HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-09-22 L\20. Bozeman, Montana Seftember 22. 1954 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in ref;ular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, September 22, 1954 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney LovAlace and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had: Minutes of the last session were read. and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the minutes be alproved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No I vo te : those vat ing Aye being; Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those votinp; No, none. Request for Tag Day A written request from the Ladies of the Moose Lodge for authori ty to conduct a. tJ'Red HearttJ Tae; DRY, on Saturday, October 9th, 191"4 was read. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, secondAd by Mayor Lowe, that the regll est be granted and the motion W8.S CP rd ed by the following Aye and 1-To vote: Those voting Aye beinp' MAyor Lowe, Conunissioner Erwin; tho::;e voting No, none. Bids for S. 1. D. 380 This being the time and place set for the opening of bids for the construction of Special Improve- ment District No. 380, paving on NOrth Tracy Avenue from Short Street to Peach Street. the affidavit of publication of the Notice to Bidders was presented. It we s mcwed by Mayor Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the bids be opened and read, and the motion W8.S carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those voting No. none. l'he f 011 ow:i ng b j ds were opened and read: Al ternate #1 Al ternate 4f2 (Road Mix) . ('!',rave ~_.!' ~.~?.t__~u x.! ~^.. - -....- Standard Construction Company . . . . $2,602.65 $2,608.65 I After checkinp; the bid in detail, City Engineer Waldorf recommended acceptance of it with Al ternate No. 2. It was moved by Mayor Lowe, seconded by Commiss loner .<; rwin , that the bid of the Standard Construction CompAny for Al ternate No. 2 (Travel Plant Mjx) be accepted, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Plat for Phillifs 66 Station Ted McFaul. "Phillips 66" rerresentative, was nresent and presented a ground plan for a proposed . service station end warehouse on North Seventh Avenue 8t Tamarack Street, as requested at the meetinr; Sertember 1, 1954. 1he plan showed 8. wa rehou se of frame construction and detached from the station. Under present zoning regulations, constrlJction of a frame b1Jil rUn!" at this lOCAtion would not be permitted nor would 8 separate wholesale or bulk oil plant. The City Manager was instructed to inform ~Ar. McFaul, who hao left the meeting. that if a re+.Ail Casol ine servj ce station Was first constructed end then a warehouse and underground tanks were installed to operate in connection with the retail business end the buildin~s were of 4-hour fire resistive ratin~, a permit cOlll d be graIl ted in accordance. with the ground plat s ubmitt~d. Police for High School Activi ti es I The Manpr-:er reported that, as instructed at the last freetin~;, he had j nvi ted Homer AndersOY1, Prine iral of Gallatin County High School, and, throu(jh him, had extended an invi tat ion to members of the High School Board to at.tend this meetinr; of the Commission to further discuss thp matter of spf'cial nolice services at High School athletic events and dancps. }~r . Anderson hrd at first acceEted the invitation but had later caller' to say that he considered this entirely an administrative metter, that hereafter the High School would lwndle policinE of its own athletic events, and tl1Rt dances would be under supervision of the F. T. A. who would probably be calling re~Rrding policing them. The Ci ty 421 Manager sb>+pr that he would continue to have police reE:ularly on d1Jty And give all possible assistance in handl:inp: traffic and all emer[~ency s'tlJ<1tions at these evenrs. Officials Autborized to Attend Conference in GreB.t Falls Tt WtlS announC0rthat a NationaJ Pesources Conference iR 'hAinC held in Great Falla beginning SeptAl'TJ'her 27, 1(1"'4 f'nd continu'ng thrrugh October 8, 1954. Tt WAS moved by Commissioner E:rwin, seconded by MAyor Lowe, that. if their duties rermi t their nb8ence, tree C i t,y Manager And members of I the City Cornmissi on be authorized to attend this conferenGe And the ~otion was carried by the rollowing Aye and '!I'o "':'+0: those votinr, Aye being Mayor Lowe, r":omrnissi ,)"lpr :~;:rwin; those votinE No, none. Furchase of' Fire Department Equipment } list of Fire Derartment pot'ipment, as recommendp,.1 to be rlUrchased by the Fire Ch'",+', cosi-ing aprrQxi~ately $648.PP WRS presAn+ed. I~ w"s :'loved b'r Commissioner Erwin] ~f'conded by Mayor Lowe, that the City ~.1Emager be authorized to make the pllrche,se, and the motinn WR~ carried by the f01lnvr rlg Aye and No vote: those votirw Aye bein,'" Meyor Lowe, Commissioner Ervt~r; those voting No, none. Refort The report of the Director of F'inance for the month 0 f Augus t, 1954 was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Brwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the rer ort be "'('certed and on1pred file'1 8nd thp motion was CA rried b:,-' the following Aye and No vote: those votinr- Aye be5rr Ma;,nr Lowe, Comrriss'rm"'r Erwin; those voUrlg No, none. Gas Tax Refund An apr] iCAtinn to the State Board of' RqualizRt""ll fQl"" Montnnp State r,."f' Trn: refWln in the AmO'l'l~ of $991.74 was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor L,:,we, that the I applicRt:ion 11e filed for the refund, and the motion W'lS carried 'by the follow Tf' Aye "iDe N') 'Tote: tr ')se vnt in!" Aye beinl" Ma:vnr Lowe, Commiss ionel"" Erwin; tllose votinE; No, none. Resolu tion No. 771 -- Extendinb City Limits to Incl ude Thompson Addi tion Commissi on Resolution No. 771, stating it to be the intention of the City Commission to extend the City Ltrrits to in01une the prnrosed ThomI'son Addition w!"s presented, entitl",n: A 1?P:SOl,TITJ01\1 ()To' THE COMMJSSJOJll OF THF: rITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO 0,1<; TO TFE PEST PTTFRSST OF 'T'PF: CITY OF BOZEMA]\] AND THE INFARITANTS THF:Rl~)F MJD OF THE INHARI'1'ANTS OF A TRACT OF LAND r:01"TIGTJOllS TO THE SAID C J'1'Y OF BOZEMAN AND HEREIN MORE PARTICUL^RLV DESCR IERD TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES OF TER SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO TTiCLUDE THE 8ft.ID rONTIn.T'(1TIS TRACT WITBIN 'Pf.:rli; r(YRF0 '0 A 'T'R L PUTS TH~ROF. It was moved by Commi ssioner Erwi!1, seoonded by Mayo)"' Lowe, tnat triP resolu+..;irm 1'e prssed and Anopted, and October 20t.h, 1854 be set as the date for Dl+1ic hporh1['; !'nd the motion was carried b:v the following Aye and No vote: those vo ting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 770 -- Parking Maintenance Assessment Thp resn],'t50n levvir.r: the assessment for perkin!'; maintenance for the year 1954, in the amount of $5,366.88, was presented, entitled: A Rl<;SOLUTTON Of;' THB rOMl'HSSTON OF 'T'BR CITY OF BOZEMAN. LBVYING AND ASSESSING /1. sP~r J AL AS5ESS- MENT 0 F TAXF.S npON AU, 'T'FE PROPERTY TN SP~J AI, JMFRQ'VEMENT DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. I couwrv OF' nALJLATJN, STATE Oi" MONTANA, FOR THE MAINTENANCF, OF PARKINGS TO DEFRAY THE COST OF MAINTAIN INC, 'T'HE PARYINr;S WITHI}" S AJD SPEC TAL HffPPOVF:TIIfTlN T rnSTRICT OF THE CITY OF' BOZRIVlAN FOP THE YEAR 1954. It was moved by Mayor Lowe, seconded by r:ommissioner Erwin, that the resolution be passed Rnd adopted and September 29th, 1954 be set as the dRte for hel3rinr; prot:ests, and the motion was carried by the followinl'-' Aye Rnd No vote: those voting Aye beinv Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those vo ting No, none. Examinati OI! of Del,osi tory Bonds A list of the Custodian's receipts held by the Director of Finance for Depository Bonds to cover security for the deposit of city funds in the several benks of Bozeman were cIoecked by the City Commission. 422 It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that r:ustodian's Receipts be found as 1 is t ed, that it be accepted and entered in full in Ule minutes, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and Novote% those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. DEPOSITORY BONDS & SECURITIES Far Totsl Value Amount COMMERC TAL NATION AL BANK, Bozeman: Federe1 Deposit Insurance Corporation $aoooo .00 $10000.00 I Trusteed wi th Federal~eserve Bank of Minn.: U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1958; 21%. due 12/15/58 35000.00 35000.00 20, U. S. Treas. Notes, Series B 1955; 1-3/4%, due 12/15/55 83000.00 83000.00 U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1960-65; 2-3/4%; due 12/15/65 5000.00 5000.00 tJ. S. Treas. Rds. of 1952-54; 2%; due 12/15/54 35000.00 35000.00 U. S. Treas. Rds. of 1952-54; 2%; due 12/15/54 30000.00 30000.00 Total $198000.60 GALLATIN TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, Bozeman: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation $10000.00 $10000.00 Trusteed with Federe1 Reserve Bank of Minn.: U. S. Treas. Note Series E-55; 1-3/4%; due 12/15/55 10000.00 10000.00 ll. S. Treas. Bds. of 1952-54; 2%; due 12/15/54 25000.00 25000.00 U. S. Tre9.s. T1ds. of 1967-72; 2%%; due 0/15/72 2000.00 2000 .00 U. S. 'T'rea.s. 8as. of 1955-60; 2-7/8%; due 3/15/60 1300.00 1300.00 Lewis &- Cla rk Co. SCDool Dist. #1; 11>%; due 6/1/61 7000.00 7000.00 Tote 1 1""5""53"00-:-60 SFiClJRI'f'Y BANK & TRT1ST CONFANY, Boz eman: Federal Depos it Insurance Corporation $10000.00 ~;l0000 .00 Trusteed wi th Feder81 Reserve Bnk. of Minn.: U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1966-71; 2'~;:j due ;$/15/71 40000.00 40000.00 U. S. Treas. Bds. of 1958; 2~%; due 12/15/58 50000.00 50000.00 $100000.00 This is to certify that we, the Commission of The City of Bozeman, in compliance with the provisions of Section 16-2618 R. C. M. 1947, ha.ve this day exam1ned the receipts of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis for the Depository Bonds held by the Director of F5nance as security for the deposit of city funds held by the several banks of Bozeman and find them to be a.s above stated, and are hereby accepted and approved. s/ W. G. Lowe I Mayor 5/ Howard Erwin Comm1ssi oner ,. -------,-,~'........ Commis si oner~---- Dated September 22, 1954 Extension of 4" Water Main on Aspen Street A request from Haggerty-Messmer Compa.ny to have a 4" water line extended from North Seventh Avenue to the east on Aspen Street approximately 450 feet at their expense was reported. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, the t the City Manager be authorized to have thi s 4" water line extension rn.ede at the expense of Hagr~erty-Me5smer Company, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Ma.yor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Appointment of Gi ty COlTunissioner -- Arnold M. Swanson The matter of the appointment of a City Commissioner to fill the unexpired term of J. Harry Healy having been considered at length, announcement was made ,jointly by Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin of the appointment of Arnold M. Swanson, 415 W. Harrison St. I twas moved by Mayo r Lowe, seconded '1 by Commissioner Erwin, that, to make it a matter of official record, the appointment of Arnold M. Swanson to the office of City Commissioner of this City to fill the unexpired term of J. Harry Healy, deceased, be and the same is hereby approved, the appointment to be effective this date or a s soon hereafter as the said Arnold M. Swanson has qualified for the office by completion of the required bond and oath of office and the motion was carried by the follo~ng Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beinG Mayor Lowe, commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Widening Curve on North' SevenU! Avenue A 1'18n was presented showin~'; a proposed re-location of curb at corner of West Main Street and North 423 Seventh Avenue where work has been started on construction of a service station by the Continental Oil Co. The plan would make the curved curb at this location on a much increased radius, would fl at ten th e c llrve , and greatly expedite the movement of long vehjcles turning from Main Street onto North Seventh. By verbal agreement, Ingolph Johnson, building contractor for the Continental Oil Co. will build new curb as required, George Barrett, Engineer for the Montana Hi~hway Department will have the necessary paving patching done and the City js requested to move a fire hydrant at this 1 location. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the Ci ty Manager be authorized to have this hydrant moved at City expense Bnd the motion was carried by the following - Aye and No vote: those votinr, Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Corr~ission at this time, it was moved by Conmissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Corrmlissioner F-':rwin; those voting No, none. ~/L .--,,~ " Mayor Attest: o(:A~~.. Clerk of the City Commission I I.