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56 Bo zeman, l/iontana
November 19th, 1947
The Commi 88ioD of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commiss ion _.Hoom,
City 1:all Building, .iiedne sday afternoon, November 19th, 1947, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Those
being present were Mayor Healy, C'omml s s lone I' Sorenson, City Manager Henderson, City _H to r-
nay Lovelace and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had to-wit:
The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner
,Sorenson, seconded by Mayor Healy that the mlnutes be aoproved as read, and the mot ion was I
carried by the 1'0 llowi ng Aye and No vo te; th os e voting Aye beln g Mayor Heaiy, Commh, sione r
SorensoJl.; thos e vot ing No, non e . .
Appointn:.enL of Police CorrL'Tll'3sion
The Manager called attention to the 1947 Session L3WS of the State of Montana which
provide that the City Illanager in c i tie s 0 f the second class shall appoint a three-mar
Police Commission who shall, when called upon, investigate applications for employment of
policemen and heA.r appeals from Policemen who may be discharged or suspended. C 1. t Y A t to r-
ney Lovelace stated that the law is mandRtory and the City Manager was ins true ted to present
his propo sed appoinl:;men t for members of a Polic e CommLJs ion for consideration by the City
Commission at its next regulqr meeting.
The following reports for tIle month of October, 1947 were presented.
Nursery School Plumbing Inspe c tor Cashier
lt was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, secorded by Commissioner Healy that the reports
be accepted and ordered filed and the mo ti on w~.s carried by the following Aye and No vo t e ; I'
those vot";'ng Aye being Mayor Healy, and Commissioner Sorenson; those votIng No, none.
'Cor.nnur'.lea tior,s
A communication fro n: E.. E. Cameron, Secretary of the M. s. ( . Alumni Association, was
read thanking the City of Bozeman and the Police Department for their co-operation and
assistance during their 50th anniversary homecoming.
A communication from I:;he Mon tare State Florist Association was rend thanking the City
for their hospitality and the P oli ce Dep artmen t for their consider8tion and co-operation
during their convention recently held in 130z eman.
There being no further bu si ne ss to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Mayor Healy that the meeting adj ourn and che
motion was c8.rrled by the followln g o..ye and No vote; thos e vot .Lng Aye being Mayor Healy,
and Commissioner .sorenson; tho s e votin g I~o, non e. .-
ccf.~nnnission I