HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-19 Bozeman. Montana 4.fia Januar:l 19. 1955 The Commission of the City of Bo?eman met in regular session in t}'e Commissior Room, (:i~T Hall Builcing. Wednesday afternoon. January 19. 1955 at 1: 00 0' c 1 0 c k F. ~!I. Fresent were Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Erwin. Commissioner Swanson. City Mfmager Henderson. City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk. when the following rroceedings were had: I Minutes of the last session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin. seconded by Commissi oner Swanson. that the minutes be approved as read, and the moti on was carried by the follow- jng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Brwin. Cornmi s s iO!'~er SW!1nsor,; those vot ing No, none. Aerial Ladder Fire Truck - Acceptance of Bid Further consideration was eiven to bids which hud been received on December 22. 1954 to furnish the City of Bozeman one Aerial Ladder Fire Truck. Viri tten recommendeti on from John W. McCrosson. :Fire Chief. WAS read stating thet. after e:xtensive investiGation And detailed COm[8risons, the first. choice of the Bozeman Fire Derartment would be the arparatus manufactured by Peter lirsch & Sons CompAny. It was moved by Cornmissi oner Erwi.n. seconded by Commissioner Swanson. thet the bid of J. R. Sammons 6: Sons made for leter Pirsch & Sons on their Model 41-D2-75' Aerial LAdder Fire Truck being the lowes t and best bid, the same be and is hereby aCC1erted on the f'ollowini.; basis: Basic Bid . . . . . . . . . . . . $37.936.00 Additional for closed cab . . . . . . . . 539.00 .;;'3(\.475.00 Less deductions for: B1irnination of two 2~" hose gates at reer of the ar'fE'ratus . . . . . . ~150.0C I Fumr with iron body in lieu of bronze b odJ' . . 4(,E.OO G15.00 Tot a 1 - - - - - - ;37,860.00 end the Mayor And Clerk 8.re hereby aUThorized to enter into 8 contract f'0r such yurchRse wi th feter Firs('h & Sons. Kenosha. lNisconsin and the C1e rk of the CorrlInissior. is hereby authorized And instructed to return bid securities to unsuccessful bidders who submitted bids on this s r e C' i f j ed f'j re aT pa ra h, s and the :'!loti on WI'JS carried by the following Aye and 1'0 vote: those vODnG Aye beinG Mayor Lcwe. COJTll:":issioner Erwin. Commissioner Swanson; those votinE r-;'J. none. Reports The followinc rerorts for the montb oJ December. 1954 were rresented: Director of Finance Ce~1etery Board It was moved by Commissioner Swarson. seconded by <::Olnmissior:er Brw:in, thft the r':'rorts be A('celt.ed and ord ered filed end the motion was carried by the foll o'Ni nC. Aye all d ~- ') vote: those votinG t.ye 1?in;; :,1ayor Lowe. Cornrnis 51 OIler ~;rw:i n. Commis s1 on er SWRn S 'Jr. j those votin~ ro, none. Letter - State HiGhway Department - Vvidth of Right-of-way A Ie tter wa s presented from F;. J. Parsons. Rieht-of-way Erlcineer. M::mt~.lle Lichwny DelP rtment, in which the width of r1:.:;ht-of'-way for the l'roposed re-locntion of 1.:. Sf! biChw8~l ~,~(). l~il 2y.ten(;:n; WAf;t I from Main Street wgs~iscussed. The letter suggested th"t rlght-of-WflY of 160 ft. minimum wi dth wi 11 be required. In discussion of the letter. it was rointe.j out thet slJch a width of risllt-of-wny f0r e. ci. ty strel'!t section would be imrractical Hnd no action was taken i11 the matter Fending further conference wi th Montana Eichway DepHrtment offjcials. City Manager Authorized to Purchase Water Meters and Meter Farts ':'he Gi ty r,:nrBser requestecl authority to I,ll", ce an order w jtb the Hockwell l,!::n;ufach,rinc C'e:;'-;lfJIl/, F:I tLsburgh. lermsylvar:i.a for 30 water meterS end a qupntity of m: sceJ1r3.r.eO',is 1 !Jrts for meters, th~ ag<:;rec<>t,:; cost of the en tire rurchase t/) be be':ween six :lUr d !'F'c! Arl (: 8iLh~: l~und~~~d dQl19;-s. 4(i4 It wes ,,,'1ved '::1y CJ:'1'1~ssio!1et" SW9TlSOn, s<?conrJcd 1-,,/, C~)rru-:1i:s"i::)l-,er ::~rwin. thnt t!1e City r.lnn9.ler be find is hereb,I euthorized to F')rchclse water Hl8ters end meter pu.ts as r:erein re(plested. And the motion vIas carried bJ' the following Aye Hre: ::;0 vote: those votinG Aye b'Jinr; Hayor Lowe. Cmrunissj_oner Srw:in. Com;"issionel' Swanson; those votin6 No. ywne. Exemine. tion of DeI'osi tory Bonds Custodi8n's receirts held by the Director of 2'inance for Derository Bonds to cover secc'ritu for I ' .. . 01 the derGsitof ci t;y f\lmls in the s8v'~ral lranks of Bozeman were checked by the City Commission aGainst the followinG list of such receilts: DEPOSIIDHY :201:1:S &; S:X1RI'l'ES Fer Total vHlue h:l0unt COL;;~TmCI^L 1,^TIU~;AL BANK. Dozern<m: }~deral Derosit Insurance CO~loration :t 10000.00 ~, 10000.CO Trusteed with Federal Reserve Bank of Minn.: u. S. Treas. Notes. Se~ies E 1955; 1-3/4%. due 12/15/55 83000.00 83000.00 1.1. S. Trees. Dds. of' 195(3; 21;:. dl' f' 12 Ill:: /58 35000.00 35UOO.OO ....,~ Uj ....-1 ,~. . ""/ .'l,,':; 0. S. Tree s. 5dn. of 1960-65; 2-3/4;1;; due 12/15/65 5"00.00 5000.()u u. S. Trees. Eels. of 1861; 21.,-/. d'" 11 11"'/61 65000.00 65000.00 ""';2./IJJ l.......:.., / t..... TO-~FJ 1 ~198000.00 GALLAT}}'; T~:'ST "" SAVHGS 13!\lI:K. Dozeman: Fed "'rrJl Deposjt Insursnce CorroTation ~ 10000.00 :;;, 10000.00 Trust"'ed wi th Feder",l Reserve Bank of' }.Iinn.: i~. S. TreGs. }iote Series B-55; 1-3/4;S; due 12/15/65 10000.00 10000.00 tl. S. Treas. Eds. of 1955-60; 2-7/8~~; due 3/15/60 1300.00 1300.00 T . '('] k C {'} 1 D' 1- "1 11.0- d 6 /1/61 70GO.OO 70CO.aO ....eWls (, .. ..9r, .0. L)~ JOO 18 u.t:; ;;;0; ue 1.;_ r. S. Trees. Eds of 1959-62; 2~~{; due 6/15/62 25000.00 2E,OOO.oO L S. Treat. Eds. of 1967-72; 2~/'; due 9/15/72 2000.00 2000.00 ... , Total ~( 55300.00 S';-;CT:,UTY B1Ji!K 8: TRtST Cc.vn/-:ry. BozemRn: Fed erol t'elosi t Insurance Coq:o;ation ~ 10000.00 ~ 1000C.00 Trusteed wi th Federal Heserve Bank of Minn.: t. ::;. Trens. Bds. of 1966-71; 2~%; due 3/15/71 40000.00 40000.00 I 1). S. Treas. Dds. of 1958; 2~t~ dlle 12/15/5B 50000.00 50000.00 Total ;lJOOOO.OO This is to certi fy that we. the Comm~ ssion of The City of Bozeman. in comr 1 i ance wi th the rrovisjons of Section 16-2618 R. c. ~..1. 194'1. have th is day examined the reccilts of the ledern1 l(es'2rve EHnk of :Unneepoli s for the Delosi tory Bonds held bJ1 t!Je Di rcct0; of Finem:e !OJ t, securi t~, for the deros it of ci ty flmd::; hr,>ld by the several banks of B0Z eman and find them to be B.S above stated. and are hereby accerted and arrroved. s/ Vi. G. Lowe It.8j'or I A " ,. s/ .. I.... 0WanSOYl Comnd s sior,er s/ Howa rd Erwin Commissioner Dated Januery 19th, 19~i5. The list being found to show A correct record of t~e reoeipts on hand. it was TIloved b~y Commissioner Erwin. seoonded by Commissioner Swanson. thet it be accF!rted and the forecoing cory serve as a rermAnent record in these minutes and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: thos'C! votinG A~'e beinG I.1Hyor Lowe. CO'J1JJlissi on8r Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those votinc ~o. none. Charge for Services of Fire Department - Fire at Mount Ellis Academy I The Bozeman .Fire Dep3 rtment answered a fire call at Mount Ellis Academy a:n:roximately four miles east of Bozeman on Ja~nuary 14, 1955. The Street Departmen t 13.1 SQ sent e flusher truck to haul water for use in fightinl this fire. An:lroximately four and one-half hours were spent in hell- inE to extinguish the fire. On recommendation from the Fire Department. the City MsneEer prolosed that Mount Ellis Academy be billed ~150.00 f()r these services and there was no objection to this proposal. Ordinance No. 778 - Parking in Alleys As per instructions previously t)ven to him. the City Attorney had prepAred an ordinance to amend Ordinance Ko. 768. the Traffic Ord inance. relA tive to liB rking in e lle ys. He presented Ordinance 1f~ L.J() Eo. 778 entitled: I'I.}I ORDINANCE Pl,ifP,},'JING SECT ION 121 OF ARTICLE XI[ OF ORnllT flFer.: NrrJI,ffiER 16s OF TEE CITY OI-' BOZEMAN. TEE SHOBT TITLT<~ OF IImICE IS THE: TRAFFIC ORDIfI,A.i'iJCE, REGllLATIKG TII~ lA"RYIFG OF V8HICLES IN lJJ):':;YS WITHIN THE CITY OF' EOZF:M.fI1.' AND RErBAL nG ALL ORDIN lNeBS AND r ARTS OF' OV.~IEANCBS IN CONflICT TPSRSWITH. The rossibility of' adoptinc such an amending ordinence havin;.:: been given considerAble rublicity curine the pest three weeks and no formal rrotests having been received. the mAtter was further disc11ssed et I lenz;tt l'y the Conunission at this time. It WAS moved b:rT Commissioner Swanson, seconded by COTlunissioner Erwin. t:b.et the Ordinan~e be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: thos e v oti ng Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commi.ssioner Erwin. Commissioner Swanson; those voting; No. none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission At this time. it was moved by Commissioner Erwin. seconded by Conunissioner Swanson. that tbe meetinc adjourn and the motion was cer:ried by tile following Aye and No vote: those votint:; Aye being; Mayor Lowe. COffi.Jli ssioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting No. none. / / ~ 1ayor Attes t: I I