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Ibzpm"ln, Montana
December 10, 1952
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Conni 5S irm Room. City Hall
811i I Clinl', WednesdAY afterno0n, December 10, 1952 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Secor,
romrnissi oner I,owe,. Gommissioner Erwin, Ci ty Manaf'er Fenderson, City Att0rney L(welace anti the Clerk-
when the f()llowiTIlC proceedings were had:
1 Minutes of the last ref"ular sessLm were read, and it was moveti hI' romr'1j 5si oner Erwin, seconded
by COlllmissionAr Lowe, tha t the minutes be a rrrovecl as read, and th e moti on WAS card ed by the follow-
inf~ Ave and }i 0 vo te: those vo tinr~ Aye bein,s MAyor Secor, Com~iss irmer Lowe, Commissi oner grwin;
those votin~ No, none.
Fire Insurance on City Buildings
Hal~Vllee.t of the Valle:v Insurance Agency aI-,peared before the Cornmission and stated that, without
sacrificinp: eny protection or coveraEe on fire insurence of city buHdin/;s, his 0rrardzation could
rl1rnish fi re insurRnce, th rouf'h a stock company, at e rrf'Jmiuffi of 15 to 20% savhw over the l-'remh1m now
beinp; J-aid.
At rresent, the fire insurance is purchased throllf'h the T<ozeman Insurance Association and
distrihuted to the various agencies in the city. City Attorney Lovelace advised the Gomrnis s ion that
they should not dele[ate their Ie r;islativ8 J-owers and authority to insurBnce arents to apportion the
insu ranc e.
After furthe r considerati on, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin,
that the fire insurance be continued on the present aJ-praised values on city builoinp;s, too t the City
Mana{'}~r be authorized to renew fire insurance policies expiring as of December 31, 1952 and that the
I Rozeman Insurance Associa tion be req ui red to present their proposed schedule of distribution of this
insurance to local insurance af,enc:ies for approval by the City Commission before such distribution
is mede and the motion was carried by the followin[, Aye and No vote: those votinF Aye bein~ Mayor
Secor, Commissioner Lowe, Commissi.oner Erwin; those voting No, none.
HeCOI'lmondations on Traffic Engineer
Howard Wel son and 8ert Griffin, co-chairmen of the Transportation Committee of the Bozeman Chamber
of Commerce, appeared before the Commission to present a recommendation from their Committee that
"the Cjty hire a qualified Traffic EDf~ineer to study and recom!'lend rra.~ticRl solutions to all our
traffic rroblems".
'Phese r,ent1 emen were informed that investir;ation is being carried on Qf' the possibi 1 i ty of workinr
in conjunction wi th one or more other Montana cities to secure a. Traffi c En:o~ineer on a temrorarv has is
to rio suc 11 work but that it is considered impractical and bAyond the fimmc1al cape-bili ty of a ci ty of
this size to emrloy a Traffic Engineer on B full-time basis.
Leave of Absence - Nels Nelson, Fireman
A conunur;icBtion from Dr. D. C. grler was read statin[" that because of his r-t:ysical condition,
Nel s E. Nelson, fi reman, can not carryon his work as a fireman and that he shoul d 1'0 to a drier
'I cl imate for the next few months.
A wri tten requ es t from N. E. Nelson for a leave of absence without ray, hel';inninr: on February
14, 1953, which is the end of his accumulated vacation and sick leave, and extendirl'~' to ,June 1, 1953,
was read. It was moved b;r COIlJIlissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the request be
r:rFmtecl , and all seniori ty ri[!;hts be rrotected, and the motion was CA rri ad by the follow1nf': Aye and
No vote: those votin~ Aye bejnl~ Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those votin~ No,
The followinp; retorts for the month of November, 1952 were presented:
Chief of Police Cemetery Board Sanitary Inspector
It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the reports be accepted
and ordered filed, and the motion WAS carried by the followinr Aye end No vote: those votinl~ Aye
being Mayor Secor. Commissioner Lowe. Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none.
Roof Drain at Cass Mattress Factory
The Manager reported that complaints have come to his office rer:arclini", A roof drain at the Cess
Mattress Factory which dischAr[,es water on the sidewalk And freezes making an icy cond:i tj on that is I
danr;erous. After consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commis sioner i'.:rwin,
that the City MBnap:er be instrucb3d to notify Mr. Cass to make immediate correction of this condition
on a temporary basis and to provide r'ermanent correction of it as soon as is practicable or when
weather conditions permit, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinp:
Aye beinf, Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe, Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none.
leti tion for Parking Meters
A petition of owners and occupants of properties on Main Street, between Rouse and Church Avenues.
requestinr; that one-hour parkinf~ meters be installed in this block, was presented and read. It was
moved by COInmis sioner Lowe, seconderl by COlllmiss ioner Erwin. that the Ci'ty Manarer take immediate action
to secure parking' meters, to be raid for if possible froIn revenue from tLOSA meters, for installation
in this block, and that they be installed for rerallel, "bumper to bumper" or "pa ir" parkinP::,' it bein;c
the int;entiol that this block will be used as an experimental or demonstration area to show results
whicrJ will be obtAined when all of Main StreAt is chanfed from Bnf!;le to peralle 1 ra rkinr and the motion
was carried by the followinc Aye and No vote: those vot:inU; Aye beim'. Mayor Secor. Commissioner Lowe.
Commissioner Erwin; thos e vot inK No, none.
There beinr, no further busi_ness to come bAfore the Commission at this time, it was moved by
Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, Lhat the meetin~~ adjourn, and the motion was
carried by the following A,ye and No vote: those votinc Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe,
and Commi ssioner Erwin, tho se votinr: }] 0, none.
let" qf the City Commission