HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-05-05 3()R Boz eman, Ivlontana May 5, 1%4 The Corrunission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Ci t,y lie11 Buildinc. Wednesday afternoon, May 5, 1954 at 1;00 o'clock r. M. }resent were May or Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Healy, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace ar.d the Cl'erk, when the following proceedir'Gs were had; Minutes of the le.st regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded I by Commissioner Healy, tha t the minutes be alfroved as read, and the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and Ko vote: those voting Aye beinG Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Healy; those 'loti ng No, none. Vva ter Main on Durston Hoad from Fifth Avenue Extending West Mr. Ben GriI1Wis arfeFlred before the Commission in regard to water service for a dwelling he is buildinG on Lot 11, Block I, North Seventh Addition. I t was pointed out that the nearest water line is at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Durston Road, and that a main, extendinc west al-FroximEl tel;y 135 feet, should be installed to serve this f,roperty. After consideration, it was mov'ed by Corr:missioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, tha t the City HFlllacer be au thod,zed to have this watpr main constructed, Mr. Grinwis to 18:'{ for the construction, and that Mr. Grinwis submit an agreement whereby, if at a later date, an irnf rovement district is created to construct a wat.er main to include this main, t.hat Grinwis be .siver! credit on his assessment in the amount of the cost of' Qonstruction of this !.,ortion of the water main, and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those votinG Aye beinG !'i;e~'or Lowe, Co:nmissioner ErwirJ, COHunissioner lIealyj those voting 1:0, none. IITl!Jrovement to Bozeman Creek Along H.ouse AVenue It was relorted that, in the matter of the request of Kenneth Baldwin made at the h: st ret/Alar I lileetillC recard inG improvement of the banks of Eozeman Creek al ant. Rouse Avenue, the creek barJcs are on private froI~rty 9nd the Cit;y could not mek'? nn:l imlrovements on rrivate lropert;y. It was $Ue;- bested by the Cit~T Com~ission th8t city workmen Iflit:;ht clean up this creek bS.nk end thus [ive a l;artial a.r.swer to tl:e rrobleIl1. Water Main to Serve 1201 East Main Street lL.rs. Binder, owner of the RF.lllch House 1':ote1, 1201 East Ilflir, Street, was present to inquire aboc;t a water main to serve her [roperty. A map sJ:lowing; the present main to Cypress Street, s e rv ice 1 in e extensions fro!ll this wain, end lroloserl lIens for a watl:Or main to serve this area WRS l-resented. It was rointed out that>> before a water mair, j s installed to serve tLis rrorerty, the 4-inch mair:. extencing from Buttonwood Avenue to CYFress Avenue sL:)uld be rerlaced wi th a 6-inch main. It W8..S moved by (;orruniss ioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Brwil1, tliet tLe City Water Deplrtment rerlaee the 4-inch w&ter rriain from :Suttonwood Avenue to CYrress Avenue witt a 6-ind, raein to be raid for by the Water :Is I- A rt.rnent, and the n:ction was carried by the fall owing Aye and No vote: those voting 1l;.te being IvJayor Lowe, Commisd oner Brwin, Comr:isR irmer rIca:); those votinG ho, none. Claim __ Joe Gary - Recovering Assets of Henry in San Francisco lwir~ Joe Gary was [resent t,o eXFlain t}-,e basis for Cleim No. 9461 in the sm::nmt of ~150.CO w}:ich I he rresented for services rendered in the recovery of Assets ue1.ongiYli, to the City of' Eozer'lf'r: wh:ic!: were embezzled by Doneld IH henry. Ee std>c:c he srent three days working on recovery of these assets, lI':=1kinC trif's to 101e: Al-l~o, li1r\kin:.:; a reln[l!';c for the jeweler, rre}erint:; (;olies o:! ir;f'ormatiorl, g:et'-:.icg tLe Bank of AmcricH to CfHJcel tl,e drRf't 'La the Tra :ilor C~Ui1I' and makinz, cd ls -1::0 Los Ar.seles. After cons :i.ceration, it vr6,S moved by Comn:lissioner Eerly, sef;oI,ded by Commissior,er Srwin, that: tile clai,n be PII"roved e,nd a warrant drawn for its le,~ment, and the motion was carried 1Jy the followinG Aye and 1\0 vo te; those votinG Aye beinG Meyor Lavre, CO:!Ir:Ji ssioner Brwin, Conmlis si oner Healy j tbose voting; 1\ 0, none. Fire Insurance on City Buildings :J fi!) IVlr. Gardiner Wai te and Don Bennett, represent ing the Bozeman Insurance Association, were fresent and l,resented a copy of a survey made by Fire Insur~:nce Companys Engineers set,tiq:; 'val ues for insurarJce purposes on city buildings. The recommendations of the association were as follows: That tLe Control House at the Sewage Plant be includec in the buildings which are i1,sured, I That the City consider the possibility of Derreciation Insurance, which is insur- ,ing at 100;; of the fresent day reI.lacemer,t cost, or That the blanket form of insurance now in force be ir,creesed arlroximetely $60,000 to briEg the va lues of ci ty buildings up to the val ties set by the enGi neer' s survey. F'ire Inspection in Connection with Clean-Up Week Mr. Gardiner Waite reported that the Montana Fire lJnderwriters Association have field men who will inspect buildings and tag all fire hazards. It is proposed by their ASf:'Jciation to have these field men make fire insI,ec tions in connection with Clean-Up Week. He stated that, if it is possible, a r~;ort of their findines will be made available for the Fire Chief. It was moved by Corrunissioner E:rwin, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the flan be apt.roved and the motion was carried b;y the follOWinG Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Co~nissioner Erwin, Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. froposal of Lindfield' s to Sell Lot for Parking Purposes A written proposal from Bertil Linfield was read offerin[ to lease Lot 3 aud the North five feet of Lot Four, Block B, Alderson's Addition to the City of Bozeman for r arkinE lot pUrJoses at a rento.l of $52.00 per month for 20 years subject to the follOWinG general terms: a The Ci ty wi 11 enter into an "option to purchase agreement" on the IToperty at - *8,000.00. I b Under the option agreement. if the City exercises its option, it will lay - interest on the purchase price or on unpaid balances thereof at the rate of 4;% per annum. c From the monthly payments made by the City there would first be deducted - interest as it would accrue, second there would be deducted any tax or any maintenance assessment which mie;ht be assessed against the property from year to yeAr and third, any balance remaining of monthly payments would be an:l ied against the purchase I rice at such time as the Ci ty mey exercise :i ts ortion to purchase the l'roperty. Offer of 1. O. o. P. Lodge to Rent Lot Rejected The offer of the I. O. O. F. LodEe to lease their lot nt the corner of Willson Avenue and Babocck Street, presented at the lest regular meetinG' was further considered at this time. It WAS moved by Commissioner ErWin, seconded by COlnmissioner Healy, thrt the offer be rejected and th~t in lieu thereof the City MaIlflger be authorized to make the followinC offer to the 1. O. o. F. Lodg;e: The City will enter into a leese wit]: option to I urchase t1,i5 rrorerty, the moy,thly rental to be $115.00. the Iurchase price to be $17,500.00 flnd the r;en- erol terms to be on the SfHlle basis as the Linfield offer cited 8bove. F.ir.d the motLm was carried by the following; Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye beinG I,;a:,;'or Lowe, Gmmllissioner Brwin, Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. I Reports The followinG reI~orts for U:e month of April, 1954 were ~resented: \'iater Collector 101 ice Judge Sani tsry InsIE'ctor Cashier Fire Chief Librfl rie"n It W.<1S moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Comnliss ioner Henly, t1wt +;he l'erorts be Hcc81ted [,Hie ordereu filed end thp. motion was carried by the followicS Aye and No vote: thOSe'" votin;:; Aye bdLG :::nyo: Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, COJTJnissioner Heply; those votinG No, Dore. Purchase of Cemetery ferm&lent Care Investments It was reported tlf're is sufficient fur:.dG in the Cemetery }eri'JIl,:"'Lt Care l-"y:c t~) }Ul'c}F!Se ""liJ,OOC).CCi 370 c:i Ser~ 8S K bonds for investment. It WAS !'loved b~. COITu'ilissio:1el' [p.al:'> sec'_mded '..:'i CorrJ..,issioner ~~rwin, !:-het the Dir'ecto;' d' linsClce be fJut,hor}zcd to I-l,rchs$e ~lC.OOO.OO, r. S. GO',ernment, Sed 88 K Bor,ds, for inves tment r-lI"JO the )T,otion was cEi:rried b:,/ t}.e follcwi De; Aye rnd :[;0 v,)te: t}Jose votiq:; Aye beh,t; Mayor Lowe, Cornrnissioner B:rwi!!, Commiss ioner Heal,y; those voting N0, none. Sidewalk to Curb Line on West Ge-rfield 1- John I~reeden, owre r of Lots 1 and 2, l310ck 14, Butte Ad(Htion, has requested that, along; tll'? "l.~.J.,r . I GFlrfield side of his rrolerty, he be J:--:ermiLtedt.o i_'uild his sideiNalk at whet would be r:ormel curb line :insteed of at 1!roI)erty line where sidevtalks are usually 1uilt. Reason for this request is that, in Len[;ohr's Addi ~;ion, owners 8re being; rermit.ted to build sidewalks at curb line and Mr. Breeden feels thst this f-ractic'3 slloulc. bf, continued alone the one-rialI' b1')e1: on Garfield Street wrdell connects LAnCohr's Ad(H tion wi tl! Will se)!] .Avenue. Mr. Breeden's rrorerty abuts Garfield Street on the SOUtll in tIle r.81f block he ques+,ion Emd Steve Doorr-bos owns the propertJ" abutting; this half' block along GDrf'ield Street on the lIorth. It we:; !f:oved by Commissioner HeRly, seeor~c1ec by Commiss ioner Erwin, th8t, if both of' these owners will aGree in writing to bu:ld their sidewalks a.t cur1-j line at such time as sidewalks are built elonb the Garfield Street side of their prolerties, the request of Mr. Dreeden is hereb;;' BITToved aLa cranted Hr:d the motion was carried 'by the followinG Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Eeal;y'; those voting No, none. Sale of' Bonds of S. 1. D. 's 375 and 377 It WfJ.S moved by Comissioner Healy, seconded by Cornm_issioner Erwin, that the Clerk of the Cit,y Commission be 8uthori zed to e.dvertise for the sale of Srecial Imj::rovement District No. 375 bonds in i-,he 111'1roximate A.mount of ~6.700.00 and Sf,edHl Imrrovement District No. 377 bonds in the eprroximate amount of $3,800.00, 8.nd the bid securities be set at 5% of' the amour,t of bonds to be sold, and the I :notion wa.s carried by the following Aye aYld No vote; those voting Aye being; IVl&.yor Lowe. C ornrrd. s s i one r r::rwin, Commissioner EeE\ly; those votiq; No, none. Application for Beer &; Liquor License The opJ;lic&.tions of the Bozeman Country Club for a cit~r beer and a city liquor license were presented. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Healy, the. t the alpl ications be Hl-l'roved and the licenses issued and the motioll was carried. by the following Aye and No vote: t;lose voting Aye beinG Ma:,ror Lowe, Cornrnissioner Erwin, Corrunissioner Heal;)'; those votinG No, l'l.one. Claims for the Month Claims Nos. 9255 to 9462 inclusive were rresented on the various funds as follows: General $16,364.16 larking ~?eter 5,780.88 Water 6,769.61 S. D. S. Revenue 5,433.78 Library 1,389.51 Park 1.637.77 Cemetery 1,666.09 Band 132.00 Garbage l,P28.70 Police Reserve 86.15 Cemetery Sus[ense 116.00 street 3,910.99 !N-H Tax 2,244.70 I f.L.&l'. 15,010.00 C' I. D. 3,514.14 ...,. S. I. D. Revolving; 1,139.87 Tot a 1 - - - - $67,124.35 The Manager stated that he has audited tLese claims and finds them to be true and lawful claim.s a"'ainst The City of' Bozeman and reconunends that warr'lmts be eraI'm for their payment. Ai'te r examina- o . tion of the claims in detail by the City Conrrnission end checkinG against the claim register, it was moved 1y Comrniss ior,er Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the claims be ar:proved and warrants drawn for their l-syment and tr.e motion was carried by t}~e f'ollowinlj Aye Bnd No vote: those votir,g Aye beir.g MByor Lowe, Commissi~:1ner Ervvin, Commissioner Healy; thos e votir'!::, lio. :371 Lone. f'ublic Retiring & Recommendations -- Board of Adjustment The City Ivlan8ger made a verbal report on the public hel;rinS held before the B08rd of Adjustment on May 3rd, 1954 in accordance with the provisions of Ordin~nce No. 711, the Zoning Ordinance. This hearing was for the l,urpose of rermitting; all interested persons to be hearri relative to pro!,osed chances in the Zoning Ordinance which had been proposed and are enumerated in the minutes of the meeting I of the Board of Adjustment dated February 13th, 1954. There havine been no protests to the proposed ordinance changes, it was moved by Commissioner Healy. seconded by Corrunissioner ErWin, that the recommendat ions of the Board of Adjustment for the changes herein referre2 to be approved and the Ci ty Attorney be instructed to prepare a new Zoning Ordinance in accordance wi th such recommendations, and . the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voti ng Aye being Mayor Lowe, Conrrnissi oner Erwin, Commissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Conrrnissioner Erwin and Commissioner HealJr; those voting No, none. I Attest: ofvt~4? _1 "../ Clerk of the City Commission I