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Bozeman, Montana 57
November 26th, 1947
The Commission of 'Ihe City of Bozeman met in regulAr session in the Commission Room,
Ci ty Ha 11 Bni Iding, Wedne ada y afternoon, November 26 th, 1947, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Those
be:l.ng present were Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe, City Manager
Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace, and the Cle rk, when the following proceedings were had:
The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner
I Lowe, seconded by Commi2s:i.oner Sorenson thqt the minutes be approved as read, and the motion
was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner
Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; thos e voting No,
. none.
Garbage Assessment - 32 South Rouse
Mrs. H. C. Cheever appeared before the Commission to protest the garbage assessment
at 32 South Rouse Avenue, described as Lots 23 to 28; Block A; Rouse's 1st Addition. She
stated that no garbage was hauled from this property during the past year; her mother
lives there alone and 1.s unable to carry garbage to the alley and that the charge was un-
reasonable and unjust.
Mrs. Cheever was informed that all occupied residential property in the City is assessed
for garbage removal on a baais of the number of rooms in a residence and not on a basis of
the number of occupants or the actual amount of garbage hauled, and that the assessment
could not be abated even though no garbage was hauled from the pro per ty .
Appointment of Ed. Price & Be~nie G. Davis to Police Departmen t
The Manager stated the t Mr. K"'d:l.e Price and Bennie G. Davia have comple ted their pro-
bationary period of six months on the police force and have been appointed as policemen
I in the department. It was moved by Commi ssioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe
that the appointments be confirmed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe;
those voting No, none.
Proposed Sewer RAtes
Mr. Fred Quinnell, Resident Engineer for the Sewage Disposal Plant, pres en ted a pro-
posed schedule of sewer rental to provide funds for debt retirement, maintenance and legal
remdrements for the proposed sewage disposal plant. The schedule is based on 70% of the
water collections for the months of November, December, Janua ry and February, during the
years 1945-46 and 1946-47.
Upon consideration of the need for an early sale of bonds to be i~sued for this pro ject
and of the need for approval by Kalman and Company and by Burns & McDonnell, before the
schedule is presen ted to the public Service Commission of Montana for approval, it was moved
by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson th8t the proposed schedule be ten-
tatively adopted and the motion was carried by the following nye and No vote; thos e vo ting
Aye being Wayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, non e .
I Rearrangement of parkside Add:i.tion
The proposed rearrangement of the Parkside Addition by H. A. Bolinger, ,Jr. was pre-
s en ted, and after examination of the plat, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, second ed
by Commi;"sioner Lowe that the plat be approved provided that the words "dedicated" in the
cross-hatching be deleted and the word "opened" subs ti tu ted and the motion was carried by
the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being !\Kayor Healy, Commissioner Sorenson
and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none.
Opening of Street at South End of Bogert Grove
The plat of a Rearrangement of the Parkside Addition to The Ci ty of Boz ema n ha ving
been presented to the City Commission for approval, the matter of providing a means of
ingress and egress to Bogert Park came up for discussion before the City Commission.
Discussion was had to the effect that it would improve the public's use of the facilities
of Bogert Park if such a means of ingress and egress to said Park was made available by
the opening of a street on the south end of said Park. and on the wes t s ide of sajd Re- I
arrangement of Parkside Addition as platted and submitted. It was moved by Commissioner
Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson thElt the Street Department of The Cit:r of Bozeman
be instructed to open the following described property for street purposes:
1. The east ten (10' ) feet of Fractional Lot C of Guy's Second Addition,
and the east ten (10' ) feet of the south 91.2 feet of Fractional Lot
B in Guy's Second Addition to The Ci ty of Bozeman.
2. A thirty-eight ( 38 ' ) foot strip on the south end of Bogert Park, more
particularly described as follows:
All that part of the l'~orthwest Q,uarter (NWt) of the Southeast
Quarter (SEt) of Section Seven (7), Township Two (2) South of Range
Six (6) East MPM Contained within the following metes and bounds,
to-wit: Be~inning at the South-west corner of said Northwest
Quarter (NW4) of the Southeast QuaIter (SKt) of Section Seven (7),
thence north thirty-eight (38') feet. thence east 412.5 feet parallel
wi th the south llne of said Quarter Quarter Section to the west line of
Sou th Churcrl Avenue, thence south along the west line of South Church
Avenue thirty-eight (38'}' feet to south line of said Quarter Quarter Sec-
tion, thence west along south line of said Quarter Quarter Section
412.5 feet to place of beginning. Said tract contains 0.39 acres
more or less,
and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be ing Ma yor
Healy, Commis sione r Sorenson and Commis sian er Lowe; thos e vot ing No, none.
Adj ournrnent I
There being no furtber business to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commis8ioner Sorenson that the meeting adjourn
and the motion was cs rried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting hye being Mayor
Healy, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none.
Clerk of the ommission