HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-02-24 aa7 3;) 7. e,,:8 L, ;'~O!.i tn ne }ebruory 24, 19b4 Th8 Commission of tLe City of I3ozenf'r: !TIet :in ree:ull':r session in thE' COl:L'TJission ~oorn, City }Isll Ec;ildin.:::;,1JIIednesday afternoop, .rebruary 24, 1954 At 1:00 o'nlock I. d. l'reseYlt were I:laJ'0r Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, Conmissioner Healy, City liennger Henderson and E. Dean l:oore, ActiLG Clerk of tLc Cornrrdssi on, when tho followinZ; J..roceec.inCs were had: I I;linutes of the 18 st regular session were read, p-nd it was moved by Commissioner E:rwi:r:, seconGQd by Conuniss:i oner Healy, that the minutes be alyroved as read, and the motior. was ('3:-ri cd b;y the following Aye and No vote: those votinG Aye being Meyor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, CO!"Jniss:ioner Healy; those vat in~ 1';:). nOY,e. Relort - Sewal;;e Treatment flant OJ..,erator 1'he rej::ort of the orerator of the Sewage Treatment Flant for the month of Jenucry, l.bE4 WE.S rresented. It was moved by Co:nmissioner Erwin, secondec; b~/ Com.missi oner r:paly, thpt the r910rt be Approved end ordered filed, I'md the mot. i or: was carried by the following Aye and 1"0 vote: those votSnz Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commiss :ioner Brwin, Commissioner Egely; those votirlG No, w)ne. Al-'ril Convention -- Montana Industrial Wastes & Sewage Association and MOlitana Section, A. W. W. A. The annuel meetings of the MontanA Industrial .Wastes and SewaGe Association to be held or. Arril 22nd and of the Montena Section, A. W. W. A. to be held on April 23rd end 24th were discussed. '::he Manf\:;er ref orted on arrengements made to dete. I3;y mutual consent Commiss :ioner Brvdn fJcreed to 9 ceer t committee chairmanship to arrange for a buffet sUfper on Arril 22nd, no host lunch and converltion banquet on April 23rd, Commissioner Healy agreed to accelt the committee chairmanship on local 1 roc::rnm Rnd entertainment and Mayor Lowe agreed to consult Mrs. Lowe relative to her behl,,; cLe irman of the I Committee to arranGe the ladies' part of these meetincs. 1tes:Jlution No. 759 - Incorporation Eck Addi tior:c into the City of Bozeman This was the time end r18 ce set for public hear inG on the l-ro[osel to extend the loundaries of the City of SOZAman to im~lude the area to be knovm as Eck Addition wh:ich is described in Commission Resolutiori No. 758, dated January 27, 1954. Affidavit of :publication ann Clerk's Certi:ficP,te of I>1~dl:inc of the lIotice required h! this matter were presented. Fo written:: rotests LRvinC been filed and tLere beinG no one present to I,rotest, Resolution 1':0. 759. entitled: A ]:;;SOLTTIOl< OF TW;; Cm!IHSSIQ1.: OF THE CITY OF ElOzr;rfAJI' V,xT'.-:NDH'G TEE SOn'DF2I~S C;F' T}j;~; SAID CITY or BOZBM.AN so f\.S TO B1'i1BRACB AlII! INCLl1DB A TRACT Cl' .L11\"[ C ~::TIGrous TO THE Sf,ID CITY OF BOZErJAl~ .AND HEREIN tWRE r r\RTIC1JLAill,Y DESCHIBED WITEIN 'IE~ CJRJ01AT':: L:rI;TI'S Cr!~T~TlZOF. WP,s ;:_:resented. It was moved by Commissioner Hesly, secoL(.1cd by COI:IJTlissio:n",r "S!"win, thA;., ]-.'CCD.l1~P. t.-ht~ :3 reo ()f LLis r:'ol-,Os80 ndditior. :is onl,y arproxjm8~el:;/ .;:,5 acre, the provisions of Section II-CO2, sub- section 9, R. C. M. 1947, relative to regnirements of area to be set 98ide And d0dicaL0G. for 1 .:d: ~'Ld f'layg;r':lund pur;: oses be arid the same is hereby 0 rdered wn i ved 8nd t La t'l.e so 1 \l.t ion :::;. '( D~J j s here::j' ~lrI ruved 8nd 8.dopted ane. the motion we.$ carried by the followinG Aye 8nd I''') vote: those voting Aye beIng Ma;; or Lowe, Commissioner Erwin and Com::dssioner Healy; those votinL No, none. Zoning Regulations as Arplied to Du[lexes I Several cases have arisen where two residences }HlV~ be':)}. buil tend G8rmected to (S9r8(.es or car-ports and, .,[ter the buildings have been cotnrleted, the IToforty hDs Leey! divided throu,jc thH center ~)f tl1e so called ~nrace and sold separately. This anarently hAS been done as a ITleHnS to evade zoninc reCQ1A- tions which require side yards in residential districts for each main buildinc. FresAnt Z on:inc reC1d (1- tions state that liThe intention of these r-r'ovisions as to si de yard.." is that there sLa ,Ll be a distance of' not less thntl 16 feet sqfJratinL main buildiq;s on the lot 'width .Jirwmsion' "1.8 'Width Dimension' 5s defin8d in Section I of this Or(linance." '~lle ManaLor ws::; jj,structed tI18t, in cases where Bill:icntion is lled,:; fot, build:inG rermit PJ"ld where i~tBnt of such evasion is evident, the buiL-iine lormi t and lermjts {'or connections to sewer And 338 water should be denied. Storage end HandlinG of Liquefied Fetroleum Gases The matter of storing and handlinE liquefied retroleum gases at locations in business districts was discussed. The l,a rti cuh r I-oint in question was wLet.her or not such storage and hendliIiL for bases to be used in gas operated vehicles would be permissible. In view of the an~8rant extra hazard which would be involved iH such a:n inst811a !;ion, the Menst;sr WAS illS true ted that, on 8.ny I-rofosf'l for such storage and handlinE of rroducts ()f this nature, comr1ete rlans and sr-ecifications would be required I T;O be rresented to the City Com,,-,niss."LoL before G[[1"oY81 would be Liven and that, gS a matter of Leneral ,t:'olicy, the City CO'rl:nission does not look with favor uIon an orerstion of this kind beinG carried on witLin any business district. Claim of Levina D. Tudor for Damat;es - Injury to her Son, a Minor A communication from E. F. 3unker as attorney for Levina D. Tudor and a clAim from Lavina D. Tudor for ~2,500.00 was rresented. The bas is of tbe clGim was thf1t; JameR "(. Tudor, minor son of the claimant, suffered AL Accident at the dty's South Side I-nrk skatinc rink on January 13, 1954 pt 8:20 o'clock F. >, I" . It further stotes th8t the said James H. Tudor suffered loss of tW'J front teeth f\nd one richt Id,eral to 0 th . After full consideration of this matter, it was moved b:l COTilnissioD':~r E:oaly, seconded by Co~mjBsioner SrwinJ that the claim be disenroved and tLe mo~ion was carried by the following Aye s:nd lio vote: those votiLS AJ"B be inS lvl;:,yor Lowe, COllL"Jiss ioner Erwir, rmd Com:niss ioner Healy; those voting; >, none. j,'.0, Adjournment There being no f'urther businAss to come bef:Jre the Commission at tLis time, it was mO'Jed by Commiss loner h:3aly, seconded b)' Co(n;'~is s1 oner Erwin, that the meet~irjL adjourn And the motion vms ca.rried b;y tile following; Aye and :!<') vol:.e: thos E." voting kJe 1Jehle; Me,yor Lowe, Cormnissioner Erwin I pnd Conunissicmer Eeal;,n tLcJse votinc No, none. ~ Mayor Attest: ~ ~ C . ~ b~ Actir'i~ Clerk of i_he ity Commission I