HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-20 4B3 :: 'J z ema.n, Men tana fq r :i1 2J) ~ 1955 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in reGular session in the Co:n'rlission Hoom_. City Ea11 En ill; ing, iiednesdllY afternoon, Al ri 1 20, 1955 at 1:00 o'clock F. M. lre8enr: were ~,;1Ayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin. Commissioner Swanson. City Manager Henderson, City At torne/ Lovelace aLd the Clerk. when the following }roceedincs were had: I Minutes of the last session were read. and it was moved by Com:nissioner Swanson, seconded by C0T'1missioner Erwin, tha,t the minutes be arproved as rf'l1d. And the motion WB$ carried by the follow- ing A~Te e,nd N'J vo te: those voting Aye beinG Mayor Lowe. Cornmiss ioner EFflin, Commissioner SWAnson; those voUnt: No, none. Bids for Sewer Pipe This being the time and IlBce set for opening bids for sewer file for extension of the trunk sewer on Tenth Avenue ;,/) Montana State College cmnrus. the affidavit of 11)~;Ucfltion of the l'1otice to Bidders was r resented, ene] it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded f'y Com:nissioner SWl3,nsoE, that the bids be opened and read, end the moti on wa s carried by tl1e followinG kJ'8 end 1\0 vote: those voting Aye beinG Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Srwin, Commissioner Swanson; those votinG No, none. The follm,,1.nL bidf were opened and read: ~!'oI'arch Lumher COID.[_any . . . . .t:5,693.10 Lovell Clay lroducts Comrany . . . 3,698.10 The bid of Lovell Clay Frouucts Company offered a e8sb di scount of 2/0 if I eid wi thin ten days from ~ete of invoice. Thjs bid therefore being the lower by tht:" amount of the cash discount offered, it was moved bJT Commissioner Swanscm, seconded by Commissioner Rrwin, the t the 'hie of t}-,e Lovell I Clfy Fro~u('ts COlYllany be accerted and the motion WAS carried b:,/ the follow:lr!:: Aye and JIG vote: U:os~ voting k;fe being: tlayor Lowe. Commi ss ioner Erwin, CO~1issioner Swanson; those voting No, II on e . Adverti sing of Bids for Construction of Sewer The Ci ty EDE ineer havinE cO!TlIleted r-lAns for R trunk sewer line exten rJi IlC; from l'enth Avenue an,; Curtiss Street south to Harrison Street and thence east across N:ontana StBte Collece ceml'us to Six tll Avenue. !'IS per instructions given him by the City Commission on March 2:5. 1855 end -tlle Clerk of the Commission having published an advertisement on April 19, 1955 calling for bids. to be 0Iened on l\;ay 4, 1955. or; the construction of' this sewer, it WB.S moved by COlTllr.issiC'Der ).!:r,vin. seconded bJ. Cmmniss i 'Jner Swans on, that the publication of this advertiserr:ent for bids be Al;d the same is hereby AIlToved I:md the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and 1\0 vote: those \!otiriC Aye being iVil'lyor Lowe. Commissioner Erwin. Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Water Main to Serve New High School City Encineer VVa160rJ rresented A maF snovdng rroposecl exl:;ension of dty weter mains wbir?h, i r; his orinion, would best serve the new BiEn Scho:;,!. The l-bns hAve been di~cussed with P,rd:5tects -,d11son and PerL and are beiq: taken uf wi th the HiGh Sch 001 l'oArc -1:;0 formulate an AGreement under wh i C1: a sr ed Al improvement d is tric t may bees te bl i sbed to I rov ide flUIds for Fert of the cos t, A nc1 for' I the riCh Soleo01 to rn.ake a cash reyment fOr tile major rart of the cost of the rrolosed water main extension. Parking Lot for Super Market at Main & 8th Avenue A sketch showinr; a proposed arrengement for r&rking cars at 8 Super Market to be constructed at the corner of iViain Street Iffid Eighth Avenue wa.s Iresented. The sketd showed 1[\ rld n:.:: on the lot alone Ei[.n th Avenue whi en would in effect make a dri.veway of the entire dis+.ance from Mair, Street north to the alley. The Menacer was instructed to retu rn the rlan to the G'JI'l1er for revision bef~re it can be arrroved. 494 RecommendaGion 01 Board of Adjustment -- Marwyn Rearrangement A letter from the Eoard of Adjust was resd in wh i eh it WI'IS stated that after 1ub1"1c hr;arinc Arril IE, 1955 Bnd from ell in fb nna tion eve i lable to them they recommend tha t Blocks A, Bend C of NsrNyn Re-arrangement of a rr.rt of the l\ortr,ern }ec-ific Addition be zoned as "A" Residence District. Ordinance 776, the Zoning; Ordinance, lrovirles met no action can be taken on a recommencptinrJ to emer;(; tl'.is ':rciix'ance until not less than ten days after the recommendat:ion is received. Any further consideration of this recorlIcler:dation WftS therefore deferred until the regular meetine; of the I Cornmiss ion to be held on May 4, 1955. Claim -- Pittsburgh Flate Glass Company Claim of the fittsburgh Plate Glass Comr-any for I aint in the amount of *,197.42 was rresented. The cleirn is subject to a discount of l~!G if rdd within 10 days. It was moved by Commissioner Swarl son, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that thB claim be 8HToved and a werr8nt drawn fOr its ra~T- merit. and the motion was carried by the fall owi ng Aye and ~: Q vo te: those votinc Aye beinz Mayor Lowe, Commissi oner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those votinc Eo. none. Social Security tor Municipal ErnFloyees The City Manag;er discussed with the City Corrunission the Montene law ressed in 1905 wh ic b 1ro- videa the t lTl'Jnicipal emF'loyees may be covered by soc ial secu ri ty. Use of Main Street for Safety Check for Vehicles i\. request was I resented from the Junior Chr,mber of Conm:erce to have lanes on West ~cain Street, between Third Avenue and Fift:h Avenue, rOEed off fOr their "VeLic1e Safety-Check" on three Saturdays in May for assistance from the Police Depa rtment in handling; this safety check, Imd for the Ci t;; to furnish rrinted TEetter to be used '.rl the activity at aD alrroximate cost of ,25.00. It weB moved by Commissioner Erwin, sec::mded by Commissioner Swanson, the t the request be I grH!lted subject to e definite \mderstanrJinc that the Vehicle Safety-Check would be under the 81011sor- shiF and full resl_onsibility of the Junior CbJmber of Commerce and thet publicity on the affair would show that it WBS beinE done with cooI,eretion from the Ci ty of Bozeman and assistance of the Eozeman FoU ce DepJrtment and the motioL was carried by the following; Aye and No vote: those voting: AJe beinG IWlwor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Corr.mi s si one r Swansor' j th ose voti ne; No, none. Report of' Conference in Helena with City Managers City ManBLer Henderson reforted to t.he Commission on his conference with other city officials in Eelena on April 19th, 1965. Adjournment There b Bine: no further bu s iIless to CO"T,e before the Comrnistdon at ti1js time, ~ t we s moved b:;' Co::missioner Erwin, se'~onded b;y Commissioner Swanson, tlwt the meetinG adjourn and the motion WRS carrier; by the followinc Aye and No vote: those votinz.: Aye beirc Mayor Lowe~ Cornmissioner ,1:rwin, Cowmissioner Swens')r,; t110se voti ng No. none. -.., () / ~ .. ",., /. ,.:.".c.</ t (..-- I '" May 0 r Attes t: