HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-04-02 t17 Bozeman, Montana April 2, 1952 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in rei'ylar session in the Commission Room, City Fall Buildinr, Wednesday afternoon, April 2, 1952 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Secor, COlnmiss ioner Lowe, Coromi ss ioner Erwin. City Mana~er Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace. and the Clerk when the followinp; proceedin!"s were had: 1 Minutes of the lest regular session were reed, and it was moved bv COlmnissioner Lowe, seconded by Comm:issioner Erwin, that the minutes be a~proved as read, and the motion was carried by the follow- in,:>: Aye and NQ vote: those votinp; Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month Claims Nos. 3374 to 3570 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: Band $ 15.00 Cemetery 618.48 F'i re Relief 960.66 Garbage 1,757.16 General 13,999.30 Library 2,209.31 Park 1,744.21 Parking Meter 969.84 Folice Reserve 86.15 SDS Revenue 5.386.77 W-H Tax 1,797.60 Water 4,892.32 Tot a 1 $34.436.80 The Manager stated he has audited these claims and finds them to be true end lawful cl8.ims a~ainst the City of Pozeman and recommends that warrants be drawn fOr their payment. After examination of the I cl aims in detail by the City Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Erwirl, secorlded by Commissi oner Lowe, that the claims be 9frroved and warrants drawn for their rayment, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: tbose votinf, Aye be:\D/" Mayor SsC'or, Commjssioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. West Side Storm Sewer and Street Improvements City gnr:;ineer Waldorf discussed plans for street improvements on the west side of the City, north of College Street and west of Eil",hth Avenue. He had prepared tentative llans and cost estimace for storm sewers for this area. Other phases of improvements to these streets were discussed and it was decided that, before any proposal is presented to the owners of property in the area, preliminary plans and cost estimates should be developed on grading and I';ravelin~ or pavin~ so that information would be availa ble on the arproximate costs of complete improvements for these streets. Viola tion of Zoning Ordinarlce - Clyde M. Rushing The Manager reported that. at a hearin~ of the Board of Adjustment held January 18th, 1952. Clyde M. Rushing was denied a permit to construct basement apartments in a buildinl" at 317-19 West RealI Street. Information has now been received that Mr. Rushinr, is constructinr these apartments. The matter was considered by the City Commission. and pending a personal interview with Mr. Rushin.l!~ by a 1 representative of the City Commission. action was deferred on the matter until the next regular meeting. Sidewalks to Connect to Vv}li ttier School The new Whittier School building will be ready fOr occupancy this fall. On all east and west streets north of Lamme Street there is little or no sidewalk. The Manar,er pointed out that many children attending Whittier school will have to walk over these streets and consideration should be fiven to orderinR sidewalk to be built along all or part of them this year. Heports The following reports for the month of March. 1952 were presented: Chief of Police Fire Chief Sewage Plant Operator Li brarian 118 It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the rerorts be accepted and ordered filad and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Request for ExteIisioll of Farking Meter Area Requests for installing parking meters on streets al1d avenues adjacent to the present metered area were considered. The Commission was of the opinion that as much publicity as possible should be 1 secur~d on this matter so that the desires of owners and occupen ts of property on streets where meters might be installed and the reaction of the general public could be known before any definite plans are adopted for installing additional meters. Maintenance of Through Streets by Highway De},artment Recent announcement made in the press by the Montana State Highway Department that they would hereafter assume responsibility for maintenance of all streets which are part of theF'ederal Hi!';hway pI'imary system was discussed. The Manager reported on a telephone conference on April 1, 1952 with Troy Carmichael, State Highway Engineer. Mr. Carmichael said tllat Highway Department attorneys were workin~ up agreements to cover all details of this maintenance program. These agreements are to be sent to all cities for their consideration within a few days. Mr. Carmichael stated further the. t he had no new information on the policy of the Hir,hway Department relative to reconstruction of streets nor on the status of reconstruction plans for South Eighth Avenue. He said that he would make immediate check on this Eie:hth Avenue project end advise us wi thin a day or two on its status. He further advised that the next meetinp; of the Montana Highway Commission would be held on April 17, 1952. It was the opinion of the City Commission that, unless complete and satisfactory information on both the maintenance program and the status of the Ei~hth Avenue project has been received before that date, I the City Commission should attend the Highway Commission meeting on April 17th. Adjournment 1'here being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Comm;ssioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinr: Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe and Commis- sioner Erwin; those voting No, none. t{;t;.~ - ayor Attest: ~!~ion I