HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-01-07
Bozeman, Montana
cTamJary 7, 1 ~53
The Commissi0n of the City of Bozeman met in re['"lJlar session in the ('ommission Room, Cit;v Hall
P"dldinv, 'Wednesday afternoon, ,Tanuary 7,1953 at 1:00 o'clock F. ~'. Present were lV!aynr Secor,
Commissioner LdW'A, Commissioner Erwin, Cit:v Manap'er Henderson and the Clerk when the followini\
rroC'f'edin!",s WAre h8d:
Minutes of the 1",st reR"ular session were read, and it was mov8d by Corrunissioner Erwin, seconded
by COlmnissioner Lowe, that th8 m1rllltes be approved as reAd, and +-h8 motion was carried b~r the follow-
inf; A:re Rnd No vote: those votinfj Aye beil1E~ Maynr Secor, Commissioner Lnwe, C0lJ'lTf1iss10:ner Erwin; those
votinr No, none.
Beer & Liquor ArTli cations
The followin:" af'plications for a city beer Hnd a city liquor license were presented:
Bal timore Fotel
~:tockman Bar
Crystal "Rpr
Park Bar
Top Hat
vFW Club
end the followinr: arrlications for beAr 1 icense:
Baxter Hotel
American Led on Club
Nash- Finen
A & E Market Valley Distrihutin~ Co.
7-Up Rottlin[!, Co.
Tt WRS mOV8<1. 1J:'r Cmmnissjoner Lowe, seconded by ~ommis~ioner Erwin, thAt the aI'~licatjons be
approved and tho licFJnses is sued Illld the motion was carried b~r the followinr: Aye and No vof;e: those
votinr: Aye beirl,,' Mayor Secor, Corrunissloner Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those votil1:," ,,'0, nonc.
C 1 n5 rns for the Mon th
Clel,ms Nos. 5372 to 5602 inclusive were rresentAd on the vO'lrlous funds AS follows:
Cemetery Sus!- en se
Par kinp; Meter
P. 1,. & P.
Police Reserve
SDS Revenue
W-H Tax
$ 34.30
1 , 290 .09
Tot a 1 - - - - $33,997.03
The Mani'lf'er stated he has audited these claims and finds Utem to be true and lawful claims fWBinst
the Cit.y of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be drawn for their J,ayment. Ai'ter examination elf tYe
C'lp}'lls in detail hy the rity Commission. it was moved bv Commissioner Lowe" seconded by Commissioner
1<;rwin, that the claims be aTl:TOVed and Wf1rrants drawn for their teyrnent and the 1T!oUon was CArried b:T
the followinV A,;-re and No vote: those votinp; A,;-re bein!,: M"yar Secor, rorrunissioner l,f"\we, Gocnmissianer
Erwin; those votinf" Nn, none.
I\.0} Qrts
The f'ollowint, relorts for tne month of December, 1952 were rresent8d:
:Folice .Tude:e
Cemeter:\' Roa rd
Fire Chief
end tj--'e annu,al re!-,ort of' t.he :Police .Judge.
Water Collpct0r
Sewafte Flant Clrerator
It was moved by CornlTlissionerl~rwin. seconded by CommissiClYler Lowe, that the rerorts 1>e accerd:-ed
8nd ordered filed arJd the motion wa.s carried by thA followirl{" Aye and No vote: those voUnE" Aye beinp
Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe, Comm.issioner Erwin; those vatin!,: No, none.
L06islative Matters
'rhe M8l1Sc'er stated th&t in connection wi th ['roposed lel"1 slative matters it may be necessary for
the Ujrector of hnanee and himself to .t"o to Helene in the neA.r futlJre. It was movec1 bv Cormnissioner
Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the City MflIl&i':fJr and the Director of Finance be
authorized -La ;"0 to 11eler18. in connection witl, lefJ'islatjve mAtters, and -Ll:e motion WAS cArried by
the fallowin'" J'ye and ~Io vote: those voUru" Aye beinc N'ayor Secor, Commi,ssioner Lowe, Commissioner
Erwin; those vo ti TIC': 1\'0, none.
Zoning Ordinance Violation - 317-19 West Beall
The I~arwcer adviserJ the Commission that he has been iriformed that the f'ol1r-f81nily dwelljnv
owner by Mr. Cl :vde Rushiw' locnted at 317-19 West BeAll has been occupied contrary to the notice
(iven to Mr.l:tnshin~ l)y the City Attorney in accordance with instructions from the City Commission
on April 9, 1952. The Mana[':er WAS instrtlcted to meke further ir,-vesLieation and, if the report
relative to thi s occlrpancy js found to be correct, to file a comr1aint ar::ainst Mr. RushinIT for
viol8tion of the ZoninV Ordinance.
There oeinc. no f\\rther business to \lome before the Commission at LIds time, it was moved b:v
Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner grwin, that t,he meetinr" adjourn, and the motion wes
carried by the Jollowinc Aye and No vote: those votint:: Aye being l'JIayor Secor, COllllnissioner Lowe,
and Corrnnissioner l':rwin; those votinc No, rone.
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