HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-02-17 'J'3 '3 t. t t Bozeman, Kontana F e ti ru 11 r:/ 17, 1854 The COl!1Inissj on of the City of Bowmen met in re[ulRr s(Jssicn :Jr, tLe Comrdssicm I<oOIE. C j ty Ed 1 BuildinC, Wednesday afternoon, February 17, 1954 at 1:00 o'clock 1. M. fresent were Mayor Lowe, Cornmissj oner Erwin, Commissioner Healy, City Mnnager Henderson, CHy Attorney Lovelace Rrd L Lerm lvloo re; ACtiDC Clerk of the Commission, when the followinc rroceedines were lead: I Minutes of tIlP 18st regular session were read, and it wes moved by COr.l.'11iss:ioner ~lealy, secondec; b~' Cornmiss ioner Erwin, that the minutes be arlroved as reari, 8nd tLe motion vwr, cflrriod by tle follovdnG Aye and 1,:) vote: those v'.)tinC Aye being Mayor Lowe, Corlilnissioner Grwi.r" Commissioner He',l;/> tLos ,:::. votjnG 1;0, none. Invi tation to meet with Kiwanis Club Lloyd ii. Johnson, re~resenting the futlic Aff8.irs COlIlird Uee of the Kh'!Br:j.S Club, 7r>et with tl,'" COlTllldssion to extend 8n invitation for the Mayor, City Cornf~jissionE'rs, City Mfl.rlHger~lXld City AttorLoy t() meet vri th the KiwHnis Club ",t QIle of thoir reZyl~.'l' !i()QnrJey 1u.rhcL;.~on neetinbs!1 tLo date 0: vd..:ci. bas r',ot yet been set, to discuss l:-hn~ Dnd oreretions of'~Lu city. ';)t'. J0Lr,sor: was assured thpt t},f:' city officials would be LIed to meet wit}] his club at any time. Bids on Sewer l'ipe This is the time and place set for oIening bids for tLe rurcL<Jse of 380C ft. of sewer lire. The Msrli;,ger pointed out the.t the sl-,ecifications for this materiel ca1180 for bids to be aI.ened at this ti:118 but that, through erro r, the newslarer edverti serne1".t showed I, ebru8rJ' 10, 19f:4 os tLe dete:;n v:hic}, tlH'? bids would be o:rened. In view of this error, And on advice of the Ci ty Attorney, he rec1mmenced that this call for bids be re-advertised, the date for ,~o bid oroning to be set on March 10, 1954. I It was moved by Commissioner E'ealy, seconded by Commissioner 12:rwjn, thE, t the re-edvertisin;::; for tJ--,ese bids be arproved end the motion was carried, by the follovdng Aye and r~o vote: those votinc p.,ye beinG ]'iJayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Comrni ss ioner Heal y; those votinG No, !lOI,e. Appraisal of City Buildings for Fire Insurance Purposes Virdte 6: Co. h8ve sdvised the City that they believe it will be rossible, within the next 30 d8~'s, to SElcure the services of a committee, comr,osed of one reJresentative from 88ch of three insurance comrnnies and or;8 from the .Montana l-ire Ratint:; Bureau, to make an aprraisal of all build ings owned by the City. Waite & Co. state that this aITraisnl will be mado withollt cost to the City but, to eX.tec1i te the matter, they request chat they be appointed agent of record for insurerce furposes for tIe City of Boz erna.n on a temrorary basis so that they carl secure necessary ratine data from the Fire Ratint:; Bureau for the use of the proposed ratillG commi ttee. It was moved by COlmdss ioner Erwin, seconded by COll1ldssioner Healy, thr t ":iai to and Company be appointed agents of record for tLe City of Bozeman for insurance and q:praisl'1] Iurroses and the motior: wps carried Ljl tLe FollowinG Aye a:nd No vote: those vo tinE; "'ye beine Ma:'Clr Lowe, C:)rrUT.issioner Erwin, Commiss ioner Healy; those voting };o, none. Resolution No. 752 - IntentiOIJ to Create S. I. D. No. 374 I The Manager stated that the City Attorney, as instructed, hp-s l-rer::e red 13 resolution of intention to cree. te Speci81 ImI.rovement District No. 374, for the purpose of constructiDE and installinG storm- sewer inlets, concrete curbs and bituminous pwement on West Arthur Street from South Willson Avenue to South Third Avenue. He presented Resolution No. 752, entitled: A. HESOLt'TION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF' THE CITY 01' BOZBMAN DECLARING IT TO BE ThE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZSMAN TO CR"'ATE A SF !';CIAL lMPROVEMEN T DISTRICT TO PE Klim~NIIS Sf EClAL HIlf'ROVE:IVIENT DISTRICT NO. 374 OF TIm CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR TIm Frr-rrOSE OF COFSTRrCTII\G AND INSTALLING STORM-SE.'V'fER INLETS, CONCRETE CURBS AND PlTl,MIfWUS I-AVEMENT ON 'NEST ARTEUR STREET FROM SOTJ'I'H WILLSON AVRNlJE TO SOUTE THIRD AVENUE IN SAID CITY. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Healy, thet the Resolution be F8ssed 3:34 srld edopted and Wednesday, the lOth day of Ivlarch, 1954 be set as the dRY fer hear ire rrot~~ts Bnd !.:l c moti,):. was carriec by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beinl;'; Mayor Lowe, COIn8iss ioner Ji:rwiD, COr:'JnissionBr Hesly; thDse votinc No, none. Resolution No. 754 - Intention to Create S. I. D. No. 375 The l:lfm9Gcr stated tLat the City Attorney, 8S instructed, hE'S prernred a resolution of Intention to er'8Hte Sled 81 Imrrovernent District ~jo. ~S75 , for the lurrose of constructinc; !;Ind installing con- ,I crete curbs anc;. bi tl)mir~ous f8V'?ment on North Willson Avem.;.e from Nest 1.1endenhell Street to West Lomme :,;;treet. He }resBDted Resolution to. 754, enti.tled: L rmSDU"nm: 0 l- T1:.:.:; CITY ConnSSlm; Ol- 'I'E::~ CITY OJ- DCZ/;EAl' r~C'J,ARn(; JT TO DE TES IT.' T;~F'TlON OF TII'~ C IT'! OF I30Z},],;Al: TO CH:lliTI~A ;)rECI!,L n'Fl)V~~t:EN'l' DISTRICT TO ::U [':r.''I]I' AS SF"SC I!.L 1:1 :(0'l,~tT1:;;NT I:IST1ICT NO. 375 OF TIn CITY OJ' I30ZE?'A1i HiT? TL,,; nruess OF C(\}"ST!tT-'C::U.') ,:\]10 IJ:STl,LLING CoJNCItST"~ C1JRBS M~D BIT\JEI101~'S h\V'JI,~~l~'I' 01. !.011TIl WILLSm: JW:@:US I,ROM ViSST ME}; DE:n.:n.L STRli:ET TO ViES T L AWi!E S TImKl' IN SJ>.ID CITY. It W8S IlIo\'8d 1:1~' lomr.i~foioner Healy, seconded by CODanissioner Erwin, that the Resolution be Iassed Rnd edopted and Wednesdsj, the lOth day of hareh, 1954 be set as the day for learins protests and -the motion wa", ce..:rried by tlw following; Aye f1!1d lIe vote; Ulose voting Aye b01.rJb illDyor Lowe, Comr::is::; iOEI:'r S;win~ Co;-'rris,,j oner Ese1;)!; tLo s '2 vot 5r:c Ib ~ nODe. Resolution No. 755 - In tenti on to Crea te S. I. D. No. 376 The Menet;er stated that the C::ty AttorrwJ"' as inst!'l)c'_e(:~ hes irerf!red 6. resolutior:. of jntentioL t::: crcD-!:e: 21 ecic.l Irnl-r':Jvemerit Listrict :,0. 37C} for tL e ruqoso of constructirlb Dnd instaJ ling concrete curk: 8yd bituwir;o1.,S rHvemcr:>.t on South Bo? em&li Avenue from Koch Street to Story Street. He 1 resented F:.:;solution No. 755, entitled; ..^. H_;~~OLi'n-':'l' UF T;'-r'; CITY CO~I~Iss:ror OF T~TT~ CIT':' 0} PQZ:j:L^} r"SCL1\I, ==C T'" TO B L 'E~S ::-1' "}'T 10:, ..i..:' O} TE':" CITY CF l'C m;.' PJ' TO CT(:::A'l'T;; A SF-Sr:::rn n<Il1()\'~~t~':J.\:T ::JS'I';UCc;' Iv m~ 1'.10\:',1\ AS SFF;CJ1J., IT)} nCVSH!~NT DIST:nCT 10. 376 Ct' T~'(~~ CITY ()} 'JOi;'-'--;'!~AF ro]1, TE]: }";.u OSE 0 I ;~UI ~~T'{1: CT n:G l~' D I E:s'l' f>LLJl. U 1_ ur C ~{T:"T-S C l'HB:'; i\l.' D "JT:~l H 01.8 FAV1~MEliT 01: SO rTE EOZS1,IA:t: AV),,1TE rHO]" EGC!: STHEET TO SIGR'!' S':.' 1i:E:5"~T, n' SAID C1 TY. It W8.S "lov,'?d 1::y Cor:rrniss:i onor ErwiL~ seconded by CorlInis~:~oner lIeely, tLst the Hesolution be IDssed fnd ado:Flec end 'iiednesduy, the lO-t~b dc'y of i,~!_\,rch, 1954 be set. !U1 the de:, for Le~'rinb rrot.ests and the FlvtioL ....lE\[; cf\rried by treG fol1owhlL Aye Fn-,d to v;)te; those vo tir"L J..ye beinG l;;r:yor Lowe, Commis~; i on er ErV1.'in, (:OllUIlisslord:!r Eealy; tr,ose votjng No, nOlle. Resolution No. 756 - Intention to Cr'eute S. 1. D. No. 377 The lJ,or'FlGer stBted thHt the City Attorr.ey, as ins tru cted, has rref8red a resolution of intention to create Srecinl Improvement District. No. 377, for the I,urrose of (~onstructing and inst.alling b:ltumir:ous F'vement in the alley runninG throucl. Block}, of' AId ",rson's Accitjon to the City of DO?elr.e.n, Montana, and extendinG from Yiest Olive Street to West Bebcock Street. He presented Resolution Ko. 756, entitled:. A RESOLliT10E OF T!;:j CITY cm..l~'JS::'IC!: Of TES CITY OF "0 zepAJ m:CLARIIG 11 '1'0 BE TEE HT I:;rl IOr! O} II", C JTY 0 F BQZ~'~l.:t,}] TO CR~~Jt.TE A SfECIAL I:'IEOVSr.~NT DISTH.IC'1 TO BE KlOl\'}: AS SFBCIAL ErrhOV'2!::m~'~' L'lSTHIC':' ~O. 377 OF T}jE CITY OF B02F]I'":fJ: Fort '1'1:E F1'nrOSB OF CQ}:STRUCTHG AND TlST1J.,LJNG I: I 1'i'}: 1 NO',' S IAVEMT~K T IN TIm ALLEY RUrnW T}lR01;C;E~'LCCK A OFM,DERSON':S ADDITlOI: '1'0 THS Cl'tY OF ECZ~~:}/llr I LIQNTJ...N A, ~~ D :~T-;;;!mnJG FROL'I ViEST OLIV'_~ S TRE'.:r TO ,:jEST BABCOCK STREET, n: SAID CITY. It wes moved by Commissioner lI~ply, seconded by COlfivjssioner ~rwjr~ that the Resolution te F8ssed and adol'ted RLd Wed:nesdeJ"' the lOth de.y of' Maroh, 1954 be set as the day for Lee.rinc l-rotests and I U,e rnotion was carried by the followinG Aye [1nd No vote: those votiLg AJ1e being M[Iyor Lowe, COllwlissi0r.er t:rv,rj, n , Corru;li:::;ciemer Heal:T; those votinG 1']0' none. Resolution No. 757 - Intention to Create S. I. D. No. 378 The 1,lr;u;86er stated that U.o City Attorney, as instr'ucted, has lirepared e resolution of ir:terition to creflte Sr-ecicl Irqrovernent District l:o. 378~ for the Iurrose of constructini;; Dnd instnllinG a storm sewer system~ concretfl curts and gu t_ters, c onc re:.e curbs and bi tumir10us fvvement on North FourU, Avenue from Villard Street to Durston T{oad, or, hort): l<ifth AvenufJ frcm Lar:une Street to Durstm Road~ B:35 and on West Villard Street from }~urth Avenue to lif.th Ave~u9. l~r.~ 1 resented Resolution No. 757, enti tIed: /: f{~SOLUTION OF' TIi", C 11Y COl:IT.IISS Im~ 0 t' TE"-~ CI'IT or qJZ1;].'A~' rSCLPE.C IT TO P:C; IES H'l':~~;'l'JCli ,:)I- 'l'I:r; CITY OF BOZill.IP.N TO -GR-SAm A SIEC:U,L IMIHO.'fT']/':.:!'iT DISTltlCT TO BE Kl\OWN AS Sl~CJ:/:L Ili1ROV'i:I,!":t<T DlST}llCT 1:0.378 UF T~;T~ CITY OJ rCZ:;;T.PN lOR m:s ITRl- 8S~ OF CO.N- STR1JCTlni J!lJD H'STJ\LLn:cr A STORr" S'r~'iER SYSTEI.:, COr.CP.':~T~;; crHBS flL GlT1'S'RS, COLcr:.~TE C!RES M:r: EIT~.'k'n:or8 HVS!vf4::FT 01! rORl'H FQt'R'IT AV~:UE FROM \i2:Ll,AHl. STR:~ET TO Dl:l{STON HCAL', ON KORTH FI FT': J,VENUE FTi.O~i: LAYME S'IRgET TO Dt'RSTor ROAD, JJ.! r ONv'jEST VILLARD STREET FRm,: FOTTT\TIl AV2~n'F: TO }IFTI1 AVSIT'-;;; IN SAID CITY. I It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner HdPlJ" th8t the ResGl"tion La f8ssed end edOFted end Wednesday, the lOth of March, 19fA be set flS th'3 de.y for Le8iing [rotests and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beine:; lJf.yor Lowe, Commissioner 17 . COil@issioner Healy; tLoRe voting No, none. ;,rWln, Arpl ication for Driveway North Seventh Avenue by Union Oil Company An er.croecllment enlication from the Dr.ion Oil ComraJlY to the State Ei....;hwe.y CormnisR:ior; ane lerHj t to remove six trAes, :install two 30 ft. driveway arrr8p.ches, ar: c' Ii 1 ] the ba riCIN r i t elonL lots ')vmed by seid Cornrary frontinG on 7th Avenue at Durston Road was preser:ted. The "Tplicatiorl h<lving; been AI-'frOved by the Division EnGineer of the State HiGhway Commiss ion, it was movee by Corr,rnissLmer EeA 1" , seconded by Commissioner Erwin, thet, subject to driveway an d othF:r construction :in street aiee. beir'b made to meet Ir esent anel future requirements of the Eontane lliLhway Derartment, the 81}1:ic~tio~ and f'?-rn::it bo ar rroved and Ulf; motion wa.s ca::-ried b;y the followj nE.: Aye Fnd },0 vote: those votiYiG ,'iye bei l"":r; LJayor Lowe, Conunissioner Erwin, Commissi oner Heal;y; those votinG :No, nor: e. Traffic Cong;estior. in Church Areas The Maneger reforted that p committee from the Bozom8.n IEinisterial Aseocietion rnd the CLid of Ie-lice had met w:itL him to discuss traffic lroblems prOl;r,d the c}wrches in the [:!meral areas of I Tracy, idllson and Grand Avenues et Babcock and Olive Streets. This Cormni ttee IrO[,s es to carryon 8n educational rro....;r<;m affionl.;. church cJYJgrecatioris ~nd requests tl18t rmnovFJb] c. "l\o I'nrking" si;ns 1"8 r19ced at church entrences in the area during llours of congested traf:f:i c on Sundsys. It was moved by Commiss ioner Heft ly, seconded bJ' Comrnissioner j';rwin, tlwt tr.e :'~flllsg;er be :instructed t/' :i5sue an emert:epcy order setting uI temrorary londing zones Rt the entrehces to 8e.cL of the cf!urcLes ." in this BreB A.nd the motion was carried by tbe following; Aye end Ii 0 vote: U.ose votint; Aye being; Mayor Lowe, COliJ:lissionfJr Erwin, Commissioner Eealy; those votilig ~o, none. Bonds for City Em~loyees The City Co;.mission, l;evinc on January 20, 1954 sot a scLedule of' the amount of b':>nds to be cerried to covpr each omIloyee rositioTI in the Cit:v and the L;9Y;8.Ler }-,evinc ce<'uren qci otations i'rorr: B number of bondinG co:q"srdes whicr, were prosentod at this tim'?, it we:::,:;oved 1.oy Co:n:::issioner Ee81:\', sec::mded by CGmm:issior:er Brw:ir., that the MaTIS[;Br be AU~:~rized Bnd :ir:stiucted to J.Ie co e.n ::Jrrjer 'Nit'. j,". ~ VaI1,,,y Insurance and Eepl ty COIT'I sry for a blanket bom~ ir tliH amount of ~r2>5C(j.OC, wit! eXCQRS ixderix:j ty up to $5,000.00 on the rosit'on of Chief of folice, this blanket oor.d to be r CX.tir.LOUS form and t(;; ('over ",n IosHions of erqloyees of this city excert the follow:ir:g seven I,ositions on wUch iu~iv.i(Juf\J I bonds Dre CArried: Me-yo r, two City Commissioners, Director of Hr.ance ",nd Clerk of the City Commission, Cashier ~ Water Collector. Office Clerk &: Assistant Water Collector. ALd Ci t~' Ivlam.\[;er and the :nOU:JIi was carried by the following; Aye and Ko vote: thos e votinG Aye beir,t: LlB~rcr Low!', Cornmissi oner Erwh:, C01l111rissioYler Heely; those votirlb La, none. Offer of Setthlffient "Henry" Car Deal in tos Angeles \ Ci ty Att.orney Lovelace reAd a cormnunication from the ]a w firm in Los Aneeles rOe} re sere t ir;!; -!;he , I C it:, 0 f Boz aman in the c e r deal under whtob D. L. Henry had made a :j;;2,OCC.oO del,osi t on an orcer ! for I;) car from the Muntz Agency. The letter set forth items of counter clAim by Muntz and stated that :P50.00 is the maximum amount which tlJe:{ will l'PY in settlement. It was rnoved bJ' Commissioner '3~3f t t._ ) He81~l' secor:'dec1 by COHl.wiss ioner Erwin. that the Cit~., Attorney be authorized to Bccert this cOTrlI,romise settlement of :;.750.0C and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those vo ting Aye beinG MAyor Lowe, COIT@issioner Erwin, Commissior~er Healy; those votinG No, none. Adjournment The re being no further business to come before the Commission ot this time, it was moved by Commissioner Eealy, seconded by Conunissioner Erwin, thet the meetinG adjourn and the motion was I carried by the following Aye and 1\0 vote: those votinG Aye beinG I,1Ryor Lowe, Commissioner Erwirc end C orr:missioner Healy; those voting l~o, none. ~ Attest: - \~ ~ ,,;J.-L- chnG Clerk of the City Commission I I