HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-04-28 366 Bozeman, Montana Ap'il 28, 1954 l'neComrnission of the City of Bozeman met; in rer;ular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, Arril 28, 1954 at 1:00 o'clock F. M. Fresent were Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Conunissione r Healy, City ManaGer Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace am the Clerk, when the following proceedincs were had: Minutes of the lest regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded I by Commissioner Healy, that the minutes be approved as read, end the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being N.ayor Lowe, C0mmissioner Erwin, Cormnisdoner Healyj those voting No, none. Request for Improvement on the Bank of Bozeman Creek Mr. Kenneth Baldwin, 529 NClrth H.ouse Avenue, was present and asked that the bank of Bozeman Creek along North Rouse Avenue be cleared of debris and brush and the bank be terraced and planted wit,h flowers in order to eliminate an unsightly concH tion. Request for City Trucks to Help with Clean-up in County Kenneth Baldwin, as President of the Gallatin SI,ortsman's Association, stated thHt his organiza- tion was sponsoring a county-wide cl ean-up for parks, roads and camp grounds. He asked the city to co-operate with his organization and other organizations by furnishing city trucks to pick up rub"bish along county roads. He was informed that the matter would be given consideration but that it is doubt- ful if the city could eXTend city funds for work outside the city. Bids for S. I. D. No. 375 & 377 City Engineer Waldorf r~Forted on the bids for Special Improvement Districts No. 375 and 377 received at the last meeting;. He stated that the bids for Al ternate No. 1 (road mix) were above his I estimates. The bid of the Standard Construction Company for a travel Flant mix (Alternate 412) job is a very reasonable bid, a.nd for these two sme.ll districts, a travel pl~;nt mix job should be very satisfactory and the bid is at a considerably lower cost than the bid for Alternate #3 (hot plant mix). He recom:nended the acceptance of the bid of the Standard Construction Company for the construction of Spec 10.1 ImI,rovement District No. 375 and SI-ecial Improvement District No. 377. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the bid of the Standard Construction Company wi th Alternate #2 be accel:ted for SfedAl Improvement District No. 375 in the amount of $5,661.00 and for Special Improvement District No. 377 in the amount of $2,992.35, and the Clerk of the City Conunission be authorized to return the certified checks to the unsuccessful bidders, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Corrunissioner grwin and C01TL."lli s s ion er Heal y j tllose voting No, none Claims for Registration for A. W. W. A. and Sewer Meeting Claim No. 9308 in the amount of $52.50 of the Montana Sewage & Industrial Wastes Association for the registration of' fifteen City of Bozeman emrloyees ano officials at their annual meeting, and Claim No. 9309 in the amount of $180.00 of the Montana Sec tion, A.W.W.A. for the registration of fifteen City of Bozeman employees and officiels at their annual meeting were presented. It was moved by I Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the claims be alI,roved and warrants drawn for their payment and the motion was carried by the followinG .Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being ;',',", Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin and Conunissioner Healyj those voting No, none. Request for lrroclamation -- National Posture Week Drs. L. Fetrausch and 1;1. }.. Hultgren, Chiropractors, were present to ask the Mayor to issue a proclamation for Good Fc>sture Week the first week in May, 1954 . Mayor Lowe stated this request; would be given consideration. Bfi7 Request to Use Farking Lot at }ost Office ^ request from the Chember of Commerce to use the city IBrking lot !'it the corner of Tracy Avenue and Babcock Street on Friday, May 14th, 1%4, for A. disrl,gy of Drmy eq,lirment. on "Armed }<:)T'ces Day" was retorted. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Com~issioner Healy, thH t the request be Eran tee], end the motion was carried by the followinc Aye and No vote: those votinG Aye Lei:<.. :,leyor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin anci Commissioner Healy; those votinG ho, none. I Licenses for Circus S[onsored by Jaycees It was rerorted that the Junior ChAmber of Commerce is sronsodnG the Clyde [;eatty Circus .i.n Bor,emen, June 7th, Hi54. It wps moved by Commissioner Eealy, sec:mded "by Conunissioner ;;;rwin, thnt ulon filing an aH_lication for a city license and r:flyinC a fee of $100.00, e. city lieerse be isslled for this circus, e.nd the motion was carried b;y the following A::ie and 1\0 vote!: those vo tine; Aye being Mayor LOVl'e, Corr.missioner Erwin anc.; Commissioner Healy; those voting No, nOLA. Chamber of Commerce Meeting; -- Discussion of' Property Revaluation It WIl.S 9rJ:-,cIU1ced that, at Hie monthly :neetinc of the Chrml:;(?r of Commerce o,:':,;o,y 19 U:, 1954, a lanel discussion will be had regarding revaluation of pror:erty 1r: Galll}tin Count;',' and ~t w&.s sUbGested U18t. members of the City Cornrnission be rresent. Bids for Lots in Block 20, Butte Addition The ;ilaIlB.ger stat~d tL_is was the time and llece set f"or receivinG bids for Lots One to T-wehe l.>drcS south end enst. of the }.lilwaukee RaHwny in Block 20 of -the Eutte Ad(fitio:-J. lIe l-Tesented the affidavit of fubljc&tion of the Notice to Bidders. There were no written 1;:,'ids And no one was L reS~T, t to lneke orel bids. Proposal of !. o. o. F. Lodge to Rent Lot I A wrj tten rropose.l from We~;tern Star Lode;e No.4, 1. O. O. F. , ".un s rea(~, s ta tine tbey won] c: leflsE' their ITor-erty at the corner of Willson l\venue and BalJeock Street flS 9. larkin..:: lot to the eit,y of 20zemrL for 8. ten ;y~eer Icriod at ~75.00 I,er month, wi th an oI-tion to renew the leese for' rnother ten years. TLe mn tter was b:lken under advi sement. Folice Delegates to Westenl States Crime Conference It waS Rrlliounced that the Western States Crime Conference will be held in Lissoul8, 1.1[IY 17 to HI, 1 ;)54 . ItwHs moved b;y Con:missioner Healy, seconded bJ'Go:Jllllissioner 'Srvdn, thpt the C1ief of Folice anc one member of the Folic€' Depart.mer.t be authorized to attend this conference and their €xI-,ey:ses be paid from the Gener81 Fur,d, and the motion W8.S carried by t.he follcwir'G Aye and No vote: those voth'g Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin rmd CorrunissioYlf'!r Healy; tho~;e \felting; no, none. Adjournment There beine; no further business to come before the Commission at t}J:i_s t Lne , it was moved by Commissioner lIel'Jly, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the meetinc edjoulT end tLe motion was CArried by the following Aye And No 'lote: those voting; A'Jre beinc Mayor Lowe, Commi ss i or~er Er7J1n and COlIilllissioner Healy; those votinG No, none. I jI,-\-;1;est.: G~~~