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62 Bozeman, Montana
December 10th, 194'7
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, December 10th, 1947, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Those
being present were Commissioner Sorenson, Commissioner Lowe, City Manager Henderson, City
Attorney Lovelace, and the Clerk, when the following proceed:ngs were had to-wit:
The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner
Lowe, seconded by Commt ssioner Sorenson that the minutes be approved as read, and the mo- I
tlon was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vo>tillg Aye being Commie sioner
Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, non e .
Licenses for Beauty Parlors
A letter from the Secretary-Treasurer of the S ta te Examiner's Boa rd of Beauty Cul-
turists was read quoting the state law regarding licenses for beauty operators, which
s ta te s in part that any person practicing or teaching cosmetology shall not be charged
a license fee other than the fee pa id to the s ta te . The letter also stated that Bozeman
was the only city in the state that charged a licen~e fee for beauty operators. It was
also pointed out that the license fee paid to The City of Bozeman was for maintaining a
shop, to cover the cost of health, police, and fire protection or inspection and was not
a license fee for the beauty operator, and the City Attorney was instructed to write a
letter accordingly to the Secretary of the Examining Board.
Application for Garbage abatement Denied
An application for abatement of one-half year garbage assessment at 519 South '7th
Avenue, owned b;.T Amanda Myers waf' presented and read. The application stated th~t the
house had been unoccupied from the first of ~lne until the middle of October. The house I
not being vacant for six consecutive months as is the basis set for abating one-half of
the garbage assessment, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sor-
enson that the applicpt50n be denied and the motion was carried by the following Aye and
1'10 vo te; those voting Aye being Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting
no, none.
'ilrilwaukee Tracks on East Peach Street
The City Manager reported that the Milwaukee Railroad has offered to install four
plank crossings on Peach Street east of Wallace Avenue, to provide access to the proper-
ties for residents along that street. After discussion, the City Manager was instructed
to advise the local >>ilwaukee agent to have these plank crossings installed, but that
they would be considered as a temporary expedient and not as a permanent remedy for the
unsatisfactory street conditions caused by these tracks along Peach Street.
Quinnell to Helena to Interview Public Rervice Service Commission
Mr. Fred Quinnell, Resident Engineer for the Sewerage Disposal Plant proposed his
going to He lena, to discuss the ma tter.s pertaining to the Sewage Disposal Plant and the I
proposed schedule of sewer rentals with the State Board of Health and the Public Service
Commission, and it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson tha t
it belng 1n the public interest that said trip be authorized, and his expenses be paid
from the FWA 24-P-56 Funr'l, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote;
those voting Aye being Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none.
Bond & Contract of Dorr Company
The bond and 00ntract of the Dorr Company for furnishing the City of Bozeman one sludge
tank, two digester tanks with steel domes and heating and gas control equipment, as per
their bid of October 1st, 1947 was presented. The bond and contract were approved as to
form by the City Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by
I Commissioner Lowe that the bond and contract be accepted and Mayor Healy and the Clerk of
the Commission be authorized to sign the contract for The City of Bozeman, and the certi-
fied check of the Dorr Company be returned to them and the motion was carried by the follow-
ing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe;
those voting No, none.
Membership in Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference
The Manager stated that the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, whose 1937
Uniform Building Code with minor changes is used as the City's building code, published
frequent pamphle ts and bulle tins regarding new me teria 1 and 0 ther pertinen t informa tion for
building officials, and in order to keep ourselves up-to-date in new building regula tions
and practices the t m would recommend tha t the Building Inspec tor become a member of this
association and be entitled to receive these publications. It was moved by Commissioner
Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the Building Inspector apply for a Class A
membership in the Pacific Coast Building Officials Confernece and the motion was carried
by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be:'Lng Commissioner Sorenson and Commis-
sloner Lowe; those voting No, none.
I Liability Insurance at Beall Park
The Manager stat~d thAt liability insurance has been carried to cover any accidents
at Beall Park since the operation of the Nursery School there, and that this insurance would
expire in January 1948. It was deemed advisable to continue carrying this insurance, where-
upon, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that this liabil-
ity insurance be renewed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those
voting Aye being Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; tho se voting No, none.
Attorney's report on Title to Spieth Property -- Babcock & Rouse
City Attorney Lowelace presented his written opinion regarding the title to the Spieth
property at the northwest corner of Rouse & Babcock Streets. He s ta ted tha t he doe s not
consider the title to this property clear or marketable and explained reasons for his deci-
sion, and stated further that action could be brought to quiet this title. He estimated
the cost of a suit to quiet the title at from $200.00 to $250.00, and the City Manager was
jnstructed tD see ~fr. Spieth to find out if he would institute such a suit provided The City
of Bozeman would share equally with him in the cost.
Attorney's Report on Title to Masonic Tract -- Babcock & Tracy
I The City Attorney reported that the title to the ~asonic property at the southeast
corner of B8bcock anc Tracy Avenue was a mercbAntable title and that except for a few ir-
regularities which cOlJld be cleared by affidavits, the title was good. It was moved b"
Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the City Attorney be instructed
to work with the Board of Trustees of the Masonic Lodge or their legal representative to
correct the minor defects in the title to this property and that he request the Board of
Trustees of the Masonic Lodge to submit a Lease and Option Contract, in accordance with
their written offer presented to the City Commission on October 8th, 19 47 , for acceptance
by the City Commission and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those
vo ting Aye be Ing Commi ssioner Soren son and Commi ss: (mer Lowe; those voting No, no ne .
Ad.i ournrnen t
There being no further bus~.ness to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the meeting adjourn I
and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being
Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lowe; those votlng No, none.
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erk' of the omrnisslon