HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-13 4!)1 Bozeman. Montana Arri 1 13. 1955 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission :{oom. City Hall BuildinG, Wednesday afternoon. April 13. 1955 at 1:00 o'clock f. M. l-resent were I{ayor Lowe, Conmissioner Erwin. Commissioner Swanson, City ManaGer Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace and the CIe rk. when the following proceedings were had: I Minutes of the last session were read. and it was mmred by COIIl...'TIissioner Swar,son, seconded by Commissioner Erwin. that the minutes be approved as read, and the motion wa.s cBrriec by the following Aye and }, 0 vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner ErwiT', Commissioner Swanson; those voting No. none. Hearing S. I. D. 381 The City Commission resumed the public hearinE on the creAtion of SIecial Imrrovement District. No. ~)81 which had been adjourned from Arril 6, 1955 to this date and hour. There hev i n; been no chance in the protests on file which represent 46.25~) of the I-rorerty, it was mOved by COITIJTlissioner Erwin, sec::mded by Commissioner Swarlson. tha t the lrotests be su sta ined, Rnd t.he mo tion was C8 rried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinG Aye being Mayor Lowe. Corr..'nissioner Erwin, Co:mnissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Fetition for S. I. D. n North Willson -- Villa rd to Short A retition rerresentinc aHroximately 74%, of the 1-rorerty reguest.ing thAt a sIeeial Im1-rovement district be created for the ravinE: of North Willson Avenue from Vill!'ird Street to ShOrt Street was 1-resented. Resolution No. 787 -- Intention to Create S. 1. D. No. 382 I Resolution No. 787, stating it to be the intention of the City CornmissioG to create a. srecial improvement district for the rurlose of lavinc North Willson Avenue from VillArd to Short Street was rresented, entitled: A RESOLl! TION or THE CITY COMNISSION OF' THE CITY OF ROZEMAJi DECLARH,G IT TO BE THE Hd'EN- TrOt; OF THE CI TY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SFECJAL HJ!FROVSi'/lF:N T IiI STRICT TO BE KNQ'NN AS SfECIAL n!JROVEwrr~NT DISTRICT NO. 382 OF' THE CI'IY OF BOZ:!;I.~ FOR THE HiRFOSE 0 F CONS TRUCT- ING AND n:STALLTNG A fAVEMBNT I-ROJECT ON NORTH WILLSON AVEJ\l'E FR01U VILLAH!." STR~~T TO SHORT STREET, SAID fAVEMEl\T I-ROJECT TO INCLUDE TIlE cmSTRt,lCT-:ON AIm 11STALLATION OF CON- CRST"S ellRBS, CRl'SHEc" GRAVEL BASE. CRUSHED GRAVEL ClISJ-'JON cor: RS"S, BITU101101'S STRFACE COURSE. AND OTHER WORK II'iCIDENTAL THERETO. Jt was moved By Corrunissioner Swanson, seconded by Corrunissioner Erwin, that the resolution be passed and adopted and May 4, 1955 be set as the da te fOr the hea rine of rrotes ts. and the motion was carried by the following Aye and Ko vote: those votine.. Aye beiD!~ I.:Tsyor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting; Ko, none. Shipping of Aerial Ladder Fire Truck A corrununication from Feter F-irsch & Sons was read, statinG thet the instructions from the City Manat:er regarding the shiPtJing; of the Aerial Ladder Fi re Truck would r:e complied with. Payment for Accrued Vacation of Floyd Collins Authorized The Manag;er rel;orted that Floyd Ili. Collins, d ty employee, he d cJ ied on Ar ril loth, 1\:155, and I the. t he had accrued vaca tion of 34-1 days. The law }-rovides tha t vaca ti on ma;y be accumu la ted ur to 30 deys. It wa.s moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Swanson. tha t raymen t be made to Nrs. Floyd W. Collins for this accrued vacRtion, and the motion was carried by the fo] lowinG Aye and ro vote: those voting; Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissi oner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those votinG No. none. Librarian to State Convention A request from Margaret Hileman, Librarian, to attend the annuA.l State Librarian's Assoeiation :neeting; inlililes City May 6th to 8th, 1955 WaS read. 492 It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by COIT@issioner Erwin, that the request be granted and her expenses be ~8id from the Library Ftind, end the motion was cerried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beins Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Erwin, Cornmissioner Swansonj those votinr; Iiio, nOlle. Continuation Certificate for Gas & Flumbing Bond of Budd I s Shop '11110 continuation certificates of the Ges and Flumbinc bonds of the Budd PlumbinE and HeatinG I Company were presented. The certii icates were aH::roved as to form by the City Attorney. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the cerUiicf'tes be e,pproved and RcceI-ted, and the motion was carried by the followinE: Aye and Iiio vote; those votinG Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Ervdn. Commissioner Swanson; those votinc No, none. Estimates for Paving Costs on South Church Ci ty t~ni:ineer WAldorf's Irel irnhary es timates of cost oi asphalt ~urfBcing on South Church Avenue, between Story Street and the city limits, were d:i scussf>d. It was decided tha t, be to re any action is teken toward establ jshinG a Sfedal Imrrovement District for imrrovements on this street, the Ci ty Man,,€er should wri te a letter to each owner of property involved to secure their opinions in so far 8S I,ossible regarding any Iermanent, imlrovements beinc made on it. City Manager to Helena City Mar:aEer Henderson requested to Co to Helena on Afril 18th and return on Arril 19th to confer with City Manpgers from Helena and Missoula. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded bJ, COlluniss ioner Erwin, thet the request be g;ranteJ. f"rlC his exrenses be pdd frorr the General Furia. end the motion was carried by the foll owing Aye and No vote: those votin€: Aye beir1e.; Mayor Lowe, Commis- sioner Erwin, Cownissioner Swanson; those votint:; No, none. I Claims CIa ims :t; os. 2054 to 2071 inclusive were I resented on the vRrious funds as follows: Cemetery ,. 3.67 ,;;, Ga rliage 45.43 General 190.31 Libra ry 17.50 101 ice Heserve 500.00 c"" r. s. Revenue 57.60 0. Street 49.37 ';ila ter 1,05.14 Tot B 1 - - - ~2,4B3.02 Included in the chins against the Water hmd wa s the claim of the Ead[)e.>' r\l~H:bir:ei'orks which was discussed at the Lst reLular meetlni_ of the Commission and whieh now, by mutual agreement between Mr. :380[,le.>' and the members of the City Corr:mission, hBs been reduced ~200.00, meJ, ine the net amount of i.he claim ;;r749.86. The I,1arlFt;er stated the t he hE!S audited these claims and finas them to be true and lawful cl€dms nL~lins t the Ci t.:y of Rozeman and recommends that. warrants bp drawn for their r-symer.t. After examination of the claims :in cietail. Rnd checkivE acainst the Claim Re[)ster, it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded b;1' Commissioner Swanson, that the claims be aplroved and warrants issued for their rayment, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinC Aye being Mayor Lowe, I CowIniss:ioncr Erwin, Com'llissioner Swanson; those votin~ No, none. Adjournment 'There being no fur1,her business to come before tile Commission at this time, :i t Wft:' moved by Comrnissjoner Ervdn, see onded by Corm:iss ioner Swal:ison, that the m0etirlE adjourn and the motion WHS ce rried by the followinE Aye and No vote: those E:rwin. Commissioner Swanson; those votinL },:c, none. Attes t: ~?h~ Clerk of the City COlmd.ssion