HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-03-10 342 Bozeman, Montana Maroh 10, 1954 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, March 10, 1964 at 1100 o'clock P. M. Present were Kayor Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelaoe and the Clerk of the Commission, absent Commissioner Healy, when the following prooeedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seoonded .1 by Mayor Lowe, tia t the minutes be approved as read, and the motion was oarried by the following .Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Fublic Hearing Special Improvement District No. 374 (Arthur Street) This being the time and place set for the hearing of protests to the creation of Special Improve- ment District No. 374. paving of Arthur Street between Willson Avenue and Third Avenue. the affidavit of publication of the Notice to property owners and the Clerk's mailing certificate were presented to show that all property owners have been notified. The written protests of the owners of 62.75% of the property was presented. rroperty owners present were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. J. H. Morrow stated that, under the provisions of the law, each blook could be paved separately over the protests of all propert,y owners. He further stated that. if proceedings were stopped on creation of this district, he was serving this as notice to the City that this street is in a dangerous condition because of' "chuck holes" and improper drainage and, beo-ause of the improper drainage. the sidewalk between Willson and the alley is caused to be in a dangerous oondition from snow and ice. He stated further that the street should be re-graded and suitable gutters and ourbing installed on it. Doug Ferguson stated the drainage is not good, that drains are there, but that surfaoe water oan not get to them. I There being nothing further to be heard, it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seoonded by Kayor Lowe. the. t the protests be sustained and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Er"Win; those voting No, none. Fublic Hearing - S. I. D. No. 375 -- Faving North Willson - Mendenhall to Lamme This being the time and plaoe set for hearing of protests to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 375, paving on North Willson Avenue between Mendenhall and Lamme, the affidavit of publioa- tion of the Notice to property owners and the Cle rk' s Mailing Certifioate were presented. The written protests of 8.75% of the property owners were presented. Mr. C. W. Backlin, of the Bozeman Implement Co. stated the. t, while he or his oompany had filed no written protest, he oonsidered the estimated cost of the proposed pavement to be excessively high. He also pointed out that there should be a storm sewer in this blook to whioh they could connect their roof drain and wash rack. No other property owners were heard, and it was moved by Mayor Lowe, seconded by Commi.sioner Erwin, t het the protests be overruled as insufficient and the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and srecifioations and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the resolution to create the district and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Comndssioner Erwin; those voting No, none. I. Public Hearing - S. I. D. No. 376 -- Faving S. Bozeman - Story to Koch Street This being the time and place set for the hearing of protests to the creation of Special Improve- ~-,. ment District No. 376, paving of South Bozeman Avenue from Koch to Story Street, the affidavit of ~ublication of the Notice to Property Owners, and the Clerk's Mailing Certificate that all property owners have been notified, were presented. The written protests of owners of 67.48% of the property were presented. Mr. Elliott Thompson, property owner in this district, stated that the protests which have been filed give as a reason for their protests the fact that assessment is to be on a front foot basis and that noW it is indicated that additional owners, who might have been inoluded a48 in the district on an area basis, may come in voluntarily to share some of the cost. He req ues ted that the hearing be continued for one week until further investigation can be made. After consideration of Mr. Thompson's proposal, it was moved by COlnmissloner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the hearing be adjourned and continued at the next regular meeting and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and I Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. fublic Hearing - S. I. D. No. 378 -- faving No. 4th, North Fifth and Villard The Manager stated this was the time and place set for the hearing of protests to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 378, paving of North Fifth Avenue from Lamme Street to Durston Road; North Fourth Avenue from Villard to Durston Road and Villard Street from North Fifth to North }i'ourth Avenue. He presented the affidavit of publication of the Notice to Property Owners and the Clerk's Mailing Certificate that all property owners have been notified. The written protests of 74.47% of the property owners were presented. Property owners present stated that the Church property located in this district has a building program proposed in the near future and the church property comprises a considerable amount of property to be assessed. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, secended by Mayor Lowe, that the protests be sustained and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those TOting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Public Hearing S. I. D. No. 377 -- Faving of Alley Block A, Alderson's Addition The Manager stated this was the time and place set for hearing of protests to the creation of Special Improvement District No. 377, paving of the alley in Block A, Alderson's Addition. He presented the affidavit of publication of the Notice to property owner8 and the Clerk's Mailing '.1 Certificate that all property owners have been notified. The written protests of 20% of the property owners were presented. It was moved by Mayor Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the protests be overruled as insufficient and the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the district and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the resolution creating the district and the motion was carried by the f'ollovdng .Aye and No votes those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Service Station Addition - 803 East Main Mr. Hugo Eck presented a ground plan 01' a proposed remodeling, of the servioe station at 803 East Main and stated that the present driveways would not be enlarged. After examination of the plan, he was informed that if an application for improvement is applied for as proposed on the plan, the permit will be issued. Traffic Signal Installation Approved A communication from Mr. Bussey, Regional Manager of Crouse-Hinds Company, was read stating that, after inspection of the installation of the traffic control signals, it is his recommendation that the installation be aooepted 8S complying with the plans and speoifioations. HiS letter further states that he considers the. t this inste.lla tion has been made by the Bozeman Eleotric Company in a .1 first olass and workmanlike manner. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the installation of traffic control signals by the Bozeman Electric Company as per their contract of April 15, 1953 be accepted 8S fully completed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being l4ayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Claims for Month Claims Nos. 9018 to 9039 inclusive were presented on the various funds a8 follows: (see next page for listing) 344 General i 435.76 Water 223.81 s. D. S. Revenue 14.50 Library 12.25 Park 1.45 Garbage 5-9.40 Street 1,436.01 S. I. D. #S 70 144.64 Tot a 1 - - - 12,327.82 The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and lawful claims I against the City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be drawn for their payment. Af'te r e xamina tion of the claims in detail by the C1 ty Commission and checking against the claim register, it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the claims be approved and warrants drawn for their payment and the motion was oarried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Request for Carnival License ~ Jaycees A verbal request for a city license by the Junior Chamber of Cmronerce for a carnival to show June 21th, 28th and 29th was considered. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by ~or Lowe, that preliminary approval of the verbal application be made, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Conunissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Plan for Root Beer Stand - Block 52, West lark Addition Mr. W. D. Howells, contractor, presented a ground plan with necessary driveways for a root beer stand to be constructed on Block 52, West Park Addition. After examination of the }lan, it was moved by Mayor Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that, if application for a building permit is applied for as proposed in the plan, the building pennit be issued, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commiss ioner Erwin; those voting No, none. I Reports The following reports for the month of February, 1954 were presented: Cemetery Board Plumbing & Gas Inspector Chief of Police Building Inspector It was l1X)ved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the rel.orts be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Autilorization to Attend Highway Meeting A communication requesting attendance of' the Mayor, City Manager and Chief of Police at a Highway Safety and Finance meeting in Helena on March 22nd, 1954 was read. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that attendance at this meeting of these three officials be authorized, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commiuioner Erw in; those voting No, none. Cancellation of Bonds of Employees The blenket bond covering city employees includes the following employees who have heretofore and are now coTered by individual bonds: Lloyd Johnson, Police Judge I A. N. Haas, Chief of Folice A. W. Coleman, Flumbing Inspector J. J. Sweeney, Janitor & Jailor John McCrosson, Fire Chief It was moved by Mayor Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign cancellation agreements for the above-listed bonds, subject to the approval of the blanket bond by the City Attorney, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. He-Appraisal of Froperty to be Discussed with County Commissioners 345 The matter of inequalities in assessed val ues and need for re-appraisal of all properties in Gallatin County was discussed. The City Manager was instructed to arrange for a joint meeting of the City Commission and the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County at which the position of the City Commission as definitely favoring such a re-appraisal could be made a matter of record. Adjournment I There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Comml6s ioner Erwin, seconded by Mayor Lowe, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Attest; sCt~:"'::rl';'D I I