture, Inc. Rob Pertzborn 111 N Tracy Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 406-582-8988 CIVIL ENGINEER: Morrison - Maierle Inc. James Nickelson 2880 Technology Blvd. W. Bozeman, MT 59718 406-587-0721 WETLANDS: Vaughn Environmental Services Barbara Vaughn 8353 Saddle Mountain Rd. Bozeman, MT 59715 406-586-6909 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: Peaks to Plains Design Jolene Rieck 404 N 31st St., STE 405 Billings, MT 59101 406-294.9499 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER: Castlerock Geotechnical Andy Pilskalns 1114 E Babcock St. Bozeman, MT 59715 406-586-9533 196 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 4: Title Report (Platting Certificate) 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 Legal Description Phase 4 of The Lakes at Valley West, being a portion of Lot R2A of The Lakes at Valley West – Phase 3, Plat J-XXX; situated in the NE¼NW¼ of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Corner to Sections 4, 5, 8, and 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, as described on Certified Corner Recordation, Book 4, Page 931, Document No. 2566976, filed at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office; thence N.88° 04' 19"E., 1337.30 feet to the West One-sixteenth Corner between Section 4 and Section 9; thence S.00° 59' 02"W., 659.06 feet along the east boundary of the NW¼NW¼ of Section 9, the Point of Beginning; thence along the south boundary of Phase 3 of The Lakes at Valley West S.89° 00' 58"E., 82.84 feet; thence continuing along said boundary N.84°34'24”E., 57.69 feet; thence N.75°16'23”E., 33.24 feet; thence N.63°07'43”E., 86.94 feet; thence N.56°35'13”E., 64.64 feet; thence N.53°42'03”E., 60.00 feet; thence N.50°56'59”E., 90.09 feet to an angle point on the south boundary of Phase 3 of The Lakes at Valley West; thence continuing along said boundary S.36°32'03”E., 62.13 feet to a point of curvature; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 280.00 feet, a central angle of 24°45'39" for an arc length of 121.00 feet to an angle point on the south boundary of Phase 3 of The Lakes at Valley West; thence N.88°04'19”E., 783.80 feet to the southeast corner of Phase 2 of The Lakes at Valley West a common point on the west right-of-way of North Laurel Parkway; thence S.0°58'16”W., 364.67 feet to a point on the west right-of-way of North Laurel Parkway; thence S.88° 28' 17"W., 776.71 feet; thence N.89°00’58”W., 90.00 feet to a point; thence S.0°59’02”W., 2.42 feet to a point; thence N.89°00’58”W., 250.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 90°00'00" for an arc length of 31.42 feet to a point; thence N.89°00’58”W., 32.00 feet to a point; thence N.0°59’02”E., 22.42 feet to a point; thence N.89°00’58”W., 122.84 feet to a point on the east boundary of the NW¼NW¼ of Section 9; thence N.0°59’02”E., 330.00 feet along the east boundary of the NW¼NW¼ of Section 9 to the Point of Beginning. The Area of the above described tracts of land is 486,745 Square Feet, or 11.174 Acres, more or less. 204 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 5: Site Condition maps, land uses within ½ mile of project site, Land Use Designation Map, Zoning Map, Aerial Map 205 206 207 208 Zoning Map (Credit: City Of Bozeman GIS Dept.) 209 210 211 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 6: Overall Land Use Ratio 6.a. There are no existing buildings or structures in Phase 4. 6.b. There are no buildings or structures proposed in Phase 4 (just lots). 6.c. The driveways and parking areas will be built by the future owners/builders. 6.d. Streets and alley rights-of-way: streets = .63-acres, woonerfs = 0.43-acres, total of 1.064- acres or a total of 9.5% of the project area. 6.e. Private open spaces for residential uses, 7.407-acres gross, or 66% of Phase 4. 6.f. Landscaped area 7.47 -acres of open space (less access, parking and utility easements – none for this phase). 6.g. City parkland, 0-acres this phase. The chart below provides an approximation of the land uses for the entire 65-acre Lakes PUD. The following chart summarizes proposed lots and land uses for The Lakes at Valley West, Phase 4. Lots Acreage Percentage Open Space (Public Access Easement) 4 7.407 acres 66% Dedicated Parkland 0 0 acres 0% Residential Lots, Single Household 23 2.473 acres 22% Residential Lots, Multi Household 2 0.230 acres 2% Residential Lots, Townhome 0 0 acres 0% Streets, Alleys and Woonerfs NA 1.064 acres 10% TOTAL 25 residential lots + 4 parks/open space 11.174 acres 100% 212 D. Preliminary PUD Required Materials SECTION 7: Overall Project Floor Area and Net Residential Density There are no buildings proposed with this phase therefore the floor area ratio is in inapplicable. The net residential density is 9.99 residential units per acre (27 du’s / 2.703 acres = 9.99 ). This is accomplished with a density bonus of 13%. Based on the net residential lot area of 2.703 acres, 24 lots would be permitted by right (2.703 acres x 43,560 sf/ acre /5,000 square foot per lot = 23.55 lots). In addition to the 25 single family lots, two accessory dwelling units are proposed, for a total of 27 dwelling units, this represents a density bonus of 13% (27/25 = 1.13). 213 D. Preliminary PUD Required Materials SECTION 8: Development Schedule At this time no off-site infrastructure is required of Phase 4, therefore infrastructure necessary for platting is limited to on-site construction. Construction of the Phase 4 infrastructure is anticipated to begin in 2017 and completed in 2017. 214 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 9: Phasing Plan The enclosed Phasing Exhibit shows proposed phasing. In general, each phase will provide the appropriate amounts of open space, rights-of-way, pedestrian circulation solutions and lot areas. Each of these will connect as is appropriate with existing and future phases. No conflicts are anticipated between phase boundaries and/or site safety and function. 215 216 D. Preliminary Plan Required Materials SECTION 10: Phasing Table The following table describes the anticipated future buildout schedule for the Lakes at Valley West. The table is subject to change based on market conditions. PHASING TABLE Respective Phase Phasing Schedule Number of Units Total Area in Acres and Square Feet Lot Area in Acres and Square Feet Street Area ROW Common Open Space** Phase 4 2017 27 11.74 acres (511,394 ft.) 2.73 acres (118,918ft) 1.064 acres (46,331 ft.) 7.407 acres (322,649 ft.) Phase 5* 2018* 67* 9.85* acres (429,066 ft.) 5.9 acres* (257,004 ft.) TBD TBD Phase 6* 2019* 25* 10.38 acres* (452,153 ft.) 2.2 acres* (95,832 ft.) TBD TBD * Calculations are estimated ** See Parkland Exhibit in Section D.14 217 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 11: Table of Proposed Buildings and Building Information There are no existing or proposed buildings in Phase 4 therefore this is inapplicable at this time. 218 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 12: Colored Aerial Vicinity Map See maps in Section D.1. 219 HERSTAL WAY WESTGATE AVENUEOSTEND LANE WESTMOR LAND DR I V E CENTRAL GREEN GREEN TRAIL CORRIDOR sheet © 2017 INTRINSIK111 N. Tracy Ave. Bozeman, Montana 59715The Lakes atValley WestBozeman, MT59718Valley WestConceptual LayoutPhase 4VWWaddressproject code Fax: 406.582.8911Ph: 406.582.898803.27.2017A R C H I T E C T U R EI N C O R P O R A T E D1A1.1N220 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 14: Statement of Objectives and Conformance to City Policy and Plans a. Specific Land Use Goals Furthered by this PUD The following central themes of the Bozeman Community Plan are reinforced by this PUD plan: Neighborhoods—The idea of creating smaller distinct and connected neighborhoods within our City is key to preventing anonymous undesired subdivisions. The Valley West neighborhood has the strongest presence and identify in the northwest part of town. The Lakes at Valley West will continue to add to this tradition. Sense of Place—“Incorporating community and architectural design features which provide organization and landmarks… in new development will help to anchor and extend this sense of place as Bozeman grows.” (Page 3-3 of the Community Plan). Valley West already has a distinct identity. This is established by the neighborhood layout, the Architectural Design Regulations and park and open space improvements such as distinct bridges, pavilions, benches, bollards and even trash containers. The Lakes at Valley West will continue the level of quality while also have its own defining features in the parks, pocket neighborhoods, and enhanced alleys with specific paving patterns and unique pedestrian light fixtures. Natural Amenities—The Lakes at Valley West includes many high quality natural amenities. Surface water resources include Baxter Creek, located along the northeast property boundary, the two lakes, and a large palustrine wetland complex located southeast of the east lake. Aajker Creek is located outside the west property boundary although the 50-foot watercourse setback extends across the west boundary slightly into the Lakes parcel. Residents and visitors can experience these resources through an extensive connected trail system. “Ensuring that development is responsive to the natural amenities will help to keep Bozeman beautiful and vibrant” (Page 3-3 of the Community Plan). Centers—The Lakes at Valley West has several focal points at different and appropriate scales: At the smallest scale, the pocket neighborhoods have shared landscaping greens. Because the lots are smaller than typical, this open space will serve as a shared community space for gathering, relaxing and recreating. The Lakes neighborhood as a whole also includes a larger central neighborhood center in the public park southeast of the intersection of Westmorland Drive and Laurel Parkway. This area will function as a neighborhood park, to serve all the phases, with the intent as described in the Bozeman PROST plan. The focus for the improvements will be informal recreation for all age groups, with special emphasis on those citizens living in a ½ miles radius. The area will take advantage of the existing water bodies and proximity to the natural area 221 already established to the east. The park will consist of neighborhood gathering spaces, shelters, a playground, Class IIA trails and fishing access points. Part of the area will receive full irrigation from groundwater wells, and the lands closest to the water’s edges will remain in a more native vegetative state, consistent with the requirements of the wetland mitigation requirements within the PUD. The trails will link with the existing Class IIA trails to the east, providing connectivity throughout the Valley West PUD and beyond. West of this developed park center future phases of the Lakes will create additional, complimentary open spaces. Please refer to the Parks Plan included with this submittal for more detail and the neighborhood park center sketch below. It illustrates the park described above. Neighborhood Center Park At the largest scale, the Valley West PUD has a commercial node located at the intersection of Babcock and Cottonwood Road. This node has not yet been developed but is intended to provide neighborhood commercial services to this portion of town. As the Community Plan states: “It simply requires a longer time horizon for some planning ideas, such as more center- based commercial development, to be realized.” Integration of Action—The developers have and would like to continue to partner with the City as much as possible to ensure “keeping both hands working to the same purpose” (Page iii of the Community Plan). Urban Density – The overall net density of The Lakes at Valley West is anticipated to be 12 units per acre while the gross density is 6 units per acre. “Quality site and architectural design will materially affect the success and acceptability of urban density and scale of development” (Page 3-5 of the Community Plan). The idea of the pocket neighborhoods supports the notion that great things can come in small packages. Smaller lots and corresponding smaller homes is a national movement in planning and architecture. 222 Sustainability – Meeting the needs of the present population without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs should be a goal for any project in our community. The pocket neighborhoods at The Lakes at Valley West will serve as a model for compact density within an area designated for urban growth by the Community Plan. While sustainability is interwoven throughout the design of the Lakes at Valley West, the project’s location, providing housing choices, permanent protection of natural resources, lower-use water landscaping and providing a diversity of recreational facilities, activities and parks are all highlights of the project. Also, note the green building practices that are encouraged by the Design Manual. Sustainability is addressed in more detail in this application. D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials Section 14 b: Parks and Open Space Ownership Statement Phases 1 and 2 of the Lakes added approximately 4.9 acres of dedicated parkland to the Bronken Park/Baxter Creek Natural Area. This created a surplus, from the lakes project alone, of 2.94-acres. No new dedicated parkland was required for Phase 3 or Phase 4. The open spaces created by Phase 4 will be owned and maintained by the Home Owners, but will allow public access through the use of an easement. There has always been an excess of parkland in Valley West as a whole. Now, because the planned neighborhood just west of Cottonwood Road (which was originally approved for up to 156 units) is a school and a church, there is even more excess parkland than originally contemplated. All park requirements for this subdivision are met by existing parkland. The west lake in the Lakes PUD is proposed as open space with a public access easement. PUD points will continue to be met with open space. In addition to community open space and parks, each pocket neighborhood has a shared yard / garden area connected by pedestrian paths to the shared woonerfs. The Lakes at Valley West continues the award-winning tradition of parks and open space present throughout the rest of Valley West Subdivision. The open space along Durston Road provides a neighborhood buffer that reinforces a tree-lined edge from an urban arterial road. This edge feeds into the entry to The Lakes funneling down Laurel Parkway, setting the stage for a 223 green belt transportation corridor. Special attention is paid to the Parkway median regarding scale and repetition without compromising safety and efficiency. The east lake, which will become dedicated park as the PUD phases progress, is bordered by the Baxter Creek Natural Area on the east. Significant wetland mitigation activities have occurred in the natural area and along the wet perimeter of the lakes. The north-south trail corridor on the west side of Baxter Creek will facilitate connectivity to and from all directions, maximizing the potential use of the Natural Area without compromising environmental commitments. The northwest corner of the east lake will encompass active use park area. Neighborhood gatherings are accommodated through two picnic shelters and associated improvements. A large playground will accommodate a wide variety of play activities along with a swing set, a feature missing in the greater Valley West park system. A combination of flat, open spaces for informal activities and large berms provide for free and imaginative play. This neighborhood gathering area will be irrigated to support such active and intense uses. Accessible trails will connect the active use areas to the natural, reclaimed wetland edge of the lake for fishing access. The west lake is surrounded by ample open space. Irrigated open spaces for informal activities takes advantage of flat topography on the north edge of the lake. This area creates a buffer between private properties and the natural wetland fringe of the lake. This line is marked with the accessible trail that separates irrigated from natural grasses. By limiting the irrigated area, principles of water conservation contribute to the overall sustainability of the development. The remaining lake perimeter is restored to drought-tolerant upland grasses, creating greater habitat diversity. Greater habitat diversity attracts a variety of wildlife and avian species, thus creating opportunities for nature-related recreation. Together, the parks, trails and open space amenities encompass a wide variety of recreational opportunities appealing to many different age groups. The public lands within The Lakes at Valley West appeal to many interests, and are accessible by vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian means. This accentuates the high quality of life attributes affiliated with the Bozeman area and the overall development consistent with the expectations found at Valley West. Please refer to the Open Space landscaping plan at the end of this submittal and the plat itself for more detailed information regarding the open spaces. Maintenance provisions are addressed above, in the covenants and the subdivision portion of the application. The residential lots will be sold to a combination of builders and private entities. 224 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 14 c: Employee Statistics No commercial development is proposed for any of the Lakes at Valley West phases therefore no employees are anticipated. Note that a commercial node exists in the earlier phases of Valley West at the intersection of Cottonwood Road and Babcock Street. The Lakes at Valley West Existing Commercial Node Growth Policy Land Use Designation 225 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 14 d: Rationale Statement The PUD Modifications represented by the Lakes PUD phases is the next step in the completion the Valley West PUD area by creating smaller residential pocket neighborhoods that are all connected by parks, open spaces, trails, streets and enhanced alleys. There are several important known factors that influence and dimensionally challenge the overall site and design including the existing lakes, Baxter Creek Natural Area to the east, the existing location of North Laurel Parkway, the north and south connections required for Westgate Avenue, required access separation on Durston Road, the watercourse setback on Baxter Creek and a section of the watercourse setback along Aajker Creek. The Neighborhood Connectivity Exhibit on the following page demonstrates how the Lakes project area connects to and fits within the overall Valley West PUD neighborhood. It also shows the design influence factors described above. 226 Neighborhood Connectivity Map Meadow Lark Elementary School 1 EXISTING LAKES Neighborhood Center Bronken Fields Petra Academy Bronze Leaf Condos Heritage Christian School Norton Future Phases Future Park Springhill Presbyterian Church Meyers Park Norton Phase 3 Norton Phase 1 Billion West Edge Connections of Westgate Ave & Laurel Parkway Required Access Separation on Durston Road Baxter Creek Natural Area Watercourse Setbacks on Aaijker and Baxter Creek Existing Commercial Node Conservation Easements Aaijker Creek Future Linear Park 227 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials SECTION 16 e: PUD Design Objectives and Criteria A number of PUD relaxations were approved for the overall project area and several new ones are requested for Phase 4. When relaxations are requested, the application must include evidence of successful completion of the objectives and criteria from Section 38.20.090 (PUD Design Objectives and Criteria). The following is the response to those criteria. All Development (1) Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, trails/walks/bike ways, sanitary supply, irrigation companies, fire protection, electricity, flood hazard areas, natural gas, telephone, storm drainage, cable television, and streets? Yes. The proposed development complies with all city design standards except where specific PUD relaxations are requested and as shown in the Design Manual. (2) Does the project preserve or replace existing natural vegetation? Yes. The project will preserve existing natural vegetation along the Baxter and Ajjaker Creek corridors and will add significant additional landscaping in areas that are currently devoid of vegetation. Please refer to the Parks and Open Space Plan as well as the Design Manual. (3) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive planned unit development? Yes. The site and lot layout was carefully planned to maximize resident amenities, housing choices, overall site efficiency and circulation (pedestrian and vehicular). (4) Does the design and arrangement of elements of the site plan (e.g., building construction, orientation, and placement; transportation networks; selection and placement of landscape materials; and/or use of renewable energy sources; etc.) contribute to the overall reduction of energy use by the project? 228 Yes. Homes are encouraged to be Energy Star Certified New Homes. All freestanding site lighting will be LED. In terms of landscaping, water conservation measures including drought tolerant species and seed mix are used where possible. Note that four separate seed mixes encompass the park and open space areas throughout the development. The seed mixes correspond with activity use levels appropriate to different types of ecosystems provided throughout the development. (5) Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to maximize the privacy by the residents of the project? Yes. Because many of the lots are relatively small, the transitions from public spaces such as parks to private yards to outdoor rooms to buildings are key to the overall success of the project. The landscaping of the public spaces and as well the landscaping and design requirements (including outdoor rooms) of individual lots and buildings all support this transition by creating layers. (6) Park land. Does the design and arrangement of buildings and open space areas contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the site configuration, and has the area of park land or open space been provided for each proposed dwelling as required by section 38.27.020? Yes. As previously noted, there is an excess of both parkland and open space in the Valley West PUD, therefore no additional parkland is needed for Phase 4. (7) Performance. All PUDs shall earn at least 20 performance points. Nonresidential developments within the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street corridor shall earn 30 points. Points may be earned in any combination of the following. The applicant shall select the combination of methods but the city may require documentation of performance, modifications to the configuration of open space, or other assurances that the options selected shall perform adequately. Yes. This PUD proposes to use (b) “Additional Open Space” to meet the required points. Please refer to the following Parkland Exhibit which summarizes how parkland dedication and open space meet the PUD required points. Phase 4 has a net, publically accessible open space of 66%. This amount of open space earns adequate performance points (66 x 1.25 for public access = 82.5). 229 Residential Development (1) On a net acreage basis, is the average residential density in the project (calculated for residential portion of the site only) consistent with the development densities set forth in the land use guidelines of the city growth policy? Yes. The gross density is 5 units per acre while the estimated average net residential density is 12 units per acre for the entire Lakes PUD calculated as follows: D = du / A - (c + i + s + a + d) 12 units per acre net = (300 estimated units) / 65 acres - (0 + 0 + 0 + 13.6 + 27.2) or 300 du / 24.2 net acres = 12.39 For Phase 4 the calculated density is approximately 9.99 units per net acre, calculated as follows: 27 units / [21.059 ac– (0 + 0 + 0 + 1.064 + 7.407ac) = 9.99 units per ac. D = Du / [ A – ( c + i + s + a + d ) ] D = Residential density du = Total number of dwelling units in project A = Total site area (acres) c = Total commercial land area (acres) i = Total industrial land area (acres) s = Reserved but undedicated school or park sites (acres) a = Street, public or private, rights-of-way and transportation easements (acres) d = Dedicated park lands, conservation easements, or common open spaces (acres) (2) Does the project provide for private outdoor areas (e.g., private yards, patios and balconies, etc.) for use by the residents and employees of the project which are sufficient in size and have adequate light, sun, ventilation, privacy and convenient access to the household or commercial units they are intended to serve? Yes. Each lot has access to private outdoor areas. On the smaller lots, outdoor rooms are required to activate the open spaces and provide a transition from the public to private spaces. (3) Does the project provide for outdoor areas for use by persons living and working in the development for active or passive recreational activities? Yes. As previously noted, this project has an extensive series of quality interconnected parks and open spaces. Since there are no commercial components to this phase, no provision need be made for people working there. 230 (4) If the project is proposing a residential density bonus as described below, does it include a variety of housing types and styles designed to address community wide issues of affordability and diversity of housing stock? Yes. A density bonus of 13% is proposed for Phase 4. It provides an array of compact lot sizes and shapes to accommodate a variety of housing types. (Density bonus calculation = 2.703 (lot area) X 43560 (size of an acre)/ 5000 (code requirement) =23.55 rounds to 24 lots allowed by right, so our density bonus is 13% (27/24 = 1.13) (5) Is the overall project designed to enhance the natural environment, conserve energy and to provide efficient public services and facilities? Yes. The project was designed to celebrate the wetlands and lakes, conserve energy where possible and provide the most efficient infrastructure layout. (6) Residential density bonus. If the project is proposing a residential density bonus (30 percent maximum) above the residential density of the zoning district within which the project is located and which is set forth in article 8 of this chapter, does the proposed project exceed the established regulatory design standards (such as for setbacks, off-street parking, open space, etc.) and ensure compatibility with adjacent neighborhood development? Yes. The project provides more open space and parkland than required and provides a significant level of design control and coordination to assure compatibility within and outside of the neighborhood. (7) Limited commercial. If limited commercial development, as defined above, is proposed within the project, is less than 20 percent of the gross area of the PUD designated to be used for offices or neighborhood service activities not ordinarily allowed in the particular residential zoning district? Not applicable—no commercial uses are proposed in this phase of the Lakes at Valley West. (8) Does the overall PUD recognize and, to the maximum extent possible, preserve and promote the unique character of neighborhoods in the surrounding area? Yes. As previously noted, the Lakes at Valley West will have its own unique character but will continue to coordinate and connect with the overall high quality level established with the first phases of Valley West. 231 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials Section 14 f: Land Use Conflict Mitigation No land use conflicts are anticipated. Each Phase will provide a set of compact residential lots within neighborhoods that will have adequate parking, open spaces, parkland, utility services and circulation facilities (vehicular and pedestrian). The west and east sides of the Lakes PUD provides buffers to the adjacent waterways (Baxter and Aajker Creeks). D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials Section 14 g: Design Methods to Reduce Energy Consumption Sustainability and reduction of energy consumption is an integral part of the design process. Specific ways that this PUD adheres to this are: Location—Valley West is annexed property within the Community Planning Boundary with access to municipal services. The proposed design will appropriately connect to existing and future neighborhoods. The area proposed for development falls outside critical lands that have continued to be enhanced and monitored over the years. There is a Neighborhood Commercial node at the corner of Cottonwood and Babcock that is within walking distance to the Lakes project. This area is connected to the Lakes project by future and existing trails. There are also several public and private neighborhood schools within walking distance, also connected by trails and sidewalks. Neighborhood Patterns and Design– The proposed density of approximately 12 units per acre (net) will result in compact development with walkable tree-lined streets and exceptional open spaces and parks that are all connected with sidewalks and trails. Access to recreational facilities is unmatched. The Design Manual for the Lakes pocket neighborhoods will ensure a high level of architecture. Green Infrastructure and Buildings— LED streetlights and light pollution reduction has been incorporated into the project. Green building elements will be strongly encouraged including voluntary compliance with the Energy Star Certified New Homes program. Overall, smaller lots with smaller homes is a sustainable example of how to achieve elegant density. Water Conservation Measures—Drought tolerant species are specified where appropriate. Multiple seed mixes are required for the park and open space areas throughout the development. The seed mixes correspond with activity use levels 232 appropriate for the different types of ecosystems provided throughout the development. Active park lands are a combination of Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass and Creeping Red Fescue. This irrigated mix utilizes approximately 25 percent less water than a traditional bluegrass blend, but the species respond well to heavy pedestrian traffic and provides the average citizen with a typical expectation of a traditional park area. Within the individual lots, xeriscape plantings and use of native vegetation species are encouraged by the Design Manual. The open spaces and boulevards consist of three types of fescue along with a Canada Bluegrass blend. While these areas will be irrigated as well, the fescues provide about a 50 percent reduction of water requirements, creating a quality greenbelt. These areas will not receive as much pedestrian traffic, therefore, the fescues can be mowed less often but still convey a green space look. The upland open space and park lands consist of a four-blend wheatgrass mix, along with brome and other species. This seed mix allows for a 100 percent reduction in water consumption, as it does not require irrigation. This seed mix is in locations where minimal foot traffic is expected. In most cases, these areas will not be mowed, although an annual mowing may be performed for species diversity. The detention ponds will receive a seed mix that survives with a periodic inundation of water and drought. Consisting of wheatgrass, hairgrass, mannagrass and bluegrass species, this seed mix will provide for herbaceous ground cover through multiple water events. This seed mix also has a 100 percent reduction in water consumption, as it does not require irrigation. The Phase 4 open space areas, including the underground storm water detention facility along Durston Road, are slated for seeding with the “Type 2” seed mix, which is a predominantly drought resistant fescue mix. 233 MEYERS PARK BRONKEN PARK BAXTER NATURAL AREA PARK PARKLAND OPEN SPACE PARKLAND EXHIBIT Dedicated Park with Phase 1 = 4.9 acres (2 acres required; 234 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials Section 15: Information not provided by subdivision application The Lakes project site is not a brownfield site therefore no environmental assessment information is needed or available. A weed MOU was submitted with the subdivision. 235 236 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials Section 16: Site Access and Utilities Narration Site Access Description The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision will be served by a number of street sections; including minor arterial, collector, local and woonerf sections. The dedicated rights-of-way for each of these sections vary based on city requirements. The streets that will serve Phase 4: are (Herstal, Ostend, and Westgate). A Road Section Index (Figure 1) has been created that illustrates where each section is located. There are street cross section exhibits as well for each of the roadways (Figures 2 – 3). Roadway intersections within The Lakes will match the design of existing intersections within all of the Valley West Subdivision. Curb bulbs will be continued in order to reduce traffic speeds and allow for safer pedestrian crossings. Curb bulbs will also be used at mid-block/trail corridor crossings. Parking will not be allowed where curb bulbs are located. Individual lots in general will not access directly to the arterial streets or collector streets. “No access” strips will be placed on lots fronting Durston Road. Access to these fronting lots will be provided off of either a local street or woonerf. All streets will be paved to provide long-term dust control. Dust created during construction will be controlled in accordance with the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications. The applicant will pay for construction of all streets and woonerfs within the subdivision. Surface runoff will be treated by on-site detention/retention facilities. Erosion control plans will be prepared with the construction documents. All erosion control plans will be in accordance with state and local regulations. A permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity will be required by MDEQ for all phases of the project. Construction sediment will be controlled in accordance with the standard practices described in the Montana Sediment and Erosion Control Handbook. Maintenance for all public streets will be by the City of Bozeman. Maintenance in paved woonerfs will be the responsibility of the homeowner’s association for items such as snow removal, cleaning, and weed control. Major maintenance items such as asphalt repairs will need to be addressed by the homeowner’s association, when they are needed. A comparison between a woonerf section and a standard local street section is provided to illustrate the similarities in both sections. See Figure 5 [and four (4) color graphics immediately following Figure 5]. This comparison illustrates that the woonerf has essentially the same width 237 as a local street section. In response to concerns surrounding emergency access to properties in the original subdivision/PUD submittal, a fire truck turning template was prepared for several locations, including Phase 4. All modeling was done utilizing an AASHTO S-BUS40 which, according to the Bozeman Fire Department, is a comparable vehicle to mimic the department’s fleet of fire trucks. See the modeling exhibits labeled Fire1. Additional Site Access Information Traffic Impact Study. One was completed for the entire subdivision and submitted with the Phase 1 and 2 Preliminary Plat application. It addressed traffic generation for the entire Lakes PUD and is being resubmitted with the Phase 4 Preliminary Plat. Offsite Roadways. Modifications to Durston Road were made to accommodate traffic from Phases 1 and 2, and all Lakes future phases. The south half of Durston was built to match the already constructed north half in terms of geometry, lane widths, etc. The Durston Road dedication on the south side will be 50 feet as opposed to the 45 feet dedicated on the north side. Access Separation Relaxation. As noted in the Relaxation Requests, an engineering access relaxation (regarding distance between intersections) from Table 38.24.090-3 was requested and granted with Phases 1 and 2. Durston Road will have approximately 628 feet between Laurel Parkway and Westmorland Drive (to back of curb) which is slightly less than the minimum of 660 feet. While not specifically required for Phase 4, the effected roads will serve Phase 4 therefore it is appropriate to make sure the relaxation still pertains to this and future Lakes phases. Roundabouts and Traffic Circles. As part of the layout and design of the Lakes at Valley West, roundabouts and/or traffic circles were considered as alternatives to more traditional intersections, both on and off-site. As a consequence of design discussions, it was deemed more practical to utilize traditional intersection designs for all intersections with Durston Road and all the internal intersections in Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4. Right of Way Widths. Based on street function, a variety of right-of-way widths are proposed: an additional 50-feet on the south side of Durston Road has been dedicated, the right-of-way for North Laurel Parkway is 90-feet, the right-of-way for Westmoreland is 60-feet and the woonerf rights-of way are 32-feet wide. See the previously noted street plans for typical rights-of-way widths in Phase 4. Curb and Gutters. These are provided with all street sections as shown on the previously noted street plans and sections. Pedestrian Facilities. An extensive network of pedestrian facilities, which will connect to existing facilities, will be provided with the development of this neighborhood as is shown on the Open Space and street plans. Trails are provided in the open spaces and sidewalks along the streets. 238 Bikeway Systems. Bicyclists will also have a variety of options for both traveling and recreating. In addition to the extensive trails, a 5-foot bike lane has been provided as part of the North Laurel Parkway road section. A 10-foot asphalt paved trail connecting Durston with future developments to the south is proposed along the Aajker, west side, stream corridor. A bike race in Valley West Example of a wooner 239 Site Utilities All utilities: sewer, water, natural gas and electrical power main lines will be placed underground in appropriately located easements and paid for by the Applicant. Service extensions to the residences will be the responsibility of the future residents. Communication facilities and lines will also be placed underground. As noted, storm drainage will be collected and treated on site. The majority of on-site storm water will be discharged to the groundwater via an underground detention chamber located in the front yard setback along Durston Road. Parking On-street parking will be available along the standard streets in the typical locations and in select locations along the woonerfs. Off street parking will be provided by the future lot owners. Snow Removal A snow removal exhibit has been created to illustrate primary locations for snow storage. See the exhibit number 4. 240 ROADWAY SECTIONSROAD NAMESECTION TYPEFIGURELOCAL STREETSLOCAL2RESIDENTIAL POCKETNEIGHBORHOODSWOONERF3PEDESTRIANSIDEWALK-PEDESTRIANTRAIL-2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702ROAD SECTION INDEXTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERN:\5352\008\ACAD\EXHIBITS\ROAD SECTION OVERVIEW-PH-4.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Mar/20/2017©COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. REVIEW5352.008XFIG.1BOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/2017QCBYQCDATEengineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle030306015HORIZ. SCALEIN FEETWESTGATE AVENUEEXISTING PHASE 3FUTURE PHASE 5PROPOSED PHASE 4HERSTAL WAYOSTEND LANE241 60.00'R.O.W.CENTER OF R.O.W.13.50'ASPHALTW/PARKING13.50'ASPHALTW/PARKING8.50'BLVD*8.50'BLVD*2.00'C&G5.00'SDWK*2.00'C&G5.00'SDWK*11.00'ASPHALT& CURB11.00'ASPHALT& CURB13.00'BLVD5.00'SDWK5.00'GRASS13.00'BLVDAT TYPICAL CURB BULB LOCATIONSLOCAL STREET SECTION3%3%7.00'PARKINGLANE8.00'DRIVELANE8.00'DRIVELANE7.00'PARKINGLANE2%2%2%2%0.50'CURB0.50'CURB* ALL SIDEWALK ALONG PARKS IS TO BE 6' WIDE, REDUCING THE BLVD TO 7.5' WIDE.2880 Technology Blvd- WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702REVISIONSSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERVERIFY SCALE!THESE PRINTS MAY BEREDUCED. LINE BELOWMEASURES ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING. MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY!DATEDESCRIPTIONNO.BYN:\5352\007\ACAD\EXHIBITS\ROAD SECTIONS\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Jul/07/2016ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2016APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007XFIG.2BOZEMANMONTANAKDJKDJJRN06/2016TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONSLOCAL STREET SECTIONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST242 32.00'R.O.W.CENTER OF ROAD17.00'ASPHALT2.00'WOONERF SECTION1.00'1.00'2%5.00'CONCRETEBORDER6.00'PARKING/ PLANTER BOXESCONCRETEBORDER/ PARKING2%2%2%2880 Technology Blvd- WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702REVISIONSSHEET NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERDRAWING NUMBERVERIFY SCALE!THESE PRINTS MAY BEREDUCED. LINE BELOWMEASURES ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING. MODIFY SCALE ACCORDINGLY!DATEDESCRIPTIONNO.BYN:\5352\007\ACAD\EXHIBITS\ROAD SECTIONS\TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS.DWG PLOTTED BY:COOPER KRAUSE ON Jun/24/2016ˆCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2016APPR. BY:DATE:DATE:BY:DSGN. BY:Q.C. engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007XFIG.3BOZEMANMONTANAKDJKDJJRN06/2016TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONSWOONERF SECTIONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST243 10FTSNOW STORAGEEASEMENT IF NECESSARY32FTR.O.W.22FTDRIVING SURFACEWITH PEDESTRIAN PRECEDENCE6FTPARKING/PLANTER BOXES2FTCONCRETEBORDER/ PARKINGFIGURE NUMBER©PROJECT NO.DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Snow Removal- Phase.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/22/2017engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.67025352.008FIG. 4THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4BOZEMANMONTANASNOW REMOVAL: PHASE 4CPKCPKJRN03/2017LEGEND:PROPOSED SNOW REMOVAL STORAGE AREAFOR SINGLE AND MULTI-EVENT STORMSNOTE: BOULEVARDS WILL BE UTILIZED FOR SNOW STORAGEAREAS ON LOCAL, COLLECTOR AND ARTERIAL STREETS.10' PUBLIC UTILITY AND STREETMAINTENANCE/ SNOW REMOVAL EASEMENTMULTI-EVENT STORAGEEND AREA = 46FT²SINGLE-EVENT STORAGEEND AREA = 18FT²HERSTAL WAYOSTEND LANE244 60.00'R.O.W.32.00'R.O.W.22.00'DRIVING SURFACEWITH PEDESTRIAN PRECEDENCE6.00'PARKING/ PLANTER BOXES16.00'DRIVING SURFACEFord7.00'PARKING7.00'PARKING2.00'CONCRETE BORDER/ PARKINGROAD SECTION COMPARISONTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTFIGURE NUMBERˆPROJECT NO.DRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,20162880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Road Sections\Woonerf vs Local.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jun/24/2016engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007FIG. 5BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJJRN06/2016245 246 247 FIGURE NUMBER ˆ PROJECT NO.DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE: COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Fire Truck Turning Movements-Ph-4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/20/2017 engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd West Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721 Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.008 FIRE 1 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4 BOZEMAN MONTANA FIRE TRUCK TURNING RADII EXHIBIT CPK CPK JRN 03/2017WESTGATE AVENUEHERSTAL WAYOSTEND LANE 248 D. Preliminary PUD Plan Required Materials Section 17: Development and Design Guidelines Attached are the following documents: 1. Recorded “Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for The Lakes at Valley West.” 2. Recorded “Affidavit of Omission Concerning the Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for The Lakes at Valley West.” 3. Executed “First Amendment to the to the Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for The Lakes at Valley West”. Note that this documented will be filed with the Phase 3 Final Plat. 4. Draft updated “Design Manual for The Lakes at Valley West.” The base manual is the manual that is approved for The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 and 2 and Phase 3 with proposed updates for Phase 4 included. 249 J-572 AfterRecording,ReturnTo: OgburnLawFirm,PLLC P.O.Box7020 Bozeman,MT 59771 2527605 Page:1 of 23 10/14/201501:19.39PM Fee:$161.00 CharlotteMills-GallatinCounty,MT MISC DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS,CONDITIONS,AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST THIS DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST ismade this_day ,2015,by The Lakes atValley West,Bozeman,LLC,hereinafterreferredto as "Declarant;" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,theDeclarantisthe owner of thefollowingdescribedrealpropertysituated in GallatinCounty,Montana: The Lakes atValley West Phase 1 and 2 Subdivision,includingspecificallyLots 1 through 25 of Phase 1,Lots 1 through 36 of Phase 2 and RestrictedLots R1 and R2, and by thisreferencemade a parthereof and hereinafterreferredto asthe"The Lakes Subdivision;"and WHEREAS,The Lakes Subdivisioniscurrentlysubjectto the Fourth Amended & RestatedDeclarationof ProtectiveCovenants &RestrictionsforValley West ("ValleyWest Covenants"),recorded on April 28,2014 as Document No.2479575,intheGallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's Office,the FirstAmendment to Fourth Amended and RestatedDeclaration of ProtectiveCovenants and RestrictionsforValley West ("FirstAmendment to Valley West Covenants"),recorded on May 14,2015 as Document No.2511338,inthe GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder'sOffice,the Second Amendment toFourth Amended and RestatedDeclarationof ProtectiveCovenants and RestrictionsforValley West ("Second Amendment toValley West Covenants"),recorded on 10-14-201.5 as Document No.2527604 ,inthe Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office,and allRules and RegulationsfortheValley West Homeowners'Associationon fileand of record attheGallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's Office; WHEREAS,the Declarantdesiresto impose additionalcovenants,conditions,and restrictionson thepropertyinThe Lakes Subdivision; 250 NOW THEREFORE,the Declaranthereby declaresthatallofthePropertyin The Lakes Subdivisionshallbe held,sold,and conveyed subjecttothe followingeasements,covenants, conditions,and restrictions,which areforthe purpose of maintaininga stablevalue,character, use,and development of The Lakes Subdivision;and which shallrun with the landand be binding on allpersons having any right,title,or interestin any propertyin The Lakes Subdivision or any partthereof,theirheirs,successorsand assigns,and shallinureto the benefitof each owner thereof. ARTICLE I Definitions 1.1."Affirmative Vote"means the affirmative vote of the majority of the membership interestwho are eligibleto vote and who are present at a meeting in person or by proxy. 1.2."Annexed Property"means property adjoining the Property which isannexed to the Property pursuant to Article XIV. 1.3."Association"means the Lakes Homeowner's Association for The Lakes Subdivision. 1.4."Board of Directors"means the Board of Directors for the Association. 1.5."Bylaws"means the Bylaws,ifany,for the Association,as may be amended from time to time.The Board of Directors isnot required to adopt Bylaws unless the Association isincorporated. 1.6."Common Areas"mean any propertyor partof any propertywithinThe Lakes Subdivisionthatisdedicatedor reservedfortheuse of allthe Owners,theirguestsand invitees. 1.7."Design Manual"means The Lakes atValley West Design Manual,as may be amended from time to time. 1.8."Director"means a person on the Board of Directors. 1.9."Declarant"means The Lakes atValley West,Bozeman,LLC,or any successoror assign who obtainsan Assignment of Declarant'sRights and Responsibilities.Both successorsand assignsshallalways be deemed to be includedwithinthe term "Declarant"whenever,however, and wherever such terms are used inthe Declaration,Bylaws,Rules and Regulations,orDesign Manual. 1.10."Declaration"means thisDeclaration of Protective Covenants,Conditions,and Restrictions for The Lakes at Valley West,and as may be amended from time to time. 1.11."Design Review Panel"means The Lakes atValley West Design Review Panel, as furtherdefined in Article VI. DECLARATION 2 251 1.12."Lot"means any plot of land shown upon any recorded The Lakes atValley West subdivision map,excluding the Common Areas. 1.13."Member"means each Owner.By purchasing a Int in The Lakes Subdivision,each Member agreestoabide by and be bound by the Declaration,the Bylaws,allRules and Regulations,and the Design Manual. 1.14."Open Space"means any propertydesignatedas open space on any recordedThe Lakes at Valley West Phase 1 and 2 subdivision plat. 1.15."Owner"means the record owner,whether one or more persons or entities,of a fee simple titleto any Lot which isa partof The Lakes Subdivision,but excludingthosehaving such interestmerely as securityforthe performance of an obligation. 1.16."Parks"means any propertydesignatedas a park on any recordedThe Lakes at Valley West Phase 1 and 2 subdivision plat. 1.17."Park Facility"means and refersto the park facilitiesas shown on The Lakes Subdivision Parks Plans approved by the City of Bozeman. 1.18."Property"means and refersto allof the propertydescribedin The Lakes atValley West Phase 1 and 2 Subdivisionand such additionstheretoas may hereafterbe annexed and brought withinthejurisdictionoftheAssociation. 1.19."Storm Water Facility"means and refersto storm water facilitiesas shown on the City of Bozeman approved infrastructureplans. 1.20."The Lakes Subdivision"or "The Lakes at Valley West"means and referstoallof thepropertydescribedinthe FinalPlatof The Lakes atValley West Phase 1 and 2 Subdivision and such additionstheretoas may hereafterbe annexed and brought withinthejurisdictionofthe Association. 1.21."Transfer Date"means the date on which allof the Lots and Property owned by the Declarant-both atthe time thisDeclaration isrecorded or as may be annexed by the Declarant pursuant to Article XIV -have been sold,transferred,or the construction of a residence on the Lot completed.On the Transfer Date,allrights,responsibilities,duties, or benefits of the Declarant,solely in itsposition as the Declarant,which ariseout of this Declaration,shallautomatically transferto the Association.The sale or transfermust have been to someone other than the Declarant's successors or assigns.The Board of Directorsor itsdesignated representativeshallnotifythe Owners of the Transfer Date within a reasonable time afterthe Transfer Date occurs.For purposes of thisSection,notice includesposting notice of the Transfer Date to the Association'swebsite. DECLARATION 3 252 1.22."Rules and Regulations"means such rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors. 1.23."Utilities"means utilitylinesforpower,sewer,gas,telephoneand otherutilitylinesand servicelinesfortelevision,computer services,gas or otherservicelines,whether presently availableor not. 1.24."Valley West Covenants"means theFourth Amended &RestatedDeclarationof ProtectiveCovenants &RestrictionsforValley West,recordedon April 28,2014 as Document No.2479575,inthe GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder'sOffice,the FirstAmendment to Fourth Amended and RestatedDeclarationof ProtectiveCovenants and RestrictionsforValley West ("FirstAmendment to Valley West Covenants"),recorded on May 14,2015 as Document No.2511338,intheGallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder'sOffice,and any additional amendments tothose documents on fileand of recordwith the GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder'sOffice. 1.25."Valley West Homeowners'Association"means the association referred to in the Valley West Covenants.Until such time as the Property in The Lakes Subdivision isno longer subject to the jurisdictionof the Valley West Association,Owners are also members of the Valley West Homeowners'Association and subject to the Valley West Covenants and allRules and Regulationsforthe Valley West Homeowners'Associationon file and of recordatthe GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder'sOffice. ARTICLE II Location 2.1 The principalofficeof the Associationshallbe locatedin theresidenceof the duly elected Secretaryof the Association;or ifthereisno Secretary,inthe residenceof the duly elected Presidentof the Association. ARTICLE III Membership 3.1 Every Lot Owner shallbe a Member of the Association.Membership shallbe appurtenant to and may not be separate from the ownership of any Lot,so thateach Lot owner willautomaticallybecome a Member of the Association with the purchase of any Lot, and willbe a permanent Member untilthe Lot issold or transferredto a differentowner. Accordingly,no Member shallbe expelled,nor shallany Member be permitted to withdraw or resignwhile possessing a membership interest. 3.2 Itshallbe the duty of each Owner to advise the Association of the Owner's acquisition of any Lot,the Owner's mailing address and email address,and of any change in ownership or mailing or email address.For purpose of providing any noticerequired by the Declaration,the Owner's address shallbe the lastknown address on filewith the Association. DECLARATION 4 253 3.3 The votingrightsof each Owner aresubjectto: A.Ownership of an interestby fee or by contractin a Lot in The Lakes Subdivision; B.The fullpayment of assessments,fees,fines,penalties,interest,attorneys'fees, other costs,and liensimposed by the Association;and C.Compliance with the Declaration,Bylaws,Rules and Regulations,and Design Manual. 3.4 The voting rightsof any Owner are automaticallysuspended during any period when such Owner shallhave failedtotimely pay any monies then owed to theAssociationand during any period of non-compliance with the Declaration,Bylaws,Rules and Regulations,and Design Manual.Upon payment of such monies and upon complete compliance,the Member's voting rightsshallbe automaticallyrestored. 3.5 Each Lot shallhave one membership or voting interest.Ifownership isvested in more than one person,only one vote may be castcollectivelyby such Owners.Such owners must,priorto ameeting where voting may be allowed,among and between them,determine who isentitledtovote the membership interest,and inwhat manner itshallbe voted.If more than one person seeks to exercise the vote,the vote shallbe suspended and the Owners will be deemed to not be eligibleto vote on that matter. ARTICLE IV Meetings 4.1 There shallbe an annual meeting of the membership of the Association.The annual meeting shallbe held ata place specifiedin the notice of the meeting and at a date and hour selectedby the Board of Directors.The notice of the annual meeting may statethose matters thatwill come before the Association for approval. 4.2 Special meeting may be calledat any time upon the initiativeof the President,a majority vote of the Board of Directors,or by a qualifiedPetition(a Petitionsigned by 5%of the membership interesteligibleto vote atthe time the Petitionispresented to any Director, and which specifiesthepurpose(s)forwhich the specialmeeting isbeing requested).Upon receiptof a qualifiedPetition,the notice forsuch specialmeeting shallbe providedby the Board of Directorsor itsdesignated representativewithin 30 days afterreceivinga qualified Petition.Notice of any specialmeeting shallstatethe hour,date and place of the meeting and shallstatethe reason(s)of such meeting,and saidspecial meeting shallbe strictlyconfined to the matters setforthinthe notice. 4.3 Written noticeof allannual and specialmeeting shallbe mailed,emailed,or personallydeliveredby theBoard of Directorsor itsdesignatedrepresentativeto every Member of record no laterthan ten (10)days and not more than fifty(50)days before the date of the meetmg. DECLARATION 5 254 4.3.1 The record date shallbe the date on which the notice of the meeting isfirst sentto any Member. 4.3.2 The notice of the annual meeting shallinclude a copy of the budget forthe priorcalendar year,with actualincome and expenses included,and a copy of the budget for the next calendar year. 4.4 At the beginning of eitheran annual or specialmeeting of the Association,the presence in person or by proxy of 10%of the membership interesteligibleto vote shall constitutea quorum.Ifa quorum shallnot be presentatany meeting,such meeting shallbe adjourned and may be immediately re-convened,atwhich time thepresence inperson or by proxy of 5%of themembership interesteligibleto vote shallconstitutea quorum. 4.5.Once a quorum is established,unless anothervote isexpresslyrequired,the Association may actby AffirmativeVote. 4.5.1 Notwithstanding anything statedin thisDeclaration,before the TransferDate any vote taken by the Members is an advisory vote.No advisory vote taken by the Members shallbe construedtorequiretheDeclarantor Board of Directorsto actor not act;the Board ofDirectorsshallhave the discretionto determinewhether to act or not actbased on the advisoryvote. 4.5.2 AftertheTransferDate,ifany actionapproved by the Members compels theBoard of Directors to take positive action,the Board of Directors retainsthe final discretionas tothe scope,extent,and specificcharacterofthe actionitisrequired totake. 4.6 All annual and special meetings shallbe presided over by the President,or the Vice -Presidentifthe Presidentisnot present,or by any person electedby Affirmative Vote if neitherthe Presidentnor the Vice-President ispresent. 4.7 Any actionto be taken by the Members may be taken without a meeting ifthe Association deliversa ballot,via mail or email,to every Member eligibleto vote on the matter.The ballotmust setforththe proposed action,provide an opportunityto vote for or againstthe proposed action,indicatethe number of responses needed to meet the quorum requirement,statethe percentage of approvals necessary to approve each matter,and specify the time by which a ballotmust be received in order forthe vote to be counted.Approval by ballotunder thisSection isvalidifthe number of votes castby ballotequals or exceeds the quorum required to be present a meeting,and the number of approvals equals or exceeds the number of votes thatwould be required to approve the matter ata meeting. DECLARATION 6 255 ARTICLE V Board of Directors 5.1 The Association shallbe governed by the Board of Directors. 5.2 The Board of Directorsshallhave the authorityto acton behalfof the Associationin ordertocarryout the purposes of the Declarationand the Associationand to enforcethe Declaration,Bylaws,Rules and Regulation,and Design Manual,unlessitisaftertheTransfer Date and an action isexpressly reserved forthe Members of the Association, 5.3 The Board of Directorsshallbe made up of threeDirectors. 5.4 The initialBoard of Directorsshallbe appointedby the Declarantforterms ofone,two and threeyears;thatis,one directorfora one year term,one fora two year term and one fora threeyear term.Thereafter,as a term expires,the next term shallbe a threeyear term,thus staggeringtheterms of the Directors.Directorsmay be appointed or elected for successive terms. 5.5 Appointment or Election of Directors. 5.5.1 After recording the Declaration,the Declarant shallappoint threeDirectors. The Declarant shallhave the rightto appoint the Directorsuntilthe Transfer Date.During thistime,the Directorsneed not be Owners or Members of the Association. 5.5.2 At the next annual meeting of the Association afterthe Transfer Date,the Members shallnominate and electcandidates from among the Members to fill the Directorpositionwhose term expiresatthe annual meeting,and so forth each year thereafter. (1)At any meeting atwhich an electionisheld,any Member presentin person atthemeeting may nominate himselfor anotherMember to be on the Board of Directors. (2)The Member receivingthehighestnumber of votes shallbe thenamed as a Director. 5.6 The Board of Directors shallelectthe following officers: 5.6.1 President-The Presidentshallbe electedfrom among the Directors.The President'sterm isone year.The Presidentshalloversee allmeetings of the Association and the Board of Directors.The President shallbe authorizedto sign on behalf of the Association allcontracts,records,documents,and instruments required or necessary to the administrationof the Association or incidentalto the powers of the Board of Directors.The Presidentshallhave all otherpowers expressly or impliedly authorized by the Declaration,the DECLARATION 7 256 Bylaws,or the Board of Directors. 5.6.2 Vice-President-The Vice-President shallbe electedfrom among the Directors. The Vice-President'sterm isone year.The Vice-President shallexercisethe powers of the President inthe absence of the President.The Vice-President shallhave allotherpowers expressly or impliedly authorized by the Declaration,the Bylaws,or the Board of Directors. 5.6.3 Secretary-The Secretarymay,but isnot required to be,a Director.The Secretaryshallremain in the officeof the Secretaryuntilhe or she resignsor untilthe Board of Directors appoints a differentperson to be Secretary, whichever happens first.At the least,the Secretary shall: (1)Maintain a record of allOwners/Members inthe Association and their membership interests,addresses,and emails; (2)Send,eitherpersonally or through a designated representative,notices of allmeetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; (3)Prepare and maintain minutes of the Association and Board of Director meetmgs; (4)Maintain other records requiredby the Declaration,Bylaws,or the Board of Directors; (5)Sign on behalf of the Association allrecords,documents,and instruments when such are authorized to be signed by the Board of Directors;and (6)Upon request,authenticaterecords of the Association. 5.6.4 Treasurer-The Treasurer may,but isnot requiredto be,a Director.The Treasurer shallremain inthe officeof the Treasurer untilhe or she resignsor untilthe Board of Directors appoints a differentperson to be Treasurer, whichever happens first.At the least,the Treasurer shall: (1)Prepare a proposed budget for each year for review,comment,and approval by the Board of Directors; (2)Keep and maintain adequate and correctaccounts of the accounts, liabilities,receipts,disbursements,gains,and lossesof the Association; and (3)Keep and maintain a record of allassessments,fees,fines,and interest owed by any person to the Association. DECLARATION 8 257 5.6.5 An officermay hold more than one office. 5.7 Removal of Directors. 5.7.1 Before the Transfer Date,the Declarant has the power to remove any Director forany reason and atany time. 5.7.2 After the Transfer Date,at any meeting of the Association,the Members may remove a Director upon the approval of 75%or more of the membership interestpresent inperson or by proxy.The Members may electthe replacement as setforthin Article5.5.2. 5.8 Vacancy on Board. 5.8.1 Before the Transfer Date,the Declarant has the power to fillany vacancy on the Board of Directors. 5.8.2 After the Transfer Date,any vacancy on the Board of Directors shallbe filledby the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors,even though lessthan a quorum of the Board of Directors,and any such appointed Director shallhold officefor the unexpired term of his or her predecessor in office. 5.9 Without limitingany power vested in the Board of Director by law or by this Declaration,the Board of Directors shallhave the power to: A.To sue and be sued,complain,and defend inthe Association'sname; B.To purchase,receive,lease,orotherwiseacquireand own,hold,improve,use,maintain, and otherwisedeal with realor personalpropertyor any legalor equitableinterestin property; C.To lease,exchange,and otherwise dispose of allor any part of the Association's property; D.To make contractsand guaranties; E.To incurliabilitiesand pay the expenses of the Association; F.To prepare and approve a budget; G.To establisha reservefund; H.To impose assessments,penalties,fines,fees,interest,attorneys'fees,and costsupon itsMembers and upon the Lots within The Lakes Subdivision as authorizedby the Declaration,the Bylaws,the Rules and Regulations,theDesign Manual,or the law; DECLARATION 9 258 I.To collectassessments,penalties,fines,fees,interest,attorneys'fees,and costs authorizedby the Declaration,the Bylaws,the Rules and Regulations,the Design Manual,or the law; J.To fileand forecloseliens; K.To care for,manage,control,protect,and maintain the Common Areas,Parks,Park Facilities,Open Spaces,Storm Water Facility,boundary fences,and easements; L.To enforcetheseDeclaration,the Bylaws,Rules and Regulations,and Design Manual; M.To setand callmeeting of the Association,both annual and special,andto preside over such meetings and to give appropriatenoticeof such meeting as requiredby the Declaration or the Bylaws; N.To establishRules and Regulationsto carryout the purposes oftheDeclarationso long as such Rules and Regulations do not conflictwith the Declarationand the Members are provided with 30 days writtennotice (via mail,email,or on the Association's website)of any Rule and Regulation beforeitbecomes enforceable; O.The form committees to assistthe Board of Directorsin carryingout itspowers and authority;and P.To pay forsuch insuranceas may be necessary and in the bestinterestof Association and theBoard of Directors,and to provide for the use and dispositionof the insuranceproceeds inthe event of lossor damage.The extentand specificnature of coverage shallbe determined by the Board of Directors,except thattheBoard of Directorsshallprocure and maintain liabilityinsuranceforthe Association; Q.To pay taxes; R.To dealwith agencies,officers,boards,commissions,departments,and bureaus or other governmental bodies ina federal,state,county,or localbasison behalf of the Association; S.To do allthingsauthorizedby the Declaration,the Bylaws,Rules and Regulations, or theDesign Manual;and T.To do all things necessary or convenient which may serve the interestsof the Association or The Lakes Subdivision or to carry into effectthe Declaration,the Bylaws,Rules and Regulations,the Design Manual or the purposes of theAssociation. 5.10 A meeting of the Board of Directorsmay be calledatany time upon the initiativeof the Presidentor a majority of the Board of Directors. DECLARATION 10 259 5.11 Notice of any Board of Directors'meeting may be by telephone,mail,email,or personaldeliverytoeach Directoratleast2 days beforethemeeting.The noticeneed not state the purpose(s)of the meeting.A Director may waive the requirednotice by a writing,signed by the Director,and filedin the corporaterecords;or by attendingor participatingin a meeting unless the Director,upon arrivingatthe meeting or before the vote on any matter, objectsto the lack of notice and does not vote for or assentto thataction. 5.12 At the beginning of a Board ofDirectors'meeting,the presence inperson or by proxy of a majority of the Board ofDirectorsshallconstitutea quorum.Any Directormay participate ina meeting through the use of any means of communication by which allDirectorsparticipating may simultaneouslyhear each otherduring themeeting.A Directorparticipatingina meeting by thismeans isconsideredpresentin person atthemeeting. 5.13 Once a quorum isestablished,the Board ofDirectorsmay actupon the affinnativevote of a majorityof Directorspresent. 5.14 Any actionrequired or permitted to be taken by the Board of Directorsmay be taken without a meeting ifthe actionistaken by allDirectors.The actionmust be evidenced by one or more writtenconsents describing the actiontaken,be signed (by regularor electronic signature)by each Director,and filedin the corporate records,or ratifiedby the Board of Directorsat itsnext annual or specialmeeting. 5.15 The Directorsshallnot receiveany monetary compensation,except thatthey shallbe reimbursed for any out-of-pocketexpenses incurredwhile actingintheirofIicialcapacityfor theirservicesas members of the Board of Directors. 5.16 Any Director who actsin good faithon behalf of theAssociation: A.Shallnot be liableto the owners as a resultof theiractivitiesas such for any mistake ofjudgment,negligence or otherwise,except for theirown willful misconduct or bad faith; B.Shallhave no personal liabilityincontractto an Owner or any other person or entityunder any agreement,instrumentor transactionentered intoby them on behalf ofthe Association intheircapacityas such; C.Shall have no personal liabilityintortto any Owner or any person or entity, except for theirown willfulmisconduct or bad faith; D.Shall have no personal liabilityarisingout of the use,misuse or condition of the property which might inany way be assessed againstor imputed tothem as a resultof or by virtueof theircapacity as such. 5.17 Any person made a partyto any proceeding because theperson isor was a Directoror member of the Design Review Panel shallbe defended and indemnified as setforthinSection 35-2-446 through Section35-2-454,MCA,as those statutesmay be amended from time totime. DECLARATION 11 260 ARTICLE VI Design Manual and Design Review Panel 6.1 Pursuant tothe Second Amendment to the Fourth Amended and RestatedDeclarationof ProtectiveCovenants and RestrictionsforValley West,on fileand ofrecordinthe Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office asDocument No.,Members and Owners are not requiredto comply with ArticleIV (ArchitecturalRegulations),ArticleV (SiteDesign), ArticleVI (Landscape Design),ArticleVII (Design Review Process),and ArticleVIII (Valley West ArchitecturalReview Committee)of theValley West Covenants.Instead,allMembers and Owners shallbe bound by and adhere to theDesign Manual (asamended from time totime)and shallbe subjecttothe authorityof The Lakes atValley West Design Review Panel. In additionto any enforcement powers given toBoard and/orthe Design Review Panel,while the Valley West Subdivisionisunder thejurisdictionof the Valley West Homeowners'Association, allMembers and Owners shallcontinuetobe subjectto ArticleX,Section2,of theValley West Covenants forany violationof theValley West Covenants or the Design Manual. 6.2 All construction,installation,and alterationof allimprovements on thePropertyor any Lot withinThe Lakes Subdivisionshallbe subjecttheDesign Manual and tothe review and approval of The Lakes atValley West Design Review Panel. 6.2.1 Before the TransferDate,except forany provisionthatcannot be changed without theCity of Bozeman's approval,theDeclarantmay adopt,amend,modify,add,or deleteany provisionof the Design Manual; 6.2.2 AftertheTransferDate,except forany provisionthatcannot be changed without theCity of Bozeman's approval,theBoard of Directorsmay adopt,amend, modify,add,or deleteany provisionof theDesign Manual by unanimous vote. 6.2.3 Any amendment,modification,addition,or deletiontotheDesign Manual shall not be effectiveuntil30 days afterthe Members are given noticeof the amendment,modification,addition,or deletion.For purposes ofthisprovision, noticeoftheamendment,modification,addition,or deletionmay be given by mail,email,or by postingthe amendment,modification,additionordeletionon theAssociation'swebsite. DECLARATION 12 261 ARTICLE VII Assessments 7.1 The Declaranthereby covenants,and each Owner of any Lot by acceptance of a deed therefor,whether or not itshallbe so expressed insuch deed,isdeemed to covenant and agree to pay to theAssociation: (1)Annual Assessments;and (2)SpecialAssessments. 7.2 Assessments may be used topromote the recreation,health,safety,convenience,and welfareof the Associationor the Members;fornoxious weed mitigationand removal;forthe improvement,repair,operation,and maintenance of the Common Area,Open Space,Parks,Park Facility,Storm Water Facility,easements,sidewalks,woonerfs and alleys,or any otherareafor which the Associationisor may be responsiblefornow or inthefuture;to defray,inwhole or in part,the costof any construction,reconstruction,gravel,paying,repairor replacement of a capitalimprovement upon the Common Area,Open Space,Parks,sidewalks,trails,woonerfs and alleys,easements,or any otherareaforwhich the Associationisor may be responsiblefornow or inthefuture,includingfixturesand personalpropertyrelatedthereto;to establishreservesfor any reason;formaking and collectingassessments;forpaying taxesand insurance;forenforcing the Declaration,Bylaws,Rules and Regulations,or Design Manual;to assistthe Board of Directorsor Design Review Panel incarryingout theirpowers and authorities;forany other purposes,expressor implied,inthisDeclaration,the Bylaws,the Rules or Regulations,or the Design Manual;and forany otherpurpose deemed reasonableand necessaryby theBoard of Directors. 7.3 The Board of Directorsshallhave the power to levy Annual and Special Assessments on itsMembers. 7.3.1 Annual Assessments shallbe fixedby the Directorsata uniform rateforeach Lot, exceptthe Directorsmay fixa differentuniform rateforimproved and unimproved Lots. 7.3.2 SpecialAssessments shallbe fixed at the same ratefor each Lot affectedby the SpecialAssessment. 7.4 The Annual and SpecialAssessments shallbe due on thedatedetermined by the Board of Directors,exceptthatthe Board of Directorsor itsdesignatedrepresentativeshallprovide notice of the amount and due date of the Annual and SpecialAssessments to the Owner of each Lot at least30 days beforethe due date of each Annual Assessment,and atleast90 days beforethe due dateforeach SpecialAssessment. 7.5 No Owner may waive or otherwiseescape liabilityfortheAssessments provided forherein by non-use of thePropertyor by abandonment of hisor her Lot. DECLARATION 13 262 7.6 Untilsuch time as The Lakes Subdivisionisremoved from thejurisdictionofthe Valley West Homeowners'Association,any Owner assessedhereunder shallbe subjectto an additional assessmentby the Valley West Homeowners'Association,which isassessedand collected pursuantto theValley West Covenants.Payment of such assessmentsdoes not alleviateor offset theassessmentsrequiredby thisDeclaration. 7.7 Notwithstanding anything containedinthisDeclaration,the Declarantshallnot be requiredtopay any assessmentson any Lot or Propertyowned by theDeclarantunlessthe Declarantor itsagents,representatives,members,or employees resideon the Lot. ARTICLE VIII Fees 8.1 The Board ofDirectorsshallhave the power to establishand charge fees forany service provided to any Owner (such servicesmay but are not requiredto include,lawn maintenance, weed maintenance,snow removal,design review,etc.),or for any other reason permitted by the Declaration,the Bylaws,the Rules and Regulations,or the Design Manual. 8.2 The fees may be used in any manner that the Board of Directors,in itsdiscretion, believesbenefitsthe Association. 8.3 Fees are due in an amount and on the due date establishedby the Board ofDirectorsor as otherwise setforthintheDeclaration,Bylaws,Rules and Regulations,or Design Manual. ARTICLE IX Property Use 9.1 Municipal Regulations.All land use regulationsand allotherlaws,rules,and regulations of any government or agency under whose jurisdictionthe land liesare consideredto be partof thisDeclaration and enforceablehereunder;and allof the Owners of saidlandsshallbe bound by such land use regulationsand other laws,rules,and regulations.In the event thereis a conflict between the Declaration and the applicableland use regulationsand other laws,rules,and regulations,the most restrictiveshallcontrol. 9.2 Re-Subdivision.There shallbe no furtherdivisionof the Lots withoutthe consentof the Board of Directors. 9.3 ResidentialUse.The Lots shallbe restrictedto residentialuses only.There shallbe no commercial businessconducted on any Lot,except that"cottageindustries"may be conducted in the dwelling or within an appurtenantbuildingby an Owner residinginthe dwellingor any of the Owner's immediate family residingin thedwelling.A "cottageindustry "means a business where the publicdoes notpurchase merchandise on a retailbasison the Lot,and such commercial use isclearlyincidentaland secondary to the use of the Lot as a residence. 9.4 Wildlife.No hunting of,shootingator harassingof birds,animals or any wildlifewillbe permitted.Skunks,gophers and rodentsmay be trapped;however,poison may not be used. DECLARATION 14 263 9.5 Animals.No animals,except dogs,cats,chickens,or small in-housepets,arepermittedon the Lots.Owners may comply with allstate,city,and localrulesregardinganimals kept on any Lot.Owners shallpick up aftertheiranimals and shallnot allow theiranimals toroam freeon any otherLot. 9.6 Lot Maintenance.Each Owner isrequiredto maintain his or her Lot,whether developed or undeveloped,in a neat and orderlyfashion.This includesbut isnot limitedto maintainingthe landscape,mowing,trimming,weeding,mitigatingand removing noxious weeds,and othersimilar maintenance and upkeep. 9.7 BuildingMaintenance.Each Owner isrequiredtomaintain any structure(buildings,fences, walls,etc.)on theOwner's Lot ina neatand orderlyfashion.This includesbut isnot limitedtore- painting,re-staining,re-roofing,and othersimilarmaintenance and upkeep. 9.8 Woonerfs and Alleys.Each Owner shallmaintain the alleyright-of-wayadjacentto the Owner's Lot.This includesbut isnot limitedto pickingup and appropriatelydisposingof garbage, trash,debris,and otherwaste and mowing and trimming the alleyright-of-way. 9.9 Refuse. 9.9.1 No junk,garbage,trash,debris,materials,equipment,or otherwaste shallbe allowed to accumulate on any Lot or originatefrom any Lot;exceptthatduring theperiodof constructionapproved by theDesign Review Panel,temporary accumulationsmay be allowed but they shallatalltimes be kept in an orderly, clean,and sanitaryconditionand screened from view,and shallbe disposed of regularly. 9.9.2 There shallbe no incinerationorburning ofjunk,garbage,trash,debris,materials, equipment,or otherwaste on any Lot. 9.9.3 All garbage and trashrequirementsof the City of Bozeman shallbe observed. 9.9.4 All garbage and trashthatisstoredoutsideshallbe kept in a City-approved container.Except on garbage pick-upday,garbage containersshallbe kept inthe garage or otherenclosuredirectlyadjacentto a structureor fence. 9.9.5 Inadditionto any otherremedy allowed under thisDeclaration,theRules and Regulations,the Design Manual,or atlaw or inequity,ifan Owner violatesany partof thisSection,the Board of Directors,aftertwenty-fourhours'notice,may cause thejunk,garbage,trash,debris,materials,equipment,or otherwaste to be controlled,collected,and/or removed,assessthe Owner of the Lot forall attorney'sfeesand costsrelatedthereto,and charge a fine. 9.10 Junk Vehicles.No junk vehiclesor unusable machinery or equipment shallbe parked outsideon any Lot or placed on any road.A "junk vehicle"means one which has not been DECLARATION 15 264 licensedforseveralmonths or isinan inoperablecondition."Unusable machinery or equipment" means thatwhich isnot in operablecondition. 9.11 Signs.Only the followingsignsmay be erectedon the exteriorof any Lot: (1)Signs which identifythe Owner of theLot; (2)"For Sale"signson a Lot being sold; (3)Politicalsigns,forup to 30 days beforean electionand 2 days afterthe election;and (4)Signs placed by the Declarant and/or Association at any entrance(s)to The Lakes Subdivisionto identifythe subdivisionand/orneighborhood. 9.12 Automobiles and Vehicles. 9.12.1 "Automobile"means a two,three,or four door passenger vehicle,sportsutility vehicle,or pick-up truckwith or without a canopy cover or topper,or a moped or motorcycle,which isprimarilyused fortransportinga small number ofpeople over publichighways. 9.12.2"Vehicle"means any boat,trailer,snowmobile,motor home,mobile home, recreationalvehicle,off-highway vehicle,or othersimilarequipment. 9.12.3 Only one Vehicle per Lot isallowed to be stored/parkedoutsideof a garage on that Lot,and any such Vehicle parked/stored outside of a garage shall only be parked/storedon a designatedconcrete or gravelpad.The designatedconcreteor gravelpad shallonly be adjacenttothe alley.No Vehicle shallbe parked/storedin a driveway or infronta house. 9.12.4 No Automobile or Vehicle shallobstructpedestriantraffic. 9.12.5 All Automobiles and Vehicles shallalsocomply with alllocaland statelaws. 9.12.6 In additionto any other remedy allowed under the Declarationor the Rules and Regulations,owners of Automobiles or Vehicles parked in violationof this Declaration may be asked in writing or by placing a written notice on the Automobile or Vehicle to comply with this Declaration and/or to immediately remove the Automobile or Vehicle.Ifthe Automobile or Vehicle isnot removed within 24 hours of notification,the Board of Directors or its authorized representativemay cause theAutomobile or Vehicle tobe towed and impounded at the expense of the owner,assessthe Owner of the Lot for allattorney'sfees and costsrelatedthereto,and charge a fine. 9.12.7 Notwithstanding anythingtothecontrary,theBoard or itsauthorizedrepresentative may cause an Automobile or Vehicle tobe towed immediately withoutnotification DEcLARATIoN 16 265 if the Board or itsauthorizedrepresentativedetermines thatthe Automobile or Vehicle impedes emergency vehiclesorrepresentsa threattohealthand safety.The Board of Directorsmay have the Vehicle towed and impounded atthe expense of the owner,assess the Owner of the Lot for allattorney'sfees and costsrelated thereto,and charge a fine. 9.13 Conduct.Each Owner,whether present or not,shallbe responsiblefor his or her own conduct and forthe conduct of hisor her finnily,occupants,guests,invitees,licensees,and tenants while on the Owner's Lot or within The Lakes Subdivision.Each Owner and his or her family, occupants,guests,invitees,licensees,and tenantsshallconduct themselves in a manner so as not to disturbthe peacefulpossessionof another Owner's Lot or the use of othersof the Common Areas,Open Spaces,or Parks.Itisa violationof thisDeclarationto allow noiseto emit beyond the Owner's Lot boundary ata levelthatdisturbsone or more persons. 9.14 Tenants.Each Owner is responsible for the Owner's tenants,and is responsiblefor providing a copy of the Declaration,Rules and Regulations,and Design Manual to the tenants. Upon the Board of Director'srequest,the Owner shallprovide the Board of Directorswith each Tenant'sname,address,and telephone number. 9.15 Nuisance.No nuisance of any type or nature shallbe permitted to existupon any Lot, Common Area,Open Space,or Park.A "nuisance"includes,but isnot limitedto,any actionor conduct or thing which,in the Board of Director'ssolediscretion,disturbsor interfereswith the peacefuluse,occupancy,or enjoyment of any Owner,occupant,guest,invitee,licensee,or tenant inThe Lakes Subdivision.Every Owner isresponsiblefortheactionand conduct oftheOwner and the Owner's family,occupants,guests,invitees,licensees,and tenants. 9.16 Sidewalks.Notwithstanding anything contained in this Declaration,every Owner is responsibleformaintainingtheOwner's sidewalklocatedon,adjacentto,and between theOwner's Lot and the nearestright-of-way."Maintain"includes,but isnot limitedto,snow removal. ARTICLE X Agricultural Uses 10.1 Lot Owners and residentsof The Lakes Subdivision are informed thatadjacent uses may be agricultural.Lot Owners accept and are aware thatstandard agriculturaland farming practicescan resultin dust,animal odors and noise,smoke,flies,and machinery noise. Standard agriculturalpracticesfeaturethe use of heavy equipment,chemical sprays,and the use of machinery earlyinthe morning and sometimes lateintothe evening. 10.2 All fences bordering agriculturallands shallbe maintained by the landowners in accordance with statelaw. DECLARATION 17 266 ARTICLE XI Common Areas,Parks,Open Spaces,Easements, and Designated Sidewalks I1.1 The Declarantshallinstallor cause to be installedor constructedthefollowing improvements:The mainlinesfortelephone,power and gas shallbe connected up to themain utilitylinesinthe area and Declarantshallinstallsuch utilitylinesnear each Lot withinthe utility orroad easements or Common Areas shown on the siteplans.The streetsshown on the siteplan shallbe installedin accordance with thepresentCity of Bozeman requirementsforsuch a subdivision.Storm Water Facilitiesand Park Facilitiesas requiredunder theCity of Bozeman approved infrastructureand park facilityplans,includingany such Storm Water Facilitiesand Park Facilitiesrequiredinthe R Lots shown on theFinalPlatforPhases I and 2 of theLakes at Valley West.Such otheramenitiesas theDeclarantdeems appropriateor as requiredby Gallatin County. 11.2 The Declarantreservesand retainsthroughout The Lakes Subdivisionthereasonableand necessaryeasements and encroachment rightstoinstall,move,maintain,repair,and remove the utilitiesservicelines,includingsewer and water lines,improvements and amenitiesmentioned in Section 11.1,and forotherservicelinesand utilityand cableservices,whether presently availableornot,inthe Common Areas,Parks,Park Facilities,Storm Water Facilities,and Open Spaces along theeasements reservedor delineatedon therecorded subdivisionmap.The Declarantor the Board of Directorsmay grantsuch easements to thirdpartiesas necessaryfor installation,moving,maintenance,repair,or removal of any servicelinesor improvements inthe Common Areas,Parks,Park Facilities,Storm Water Facilities,and Open Spaces.. 11.3 Afterthe TransferDate,only the Valley West Associationand the Association,acting through theirrespectiveBoards,shallhave the rightsand reservationssetforthinSection11.1 and Section 11.2. I1.4 City sewer and water lines,power,naturalgas,cabletelevision,and telephoneservice linesareprovided to each Lot.The Owners shallbe responsibleand have the obligation,atits cost,to installand hook up the utilityand servicelinesfrom the main linesto thebuildingsand improvements on theLot.All utilitylinesshallbe underground.Privateutilitiesarethe responsibilityof the Owner.The Owners shallpay forallserviceand use charges billedby the utilityand servicecompanies fortheuse and consumption oftheutilities. 11.5 After the initialinstallationof the improvements in the Common Areas,Parks,and Open Spaces by the Declarant,the Association,iftheValley West Associationdoes not or isno longer obligatedto,shallbe responsibleforand have theobligationtomaintain theCommon Areas,Parks and Open Spaces in good conditionand repairand as setforthon the Final Platof The Lakes Subdivision.This includestheresponsibilityto controlnoxious weeds and to maintainsidewalks in the Common Areas,Parks,and Open Spaces,including snow removal.The cost of such maintenance shallbe a partof the annual budget forthe Associationtobe assessedtothe Owners. 11.6 Common Area Easement.The Declarant,the Owners and theirguestsand invitees,and the publichave a perpetualnonexclusive easement of ingressand egressthrough the Common Area, DECLARATION 18 267 Parks,and Open Space.This covenant shallnot be changed without the writtenapproval of the City of Bozeman. 11.7 Other Easement.The Association,by and through the Board of Directorsor itsdesignated representative,shallhave the right,but not the obligation,to enterupon any Lot foremergency, security,or safetyreasons,or toperform maintenance incompliance with the Declaration,Bylaws, Rules and Resolutions,or Design Manual,which rightmay be exercisedby any member of the Board of Directorsor theirdesignated representative,and allpoliceman,firemen,ambulance personnel,and similaremergency personnelintheperformance of theirduties. ARTICLE XII Additional Covenants Required by the City 12.1 Every Owner shallcause to be constructedcitystandard sidewalks (includinga concrete sidewalk section through all private drive approaches)on all public and private street frontagespriortothe occupancy of any structureon individualLots.Upon the thirdanniversary of the finalplatrecordationof a Lot Owner's phase of The Lakes Subdivision,any Lot Owner within thatphase who has not constructedthe required sidewalk shall,without furthernotice, construct within 30 days the sidewalk for his or her Lot(s),regardlessof whether other improvements have been made upon the Lot. 12.2 The Open Space within The Lakes Subdivision,as designatedon a finalplator approved PUD siteplan,shallbe preserved inperpetuity. 12.3 After the installationof the Storm Water Facilityand the Parks Facilityby the Declarant, the Association,ifthe Valley West Associationdoes not or isno longer obligatedto,shallbe responsibleforand have the obligationto maintainthe Storm Water Facilityand Park Facilitiesas shown on the City of Bozeman approved infrastructureand park plans,includingthe R Lots as shown on the Final Plat for Phases I and 2 of The Lakes at Valley West.The cost of such maintenance shallbe a partof the annual budget forthe Associationtobe assessedtothe Owners. 12.3 The Board of Directorsshallincludeintheassessmentsan amount necessaryto pay forthe taxes,insurance,maintenance,upkeep,and repairof allParks,Open Space,sidewalksinParks and Open Spaces,Woonerfs and alleys,thatarerequiredtobe maintained by the Association. 12.4 Ifthe Associationfailsto maintain the Parks and Open Spaces in reasonableorder and condition in accordance with the City of Bozeman's approved plan,the City may enforce the covenant pursuantBozeman Ordinance Section38.38.030(8). 12.5 Drainage plans shallbe requiredforeach Lot as partof a Lot Owner's applicationfora buildingpermit from the City of Bozeman. DECLARATION 19 268 ARTICLE XIII Enforcement 13.1 For any violationor threatened violationof the Declaration,Bylaws,Rules or Regulations,or Design Manual,the Board of Directors (on behalf of the Association)or any Owner may bring a legalproceeding formonetary,injunctive,and/or other reliefand damages.The prevailingparty shallbe entitledto an award of allattorney fees (including fees for fees and fees on appeal)and allcosts and expenses relatedto or arisingfrom the issuesraisedinthe proceeding. 13.1.1.Beforethe Board of Directorsmay being a legalaction,the Board of Directors shallprovide notice of the violationor threatenedviolationto the Owner. 13.1.2.The notice shallspecify the violationand the time period in which the violationmust be cured. 13.1.3.The notice shallbe served upon the Owner via mail,email,or personal delivery.The notice isdeemed served on the date itispersonally deliveredor emailed,or 3 days afteritismailed,whichever date comes first. 13.1.4.The Lot owner has 10 days afterserviceof the noticeto submit a writtenletter to the Board of Directors settingforthallof the reasons why the Owner believesa violationhas not occurred.The Owner shallattachto the letterall documentary evidence and,ifapplicable,a listof witnesses in support of the Owner's position. 13.1.5.Ifthe Owner submits a timely writtenresponse,the Board of Directorsshall review the Owner's response and determine whether a violationhas occurred. Ifthe Owner failstotimely submit a writtenletterto the Board of Directors, then the violationwillbe deemed to have occurred. 13.1.6.Ifa violationisdeemed to have occurred,any actionor proceeding authorized by the Declaration,these Bylaws,the Rules and Regulations,the Design Manual,or by law or equity may be taken againstthe Owner and/orthe Lot. Such actionmay include,but isnot limitedto any or allof the following: suspending voting rights,assessing fines,charging interest,filinga lien,filing a lawsuit,and assessingpayment for allattorneyfees and allcostsand expenses. 13.1.7.Even ifa violationisdetermined or deemed to have occurred,the Board of Directorsmay make a businessjudgment decisionto not take actionor initiate a proceeding againstthe Lot owner. 13.2 The Board of Directors (on behalf of the Association),may also record alien any Lot owned by the Lot Owner for allunpaid assessments,fees,fines,attorneyfees,othercosts and expenses,and intereston alloutstanding amounts owed at the rateof 12%per annum. DECLARATION 20 269 Said lienshallbe a charge on any Lot owned by the Owner and shallbe a continuinglienuntil allamounts owed arefullypaid. 13.2.1 Such lienshallbe superiorto allother liensand encumbrances,except for tax and specialassessment liensplaced by a statutoryauthority,otherstatutory 1.lens. 13.2.2 Such lienshallattachfrom the datethenoticeof the assessment,fee,or fineis firstserved,the date itfirstbecomes due,orthe date the lienisfiled,whichever happens first. 13.2.3 The Board of Directorsmay foreclosethe lienagainsttheLot inthemanner set forthunder Montana law forthe foreclosureof liensagainstrealproperty,and may alsobring an action againstthe Owner personally obligatedtopay all such amounts. 13.3 Any money due on a Lot or owed by an Owner that remains unpaid at the time the Owner's Lot ispurchased by or transferred to a successive owner,shallalso be the personal obligation of any successive owner,regardless of the factthat the amount first became due while the Lot was owned by a prior owner.Every successiveowner has a duty to contact the Association'sBoard of Directors before taking titleto a Lot to learn if there are any unpaid amounts due on the Lot or against the prior owner. 13.4 In additiontothe remedies outlinedinthisArticle,the Board of Directors(on behalfof theAssociation)reservesthe rightto assertand/orpursue any otherremedy inwhich itmay be entitledto under the Declaration,theseBylaws,the Rules and Regulation,theDesign Manual,or atlaw or inequity. 13.5 Failureto Enforce Covenants.The failureby to enforceany provisioncontainedinthis Declarationshallnotbe deemed a waiver or inany way prejudicetherightsto laterenforcethat same provisionorany otherprovision. ARTICLE XIV Annexation 14.1 At any time beforethe TransferDate,the Declarant shallhave theright,from time totime and initssolediscretion,toannex tothe Propertyand to includewithinthisDeclarationallor partof any propertythatiscontiguousto any partoftheProperty.Right-of-ways,such as streets and alleys,do not prevent propertyfrom being consideredcontiguous. 14.2 Notwithstanding anything statedinthisDeclaration,any annexationauthorizedin Section 14.1,above,may be made by the recordingof one or more supplemental declarationssignedby the Declarant.At theleast,a supplemental declarationshallcontain:(1)thelegaldescriptionof the propertyto be annexed;(2)a statementthatthe annexed propertyisdeemed a partof the Propertyand subjecttotheDeclaration;(3)and a statementthatallowners of any lotinthe annexed propertyshallautomaticallybe a member of the Association. DECLARATION 21 270 14.3 The annexation shallbecome effectiveupon being recorded with the GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder. 14.4 In any propertyisannexed to the Propertypursuant tothe provisionsofthisArticle,then such propertyshallbe consideredwithin.thedefinitionof Propertyforallpurposes of this Declarationand each owner shallbe deemed a member of the Associationsubjecttoallrightand responsibilitiessetforthinthisDeclaration. ARTICLE XV Notice 15.1 Whenever noticeisrequiredunder thisDeclaration,unlessotherwisestatednoticeshall be deemed servedifnoticeisgiven by mail to the owner's lastknown address,email to the Owner's lastknown email address,or personal delivery.The noticeisdeemed served on the date itispersonally deliveredor emailed,or 3 days afteritismailed,whichever date comes first.The ARTICLE XVI Miscellaneous Covenants 16.1 Term of Declaration.The term of thisDeclarationshallbe perpetual,exceptthatany time aftertheTransferDate,95%of the membership interestmay signa document toterminatethe Declaration.Said terminationshallnot take effectuntilthe document and allof therequired signaturesarerecorded inthe GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's Office. 16.2 Amendment. 16.2.1Before theTransferDate,except forthosecovenants requiredby theCity of Bozeman under ArticleXII,theDeclarantmay amend,modify,add,or deleteany provisionof thisDeclaration,inwhole or inpart.The amendment,modification, addition,or deletionshallnot takeeffectuntilitisrecorded with theGallatin County Clerk and Recorder and noticeprovided to allMembers.For purposes of thisprovision,noticeincludespostingthe amendment,modification,addition,or deletionon theAssociation'swebsite. 16.2.2Afterthe TransferDate,except forthose covenants requiredby the City of Bozeman under ArticleXII,the Associationmay amend,modify,add,or delete any provisionof thisDeclarationupon the approvalof 75%ofthemembership interestpresentata meeting inperson or by proxy.The amendment,modification, addition,or deletionshallnot take effectuntilitissigned by thePresident, recorded inwith GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder,and noticeprovided to all Members.For purposes of thisprovision,noticeincludespostingtheamendment, modification,addition,or deletionon theAssociation'swebsite. DECLARATION 22 271 16.3 Invalidation.Invalidationof any one of provisionor partof any provisionofthis Declarationby judgment or by Court order shallinno way affectany oftheotherprovisionsor portionsof any provision,allof which shallremain infullforceand effect. 16.4 The Board of Directorsshallhave the power to interpretallof the provisions of this Declaration,and such interpretationshallbe binding on allpersons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,theDeclaranthas hereunto setitshand as ofthis day of to r ,2015. The Lakes atValley West,LLC By: J es M.Kilday Its:uthorizedRepres ve STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 13 day of Chiobs r ,intheyear 20 ,beforeme,aNotary Publicforthe StateofMontana,personallyappearedJames M.Kilday,known tome tobe theperson whose name(s) is/aresubscribedto the within instrument,and acknowl to me thathe/she/theyexecuted the IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and yearhereinabovefirstwritten. adesprae .ne'cr-es race (printname) Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana Residingat "$tivrak ,Montana (NOTARIAL SEAL)My Commission expires:Mart,L .4 .co@ efff',,CHRISTIELEESTANDIFORD '-,NotaryPublic SOTAftySk fortheStateofMontana -oE Residingat:*'SEAL *f selgrade,Montana'---My CommissionExpires: of March26,2019 DECLARATION 23 272 2548465 273 (Document No.2527605 referencedabove). 7.That the attachedExhibitA isto be treatedas ifitwas originallyrecorded with the Declarationof ProtectiveCovenants,Conditions,and RestrictionsfortheLakes atValley West. DATED THIS ay of June,2016. * Margot burn This instrumentwas executedbeforeme this day ofJune,2016,by Margot B.Ogburn, attorneyfortheLakes Homeowner's Association. ,CORRIE LARSON .'o o :NotaryPublic (bre Ath (printname)OT^R fortheStateofMontana Notary Publicforthe Stateof MontanaResidingat:.SEAl Bozeman,Montana Residing at W11-the ,ont na (N(AL "'"My Commission expires:it*V7 274 EXHIBIT A ARTICLE XII TO THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS,CONDITIONS,AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST Additional Covenants Required by the City 12.1 Every Owner shallcausetobe constructedcitystandardsidewalks(includinga concretesidewalk sectionthroughallprivatedriveapproaches)on allpublicandprivatestreetfrontagespriortotheoccupancy ofany structureon individualLots.Upon thethirdanniversaryofthefinalplatrecordationofa LotOwner's phase of The Lakes Subdivision,any Lot Owner withinthatphase who has notconstructedtherequired sidewalkshall,withoutfurthernotice,constructwithin30 daysthesidewalkforhisorherLot(s),regardless ofwhetherotherimprovementshave been made upon theLot. 12.2 The Open Space withinThe Lakes Subdivision,asdesignatedon a finalplatorapprovedPUD site plan,shallbe preservedinperpetuityand aresubjecttotheperpetualcommon areaeasementdescribedin 11.6,above. 12.3 Afterthe installationof the Storm Water Facilityand theParks Facilityby the Declarant,the Association,iftheValleyWest Associationdoes notor isno longerobligatedto,shallbe responsiblefor and have theobligationto maintaintheStorm Water Facilityand Park Facilitiesas shown on theCityof Bozeman approvedinfrastructureandparkplans,includingtheR Lotsas shown on theFinalPlatforPhases I and 2 ofThe Lakes atValleyWest.The costofsuch maintenanceshallbe a partoftheannualbudgetfor theAssociationtobe assessedtotheOwners. 12.4 The Board of Directorsshallincludeintheassessmentsan amount necessarytopay forthetaxes, insurance,maintenance,upkeep,and repairofallParks,Open Space,sidewalksinParksand Open Spaces, Woonerfs and alleys,thatarerequiredtobe maintainedby theAssociation. 12.5 IftheAssociationfailstomaintaintheParksand Open Spacesinreasonableorderand conditionin accordancewith the City of Bozeman's approved plan,the City may enforcethe covenantpursuant Bozeman OrdinanceSection38.38.030(8). 12.6 Drainageplansshallbe requiredforeach Lot as partofa Lot Owner's applicationfora building permitfrom theCityof Bozeman. 12.7 The approveddesignstandardsprovidedin Chapter6 oftheLakes DesignManual arean integral partof theLakes PUD and shallnotbe changed withoutconsentoftheCity. 12.8 AlllandownersarerequiredtomaintainmutualfencesasstipulatedinSection70-16-205,Montana Codes Annotated. 12.9 No portionof thePropertysubjecttothisDeclarationshallbe removed from theauthorityof the DeclarationwithoutthewrittenconsentoftheCityofBozeman. 12.10 IncompliancewithArticle16.1,none oftherequiredcovenantsstatedinArticle12 can be revised or terminatedwithouttheconsentoftheCityofBozeman. 275 276 277 278 279 _______________ date The Lakes at Valley West DESIGN MANUAL DRAFT 3.28.17 280 1 Prepared For: The Lakes at Valley West, LLC Prepared By: 111 North Tracy Avenue Bozeman, Montana 59715 281 2 DESIGN MANUAL Table of Contents Name Page Chapter 1: Purpose 4 Chapter 2: Properties and Projects Subject to Design Manual 4 Chapter 3: Relationship to other Documents 5 3.1 Local Land Use Regulations & Building Codes 5 3.2 The Declaration of Protective Covenants & Bylaws for The Lakes at Valley West 6 Chapter 4: The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel 7 4.1 Function 7 4.2 Membership 7 4.3 Enforcement Powers 7 4.4 Limitation of Responsibilities 7 Chapter 5: Design Review Process 8 5.1 In General 8 5.2 Informal Advice 9 5.3 Form A: Sketch Design Review 9 5.4 Form B: Construction Design Review 10 5.5 Form C: Changes & Modifications 12 5.6 Building Permits & Site Plan Review 12 5.7 Timing of Construction 12 5.8 Form D: Inspections 13 5.9 Liability 13 Chapter 6: Neighborhood Design Patterns 14 6.1 Site 14 (a) Intent, Uses, Lot Coverage, Lot Area, Lot Width, Setbacks, Height, Garages, Parking and Minimum Density 14 (b) Fences & Screens 14 (c) Sidewalks 19 6.2 Building 20 (a) Recommended Energy Star Program 20 (b) Base Element & Foundation 20 (c) Walls & Façades 21 (d) Porches 22 (e) Outdoor Rooms 24 (f) Decks & Patios 24 282 3 (g) Windows & Solar Gain 25 (h) Doors 26 (i) Roofs 28 (j) Skylights 29 (k) Roof-Mounted Solar Panels 29 (l) Dormers 29 (m) Eaves 29 (n) Chimneys/Roof Vents 31 (o) Lighting 31 (p) Signage 32 6.3 Landscape 32 (a) Boulevard Plantings 33 (b) Yard Plantings 33 (c) Vegetation & Solar Gain 35 (d) Hardscapes 35 (e) Soil Preparation & Drainage 35 (f) Irrigation & Water Use 35 (g) Fertilizing 36 (h) Weed Control 36 (i) Vegetation Removal 36 6.4 Variations from Neighborhood Patterns 36 Chapter 7: Amendments 37 Chapter 8: Definitions 37 Exhibit 1: Phases 1 & 2 Legal Description 38 Exhibit 2: Phase 3 Legal Description 39 Exhibit 3: Phase 4 Legal Description 42 Appendix A1: Phases 1 & 2, The Lakes at Valley West PUD Zoning District 43 Appendix A2: Phase 3, The Lakes at Valley West PUD Zoning District 45 Appendix A3: Phase 4, The Lakes at Valley West PUD Zoning District 53 Appendix B: Forms (A, B, C, D) 58 Appendix C1: Phases 1 & 2 Required Building Envelope Exhibits 67 Appendix C2: Phase 3 Required Building Envelope Exhibits 68 Appendix C3: Phase 4 Required Building Envelope Exhibits 69 283 4 Appendix D: Woonerf Diagram 70 Appendix E: The Lakes at Valley West Stormwater Maintenance Plan 71 284 5 Pursuant to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for The Lakes at Valley West (“Declaration”), on file with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office, the Declarant The Lakes at Valley West, LLC (“Declarant”), herein adopts the following The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual (“Design Manual”): Chapter 1: Purpose This Design Manual is intended to promote sustainable patterns of development that will encourage people to connect and interact as part of The Lakes at Valley West neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods. The standards within this document provide a framework for design and construction that will allow each project to contribute to the neighborhood and to the long term goal of complimenting and enhancing the overall Bozeman community. The architectural and landscape elements of site design are considered to be integral to the overall desired neighborhood patterns. Rather than dictate specific design styles, the standards are provided to ensure well-built, compatible energy-efficient homes with clear order and comprehensive composition. Photographs are included for education, inspiration and reference only and do not imply specific solutions or guarantee regulatory approval. The goal is to strike a balance between neighborhood harmony and creativity. This document encourages design diversity and contemporary design while at the same time providing certain guidance to ensure quality design and longevity in property values. Each project should not simply be an exact copy of another building. The fact that a particular style or feature of building already exists does not guarantee that it will necessarily be approved for construction again. Exceptions to this Design Manual may be granted only on the basis of architectural merit as determined by The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel (“DRP”) and outlined in Section 6.4. The DRP is not authorized to grant any exceptions to local land use regulations unless explicitly authorized by the appropriate review agency or agencies. It is the responsibility of the Owner to ensure that all proposed construction shall comply with all laws, rules, and regulations including, but not limited to local Land Use Regulations and the International Building Code as well as other applicable plumbing, electric, or building codes in effect in the City of Bozeman. The Declaration and Bylaws, if any, also apply to all Lots within The Lakes Subdivision. Chapter 2: Properties and Projects Subject to Design Manual The Design Manual shall inure to and pass with each and every parcel, tract, lot or division in the Lakes Subdivision. Unless specifically excluded, this Design Manual shall apply to the entire The Lakes Subdivision (as described in Exhibit 1, 2 & 3), any property annexed to The Lakes Subdivision, and all improvements. 285 6 No improvements shall be made, erected, altered or permitted to remain upon any Lot until (1) the proper Form is/are submitted, (2) any other information required or requested by the DRP is submitted, (3) all fees are fully paid, (4) all required Forms are approved in writing by the DRP, and (5) any applicable City of Bozeman review or permitting and/or fee payment(s) has been completed. All plans submitted to the City of Bozeman must have The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel Form B stamp of approval. “Improvement” shall be construed broadly and includes, but is not limited to, a residence, fence, wall, garage, outbuilding, other structure, or landscaping. Chapter 3: Relationship to other Documents 3.1 Local Land Use Regulations & Building Codes All improvements must comply with applicable building codes, land use regulations, and all other laws, rules and regulations of any government or agency under whose jurisdiction the land lies. Local land use regulations can be found online at www.bozeman.net. Some provisions of this Design Manual may be more or less restrictive than local land use regulations as part of the overall The Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development (“PUD"). 3.1.1 The following relaxations from the Bozeman Municipal Code apply to The Lakes at Valley West Phase 1 and 2 Subdivision: Relaxation # Code Section Summary of Section #1 38.08.010.A.2 Intent of R-1 District #2 38.08.020 Authorized Uses in R-1 #3 38.08.030.A.2 Lot Coverage and Floor Area #4 38.08.040.A Minimum Lot Area #5 38.08.040.B Minimum Lot Width #6 38.08.050.A Yards #7 38.08.060 Building Height #8 38.22.030 R-1 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) #9 38.23.040.B Block Length #10 38.23.040.C Block Width #11 38.23.040.D.3 Pedestrian Walk Surface #12 38.23.040.E Block Numbering #13 38.24.060.A Design Standards (length of tangent at intersection) #14 38.24.060.B Alternate Alley Section to Allow Woonerf Relaxations #1-8 are addressed in Appendix A1: The Lakes at Valley West PUD Zoning District and are intended to replace Article 8 in the Unified Development Code. Relaxations #9-14 are more related to overall subdivision design. 286 7 3.1.2 The following relaxations from the Bozeman Municipal Code apply to The Lakes at Valley West, Phase 3: Relaxation No. Code Section Summary of Section #1 38.08.010.A.2 Intent of R-1 District #2 38.08.020 Expand Authorized Uses in R-1 #3 38.08.030.A.2 Increase Allowed Lot Coverage and Floor Area #4 38.08.040.A Reduce Minimum Lot Area #5 38.08.040.B Reduce Minimum Lot Width #6 38.08.050.A Reduce Yards #7 38.08.060 Replace Building Height in R-1 to be the same as R-4 #8 38.22.030 Allow R-1 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) without a Conditional Use Permit for defined lots #9 38.23.040.B Allow Increased Block Length #10 38.23.040.C Allow Smaller Block Width #11 38.23.040.D.3 Allow Alternate Pedestrian Walk Surface #12 38.23.040.E Block Numbering #13 38.24.060.A Design Standards (length of tangent at intersection) #14 38.24.060.B Alternate Alley Section to Allow Woonerf #15 38.23.100.A.2 Reduction to minimum wetland setback #16 38.23.080.F % of front yard occupied by storm water facilities #17 Parking in Side Yards at specific open space locations #18 38.21.060.A.4 To allow covered decks exceeding 1/3 the length of the building to encroach 5-feet into the open space setback. To allow porches to encroach 5-feet into any yard facing a street or facing a Woonerf. Relaxations #1-8, 17-18 are addressed in Appendix A2: The Lakes at Valley West PUD Zoning District and are intended to replace Article 8 in the Unified Development Code. Relaxations #9-16 are more related to overall subdivision design. 3.1.3 The following relaxations from the Bozeman Municipal Code apply to The Lakes at Valley West, Phase 4: Relaxation # Code Section Summary of Section #1 38.08.010.A.2 Intent of R-1 District #2 38.08.020 Authorized Uses in R-1 #3 38.08.030.A.2 Lot Coverage and Floor Area #4 38.08.040.A Minimum Lot Area #5 38.08.040.B Minimum Lot Width #6 38.08.050.A Yards 287 8 #7 38.08.060 Building Height #8 38.22.030 R-1 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) #9 38.23.040.B Block Length #10 38.23.040.C Block Width #11 38.23.040.D.3 Pedestrian Walk Surface #12 38.23.040.E Block Numbering #13 38.24.060.A Design Standards (length of tangent at intersection) #14 38.24.060.B Alternate Alley Section to Allow Woonerf #15 38.23.100.A Wetland setback 3.1.4 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Design Manual to the contrary, the relaxations set forth in 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and 3.1.3 may not be varied, amended, modified or deleted without the express written authorization of the City of Bozeman. 3.2 The Declaration of Protective Covenants and Bylaws for The Lakes at Valley West All Lots in The Lakes Subdivision are also subject to The Declaration of Protective Covenants for The Lakes at Valley West (“Declaration”), which are on file at the Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder’s Office, and Bylaws, if any. These documents are available for reference online at www.thelakesatvalleywest.com. Chapter 4: The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel A Panel is hereby established known as The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel (“DRP”). 4.1 Function The function and purpose of the DRP is to review applications, plans, specifications, materials, samples, and location in order to determine if the proposed construction conforms to the Declaration and the Design Manual. 4.2 Membership 4.2.1 Before the Transfer Date, the Declarant may appoint a Design Review Panel composed of up to three persons. The persons are not required to be Owners or Members of the Association. The persons may serve on the Design Review Panel until he or she resigns or is replaced by the Declarant, whichever occurs first. If no persons are on the Design Review Panel, then the Board of Directors shall act as the Design Review Panel. 4.2.2 After the Transfer Date, the Board of Directors may appoint a Design Review Panel composed of up to three persons. The persons are not required to be Owners or Members of the Association. The persons may serve on the Design Review Panel until he or she resigns or is replaced by the Board of Directors, whichever occurs first. If no persons are on the Design Review Panel, then the Board of Directors shall act as the Design Review Panel. 288 9 4.2.3 The Board of Directors may also engage engineers or other advisors or consultants in the design review process as necessary. 4.3 Enforcement Powers Should any Owner violate or threaten to violate any part of this Design Manual, the DRP may attempt to work with the Owner to have the Owner cure the violation in a timely manner, and/or refer the violation or threatened violation to the Board of Directors. Among any other remedy set forth in the Declaration, the Board of Directors has the right to injunctive relief, which requires the Owner to stop, remove, and/or alter any improvements in a manner that complies with the standards established by the DRP. 4.4 Limitation of Responsibilities The primary goal of the DRP is to review the Review Applications and the plans, specifications, materials, samples, and location in order to determine if the proposed construction conforms to the Declaration and the Design Manual. The DRP does not assume responsibility for the following:  The structural adequacy, capacity, or safety features of the proposed construction or improvement.  Soil erosion, ground water levels, non-compatible or unstable soil conditions.  Compliance with any or all building codes, safety requirements, and governmental laws, regulation or ordinances. Chapter 5: Design Review Process 5.1 In General 5.1.1 Approval Required to Commence Construction. No improvements shall be made, erected, altered or permitted to remain upon on any Lot until the Owner submits the proper Form to the DRP and the Form is approved in writing by the DRP. 5.1.2 DRP Discretion. The DRP has complete discretion as to whether to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a Form. At the least, the construction, installation, or alteration shall comply with the Declaration and Design Manual; be in harmony with the external design, location, and topography of the surrounding Lots and The Lakes Subdivision; and not be placed on or under any part of said Lot within the common areas and easements reserved as indicated on Exhibit “A,” or the common areas and easements reserved and created in Declaration, except as approved by the DRP. 5.1.3 Information Required. No Form will be deemed submitted until all of the information required by the Design Manual and requested by the DRP, and all fees are provided. Incomplete applications may be returned and are subject to a re-submittal fee. 5.1.4 Submitting Forms. Submit (hand delivery or mail) 2 copies of the required Form and related materials for each design review to the following: 289 10 The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel c/o Intrinsik Architecture, Inc. 111 North Tracy Avenue Bozeman, Montana 59715 Submittals must be labeled with “The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel” and specific project title and address. Form A, Form B, Form C, and Form D, as may be amended from time to time, may be requested from the DRP or may be downloaded from the website at www.lakesatvalleywest.com. 5.1.5 After the Review. Following DRP review, the Owner will be notified as to whether the construction has been approved, conditionally approved or denied. 5.1.6 Withdrawing Application. An Owner may withdraw an application without prejudice, provided the request for withdrawal is made in writing to the DRP. 5.1.7 Variances. Any request for any variance must be made in writing to the DRP. Any variance granted shall be considered unique and will not set any precedent for future decisions. Variance requests are subject to Section 6.4. 5.1.8 Request for Hearing. If an application is conditionally approved or denied, the Owner may request a hearing before the DRP to justify the Owner’s position. The DRP will consider the arguments and facts presented by the Owner and notify the Owner of its decision. 5.1.9 If the DRP does not to take action on a Form within forty-five days after receiving the Form, the Form shall be deemed denied. 5.2 Informal Advice Prior to beginning the design process, it is recommended that Owners and their designated representatives (such as architects, contractors, etc.) contact the DRP to verify their interpretation of this Design Manual. Owners or their designated representatives may, at their option, request a meeting with the DRP to discuss the preliminary plans prior to a full Form A (Sketch Design Review) submittal. Fee* Required Documents Required Submittal Materials (2 paper copies + 1 digital PDF copy) Schematic Drawing Checklist None (except as noted below) None Conceptual plans appropriate for informal discussion N/A *Note: Additional meetings and/or reviews requested by the Owner and as determined by the DRP to be above and beyond the standard review process are subject to hourly fees in addition to the Design Review fee and must be paid prior to issuance of approval. 290 11 5.3 FORM A (Required) Sketch Design Review The Sketch Design Review checks designs for general interpretations of the overall Declaration and Design Manual. Form A includes a statement of Acknowledgement. The Lot Owner and/or its designated representative shall take all necessary steps to ensure that they and their employees, subcontractors, agents, suppliers, and others involved in the development of the Lot are familiar with and agree to abide by the Declaration, Design Manual, and approved plans. Note that Form A review must be completed before Form B review can begin. If a Form B application is not submitted within 9 months of Form A review (based on the date of the letter from the DRP approving or conditionally approving the plans) or if the design changes considerably (as determined by the DRP in the DRP’s sole discretion), a new full Form A submittal will be required. Fee* Required Documents (1 paper copy + 1 digital PDF copy) Required Submittal Materials (1 paper copy + 1 digital PDF copy) Half size/scale plots acceptable. Schematic Drawing Checklist $600 Form A (must be signed) Site Plan (1/16” or 1/8” scale) North Arrow Property/Setback Lines Easements Sidewalks; Building Footprints; Porches, Stairs, etc; Overhangs (as dashed lines) Landscape Plan (1/16” or 1/8” scale) Schematic Site & Boulevard Landscaping Floor Plans (1/8” scale or larger) Room Use Windows & Doors Overhangs Dimensions Gross SF Elevations (1/8” scale or larger) Porches, balconies Doors, windows Materials specified Overall Height (from average grade) Roof Pitches *Notes: 1) Fee covers Form A & B; if project does not progress past Form A, a $400 refund will be provided upon request of the owner. 2) Additional meetings and/or reviews requested by the Owner and as determined by the DRP to be above and beyond the standard review process are subject to hourly fees in addition to the Design Review fee and must be paid prior to issuance of approval. 3) Incomplete applications may be returned and are subject to a $100 penalty. 291 12 5.4 Form B (Required) Construction Design Review: The Construction Design Review checks the construction documents for general compliance with the Declaration and Design Manual and verifies that the previous DRP recommendations have been addressed. Conformity to applicable local regulations and building codes, as well as obtaining appropriate permits is the responsibility of the Owner and/or the Owner’s architect and/or builder. If a Form B application is not submitted within 9 months of Form A review (based on the date of the letter from the DRP) or if the design changes considerably (as determined by the DRP in its sole discretion), a new full Form A submittal will be required. 292 13 Fee* Required Documents (1 paper copy + 1 digital PDF copy) Required Submittal Materials (1 paper copy + 1 digital PDF copy) Half size/scale plot acceptable. Drawing Checklist $0 Form B (must be signed) & Green Building Checklist Site Plan (1/16” or 1/8” scale) All dimensions must be noted. North Arrow; Property Lines; Setback Lines; Easements; Sidewalk & Street Location; Location, Dimensions, Materials for walks & drives; Building Footprints; Porches, Stairs, etc.; Overhangs (as dashed lines); Fence location & details; Grading Plan; Location and screening of equipment and meters; Limits of construction activity Landscape Plan (1/16” or 1/8” scale) Site landscaping Boulevard Landscaping Floor Plans (1/8” scale or larger) All dimensions must be noted. Room Use Windows & Doors Overhangs Gross square footage for unit and garage Elevations (1/4” scale or larger) All dimensions must be noted. Porches, balconies Doors, windows Materials specified Overall Height (from average grade) Roof Pitches Lights and light fixture details Color Rendering Color rendering of the front elevation and color chips Material Samples As requested by DRP Foundation Letter from Engineer Each project is required to submit a letter from a civil engineer identifying existing ground water elevations, and recommendations for foundation design, footing and first floor elevations. *Notes: 1) Fees paid with Form A cover both Form A & Form B. 2) Form A & Form B may be submitted concurrently. 3) Additional meetings and/or reviews requested by the Owner and as determined by the DRP to be above and beyond the standard review process are subject to hourly fees in addition to the Design Review fee and must be paid prior to issuance of approval. 4) Incomplete applications may be returned and are subject to a $100 penalty. 293 14 5.5 Form C Changes & Modifications: Owners may wish to make improvements or modifications to their improvements or property during the initial construction or at a future date. A change may only be executed after DRP approval of Form C. Note that any changes or modifications that are made before Form C is submitted, reviewed, and approved will be subject to an increased fee, to be decided by the Board of Directors or the DRP. Fee* Required Documents (1 paper copy + 1 digital PDF copy) Required Submittal Materials (1 paper copy + 1 digital PDF copy) Drawing Checklist $150 (for proposed modifications) $500 (for “after the fact” modifications) Form C Any relevant drawings related to proposed change(s) Any details related to the proposed changes. *Notes: 1) Additional meetings and/or reviews requested by the Owner and as determined by the DRP to be above and beyond the standard review process are subject to hourly fees in addition to the Design Review fee and must be paid prior to issuance of approval. 2) Incomplete applications may be returned and are subject to a $100 penalty. 5.6 Site Plan Review & Building Permits All construction projects require a building permit and some projects may require additional review from the City of Bozeman. Any plans submitted to the City of Bozeman must include The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel stamp and/or letter of approval. This is a requirement of The Lakes at Valley West Homeowner’s Association and not the City of Bozeman. Approval by the DRP does not guarantee approval by the City of Bozeman. Construction may not commence without obtaining necessary approvals/permits from the City of Bozeman and the Valley West Home Owner’s Association. The Valley West Homeowners’ Association will assess significant fines for beginning construction prior to obtaining all required approvals. 5.7 Timing of Construction An Owner has 1 year from the date of Form B approval to start construction. If construction of a structure is not started within 1 year of Form B approval, new approval must be obtained. An Owner has 1 year from the date construction commences to complete construction, unless an extension is granted by the DRP. If construction is commenced and is not completed in 1 year or is not completed in strict compliance with what was approved, then in addition to any other remedy allowed in the Declaration or this Design Manual, or at law or in equity, the Board of Directors, may, in its sole discretion, take any action that in its judgment is necessary to improve the appearance of the construction or to bring it into 294 15 compliance with the Declaration, the Design Manual, or the approved plans, including completing the exterior, or removing the uncompleted structure, or any other action. Consideration will be given to remaining landscaping based on seasonal constraints; however, such landscaping must be completed during the beginning of the next planting season. The amount of any expenditure incurred in so doing shall be the Owner’s obligation. In addition, a lien on the Lot may be recorded and enforced by an action at law. The Association may also take such action as is available in the Declaration and by law or in equity, including an injunction and/or action for damages. 5.8 Inspections: The DRP reserves the right to inspect the Lot during any stage of construction. If the DRP determines, in its sole discretion, that discrepancies exist between the construction and approved plans, the Declaration, or the Design Manual, the Owner shall immediately correct the discrepancies or submit a Form C (after the fact changes) for review and approval. A Final Inspection is required. Owners are responsible for scheduling an inspection. The inspection shall determine general compliance with the Declaration, Design Manual, and approved plans. If the DRP finds the improvements were not completed in strict compliance with the Declaration, Design Manual, and approved plans, the DRP shall notify the Owner of the noncompliance, and shall require remedy of the same. The Owner shall have 7 days from the notification to remedy the noncompliance or to submit a work plan delineating the time frame when the noncompliance will be remedied, although in no instance shall the timeframe exceed 45 days. The DRP may allow up to 45 days for the noncompliance to be remedied if the Form C and corresponding work plan provides adequate justification for the requested time. If the noncompliance is not remedied, the Board of Directors may, in its sole discretion, remedy the noncompliance. The amount of any expenditure incurred in so doing shall be the Owner’s obligation. In addition, a lien on the Lot may be recorded and enforced by an action at law. The Association may also take such action as is available in the Declaration and by law or in equity, including an injunction and/or action for damages. No occupancy of the project shall take place prior to the completion of all required inspections or as otherwise specified by the DRP. 5.9 Liability Neither The Lakes at Valley West Homeowner’s Association, the Declarant, the Board of Directors, the DRP, nor the individual members thereof, may be held liable to any person for any damages for any action taken pursuant to this Design Manual, including but not limited to, damages which may result from review, correction, amendment, changes or rejection of plans and specifications, observations or inspections, the issuance of approvals, or any delays associated with such action on the part of the Design Review Panel or Board of Directors. 295 16 Chapter 6: Neighborhood Design Patterns All development must adhere to the neighborhood patterns described in the following sections (Site, Building, and Landscape). Photos are included reference only. Note that some provisions of this Design Manual may be more or less restrictive than local land use regulations as part of the overall Planned Unit Development (PUD). See Section 6.4 for allowable variations from these neighborhood patterns. Please also refer to Exhibit C1 & C2 for specific lot by lot requirements for uses, setbacks, coverage, areas, widths, etc. 6.1 Site The following site design guidelines are intended to provide a framework for site layouts within The Lakes at Valley West. (a) Regulations regarding Intent, Uses, Lot Coverage, Lot Area, Lot Width, Setbacks, Height, Garages, Parking and Minimum Density are all addressed in Appendix A1 & A2: The Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development Zoning District. (b) Fences & Screens  No fencing is allowed in street-facing yards or in required street vision triangles.  The following fence types are permitted. See specifications below.  A 42” tall fence, only as specified below, is allowed along the woonerf property lines and along an imaginary line setback two feet inside any property line that borders park or open space. It is also allowed on common private property lines and returns to the house structure. The two foot buffer between the fence and the property line bordering park or open space must be planted with a hedge that is well maintained at 42” or less in height.  Hedge species may be Lilac, Cranberry Highbush, or a similar species approved by the DRP. Minimum planting size is 24” tall and maximum spacing is 36” on center (OC). 296 17 42” Height (3’ 6” H) Option A 42” Height (3’ 6” H) Option B 42” Height (3’ 6” H) Option C 297 18 42” Height (3’ 6” H) Option D  A 4 foot tall fence, only as specified below, is allowed on common private property lines and returns to the house structure. 4’ Height Option A 298 19 4’ Height Option B 4’ Height Option C 4’ Height Option D 299 20  A 6 foot tall screen fence, only as specified below, is allowed on side property lines setback 20 feet from the street and woonerf property lines and allowed on returns to the house structure. 6’ Height Option A 6’ Height Option B 300 21  All fences connections shall be made with stainless steel or gold exterior corrosive resistant screws.  All fences shall be stained or sealed to protect them from weather and elements and to maintain appearance.  Screen walls, used for patios or hot tubs, are required to meet all setbacks and must be aesthetically connected to and appear as an extension of a primary residence wall. Outdoor rooms may be designed to include, but shall not be substantially obscured by, screen walls.  All fence assemblies are required to be maintained for appearance and kept in working order.  Dog kennels or runs must be attached to a primary or accessory structure, be screened from public streets and adjacent properties, and receive DRP approval for materials and configuration. Chain-link is not permitted. Underground electric fences are encouraged for dogs.  Utility panel or wire fences must be constructed so that the wire or utility panel is attached and held in place by the fence structure. Staples, alone, are not acceptable to attach the wire to the fencing frame. (c) Sidewalks  Any existing sidewalks in the right-of-way or open spaces that are damaged during construction must be repaired or replaced at the lot owner’s expense.  Sidewalks on homes facing local streets are required to cross the boulevard in line with the sidewalk leading to the front porch.  Upon the third anniversary of the plat recordation of any phase of the subdivision, any lot owner who has not constructed said sidewalk shall, without further notice, construct within 30 days, said sidewalk for their lot(s), regardless of whether other improvements have been made upon the lot. Failure to comply may result in the HOA constructing sidewalks and assessing full coordinating and installation costs and apply fines when deemed necessary. 6.2 Building The following building design guidelines are intended to promote both building diversity and neighborhood compatibility within a developing neighborhood framework. R.H. Carter Architects, Inc. 301 22 (a) Recommended Energy Star Program  Because of its ease and low cost, homes are encouraged to meet or exceed the standards of the “Energy Star” Program. Energy Star homes typically include additional energy-saving features that make them 20–30% more efficient than standard code compliant homes.  Energy Star Qualified New Homes include: Effective Insulation High-Performance Windows Tight Construction and Ducts Efficient Heating and Cooling Equipment Efficient Products Third-Party Verification  The specific standards can be found at: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=new_homes.hm_index. (b) Base Element & Foundation  A base element is required and must be detailed in such a way to visually and structurally connect the building with the ground. It may appear as a platform or terrace upon which the house stands or as a built extension of the ground integrated with the house above. This element may be masonry, concrete, wood or materials matching trim package. Buildings without a base element may be considered based on design merit.  Foundation walls shall be exposed a maximum of 12-inches above the ground. Exposed foundation walls shall be built of brick, cast concrete, trimmed with horizontal members, or as otherwise approved by DRP. Concrete foundations exposed more than 18-inches above grade must have an architectural finish (texture, pattern and/or color). 302 23  Due to the potential of high ground water tables in the areas of the subdivision, it is not recommended that residential dwellings or other structures with full or partial basements be constructed without first consulting a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana and qualified in the certification of residential and commercial construction. (c) Walls & Facades  All facades of the main building and accessory structures shall be made of similar materials and be similarly detailed.  Primary materials on a façade may change only at a horizontal band or an inside corner. Consideration will be given to changing materials at a visual block such as a fence.  Varied building massing is encouraged. No exterior wall plane, unless approved otherwise for design merit, shall exceed 35 feet in length without incorporating a minimum 24-inch offset or recess in a significant proportion to the overall plane.  Building walls shall be clad in smooth cut wood shingles, wood clapboard, barn or reclaimed wood, wood drop siding, traditional wood board and batten, fiber cement siding, architectural metal cladding, brick, or stone. Siding shall be painted or stained; pre-finished siding will be considered based on design merit. Alternative materials, including the use of steel, will be considered based on design merit. Stucco, log, vinyl or aluminum siding is not allowed.  The color palette of the body of the house shall be as approved by the DRP based on merit. Color schemes must be varied from the two adjacent properties, 303 24 in each direction and from the properties across the street. Attached dwelling units are exempted from each other. Garish colors are not allowed.  Exposed exterior wood shall be painted or stained (wood front doors excluded).  Lap siding shall run horizontally. Maximum lap siding exposure is 5-inch. Combinations of lap exposure will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Trim materials should be of high quality and of appropriate visual size. Exterior trim of at least 4-inches is required around windows and doors. Corner caps are acceptable. Variations on trim width and/or exclusion of trim will be considered based on design merit.  Brick surfaces shall be set predominantly in a horizontal running bond pattern.  Stonework shall be natural or approved synthetic stone materials. Dry stack, un-coursed settings with minimal exposed mortar are preferred. Stonework shall not be applied to individual wall surfaces in order to avoid a veneer-like appearance. It shall continue around corners to an inside corner. (d) Porches  For yards facing a public street, the front porch of a residential structure must be built within 5 feet of the setback line (“build-to” line). The width of the porch on the build-to line must occupy a minimum of 30% of the width of the front façade measured along the build-to line. As an alternative to the typical front porch and to provide additional design diversity, narrower but deeper porches that have the same square footage may also be considered. A minimum 6 feet of depth is required.  Buildings on lots that address two or more streets must address both streets with fronting characteristics as part of the comprehensive composition. Design 304 25 considerations should include but not be limited to: wrapping front porches, outdoor rooms, variation in wall planes and massing, additional openings and enhanced landscaping.  Porches are also required along woonerfs; however, these porches only have a minimum length or width requirement of 6 feet. The percentage requirement does not apply to porches facing a woonerf.  Front porches generally must be elevated between 2 and 4 feet above fronting top of curb. Other heights may be considered based on site conditions and foundation design.  Porch railings may be opened or closed. If closed, they must be constructed of the same material as the adjacent wall planes.  Front stoops shall be made of concrete, wood, stone, or brick and must be detailed and integrated into the porch/railing design. Required stair railings must be compatible with the overall stair and porch design.  Porch supports shall be built of stone, masonry, concrete, or wood. Column base piers shall be no less than 16 x 16-inch square and wood columns shall be no less than 8-inches square. Column groupings must have an outer minimum dimension of 10-inches. Tapered columns may not be smaller than 7 x 7-inches at the top. Columns shall match or be similar in design on all elevations of a structure.  The balustrade and the space below porches shall be closed and integrated into a closed band and/or landscaped, interrupted as necessary for drainage.  No exposed stair or deck framing is allowed. Verde Builders Group BCprojects.ca Taylor’d DISTINCTION 305 26 (e) Outdoor Rooms (required on buildings adjacent to open spaces)  To complement the neighborhood open spaces and courtyards, all lots adjacent to an open space are required to have an “Outdoor Room” facing the open space. This concept is intended to provide a transition from the public green spaces to private indoor spaces. Buildings on lots that address two or more open spaces will only be required to address one open space with an outdoor room. The building, however, will need to address all open spaces. Design considerations should include but not be limited to: wrapping front porches, outdoor rooms, variation in wall planes and massing, additional openings, and enhanced landscaping.  The minimum size requirement for an outdoor room is 80 square feet with a minimum dimension of 8 feet on both sides.  Outdoor Rooms typically include covered porches, screened porches, covered patios, or covered decks with integrated landscaping. Partially covered or uncovered patios or decks that are integrated into the overall design and comprehensive composition of the home and landscaping will be considered on design merit.  Other interpretations of outdoor rooms will be considered based on design merit by the DRP. (f) Decks & Patios  Decks and patios must face only side yards and/or open spaces. Decks and patios may not extend more than 40 percent feet into any required side setback. Arcanum Architecture 306 27 Setback Deck/Patio Encroachment 5’ 2’ 7’ 2’-9” 10’ 4’ 12’ 4’-9”  Within The Lakes at Valley West, Phase 3, Lots 5-12, first and second floor porches fronting Durston Road may encroach up to 5 feet into a 10’ open space setback only if the covered deck exceeds 1/3 in length of the building.  The space below first floor elevated decks visible from nearby streets or public spaces shall be architecturally detailed and/or landscaped to provide screening.  Decks, balconies, and terraces shall be designed to enhance the overall architecture of the building by creating variety, layering, and detail on exterior elevations. Covered decks, projecting balconies, and bay windows shall be integrated and composed with the overall building form, rather than placed randomly throughout the building. Terraces shall be used to integrate the building and landscape by creating a transition between the built and natural character of the site. (g) Windows & Solar Gain  Windows are encouraged meet or exceed Energy Star standards as previously stated.  Openings (including windows and doors) shall not be less than 15% of the wall area, measured on each elevation. Elevation calculations shall include exterior window or door trim.  Windows shall be wood, wood-clad, fiberglass or vinyl.  Round, hexagonal and octagonal windows are not permitted.  Mirrored glass shall not be used. 307 28  Buildings shall have all openings trimmed in wood bands of minimum 4-inches nominal width unless approved based on design merit.  Bay window projections shall be proportionate to the overall composition and are encouraged to extend to the ground or be trimmed appropriately. Cantilevered bays must be visually carried by structural brackets or a water table trim band. Only cantilevered bays may encroach into a setback.  False shutters are not permitted.  Canvas awnings are permitted and shall be square cut without side panels. (h) Doors  Exterior doors are encouraged to meet or exceed Energy Star standards as previously stated.  Front doors shall be solid wood or have a wood appearance. Complimenting wood storm/screen doors are encouraged. High quality synthetic alternatives, such as fiberglass Masonite, may be considered based on detailing and proportions.  Traditional sliding glass doors may only be used in yards facing open spaces and side yards. 308 29  Garage doors shall be built of wood, steel, or fiberglass.  Garage doors shall be de-emphasized in the elevation of the building. If possible, they should be oriented away from the street. If a lot does not have access to a woonerf and garage doors must face a street, the doors shall be made of a complementary and quality material and have significant detailing contributing to the elevation composition.  To encourage varied massing, garage door wall planes fronting woonnerfs must vary a minimum of 24” from adjacent attached wall planes.  Detached garages and garage doors may front a woonerf if composed with overall site plan and have significant detailing contributing to the street elevation.  Other more contemporary and creative approaches to garage doors will be considered based on design merit. 309 30 (i) Roofs  Asphalt composition shingles are permitted, but must be at least 30-year architectural grade.  Treated wood shingles are permitted.  Metal roof materials are a permitted but must be designed to protect people and property from significant sliding of snow and ice (not applicable to dormers or similar roof forms that do not drip directly to grade). Metal roofs may be corrugated or standing seam only. Unpainted, galvanized, rusted, brown, grey or rust-red-baked-on finish are all appropriate finishes. Garish colors or shiny materials are not appropriate.  Natural or synthetic slate roof materials are permitted.  Green roofs are encouraged.  Flat roofs are permitted on all buildings if integrated with the design. Flat roofs used as balconies on street facades may be enclosed with solid railings.  Roof plane continuous length dimensions shall not exceed 40’ for single family and duplex structures and 100’ for multifamily structures without a significant break. Minimum break shall be no less than 20% of the length roof plane and extend up the roof plane no less than 30% of the height of the roof. 310 31 (j) Skylights  Skylights shall be flat in profile (no bubbles or domes). (k) Roof Mounted Solar Panels  Solar panels area encouraged for all projects. (l) Dormers  Dormer width shall be proportionate to the overall composition.  Shed dormers shall have a pitch of at least 3:12. Hip and gable dormers shall have the same pitch as the main roof volume. (m) Eaves  Overhanging roof eave and gable end depth shall be no less than 24-inches unless approved otherwise based on design merit for a more contemporary style or flat roof. Roof overhang depth on accessory structures must match the main building structure. 311 32  Fascia detail must have a minimum dimension of 8-inches nominal unless otherwise approved for design merit. Two-piece fascia detailing is required. Wood (including Miratec and similar products as determined by the Design Review Committe) is the only acceptable material. Vinyl or metal fascia material is not permitted. As an alternative, exposed rafter tails and entry accents are encouraged if appropriate for the architectural style.  Soffits shall be wood (including Hardiboard products). Metal or vinyl soffits are not permitted.  Boxed soffits are allowed when integrated into a suitable architectural style and overall detailing.  Enclosed soffits are acceptable on more contemporary styles. 312 33  Gutters shall be built of metal of a color and finish that blends with the finish color scheme. Gutters shall be half-round or rectangular and downspouts shall be circular or rectangular. (n) Chimneys / Roof Vents  Chimneys shall be clad in stone, masonry, siding, steel or some other compatible or complementary material.  Chimneys shall be at least 30 x 30-inches.  Prefabricated metal flues shall be concealed within a chimney unless approved otherwise. Chimney caps may extend above the chimney top per building code requirements.  Roof protrusions, other than chimneys, shall be arranged to minimize street exposure.  All roof-mounted equipment shall be integrated into overall design and screened. (o) Lighting  All exterior residential lighting must be dark—sky compliant. All exterior lighting of all lots shall be limited to 800 lumens (12- watt LED bulbs/60-watt incandescent bulbs) and must be full cut-off and shielded bulb of such focus and intensity so as to not cause disturbance of adjacent lots.  Recessed or can lighting is encouraged for porches and main entrances for softer lighting conditions. 313 34  The following lighting is prohibited: obtrusive flood lighting, mercury vapor or high-pressure sodium lights, metal halide lights, and clear glass or exposed bulb (non-cutoff) fixtures.  Pathway lighting is permitted. These types of lights may be attached to the home, along walkways near the ground level, or incorporated into fences. Solar powered lighting is strongly encouraged.  Woonerfs will be lighted with the LED Cree Edge Series Pedestrian Pathway lighting or equivalent. Streets will be lighted with the LED KIM Archetype light fixtures or equivalent. (p) Signage  No signs shall be erected on residential properties except to identify the owner and address of the property.  Typical "For Sale" signs shall be allowed during the sale of a lot.  Signage integrated with landscaping may be placed at the main entrances and parks to identify the neighborhood. 6.3 Landscape The proper use of plant materials adds to a sense of permanence and consistency for a neighborhood while also connecting the built and natural environments. Landscape plans submitted with Form B should outline hardscape elements, fencing, and planting areas with species and quantities listed. Each Owner will be required to meet minimum landscape specifications related to two general categories: boulevard plantings and yard plantings. 314 35 (a) Street / Woonerf Boulevard Plantings  Individual Lot Owners shall be responsible for the landscaping the boulevard area directly adjacent to their property at the time of occupancy and for the maintenance of the boulevard area thereafter.  To enhance a public street boulevard where present, 1 tree (minimum 2½-inch diameter caliper) shall be planted per 50 feet in the boulevard area. Grass or an approved xeriscape plan must also be installed in the boulevard area directly adjacent to the subject property.  To enhance a woonerf boulevard where present, 1 tree (minimum 2 ½-inch diameter caliper) shall be planted where utility conflicts do not exist as well as provide a composed planting bed that includes a minimum of 3 shrubs, perennial plantings and a minimum of 2 boulders. See Appendix D: Woonerf Diagram.  Maximum height of landscaping in required vehicle vision triangles is 30-inches.  It is the responsibility of the Owner to contact the appropriate utility companies before digging. (b) Yard Plantings  All properties are required to landscape yards. Yards facing a street must be sod (fescue blend sod is strongly encouraged). Yards facing open space or side yards may be seeded.  Native, drought tolerant grasses and regional plant materials are encouraged. Lawns should be well maintained, so they thrive and therefore, use fewer resources. Regular fertilizing (see below), aeration, and weekly cutting with a sharp blade are all critical to lawn success. Lawns should be maintained at about 4-inches as keeping lawns slightly long ensures the soil remains shaded, thereby using less water. 315 36  Mulching, composting, efficient irrigation, harvesting water from roofs, sidewalks, driveways and other impervious surfaces are all encouraged.  “Xeriscaping” or water-conserving, drought-tolerant landscaping is encouraged. A proposal for a Xeriscape landscape plan must be prepared by a landscape professional. United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has guidelines available at at: http://www.epa.gov/.  Yards facing a street: At least 1 tree (minimum 2½-inch caliper) and 2 appropriately sized planting beds are required for yards facing a public street. Corner lots are considered to have 2 separate yards and therefore require a total of 2 trees (minimum 2½-inch caliper) and 2 appropriately sized planting beds  Yards Facing a Woonerf: At least 1 tree and 1 appropriately sized planting bed are required for yards facing a woonerf.  Yards Facing Open Spaces: At least 1 tree (minimum 2½-inch diameter caliper) and 2 appropriately sized planting beds are required for any yard facing an open space.  Planting beds must be composed with the site and the building elevations and shall have a top layer of mulch or earth tone stone (non-white). 316 37  Maximum height of landscaping in required vehicle vision triangles is 30-inches.  It is the responsibility of the Owner to contact the appropriate utility companies before digging. (c) Vegetation & Solar Gain  Special consideration should be given to areas of sun exposure and shade for the planting of trees and large shrubs. Landscaping should allow southern exposures necessary for a home’s solar gain in the winter, or that of the neighbors. (d) Hardscapes  Selection of hardscape materials should favor natural materials such as untreated wood, stone, or stamped concrete, while balancing the desire for durability. Pressure treated lumber and railroad ties, although re-used, should be avoided for their toxicity. (e) Soil Preparation & Drainage  Investment at the soil level provides huge payoff in reduced water and fertilizer use, and plant vigor. Soils should be of the best quality available and improved with imported compost as feasible, especially in lawn areas. In areas where poor soils are unavoidable, homeowner’s should focus plant selection on species that thrive in such conditions. Runoff from roofs, and hardscapes, and melting snow, should be considered, and should be harvested for landscape use whenever possible. (f) Irrigation Systems & Water Use  Underground irrigation systems can use water efficiently but they must be designed, installed and operated correctly. They also require regular maintenance.  Plants with similar water usage, sun and shade requirements and zones with spray heads, rotors or drip systems should be grouped together.  Plants should be sufficient in number and density to reduce weed growth. A weed mat also inhibits weed growth. Mulch conserves water and shades soil.  Landscapes do not require as much water during shoulder seasons (May, June, September and October) as in July and August. Watering should be reduced in 317 38 September and October to prepare vegetation for dormancy. Early morning is the best time (4am-9am) to water because watering at night can encourage fungus and disease to grow. Avoid watering between 9am – 7pm.  Water only when your turf requires it. If you leave distinct footprints when you step on it or the grass does not spring back, it is time to water. Applying one inch of water (including rainfall) each time you water once per week is enough to keep your lawn green throughout the summer.  Turf grass should be watered using longer run times (15-20 minutes) but less often. This causes the grass roots to grow deeper thereby needing less water and becoming more drought and weed resistant. Frequent watering of turf grass causes the root base to remain shallow causing the grass to brown easily and it will be more susceptible to drought and weeds.  When watering trees and shrubs it is not necessary to water the leaves or the trunk. Instead, place a sufficient number of emitters evenly around the tree or shrub halfway between the trunk and the outer canopy. (g) Fertilizing / Pesticides  In careful consideration of the lakes and streams, homeowner’s that border open spaces or parks with surface water (lakes, streams, wetlands) will only be permitted to use non-chemical fertilizers / pesticides in required yard setbacks. Organic fertilizers for lawns are readily available, as are corn based weed suppression substitutes. Non-lawn native and drought tolerant plantings typically require no extra fertilizing at all. (h) Weed control  As further specified in the covenants, noxious weeds pose a serious threat to the environment, and property owners should familiarize themselves with, and control them, on their property. Chemical solutions should be balanced with the threat level of the individual species and the possibility for non-chemical alternative treatments. Under no circumstance should noxious weeds be allowed to flourish, or go past the flowering stage and into the seed stage. Weed control is required on both developed and vacant lots and will be enforced in accordance with the Covenants. (i) Vegetation Removal  No landscaping in the right-of-way, parks, open spaces and common areas may be removed without prior permission from the DRP. 6.4 Variances from Neighborhood Patterns The DRP encourages unique and creative design that respects thee spirit and intent of the Declaration and Design Manual. Except as otherwise set forth in Chapter 3, the DRP may, upon application, grant a variance from the Design Manual, based on design merit. 318 39 The Board of Directors shall have the power to make the final decision on whether to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a variance, without any liability being incurred or damages being assessed due to any decision of the Board of Directors. Chapter 7: Amendments Amendments to Design Manual may only be made as set forth in the Declaration. Any amendments to the Design Manual will be posted on The Lakes at Valley West website. A submittal shall be processed consistent with the Design Manual in effect 30 days prior to DRP receipt of a complete Form A submittal. No improvements that were constructed and approved in accordance with the Design Manual shall be required to be changed because such standards are thereafter amended. Chapter 8: Definitions The words and terms used in this document shall have their customary dictionary definitions unless otherwise specifically defined within the Declaration or this Design Manual. 319 40 Exhibit 1 The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 & 2 Subdivision Legal Description Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 1005B, and Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. 1005C, hereinafter known as “The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision – Phase 1 and Phase 2”, situated in the NE ¼ NW ¼ and NW ¼ NE ¼ of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Corner to Sections 4, 5, 8, and 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, as described on Certified Corner Recordation, Book 2, Page 1572, Document No. 380638, filed at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office; thence N.89° 32' 48"E. for 1337.30 feet to the West One-sixteenth Corner between Section 4 and Section 9, being the northwest corner of Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 1005B, the Point of Beginning; thence continuing N.89° 32' 48"E. for 1337.30 feet to the One-quarter Corner between Section 4 and Section 9, being the north corner common to Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 1005B and Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. 1005C; thence S.88° 44' 32"E. for 826.90 feet to the north corner common to Tract 2A and Tract 3A of Certificate of Survey No. 1005C, from which the Corner to Sections 3, 4, 9, and 10, as described on Certified Corner Recordation, Book 2, Page 1577, Document No. 380643, filed at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office, bears S.88° 44' 32"E., 1816.88 feet distant; thence S.02° 30' 35"W. for 659.22 feet to an angle point between Tract 2A and Tract 3A of Certificate of Survey No. 1005C; thence S.26° 04' 23"W. for 437.25 feet to an angle point between Tract 2A and Tract 3A of Certificate of Survey No. 1005C; thence S.02° 30' 35"W. for 289.84 feet to the south corner common to Tract 2A and Tract 3A of Certificate of Survey No. 1005C, being a point on the north line of SW ¼ NE ¼ of said Section 9; thence N.89° 11' 53"W. for 650.69 feet to the Center-North One-sixteenth Corner of said Section 9, being the south corner common to Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 1005B and Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. 1005C; thence S.89° 56' 46"W. for 1337.16 feet to the Northwest One-sixteenth Corner of said Section 9, being the south corner common to Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 1005B and Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey No. 1581; thence N.02° 27' 30"E. for 1341.86 feet to the West One-sixteenth Corner between Section 4 and Section 9, the Point of Beginning. The Area of the above described tracts of land is 64.89 Acres, more or less. 320 41 Exhibit 2 The Lakes at Valley West, Phase 3 Subdivision Legal Description Phase 3 of The Lakes at Valley West, being a portion of Lot R2 of The Lakes at Valley West – Phase 1 & Phase 2, Plat J-572; situated in the NE¼NW¼ of Section 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Corner to Sections 4, 5, 8, and 9, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, as described on Certified Corner Recordation, Book 2, Page 1572, Document No. 380638, filed at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office; thence N.88° 04' 19"E. for 1337.30 feet to the West One-sixteenth Corner between Section 4 and Section 9; thence S.00° 59' 02"W. for 50.06 feet along the east boundary of the NW¼NW¼ of Section 9 to a point on the south right-of-way of Durston Road, the Point of Beginning; thence N.88° 04' 19"E. for 873.66 feet along the south right-of-way of Durston Road to the northwest corner of Phase 2 of The Lakes at Valley West; thence S.1°54’25”E., 25.00 feet to an angle point on the west boundary of Phase 2 of The Lakes at Valley West; thence S.19°42’50”W., 388.15 feet to an angle point on the west boundary of Phase 2 of The Lakes at Valley West; thence S.13°17’40”E., 223.76 feet to the southwest corner of Phase 2 of The Lakes at Valley West; thence S.88°04’19”W., 296.79 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left, having a radius of 280.00 feet, a central angle of 24°45’39”, an arc length of 121.00 feet to a point, the chord being N.24°09’14”W., 120.06 feet; thence N.36°32’03”W., 62.13 feet to a point; thence S.50°56’59”W., 90.09 feet to a point; thence S.53°42’03”W., 60.00 feet to a point; thence S.56°35’13”W., 64.64 feet to a point; thence S.63°07’43”W., 86.94 feet to a point; thence S.75°16’23”W., 33.24 feet to a point thence S.84°04’23”W., 52.71 feet to a point; thence N.89°04’37”W., 87.84 feet to a point on the east boundary of the NW¼NW¼ of Section 9; thence N.0°59’02”E., 609.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. The Area of the above described tracts of land is 459,420 Square Feet, or 10.547 Acres, more or less. 321 42 Exhibit 3 The Lakes at Valley West, Phase 4 Subdivision Legal Description 322 43 Appendix A1 ARTICLE 8 - PUD1 – THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ZONING DISTRICT Phases 1 & 2 Sec. 1 - Intent and purpose. A. The intent and purpose of the Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development (PUD) Residential Zoning District is to set forth certain standards for development within the PUD that vary from the Unified Development Code (UDC) typical residential zoning districts. Other relaxations from the UDC are detailed in the PUD application and are related to subdivision design. This District applies to all lots within The Lakes at Valley West. Future changes to the R-1 zone in UDC do not impact the subject properties. 1. The intent of the Lakes at Valley West residential density district is to provide for a variety of small lots for lower intensity single, two and three household residential development and related uses (including accessory dwelling units) within the city at urban densities in a master planned area and to provide for such community facilities and services as will serve the area's residents while respecting the residential character and quality of the area. It should provide for a variety of housing types to serve the varied needs of households of different size, age and character. 2. In exchange for relaxations, strict design standards have been established in The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual which is administered by The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel. Many of these standards are more stringent than the requirements of the UDC. Sec. 2 - Authorized uses. A. Uses are depicted in the table below. Appendix C in the Design Manual designates which lots are allowed which uses. Principal uses are indicated with a "P," conditional uses are indicated with a "C," accessory uses are indicated with an "A" and uses which are not permitted with the district are indicated by a "-." “C” uses require a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Bozeman but must receive approval from The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel prior to submitting any applications to the City. B. Note that additional uses for telecommunication uses are contained in the UDC. C. The uses listed are deliberately broad and some are given special definitions in the UDC. The intent of this method is to provide general guidance for uses while allowing the unique needs and circumstances of each proposal to be specifically addressed through the review process. Some uses are the subject of special regulations contained in the UDC. 323 44 Table of Residential Uses for The Lakes at Valley West PUD Type of Use Accessory dwelling units1 P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Community centers C Community residential facilities with eight or fewer residents P Cooperative housing C Day care centers C Essential services Type I A Essential services Type II P Essential services Type III C Family day care home P Fences A Greenhouses A Group day care home C Group living2 P Guesthouses A Home-based businesses3 A/C Other buildings and structures typically accessory to authorized uses A Private garages A Private or jointly owned recreational facilities A Private stormwater control facilities A Public and private parks and park improvements P Manufactured homes on permanent foundations4 P Single-household dwelling P Temporary buildings and yards incidental to construction work A Temporary sales and office buildings A Three-household dwelling P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Two-household dwelling P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) “Limited Two Household/Duplex”5 P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Townhouses (two or three attached townhomes) P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Tool sheds for storage of domestic supplies A Uses approved as part of the Lakes at Valley West PUD P Notes: 1 Only one ADU per designed lot in Appendix C; one separated off-street parking space required for the second unit; occupancy may not exceed two persons or one bedroom; living area limited to 600 SF. 2 Group living is subject to the requirements of the UDC. 3 Home-based businesses are subject to the terms and thresholds of the UDC. 4 Manufactured homes are subject to the standards of the UDC and must adhere to the architectural standards established by The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual. 5 “Limited Two Household/Duplexes” (similar to attached ADUs) are allowed on designated lots in Appendix C; one separated off-street parking space is required for the second unit; occupancy may not exceed three persons or two bedrooms; living area is limited to one-third of the total square footage of the main residence. 324 45 Sec. 3 - Lot coverage and floor area. A. Maximum lot coverage by principal and accessory buildings shall be: 1. Not more than 50 percent of the lot area B. Minimum floor area requirements for each dwelling in all districts shall be that area required by the city's adopted International Building Code. Sec. 4 - Lot area and width. A. All lots shall have a minimum area as set forth in the table below and are cumulative. These minimums assume a lack of development constraints. Table of Minimum Lot Areas for The Lakes at Valley West PUD Minimum Lot Area (SF) Single-household dwelling 2,500 Two-household dwelling (including “limited two-household/duplex”) 3,000 Three-household dwelling 4,000 Lot area per townhouse (including duplex townhomes and triplex townhomes) 2,500 (2,000 for interior unit) Additional area required for a detached accessory dwelling unit none All other uses 5,000 B. All lots shall have a minimum width as set forth in the table below. These minimums assume a lack of development constraints. Table of Minimum Lot Widths for The Lakes at Valley West PUD Minimum Lot Width Single-household dwelling 25 Two-household dwelling 25 Accessory dwelling unit none Dwellings in three-household dwelling configurations 25 Townhouses 25 All other uses 50 325 46 Sec. 5 - Yards. A. Minimum yards required are: 1. Any yard facing a street: 15 feet; 20 feet for garage doors 2. Any yard facing a Woonerf: 15 feet; See Appendix C1 for garage door setbacks. 3. Any yard facing open space: 10-20 feet (see Lot Exhibits in Appendix C1) 3. Any side yard: 5-12 feet; or zero feet for interior walls of townhouses (see Lot Exhibits in Appendix C1) B. Yard Encroachments: 1. Decks and patios must face only side yards and/or open spaces. Decks and patios may not extend more than 40 percent feet into any required side setback. Side Setback Deck/Patio Encroachment 5’ 2’ 7’ 2’-9” 12’ 4’-9” Sec. 6 - Building height. Maximum building height for each residential district shall be as follows: Table of Heights for The Lakes at Valley West Height (in feet) Less than 3:12 34 3:12 or greater but less than 6:12 38 6:12 or greater but less than 9:12 42 Equal to or greater than 9:12 44 Sec. 7 - Residential garages. A. Attached residential garages facing a street shall not obscure the entrance to the dwelling. Attached garages are required to be clearly subordinate to the dwelling. A subordinate garage has two or more of the following characteristics: 1. The principal facade of the dwelling has been emphasized through the use of architectural features such as, but not limited to, porches, fenestration treatment, architectural details, height, orientation or gables, so that the non-garage portion of the residence is visually dominant; 2. The facade with the garage vehicle entrance is recessed at least four feet behind the facade of the dwelling containing the main entry; and/or 326 47 3. The area of the garage vehicle door comprises 30 percent or less of the total square footage, exclusive of any exposed roof areas, of the principal facade of the dwelling. Principal facade shall include all wall areas parallel to the garage door. B. Residential garages facing a woonerf are not required to meet the above criteria. Sec. 8 – Parking A. Parking requirements in terms of the number and size of spaces are the same as the most current version of the UDC. B. Where a woonerf serves lots, access to garages and off-street parking shall be off of the woonerf. In cases where a woonerf is not adjacent to a lot, accesses to garages are permitted to be off of the street. C. Driveways are encouraged to be shared wherever possible to minimize street cuts and maximize on-street parking options. D. All “required” parking spaces must meet the minimum dimensions established in the UDC. E. Parking spaces shall not block sidewalks, woonerfs, driveways, accesses, pedestrian facilities or snow removal/plowing. F. The developer will provide parallel parking spaces along the woonerf in several designated locations. Driveways must be located outside of these parking areas. Sec. 9 - Minimum density. A. New residential development shall provide a minimum net density of five dwellings per net acre. A minimum is required to support efficiency in use of land and provision of municipal services, and to advance the purposes and goals of this chapter and the City’s adopted growth policy. Density may be achieved by averaging lot sizes over the entire Lakes at Valley West PUD area. For example, one phase or area may be less than five units per net acre while another may be greater than five units per net acre as long as the average is at least five units per net acre. Sec. 10 – Architectural, Additional Site and Landscape Requirements A. The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual includes additional site, architectural and landscape requirements that are all subject to review and approval by The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel. Appendix C1 of the Design Manual contains detailed lot exhibits that provide specific information per lot regarding uses, setbacks, etc. 327 48 Appendix A2 ARTICLE 8 - PUD1 –THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ZONING DISTRICT PHASE 3 Sec. 1 - Intent and purpose. A. The intent and purpose of the Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development (PUD) Phase 3 Residential Zoning District is to set forth certain standards for development within the PUD that vary from the Unified Development Code (UDC) typical residential zoning districts. Other relaxations from the UDC are detailed in the PUD application and are related to subdivision design. This District applies to all lots within The Lakes at Valley West. Future changes to the R-1 zone in UDC do not impact the subject properties. 1. The intent of the Lakes at Valley West residential density district is to provide for a variety of small lots for lower intensity single, two household residential development and related uses (including accessory dwelling units) within the city at urban densities in a master planned area and to provide for such community facilities and services as will serve the area's residents while respecting the residential character and quality of the area. It should provide for a variety of housing types to serve the varied needs of households of different size, age and character. 2. In exchange for relaxations, strict design standards have been established in The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual which is administered by The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel. Many of these standards are more stringent than the requirements of the UDC. Sec. 2 - Authorized uses. A. Uses are depicted in the table below. Appendix C in the Design Manual designates which lots are allowed which uses. Principal uses are indicated with a "P," conditional uses are indicated with a "C," accessory uses are indicated with an "A" and uses which are not permitted with the district are indicated by a "-." “C” uses require a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Bozeman but must receive approval from The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel prior to submitting any applications to the City. B. Note that additional uses for telecommunication uses are contained in the UDC. C. The uses listed are deliberately broad and some are given special definitions in the UDC. The intent of this method is to provide general guidance for uses while allowing the unique needs and circumstances of each proposal to be specifically addressed through the review process. Some uses are the subject of special regulations contained in the UDC. 328 49 Table of Residential Uses for The Lakes at Valley West PUD- Phase 3 Type of Use Accessory dwelling units1 P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Community centers C Community residential facilities with eight or fewer residents P Cooperative housing C Day care centers C Essential services Type I A Essential services Type II P Essential services Type III C Family day care home P Fences A Greenhouses A Group day care home C Group living2 P Guesthouses A Home-based businesses3 A/C Other buildings and structures typically accessory to authorized uses A Private garages A Private or jointly owned recreational facilities A Private stormwater control facilities A Public and private parks and park improvements P Manufactured homes on permanent foundations4 P Single-household dwelling P Temporary buildings and yards incidental to construction work A Temporary sales and office buildings A Two-household dwelling P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) “Limited Two Household/Duplex”5 P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Townhouses (two or three attached townhomes) P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Tool sheds for storage of domestic supplies A Uses approved as part of the Lakes at Valley West PUD P Notes: 1 Only one ADU per designed lot in Appendix C; one separated off-street parking space required for the second unit; occupancy may not exceed two persons or one bedroom; living area limited to 600 SF. 2 Group living is subject to the requirements of the UDC. 3 Home-based businesses are subject to the terms and thresholds of the UDC. 4 Manufactured homes are subject to the standards of the UDC and must adhere to the architectural standards established by The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual. 5 “Limited Two Household/Duplexes” (similar to attached ADUs) are allowed on designated lots in Appendix C; one separated off-street parking space is required for the second unit; occupancy may not exceed three persons or two bedrooms; living area is limited to one-third of the total square footage of the main residence. 329 50 Sec. 3 - Lot coverage and floor area. A. Maximum lot coverage by principal and accessory buildings shall be: 1. Not more than 50 percent of the lot area B. Minimum floor area requirements for each dwelling in all districts shall be that area required by the city's adopted International Building Code. Sec. 4 - Lot area and width. A. All lots shall have a minimum area as set forth in the table below and are cumulative. These minimums assume a lack of development constraints. Table of Minimum Lot Areas for The Lakes at Valley West PUD Minimum Lot Area (SF) Single-household dwelling 2,500 Two-household dwelling (including “limited two-household/duplex”) 3,000 Lot area per townhouse (including duplex townhomes and triplex townhomes) 2,400 (2,000 for interior unit) Additional area required for a detached accessory dwelling unit none All other uses 5,000 B. All lots shall have a minimum width as set forth in the table below. These minimums assume a lack of development constraints. Table of Minimum Lot Widths for The Lakes at Valley West PUD Minimum Lot Width Single-household dwelling 25 Two-household dwelling 25 Accessory dwelling unit none Dwellings in three-household dwelling configurations 25 Townhouses 25 All other uses 50 Sec. 5 - Yards. A. Minimum yards required are: 1. Any yard facing a street: 15 feet; 20 feet for garage doors 2. Any yard facing a Woonerf: 15 feet; See Appendix C2 for garage door setbacks. 3. Any yard facing open space: 5-20 feet (see Lot Exhibits in Appendix C2) 330 51 3. Any side yard: 5-12 feet; or zero feet for interior walls of townhouses (see Lot Exhibits in Appendix C2) B. Yard Encroachments: 1. Side yards and/or Open Space yards. a. Decks and patios must face only side yards and/or open spaces. Decks and patios may not extend more than 40 percent feet into any required side setback. b. For Lots 5-12 only, first and second floor porches fronting Durston Road may encroach up to 5 feet into a 10’ open space setback only if the covered deck exceeds 1/3 in length of the building. 2. Porches may encroach up to 5 feet into a 15’ yard setback facing a street or 15’ yard facing a Woonerf only if all four of the following conditions are met: i. The encroaching porch must have a length equal to or greater than on one-half the length of the building façade or 12 feet, whichever is greater. The remaining portion may be occupied by an integrated façade as defined in this Design Manual: ii. The encroaching porch must have a minimum depth of six (6) feet; iii. Second or subsequent stories are not allowed to encroach into the 15-foot street or Woonerf facing yard; and iv. No stairs are permitted beyond the 10-foot setback. Sec. 6 - Building height. Maximum building height for each residential district shall be as follows: Table of Heights for The Lakes at Valley West Height (in feet) Less than 3:12 34 3:12 or greater but less than 6:12 38 6:12 or greater but less than 9:12 42 Equal to or greater than 9:12 44 Sec. 7 - Residential garages. Setback Deck/Patio Encroachment 5’ 2’ 7’ 2’-9” 10’ 4’ 12’ 4’-9” 331 52 A. Attached residential garages facing a street shall not obscure the entrance to the dwelling. Attached garages are required to be clearly subordinate to the dwelling. A subordinate garage has two or more of the following characteristics: 1. The principal facade of the dwelling has been emphasized through the use of architectural features such as, but not limited to, porches, fenestration treatment, architectural details, height, orientation or gables, so that the non-garage portion of the residence is visually dominant; 2. The facade with the garage vehicle entrance is recessed at least four feet behind the facade of the dwelling containing the main entry; and/or 3. The area of the garage vehicle door comprises 30 percent or less of the total square footage, exclusive of any exposed roof areas, of the principal facade of the dwelling. Principal facade shall include all wall areas parallel to the garage door. B. Residential garages facing a woonerf are not required to meet the above criteria. Sec. 8 – Parking A. Street-accessed and woonerf-accessed driveways shall be of concrete, or built of brick or concrete pavers approved in advance by the DRP. Woonerf-accessed driveways may also be paved with asphalt, when approved, as an extension of the paved alley. B. Parking requirements in terms of the number and size of spaces are the same as the most current version of the UDC. C. Where a woonerf serves lots, access to garages and off-street parking shall be off of the woonerf. In cases where a woonerf is not adjacent to a lot, accesses to garages are permitted to be off of the street. D. Driveways are encouraged to be shared wherever possible to minimize street cuts and maximize on-street parking options. E. All “required” parking spaces must meet the minimum dimensions established in the UDC. F. Parking spaces shall not block sidewalks, woonerfs, driveways, accesses, pedestrian facilities or snow removal/plowing. G. The developer will provide parking spaces along the woonerf in several designated locations. Driveways must be located outside of these parking areas. Sec. 9 - Minimum density. A. New residential development shall provide a minimum net density of five dwellings per net acre. A minimum is required to support efficiency in use of land and provision of municipal services, and to advance the purposes and goals of this chapter and the City’s adopted growth policy. Density may be achieved by averaging lot sizes over the entire Lakes at Valley West PUD area. For example, one phase or area may be less 332 53 than five units per net acre while another may be greater than five units per net acre as long as the average is at least five units per net acre. Sec. 10 – Architectural, Additional Site and Landscape Requirements A. The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual includes additional site, architectural and landscape requirements that are all subject to review and approval by The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel. Appendix C2 of the Design Manual contains detailed lot exhibits that provide specific information per lot regarding uses, setbacks, etc. 333 54 Appendix A3 ARTICLE 8 - PUD1 –THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) ZONING DISTRICT PHASE 4 Sec. 1 - Intent and purpose. A. The intent and purpose of the Lakes at Valley West Planned Unit Development (PUD) Phase 4 Residential Zoning District is to set forth certain standards for development within the PUD that vary from the Unified Development Code (UDC) typical residential zoning districts. Other relaxations from the UDC are detailed in the PUD application and are related to subdivision design. This District applies to all lots within The Lakes at Valley West. Future changes to the R-1 zone in UDC do not impact the subject properties. 1. The intent of the Lakes at Valley West residential density district is to provide for a variety of small lots for lower intensity single, two household residential development and related uses (including accessory dwelling units) within the city at urban densities in a master planned area and to provide for such community facilities and services as will serve the area's residents while respecting the residential character and quality of the area. It should provide for a variety of housing types to serve the varied needs of households of different size, age and character. 2. In exchange for relaxations, strict design standards have been established in The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual which is administered by The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel. Many of these standards are more stringent than the requirements of the UDC. Sec. 2 - Authorized uses. A. Uses are depicted in the table below. Appendix C in the Design Manual designates which lots are allowed which uses. Principal uses are indicated with a "P," conditional uses are indicated with a "C," accessory uses are indicated with an "A" and uses which are not permitted with the district are indicated by a "-." “C” uses require a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Bozeman but must receive approval from The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel prior to submitting any applications to the City. B. Note that additional uses for telecommunication uses are contained in the UDC. C. The uses listed are deliberately broad and some are given special definitions in the UDC. The intent of this method is to provide general guidance for uses while allowing the unique needs and circumstances of each proposal to be specifically addressed through the review process. Some uses are the subject of special regulations contained in the UDC. 334 55 Table of Residential Uses for The Lakes at Valley West PUD- Phase 3 Type of Use Accessory dwelling units1 P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Community centers C Community residential facilities with eight or fewer residents P Cooperative housing C Day care centers C Essential services Type I A Essential services Type II P Essential services Type III C Family day care home P Fences A Greenhouses A Group day care home C Group living2 P Guesthouses A Home-based businesses3 A/C Other buildings and structures typically accessory to authorized uses A Private garages A Private or jointly owned recreational facilities A Private stormwater control facilities A Public and private parks and park improvements P Manufactured homes on permanent foundations4 P Single-household dwelling P Temporary buildings and yards incidental to construction work A Temporary sales and office buildings A Two-household dwelling P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) “Limited Two Household/Duplex”5 P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Townhouses (two or three attached townhomes) P (only on specifically designated lots in Appendix C) Tool sheds for storage of domestic supplies A Uses approved as part of the Lakes at Valley West PUD P Notes: 1 Only one ADU per designed lot in Appendix C; one separated off-street parking space required for the second unit; occupancy may not exceed two persons or one bedroom; living area limited to 600 SF. 2 Group living is subject to the requirements of the UDC. 3 Home-based businesses are subject to the terms and thresholds of the UDC. 4 Manufactured homes are subject to the standards of the UDC and must adhere to the architectural standards established by The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual. 5 “Limited Two Household/Duplexes” (similar to attached ADUs) are allowed on designated lots in Appendix C; one separated off-street parking space is required for the second unit; occupancy may not exceed three persons or two bedrooms; living area is limited to one-third of the total square footage of the main residence. 335 56 Sec. 3 - Lot coverage and floor area. A. Maximum lot coverage by principal and accessory buildings shall be: 1. Not more than 50 percent of the lot area B. Minimum floor area requirements for each dwelling in all districts shall be that area required by the city's adopted International Building Code. Sec. 4 - Lot area and width. A. All lots shall have a minimum area as set forth in the table below and are cumulative. These minimums assume a lack of development constraints. Table of Minimum Lot Areas for The Lakes at Valley West PUD Minimum Lot Area (SF) Single-household dwelling 2,500 Two-household dwelling (including “limited two-household/duplex”) 2,250 Lot area per townhouse (including duplex townhomes and triplex townhomes) 2,500 (2,000 for interior unit) Additional area required for a detached accessory dwelling unit none All other uses 5,000 B. All lots shall have a minimum width as set forth in the table below. These minimums assume a lack of development constraints. Table of Minimum Lot Widths for The Lakes at Valley West PUD Minimum Lot Width Single-household dwelling 25 Two-household dwelling 25 Accessory dwelling unit none Dwellings in three-household dwelling configurations 25 Townhouses 25 All other uses 50 Sec. 5 - Yards. A. Minimum yards required are: 1. Any yard facing a street: 15 feet; 20 feet for garage doors 2. Any yard facing a Woonerf: 15 feet; See Appendix C2 for garage door setbacks. 3. Any yard facing open space: 5-20 feet (see Lot Exhibits in Appendix C2) 336 57 3. Any side yard: 5-12 feet; or zero feet for interior walls of townhouses (see Lot Exhibits in Appendix C2) B. Yard Encroachments: 2. Side yards and/or Open Space yards. a. Decks and patios must face only side yards and/or open spaces. Decks and patios may not extend more than 40 percent feet into any required side setback. Sec. 6 - Building height. Maximum building height for each residential district shall be as follows: Table of Heights for The Lakes at Valley West Height (in feet) Less than 3:12 34 3:12 or greater but less than 6:12 38 6:12 or greater but less than 9:12 42 Equal to or greater than 9:12 44 Sec. 7 - Residential garages. A. Attached residential garages facing a street shall not obscure the entrance to the dwelling. Attached garages are required to be clearly subordinate to the dwelling. A subordinate garage has two or more of the following characteristics: 1. The principal facade of the dwelling has been emphasized through the use of architectural features such as, but not limited to, porches, fenestration treatment, architectural details, height, orientation or gables, so that the non-garage portion of the residence is visually dominant; 2. The facade with the garage vehicle entrance is recessed at least four feet behind the facade of the dwelling containing the main entry; and/or 3. The area of the garage vehicle door comprises 30 percent or less of the total square footage, exclusive of any exposed roof areas, of the principal facade of the dwelling. Principal facade shall include all wall areas parallel to the garage door. B. Residential garages facing a woonerf are not required to meet the above criteria. Setback Deck/Patio Encroachment 5’ 2’ 7’ 2’-9” 10’ 4’ 12’ 4’-9” 337 58 Sec. 8 – Parking H. Street-accessed and woonerf-accessed driveways shall be of concrete, or built of brick or concrete pavers approved in advance by the DRP. Woonerf-accessed driveways may also be paved with asphalt, when approved, as an extension of the paved alley. I. Parking requirements in terms of the number and size of spaces are the same as the most current version of the UDC. J. Where a woonerf serves lots, access to garages and off-street parking shall be off of the woonerf. In cases where a woonerf is not adjacent to a lot, accesses to garages are permitted to be off of the street. K. Driveways are encouraged to be shared wherever possible to minimize street cuts and maximize on-street parking options. L. All “required” parking spaces must meet the minimum dimensions established in the UDC. M. Parking spaces shall not block sidewalks, woonerfs, driveways, accesses, pedestrian facilities or snow removal/plowing. N. The developer will provide parking spaces along the woonerf in several designated locations. Driveways must be located outside of these parking areas. Sec. 9 - Minimum density. A. New residential development shall provide a minimum net density of five dwellings per net acre. A minimum is required to support efficiency in use of land and provision of municipal services, and to advance the purposes and goals of this chapter and the City’s adopted growth policy. Density may be achieved by averaging lot sizes over the entire Lakes at Valley West PUD area. For example, one phase or area may be less than five units per net acre while another may be greater than five units per net acre as long as the average is at least five units per net acre. Sec. 10 – Architectural, Additional Site and Landscape Requirements B. The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual includes additional site, architectural and landscape requirements that are all subject to review and approval by The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel. Appendix C3 of the Design Manual contains detailed lot exhibits that provide specific information per lot regarding uses, setbacks, etc. 338 59 Sketch Design Review Application FORM A Property Information: Street Address: ___________________________________________________ Lot __________ Block _________ Phase _________ Owner Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Architect Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Builder Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Landscape Designer Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Appendix B: Applications 339 60 Information: 1. Are any variances from The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual being requested under this application?  Yes  No If yes, please describe the variance: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Items submitted (please check):  Review Fee  Site Plan  Floor Plans  Roof Plan  Elevations  Landscape Plan  Digital copy (PDF) of all of the above 340 61 Acknowledgement Statement: The Lot Owner acknowledges that he/she has received, read and will abide by the Design Manual for The Lakes at Valley West. As stated in the both the Covenants and Design Manual, violations will be remedied by The Lakes at Valley West Homeowner’s Association whereupon the Lot Owner will be responsible for the cost of the remedy. I (We) ______________________________________________ am/are the owner(s) of record of Lot ____, Block _____, Phase __________ of The Lakes at Valley West. I/We have read these requirements and understand their implications. Furthermore, I (we) have been given sufficient opportunity to discuss any questions we may have regarding these requirements with a member of The Lakes at Valley West Design Review Panel. My (Our) signature(s) below is/are evidence of my/our intent to comply with these requirements. Owner Signature: __________________________________ Date: _________ Printed Name:___________________________________________________ Applicant Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________ Printed Name: ___________________________________________________ 341 62 Construction Design Review Application FORM B Property Information: Street Address: ___________________________________________________ Lot __________ Block _________ Phase _________ Owner Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Architect Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Builder Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Landscape Designer Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ 342 63 Information: 1. Are any variances from the The Lakes at Valley West Design Manual being requested under this application?  Yes  No If yes, please describe the variance: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Items submitted (please check):  Site/Grading Plan  Floor Plans  Roof Plan  Elevations & Sections  Samples & Cut Sheets  Rendered Elevation  Landscape Plan  Digital copy (PDF) of all of the above Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________ Printed Name: __________________________________________________ 343 64 Changes Application FORM C Property Information: Street Address: ___________________________________________________ Lot __________ Block _________ Phase _________ Owner Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Architect Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Builder Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Landscape Designer Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ 344 65 Information: 1. Has the requested change or modification already been constructed?  Yes  No If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Change Description and reason for change: (Attach specific drawings of proposed change) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Items submitted (please check):  Review Fee  Plans/Elevation  Details/ Samples  Digital copy (PDF) of all of the above Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________ Printed Name: ____________________________________________ 345 66 Inspection Application FORM D Property Information: Street Address: ___________________________________________________ Lot __________ Block _________ Phase _________ Owner Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Architect Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Builder Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ FAX:______________________ Email: ________________________________ Landscape Designer Information: Name: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________ FAX:________________________ Email: ________________________________ 346 67 Certification: I do hereby certify that the contracted structure on said lot conforms to the codes and the construction documents as approved by the DRP. All site work, landscaping, cleaning, removal of temporary utilities, and repair of damage to rights-of-way and/or common areas have been implemented. Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________ Printed Name: ____________________________________________ For DRP use only: Date of inspection: _____________  Approved as noted in letter  Denied as noted in letter DRP Signature: _______________________________ If denied, subsequent inspection date: _____________  Approved as noted in letter  Denied as noted in letter DRP Signature: _______________________________ 347 68 Appendix C1: The Lakes at Valley West, Phases 1 & 2 Building Envelopes The following lot exhibits describe allowable land uses, lot coverage, lot areas and widths, setbacks and driveway requirements. 348 S89° 46' 59"W105.0055.00'N89° 46' 59"E105.0055.00'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"N0°13'01"W 181.72N0°13'01"W 181.7255.00'N89°46'59"E 121.0041.00'50.00'50.00'LOT 15775 sq.ft.LOT 25250 sq.ft.LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 1BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, SINGLEFAMILY WITH ADU, LIMITED DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THELOT 1 DRIVEWAY EASEMENT AND SET BACK15FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.15FTSTREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:12385FT SIDE SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVEWOONERFDRIVEWAY EASEMENTFOR LOT 1FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.24.0026.0010FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKOPEN SPACE349 S89° 46' 59"W105.0055.00'55.00'S89° 46' 59"W105.0051.72'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'0 0 "R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"N0°13'01"W 181.72N0°13'01"W 181.7255.00'LOT 35775 sq.ft.41.00'N0°13'01"W 306.9750.00'55.00'50.00'LOT 15775 sq.ft.LOT 25250 sq.ft.LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 2BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)WESTMORLAND DRIVEDRIVEWAY EASEMENT FOR LOT 1PARKING AREAMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALK350 S89° 46' 59"W105.0051.72'S89° 46' 59"W104.9750.00'L=51.04'Δ=18°16'34"69.85'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'0 0 "R=20.00L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"LOT 155634 sq.ft.L=3.28'N0°13'01"W 181.72N0°13'01"W 181.72LOT 45090 sq.ft.LOT 35775 sq.ft.215.89'41.00'N0°13'01"W 306.9750.00'55.00'50.00'LOT 25250 sq.ft.LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 3BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/20155FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)WESTMORLAND DRIVE7FT SIDE SETBACK•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, SINGLEFAMILY WITH ADU, LIMITED DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.PARKING AREAMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENT351 51.72'S89° 46' 59"W104.9750.00'L=51.04'Δ=18°16'34"S89° 46' 59"W95.87N89° 46' 59"E64.95S0° 13' 01"E69.85'S89° 46' 59"W63.65LOT 155634 sq.ft.L=3.28'25.00'"LOT 45090 sq.ft.LOT 35775 sq.ft.215.89'N0°13'01"W 183.06N0°13'01"W 306.9755.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 4BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)WESTMORLAND DRIVEPARKING AREAMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALK352 ΔS89° 46' 59"W95.87L=140.87'96.97'N89° 46' 59"E64.9588.20'L=23.08'S0° 13' 01"ES89° 46' 59"W63.65LOT 56049 sq.ft.LOT 65824 sq.ft.25.00'20.00'L=345.58'Δ=90°00'00"R=190.00'L=298.45'Δ=90°00'00"R=160.00'L=251.33'Δ=90°00'00"L=16.32'L=16.75'215.89'N0°13'01"W 183.06LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 5BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.7FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)WESTMORLAND DRIVEPARKING AREAMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALK353 50.00'96.97'N89° 46' 59"E64.9588.20'L=23.08'41.94'N0° 13' 01"W80.00S0° 13' 01"E9.86S89° 46' 59"W63.65LOT 65824 sq.ft.LOT 75072 sq.ft.25.00'L=16.32'N0°13'01"W 30.78215.89'N0°13'01"W 183.0663.40'63.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 6BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.15FT WOONERF SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)WESTMORLAND DRIVEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10FTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKSIDEWALKOPEN SPACE5FT CONCRETE BORDER10FTUTILITY EASEMENTPARKING354 N89° 46' 59"E64.9541.94'N0° 13' 01"W80.00S0° 13' 01"E9.86N0° 13' 01"W80.00S89° 46' 59"W63.65LOT 65824 sq.ft.LOT 85072 sq.ft.LOT 75072 sq.ft.N89°46'59"E 297.91N89°46'59"E 190.20N89°46'59"E 190.1963.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 7BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET OF THE LOT AND SET BACK 20FTFROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.7FT SIDE SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10FTUTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACESIDEWALKSIDEWALK355 N0° 13' 01"W80.00N0° 13' 01"W80.0063.40'LOT 85072 sq.ft.LOT 75072 sq.ft.LOT 95072 sq.ft.N89°46'59"E 297.91N89°46'59"E 435.57N89°46'59"E 190.20N89°46'59"E 190.1963.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 8BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVE7FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10FTUTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACESIDEWALKSIDEWALK356 N0° 13' 01"W80.00N0° 13' 01"W80.00N89° 01' 44"W63.90N0° 13' 01"W9.8765.77'N89° 01' 44"W64.6863.40'LOT 85072 sq.ft.LOT 95072 sq.ft.LOT 105870 sq.ft.N89°46'59"E 297.91N89°46'59"E 435.57N89°46'59"E 190.20N89°46'59"E 190.1963.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 9BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET LOT AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVE7FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10FTUTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACESIDEWALKSIDEWALK357 N0° 13' 01"W80.0091.21'N89° 01' 44"W63.90N0° 13' 01"W9.8765.77'N89° 01' 44"W64.6863.40'60.82'LOT 95072 sq.ft.LOT 105870 sq.ft.220.77'N0°58'16"E 185.1750.00'63.40'63.40'25.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 10BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)WESTMORLAND DRIVEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10FTUTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACESIDEWALKSIDEWALK5FT CONCRETE BORDER10FTUTILITY EASEMENTPARKING358 N89° 01' 44"W63.90N0° 13' 01"W9.87N89° 01' 44"W64.6868.95'R=20.00'L=31.00'Δ=88°48'44"43.23'S0° 13' 01"E80.00S0° 13' 01"E9.8763.40'63.42'R=20.00'L=31.83'Δ=91°11'16"50.00'LOT 115605 sq.ft.LOT 125072 sq.ft.220.77'39.72'N0°58'16"E 185.17N0°58'16"E 316.7950.00'50.00'50.00'63.40'25.00'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 11BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)PARKINGPARKING AREAPARKING AREAMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10FTUTILITY EASEMENT5FT CONCRETE CORDERSIDEWALKOPEN SPACEDELFT WAY(WOONERF)359 N89° 01' 44"W63.90N89° 01' 44"W64.6843.23'S0° 13' 01"E80.00S0° 13' 01"E9.87S0° 13' 01"E80.0063.40'63.42'LOT 135072 sq.ft.LOT 115605 sq.ft.LOT 125072 sq.ft.N89°46'59"E 190.20N89°46'59"E 190.19N89°46'59"E 277.09N89°46'59"E 275.5975.00'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 12BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)7FT SIDE SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACKPARKING AREAMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.SIDEWALK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACE5FT CONCRETE BORDER360 S0° 13' 01"E80.0063.40'S0° 13' 01"E80.00LOT 145072 sq.ft.LOT 135072 sq.ft.LOT 125072 sq.ft.N89°46'59"E 190.20N89°46'59"E 190.19N89°46'59"E 277.09N89°46'59"E 275.5975.00'75.00'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 13BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT(MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.DELFT WAY(WOONERF)SIDEWALK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACE5FT CONCRETE BORDER361 N89° 46' 59"E64.95S0° 13' 01"E9.86S0° 13' 01"E80.00S0° 13' 01"E80.00S89° 46' 59"W63.65S0° 13' 01"E9.8643.65'62.17'LOT 155634 sq.ft.LOT 145072 sq.ft.LOT 135072 sq.ft.N89°46'59"E 190.20N89°46'59"E 190.19N89°46'59"E 277.09N89°46'59"E 275.5975.00'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 14BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACKPARKING AREAMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.DELFT WAY(WOONERF)SIDEWALK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACE5FT CONCRETE BORDER362 50.00'N89° 46' 59"E64.95S0° 13' 01"E9.86S0° 13' 01"E80.0069.85'S89° 46' 59"W63.65S0° 13' 01"E9.8643.65'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"62.17'LOT 155634 sq.ft.LOT 145072 sq.ft.25.00'215.89'41.00'N0°13'01"W 183.06N0°13'01"W 306.9750.00'55.00'63.40'63.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 15BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015DELFT WAY(WOONERF)•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKPARKING AREAMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.DELFT WAY(WOONERF)SIDEWALK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACE5FT CONCRETE BORDER363 55.00'S0° 13' 01"E43.65'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"N0° 13' 01"W80.0082.17'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"62.17'LOT 166489 sq.ft.55.00'41.00'N0°13'01"W 306.9750.00'55.00'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 16BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKDELFT WAY(WOONERF)DELFT WAY(WOONERF)DRIVEWAY EASEMENTFOR LOT 112FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.UTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKOPEN SPACEOPEN SPACESIDEWALKSIDEWALKPARKING12.00'12.00'PARKING10FTUTILITY EASEMENT364 LOT 186000 sq.ft.N0° 13' 01"W80.0062.17'N0° 13' 01"W80.00LOT 176000 sq.ft.N89°46'59"E 345.84N89°46'59"E 277.09N89°46'59"E 275.5975.00'75.00'N89°46'59"E 314.3563.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 17BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015DELFT WAY(WOONERF)•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK12FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKOPEN SPACESIDEWALKPARKING AREA12.00'12.00'PARKING AREA365 LOT 186000 sq.ft.S0° 13' 01"E80.00S0° 13' 01"E80.0080.00N0° 13' 01"W80.00N0° 13' 01"W80.0063.42'LOT 13N89°46'59"E 345.84N89°46'59"E 277.09N89°46'59"E 275.5975.00'75.00'N89°46'59"E 314.3563.40'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 18BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015DELFT WAY(WOONERF)•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK12FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKOPEN SPACESIDEWALKPARKING AREA366 R=20.00'L=31.00'Δ=88°48'44"43.23'N0° 13' 01"W80.0063.42'R=20.00'L=31.83'Δ=91°11'16"82.18'55.96'50.00'LOT 196551 sq.ft.56.63'39.72'50.00'63.40'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 19BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK12FT SIDE SETBACKWOONERFMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.DELFT WAY(WOONERF)12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENTDRIVEWAYEASEMENT FORLOT 20UTILITY EASEMENTOPEN SPACESIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKPARKINGPARKING367 R =20.00'L =31.83'Δ =91°11'16N89° 01' 44"W105.0053.79'N89° 46' 59"E105.0255.96'50.00'LOT 205763 sq.ft.LOT 215250 sq.ft.56.63'N89°46'59"E 121.0239.72'50.00'25.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 20BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, SINGLEFAMILY WITH ADU, LIMITED DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEDRIVEWAY EASEMENT FOR LOT 20 AND SETBACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTYLINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.20FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK7FT SIDE SETBACK5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKWOONERFLAUREL PARKWAYMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTDRIVEWAYEASEMENT FORLOT 20UTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKOPEN SPACESIDEWLAKSIDEWLAKOPEN SPACE368 R=20.00'L=31.00'Δ=88°48'44"R =20.00'L=31.83'Δ =91°11'16"N89° 01' 44"W105.0053.79'55.96'N89° 01' 44"W105.0050.00'LOT 225250 sq.ft.LOT 205763 sq.ft.LOT 215250 sq.ft.56.63'39.72'50.00'50.00'50.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 21BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MAX) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACKLAUREL PARKWAYWOONERFMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENT12.00'12.00'PARKINGSIDEWALKDRIVEWAYEASEMENT FORLOT 20UTILITY EASEMENT369 64.6868.95'R=20.00'L=31.00'Δ=88°48'44"20.00'=31.83'Δ =91°11'16"N89° 01' 44"W105.0050.00'N89° 01' 44"W105.00LOT 115605 sq.ft.LOT 235250 sq.ft.LOT 225250 sq.ft.LOT 215250 sq.ft.N0°58'16"E 371.8039.72'N0°58'16"E 316.7950.00'50.00'50.00'50.00'50.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 22BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015LAUREL PARKWAYDELFT WAY(WOONERF)•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,ADU,DUPLEX LIMITED.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.12.00'12.00'PARKING10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALK370 N89° 01' 44"W68.95'R=2L=31.0Δ=88°48'44N89° 01' 44"W105.00N89° 01' 44"W105.0050.00'LOT 245250 sq.ft.LOT 235250 sq.ft.LOT 225250 sq.ft.N0°58'16"E 371.80220.77'N0°58'16"E 185.17N0°58'16"E 316.7950.00'50.00'50.00'50.00'50.00'25.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 23BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015LAUREL PARKWAYDELFT WAY(WOONERF)5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MAX) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTPARKINGSIDEWALK371 91.21'68.95'N89° 01' 44"W105.00N89° 01' 44"W105.0050.00'60.82'LOT 256500 sq.ft.LOT 245250 sq.ft.LOT 235250 sq.ft.N0°58'16"E 371.80220.77'N0°58'16"E 185.17N0°58'16"E 316.7950.00'50.00'50.00'25.00'63.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 24BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015LAUREL PARKWAY5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.DELFT WAY(WOONERF)12.00'12.00'10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTPARKING AREASIDEWALK372 91.21'N89° 01' 44"W105.0050.00'60.82'LOT 256500 sq.ft.LOT 245250 sq.ft.105.02'30.01'N0°58'16"E 185.1750.00'63.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 1PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 1.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 25BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, SINGLEFAMILY WITH ADU, LIMITED DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACKLAUREL PARKWAYSIDEWALKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.DELFT WAY(WOONERF)10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10FTUTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKWESTMORLAND DRIVE373 LOT 14320 sq.ft.LOT 23780 sq.ft.N89° 01' 44"W108.00S89° 01' 44"E108.00N89° 01' 44"W108.0035.00'35.00'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"61.37'30.50'40.00'40.00'47.99'35.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 1-2BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE DRIVEWAY EASEMENT FOR LOT 1AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.ZERO LOT LINE5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKLAUREL PARKWAY20FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKZERO LOT LINE15FT WOONERF SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.OPEN SPACEUTILITY EASEMENT26.00'24.00'SIDEWALK10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKSIDEWALKDRIVEWAYEASEMENTFOR LOT 1(WOONERF)VERMEER LANE374 LOT 23780 sq.ft.LOT 34050 sq.ft.LOT 44050 sq.ft.N89° 01' 44"W108.00N89° 01' 44"W108.0035.00'35.00'N89° 01' 44"W108.0037.50'N89° 01' 44"W108.0037.50'37.50'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00 "R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"61.37'S0°58'16"W 370.40N0°58'16"E 312.1337.50'47.99'35.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 3-4BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015LAUREL PARKWAY(WOONERF)•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.ZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKZERO LOT LINEFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.VERMEER LANEPARKING AREA10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.DRIVEWAYEASEMENTFOR LOT 112'12'375 LOT 44050 sq.ft.LOT 54050 sq.ft.LOT 64050 sq.ft.N89° 01' 44"W108.00N89° 01' 44"W108.0037.50'37.50'N89° 01' 44"W108.00N89° 01' 44"W108.0037.50'37.50'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00 "N0°58'16"E 291.4755.00'39.98'S0°58'16"W 370.40N0°58'16"E 312.13N0°58'16"E 177.8137.50'37.50'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 5-6BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015LAUREL PARKWAY•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15F (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.ZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238(WOONERF)VERMEER LANEPARKING AREAFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENT•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.12'12'376 N89° 01' 44"W108.00S89° 46' 59"W18.60LOT 74050 sq.ft.LOT 85240 sq.ft.N89° 01' 44"W108.0047.39'49.63'N0°58'16"E 30.0039.98'82.83'108.02'16.00'16.00'N0°58'16"E 177.8137.50'37.50'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 7-8BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015LAUREL PARKWAYWESTMORLAND DRIVE•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.ZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK20FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238(WOONERF)VERMEER LANEFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKSIDEWALK•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.PARKING AREA12'12'377 37.50'55.45'S89° 46' 59"W18.60N12° 14' 35"E87.5544.64'47.01'49.63'N0°58'16"E 291.47LOT 103872 sq.ft.LOT 95463 sq.ft.45.10'L=53.85'39.98'82.83'16.00'16.00'N0°58'16"E 177.81S89°01'44"E 191.29S84°23'06"E 200.0237.50'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 9BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/20155FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXLIMITED, AND TOWNHOME DUPLEX. (MUSTUTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 10)•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES: SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE.•LOT TO BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.SIDEWALKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE(WOONERF)VERMEER LANE10' UTILITY EASEMENT378 55.45'S89° 46' 59"W18.60N12° 14' 35"E87.55N12° 40' 48"E85.1744.64'45.01'LOT 113951 sq.ft.LOT 103872 sq.ft.LOT 95463 sq.ft.1.75'L=45.10'L=53.85'R=R=490.00'Δ=19°55'51"39.98'82.83'16.00'N0°58'16"E 177.81S84°23'06"E 200.02LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 10BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/20155FT SIDE SETBACK•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXLIMITED, AND TOWNHOME DUPLEX. (MUSTUTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 9 OR 11)•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES: SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE.•LOT TO BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED FOR LOTS10 AND 1115FT STREET SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE10' UTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINESIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALK379 N12° 40' 48"E85.1744.64'45.01'N17° 49' 16"E78.4254.90'L=21.91'L=4LOT 123939 sq.ft.LOT 113951 sq.ft.LOT 103872 sq.ft.L=19.75'L=51.75'L=45.10'R=490.00'Δ=19°55'51"36.09'65.40'25.12'S84°23'06"E 200.02N19°42'50"E 155.38LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 11BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/20155FT SIDE SETBACK•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXLIMITED, AND TOWNHOME DUPLEX. (MUSTUTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 10 OR 12)•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES: SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE.•LOT TO BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED FOR LOTS10 AND 1115FT STREET SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE10' UTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINESIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALK380 N12° 40' 48"E85.1745.01'N17° 49' 16"E78.423829 sq.ft.40.00'50.00'54.90'40.00'S0° 58' 16"W64.27'40.00'18.09'L=21.91'LOT 123939 sq.ft.LOT 113951 sq.ft.L=19.75'L=51.75'R=4Δ=1936.09'S70°17'10"E 173.0965.40'64.87'25.12'S84°23'06"E 200.02S19°42'50"W 155.38N19°42'50"E 155.3840.00'16.00'16.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 12BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015WESTMORLAND DRIVE(WOONERF)•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXLIMITED, AND TOWNHOME DUPLEX. (MUSTUTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 11)•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES: SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE.•LOT TO BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.OPEN SPACEVERMEER LANE5FT CONCRETE BORDERSIDEWALKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENT15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKSIDEWALKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.381 44.64'45.01'S0° 58' 16"W75.00LOT 143000 sq.ft.LOT 133829 sq.ft.L=19.83'L=12.96'40.00'N35° 09' 25"WL=19.83'L=12.05'25.38'40.00'54.90'40.00'40.00'S0° 58' 16"W75.0064.27'R=20.00'L=24.87'Δ=71°15'26"R=52.00'Δ=71°15'26"N89°01'44"W 167.5165.40'64.87'25.12'S89°01'44"E 131.51S89°01'44"E 131.51S89°01'44"E 191.29S84°23'06"E 200.02S19°42'50"W 155.38N19°42'50"E 155.3824.50'24.50'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2ˆPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Nov/19/20155352.002LOT 13-14BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ11/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXLIMITED, DUPLEX TOWNHOME (MUST UTILIZE0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 14).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.(WOONERF)ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE15FT WOONERF SETBACK5 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKOPEN SPACESIDEWALK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT CONCRETE BORDER10' UTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:123810' UTILITY EASEMENTPARKINGPARKINGVERMEER LANEFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,DUPLEX LIMITED, DUPLEX TOWNHOME(MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 13OR 15).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED SRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICALSIDEWALKSIDEWALK382 LOT 153000 sq.ft.LOT 163440 sq.ft.55.45'N12° 14' 35"E87.55N12° 40' 48"E44.64'45.01'S0° 58' 16"W75.00S0° 58' 16"W75.0040.00'39.99'47.01'27.01'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'027.01'40.00'LOT 143000 sq.ft.40.00'40.00'40.00'S0° 58' 16"W75.00LOT 11N89°01'44"W 167.5155.00'39.98'N0°58'16"E 177.81S89°01'44"E 131.51S89°01'44"E 131.51S89°01'44"E 191.29S84°23'06"E 200.02LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 15-16BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXTOWNHOME (MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITHLOT 14 OR 16)•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDNECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.(WOONERF)10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238SIDEWALKOPEN SPACEVERMEER LANEPARKING AREAPARKING AREA10' UTILITY EASEMENT•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,DUPLEX TOWNHOME (MUST UTILIZE 0LOT LINE WITH LOT 15)•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND NECESSARYBUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT(MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE10' UTILITY EASEMENT383 LOT 16LOT 173684 sq.ft.LOT 183119 sq.ft.S0° 58' 16"WS0° 58' 16"W39.99'27.01'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"N0° 58' 16"E78.9947.07'R=20.00'L=31.42'Δ=90°00'00"27.01'N0° 58' 16"E76.9640.05'40.00'40.05'LOT 193038 sq.ft.40.00'40.00'N89°01'44"W 167.5161.37'N88°04'19"E 167.22N88°04'19"E 418.59N0°58'16"E 312.13S89°01'44"E 131.51S89°01'44"E 131.5147.99'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 17-18BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/201510FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK(WOONERF)15FT WOONERF SETBACKWOONERF•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLEFAMILY, DUPLEX LIMITED, DUPLEXTOWNHOME (MUST UTILIZE 0 LOTLINE WITH LOT 18).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND NECESSARYBUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSEDFROM THE WOONERF AND SETBACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYSENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,DUPLEX LIMITED, DUPLEX TOWNHOME(MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 17OR 19).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.DRIVEWAYEASEMENTFOR LOT 1FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENTPARKING AREA12'12'SIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKOPEN SPACEVERMEER LANE384 LOT 153000 sq.ft.LOT 183119 sq.ft.S0° 58' 16"W75.0039.99'N0° 58' 16"E76.9640.05'40.00'40.05'LOT 193038 sq.ft.LOT 202868 sq.ft.LOT 213513 sq.ft.LOT 143000 sq.ft.LOT 133829 sq.ft.L=19.83'L=12.96'40.00'S0° 58' 16"W74.94S1° 05' 17"E74.5640.05'N84° 47' 30"E40.00'S0° 58' 16"W75.00R=20.00'L=24.87'Δ=71°15'26"R=52.00'Δ=71°15'26"N89°01'44"W 167.5164.87'N88°04'19"E 167.22N88°04'19"E 418.59S89°01'44"E 131.51S89°01'44"E 131.5124.50'24.50'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 19-20BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,DUPLEX LIMITED, DUPLEX TOWNHOME(MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 18OR 20).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK(WOONERF)10' UTILITY EASEMENTPARKING AREA12'12'VERMEER LANE•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,DUPLEX LIMITED, DUPLEX TOWNHOME(MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 19OR 21).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238SIDEWALKOPEN SPACEZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE385 LOT 202868 sq.ft.LOT 213513 sq.ft.L=19.83'L=12.96'S0° 58' 16"W74.94S1° 05' 17"E74.5640.05'N84° 47' 30"E70.54N35° 09' 25"W93.25N26° 44' 50"E67.03L=19.83'S66° 27' 46"E76.56L=12.05'25.38'S70° 17' 10"E75.00S0° 58' 16"W75.00R=20.00'L=24.87'Δ=71°15'26"LOT 223452 sq.ft.LOT 233000 sq.ft.LOT 243000 sq.ft.R=52.00'Δ=71°15'26"24.50'24.50'39.71'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2ˆPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Nov/19/20155352.002LOT 21BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ11/2015(WOONERF)•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXLIMITED, DUPLEX TOWNHOME (MUST UTILIZE0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 20 OR 22).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE15FT WOONERFSETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINESIDEWALKSIDEWALKOPEN SPACEVERMEER LANEMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.10' UTILITY EASEMENT386 LOT 213513 sq.ft.LOT 133829 sq.ft.L=19.83'S1° 05' 17"E74.56N84° 47' 30"E70.54N35° 09' 25"W93.25N26° 44' 50"E67.03L=19.83'S66° 27' 46"E76.5642.43'L=12.05'25.38'40.00'S70° 17' 10"E75.00S70° 17' 10"E75.0040.00'R=20.00'L=24.87'Δ=71°15'26LOT 223452 sq.ft.LOT 233000 sq.ft.LOT 243000 sq.ft.R=52.00'Δ=71°15'26"64.87'N19°42'50"E 172.43S19°42'50"W 155.3839.71'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2ˆPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Nov/19/20155352.002LOT 22BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ11/2015(WOONERF)•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,DUPLEX LIMITED, DUPLEX TOWNHOME(MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 21OR 23).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT(MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERFSETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE10' UTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKVERMEER LANESIDEWALKOPEN SPACEMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.PARKING AREA387 LOT 213513 sq.ft.L=19.83'N35° 09' 25"W93.25N26° 44' 50"E67.03L=19.83'S66° 27' 46"E76.5642.43'L=12.05'25.38'40.00'S70° 17' 10"E75.00S70° 17' 10"E75.00S70° 17' 10"E75.0040.00'40.00'54.90'R=LOT 223452 sq.ft.LOT 233000 sq.ft.LOT 243000 sq.ft.LOT 253000 sq.ft.R=52.00'Δ=71°15'26"64.87'25.12'N19°42'50"E 172.43S19°42'50"W 155.38N19°42'50"E 155.3840.00'228.15'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 23BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,DUPLEX TOWNHOME (MUST UTILIZE 0LOT LINE WITH LOT 22 OR 24).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FTFROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE(WOONERF)ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEOPEN SPACESIDEWALKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.VERMEER LANE10' UTILITY EASEMENTSIDEWALKMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238PARKING AREA12'12'388 L=19.83'S66° 27' 46"E76.5642.43'L=12.05'25.38'40.00'50.00'S70° 17' 10"E75.00S70° 17' 10"E75.00S70° 17' 10"E75.0040.00'40.00'50.00'3452 sq.ft.LOT 233000 sq.ft.LOT 243000 sq.ft.LOT 253000 sq.ft.LOT 263750 sq.ft.LOT 123939 sq.ft.75.00'65.40'25.12'N19°42'50"E 172.43N70°17'10"W 121.00S19°42'50"W 155.38N19°42'50"E 155.3840.00'N19°42'50"E 388.15'228.15'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 24BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015(WOONERF)ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK10' UTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238OPEN SPACESIDEWALKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.PARKING AREA12'12'PARKING AREA12'12'•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXTOWNHOME (MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 24 OR 26).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDNECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEREAR OF THE LOT AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE REAR PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.VERMEER LANE389 25.38'40.00'50.00'S70° 17' 10"E75.00S70° 17' 10"E75.00S70° 17' 10"E75.0040.00'40.00'50.00'LOT 243000 sq.ft.LOT 253000 sq.ft.LOT 263750 sq.ft.75.00'36.09'30.00'S70°17'10"E 173.0965.40'N19°42'50"E 172.43N70°17'10"W 121.00S19°42'50"W 155.3840.00'16.00'16.00'N19°42'50"E 388.15'228.15'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 25BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEX TOWNHOME(MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 24 OR 26).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND NECESSARYBUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF LOTAND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.WESTMORLAND DRIVEPARKING AREA12'12'(WOONERF)VERMEER LANEMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238SIDEWALKOPENSPACE10' UTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.390 40.00'50.00'S70° 17' 10"E75.00S70° 17' 10"E75.0040.00'40.00'50.00'LOT 243000 sq.ft.LOT 253000 sq.ft.45.00'LOT 263750 sq.ft.75.00'30.00'S70°17'10"E 173.09N19°42'50"E 172.43S70°17'10"E 173.09N70°17'10"W 121.00S19°42'50"W 155.3840.00'40.00'16.00'16.00'N19°42'50"E 388.15'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 26BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,DUPLEX LIMITED, DUPLEX TOWNHOME(MUST UTILIZE 0 LOT LINE WITH LOT 25).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND NECESSARY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.WESTMORLAND DRIVE15 FT STREET SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK10' UTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238PARKING AREA12'12'SIDEWALKSIDEWALKOPENSPACEFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.391 LOT 294000 sq.ft.LOT 284000 sq.ft.LOT 274500 sq.ft.18.09'40.00'45.00'S19° 42' 50"W100.0045.00'40.00'S19° 42' 50"W100.00S19° 42' 50"W100.00S70°17'10"E 173.09S70°17'10"E 173.09N70°17'10"W 121.00S70°17'10"E 143.0940.00'40.00'16.00'100.00'30.00'30.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 27-28BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOMEDUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVE15FT STREET SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACESETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOMEDUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.OPEN SPACEOPEN SPACESIDEWALKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.SIDEWALK10' UTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238392 LOT 304201 sq.ft.LOT 294000 sq.ft.LOT 284000 sq.ft.L=47.23'L=25.93'18.09'40.00'45.00'40.00'18.09'L=21.91'S17° 24' 33"W100.00S19° 42' 50"W100.00S19° 42' 50"W100.00S19° 42' 50"W100.0036.09'S70°17'10"E 173.09S70°17'10"E 173.09S70°17'10"E 143.0940.00'40.00'LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 29-30BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015WESTMORLAND DRIVE•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOMEDUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSEDFROM THE STREET AND SET BACK20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTYLINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYSENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5 FT SIDE SETBACK•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOMEDUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSEDFROM THE STREET AND SET BACK20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTYLINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYSENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEOPEN SPACESIDEWALK10' UTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.393 LOT 324364 sq.ft.LOT 304201 sq.ft.L=47.26'L=47.27'L=47.23'=25.93'18.09'L=21.91'L=40.00'L=40.00'L=40.0S9° 05' 52"W100.00S13° 15' 53"W100.00S17° 24' 33"W100.00LOT 334363 sq.ft.R=550.00'Δ=19°55'51"R=650.00'Δ=20°04'57"LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 31-32BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015WESTMORLAND DRIVE•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.15FT STREET SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.OPEN SPACESIDEWALK10' UTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238394 LOT 344364 sq.ft.LOT 324364 sq.ft.S0° 45' 51"W100.00L=9.42'L=40.00'S4° 56' 16"W100.00L=47.28'L=47.26'L=47.27'L=40.00'L=40.00'S9° 05' 52"W100.00S13° 15' 53"WLOT 334363 sq.ft.R=550.00'Δ=19°55'51"R=650.00'Δ=20°04'57"LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 33-34BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015WESTMORLAND DRIVE•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.15FT STREET SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.OPEN SPACESIDEWALK10' UTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238395 LOT 364500 sq.ft.LOT 344364 sq.ft.S0° 13' 01"E100.0045.00'45.00'30.58'LOT 354086 sq.ft.L=11.13'S0° 13' 01"E100.00S0° 45' 51"W100.0030.58'L=9.42'L=40.00'S4° 56' 16"W100.00L=47.28'N89°46'59"E 158.00N89°46'59"E 73.86N89°46'59"E 157.38LOT EXHIBITTHE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST - PHASE 2PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERDRAWN BY:CHK'D. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 20152880 Technology Blvd. W.Bozeman MT 59718Phone: (406) 587-0721Fax: (406) 922-6702N:\5352\002\ACAD\Exhibits\Phase 1 and 2 Lot Exhibits\PHASE 2.dwg Plotted by cody farley on Aug/19/20155352.002LOT 35-36BOZEMANMONTANACPKKDJKDJ07/2015WESTMORLAND DRIVE•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.15FT STREET SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK20FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 5O%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.OPEN SPACESIDEWALK10' UTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUMBUILDING HEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:123810FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK396 69 Appendix C2: The Lakes at Valley West, Phase 3 Building Envelopes The following lot exhibits describe allowable land uses, lot coverage, lot areas and widths, setbacks and driveway requirements. 397 LOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18LOT 19LOT 20LOT 21LOT 22LOT 23LOT 24LOT 25LOT 26LOT 27LOT 28LOT 29LOT 30LOT 31LOT 32LOT 33LOT 34LOT 35LOT 36LOT 37LOT 38LOT 39LOT 40LOT 41LOT 42LOT 43LOT 44LOT 45LOT 46LOT 47LOT 48LOT 49LOT 50OPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACEOPENSPACE©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jan/18/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.007LOT 1-50THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT LAYOUT OVERVIEWBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702W E S T M O R L A N D D R I V EFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.WESTGATE AVENUE ARNHEM WAYHERSTAL WAY DURSTON ROAD EXISTI N G P H A S E 2 FU TUR E P H A S E 4 OPENSPACEOPENSPACE398 LOT 13651 sq.ft.LOT 23355 sq.ft.LOT 213895 sq.ft.N70°17'10"W74.13'N70°17'10"WL=51.33'31.89'L=42.28'S3°53'09"W 83.06'L=52.64'60.00' 50.00' 45.00' L=46.70'L=50.03'L=18.01'18.80'27.00'L=42.28'S70°17'10"E6.38' 6.38'00'21'11"PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 1THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 2).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTPHAS E 2 O P E N S P A C E 5FT SET BACK15 FT WO O N E R F S E T B A C K 10FT O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K ARNHEM W A Y (WOONER F )15FT STREET SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVE10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.399 LOT 13651 sq.ft.LOT 23355 sq.ft.LOT 33369 sq.ft.LOT 213895 sq.ft.45.00'N70°17'10"W74.13'N70°17'10"W74.74'L=51.33'L=31.89'L=37.32'07'L=42.28'S3°53'09"W 83.06' 50.00' 45.00' 45.00' L=46.70'L=50.03'L=18.01'18.80'27.00'L=42.28'S70°17'10"E6.38' 6.38'R=20.00'Δ=91°21'11"R=13Δ=89° 1 2'1 N19°2 3 ' 0 0 " EPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 2THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTPHASE 2 O P E N S P A C E 15 FT W O O N E R F S E T B A C K 10FT O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K ARNH E M W A Y (WOO N E R F )5 FT SIDE SETBACKWESTMORLAND DRIVE10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)5 FT SIDE SETBACKFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST USE ZERO LOTLINE WITH LOT 1)•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.24FTPARKI N G A R E A 400 LOT 23355 sq.ft.LOT 33369 sq.ft.LOT 53705 sq.ft.2510 sq.ft.LOT 21LOT 43375 sq.ft.45.00'32.00'N70°17'10"W74.74'N70°17'10"W75.00'2'L=24.54'L=20 .2 4' N1°55'41"W 66.42'L=31.89'=37.32'45.00' 45.00' 45.00' 43.15'N70°17'10"W75.00'45.00' 45.49' 45.00' L=18.01' S19°23 ' 0 0 " W 25.62' 27.00'R=20.00'Δ=91°21'11"R=13 . 0 0 'Δ=89° 1 2'1 6 "N19°23' 0 0 " EPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 3THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST USE ZERO LOTLINE WITH LOT 4)•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTPHASE 2 O P E N S P A C E 5FT SET BACK15 FT W O O N E R F S E T B A C K 10FT O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K ARNH E M W A Y (WOO N E R F )10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT SET BACKDRIVEWAY EASEMENT FOR LOT 4FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.24FTPARKI N G A R E A 401 OPEN SPACE A0.63 acs. LOT 23355 sq.ft. LOT 33369 sq.ft. LOT 53705 sq.ft. LOT 43375 sq.ft.45.00'32.00' N70°1 7 ' 1 0 " W 74.13' N70°1 7 ' 1 0 " W 74.74' N70°17 ' 1 0 " W 75.00' 4.54' L =2 0 .24'65.94'3'L = 3 1.89'45.00'45.00'45.00'43.15'N70°17 ' 1 0 " W 75.00'45.00'45.49'45.00'L=18.01'S19°23'00"W25.62'27.00'R = 2 0 . 0 0' Δ = 9 1 ° 2 1'11" R =1 3 .00'Δ =8 9 °1 2 '16"N19°23'00"E PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 4 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. OPEN SPACE ZERO L O T L I N E15FT WOONERF SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT OP E N S P A C E S E T B A C K DURSTON SIDEWALK ARNHEM W A Y (WOONER F ) DRIVEWAY EASEMENTFOR LOT 4 •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, TOWNHOMEDUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 3).. •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERFAND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL. ZERO L O T L I N E 5FT SI D E S E T B A C K PHASE 2 OPEN SPACE10FTUTILITY E A S E M E N T24FTPARKING AREA402 LOT 33369 sq.ft.LOT 53705 sq.ft.LOT 62510 sq.ft.LOT 72400 sq.ft.45.00'32.00'N70°17'10"WL=40.52'L=24.54'L=20 . 2 4' N1°55'41"W 66.42'65.94'40.00'L=37.32'L=20.07'21.77'35.45'45.00' 45.49'40.00'N1°55'41"W 60.35'40.00'N1°55'41"W 60.00' 45.00' S19°23 ' 0 0 " W 25.62'17.72'L=12.28'R=13. 0 0 'Δ=89° 1 2'16" N19°23 ' 0 0 " EPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 5,6THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 55%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT(MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.•FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR PORCHES FRONTING DURSTON MAYENCROACH 5FT INTO THE 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTOPEN SPACEZERO LOT LINE ZERO LOT LINE 5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACK15FT W O O N E R F S E T B A C K 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKDURSTON SIDEWALKARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)ARNHE M W A Y (WOON E R F )DRIVEWAY EASEMENTFOR LOT 410ftUTILITY EASEMENTPARKING STALLS9'8'9'403 LOT 62510 sq.ft.LOT 72400 sq.ft.LOT 82400 sq.ft.LOT 92400 sq.ft.L=40.52'N1°55'41"W 60.00'40.00'40.00'N1°55'41"W 60.00'L=37.32'L=20.07'21.77'35.45'43.20'44.08'S88°04'19"W 675.56'40.00'N1°55'41"W 60.35'40.00'30.00'40.00'40.00'N1°55'41"W 60.00'40.00'N1°55'41"W 60.00'17.72'L=12.28'S88°04'19"WS88°04'19"WPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 7,8THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTOPEN SPACEZERO LOT LINE ZERO LOT LINE 5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT WOONERF SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKDURSTON SIDEWALKARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)10FTUTILITY EASEMENT15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK OPEN SPACEPARKING STALLS9'8'9'PARKING STALLS9'8'9'•AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 55%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT(MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.•FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR PORCHES FRONTING DURSTON MAYENCROACH 5FT INTO THE 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK.404 LOT 102400 sq.ft.LOT 112401 sq.ft.LOT 122589 sq.ft.R=20.00'Δ=92°54'42"S1°55'41"E 40.00'3.59'L=32.43'S1°55'41"E 60.00' S1°55'41"E 60.00'40.01'43.24'25.25'40.01'30.08'40.00'35.45'23.08'30.00'37.50'26.91'=30.4 0 ' 29.24'15.76' S1°55'41"E 60.00'43.24'35.45'32.00'45.00' R=2 0.0 0' Δ=87°0 5'1 8 "S88°04'19"W©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Dec/16/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.007LOT 11,12THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTZERO LOT LINE ZERO LOT LINE 15FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKDURSTON SIDEWALKARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)10FTUTILITY EASEMENT15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK OPEN SPACE15FT WOONERF SETBACKDRIVEWAY EASEMENTFOR LOT 38·AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE).·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 55%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT(MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.·FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR PORCHES FRONTING DURSTON MAYENCROACH 5FT INTO THE 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK.24FTPARKING AREA24FTPARKING AREA405 LOT 102400 sq.ft.LOT 112401 sq.ft.LOT 122589 sq.ft.C29N88°04'19"E 80.00'N88°04'19"E 873.66'41.46'OPEN SPACE A27414 sq.ft.45.00'45.00' S1°55'41"E 40.00'S1°55'41"E 60.00' S1°55'41"E 60.00'40.01'43.24'25.25'40.01'30.08'40.00'23.08'30.00'64.41'15.76' S1°55'41"E 60.00'43.24'32.00'C19L20©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jan/18/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.007LOT 11,12THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTZERO LOT LINE ZERO LOT LINE 15FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKDURSTON SIDEWALKARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)10FTUTILITY EASEMENT15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK OPEN SPACE15FT WOONERF SETBACKDRIVEWAY EASEMENTFOR LOT 38·AUTHORIZED USES: TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE).·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 55%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT(MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.·FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR PORCHES FRONTING DURSTON MAYENCROACH 5FT INTO THE 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK.24FTPARKING AREA24FTPARKING AREA406 L 3 8 OPEN SPACE D3688 sq.ft.LOT 154797 sq.ft.L=31.59'L=31.59'43.57'45.00'45.00'149.33'25.25'40.01'30.08' S88°04'19"W 86.09' S1°55'41"E9.24' 30.00' L =79 .57'C10 64.41'S1°55'41"E97.41'L=59.72'C1941.46'S0°59'02"W 73.65'33.56'40.09'42.50'52.50'S88°04'19"W 88.22' LOT 134373 sq.ft. LOT 143705 sq.ft.S1°55'41"E 104.24'C34 © PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cole norsworthy on Jan/16/2017 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 13 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. ZERO LOT LINE 15FT WOONERF SETBACK ARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZEZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 14) ·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%. ·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF TO THE WEST AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTYLINE. ·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL. 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 15FT WOONERF SETBACK5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) ZERO LOT LINE 24FT PARKING AREA 24FTPARKING AREA24FTPARKING AREA5FT SETBACK 407 L 3 8 OPEN SPACE D3688 sq.ft.LOT 154797 sq.ft. C 2 9 L=31.59'L=31.59'43.57'45.00'45.00'149.33'25.25'40.01'30.08' S88°04'19"W 86.09' S1°55'41"E9.24' 30.00'L=79.57 'C10 64.41'S1°55'41"E97.41'L=59.72'C1941.46'S0°59'02"W 73.65'33.56'40.09'42.50'52.50'S88°04'19"W 88.22' LOT 134373 sq.ft. LOT 143705 sq.ft.S1°55'41"E 104.24'C34 © PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cole norsworthy on Jan/16/2017 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 14 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. ZERO LOT LINE 5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT WOONERF SETBACKARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZEZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 13). ·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. ·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. ZERO LOT LINE 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 5FT SETBACKARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)24FT PARKING AREA 5FT SETBACK 408 OPEN SPACE D3688 sq.ft.LOT 154797 sq.ft.C11L9L10L35 L 4 2 1 . 6 1 'S0°59'02"W 73.65'40.09'42.50'S88°04'19"W 88.22' LOT 143705 sq.ft.S1°55'41"E 104.24'C34 L3 8 L=31.59'L=31.59'43.57'N50°56'59"E 73.04'S88°04'19"W 86.09' S1°55'41"E9.24'L=79 .57'C10 S1°55'41"E97.41'L=59.72'C7L=37.42'C 3 1 2 1 . 6 8 ' © PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jan/18/2017 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 15 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 06/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. 1 0F T OPEN SPAC ESET BACK 1 5 F T W O O N E R F S E T B A C K WEST M O RL AN D D RIVE ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY ·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%. ·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. ·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL. 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 5FT SIDE SETBACKARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)15FT STREE T S ET BA C K 409 LOT 143563 sq.ft.LOT 164072 sq.ft. LOT 173910 sq.ft. LOT 183544 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE D0.08 acs.39.77'30.08'40.00'S1°55'41"E95.00'25 .27 '9.24'44.08'44.74'23.08'30.00'37.50'9.57'L =3 0 .0 2 '25 .27 'S1°55'41"E97.41'19.25 ' L =4 5 .6 3 'L =3 6 .4 4 ' L =3 6 .S17°46'34"E103.63'S13°40'40"E92.78'= 40.00'30.00' R =4 5 S88°04'19"W S88°04'19"W S88°04'19"W 37.50'  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 16 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTMO R L A N D D RI V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 17). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 15FT ST R E E T S E T B A C K 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT5FT S IDE SETBACK5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKZERO LOT L INEZERO LOT L INE 24FT PARKING AREA 24FT PARKING AREA 410 LOT 143563 sq.ft.LOT 164072 sq.ft. LOT 173910 sq.ft. LOT 183544 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE D0.08 acs.39.77'30.08'40.00'S1°55'41"E95.00'2 5 . 2 7 '9.24'44.08'44.74'23.08'30.00'37.50'79 .57'L =3 0 .0 2 '2 5 . 2 7 'S1°55'41"E97.41'19.25 ' L =4 5 .6 3 'L =3 6 .4 4 'L =3 6 .S17°46'34"E103.63'S13°40'40"E92.78'L 40.00'30.00' R =4 5 S88°04'19"W S88°04'19"W S88°04'19"W 37.50'  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 17 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTMO R L A N D D RI V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 16). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 15FT STR E E T S E T B A C K 10FT UTILITY EASEMENT 5FT S IDE SETBACKZERO LOT L INEZERO LOT L INE 5FT S IDE SETBACK 24FT PARKING AREA 24FT PARKING AREA 411 LOT 164072 sq.ft. LOT 173910 sq.ft. LOT 183544 sq.ft. LOT 193310 sq.ft. OPEN SPACE E0.06 acs.40.00' 35.45'43.20'44.08'44.74' L =4 5 .6 3 'L =3 6 .4 4 ' L =3 6 .3 0 'S17°46'34"E103.63'S13°40'40"E92.78'L =36.3 0 'S9°03'21"E85.55'L=30.01'S4°26'01"E81.92'40.00'30.00'40.00'40.00' 5 '5 1" R =4 5 0 .0 0 'L =3 71.8 8 'Δ =4 7 °2 0 '57 " S88°04'19"W S88°04'19"W  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 18 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTMORLA N D D R I V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 19). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 15FT STREET S E T B A C K 10FT UTILITY EASEMENT5FT S IDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT L INE5FT SIDE SETBACK PARKING STALLS 9'8'9' 412 LOT 173910 sq.ft. LOT 183544 sq.ft. LOT 193310 sq.ft. OPEN SPACE E0.06 acs.35.45'43.20'44.08'44.74' L =3 6 .4 4 'L =3 6 .3 0 'S13°40'40"E92.78'L =3 6 .30 'S9°03'21"E85.55'L=30.01'S4°26'01"E81.92'40.00'30.00'40.00'40.00'S0°36'47"E81.55'17.72' R =4 5 0 .0 0 'L =3 7 1.8 8 'Δ =4 7°20 '5 7" S88°04'19"W S88°04'19"W  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 19 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTMORLA N D D R I V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 18). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 15FT STREET SETBA C K 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT 5FT SIDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT L INE 5FT SIDE SETBACKPARKING STALLS 9'8'9' PARKING STALLS 9'9'9' 413 LOT 193310 sq.ft. LOT 213895 sq.ft. LOT 203178 sq.ft. OPEN SPACE E0.06 acs.L=40.52' L=24.54'N1°55'41"WL=51.33'L = 3 1.89' L=37.32' L=20.07'21.77'35.45'43.20' L =3 6.3 0'L=3 0.01'L=35.34'L=42.28'S4°26'01"E81.92'S3°53'09"W83.06'N1°55'41"W40.00'40.00'S0°36'47"E81.55'17.72'L=12.28' L=42.28' 47°20'5 7 "6.38'R = 2 0 . 0 0' Δ = 9 1 ° 2 1'11"  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 20 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTMORLAND DRIVE •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 21). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL. ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 15FT STREET SETBACK10FT UTILITY EASEMENT 5FT SIDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACKPARKING STALLS 9'8'9' PARKING STALLS 9'9'9' MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 414 LOT 213895 sq.ft. LOT 203178 sq.ft. OPEN SPACE E0.06 acs.32.00' L=40.52' L=24.54' L=2 0 .24'L=51.33'L = 3 1. 8 9' L=37.32' L=20.07'21.77'35.45' L=3 0.01'L=35.34'L=42.28'S3°53'09"W83.06'L=46.70'40.00' L=50.03'S0°36'47"E81.55'L=18.01'S19°23'00"W25.62'17.72'L=12.28'27.00'L=42.28'6.38'6.38'R = 2 0 .00' Δ = 9 1° 2 1'11"R =1 3 .00'Δ=8 9 °1 2'16"N19°23'00"E PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 21 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. 15FT WOONE R F S E T B A C K WESTMORLAND DRIVE •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 20). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 15FT STREET SETBACK 10FT UTILITY EASEMENT 5FT SIDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEPARKING STALLS 9' PARKING STALLS 9'8'9'ARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)15FT WOONERF SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 415 LOT 224964 sq.ft. LOT 234613 sq.ft. LOT 244617 sq.ft. S87°11'18"E 39.07' S79°28'29"E 39.09' S71°56' 3 3 " E 44.91'S14°32'57"W100.12'S6°48'55"W100.23'L=52.64' L=52.64' L=35.16' 18.80'100.00'60.00'L=50.03' 18.80' S70°17 ' 1 0 " E S70°17 ' 1 0 " E6.38' PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 22 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. WESTMORLA N D D R I V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 23). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.ARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)15FT S T R E E T S E T B A C K 10FT UTILITY EASEMENT 5FT SIDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 10FT O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K PHASE 2 OPEN SPACETRAILOPEN SPACE TRAIL 416 LOT 224964 sq.ft. LOT 234613 sq.ft. LOT 244617 sq.ft. S87°11'18"E 39.07' S79°28'29"E 39.09' S71°56' 3 3 " E 44.91'S14°32'57"W100.12'S6°48'55"W100.23'L=52.64'S0°55'04"E100.32'L=52.64' L=35.16' 18.80'100.00'L=50.03' S70°17 ' 1 0 " E S70°17 ' 1 0 " E  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 23 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. WESTMORLA N D D R I V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 22). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.ARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)15FT STREE T S E T B A C K 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT 5FT SIDE SETBACKZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 10FT OPEN S P A C E S E T B A C K PHASE 2 OPEN SPACETRAILOPEN SPACE5FT SIDE SETBACKTRAIL 417 LOT 234613 sq.ft. LOT 244617 sq.ft.LOT 254622 sq.ft.LOT 264624 sq.ft. N71°46'04 " E N77°20'43"E 39.05'N85°05'54"E 39.07'S87°11'18"E 39.07' S79°28'29"E 39.09'S6°48'55"W100.23'L =5 2 .6 4 ' L =5 2.65'L=52.64'S0°55'04"E100.32'S8°39'10"E100.40'LR=3 9 0 .0 0 'L =4 0 0 .0 0 'Δ =5 8 °4 5 '51" =4 5 0 .0 0 'L  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 24 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. WESTMORLAND DRIVE •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 25). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. 15FT STREET SETBACK10FT UTILITY EASEMENT ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK OPEN SPACE 5FT SIDE SETBACKTRAIL 418 LOT 234613 sq.ft. LOT 244617 sq.ft.LOT 254622 sq.ft.LOT 264624 sq.ft. N71°46'04 " E N77°20'43"E 39.05'N85°05'54"E 39.07'S87°11'18"E 39.07' S79°28'29"E 39.09'S6°48'55"W100.23'L =5 2 .6 4 ' L =5 2.65'L=52.64'S0°55'04"E100.32'S8°39'10"E100.40'LR=3 9 0 .0 0 'L =4 0 0 .0 0 'Δ =5 8 °4 5 '51" =4 5 0 .0 0 'L  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 1 thru 25.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 25 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. WESTMORLAND DRIVE •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 24). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. 15FT STREET SETBAC K 10FT UTILITY EASEMENT ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINE5FT SIDE SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBAC K OPEN SPACE5FT SIDE SETBACKTRAIL 419 LOT 254622 sq.ft.LOT 264624 sq.ft. LOT 27 4169 sq.ft. L N71°46'04 " E 24.21' N77°20'43"E 39.05' N85°05'54"E 39.07' L =5 2 .0 4 'L =5 2 .6 4 ' L =5 2.65'S8°39'10"E100.40'S16°23'11"E100.49'N24°01 '53 "W 4 6 .86 ' N 3 9 ° 0 3 ' 0 1 "W 5 5 . 6 7 ' N58°1 5' 3 6" E 45.37' N 3 9 ° 0 3 ' 0 1 "W 6 0 . 0 9 ' R =3 9 0 .0 0 'L =4 0 0 .0 0 'Δ =5 8 °4 5 '51"  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 26 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. WESTMOR L A N D D R I V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 27). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. 15FT STREET S E T B A C K 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 10FT OPEN S P A C E S E T B A C K OPEN SPACE5FT SIDE SETBACKTRAIL5FT SIDE SETBACK420 LOT 264624 sq.ft. LOT 274169 sq.ft. LOT 284394 sq.ft. L =3 0 .0 2 '1 9 . 2 5 ' L =4 5 .6 3 'N71°46'04 " E 24.21' N77°20'43"E 39.05' L =5 0 .8 8 'L =5 2 .0 4 'L =5 2 .6 4 'S8°39'10"E100.40'S16°23'11"E100.49'N24°01 '53 "W 46 .86 ' N 3 9 ° 0 3 ' 0 1 "W 5 5 . 6 7 ' N58°15'3 6" E45.37' S 3 9 ° 0 3 ' 0 1 " E 1 0 0 . 0 0 ' N4 9 ° 2 0 ' 0 7 " W 43. 2 5 ' N 3 9 ° 0 3 ' 0 1 "W 6 0 . 0 9 ' R =3 9 0 .0 0 'L =4 0 0 .0 0 'Δ =5 8 °4  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 27 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. WESTM O R L A N D D RI V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 26). •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. 15FT ST R E E T S E T B A C K 10FT UTILITY EASEMENT ZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 10FT OP E N S P A C E SETBAC K OPEN SPACE 5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK TRAIL5FT SIDE SETBACKTRAI L 421 LOT 274169 sq.ft.LOT 294505 sq.ft.LOT 284394 sq.ft.LOT 304500 sq.ft.N71°46 '04"E24.21 ' 4 5 . 0 0 ' 3 1 . 0 8 ' L = 1 3.9 2' L = 3 7 . 4 2' L = 5 0 . 8 8 ' S16°23'11" E 100.49'N24°01'53"W46.86'N39°03'01"W55.67'4 5 . 0 0 ' N 5 8 ° 1 5 ' 3 6 " E 4 5 . 3 7 'S39°03'01"E100.02'S39°03'01"E100.00'N49°20'07"W43.25'N39°03'01"W60.09'S39°03'01"E100.00'N 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " E N 5 1 ° 1 4 ' 2 9 " EPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 28THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702WE S TMO R L A N D D R I V E•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 29).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.1 5 F T S TR E E T S E T B A C K10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHT1 0 F T OP EN S P A C E S E T B A C K OPEN SPACE5FT SIDE SETBACKTRAIL5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKARNHEM WAY422 LOT 294505 sq.ft.LOT 284394 sq.ft.LOT 304500 sq.ft.L=55.55' 1 7 . 3 8 ' 45 . 0 0 ' 3 1 . 0 8 ' L = 13.9 2' L = 3 7.4 2'N24°01'53"W46.86'1 1 . 5 0 ' 1 1 . 5 0 ' 4 5 . 0 0 'N5 8 ° 1 5 ' 3 6 "E 4 5 . 3 7 'S39°03'01"E100.02'S39°03'01"E100.00'N49°20'07"W43.25'N39°03'01"W60.09'S39°03'01"E100.00'7 2 . 0 0 ' N 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " E N 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " E N 5 1 ° 1 4 ' 2 9 " E R=36.38'Δ=87°29'02"PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 29THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702WE S TM O R L A N D D R I V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 28).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.1 5 F T S T R E E T S E T B A C K10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHT1 0 F T O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K OPEN SPACE5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKARNHEM WAY423 LOT 294505 sq.ft.LOT 315183 sq.ft.LOT 304500 sq.ft.S36°32'03"E65.28'L=55.55' 1 7 . 3 8 ' 4 5 . 0 0 ' 1 1 . 5 0 ' 1 1 . 5 0 ' 4 5 . 0 0 'S39°03'01"E100.02'S39°03'01"E100.00'S39°03'01"E100.00'56 . 5 9 ' 33 . 5 0 'L=45.63'57.01'N 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " E N 5 1 ° 1 4 ' 2 9 " E37.60'°52'52"R=36.38'Δ=87°29'02"R=27.18'Δ=96°11'30"S36°32'03"E 62.13'S 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " WPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 30THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702WE S TM O R L A N D D R I V E•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 31).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THESTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.1 5 F T S T R E E T S E T B A C K10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHT1 0 F T O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K O P E N S P A C E 5FT SIDE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKWESTGATE AVENUEF U T U R E O P E N S P A C E424 LOT 294505 sq.ft.LOT 315183 sq.ft.LOT 304500 sq.ft.S36°32'03"E65.28'L=55.55' 17 . 3 8 ' 4 5 . 0 0 ' 1 1 . 5 0 ' 1 1 . 5 0 'S39°03'01"E100.02'S39°03'01"E100.00'5 6 . 5 9 ' 33 . 5 0 'L=57.01'N 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " ES36°32'16"E64.55'R=37.60'Δ=86°52'52"R=36.38'Δ =87°29'02" S 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " WPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 31THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702W E S T M O R L A N D D R I V E 1 5 F T S T R E E T S E T B A C K 10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINEZERO LOT LINEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHT1 0 F T O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K 15FT S STREET SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACKWESTGATE AVENUE•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, SINGLEFAMILY WITH ADU, LIMITED DUPLEX, TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZERO LOT LINEWITH LOT 30).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.F U T U R E O P E N S P A C E425 LOT 334264 sq.ft.LOT 325259 sq.ft.21.68'4 5 . 0 0 'L=31.59'L=7.48'L =5 3 .7 5 'L=17.35'19.85'L=17.85'23.70'L=25.20'21.19'L=45.63'7 2 . 0 0 ' N 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " E N 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " ER=27.18'Δ=96°11'30"R =1 2 0 .0 0 'L =7 8 .5 8 'Δ =3 7 °31'16"N77°39'02"E96.86'N6 5 ° 0 3 '55 "E 101 .79 'PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 32THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702W E S T M O R L A N D D R I V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZEZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 33).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSEDFROM THE STREET OR WOONERFAND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.1 5 F T S T R E E T S E T B A C K 10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT L INE 5 FT S IDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERFSETBACKWESTGATE AVENUEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)ZERO LOT L INE 426 LOT 343912 sq.ft.LOT 334264 sq.ft.LOT 325259 sq.ft.L=59.72'L =3 1.5 9'L=31.59'46.05'L=7.48'L =5 3 .7 5 'L=17.35'19.85'L=17.85'23.70'37.91'L=22.15' L =5 0 .16 'L=20.35'L=25.20'54.77'L=45.63'7 2 . 0 0 ' N 5 0 ° 5 6 ' 5 9 " ER=27.18'Δ=96R =1 8 0 .0 0 'L =1 1 7 .8 7 'Δ =3 7 °3 1 '0 5 " R =1 2 0 .0 0 'L =7 8 .5 8 'Δ =3 7 °3 1'16 "N77°39'02"E96.86 'N65°03 ' 5 5 "E101.79 'PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 33THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702W E S T M O R L A N D D R I V E •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH 32 OR 34).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT S IDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT L INEZERO LOT L INE 5 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK15FT WOONERFSETBACKWESTGATE AVENUEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTARNHE WAY(WOONERF)ZERO LOT L INE427 LOT 354050 sq.ft.LOT 343912 sq.ft.LOT 334264 sq.ft.S0°59'02"W 73.65'L=2.46' 43.57'L=1.43'L =3 1.5 9'L=31.59'45.00'46.05'L=7.48'L =5 3 .7 5 'L=17.85'23.70'60.00'37.91'L=22.15' 16 ' 5 " 0 0 'L =7 8 .5 8 'Δ =3 7 °3 1'16 "S89°00'58"E90.00'S89°00'58"E90.01'N77°39'02"E96.86'N6 5 ° 0 3 '55 "E 1 01 .79 'PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 34THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZE ZEROLOT LINE WITH LOT 33 OR 35).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINE5 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTGATE AVENUE MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTZERO LOT LINEARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 24FTPARKING AREA428 LOT 364050 sq.ft.LOT 354050 sq.ft.LOT 343912 sq.ft.L=30.4 0' S0°59'02"W 73.65'L=2.46'L=59.72'45.00'43.57'L=1.43'L =31.5 9 'L=3145.00'45.00'46.05'L=7.48'60.00'60.00'37.91' S0°59'02"W S0°59'02"W R=20.00' Δ=87°05 '1 8 " S0°59'02"W S89°00'58"E90.00'S89°00'58"E90.00'S89°00'58"E90.01'N77°39'02"E96.86 'PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 35THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,TOWNHOME DUPLEX (MUST UTILIZEZERO LOT LINE WITH LOT 34).•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT(MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTZERO LOT LINE5 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTGATE AVENUE ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF)MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHT24FTPARKING AREA429 LOT 374050 sq.ft.LOT 364050 sq.ft.LOT 354050 sq.ft.L=32.43'L=30.4 0' S0°59'02"W 73.65'2.46' 45.00'45.00'43.57'L=1.43'45.00'45.00'45.00' 60.00'60.00' S0°59'02"W S0°59'02"W R=20.00' Δ=87°05 '1 8 "R=20.00'Δ=92°54'42"S0°59'02"W N89°00'58"W90.00'S89°00'58"E90.00'S89°00'58"E90.00'S89°00'58"E90.01'PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 36THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHT5 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTGATE AVENUE ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 24FTPARKING AREA430 LOT 122604 sq.ft.LOT 134516 sq.ft.LOT 384050 sq.ft.LOT 374050 sq.ft.LOT 364050 sq.ft.3.59'L=32.43'35.45'L=30.4 0 ' S0°59'02"W 15.76'45.00'45.00'29.24'15.76' 45.00'45.00'45.00' 60.00'60.00' 35.45'32.00'S0°59'02"W S0°59'02"W R=20.00' Δ=87°05'1 8 "R=20.00'Δ=92°54'42"S0°59'02"W N89°00'58"W90.00'N89°00'58"W90.00'S89°00'58"E90.00'S89°00'58"E90.00'PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 37THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENTMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHT5 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTGATE AVENUE ARNHEM WAY (WOONERF) 24FT PARKING AREA431 LOT 122604 sq.ft.LOT 384050 sq.ft.LOT 374050 sq.ft.3.59'L=32.43'35.45' .4 0' 15.76'45.00'29.24'15.76' 25.03'45.00'45.00' 30.12'60.00'60.08'35.45'32.00'20.00'05'1 8 "R=20.00'Δ=92°54'42"N89°00'58"W90.00'N89°00'58"W90.00'S89°00'58"E90.00'PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 38THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENT5 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK 15FT WOONERF SETBACK WESTGATE AVENUE ARNHEM WAY(WOONERF)MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTDURSTON SIDEWALKOPEN SPACEDRIVEWAY EASEMENTFOR LOT 38432 LOT 396000 sq.ft.LOT 406000 sq.ft.25.03'45.00'45.00'138.02'S89°01'04"E100.00'60.00' 30.12'60.00'60.00'S89°00'58"E100.00'60.00'60.08'138.02'S0°59'02"W S0°59'02"WPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 39THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.10FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENT5 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK WESTGATE AVENUE MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTDURSTON SIDEWALKOPEN SPACETRAILOPEN SPACE433 LOT 396000 sq.ft.LOT 406000 sq.ft.LOT 416000 sq.ft.45.00'45.00'45.00'45.00' 60.00' 60.00'60.00'60.00'S89°00'58"E100.00'S89°00'58"E100.00'60.00' N0°59'02"E 60.00' S0°59'02"W S0°59'02"WPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 40THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.10FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENT5 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK WESTGATE AVENUE MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTTRAILOPEN SPACE434 LOT 406000 sq.ft.LOT 416000 sq.ft.LOT 426010 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE B0.52 acs. 45.00'45.00'46.05' 449.00' 60.00'60.00'37.91'S89°00'58"E100.00'S89°00'58"E100.00'60.00' N0°59'02"E 60.00'60.00' S0°59'02"W S0°59'02"WPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 41THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK WESTGATE AVENUE MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTTRAIL OPEN SPACE435 LOT 436391 sq.ft.LOT 416000 sq.ft.LOT 426010 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE B0.52 acs. 45.00'46.05' L =5 3 .7 5 '449.00'S89°00'58"E101.36'60.00'37.91'L=22.15' L =5 0 .16 'S89°00'58"E100.00'N0°59'02"E 60.00'60.00'70.00' 1 1 7 .8 7 'Δ =3 7 °3 1 '0 5 " R =1 2 0 .0 0 'L =7 8 .5 8 'Δ =3 7 °3 1'16 "PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 42THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENT10 FT SIDE SETBACK15FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK WESTGATE ROAD MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTTRAIL OPEN SPACE436 LOT 436391 sq.ft.LOT 426010 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE B0.52 acs.'N80°13'54"E116.37'S89°00'58"E101.36'L=22.15' L =5 0 .1 6 'L=20.35'L=25.20'21.19'38.00'34.00 '54.77 ' 60.00'70.00' R =1 8 0 .0 0 'L =1 1 7 .8 7 'Δ =3 7 °3 1 '0 5 " L =7 8 .5 8 'Δ =3 7 °31'16 "N77°36'18"EPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 43THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SIDE SETBACK10FTUTILITY EASEMENT15 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET S E T B A C K WESTGATE AVENUE MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTTRAIL OPEN SPACE SIDEWALK 437 LOT 454407 sq.ft.LOT 444417 sq.ft.LOT 465041 sq.ft.L=17.35'19.85'N80°13'54"E116.37'L=20.35'L=25.20'21.19'L=42.46' 9. 3 1 'L=46.55'38.00'34.00 '54.77 'S29°52'43"E93.71'S16°52'48" E 100.99'L=45.63''15" S 5 6 ° 3 5 ' 0 4 "W 3 1 . 5 8 'R=27.18'Δ=96°11'30"R=26.13'Δ=93°07'08" R =1 8 0 .0 0 'L =1 1 7 .8 7N77°36'18"EPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 44THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM EITHER STREETAND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.10FTUTILITY EASEMENT15 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK1 5 F T S TR E E T S E T BA C K WESTGATE AVENUEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTWE S TM O R L A N D D R I V E OPEN SPACE SIDEWALK 15FT STREET SETBACK438 LOT 454407 sq.ft.LOT 444417 sq.ft.LOT 465041 sq.ft.N80°13'54"E S0°59'02"W 90.03'37.84'35'L=25.20'21.19'L=42.46' 9. 3 1 'L=46.55'L=25.50'42.64'38.00 '34.00 '54.77 'S29°52'43"E93.71'S16°52'48 " E 100.99' 2 3 . 5 9 'N89°00'58"WR=120.04'L=72.04'Δ=34°23'15" S 5 6 ° 3 5 ' 0 4 "W 3 1 . 5 8 ' S 5 6 ° 3 5 ' 0 4 "W R=26.13'Δ=93°07'08"N77°36'18"EPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 45THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREETAND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.10FTUTILITY EASEMENT15 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACKWESTGATE AVENUEMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTWE S TM O R L A N D D R I V E OPEN SPACE SIDEWALK 5FT SIDE S E T B A C K TRAIL OPEN SPACE 439 LOT 454407 sq.ft.LOT 444417 sq.ft.LOT 465041 sq.ft.S0°59'02"W 90.03'37.84'L=25.20'21.19'9 . 3 1 'L=46.55'L=25.50'42.64'38.00 '34.00'54.77'S29°52'43"E93.71'S16°52'48 " E 100.99' S0°59'02"W 60.00'N89°00'58"WR=120.04'L=72.04'Δ=34°23'15" S 5 6 ° 3 5 ' 0 4 "W 3 1 . 5 8 'N77°36'18"EPROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/25/2016DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists5352.007LOT 46THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN07/20162880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702•AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.•MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.•GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREETAND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.•SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.10FTUTILITY EASEMENT15 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTWESTMORLAND DRIVEOPEN SPACE S IDEWALK 5FT SIDE S E T B A C K TRAIL OPEN SPACE 440 OPEN SPACE C3784 sq.ft.80.48'C33C2 LOT 485614 sq.ft. LOT 474500 sq.ft.N0°58'49"E100.02'L=4 8 .4 5 ' C1 L =1 0 8 .0 7 'S89°00'58"E 82.84' 37.84'45.00'N84°34'24"E 57.69'65.61'L3342.65'N0°58'49"E100.00'100.00'60.00'37.83' © PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/8/2017 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 47 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY. ·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. ·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREETAND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. ·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL. 10FT UTILITY EASEMENT 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT WESTMORLAND DRIVE TRAIL5FT SIDE SETBACKFUTURE PHASE 4OPEN SPACE 441 LOT 474500 sq.ft.LOT 485610 sq.ft. 45.00'N84°34'24"E 57.69'N75°16'23"E 33.24' L =2 5 .2 3'15.84 'S0°59'02"W56.61'N0°59'02"E65.61'15.84 ' L=4 8 .4 5 '45.00'N0°58'49"E100.00'N0°58'49"E100.00'R=88.00'Δ=21°16'10"R=56.00'Δ=21°16'10"N89°00'59"W R R =18 0.8 9 ' Δ =15 °2 0 '45 " R =1 80 .00 'Δ =8 °0 1 '49 "S89°00'54"E  PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 48 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT 10FT OPEN SPACE SE T B A C K5FT SIDE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT WESTMORLAND DRIVE WOONERF15FT WOONERF SETBACKFUTURE PHASE 4 OPEN SPACE •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLEFAMILY, SINGLE FAMILY WITH ADU,LIMITED DUPLEX. •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSEDFROM THE WOONERF AND SETBACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYSENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.OPEN SPACE442 LOT 505924 sq.ft. LOT 495662 sq.ft. S56°35'04" W 36.14' C5 C33C32C2 C3 L36 L37 5614 sq.ft. L =1 0 8 .0 7 'N63°07' 4 3" E 86.94' N56°35'13" E64.64'L11L =4 6 .5 5 'L2L1C4 L3456.61'S 3 3 ° 2 4 ' 5 6 " E 1 0 0 . 0 0 '65.61'L33N75°16'23"E 33.24' © PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/8/2017 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 49 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, SINGLE FAMILYWITH ADU, LIMITED DUPLEX. ·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. ·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERFAND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. ·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL. 10FTUTILITY EASEMENT 10FT O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K 5 F T S I D E S E T B A C K 15FT ST R E E T S E T B A C K MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT WEST M O RL A N D D RI VE WOONERF15FT WOONERF SETBACKFUTURE P H A S E 4 OPEN S P A C E 443 LOT 505925 sq.ft. LOT 495662 sq.ft. S 3 6 ° 3 2 ' 0 3 " EL=55.55'N63°07' 4 3" E 86.94' N56°3 5' 13" E 64.64' N53°42'03" E60.00'L=57.01'23.59'12.56' L =25 .23 'S0°59'02"W56.61'S 3 3 ° 2 4 ' 5 6 " E 1 0 0 . 0 0 ' S 3 6 ° 3 2 ' 1 6 " E 6 4 . 5 5 'R=88.00'Δ=21°16'10"S56°35'04" W 31.58' =18 0 .0 0 'Δ =8 °0 1'4 9"S56°35'04" W R=37.60'Δ=86°52'52"R=36.38'Δ=87°29'02"Δ PROJECT NO. FIGURE NUMBER COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC., 2016 N:\5352\007\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Ph 3 Lot Exhibits- 26 THRU 50.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Jul/14/2016 DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientists 2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718 Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702 5352.007 LOT 50 THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 3 LOT EXHIBIT BOZEMAN MONTANA CPK CPK JRN 07/2016 FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION. •AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, SINGLEFAMILY WITH ADU, LIMITED DUPLEX. •MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%. •GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM EITHERSTREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE. •SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL. 10FT UTILITY EASEMENT 10FT OPEN S P A CE S ET B A C K 5 F T S I D E S E TB ACK 15FT S T R E E T S E T B A C K MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF PITCH MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT WEST M O R L A N D D RI V E FUTUR E P H A S E 4 OPEN S P A C E 1 5 F T S T R E E T S E T B A C K WE S T G A T E A V E N U E 444 70 Appendix C3: The Lakes at Valley West, Phase 4 Building Envelopes The following lot exhibits describe allowable land uses, lot coverage, lot areas and widths, setbacks and driveway requirements. 445 ©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008PH 4THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4PHASE 4 OVERVIEWBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702FOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.P H A S E 3FUTURE PHASESLOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18LOT 19LOT 20LOT 21LOT 22LOT 23LOT 24LOT 25OPEN SPACEOPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE WEST LAKE446 LOT 14054 sq.ft.LOT 25105 sq.ft.LOT 103397 sq.ft.LOT 115355 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 1THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.67025FT SETBACK15 FT WOO N E R F S E T B A C K 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 10FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THEPROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238HERSTAL W A Y ( W O O N E R F )5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACKTRAIL SIDEWALKOPEN SPACEOPEN SPACE 24'PARKING AREA EXISTING PHASE 3447 LOT 14054 sq.ft.LOT 25105 sq.ft.LOT 35100 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE A0.42 acs.18180 sq.ft.LOT 93400 sq.ft.LOT 103397 sq.ft.LOT 115355 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 2THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF)5FT SETBACK15 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.10FT SETBACKTRAIL 24'PARKING AREA448 LOT 25105 sq.ft.LOT 35100 sq.ft.LOT 45100 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE A0.42 acs. 18180 sq.ft.LOT 73400 sq.ft.LOT 83400 sq.ft.LOT 93400 sq.ft.LOT 103397 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 3THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:123815 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF)5FT SETBACK10FT SETBACKTRAIL 24' PARKING AREA 24'PARKING AREA449 LOT 35100 sq.ft.LOT 45100 sq.ft.LOT 53825 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE A0.42 acs.18180 sq.ft.LOT 73400 sq.ft.LOT 83400 sq.ft.LOT 64508 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 4THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:123815 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.OPEN SPACE HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF)5FT SETBACK10FT SETBACKTRAIL 24' PARKING AREA 24'PARKING AREA450 LOT 45100 sq.ft.LOT 53825 sq.ft.LOT 73400 sq.ft.LOT 64508 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 5THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF)5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERFAND SET BACK 15FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKOPEN SPACETRAIL SIDEWALKOPEN SPACE 24' PARKING AREAFUTURE PHASEOSTEND LANE(WOONERF)451 LOT 45100 sq.ft.LOT 53825 sq.ft.LOT 73400 sq.ft.LOT 64508 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 6THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF)OSTEND LANE (WOONERF)15 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY,SINGLE FAMILY WITH ADU, LIMITEDDUPLEX.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE WOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT(MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SET BACK15 FT WOONERF SETBACKSIDEWALKMAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238452 LOT 45100 sq.ft.LOT 53825 sq.ft.LOT 73400 sq.ft.LOT 83400 sq.ft.LOT 64508 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 7THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF)5FT SETBACK15 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKOPEN SPACESIDEWALK453 LOT 35100 sq.ft.LOT 45100 sq.ft.LOT 73400 sq.ft.LOT 83400 sq.ft.LOT 93400 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 8THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF) 15 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.OPEN SPACESIDEWALK5FT SETBACK5FT SETBACK454 LOT 25105 sq.ft.LOT 35100 sq.ft.LOT 4LOT 83400 sq.ft.LOT 93400 sq.ft.LOT 103397 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE B0.42 acs. 18080 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 9THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF)5FT SETBACK15 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKSIDEWALK455 LOT 14054 sq.ft.LOT 25105 sq.ft.LOT 35100 sq.ft.LOT 93400 sq.ft.LOT 103397 sq.ft.LOT 115355 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE B0.42 acs. 18080 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 10THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238HERSTAL WAY (WOONERF)5FT SETBACK15 FT WOONERF SETBACK 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKSIDEWALK456 LOT 14054 sq.ft.LOT 25105 sq.ft.LOT 103397 sq.ft.LOT 115355 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE B0.42 acs. 18080 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 11THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238HERSTA L W A Y ( W O O N E R F )5FT SETBACK15 FT WO O N E R F S E T B A C K 10FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLEAND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THEWOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROMTHE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5F T OPEN SPACE SETBACK OPEN SPACE SIDEWALK SIDEWA LK OPEN S PACE E X IS T ING PH ASE 3 457 LOT 125463 sq.ft.LOT 115355 sq.ft.LOT 135728 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 12THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.6702EX IS T ING PHAS E 3 10FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE 5FT SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5 F T O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K OPEN SPACE SIDEWALK OPEN SPAC ESIDEWA LK 458 LOT 125463 sq.ft.OPEN SPACE B0.42 acs. 18080 sq.ft.LOT 14LOT 135728 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 13THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE5FT SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACK SIDEWALK OPEN SPACE 459 OPEN SPACE B0.42 acs. 18080 sq.ft.LOT 145270 sq.ft.LOT 154250 sq.ft.LOT 135728 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 14THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE10FT SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKSIDEWALK 460 OPEN SPACE B0.42 acs. 18080 sq.ft.LOT 145270 sq.ft.LOT 154250 sq.ft.LOT 164250 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 15THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE5FT SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKSIDEWALK 461 LOT 175550 sq.ft.LOT 154250 sq.ft.LOT 164250 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 16THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE5FT SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILYONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BYPRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROMTHE STREET AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGEDWHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKSIDEWALK 462 LOT 175550 sq.ft.LOT 164250 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 17THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUEOSTEND LANE (WOONERF)15FT WOONERF SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY, SINGLE FAMILY WITH ADU, LIMITED DUPLEX.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE WOONERF AND SET BACK 20FT (MIN)FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKSIDEWALK 463 LOT 194950 sq.ft.LOT 184950 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 18THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUEOSTEND LANEOPEN SPACEOPEN SPACE5FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACKTRAIL464 LOT 204950 sq.ft.LOT 194950 sq.ft.LOT 184950 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 19THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE OPEN SPACE5FT SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACK465 LOT 214950 sq.ft.LOT 204950 sq.ft.LOT 194950 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 20THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE OPEN SPACE10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE ANDACCESSORY BUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREETAND SET BACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTYLINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHENPRACTICAL.5FT SETBACK5FT SETBACKTRAIL466 LOT 224791 sq.ft.LOT 214950 sq.ft.LOT 204950 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 21THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE OPEN SPACE10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACK5FT SETBACKTRAIL467 LOT 235426 sq.ft.LOT 224791 sq.ft.LOT 214950 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 22THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE OPEN SPACE10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK 15FT STREET SETBACK ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACK5FT SETBACKTRAIL468 LOT 235426 sq.ft.LOT 224791 sq.ft.LOT 245426 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 23THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUE OPEN SPACE10 FT OPEN SPACE SET B A C K 15FT STREET SETB A C K ·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5FT SETBACK5FT SETBACK TRAIL469 LOT 235426 sq.ft.LOT 255153 sq.ft.LOT 245426 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 24THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTILITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUEOPEN SPACE5FT SETBACK10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5 F T SE TB ACK470 O P E N S P A C E C 0. 0 6 a c s . 27 0 3 s q . f t .LOT 255153 sq.ft.LOT 245426 sq.ft.©PROJECT NO.FIGURE NUMBERCOPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2017N:\5352\008\ACAD\Exhibits\Lot Exhibits\Lot Exhibits-Phase 4.dwg Plotted by cooper krause on Mar/27/2017DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle5352.008LOT 25THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST: PHASE 4LOT EXHIBITBOZEMANMONTANACPKCPKJRN03/20172880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718Phone: 406.587.0721Fax: 406.922.670210FTUTIL ITY EASEMENTFOR REFERENCE ONLY. SEE FINAL PLAT FOR SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION.MAXIMUM BUILDINGHEIGHTROOF PITCHMAXIMUMBUILDINGHEIGHTLESS THAN3:12323:12 TO 6:12346:12 TO 9:1236GREATERTHAN 9:1238WESTAGE AVENUEOPEN SPACEP H A S E 3 5 F T SE TB ACK 10 FT OPEN SPACE SETBACK15FT STREET SETBACK·AUTHORIZED USES: SINGLE FAMILY ONLY.·MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE BY PRINCIPLE AND ACCESSORYBUILDINGS- 50%.·GARAGES SHALL BE ACCESSED FROM THE STREET AND SETBACK 20FT (MIN) FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.·SHARED DRIVEWAYS ENCOURAGED WHEN PRACTICAL.5 F T O P E N S P A C E S E T B A C K T R A I L 471 71 Appendix D: Woonerf Diagram The following diagram explains Section 6.3 Landscape: (a) Street / Woonerf Boulevard Plantings. 472 Perennials < 24-inches • Bloody Cranesbill • Max Frei Geranium • Bellflower varieties • Maiden Pink Dianthus • Bleeding Heart Dianthus • White Bleeding Heart Dianthus • Showy Daisy • Blanketflower varieties • Daylily varieties Boulders • 2-foot diameter max. Woonerf Boulevard Planting Diagram Shrubs < 4-feet • Bailadeline Dogwood • Littleleaf Mockorange • Snowflake Mockorange • Dart’s Gold Ninebark • Abbotswood Potentilla • Goldfinger Potentilla • Spirea varieties • St. Mary’s Broom Blue Spruce • Jakobsen Mugo Pine • White Bud Pine Shade Tree • Littleleaf Linden • American Linden • Norway Maple varieties • Bur Oak • Skyline Honey Locust Ornamental Trees: • Spring Snow Crabapple • Flame Amur Maple • Amur maackia • Mountain Frost Pear • Prairie Gem Pear Approved Driveway Length Varies 24-feet 12-feet 12-feetLength Varies Woonerf Walkway R.O.W. R.O.W. R.O.W.©Peaks to Plains Design2-foot concrete ribbon At-grade planting bed with edging, weed fabric & mulch12-inches from the property line to parking edge 9-feet 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 35 4 15-feet 473 72 Appendix E: The Lakes at Valley West Stormwater Maintenance Plan 474 The Lakes at Valley West Storm Water Maintenance Plan January 12, 2017 The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision includes a storm drainage system that collects and treats storm and snowmelt runoff, then discharges it to the Aajker Creek and Baxter Creek receiving waters. Runoff collects in street gutters and in grass swales, enters the piped drainage system (storm drain) through curb inlets, drop inlets, manholes and culverts, and discharges primarily through detention and treatment basins. Ownership of these facilities is split between the City of Bozeman (City) and the Lakes at Valley West Homeowners Association (HOA). The City owns all system components within the street right-of-ways, and the HOA owns the remaining facilities which include all of the retention, detention and treatment basins. Each entity is responsible for maintaining their facilities. The HOA shall maintain their components of the storm drainage system in accordance with this maintenance plan and with City of Bozeman regulations and HOA documents. Maintain a written account of all maintenance and repair activities, such as a log book, for future reference. Every Month, May through October 1. Grass Swales: Mow to maintain maximum grass height of 6 inches. Do not allow mulch to discharge or accumulate within 6 feet of the flowline. 2. Storm Drain Pipe and Culverts: Trim and control vegetation near open ends of pipes, to prevent any significant restriction of flow. 3. Surface Detention/Treatment Facilities: Clean the area to keep free of leaves, grass clippings, excess vegetation and debris (paper, cardboard, plastic bags, etc.). If the basin contains water at the time of inspection, return later to clean the area. If ponded water persists over a dry period of a few days, remove cover from the outlet control structure and unclog the orifice (remove debris) to ensure unimpeded flow to the outlet pipe. If sediment sump is full to the orifice level, remove all sediment from the sump. Every Three Months, and Immediately after Major Storm or Snowmelt Events 1. Grass Swales: Walk along each swale to inspect. Clean as needed to keep free of silt, debris, excess vegetation, or any other material that impedes flow. Note areas of ponding and areas with dense weeds or sparse grass cover, and repair within 1 year (see “Repair Procedures” below). 2. Alleys (Woonerf sections): Walk or drive along each alley to inspect. Clean as needed to keep free of silt, debris, or any other material that impedes flow and causes ponding. Note areas of sediment accumulations. Find sediment source, direct temporary BMPs to be installed as appropriate, and repair at source within 1 year. 3. Storm Water Manholes and Inlets: Inspect each inlet grate and grated manhole cover. Clean as needed to keep free of leaves, debris, excess vegetation, or any other material (paper, cardboard, plastic bags, etc.) that impedes flow. In winter, ice or snow may remain over inlet grate. If water ponds excessively and creates a problem during snowmelt events, chip ice to provide a drainage channel into the manhole or inlet. 4. Surface Detention/Treatment Facilities: From November through April, continue inspection and cleaning procedures as stated under the “monthly inspection” category above, every three months and immediately after major storm or snowmelt events. 5. Underground Detention/Treatment Facilities: Open inspection port(s) in the isolator row, and view with a flashlight. If the geotextile fabric (at the bottom of the chamber) is obscured by 475 sediment, measure depth to sediment level, and subtract from baseline depth (full depth to geotextile fabric). If the result (sediment level) is greater than 3 inches, schedule to have sediment removed, as stated under the “annual inspection” category below. Annually 1. Storm Drain Pipe (pipe terminating in manhole or inlet): Pull inlet grates and manhole covers as needed, and inspect each end of each pipe. If observed sediment level in the sump is above the lowest pipe flowline, clean all sediment from the pipes and the manhole or inlet sump. 2. Storm Drain Pipe or Culvert (pipe terminating in open ditch or swale): If sediment has accumulated to 3 inches or more above the pipe flowline, remove sediment from the outlet pipe and ditch to provide free drainage and re-seed or sod the area of disturbance. If soil has eroded and un-vegetated rills are visible, re-seed or sod the area. If there are recurring problem areas, repair as stated in “Repair Procedures” below. 3. Underground Detention/Treatment Facilities: Remove manhole covers at each end of the isolator row. If the observed sediment level is above the lowest pipe flowline, clean all sediment from the pipes and the manhole or inlet sump. Also, look down the isolator row to see if sediment level is at or above the lower row of sidewall holes (about 3 inches above the geotextile bottom). Follow OSHA regulations for confined space entry, or use pole-mounted mirrors or cameras. If this observation or previous inspections through the inspection ports noted sediment levels greater than 3 inches, employ a pipe cleaning service to remove all sediment from the isolator row in accordance with the detention system manufacturer’s recommendations. Every 5 years 1. Surface Detention/Treatment Facilities: Sediment, windblown dust and thatch will build up over time and reduce the storage capacity. Storage capacity is the basin’s airspace volume between two elevations measured in the outlet control structure: the top of the overflow riser, and the flowline elevation of the discharge pipe. Employ a land surveyor or engineer to determine the airspace volume. If it is less than the minimum volume indicated on the approved construction drawings (record drawings), remove excess material and replace landscape materials to originally constructed conditions. Repair Procedures 1. Grass Swales, Dense Weeds or Sparse Grass Cover: Re-seed or sod the area, but first determine and address the source of the problem. Expand irrigation coverage, add soil amendments, fertilize, etc., as needed to improve growth media and grass health. 2. Grass Swales, Areas of Ponding: Cut sod and re-grade the area for consistent downgradient slope along the swale. Then re-seed or sod the area of disturbance. 3. Pipe Outlet Ditch, Excessive Sediment Accumulation: Cut sod, remove sediment, and re-grade the area to a consistent downgradient slope along the outlet ditch or swale. Extend the re-grading as far as needed to provide positive drainage. Then re-seed or sod the area of disturbance. 4. Pipe Outlet Ditch, Erosion: It is recommended to hire a Professional Engineer to address this issue. Another option is to cut sod and re-grade the area, install a permanent, non-degradable turf reinforcement mat (TRM) per the manufacturer’s recommendations, and re-seed the area of disturbance through the TRM per the manufacturer’s recommendations. N:\5352\007\Post Construction\O&M Manuals\storm water maint. plan.docx 476 D. Final PUD Plan Required Materials Section 18: Comprehensive Signage Plan No signs are proposed for Phase 4 therefore this is not applicable. 477 DESIGNED BYDRAWN BYCHECKED BYDATEPROJECT NO.FILE NO.SHEETPROJECT TITLESHEET TITLE (C) 2017 PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN, P.C. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING/CIVIL ENGINEERING 404 NORTH 31ST STREET, SUITE 405 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59101 (406) 294-9499 - (406) 294-9670 FAX WWW.PEAKSTOPLAINS.COM PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGNPC 14041_LS_P4.DWGT11404103/30/2017JJRGNLGNLBOZEMAN, MONTANA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PHASE 4 TITLE SHEETNORTHBOZEMAN, MT 59718DESIGN TEAM2880 TECHNOLOGY BLVD. W.THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST LLCOWNERBILLINGS, MT 59101404 NORTH 31ST STREET, STE. 405PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN, P.C.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTDRAWING INDEXOPEN SPACE: PHASE 4THE LAKES AT VALLEY WESTBOZEMAN, MONTANAPROJECT LOCATION MAP1NOT TO SCALEE. MAIN ST.LOCATIONPROJECTDURSTON RD.W. OAK STBAXTER LN.W. BABCOCK ST.W. COLLEGE ST.W. KAGY BLVD.HUFFINE LN.W. GRIFFIN DR.COTTONWOOD RD. FERGUSON RD. 19TH AVE. 7TH AVE. N ROUSE AVE. DAVIS LN.INTERSTATE 90INTERSTATE 90INTERSTATE 9019TH AVE.T1TITLE SHEETSD1TRAIL LAYOUT PLAN: PHASE 4 OPEN SPACEL1PLANTING PLAN- WEST: PHASE 4 OPEN SPACEL2PLANTING PLAN- EAST: PHASE 4 OPEN SPACEL3PLANTING DETAILS & NOTESL4IRRIGATION PLAN - WESTL5IRRIGATION PLAN - EAST & DETAILS478 0+001+002+00 3+00 3+320+001+002+002+520+001+00 2+003+004+005+006+007+008+009+0010+0010+11L400L401L402C400C401C402C403C404L403L404L405L406L407C405C406C407C408L408L409L410L411L412L413L414L415L416L417L418L419L420C409C410C411C412C413C414C415C416C417C418C4190+001+001+930+000+48L421L422L423L424L425L426L427C420C421C422C423C424DESIGNED BYDRAWN BYCHECKED BYDATEPROJECT NO.FILE NO.SHEETPROJECT TITLESHEET TITLE (C) 2017 PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN, P.C. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING/CIVIL ENGINEERING 404 NORTH 31ST STREET, SUITE 405 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59101 (406) 294-9499 - (406) 294-9670 FAX WWW.PEAKSTOPLAINS.COM PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGNPC 14041_LS_P4.DWGSD11404103/30/2017JJRGNLGNLBOZEMAN, MONTANA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PHASE 4 ALIGNMENTS 1,2,3,4 & 5 OPEN SPACE PHASE 4 TRAIL LAYOUT PLAN Phase 4 - Alignment No. 1 - ASPHALT TRAILNumberC400C401C402L400C403L401C404L402Length1.6880.3440.1751.3034.3038.2634.3051.29Radius200.000200.000200.000200.000200.000Line/Chord DirectionS11° 44' 54.50"WS00° 28' 54.91"WS05° 16' 18.46"ES00° 28' 54.91"WS05° 23' 42.03"WS10° 18' 29.15"WS05° 23' 42.03"WS00° 28' 54.91"WStart Sta:0+00.000+01.680+82.021+22.191+73.492+07.792+46.042+80.34End Sta:0+01.680+82.021+22.191+73.492+07.792+46.042+80.343+31.64Phase 4 - Alignment No. 2 - GRAVEL TRAILNumberL403C405L404C406L405C407L406C408L407Length28.7522.4842.6038.109.1457.608.4142.811.87Radius200.000100.000200.00030.000Line/Chord DirectionN90° 00' 00.00"ES86° 46' 48.16"ES83° 33' 36.31"EN85° 31' 29.94"EN74° 36' 36.19"EN82° 51' 40.59"ES88° 53' 15.01"EN50° 14' 05.45"EN09° 21' 25.91"EStart Sta:0+00.000+28.750+51.230+93.821+31.921+41.071+98.672+07.082+49.89End Sta:0+28.750+51.230+93.821+31.921+41.071+98.672+07.082+49.892+51.75Phase 4 - Alignment No. 3 - GRAVEL TRAILNumberL408C409L409C410L410C411L411C412L412C413L413L414C414L415C415L416C416L417C417L418C418L419C419L420Length54.7850.1710.8448.5733.2632.636.0973.731.1818.7632.6545.35104.820.3054.2348.9645.6618.3859.5597.3836.8978.3623.0035.81Radius200.000100.000100.000100.00030.000150.000100.000100.000100.000100.000100.000Line/Chord DirectionS08° 11' 52.88"ES01° 00' 42.74"ES06° 10' 27.41"WS07° 44' 26.95"ES21° 39' 21.31"ES12° 18' 32.34"ES02° 57' 43.38"ES24° 05' 03.44"ES45° 12' 23.51"ES63° 07' 17.19"ES81° 02' 10.88"ES81° 02' 10.88"EN78° 56' 43.59"EN58° 55' 38.05"EN74° 27' 49.02"EN90° 00' 00.00"ES76° 55' 10.34"ES63° 50' 20.69"ES80° 53' 56.51"EN82° 02' 27.68"ES87° 23' 22.86"ES76° 49' 13.40"ES83° 24' 36.70"EN90° 00' 00.00"EStart Sta:0+00.000+54.781+04.951+15.791+64.371+97.632+30.252+36.343+10.073+11.253+30.013+62.674+08.025+12.835+13.135+67.366+16.336+61.996+80.377+39.928+37.308+74.199+52.559+75.55End Sta:0+54.781+04.951+15.791+64.371+97.632+30.252+36.343+10.073+11.253+30.013+62.674+08.025+12.835+13.135+67.366+16.336+61.996+80.377+39.928+37.308+74.199+52.559+75.5510+11.37TRAIL LAYOUT PLAN (OPEN SPACE) ALIGNMENTS 1, 2, 3, 4 & 51SCALE: 1" = 40'2CLASS 1 ASPHALT TRAILNOT TO SCALEEXCAVATE 6" OF EXISTING GRADE.BACKFILL WITH 2 LIFTS: APPLY 34" ROADMIX TO BOTTOM 3", & COMPACT; THENAPPLY 38" MINUS NATURAL FINES TO TOP3"*UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE -COMPACT FILL SLOPES TO 95%PROCTOR DENSITY6.0' WIDTHWATER AND ROLL SURFACETO A SMOOTH SEAL2% CROSS SLOPE (3%MAX), CROWN ATCENTER OF TRAILSLOPE EDGES OFF TRAIL 12:1MINIMUM, 5:1 MAXIMUM TO MEETGRADE*NATURAL FINES SHALL CONSIST OF 80% ROCK, 10% SILTAND 10% CLAY. MIX IN ADDITIONAL CLAY BINDER TO MEETTHESE PARAMETERS AS NECESSARY.3GRAVEL TRAILNOT TO SCALEPHASE 3PHASE 4PHASE 3PHASE 4PHASE 3PHASE 4PHASE 4PHASE 5PHASE 4PHASE 5WESTGATE ROAD SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SIDEWALKSIDEWALK SIDEWALKS IDEW A L K ALIGNMENT 1 ALIGNMENT 2ALIGNMENT 3ALIGNMENT 3ALIGNMENT 4CONNECT TOPHASE 3 TRAILCONNECT TOPHASE 3 TRAILPHASE 3 TRAILPHASE 3 TRAILW.C. SETBACKZONE 110-FOOT WIDEASPHALT TRAILSD12SD11WATER LINE, TYP.EXISTING WETLANDMITIGATION BOUNDARY, TYP.CONNECT TRAILTO EXISTINGSIDEWALKWOOD POST LOCATIONSPOSTNORTHINGEASTINGPOST #11840.4550-3211.4110POST #21788.0630-3174.8900POST #31722.6710-3147.7110POST #41657.5160-3138.0150POST #51598.1970-3138.8510POST #61543.2050-3139.8160POST #71488.2130-3140.7610POST #81433.2220-3141.7050POST #91378.2290-3142.6280NOTES:1. NORTHINGS & EASTINGS ARE BASED ON LOCAL CONTROLPOINTS SET UP FOR PHASE 3 OF THIS PROJECT.2. NORTHINGS & EASTINGS REFER TO THE CENTER POINT OF THEPOST.WOODPOST, TYP.L334L3123456789FUTURE TRAILCONNECT ALIGNMENT 5TO EXISTING TRAILCONNECT TOSIDEWALKNumberLengthRadiusLine/Chord DirectionStart Sta:End Sta:Phase 4 - Alignment No. 5NumberL422C420L423C421L424C422L425C423L426C424L427Length24.7310.382.0828.255.9439.481.9243.553.2730.022.88Radius25.00050.00050.00050.00025.000Line/Chord DirectionN53° 27' 57.33"EN65° 21' 33.04"EN77° 15' 08.76"EN61° 03' 58.85"EN44° 52' 48.95"EN67° 29' 57.46"ES89° 52' 54.04"EN65° 10' 03.51"EN40° 13' 01.07"EN74° 37' 15.78"ES70° 58' 29.51"EStart Sta:0+00.000+24.730+35.110+37.190+65.440+71.381+10.861+12.781+56.331+59.601+89.62End Sta:0+24.730+35.110+37.190+65.440+71.381+10.861+12.781+56.331+59.601+89.621+92.50AAJKER CREEKAAJKER CREEK EXISTINGFISHINGACCESSCONNECT ALIGNMENT 4TO EXISTING FISHING ACCESSPhase 4 -Alignment No. 4 - GRAVEL TRAILNumberL421Length47.62RadiusLine/Chord DirectionS00° 00' 00.00"EStart Sta:0+00.00End Sta:0+47.62ALIGNMENT 5FUTURE TRAILALIGNMENT479 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWW WWSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SD SDSD SDSDSDSDDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYCHECKED BYDATEPROJECT NO.FILE NO.SHEETPROJECT TITLESHEET TITLE (C) 2017 PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN, P.C. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING/CIVIL ENGINEERING 404 NORTH 31ST STREET, SUITE 405 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59101 (406) 294-9499 - (406) 294-9670 FAX WWW.PEAKSTOPLAINS.COM PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGNPC 14041_LS_P4.DWGL11404103/30/2017JJRGNLGNLBOZEMAN, MONTANA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PHASE 4 OPEN SPACE PHASE 4 PLANTING PLAN - WESTPLANTING PLAN - WEST1SCALE: 1" = 30'LEGENDSEED MIX 1SEED MIX 2(3) RWD(1) AIN(1) CSC(2) PT1(3) RAR(3) CSC(2) AIN(3)RAR(1) PT1(3) RWD(3) AAL(3) SSD(3) SSD(2) PM1(1) AGL(1) PNG(2) ACC(1) QMA(1) QMA(1) TGR(1) UJDWATER LINEEXISTING WETLANDMITIGATION BOUNDARY, TYP. EXISTING WETLAND PLANTS, TYP.ASPHALT TRAIL ASPHALT TRAIL GRAVEL TRAILGRAVEL TRAILAAJKER CREEK AAJKER CREEK SETBACKZONE 1SETBACKZONE 2PHASE 3PHASE 4 PHASE 4PHASE 5(2) PYMWESTGATE ROAD WESTMORLAND DRIVEMATCHLINE 1 / L1 MATCHLINE 1 / L2 (1) SSD(3) JCA(3) NWL(4) APK(3) SGF(3) CCB(3) NWL(3) JCA(1) SSD2-3' ØLOCALLY-SOURCEDBOULDER, TYP.(3) JCA(4) SGF(7) CCB(6) APK(3)SGFALUMINUMEDGING, TYP.DECOMPOSEDGRANITE WALK(2) TAR(3) PYM(3) CKF(3) CCBPOCKET PARK2SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"L12SEED MIX 3SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SIDEWALK(3) JCABENCH, TYP.(1) TARSIDEWALK SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SIDEWALK L22L31L32L24L25L23ALUMINUMEDGING, TYP.WOOD POST, TYP.L33L34SITE FURNITUREQUANTITYMANUFACTURERMODELCOLOR2VICTOR STANLEYREVERIE EVA-20-W (6-FOOT)BLACK POWDER COAT &WOOD SLATSL35SIDEWALKWOOD POST (NOT DRAWN TO SCALE)1 LARGE CANOPY TREE & 2 LARGE EVERGREEN TREES, PER CODE 480 DESIGNED BYDRAWN BYCHECKED BYDATEPROJECT NO.FILE NO.SHEETPROJECT TITLESHEET TITLE (C) 2017 PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN, P.C. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING/CIVIL ENGINEERING 404 NORTH 31ST STREET, SUITE 405 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59101 (406) 294-9499 - (406) 294-9670 FAX WWW.PEAKSTOPLAINS.COM PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGNPC 14041_LS_P4.DWGL21404103/30/2017JJRGNLGNLBOZEMAN, MONTANA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PHASE 4 OPEN SPACE PHASE 4 PLANTING PLAN - EAST PLANTING PLAN - EAST1SCALE: 1" = 30'LEGENDSEED MIX 3PHASE 2PHASE 4PHASE 2PHASE 4LAUREL PARKWAYPHASE 4PHASE 5MATCHLINE 1 / L1 MATCHLINE 1 / L2 DECIDUOUS TREE2NOT TO SCALEPLANTING SOIL MIX, AS SPECIFIEDREMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP THIRD OFROOTBALL, CUT WIRE BASKET IN FOUR PLACESAND FOLD DOWN 8 INCHESPROVIDE 6" MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN BALL &PIT WALLS. ALL WALLS SHALL BE FRACTURED &UNGLAZEDTREE GUARD LARGE SIZEKRAFT PAPER TREE WRAP, REMOVE AT THEEND OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD.PRUNE AS SPECIFIED TO RETAIN NATURALFORMANCHOR STAKING IS OPTIONAL. UTILIZE FLAT,GROMMETED STRAPS THAT LIE FLAT AGAINSTTHE TRUNK. TIE STRAPS BACK TO WOOD ORMETAL POSTS. PLACE CAPS ON METAL POSTSFOR SAFETY. PLACE POSTS AT LEAST 3 INCHESFROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THE ROOTBALL.* PLANT ALL TREES TO HAVE THE SAMERELATIONSHIP TO FINISH GRADE ASORIGINALLY GROWN IN THE NURSERY.3" CHIPPED WOOD; LOCAL ORIGIN OF CHIPS;HEALTHY TREES ONLY, 3'-0" DIA. IN LAWNAREAS, TYPICAL3X THE WIDESTDIMENSION OF THEROOT BALLCONIFEROUS TREE3NOT TO SCALEPLANTING SOIL MIX, AS SPECIFIED.ANCHOR STAKING IS OPTIONAL. UTILIZE FLAT,GROMMETED STRAPS THAT LIE FLAT AGAINSTTHE TRUNK. TIE STRAPS BACK TO (3) WOODOR METAL POSTS. PLACE CAPS ON METALPOSTS FOR SAFETY. PLACE POSTS AT LEAST 3INCHES FROM THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THEROOTBALL.FINISHGRADE* PLANT ALL TREES TO HAVE THE SAMERELATIONSHIP TO FINISH GRADE ASORIGINALLY GROWN IN THE NURSERY.PRUNE AS SPECIFIED TO RETAIN NATURALFORM3" CHIPPED WOOD; LOCAL ORGIN OF CHIPS,HEALTHY TREES ONLY, 3'-0" DIA. IN LAWNAREAS, TYPICALPROVIDE 6" MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN BALLAND PIT WALLS; ALL PIT WALLS SHALL BEFRACTURED AND UNGLAZEDREMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP THIRD OFROOTBALL; CUT WIRE BASKET IN FOURPLACES AND FOLD DOWN 8"3x THE WIDEST DIMENSIONOF THE ROOT BALLSHRUB4NOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADE6" MIN. CLEARANCENOTE:PROVIDE 2 AGRI-FORM TABLETSPER SHRUBPRUNE AS SPECIFIED, TO RETAINNATURAL PLANT FORM.WEED BARRIER FABRICPLANTING MIX, AS SPECIFIED.PLANTING DEPTH TO MATCH FINISHGRADE.TOPSOILREMOVE CONTAINER BEFOREPLANTING. TAKE CARE TO NOTDISTURB ROOTBALL. BOTTOMAND SIDES OF PIT WALL SHALL BEFRACTURED AND UNGLAZED.TYPE OF MULCH AND DEPTH ASSPECIFIED. PULL MULCH 2" AWAYFROM TRUNK.PERENNIAL PLANTINGNOT TO SCALE6" MIN. CLEARANCENOTE:PROVIDE 1 AGRI-FORM TABLETPER PERENNIALPLANTING SOIL, AS SPECIFIEDREMOVE CONTAINER BEFOREPLANTING. TAKE CARE TO NOTDISTURB ROOTBALL. BOTTOM ANDSIDES OF PIT WALL SHALL BEFRACTURED AND UNGLAZED.TYPE OF MULCH AND DEPTH ASSPECIFIED. PULL MULCH 2" AWAYFROM STEMS.WEED BARRIER FABRIC, AS SPECIFIED5(1) AGL(1) UJD(1) QMA(1) TGR(1) PNG(2) ACC(1) AGL(1) TGROPEN WATERWATER LINEEXISTING WETLANDMITIGATION BOUNDARYEXISTING WETLANDPLANTS, TYP.PHASE 4 PHASE 1L23L221 LARGE CANOPY TREE & 2 LARGEEVERGREEN TREES, PER CODEEXISTING FISHINGACCESSFUTURE TRAILALIGNMENT481 DESIGNED BYDRAWN BYCHECKED BYDATEPROJECT NO.FILE NO.SHEETPROJECT TITLESHEET TITLE (C) 2017 PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN, P.C. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING/CIVIL ENGINEERING 404 NORTH 31ST STREET, SUITE 405 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59101 (406) 294-9499 - (406) 294-9670 FAX WWW.PEAKSTOPLAINS.COM PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGNPC 14041_LS_P4.DWGL31404103/30/2017JJRGNLGNLBOZEMAN, MONTANA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PHASE 4 OPEN SPACE PHASE 4 PLANTING DETAILS BOULDER PLACEMENT2NOT TO SCALE2' MIN.- 3' MAX 2' MIN. - 3' MAX.LOCALLY AVAILABLE BOULDER,BURY 13 OF DIAMETER BELOWTHE SURFACEMETAL EDGE & MULCH1NOT TO SCALEPLANTING NOTES1.VERIFY WITH THE PROJECT MANAGER AND UTILITY COMPANIES THE LOCATIONS OF ALLEXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO START. REPAIR ALL DAMAGES TO EXISTING UTILITIES, CURBS,PAVEMENTS AND STRUCTURES WHICH OCCUR DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECTOR AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S ACTIVITIES, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.2.SAFEGUARD ALL BUILDING SURFACES, EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS. THE CONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY WHICH MAY OCCURAS A RESULT OF NEGLIGENCE IN THE EXECUTION OF WORK.3.COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURE/ENGINEERING PLANS TO BECOME THOROUGHLY FAMILIARWITH GRADING, SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND CONDITIONS AND UTILITIES.4.ALL GRADES, DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THECONTRACTOR ON-SITE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THEATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.5.ENSURE THAT THE LANDSCAPING WORK DOES NOT INTERRUPT ESTABLISHED OR PROPOSEDDRAINAGE PATTERNS. OBTAIN APPROVAL ON THE FINAL GRADE BY THE OWNER'SREPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING PLANTING OPERATIONS. FINISH GRADE BEFOREMULCHING SHALL BE +/- 3" BELOW FINISH SURFACE OF ADJACENT PAVING.6.FINE GRADE AND SLOPE ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS TO A MINIMUM OF 2.0% TO DRAIN.POSITIVELY NO SETTLEMENT, EROSION, SEDIMENTATION OR OFF-PROPERTYDRAINAGENUISANCE SHALL BE ACCEPTED.7.ALL FILL MATERIAL FOR BACKFILLING TRENCHES OR EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE FREE-DRAINING,GRANULAR MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. THE GRANULARMATERIAL SHALL BE LEFT A MINIMUM OF 12" BELOW FINISH GRADE.8.PROVIDE TOPSOIL THAT IS LOOSE, FRIABLE AND SHALL CONTAIN AN ORDINARY AMOUNT OFORGANIC MATTER. IT SHALL CONTAIN NO LUMPS OF SOIL OR ROCKS LARGER THAN 1". ITSHALL BE SUFFICIENTLY FERTILE TO SUSTAIN NORMAL, HEALTHY PLAN GROWTH. PROVIDE AMINIMUM OF 6" OF TOPSOIL IN ALL LAWN AREAS.9.TEST THE TOPSOIL AFTER ROUGH GRADING IS COMPLETE TO DETERMINE THE SOILAMENDMENTS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A GROWING MEDIUM AS DESCRIBED. SUBMITA COPY OF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FORAPPROVAL.10.UTILIZE A PLANTING MIX OF TWO (2) PARTS TOPSOIL, ONE (1) PART AGED COMPOST, AND ONE(1) PART SAND IN ALL PLANTING BEDS FROM 12" BELOW FINISHED GRADE TO FINISHED GRADE.11.COORDINATE WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS, AS NECESSARY, REGARDING LOCATION ANDTIMING OF INSTALLATION OF PLANT MATERIALS.12.PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FURNISHED IN THE QUANTITIES AND/OR SPACING AS SHOWN ORNOTED. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLAN AND THE PLANT SCHEDULE, THEPLAN SHALL DICTATE.13.PLANT MATERIALS ARE DRAWN AT OR NEAR THEIR MATURE SIZE. UTILIZE THE CENTER POINTOF THE SYMBOL TO DETERMINE PROPER PLANT LAYOUT AND PLACEMENT.14.LAYOUT PLANT LOCATIONS AND PLANTING BED EDGES AND OBTAIN APPROVAL BY THEOWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.15.ALL PLANTS ARE TO MEET OR EXCEED 'AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK,'CURRENT EDITION, BY THE AMERICAN NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION. ALL PLANTSSHALL BE NURSERY-GROWN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.16.PLACE TYPAR 3301 WEED FABRIC IN ALL PLANTING BEDS.17.PLANT FERTILIZER SHALL BE AGRIFORM (21 GRAM), 20-10-5 BY WEIGHT, APPLIED AT THE RATERECOMMENDED BY SOIL TESTING AND SUITED TO THE SPECIFIED PLANTS.18.PROVIDE DECOMPOSED GRANITE, 3" MINIMUM DEPTH, GRADED FROM 3/8" TO DUST-SIZEDPARTICLES. PLACE DECOMPOSED GRANITE OVER WEED FABRIC (OVERLAPPED 12-INCHES).COMPACT GRANITE 95% PROCTOR DENSITY.19.PROVIDE BARK MULCH, 3" MINIMUM DEPTH. PROVIDE SOURCE AND SAMPLE FOR APPROVAL BYTHE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.20.TREES LOCATED IN GRASS AREAS TO HAVE BARK MULCH RINGS AS PER DETAILS.21.STAKE AND GUY ALL TREES IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING. THE STABILITY AND PLUMBCONDITIONS OF ALL PLANT STOCK IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR THROUGHTHE WARRANTY PERIOD AND THE CONTRACTOR IS LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BYINSTABILITY OF ANY PLANT MATERIALS.22.COORDINATE THE PLANTING WITH IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT. THE OWNER IS NOTRESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE CAUSED BY OTHER TRADES WHILE COMPLETING THIS WORK.23.ALL SUBSTITUTIONS AND PLAN CHANGES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPEARCHITECT. NO SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF THEOWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.24.ANY WORK OR MATERIAL WHICH IN THE OPINION OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE DOESNOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE CAUSE FORREJECTION. ALL REJECTED WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED,DISPOSED AND REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.25.BEGIN MAINTENANCE AFTER EACH PLANT HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND CONTINUE UNTIL FINALACCEPTANCE BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. MAINTENANCE INCLUDES WATERING,PRUNING, WEEDING, MULCHING, REPLACEMENT OF SICK OR DEAD PLANTS AND ANY OTHERCARE NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER GROWTH OF PLANT STOCK.26.DURING THE COURSE OF THIS WORK, REMOVE EXCESS WASTE MATERIAL DAILY FROM THESITE AND UPON COMPLETION OF ALL WORK.27.UPON COMPLETION OF ALL LANDSCAPING, A SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION WALK-THROUGH OFTHE WORK WILL BE HELD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVEFOR SCHEDULING THE WALK-THROUGH AT LEAST SEVEN (7) DAYS PRIOR O THE ANTICIPATEDDATE.28.WARRANTY ALL PLANT STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP FOR 12 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF FINALACCEPTANCE. REPLACEMENT PLANTS SHALL BE WARRANTED FOR AN ADDITIONAL 90 DAYS.29.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE AT ANY TIME TO REPLACE OR HONOR ANYWARRANTY FOR THE LOSS OF ANY TREES, PLANTS, GROUND COVERS OR SOD CAUSED BYFIRE, FLOODS, LIGHTNING, WINDS ABOVE 70 MILES PER HOUR OR ANY OTHER NATURALDISASTER, NOR SHALL THE CONTRACTOR BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTS OF VANDALISMOR NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF THE OWNER.30.PROVIDE TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE A WRITTEN ANNUAL MAINTENANCE PROGRAMTO PROPERLY CARE FOR AND MAINTAIN THE LANDSCAPING. INCLUDE CONTACT INFORMATIONREGARDING THE INSTALLERS AND SUPPLIERS OF THE MATERIALS ALONG WITH A WARRANTYCERTIFICATE.1.PROVIDE TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE,CERTIFICATES FOR THE SEED MIXTURES. THESEEDING CERTIFICATE SHALL IDENTIFY THE SPECIESAND PERCENTAGES, GERMINATION PERCENTAGES,WEED PERCENTAGES AND INERT MATTER.2.SEED MIX #1:60% KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS25% PERENNIAL RYEGRASS15% CREEPING RED FESCUEDRILL @ 4-5# / 1,000 SFBROADCAST @ 8-10# / 1,000 SF3.SEED MIX #2:35%DURAR HARD FESCUE35%SHEEP FESCUE15%TURF-TYPE TALL FESCUE15%CANADA BLUEGRASSDRILL @ 10-15# / ACREBROADCAST @ 20-30# / ACRE4.SEED MIX #325%GREEN NEEDLEGRASS20%WESTERN WHEATGRASS20%THICKSPIKE WHEATGRASS15%SLENDER WHEATGRASS13%MOUNTAIN BROM 5%SECAR BLUEBUNCH WHEATGRASS 2%BLUE FLAXDRILL @ 8-10# / ACREBROADCAST @ 16-20# / ACRE5.COMPOST: PROVIDE WELL-COMPOSTED, STABLE ANDWEED-FREE ORGANIC MATTER,. APPROVED SOURCESOF COMPOST ARE GLACIER GOLD: 406-881-3033; EKOCOMPOST 406-721-4123; BIG BUTTE COMPOST:406-782-0190; EARTH SYSTEMS COMPOST:406-582-0660; OR ROCKY MOUNTAIN COMPOST:406-245-4817.6.PROVIDE COMMERCIAL-GRADE FERTILIZER OFNEUTRAL CHARACTER WITH BOTH FAST ANDSLOW-RELEASE NITROGEN. PROVIDE COMPOSITIONAND WEIGHTS BASED UPON SOIL TEST RESULTS.7.LOOSEN SUBGRADES TO A DEPTH OF 8 INCHES.REMOVE ANY STONES LARGER THAN 1 INCH. SPREAD4 INCHES OF TOPSOIL AND 2 INCHES OF COMPOST ANDROTOTILL COMPOST INTO TOPSOIL FOR A TOTAL SEEDBED PROFILE OF 6 INCHES.8.FINISH GRADE AGAINST EDGING OR PAVEMENT TOALLOW FOR THICKNESS OF SOD OR SEED.9.DRILL SEED MIXES WITH A DRILL SEEDER WITH ASPACING THAT DOES NOT EXCEED 3-1/2 INCHES.10.IF AREAS ARE UNABLE TO BE DRILL SEEDED,BROADCAST SEED AND RAKE INTO SOIL. BROADCASTSEED AT DOUBLE THE RATE SPECIFIED.11.HYDROMULCH OVER ALL DRILL SEEDED AREAS ANDROLL UNTIL SMOOTH.12.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL LAWNMAINTENANCE FOR 90 DAYS AFTER SUBSTANTIALCOMPLETION.13.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WEED CONTROLOVER ALL NEWLY SEEDED AREAS FOR THE FIRST FULLGROWING SEASON.SEEDING NOTESPLANT SCHEDULEMATURESYMBOLQUANTITYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMESIZEROOTHEIGHTWIDTHDECIDUOUS TREESAGL3AESCULUS GLABRAOHIO BUCKEYE2" CAL.B&B50-70'40-50'AIN3ALNUS INCANASPECKLED ALDER#15CONTAINER20-25'20-25'PM12PRUNUS MAACKIIAMUR CHOKECHERRY1-1/2" CAL.B&B20-30'20-30'PT13POPULUS TREMULOIDESQUAKING ASPEN#15CONTAINER40-50'25-30'PYM5PYRUS USSURIENSIS 'MORDAK'PRAIRIE GEM USSURIAN PEAR1-1/2" CAL.CONTAINER15-20'15-20'QMA3QUERCUS MACROCARPABUR OAK1-1/2" CAL.B&B40-70'35-60'SSD8SYRINGA RETICULATA 'BAILNCE'SNOWDANCE JAPANESE TREE LILAC2" CAL.B&B15-18'15-18'TAR3TILIA AMERICANA 'REDMOND'REDMOND LINDEN2" CAL.B&B40-50'30-40'TGR3TILIA CORDATA 'GREENSPIRE'GREENSPIRE LITTLEAF LINDEN1-1/2" CAL.B&B25-35'25-35'UJD2ULMUS DAVIDIANA VAR. JAPONICA 'DISCOVERY'DISCOVERY ELM1-1/2" CAL.B&B35-40'35-40'EVERGREEN TREESACC4ABIES CONCOLORCONCOLOR FIR6-8' HEIGHTB&B25-40'20-25'PNG2PINUS NIGRAAUSTRIAN PINE6-8' HEIGHTB&B40-50'20-30'DECIDUOUS SHRUBSAAL3AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIAWESTERN SERVICEBERRY#5CONTAINER6-10'6-10'CSC4CORNUS SERICEA VAR. COLORADENSISCOLORODO RED OSIER DOGWOOD#5CONTAINER8-10'8-10'RAR6RIBES AUREUMGOLDER CURRANT#5CONTAINER5-6'5-6'RWD6ROSA 'WOODSII'WOODSII SHRUB ROSE#5CONTAINER5-6'5-6'SGF10SPIREA X BUMALDA 'GOLDFLAME'GOLDFLAME SPIREA#5CONTAINER2-3'2-3'EVERGREEN SHRUBSJCA12JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS 'MONDAP'ALPINE CARPET JUNIPER#5CONTAINER6-8"3-4'PERENNIALSAPK10ASTER X DUMOSUS 'PROFESSOR KIPPENBURG'PROFESSOR KIPPENBURG CUSHION ASTER#1CONTAINER12-18"12-18"CCB10CAMPANULA PUNCTATA 'CHERRY BELLS'CHERRY BELLS BELLFLOWER#1CONTAINER1-2'18-24"NWL6NEPETA RACEMOSA 'WALKER'S LOW'WALKER'S LOW CATMINT#1CONTAINER12-18"2-3'NON-VEGETATIVE FEATURES8LOCALLY SOURCED, 2-3-FOOT DIAMETER BOULDERCODE COMPLIANCE: PHASE 4 OPEN SPACESEC. 38.23.100.F.3: WATERCOURSE SETBACK PLANTINGREQUIREMENTMINIMUMPROVIDEDIF IT CAN BE DEMONSTRATED THAT IRRIGATION ISPRESENT FOR THE TREES AND SHRUBS, AND FENCING ISPROVIDED FOR THE TREES AND SHRUBS, THE NUMBER OFREQUIRED TREES MAY BE REDUCED TO 1 TREE PER60-LINEAR FEET AND 1 SHRUB PER 20-LINEAR FEET.6 TREES & 17 SHRUBS (331.60')6 TREES & 19 SHRUBSOPEN SPACE LANDSCAPING ENHANCEMENT - 15 POINTS REQUIRED PER SEC. 38.26.060 TABLE 38.26.060-2CATEGORYPOTENTIAL POINTSCLAIMED POINTSDROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES FOR >75% OF TREES ANDSHRUBS5 POINTS51 POINT PER STONE BOULDER NOT SMALLER THAN 3-FEETIN DIAMETER WHICH IS INTEGRATED INTO THELANDSCAPE, MAXIMUM OF 5 POINTS5 POINTS51 LARGE CANOPY TREE & 2 LARGE EVERGREEN TREES5 POINTS5TOTAL15FINISH GRADE, LAWN8" STAPLES TO ANCHOR WEEDBARRIER AT 3' O.C.; 12" O.C. AT SEAMSAS REQUIREDMULCH, TYPE AND DEPTH ASSPECIFIEDWEED BARRIER FABRIC, ASSPECIFIEDMETAL EDGING, AS SPECIFIED. INSTALLACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'SSPECIFICATIONSDEPTHVARIES1/2"WOOD POST3NOT TO SCALE3'-6"2' MAX. 5'-6"WOOD POST PLACEMENT4NOT TO SCALE2.00, TYP.LOT ALOT BOPEN SPACEWOOD POST,SET WITH CENTERPOINTON PROPERTY LINEPROPERTYLINE(S) , TYP.PROPERTY PININTERNAL LOTS2.00, TYP. OPEN SPACE LOT AOPEN SPACEWOOD POST,SET WITH CENTERPOINTON PROPERTY LINEPROPERTYLINE(S) , TYP.PROPERTY PINCORNER LOTSRECOMMENDEDSEAT HEIGHTWOOD SLATSSTEEL ANCHOR TABWELDED TO BOTTOM OF EA.LEG TO SECURE INCONCRETE FOOTINGCONCRETE FOOTING3000 PSI @28 DAYSNOTES:1.PROVIDE 6-FOOT VICTOR STANLEY BENCH (EVA-20-W) IN-GROUND MOUNT, OR APPROVED EQUAL.2.METAL FINISH: BLACK POWDER COAT.3.SLAT: WOOD.4.INSTALL ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS.17-3/8"25"29-1/2"25-1/4"68" CENTER-TO-CENTER70"17-3/8"BENCH5NOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADEFINISH GRADE4"x4" PRESSURE-TREATED(AWPA CAT. UC4A)WOOD POST,482 DESIGNED BYDRAWN BYCHECKED BYDATEPROJECT NO.FILE NO.SHEETPROJECT TITLESHEET TITLE (C) 2015 PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN, P.C. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING/ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 404 NORTH 31ST STREET, SUITE 405 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59101 (406) 294-9499 - (406) 294-9670 FAX WWW.PEAKSTOPLAINS.COM PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGNPC 14041_IR_P4.DWGL41404103/30/2017JJRGNLGNLBOZEMAN, MONTANA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PHASE 4 OPEN SPACE PHASE 4 IRRIGATION PLAN - WEST 30.623B30.724B18.125B16.426B28.928B56d29B30.230BIRRIGATION LEGENDSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONSIZEMANUF.MODEL #POP-UP SPRAY HEADS6"HUNTERPROS-06-PRS30-CV-12AMP-ROTATOR HEADS6"HUNTERPROS-06-PRS40-CV-MP3000-90, 210, 360ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE1.5", 2.0"HUNTERICV-151G, 1CV-201GDRIP ZONE CONTROL VALVE1"HUNTERPCZ-101-40MANUAL ISOLATION VALVE2"MATCO757T08NO SYMBOLDECODER1-STATIONHUNTERDUAL-1LATERAL LINEAS INDICATEDCLASS 200 PVCMAINLINE2"CLASS 200 PVCSLEEVE LINES6"SCH. 40 PVCDRIP LATERAL LINE1"100 PSI 4710 PENO SYMBOLDRIP EMITTERS2.0 GPH & 0.5 GPHHUNTERHE-20-B, HE-050-BLINE SIZE PIPE CAP & DRAIN17MMHUNTERPD-BLVCONTROLLER LETTERGALLONS PER MINUTE (GPM)GALLONS PER HOUR (GPH)CONTROLLER LETTERZONE STATION NUMBERDRIP ZONE STATION NUMBERDETAIL NUMBERSHEET NUMBER8IR2305B30d5BNOTES:1.ALL MP ROTATORS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE MP3000 HEADS, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE.2.ALL SPRAY HEADS SHOWN ON THE PLANS USE 12A NOZZLES, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE.EMITTER SCHEDULEPLANT TYPENO. OFEMITTERSEMITTER SIZE(FLOW)TREE32.0 GPHSHRUB20.5 GPHGRASSES &PERENNIALS10.5 GPHL59L510L53L52L55L54IRRIGATION PLAN - WEST1SCALE: 1" = 30'L57PHASE 4PHASE 5PHASE 3PHASE 4PHASE 3PHASE 4PHASE 3PHASE 4 ASPHALT TRAIL ASPHALT TRAIL AAJKER CREEK AAJKER CREEK 112"112"2"1"112"1"1"2"L561"1"1"1"1"1"2"1"2"1"1"POC AT EXISTING 2" MAINLINE(LOCATION IS APPROXIMATE)SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SIDEWALK WESTGATE ROAD WESTMORLAND DRIVEMATCHLINE 1 / L4 MATCHLINE 1 / L5 102d22B55d27B1.VERIFY ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE CONDITIONS, INCLUDING PLANTING, GRADING, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION,WATER DEVELOPMENT, AND SUPPLY, PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. NOTE ANY SLEEVES AND IRRIGATIONSTUBS FOR FUTURE WORK.2.LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, CONDUITS, AND STRUCTURES. ANY DAMAGE INCURRED IS THECONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.3.THE IRRIGATION CONTRACT INCLUDES THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR ACOMPLETE, AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. ANY ITEMS REQUIRED TO CONFORM WITH SUCH INTENT ARE CONSIDEREDTO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE WORK.4.THE IRRIGATION PLAN IS SCHEMATIC. FIELD-VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, EXISTING, AND PROPOSED CONDITIONS, ASREQUIRED TO PROVIDE ONE COMPLETE AND OPERABLE SYSTEM.5.DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SYSTEM WHEN OBVIOUS OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE CHANGES AND SITE GEOMETRYEXIST. SUCH DIFFERENCES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT NOTIFICATION ISNOT MADE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY NECESSARY REVISIONS.6.REFER TO LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL PLANS WHEN LAYING OUT HEAD PLACEMENT AND TRENCHING.7.CONFORM TO ALL LOCAL CODES REGARDING INSTALLATION.8.IRRIGATION DESIGN IS BASED UPON HAVING 40 PSI AND 35 GPM AVAILABLE AT THE FURTHEST HEAD. VERIFY THEACTUAL PSI AND GPM AVAILABILITY AND COMPATIBILITY WITH THE WATER SOURCE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.9.PROVIDE PVC IRRIGATION PIPE, 2-1/2" SIZE OR SMALLER IN CLASS 200 I.P.S.; PROVIDE 3" SIZE PIPE AND LARGER INSCHEDULE 40.10.PROVIDE 100 PSI 4710 POLYETHYLENE PIPE FOR DRIP IRRIGATION PIPE DOWNSTREAM FROM ELECTRIC VALVES. UTILIZEINSERT TYPE FITTINGS AND 'OETIKER' DOUBLE CLAMPS OR BLAZING SADDLE CONNECTIONS.11.PROVIDE 6 INCH DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC FOR ALL ELECTRICAL AND IRRIGATION SLEEVES LOCATED UNDERPAVEMENT.12.PROVIDE UF-14-1 DIRECT BURIAL CABLE WIRING FROM THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES.RUNS IN EXCESS OF 800 FEET SHALL BE 12 GAUGE. PLACE ALL WIRE SPLICES IN VALVE BOXES AND MAKECONNECTIONS WITH A DIRECT BURY SPLICE KIT. PROVIDE SLEEVES FOR WIRING UNDER ALL PAVED AREAS.13.BURY ALL MAINLINE PIPE WITH A MINIMUM COVER OF 18 INCHES. BURY ALL LATERAL PIPE WITH A MINIMUM COVER OF 12INCHES. PULLING OF PIPE 2 INCH DIAMETER OR LESS IS ACCEPTABLE, PROVIDING DEPTHS ARE ACHIEVED. BURY DRIPLATERALS TO ACHIEVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 10 INCH DEPTH. ALL DRIP TUBES WITH EMITTERS SHALL BE AT SURFACEOVER THE FABRIC, BUT UNDER THE MULCH.14.SLOPE MAINLINE TO DRAIN.15.LIMIT THE USE OF FITTINGS AND INSTALL LINE SIZE FITTINGS TO ENSURE MINIMUM FRICTION LOSS IN SYSTEM.16.LOCATE HEADS APPROXIMATELY 2 INCHES FROM PROPOSED CURBS, WALKS AND MOWING EDGES.17.CONNECT ALL SPRAY HEADS TO LATERAL PIPES USING FUNNY PIPE, CONNECT ALL ROTORS TO LATERAL PIPES WITHPVC SWING JOINTS.18.LOCATE SPRINKLER HEADS TO AVOID OBSTRUCTIONS THAT WILL LIMIT RADIUS OF COVERAGE, CAUSE DRY SPOTS, OVERSPRAY ON BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND PAVEMENTS OR OTHER WATER DAMAGE.19.NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.20.ALL VALVES TO BE INSTALLED IN RECTANGULAR VALVE BOXES OF PROPER SIZE, DEPTH AND GRADE. PROVIDE VALVEBOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED.21.VERIFY WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, THE FINAL LOCATION OF THE CONTROLLER, BACKFLOW PREVENTER ANDCONNECTION TO WATER SOURCE TO MEET FIELD CONDITIONS. COORDINATE INSTALLATION WITH OWNER'SREPRESENTATIVE AND OTHER TRADES.22.FINAL BALANCE AND ADJUST THE COMPLETE IRRIGATION SYSTEM, INCLUDING SPRAY HEADS, ROTORS AND DRIP LINESFOR PROPER OPERATION.23.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING FIRST-YEAR WINTERIZATION AND SPRING START-UP PRIOR TO MAY1ST, DURING THE ONE-YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD.24.FINAL INSPECTION: DEMONSTRATE THE ENTIRE SYSTEM IN OPERATION TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, PROVINGTHAT ALL REMOVE CONTROL VALVES ARE PROPERLY FUNCTIONING, THAT ALL HEADS AND EMITTERS ARE PROPERTYADJUSTED FOR RADIUS, ARC OF COVERAGE AND EMITTER LOCATION AS IT RELATES TO INDIVIDUAL PLANTS.25.PRIOR TO FINAL PAYMENT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AN AS-BUILT PLANAND OWNER'S MANUALS. DURING THE COURSE OF THE INSTALLATION, THE CONTRACTOR MUST RECORD ALL CHANGESMADE TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. THE CHANGES MUST BE MADE IN RED ON THE ORIGINAL PLAN.26.WARRANTY THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR A PERIOD OF ONE-YEAR FROM THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. ANYSETTLEMENT THAT OCCURS DURING THIS TIME WILL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE.IRRIGATION NOTESL59483 DESIGNED BYDRAWN BYCHECKED BYDATEPROJECT NO.FILE NO.SHEETPROJECT TITLESHEET TITLE (C) 2015 PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGN, P.C. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/PLANNING/ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 404 NORTH 31ST STREET, SUITE 405 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59101 (406) 294-9499 - (406) 294-9670 FAX WWW.PEAKSTOPLAINS.COM PEAKS TO PLAINS DESIGNPC 14041_IR_P4.DWGL51404103/30/2017JJRGNLGNLBOZEMAN, MONTANA THE LAKES AT VALLEY WEST PHASE 4 OPEN SPACE PHASE 4 IRRIGATION PLAN - EAST EMITTER SCHEDULEPLANT TYPENO. OFEMITTERSEMITTER SIZE(FLOW)TREE32.0 GPHSHRUB20.5 GPHGRASSES &PERENNIALS10.5 GPHIRRIGATION PLAN - EAST 1SCALE: 1" = 30'MATCHLINE 1 / L4 MATCHLINE 1 / L5 PHASE 4PHASE 56-INCH POP-UP SPRAYHEAD2NOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADEFUNNY PIPE; 12-INCH LENGTH12" MALE NPT X .490 INCHBARB ELBOW6" POP-UP SPRAY HEADW/ADJUSTABLE RADIUS NOZZLEPVC LATERAL PIPE12" MALE NPT X .490 INCHBARB ELBOWLATERAL TEE OR ELLFINISHED GRADEMP ROTATOR NOZZLEPRS40 SPRAY BODY WITHFACTORY-INSTALLED DRAINCHECK VALVEOPTIONAL SIDE INLET1/2" MALE INLET X 1/2 " BARBED ELBOW12" LENGTH FUNNY PIPELATERAL TEE OR ELLLATERAL PIPEMP ROTATOR HEAD3NOT TO SCALEELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE4NOT TO SCALEDRIP ZONE CONTROL5NOT TO SCALEISOLATION BALL VALVE6NOT TO SCALEFIN. GRADERECTANGULAR VALVE BOXLINE SIZE BALLVALVE, SEESPECIFICATIONSMAIN LINESCHEDULE 80PVC UNIONS6" DEPTH WASHED 34" ROCK18" MIN.QUICK COUPLING VALVE7NOT TO SCALEFINISH GRADEQUICK COUPLING VALVE IN A ROUND ORRECTANGULAR VALVE BOXSCHEDULE 80 PVC THREADEDNIPPLES; LENGTH AS REQUIREDSCHEDULE 40 PVCFITTINGS, TYPICALMAINLINEPIPEDRIP EMITTER PLACEMENT9NOT TO SCALESINGLE OUTLET PRESSURECOMPENSATING EMITTER14" DISTRIBUTION TUBING14" TUBING STAKE; DO NOTPENETRATE ROOT BALLNOTES:1. EVENLY SPACE MULTIPLE EMITTERS AROUND THEPERIMETER OF THE ROOTBALL.2. REFER TO THE SCHEDULE FOR EMITTER COUNTS AND FLOW.MULCHWEED BARRIER FABRICDRIP LATERAL PIPE,STAPLE EVERY 36"SELF-PIERCINGBARB CONNECTORMODEL DUAL-1 DECODERJACKETED ID WIRE PATH FROMCONTROLLER ALLOW 5 ft/1.5MSLACK PER DECODER/1/2 ONEITHER SIDE OF DECODERDBR\Y-6 (2)DBY (2)TWISTED TO NEXT DECODERJACKETED ID WIRE PATHTWO BLACK WIRES TO VALVESOLENOID/UP TO 100FT/30MNOTE: All DUAL-1 DECODERS SHALL HAVE THEFOLLOWING ADDRESS AND CORRESPONDINGCOLORADDRESS 1 = BlackDUAL-1 DECODER8NOT TO SCALE11 REMOTE CONTROL VALVEFINISH GRADE/TOP OFMULCHRECTANGULAR VALVE BOX'3M' DBY WATERPROOFCONNECTORS OR EQUALPVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (CLOSE)PVC SCH 40 ELLPVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH ASREQUIRED)BLOCK (1 OF 4)PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (2-INCHLENGTH, HIDDEN) AND SCH 40 ELLPVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELLPVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTERPVC LATERAL PIPEPVC MAINLINE PIPE3" DEPTH, 34" WASHED ROCK3" MIN LAMINATED TAG W/ ZONE NUMBERWIRE TO SOLENOIDDUAL-1 DECODERCOMMUNICATION WIRETO NEXT DEVICE(DECODER, SENSORDECODER, LINE SURGEPROTECTOR ORCONTROLLER)L58PVC SCH 40 ELLPVC SCH 80 NIPPLEPVC SCH 40 COUPLINGWATERPROOF CONNECTIONSRECTANGULAR VALVE BOXTOP OF MULCH OR FINISH GRADEPVC SCH 80 NIPPLEPVC SCH 80 UNION FOR SERVICINGASSY.PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER3" MIN. DEPTH OF 34" MINUS WASHEDROCKBLOCK (1 OF 4)INLINE PRESSURE REGULATORREMOTE CONTROL VALVEINLINE WYE FILTERBALL VALVEPVC MAINLINEPVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELLPVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (2-INCH LENGTH HIDDEN)AND PVC SCH 40 ELL3" MIN 1 LAMINATED TAG W/ ZONE NUMBERDUAL-1 DECODERCOMMUNICATION WIRE TO NEXTDEVICE (DECODER,SENSORDECODER, LINE SURGEPROTECTOR OR CONTROLLER)L58TRENCH & BEDDINGNOT TO SCALEPLANS120V WIREFINISH GRADECONDUITPLANMAINLINEBEDDINGLATERALSECTIONCONDUITDIRECT BURY PLANLATERALLATERAL PIPESNAKE ALLSECTIONSFINISH GRADEDIRECT BURYLOOPTIESSECTIONFINISH GRADEIN TRENCHTAPE & BUNDLE ALL WIRING AT 10 FT. INTERVALS.MAKE ALL SPLICES IN VALVE BOXES & LOCATE ONAS-BUILT PLANS. TIE A LOOSE 20 FT. LOOP INWIRING AT ALL CHANGES IN DIRECTION GREATERTHAT 30 DEGREES. UNTIE ALL LOOPS AFTERMAKING CONNECTIONS.INSTALL ALL 120V. WIRING IN CONDUIT. PLACE ALLWIRING UNDER PAVEMENT AND THROUGH SLEEVESIN CONDUIT.IN CONDUITCONTRACTOR HAS THE OPTION TO TRENCHOR PULL P.E. DRIP LATERAL LINES, PROVIDEDA MINIMUM COVER OF 10" CAN BEGUARANTEED.18" 12" 18" 12" 18" 18"10GRAVEL TRAILEXISTING WETLANDMITIGATION BOUNDARY, TYP.WATER LINEEXISTING WETLAND PLANTS, TYP.L59484 F. SP1 Checklist and Narration 485 SP1 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 1 of 5 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition) Recommended Forms: Required Forms: SITE PLAN CHECKLIST DESIGN REVIEW BOARD THRESHOLDS Must be A plus one or more of B-F in order to require Board review. Yes No A. Project location is within an Overlay District? B. 20 or more dwelling units in a multiple household structure or structures? C. 30,000 or more square feet of office space, retail commercial space, service commercial space or industrial space? D. 20,000 or more square feet of exterior storage of materials or goods? E. Parking for more than 90 vehicles? F. Large scale retail per Section 38.22.180 BMC? GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of project/development. 2. Name and mailing address of developer and owner. 3. Name and mailing address of engineer, architect, landscape architect, planner, etc. 4. Location of project/development by street address/legal description. 5. Location/vicinity map, including area within one-half mile of the site. 6. A construction route map showing how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. SITE PLAN GENERAL 7. Boundary line of property with dimensions. 8. Date of plan preparation and changes. 9. North point indicator. 10. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet. 11. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet. 12. Estimated total floor area and estimated ratio of floor area to lot size (floor area ratio, FAR), with a breakdown by land use. 13. Location, percentage of parcel(s) and total site, and square footage of the following: a. Existing and proposed buildings and structures. b. Driveway circulation and parking areas. c. Landscaped areas. d. Private open space, provide boundary/ies and dimensions (if residential requirement). e. City Parks. f. Other public lands (school sites, public access greenway corridors, trail corridors). 14. Total number, type and density per type of dwelling units, and total new and gross residential density and density per residential parcel. 486 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 2 of 5 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition) Recommended Forms: Required Forms: SITE PLAN DETAILS The location, identification and dimensions of the following existing and proposed data, onsite and to a distance of 100 feet (200 feet for PUD’s) outside the site boundary, exclusive of public rights -of-way unless otherwise stated. 15. Topographic contours at a minimum interval of 2 feet, or as determined by the Director. 16. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, within or near the development. 17. Existing zoning within 200 feet of the site. 18. Adjacent streets and street rights-of-way to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet. 19. On site streets and rights of way. 20. Ingress and egress points. 21. Traffic flow on site. 22. Traffic flow off site. 23. All parking facilities, including circulation aisles, access drives, covered and uncovered bicycle parking, compact spaces, ADA accessible spaces and motorcycle parking, on -street parking, number of employee and non-employee parking spaces, existing and proposed, and total square footage of each. 24. Utilities and utility rights of way and easements, including: a. Electric. b. Natural gas. c. Telephone, cable and similar utilities. d. Water. e. Sewer (sanitary, treated effluent and storm). 25. Surface water, including: a. Ponds, streams and irrigation ditches (include classifications be based upon a determination of the Gallatin Conservation District; note classification of each feature on plans). b Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands (include classifications based upon a determination of the Gallatin Conservation District, Army Corps of Engineers, or Wetland Delineation Report; note classification of each feature on plans). c. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100 year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis. d. A floodplain analysis report in compliance with Article. 26. Grading and drainage plan, including provisions for on-site retention/detention and water quality improvement facilities as required by the Engineering Department, or in compliance with B.M.C. Section 14 storm drainage ordinance and best management pr actices manual adopted by the City. 27. All drainageways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system for the property shall be designated: a. The name of the drainageway (where appropriate). b. The downstream conditions (developed available drainageways, etc.). c. Any downstream restrictions. 28. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features. 29. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of 487 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 3 of 5 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition) Recommended Forms: Required Forms: conflict. 30. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to, wheelchair ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, including construction details and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance. 31. Fences and walls, including typical details. 32. Permanent and construction period exterior refuse collection areas, including typical details. 33. Curb, asphalt section and drive approach construction details. 34. Location and extent of snow storage areas. 35. Location and extent of street vision triangles. 36. Unique natural features, significant wildlife areas and vegetative cover, including existing trees and shrubs having a diameter greater than 2.5 inches, by species. 37. Historic, cultural and archeological resources, describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archeological or cultural sites. 38. Major public facilities, including schools, parks, trails, etc. PARKLAND AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING 39. If residential, provide the required parkland for the development, including calculations per Chapter 38, Article 27 BMC (Park and Recreation Requirements). Source and amount of parkland credit to be used if previously provided. If parkland is proposed a park plan shall be submitted consistent with Section 38.41.060.A.16 BMC. 40. Describe how the site plan will satisfy any requirements of Section 17.02, BMC (Affordable Housing) which have either been established for that lot(s) through the subdivision process or if no subdivision has previously occurred are applicable to a site plan. The description shall be of adequate detail to clearly identify those lots and dwellings designated as subject to Title 17, Chapter 2, BMC compliance requirements and to make the obligations placed on the affected lots and dwellings readily understandable. LIGHTING DETAILS 41. Lighting plan and electrical site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. 42. A photometric lighting plan that contains a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type and extends the photometric information to the property boundaries and rights of way. For fueling canopies a second photometric plan is required to specifically analyze the light output underneath the drip line of the fuel canopy. 43. Cut sheets for all proposed exterior fixtures that are keyed to the fixtures noted in the lighting electrical plan and the photometric lighting plan. BUILDING DESIGN AND SIGNAGE 44. Front, rear and side elevations of all buildings, structures, fences and walls with height dimensions and roof pitches. Show open stairways and other projections from exterior building wall. Building elevations shall include proposed exterior building materials, windows and doors including a color and material palette for all proposed features keyed to the building elevations. 45. Provide elevations and details of all ground mounted and rooftop mechanical screening. 46. Exterior signs if applicable. Include building frontage dimension(s) and maximum sign area calculation, provide sign dimensions and square footage of each. Note – The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review for sign area compliance with Chapter 38, Article 28 BMC (Signs). A sign permit must be obtained from the Building Division prior to erection of any and all signs, addition design guidelines apply for signs within zoning Overlay Districts. 488 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 4 of 5 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition) Recommended Forms: Required Forms: LANDSCAPE PLAN A separate landscape plan shall be submitted as part of the site plan application unless the required landscape information can be included in a clear and uncluttered manner on a site plan with a scale where one inch equals 20 feet. 47. Project name, street address, and lot and block description. 48. Date, scale, north arrow, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of both the property owner and the person preparing the plan. Plan preparer shall be a state registered landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience in the state; or an individual with a degree in a related field (horticulture, botany, plant science, etc.) and at least five years of professional landscape design experience, of which two years have been in the state. 49. Location of existing boundary lines and dimensions of the lot. 50. Existing and proposed grade that complies with maximum allowable slope and grade. 51. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the location of any 100-year floodplain; the approximate location of significant drainage features; and the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines, driveways and sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot. 52. Location of all pavement, curbs, sidewalks and gutters. 53. Show location of existing and/or proposed drainage facilities which are to be used for drainage control including proposed landscaping and seeding as required by Section 38.23.080.H BMC 54. Location and extent of snow storage areas. 55. Location and extent of street vision triangles. 56. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typical symbols, names (common and botanical name), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing and identification of drought tolerant and/or native and adapted species. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 6 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated. 57. Size of planting at the time of installation and at maturity. 58. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off -street parking and loading spaces. 59. Street frontage landscaping. 60. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer zones demonstrating compliance with watercourse setback planting plan requirements per Section 38.23.100 BMC unless previously provided during subdivision review. 61. Location, height and material of proposed landscape screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one foot contours). 62. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during construction. 63. Size, height, location and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features. 64. A description of proposed watering methods including any use of high efficiency irrigation technologies and best practice, source of irrigation water and estimated amount of water consumption broken down by vegetation type (e.g. turf, shrubs, trees) and total estimated water consumption. 65. Areas to be irrigated and type of proposed irrigation and the irrigation system design plan. 489 Site Plan Checklist SP1 Page 5 of 5 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, SP, N1, DEM (if demolition) Recommended Forms: Required Forms: 66. Tabulation of performance points earned by the plan per Section 38.26.060 BMC. STREETS AND TRAFFIC 67. Street, traffic, and access information required in Section 38.41.060.A.12 unless previously provided through a subdivision review process or that the requirement is waived in writing by the Engineering Department prior to application submittal. OTHER PERMITS 68. Stormwater management permit and fee to Engineering Department. DEVIATIONS If the proposal includes a request for a deviation as outlined in Section 38.35.050 BMC the application shall be accompanied by written and graphic material sufficient to illustrate the conditions that the modified standards will produce. 69. Either through the site plan requirement above or separate exhibit clearly show any proposed deviations related to site requirements such as yards/setbacks, lot coverage, parking or other applicable standards. 70. Either through the building elevation requirement above or separate exhibit clearly show any proposed deviations related to building construction such as height, second story additions, or other applicable standards. 71. For deviations in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay a deviation narrative shall be provided stating which Section (s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for deviation, to what extent and include a response to the following: a. How the modification is more historically appropriate for the building and site in question and the adjacent properties, as determined in Section 38.16.050 BMC than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of this chapter (Chapter 38, BMC); b. How the modifications will have minimal adverse effect on abutting properties or the per mitted uses thereof; and c. How the modifications will assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. d. How the requested deviation will encourage restoration and rehabilitation activity that will contribute to the overall historic character of the community. If more than one deviation a response to the criteria shall be provided for each deviation. 72. For deviations in the Entryway Corridor Overlay a deviation narrative shall be provided stating which Section (s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for deviation, to what extent and include a response to the following: a. How the deviation will produce an environment, landscape quality and character superior to that produced by the existing standards; b. How the deviation will be consistent with the intent and purpose of the article (Article 17, Chapter 38 BMC);and c. How the deviation will be consistent with the adopted design objectives (City of Bozeman Design Objectives Plan, 2005) for the particular entryway corridor If more than one deviation, a response to the criteria shall be provided for each deviation. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net 490 The Lakes at Valley West Phase 4, SP1 Checklist Narration: Checklist items A –F. The answer to all of these for Lakes Phase 4 is “No”. Checklist items 1-5, General Information. All of these items are provided for on the application forms and /or PUDP. Checklist item 6. There is only one way route the Lakes project area, on Durston Road therefore a construction route exhibit or map is unnecessary. Checklist items 7-11. These map requirements are shown on the Preliminary Plan and Plat. Checklist item 12. The Floor Area Ratio is not applicable to the Lakes Phase 4. Checklist items 13-38. Information regarding these items is provided by the Preliminary Plan and Plat. Checklist item 39. No parkland dedication is proposed or required; as discussed herein. Checklist item 40. Affordable housing in compliance with Section 17 is not proposed. Checklist item 41 -43. Lighting Plans and photometric plans are included with the preliminary plat application materials. Checklist item 44-46. Building plans and elevations: no buildings are proposed therefore this is inapplicable to Phase 4. No signs are proposed. Checklist items 47-66. All these Landscape Plan requirements are provided in the attached Lakes Phase 4 Open Space Landscaping Plans. Checklist item 67. Street, traffic and access information are provided with the Preliminary Plat. Checklist item 68. A storm water management plan has been completed for the entire Lakes project and an update specific to Phase 4 has been provided with the Preliminary Plat application. Checklist items 69-70. The proposed deviations/waivers applicable to Phase 4 have been submitted with the PUD application and were explained in detail earlier. Checklist items 71-72. Deviations to a neighborhood conservation or entryway corridor are inapplicable to the Lakes project. 491 Design Review Board Wednesday, May 24, 2017 5:30 pm, City Hall, Commission Room A. 05:31:34 PM (00:00:20) Call meeting to order and Roll Call Present Were:  Brady Ernst  Vice Chair Mark Hufstetler  Lessa Racow  Chair Bill Rea  Charles Franklin  Peter Costanti  Kiersten Iwai B. 05:31:41 PM (00:00:27) Changes to the Agenda C. 05:31:47 PM (00:00:33) Minutes for Approval  3.22.2017 MOTION to approve minutes as presented: Mark Hufstetler MOTION SECONDED: Charles Franklin VOTE: All in Favor – Motion Passes D. Public Comment Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Committee. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. E. Action Items 1. 05:32:52 PM (00:01:38) 17150 Lakes at Valley West Phase 4 Planned Unit Development (Saunders) South of Westmorland Drive and Westgate Avenue and west of Laurel Parkway. A phase of the Lakes at Valley West planned unit development. Development of 25 lots and associated 492 open space and right of way. Fifteen relaxations from the normal R-1 zoning standards were approved for earlier phases and are continued with this phase. Consider the motion: “I move to recommend approval planned unit development application 17150 with the findings provided in the staff report.”  17-150 Staff Report  Application Materials 05:39:08 PM (00:07:54) Greg Stratton introduced himself on behalf of the applicant (Kilday and Stratton) and the floor was opened for questions for both Planner Chris Saunders and the development team present. 05:43:28 PM (00:12:14) MOTION to adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17-150 and move to recommend approval of the planned unit development with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions: Lessa Racow MOTION SECONDED: Vice Chair Mark Hufstetler Discussion: Design Review Board complimented the applicants on their submittal and successful DRB process. VOTE: All in Favor – Motion Passes 2. 05:46:58 PM (00:15:44) 17181 Costco Addition Concept PUD Application (Owens) 2505 Catron Street. Concept application for expansion of the existing 126,000sf Costco warehouse building and parking to adjacent 4.68-acre property to accommodate a 24,000sf addition and associated new parking, access and open space. Considerations include requirements for annexation, zoning, subdivision exemption, PUD criteria, and site plan with CCOA. Site is located in B-2 zoning district and entryway corridor overlay district. 05:53:30 PM (00:22:16) Proposed layout of the Costco addition. 05:55:40 PM (00:24:26) PUD Relaxation requests were summarized followed by Performance points required for the I-90 Entryway Corridor. 06:05:50 PM (00:34:36) Owens concluded by reviewing the general PUD Intent. 06:07:46 PM (00:36:32) Peter Kahn offered an introduction on behalf of the applicant and design team. 06:10:02 PM (00:38:48) Design Review Board Q&A session with staff and applicant. Topics included the Costco entrance façade, future development on Catamount St. and traffic surrounding the entrances. 493 06:20:09 PM (00:48:55) DRB and the applicant discussed the orientation of the entrance of Costco and pedestrian walkways surrounding the building. 06:28:20 PM (00:57:06) DRB and Applicants discussed how changes to the pedestrian walkways would affect the layout of the parking lot in addition to the proposed new entrance on the north side of the property and how that may affect traffic. 06:35:25 PM (01:04:11) Vice Chair Mark Hufstetler continued to stress the importance of Costco looking at how the expansion will affect traffic and asked that they address the issues that exist (and will grow) as the site expands. He seconded the round-about that was suggested previously by board member Lessa Racow. He continued by emphasizing the need for more clear direction for both vehicles and pedestrians. 06:39:42 PM (01:08:28) Lessa Racow commented on the traffic issues and made some suggestions for pedestrian connectivity and a North entrance to the store to encourage the use of the larger parking area on the North side of the property. She also suggested that Costco consider adding an outdoor seating area. 06:44:08 PM (01:12:54) Brady Ernst commented on the new entrance, but noted that he thought it would be used as a secondary resource to the parking lot entrances nearest to the only store entrance. 06:46:36 PM (01:15:22) Kiersten Iwai commented on the outdoor space to incorporate some sustainable landscaping to assist with the aesthetics of that area. 06:48:51 PM (01:17:37) Peter Costanti commented on the functionality of the parking lot and noted that there was a lot of opportunity for improvements with landscape and design. 06:50:44 PM (01:19:30) Charles Franklin commented on the parking and traffic challenges and supported improving pedestrian connectivity on the South West corner of the parking lot for adjacent properties. He also stated he supported the other comments by the board members so far. 06:54:44 PM (01:23:30) Chair Bill Rea supported the other board members’ comments and noted that their comments were typically in-line with City staff and Commission. He continued to emphasize the traffic issues and supported the round-about concept previously discussed. He noted that the board is sensitive to franchise architecture and encouraged the applicants to focus on landscaping and improving pedestrian connectivity through the site to access other shops in that area. 07:03:20 PM (01:32:06) Peter Kahn spoke to the comments the board provided and responded to some of the concepts that would be unrealistic for Costco and explained why. 494 F. FYI/Discussion 07:11:47 PM (01:40:24) June 14th will be Chair Bill Rea’s final meeting. G. 07:13:30 PM (01:42:07) Adjournment For more information please contact Brian Krueger at bkrueger@bozeman.net This board generally meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require assistance, please contact our ADA coordinator, Mike Gray at 406-582-3232 (TDD 582-2301). 495