HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-05-19 374 3ozeman, Montana 1,)1:/ 19, 1954 rb e C om.r.lis ~~ 1 on of' the Ci ty of 3oze:nan met in regular session :in the Corr.rnission Room, City Ea11 ?:'uildinS, Wednesde:r afternoon, Boy 18, 19::",4 at l:OC olclock }. lV'. Fresent were i.IRyor I,ow'?, :"<nnrniss ionc r grwir.., Commis fiiorle, Healy, City ManaLer Henderson, City Attorney LovelnGE' and t:he ele rk, ",her the ;. ell ow- :in; r roceedin..;s were Lad: l:1ir1utes of' tr.e 18st sesr;70r~ were read, Aro :it wee novec; by Cormniss:oner 1<;rwin, s econc1ed by Commissioner E'O'81y, tL8t the mirlutes be 81" roved f\ s reAd, flnd the moticn w~s cf\rried OJ" th.~ follo'l'li nL I Aye and ~G v0te: H'ose voting A':Jre ~leil,C LInyor L,)we, ( crrr,,:,:'isrior;er Brvlirl, C:)r:rmissjoner Eeely; those vc ting Eo, nODe. Contract for Gaging; Station - U. (. G. s. Rejected o. 11 I :'"01 () s ~i.J, c~)nt:r'l c-~ betwesn t. <:' (' " "'.r'rl tLe :-::it:/ 0: }\07c:nfL fr)r the OlerAtion of t.he C",sinG ;.,) . .,T . ->. Stp,ti:JD on tLe T;;est G<; lHtin Hiver WAS I resentc>rl. 1'110 C i -f:::I'~' S I'. rOI" () s en shn ro 1!J the cos+.. Gf this '=1 era- r~ion is $300.00 ~pr y~ar. TLe Cit;:.' Lrnr:c,i'?r :ct!1Led thet, after invest:i;:.;ation ar.d consideration by h ims elf en d t;,e :_:t.y EY'.cineer, j t was his reco:ni.'endet i0r thnt the "ontrp.ct be rej ected. It V"8.S moved b~.T Coyrr-~issi8r1er J-Ies.l:y", s0conde(] OJ: Cr)rnrn:is 55, or.:.e1'" Erwi71, tbat the eg,reerrlent beret," rr: sel unsiLned, and the lJ.o-!:.ion Wf'lS '?'1rried 1:y t,l',e fol1cw2 !'G A:re $r:d ~:o vote: tl.'~se voUng Aye "beinG 1iayor L-;ws, C::>11",;"'i ss:icner .~ r\~.,r =~, .r~ , C ':)TIuni s rJ iori,e Y' l'10a.l~'r; thofe 'J,.,)tint; ::0, none. Application to Construct Sidewalk - Steve Doornbos AwritteL J'2quesl.. 'r'ro In S tCi/e Doc rT~ ~.;o G) ,,'O;iL i.:reeden 8.1"0 E~L:':' Ec:k, owners of j;ropertj es ,rll;utL.lr~G \:;!1 :..; t,:~, ,if ie }.d Stn:et betweer. Trnc~' rmJ Willson AvenU~8,WB[ frese~te0 in whir:h ~t WflS re";Ueij \:e(; that t1-i(~Se owners :In- I''! rmi tted 10 YuiLl sidewalk s 'Jr. the G~\rf'1 e"3.d Street dde of tL~ir frof8cties a -::, '.'I i ti, iT. ;::), -b 3 feet from cur::: :'.- J.n~~. TLis matte:c was ~~.:)r:sidcr'J,3_ [) t t.r-:~; l'~ls t rJeetinL of tl18 Cit:>, (;om::::d.s~::ion "" I 'Ill. en, "Ion the vcrolJl rp.quest of Mr. Breedt>r, 8. d:ion was bd: e1; to lel"lTd t ~Le side.walks tc L e bu i 1 t ht curb hne f:long t}",e :,8 }., rOl!ert'l e~). In view of th at ac tion it wns )'"o'leC by COlT:rdB~i~'r.er "8rWi.li, secC'Lded bj' CG:~::,i3siJrwr Healy, that U: e request lresent~d at this l. . ',., ;:1 . , nr:G the motion WFJS ,,11118 Lie uer:1cu, c[)rr ied L;: the i':::llowinS k./c" Hnd F0 \lO t.. :~;;; those 'loth,s A:/e beins l,;nyot' Lowe, Com:nissioner "~r\dr" Cormnission~l' E31'::"j'; t~CS8 votine no, LO (J '3 ~ Driveway -- 411 West Main A reqt~ps ~ fr<J;'ll J.'8,ul . \ .^:r.d ~ r s or: , (lJ f,t[;?st 1v18 irl, t~o G OIl f 't. ru. c ~~ 2i3-i'oot c1dvr:way &t ;,is J..-'. p r :^olert~" /,,-8.~:-;' d, i s C' us s ec1 "' After consider~,tioL, i t ~.';~ s '::-r.~~"'\-;.:' eo b:,." COl"11r;;is~;lo~;.er Ilealy" t'.::e cor d ed lJJ-~ COP'~~1j ::) s ioner Er'Ni I: J tbit t. .:rivewt'";/ qt thi:s 1 G GS t i OL > "Ot to exceed 20 fec?t " . cl t' [)e [lrl rov~(~ a Dr; the me' U.Cll l.n "Vfl .',>1"\'.' ""f~'J.S 02,rried tJ UlP LolJ_':;viine A~'e :nld 1\0 voL,:: tLose './O'tiIJ.u A-:/e ::',";8j,l"'G L;.E'~~"T,~.)t LotltP ~ C O::L :':.i G f i OL e r ~::-~l~"i ~'~ j -:';()i'~-i;~i s:s i o,~,':e r I: ea.l J ,; tL:-I':e. votinG l,e), l.l.O!":8e Al-proval of Maps to Place North Rouse on Federal Hit:hway System l:ihl S I: r0} c, red 1", +' stete Ei;.:):NGJ DelE'rLrliellt, desiLD<:,tiIiL NorH, Rouse Avenue from ;i:n11' _OJ ,.tie Stl"G0,^(, to the ror tL Cj ty Li:iits H~: :.,', lortion of tLe 1- eder<l_l l;rbar. S;,'stem, were rresented for a r I 1'0 v HI . It "::fl~; ElO\' ed ':;y C onL~ii s s io n e r Il ,~.~~:.~. J,' , G'?(;Orlc;m] by Cor;,,,liss joner T<:rvITin, tl : s.t meking; this fr;I.t of LortL Rouse A\.' 8Y: u8 u 1 pr l;)f the Federal l~rbHn System (:F:AU C2-2931) b hereby Bltroved and that the li;r.:/or ~md I the Cit~ RJ.~wineer ce Gl,;t},'Jri7.ecJ t,) s5,:n the nH)IS for The (;i t~,' ~,r D~)zem'lYi to s1,o,;,; suc b fll'I. rO'Jal , and tLs motion W[,S c:nrried b; the f811ov.1.n6 Aye nLd 10 vote: tho~;e voting Aye being Mn;yor Lowe, Commissioner '~rwin, Co:mnisf. bner E0nly; tl10se voti,l:LG Yo" rlone. Claim -- American PlaYGround Device Company Cldm r~o. 9463 on the F8rk Fund from tl:~ Amer~ ,-,.on .Flrw'-rOUlic Device ConllanJ' was Iresented. r.iL.e I.' U \.;lp 1m be:i rJc:, s-,l1:'jec~: to n 3~t c8sL disGour:t, it was lTlo'J~d by CU7!.lT:.issio'cpr Ilee.ly J s ec onded b:>' Co:nrn5ssior.er 1';1'win, tLat th~ clai Ii: te all rO'J(;d er; c a v:nrran t issued for its If\,yment, nnd the;:1otion was cerried by the foIl owl reG Aye ar.d Eo v'.)-:e: tl: 0 s e vo +0 irq; Aye beinL Mayor Lowe, C omrni S slone r !~ ,rvvj n 1 CCliL'nissioner B75 H?91y; those voting Ko, none. Installation of fortion of Water Main on East Main Street On East; Ma in Street, on rrorerty owned by Ray Cass, th e l';? is a c;eer swal" which Iil'. Cass I rOl,off'~) to fill at: this time. This is at a location where it is I_roposed to ,iTlstrll a rJ~'N wa tt~l' me jl-,. If that fDrt of the rrol.osed water main which would cross this swale can be [laced in losition before the swale is fillc-dit would save the cost of digCing Hfl- roxi:nately 150 f"- of di teL throueh Lew ". I fill when the balance of the water main is installed. It was moved b;,,' Commissioner ":rwin, secorided by Commissioner H2el~;" that. t.lie City MAm'Ler bE) authorlr.ed to hpve this s '?ction of water main, aplroximftely lEO feet. in 1 (~ngth, [lacpd befor'" tlle fin is made, and the motion was carried by the f0110W:!,DC Aye~nld Lo vote; those votir..g k~'e beil\:.; 1.~Byor Lowe, CommissiorJI~r Erwin, COIT'JTlissioner Heal;y'; those votir.g I,.;), nane. Restrictions on Use of~'ia ter The M8noger rerorted that, due to the lack of usuel !i:ey r8 l...r~s nr;d :Sc:i',e uDsea:->:me':Jlc hot dr-:,/'s, the ''''ater sUl'!,lies of the ci ty are m,~ch below nc!"mal for this time of yeer. It is the usual t.l.iJW <oJ U.at ~.\ystic Lake is Inrtiall;YT filled from SYlOW r1;n-off but a h ree 111 Y't 0 f the st'Jred water is fr0~.r. s1 ring rair,s. At this date the amount of wat er in the 19ke is A. Ii ttle more than one-}1fllf of wl:l3t is us\;pl 8t this time of yeB.r. In Lyman Creek where, in May Bnd June, there is usually a considera~10 overflow, the Ci t;y is using the entire flow and, at' this j..' the entire flow of the stream is orl;,;, '"lme, arpro:xil'lfltely 501~ of the Hmount which the City normal 1;,>, cets from tbis sou~ce. As a result of these cond i tions it is in~ossible to keep the City's reservoirs filled and wRter rresstJre in rarts of thO' city becomes elA.rrnirLly low. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by COffil'ldssioner Erwin, that the City L1ansger be P.U thorized and ins tru cted to rublish an emergency order limitin~ use of water I for irriGating; on rroperties of odd numbered street numbers on odd numbered doy s of the rn,mth Bnd on prolerties of even numbered st!"eet rmmbers on even numbered days of the rronth and tr:e rr..otion we,s car ried by the following Aye and No vote: those votin~ Aye being M8yor Lowe, C 0'Y'JI1i s si oner srll'iL. Com1:':issioner Ileal y; those voting };O, none. Adjournment There beir'0 no further business to come before the Commission at this time, 51. WRS moved 1:,' CCHunis si oner Healy, seconded by ComrnissiQIler Erwir~, thB t the meetinG adjour:t~ R~x1 the motion was carried by the foIl owing Aye and }:o vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commiss ioner Erwin Ar,d Commissioner E281y; those voting No, none. --d %? ../ Epyor Attest: I ~~_.. .~ C er of the City Cornnission