HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-27 t60 Bozeman. Montana August 27th. 1952 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room. City Hall Build- ing. Wednesday afternoon. August 27th. 1952. at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Present were Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe. Commissioner Erwin. City Manager Henderson and the Clerk when the following proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read. and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin. seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the minutes be approved as read. and the motion was carried by the following Aye I and No vote; those vo ting Aye being Mayor Secor. Commissioner L,owe. Commissioner Erwin; those voting No. none. Audit Report for 1951-52 Mr. C. ~. Coulston, C. F. A. presented copies of his annual audit covering the fiscal year ending June 30th. 1952 for examination and study by the City officials. He stated he could return to a later meeting to answer any questions or discuss the report. Group Medical-Hospital Insurance A report of the committee of employees appointed to make a study of a group plan for medical-hospital insuranoe for city employees was presented and read. It was the reoommendation of the Committee that the plan of the New York Life Insurance Company be accepted and the City of Bozeman enter into a contract with that company to provide such insurance. The Manager stated that in order to put such a plan into operation. an application should be made for the insurance and a premium payment made with the application. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe. seconded by Commissioner Erwin that the M~or and the Clerk of the Commission be authoriZed to sign the application for The City of Bozeman and the claim in the amount of $60.00 to cover payment to be submitted with the appl ic ation be approved and a Howed. and the motion was carried, by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Secor. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No. none. I Fetition for S.I.D. -- Sewer Line on North Seventh Avenue A petition of property owners was presented requesting that a special improvement district be created to install a sewer line in the alley between NOrth Seventh Avenue and North Fifth Avenue to serve the property from Durston Road to the City Limits. It was ,noved by Commissioner Erwin. seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare estimates of cost and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the resolution of intention to create the district and the motion waB carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Secor. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Erwin;those voting No. none. Feti tion for S. I. D. -- Water Line on North Seventh Avenue A petition ofproperty owners was presented requesting that a special improvement district be created to install a water main on North Seventh Avenue from Durston Road to Hemlock Street. It was moved by Com- missioner Lowe. seconded by Commissioner Erwin that the City Engineer prepare estimates of cost and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the resolution of intention to create the district and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Secor. Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No. none. Truck By-Pass 'Dis cussed I Approximately fifty citi;ens appeared before the Commission to discuss a possible truck route or by- pass for trucks. liter open discussion of possible routes and other phases of truck and tourist problems. a vote by showing of hands was taken on the question. "Should there be a truck route through Bozeman to divert truck travel off from Main Street provided that such a route be built wi thin the city limits. tI The vote on the question being affirmative by a large majority. Mayor Secor named the following committee to make t61 further study of the question and requested that this Committee make a report and recommendations to the City Commission not later than three weeks from this datel Howard Nelson, Chat rman Chamber of Commerce Bert Griffin Chamber of Commerce Ray Marks Trades & Labor 'Council Dean Chaffin Automotive Industry Lou Zilliox Tourist Courts I Howard Erwin City Commission George Sikonia Truckers Earl Dawes Real Estate Lester Todd Ci tizens the orgainzation of service station operators and restaurant operators each to appoint one representative on the- committee. Repairs to Spill-Way at Mystic Lake Tentative plans to go to Mystic Lake with directors of the Lake Corr~any to inspect conditions and look over needed or suggested repairs were discussed. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was move d by Commi s- ssioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the F'ollowing aye and no vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. Attest; tuck ~J~ Clerk 0 the ity Commission Mayor I I