HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-05-12 372 Bozeman, Montana ~Eay 12, 1954 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in reEular session in the Commission Ro:)m, C it~r Ha 11 BuildinG, Wedm.!sday afternoon, May 12, 1954 at 1:00 o'clock f. M. Fresent were Mayor Lowe, COITilniss ioner Erwin, Commissioner Healy, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk, when the followinG rroceedings were [lad; Minutes of the last regular session were read, and it wes moved by Commissioner Erwin, s ecor:ded I by Comrnisdoner Healy, that the minutes be aTr.roved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye being; Mayor Lowe, Com~issioner Erwin, Commissioner Healy; those voting; No, none. Right-of-Way Easement -- lOth Avenue Sewer I\n Easement and Hight-of-Way Agreement between 'l'he City of Bozeman and Laura D. Maxey was I_resented, grantinc The City of Bozeman a riGht-of-way throu[h Tracts Four and Eighteen of Durston Sub-Division for the purrose of installing the Tenth Avenue Trunk Sewer. The Eosement was a1 1- roved as to form b~{ the City Attorn ey. It was moved by Conl.TJlissioner Eeely, seconded by Commissioner Brwin, that the Mayor and the Cl erk of the Ci ty Commission be authorized to siGn the ~asement for The City of Bozeman, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beirJg Kayor Lowe, Conuniss ioner Erwin, Cornmiss ioner Ilealy; ttose votinc Ko, r:OTl€ . Bond and Contract -- S. 1- D. No. 375 The Bor:d and Contract of tl:e Stendard Constructi on Coml;an;y for the construction of Slecial Imrro\Te- ment District 10. 375 were [resented. The bond and contract were arlroved os to form Ly the Ci ty Attorney. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Co~nissioner Erwin, the t the bond find con- trpc': be ai l:.roved and accerted and the N1Hyor and the Clerk of the Commission be Ruthorized to sign I the contrl'\ct for the City of Bozeman, and the motion was carried by the following; Aye and No vote: tI, 0 s e \Tot ing Aye be ing M!'JY 0 r Lowe. Commissioner Erwin, Commissioner Henly; those voting No, LOr. e. Bond and Contract -- S. I. D. No. 377 '1'h-:> Gcnd [tnd Contreet of the Standard Construction Comrany for the uonstruction of S1'eCi91 Im,F rov e- ment District roo 377 were [resented. The bor"d ard CO!ltrsct were aHroved 8..S to form 1:;i' the City Attorney. It was moved b;y' Conunissioner 'SrVlin. seconded by Comrrdss i011er Healy, tLst tte bOLd and con- tract be arl.roved ar,c: 8(~eeJ tea and the Eayor and tLe eIe rk of t.he Conunission be autJJorized to SiGIl tl:8 contrflct for t},e City of Bozeman, and the motion was cprri cd by i-he followinG Aye ar:d 1':0 vote: tLose vot.inG A;y'e beinL 'i'Eayor Lowe, CornrdssinJ1sr Brwh:, Commissioper Healy; those voting 1\0, non e. Re.i: orts The followhJ[; reports for the :~:onth of AId 1. 1554 were ~resenteG: Chief of rolice Cenwtery 308. I'd r.t was move!] by Cornl1issjoner Erwin, seconded b;y COITJui s s ione r Hee ly , thAt tIle reIorts be Hccerted ar.d ordered filed 3n (; t h ~~ 1:10 t i OL we. s curried by tlJP iollowin[, /..',/e and ho vote: thoce votil".:; Aye beiL~ :.:8YO r Lov/(;, COlfl:':,iss:::.oY""er !jrwir" CommissioIler Eea l:n those voting No, nOLe. F,le on Main street for Banners I Joe Har.sfo,d, ~resident of the Chanter 01' Co~nerce, has :'"l9do .inq\l::ry reL8rr.:irJ":; erecs:irj6 I,olEG on ;\;:8 j.. r Street from wLicL to Lm"~ t;flrmer:s Rcross the street to e.dvertise 8reeia1 events in Bozeman. The City ManRGer rerorted that he is securinG information Bnd quotations em steel I'oles for such installa- tions end that he is f:l$o seeur'inc rp('toi!:~r~eLs.fj t ion s from t}.e Fontana lower Comrflry reletlve to US.hi[; street liGht roles Orl "NtieL -+~O ~ttneL cn~;e end <~:rf' bHI:ners such 9.8 p. ]'"1:: under oonsideretion. ExteLsion of Time for Payment of Fees Gre.nted to At;d cultur8._1 gngineering Dert. A reques-:. from the f.L r i ("J1-':: I.il'/J 1 T;r:;:; iDe co r:i nt; r;erartmeTI t 0 f I\iontaYJa State ColJ8";8 for an extcl'sion :J7B )f t::.[:e in 'Nl:.ich to rncke the I"yme!1t for r bu i 11 j 1':[, 1 ':"r'lTI~ t, J.'1' :.!fl'".",d.rLi., .:} EC (/..:. ~~ j.YI n ~~ ,~~C:' t j. Jr, J ~ €,1"ve r ~=!n~"} YJ~" -+:':.:~!" ('onnections FlrJ C any ot.hc r s~rvice by the City i r. c:n,r;8cj:ion with H.e C OYJ S t:'uc <:-i or 0 f 8. dVJel J.inC;bei nu buil t by stud(mt.s of t}-::j s dera.rtn;erlt Wt!S rerorted. It was moved lJ' COll1missioner Healy, seconded cy Co:r.Y:",3ssioner E;rw iI', that the request be ",r8rt':'c1, 9.Dd UVo notior Vlfl.S carried by the followinG Aye end Fa vote: those voting Aye teint, r.:sycr Lcwe, I CO~nis5ianer Erwir:, Gcmnissioner Healy; those votin~ ~o, none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the COITilllission at this t} rrte, it was rnov8c b:J' Cor::missioner Erwin, secoYlded b:,' Go:'nrrds$ ioner Ileal.>', thot the :'leetir,[ edjourL end U,e mvtioTl WB~; c8r1'ied by th; followinG Aye ene No vo te . those voth-'L Ay~ beinL ;:;.;n\,o1' rowe, CO'''i~:;,i3E:j or.ler Er"',\'iYJ B,nG. Cor[JJrL~ssi orer Healy; those voLin; No, r,one. l' .wyor Attest. cif!;~ I I