HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-27 Bozeman, Mori tane. 4!}5 Arril 27, 1955 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall BuildinG' Wednesday afternoon. April 27, 1955 et 1:00 o'clock }. M. Present were Mayor Lowe, CommissioLer Erwin, Commissioner Swanson, City ManaGer Henderson, Ci ty Attorne;~l Lovelace and the Clerk, when the followine; proceedinGS were had: I Minutes of the last session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the minutes be apfroved as read. and the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye end 1\0 vote: those voting Aye bei.ng Mayor Lowe, Commissi.oner Erwin. Commissioner Swensonj ttose voting No, none. Approval of Plats -- Cahill Subdivision -- Fowler Subdivision Mr. Lloyd Johnson, Attorney, was present and presented two plats for subdivisions west of the city limits to be known as the Cahill Subdivision and Fowler Subdivision. As these plats are more than one-half mile from the city limits, which is not wi thin the limits set by the Commission IOIS a foHcy to follow fOr future planning, it was moved by Commissioner 8rwin. seconded by Commissioner Swanson, t})at the plats be approved subject to signature completions. and the Director of Publir Service be authorized to sie;n them, and the motion was carried by the followinE Aye an~ ~o vote: tllose vo ting A~~e beinc Mayor Lowe, COI:Jmissio:ner Erwin, Commi ssioner Swanson; those voting No. none. Request for Free Parking for Shopping Event A request from the Trades FrorwJtion Commi ttee ~f the Chamber of Comrnerce to ha,re free fa rking du rint; a two day sales rromotion event in June Or July was reported. Sirlce this City frovises exceptionel parking; facilities in its free parkint:; lots, non-enforcement of' p3 rking meter recu la ti ons I for two days would be apt to set a Irecedent which would cause serious diff'icul ty in future enforcement and because similar requests have been repeatedly denied by the Commission, no action was taken on this request. Request of Leave of Absence -- Police Captain Saunders A written request of Police Certain Saunders to attend A military sphool in September, 1955 was [resen ted. The duration of the school being indefinite, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Co~issioner Erwin, that the City Manager be authorized to ins truct Carta in Saunders the. t a request for a leave of absence without l,ay to attend this mi li h_ry school will be looked upon with favor frovided the duration of the school is from three to four months, and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beinG Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting; No, none. Appointment of Gay to Police Commiss ion Mayor Lowe announced the re-afpointment of Henry M. Gay as a member of the r)l ice C OIP.m is s ior; fo r a ;5-year term ending May 1, 1958. It was moved by C8'ffiTIissioner F.:rw-in, seconoed by Commissioner SWBnson. that tile arpoin tment be anroved, and the motion was C13 rried b;y the foIl owing Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissior;.er Erwin, Commissioner Swansonj those votinr; 1\0, t,one. I Cost of Gravel ing and Crushed Gravel Authorized to be Purchased Jrl discussion of' r.ossibility of puttinG crushed gravel on some streets which now have only lit-run gravel on them. the Manager Fresented figures comliled by the City Encineer to show estimated ~ost of such craveling at i'rom 1250.00 for a 2-inch mat to ~350.00 for a. 3-inch ma.t forU1P average city block. ':'Ihile such cost would very much limit the extent to which such traveling could be dor.e.. it was suggested that some of it could be done on a +rial bas i s. The Manacer requested a'l-l-hori 1";:,' to furchase t.OO to 700 Cl.~.. yds. of 3/4 in. crushed 1;rRvel for 'such use and for pavement ratching end other uses by the Street Dell''' rtme!l t. EstimA ted co~ t of such gravel, stock-riled at the l,it where it wOllle be crushed, is f rOnl 4 ~)(l ~625.00 to $87t.OO. It was:noved bJ' Commi ss ioner Swans clfl , seconded by Conunissioner grwjn. thp.- t the Manager be Buthorized to purchase sravel jn accordance with thiR request and the motion was carried bv the followinG Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner ErNin, Comrnissi':mcr .. Swanson; those votinc No. none. Peti tion of Employees to be Covered by Social Security A petition of city enll:lo;rees to the City G~rr~isfiQn requestiDC that the Governor be requested to Irovide fl referendwn election to vote on Social Secu ri ty for ci t~, employees eli[:ible to be I covered by Social Security was ~resented. The matter was token under ac'lvisement. Reports The reI 0 r t s of the Director of F'lnance and the Cemeter;yFoa rei for tbe month of March, 195t. were I r'e s en te d . It was moved by Co:rnrrdss ioner Erwin. seconded by Commissioner Swanson, the t the reports be accerted and ordered filed and the motion was CArried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those votinG Aye beinE Mayor Lowe. Corrunissioner ~I"win, Co~issionei Swanson; those voting No. none. Fire Chief to Conference A notification from the State fire Marshlll1 of a conference to be held May 5th and 6th. 1955 in Helena was read. The conference beinG in the interest of civilis_n defense, it was moved by COl;;JnisS loner Swanson. seconded by Cot!l1TIiss ioner ErNin, thA t the fire Chief be Authorized to attend this conference. and his eXfenses be raid from the General Fun d . and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinl:'; Aye behlC Mayor Lowe, Conuni s s i OIler Erv"d n, COITl!'liss ioneI" Swanson; those votinc .ho, nor e . Police Chief to Conference A conference of Mar:; tana Law Enforcement Officials, to be held in Helena M8Y Eth to 7th. c811 1.lY the Attorney-General, was announced. It was mO'J"ed by Commissioner Erwin. seconded by Cormn)ssioner I Swanson, the t the Chief of Folice be authorized to pttend this conference and his ex[enses be laid from the Gene ra1 I-und, and the motion was cBrried by L}:e Jollowins A~'e end Fo vote: those votinG Aye be iq; JV:aJ'or Lowe. Co'runisEior:er Srwin, Cornmissioner Swanson; those voting No. non e . Approval of Driveways and Curb Cut -- SUfer Market at 8th & Main The a reL i t'?(' +-, S drawing of a cround rlat showinc build in..; location, off-street ~arkin~ Slace. Cl: rb GU ts !?nd driveweys rrCilosed for 8. SUI ""r :Market to be erected at Ule corner 01 Eighth Avenue and l.1ain Street was fresented. It was moved by Commissioner Swenson. seconded 1>y COTIlTrissioner Envin. th8 t driveways, curb CIltS ar_d si (jewelk as I-.roI-;osed on the f 110m be apIToved, AJl d the motion was cnrried 1:;;;' the foU owinc; Aye and No vote: t.hoi' e v otirJL; Aye bein:..:Mayor Lowe, Commissioner ET".'V:i.n. Commissioner Swnnsol'; those votin;:; r:o. n0r~e . Check to be Made of Residences for Water & Gerbage Charges I'he T,:anaEer dis~~\)c:sed the need for A reeheck '~o be mAde of all I remises in t),e c i t.y t:") b r1 :.s 1. I: tG ria te A 1] n. F,~ t r<l i:'" ('ha reps fo, we.+'?!', j rri:8t i on. sewer rental ant; G,~.rbt3.ge 1'lSSeSf;!lien~. ~' s t.a led +~0 that ):'e 1ror08es to emIlo:r sreciRl heIr du,ir,Z; tLis eominL summer to conduct. sueb a re-check. Proposed Ag,reement for Water Main E:xtension to New High School I A draft 4 rrorosed f1;:.,reement r:etween the school board of?c,llr tir: Count.>' niCh School ",nd the O"L t3 City of 2oz~man was rresented, whereb~' the schoo] DO!'J rr1 "Crees to p"y 7f/;, of the CCf,t of vvwt.er main rH:ler!ed to brin;:,; WH ter to tr'e new b igh school ::;rounds on conrlition tbRt t}le cj tJ' establish a sIecial im[rovement district to rrovide the other 25;\ of the cost. rhe Cit~1 Attorney was ins truct.ed to complete the agreement fer fresentatio~ to the hiLh school board. Adjournment The re being no further business to eorne before the COHlmissi on e.t. th if, time. it we s moved bJc 4!}7 Comm:i ss ioner SlNBDs0n, seconded by Commiss iOYJer Erwin. the t t,he meetiTlC adJou rn nnd t.he motior, we 5 carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinE Aye beinc i\'ayor Lowe, Cornm:issior.err~rvdTl, Corr::nissioner Swarlson; those votinc Eo, none. (" ~------_...) ! "-"..-- ..._--7... ../ / ... .../ 1,~o.11 0" ." Y~,o;...l .i ~ "- Attest: X, Clerk of the Cit;,/ Commissior~ I I ,