HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-12-23 312 Bozeman, M~ntana December 23rd, 1953 The Commi ss ion of The C 'L ty of Boz eman met in rAp;ular sess ion in the Commis.s ion Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, Der~ember 23rd, 1953, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Present were Mayor S~cor, Commissioner Lowe, Commissi<mer Erwin, City Mannger Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace, and the Clerk, when the following prodeed'ngs vvere had to-wit: Minutes of the last regular were read, and it was c:lOved by Commissloner Erwin. sec')nded by Commissioner Lowe thBt tht minutes be S oprovcd as reael, and the motim was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye be-i_ng Ma-;Tor Secor, Commiss'Lm3r Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Claim - Sewer Charge Refund - 8en North vVellace Clvim No. 13371 of Rusch's Cold Storar;e Plant, 803 North Wal18ce in the amount of ~:LtJ1.37 for refund on the sewer service charge as authorized at the meeting of December 2nd, 1953 was presented. It was moved by C lrnmis ~3i()ner Love, seconded by Commiss'toner Srwin th8t the clat, be a~nroved Dnn a warrant drawn for its payment, and the moti<Jn was carried by the follow'ne Aye Dnd No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Secor, Com- missioner Lowe and Comrnissioneri~rwin; those voting No, none. Analysis of rrraffic by StE te Highway Department A communic~' tion was rea,l fro'11 the :;tate Hlr;hway Depart;tent stating thElt after analy- sis of reports f'rom the traffic survey made in Bozeman <luring the summer of 1953, it is their recomrnendn tion tha t the traffic a t the intersection of lV!ain street and N)rth Seventh could be best handled by traffic lights because of its irregularity. They also stated thDt one-way alleys should be determined as a local pOlicy. Recommendations Bnd the pe- tition previously received for one-way alleys north and south of Main Street were di8- c us sed, and it we s moved by Commis s loner 1,0 ~Ne, s econel ed bv Commis s iJner Erwin t>w t the City Attorney prepare the necessary papers to make the first alley south of Main Street a one-way alley fro1 Bne~an Avenue to WillsJn Avenue with travel from west to east, and the first alley north of Main Street a one-way alley from Boze~an Avenue to Grand Avenue '/i th travFJl from eRst to west, end the motion was carried "oy the foll<)wlng Aye and No \to te; thos e vot ing Aye beinG Mayor Secor, Commit} s iJner Lowe and Commif} f3ioner Erwin; tho se votIng No, none. Recommendl ti'Jrl of Charnber of COlrnTIOrCe Pe: Clos Lng Streets and/or Alleys Mr. Cecil Overfelt, Frank Messner and Harry Dllntsch from the Board of Directors of the 80 e'nan Chamber of Commerce were present and stated thrt at the II' meeting held on this date, their Board went on record as opposing the clostng o~ any streets or alleys in Bozeman and partlculnrlyHayes Street, except the closing of streets Or alleys which mir:ht be in the public interest. 'rhey stated this recommendation would be put in wrtting and filed with the City of Bozeman. Petition to Close Hayes street Deferred 'rhe petition requosting the City Commission to close Hay~s Street east of Willson A'lenue pre.c1ented at the meeting of December 16th, 1953 was considered, and it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Mayor Secor th.at action on this petition be deferred, and the mo ti:m was carried by the following Aye and No 'lote; those voting Aye being Mayor Sec~r, C011llils:31)ner Lowe and Commissioner Erwi:1; tllJ)~3e voting N), none. Plat of Spieth's Sub-Division Approved A plat of Spieth's Sub-Division of a tract of ground at the corner of North 'rhird I I I I I I :313 Avenue and ]Jurston Road was presented. After vIewing the plat, it was ~oved by Commls- sioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the plat be approved and the moti:JY1 was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mavor Secor, comm1.ssi.oner Lowe and Commissioner Erwin: those voting No, none. Fire Insurance Schedule for 19511 Fire insurance sched~J.le for 199! to cover buildings owned bv the City of Bozeman was discussed, and it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, sec,)nded by Comnissioner Erwin that the City Manager be authorized to submit the schedule of values established on December 26th, 1951 to the 80 zeman Insurance AssociatiJn as a basis for establishing rates for 1951t and the motion was carried by the followtng Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Secor, Co~issloner Lowe, and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Zoning Violatio'.l -- 610 South 13th - Wm. Boundy It was reported thEt a garage on the property at ~lO South 13th Avenue and owned by William Bounny was built and does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance and does not com- ply with the application for building permit and the building permit lssue~ f0r the con- strllction of this garage. 'rhe City Commissi)n instructed the City Manager to write to Mr. Boundy and inform him that the garage must be made to comply with the Zoning Ordinance and the Building Pemit issued to him. Meeting Sponsored by State Board of Health An invitation to City Manager Henderson and Sewage Plant 0perator Anderson from the State Board of Health to participate in their monthly meeting in Helena, .fanuary 18th, 195h was read. It was ::noved by Commissioner Lowe, secJnded by Commissi:.mer Erwin that attendance at this meeting be authorized, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vottng Aye being Mayor Secor, CO'1.r.:IissLmer LO'4e and GommissLmer Erwin: those voting No, none. Adjournment 'rhere being no further business to come before the Cornmis~lim at this ticne, it was moved by Conl1nissioner Erwin, seconded bv Commissioner Lo",e that the meeting adjourn and the mo ti Xl wa s carried by the following Aye and No vote; tho se vat ing Aye be ing IVleyor Secor, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting !if), none. Atte~ ~~Qn WI1~ Mayor