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l,Ionbma a:31
February 10. 1954
The Conunission of' the City of Bozeman met in regular sess ion in the COmlnission ;\OOl1l, C1 ty linll
Build ir;L, Wednesday afternoon. February 10, 1954 at 1:00 o'clock f. M._ fresent wer,~ Me:, or Lowe,
Co:nmi ssione r Erwin, Commissioner Healy, City Manager Henderson. City Attorney L')velBce rmd h. Dean
)'/"JO re , Actin.; Clerk of the Commission, when the followinc rroceedings were had:
I Minut es of the last regular session were read, and it wes moved by COHlJ;lissioner Erwin, secor,ded b~y
Commissioner Healy, that the minutes be arI-roved as reed, end the motion was ~Hrried by the f'ollowirS
Aye nnd 1< 0 vote: thos e vat ins Aye be int, MeJ'o r Lowe. Corrunissioner Srwin, Co@nissioner Healy; those
voth.g Eo, Lone.
Rezoning; Recorrunendations - North Seventh Avenue
A letLer WRS [resented from 8. committee rerresentinL OWTlGrS of proFert~:1 abutting on North 7th
Avenue which set forth certain recom:.1endetions relative to chanGes in zoninG requirements in this ~'. rea.
It was moved by Commissioner T;~rwir" seconded by Mayor Lowe, that tUs letter be referred to the Board
of Ac.jus tmrmt for their consideration at the SP.Jl1e time they are civing consideration to th e new
prorosed revised Zoning; OrdinAnce which WHS referred to thAt Boa rd by the C i t.y Commiss ion on Februar:/
3rd and the motion was carried by the following Aye and Ko vote: those votinc Lye being Mayor Lowe,
Corrunissioner ~rwir., COlI1l11iss ioner Healy; those voting No, none.
Addi tional elf) irns - Month of Janu!Jry
Clnims Nos. 8809 to 8820 inclusive were l-'resented on the various funds 8S 1'011 ows :
Cemetelj' . . . . ~ 17.04
General . . . . 139. G5
Library . . . . 33.07
}ark . . . . . 100.97
I Water . . . . . 703.14
G8rbFJ.r.;e . . . . 56.23
p,qrking Meter . . . 1.00
Folice Reserve . . 6.95
<:' D. s. Revenue . 93.95
..... .
Street . . . . 143.42
W-H Tax . . . . 2,146.80
Tot a 1 - - - - - ;t3,442.22
The ~!fmf)Ger stated tLfit he has audited tLese clsims r.r., (1 finds them to be true and lAwful clsims
against the City of Bozeman and reconunends that warrents be dravm for their royment. After examine tion
of the clvims in detFi'l by the City Cormnission and checking th'Cl chims 8Eeirst the claim r"');:)ster, it_
was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Corrunissioner Eealy, that the claims be nrrroved and warrsrts
dnrwn for tb sir r(l~'ment and the moti on was carried by the following; Aye 8no Fo vote: those voting Aye
being Meyor Lowe, Conuniss ioner ErWin, Conunissioner Healy; those votinG No, none.
Gas Tax Refund Claim
A clAim W<>S presented on t.he State of Montan"J for refund on MontanA State Tax raid on b[i 501 iLe
IurcLased by the City of Bozeman, t.he amount of sdd refund claim being ~93l.B6. It. we s mo'red '!:);y
COITl;I,is~;ioner Srwin, seconded by COll1'1lissionsr Healy, that tl:e City Nar18ber is authorized and hereby
instrueted to rresent this elaim to the State Boe rd of T;;c!ual:i zat ion, t" 1 !,!':mtr.ne, and tJ1e motj on
I WRS cflrried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those voting A~'e beinG MAyor Lowe, Corunissionor k~rwiL,
Commissioner Eeal;y; those votircC No, Done.
The followinG reports were ~resented: Clerk of the Cemetery DOfJrd, Chi~f of folics Bnd Cashier
for the month of January; and, the Re~reation Director for the months oi Decel'1ber, 1~153 ond JFlr.:uary,
1 ~154. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner ErWin. th~t the rerorts be AI proved,
['ecc,ted, and ordered filed end the motion was cf,rried b~y the followinu Ayo r,:"d reo Vot.e: tLu::..o voUrC
}'J'8 being Heyor Lowe, CQlTimisf:ioner Erwin, Conuniss:ioner Hflf,ly; those votinc Ko, n0Le.
Burglary and Robbery Insurance
The question of c~rryiDG burglary Bnd robbery insurance covering ross5tle losses of cash Bnd
net,otiflbl'3 seC'l-rities from St,dl causes while in rossission of Ulis Gi~y in the City 1::811, we:::
discussed. The Menp.;er reForted 8 quoted 8.1'DUe1rremium of i,;.Hi.E~l reI' tL::us['nc for C'JVETeG8 of thi~;
kind. After considel'8tioL ,)f the averf:ee aIIlounts of cash on hfind in the City Offices and all other
asrects of' this rrolose.l, it was the aI-inion of tLe City Com:nission that coverBge of this r,Bture
should not be required or l-.elrchased at tLis ti",e. .... . I
Wa tel' Rig;hts - Bozeman Creek - Montana Flour Mills
Information bJS been received that the Montana neur Mills Comp,rlY owns a right to 800 indies
of weter from f)ozeman Crec~k, decreed in 1865. This decree is for use o:f wnter for vmtcr l-ower ond
the loint (<t whid. tLis water is token from Bozemall GrEJek is near the SQuth bound",ry of the City of
BozemeJ:l. This coml-,sr:y a] so owns or hes ditch rights to a ditch which carries the wnter from BozelIlflT;
(;reek throuGh the eastern fart of the eit:/ to a r:oin+~ near the northeest corner of' tbe City where it
em}ties into Hocky Creek. Inf'ClrrrlRtior: is UsL thj s comp'Jn,y rro:poses to disrose of thi s water right
and its interest in the ditch. The City ^-ttorney was 5nstructed toil1\'estigt'te this matter and, if
lossible, secure a cefiniie rToposal from the l.,jontana Flour Mills ComF8n:y on their sale of these rights.
H.eFort by City Maw!ger - I.1aeting, Montana Section, A. v;. W. A., Executive Corrunittee
The Man pger n1&de a verbel report on the meetin(; of the EXElcuti vo Comrni ttee of theMon Lana Section,
Fl. 'N. VI. A., which he attendee:; in llelena on Saturday, February 6th. Frelimimtry 1'1 &ns were cOTIlFleted
for the annual meetinr; of tld_s org:enization -whid will be held in Bozeman A:r:ril 22, 23 and 24, 1954.
Froposed Service Station - Union Oil Complomy, North Seventh Avenue and Durston Road
Ihe question of driveways for a service station pro[osed to be built, by the tinion Oil COlnl-srlY at
the ~or~er of ~;ort~ 7t.h AV8Lue and Durst~n ROR~ which hfls bee~l discusse~ at the 1 est. two mgeth:g;~ Of. the I
(,Om:nlSSlon was 8Laln brou[;ht vI- for conslderatlon. f,11 questlons on tIns proposal except dH,t of drlve-
woys have been sstisfectorily cleared. Correspondence from the Unior: ail Comfeny vms reviewed and
recomrnendatior,s fr'.)m the owners of l-;ropt:rties on Kortll 7th were considered. It was rointed out that
ther"; were numerous busir:esses now ol-,eratinc; or, North 7th Avenue at which two dri vew8Ys Leve 1J8CH: l'3r-
mitted or et which the entire frontaGe is used for f1 driveway. After consideration of all far~tors in
this case, the Com:nission instruci:ed the City MenRgcr to inform the Union Oil CompanJ' to make eI-l-lica-
tion to the Montane State Highw8_Y Derartment to remove certoin trees in street area in front of tLis
rroperty, to fjll tbe barrow pit now existinG between the l-ropert~r line and the traveled section of
the street and to install the c:rivewe:;'s as requested by this compmy. The MAnager was Autborized to
inform the Union Oil Companythet, if this aprlication is aflroved by the State Highwe_y DOl-,nrtment,
the f1l-1TovA-l will be concurred in by the City Gonunission.
Annual MeetinG Bozemen Creek Reservoir ComI>fmy
Ihe City IV11:r;ficer rresented a verbal reFort on the ar..nuAl meeting of the Bozerrm,n Creek Heservoir
COlT'.f'any held in the City Hall on February 9, 1854. The City ME:mlr;er, representing Lhe City of Bozeman,
wps re-elected as a Director of this Associe.tion. The Directors of the Association were euthorizec and
instructed to cL6age n~ces~(jr;y engineering, liersormel to preI,are rlf,ns Hnd esti~late of c~st o~' an I
adequate structure at 11!ystlc Leko Dam to measure the output of water from MYStlC Lake, It belng; the
intenti on the t these estimates be re!1dy so th, t the cons truction of such a measuring device ce,n be
undertaken inunedintely followinG the enc. of the irrigeting. seasor:: of 19b4.
l'here beil'S no :further bus jness to come befo re the Commiss ion [l t tb' s tir e, it was moved by Cormnis-
~.;ioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the meeting edjourn nc. 18 motion was card ed b;)I the
followinb Lye ar.d lie vote: those votirl~ Aye beir'6 li~e:yor Lowe, COlmni :,;rwin and Commissioner Henly;
thOS. e v.otinz; Lo, none. ...--?'J ?
Attes t: -{/Vr
~ ~
I\cth'L Clerk of the Ci y COH\l'nission