HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-11-03 4aB Bozeman, Montana November 3, 1954 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, November 3, 1954 at 1;00 o'clock F. M. Present were Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson, City Manager Henderson, City Attorne,y Lovelace and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had: I Minutes of the last session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissi oner Swanson, too t the minutes be approved as read, and the motion was carried by the follow- ing ~e and No vote: those voti ng ~e being Mayor Lowe, Conrniss1oner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Request for Adjustment on Garbage Assessment Mrs. C. Overstreet, 101 North 7th Avenue, appeared to request an adjustment on the garbage assessment for her property stating that the tenants in the apartment dispose of their own garbage end there are only two persons in the other apartment. It was explained that service is provided for all residential property on a flat rate basis and special exceptions could not be made in individual cases as the exception could change from time to time. Claims for tile Month Claims Nos. 737 to 961 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows; Fund Amount Baiid $; 16.00 Cemetery 996.83 Cemetery Suspense 1,620.00 Gar bag e 2,996.94 General 13,521.89 Library 1,431.48 Park 2,181.51 I Parking Meter 1,911.36 SDS Revenue 3,020.94 S. I. D. 10,166.23 Street 4,496.66 W-H Tax 2,322.60 Water 6,278.94 Polioe Reserve 86.15 Tot a 1 ------ $50,937.61 The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and finds "them to be true and lawful claims against The City of Bozeman and reoommends that warrants be drawn for thei r payment. After examination of the claims in detail and checking against the claim register by the Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson,\ seoonded by Commissioner Erwin, that the claims be aI,proved and warrants issued for their payment, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Bids for Police Cars The bids on rental or purchase of cars for the Police Department submitted at the meeting of October 27, 1964 were considered. It was reoommended that the bid of 1:he Nor"thern Automobile Company for a monthly rental basis of sedan and station wagon with the city to furnish the tires be aocepted as the best bid, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the I bid of the Northern Automobile Company on this basis be aooepted, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Reports The following re~orts for the month of October, 1954 were presented: Water Collector Librarian Fire Chief Police Judge Chief of Police Sewage Plant Operator It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being 440 Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Manager Authorized to Give Pennission to Trap Beavers at Dump Grounds Beavers are doing considerable damage at the city dump grounds. Mr. Wm. Hinson wishes to trap these beavers but, in order to get a permit from the State Fish and Game Department, he must have approval of the owner of land on which he proposes to trap. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seoonded by Commissioner Erwin, that the City Manager be I authorized to approve trapping beavers on city property by Mr. Hinson according to normal regulations, and the motion was oarried by the following Aye end No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no fUrther business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seoonded by Commissioner Swanson, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Swanson; those voting No, none. -;?//ft ~ Mayor Attest: aftf~) I I