General Instructions/Information
Cash-in-lieu (“CIL”) of parkland funds are obtained during the development proposal
approval process as required by state law (MCA 76-3-621; see:
http://leg.mt.gov/bills/mca/76/3/76-3-621.htm). Funds may be used for improvements
that are included in a previously approved park master plan in any City-owned or City-
maintained park, or in association with a new or revised park master plan, with City
Commission approval. Improvements may include landscaping, irrigation, trails, benches,
play equipment, sports fields, accessibility upgrades, restrooms, picnic shelters, etc. The
proposal must demonstrate that the improvements will:
1) add to the long-term benefit of the park and surrounding properties;
2) reflect the interests of, and have the support of, adjacent property owners; and
3) comply with the existing park master plan, or if one does not exist or a new or
revised park master plan is being proposed, be consistent with the goals of the
Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails (PROST) system-wide Master Plan and
the current recreational needs of the City of Bozeman.
There is no specific “match” requirement, but community support for the proposal is
encouraged. Support may be in the form of cash match, in-kind services (design and
engineering, construction, volunteer installations, landscaping, etc.), or material donations
(trees, plants, mulch, gravel fines for trails, or play equipment items or park furnishings that
meet department standards), or a combination of the above.
Application Process
Applications may be submitted at any time, however, the entire approval process may take
eight weeks or longer if a master plan revision is necessary. The application form may be
obtained online at: http://www.bozeman.net– Go to: “Departments” – select “Parks” off of
the drop down menu associated with “Parks, Recreation and Cemetery,” the “Cash-in-lieu
Funding Request ” information can be accessed from the left menu. All applications should
include the information requested on the form. Questions may be directed to the Manager
of Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOP) Design and Development: via email
cpoissant@bozemman.net or by phone 406-582-2908. Applications will be reviewed by the
TOP Manager, the Parks and Cemetery Superintendent, and the Director of Parks and
Recreation to determine if the project meets the above criteria. Staff will work with the
applicant to prepare a presentation for the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board in order
to receive a recommendation for Commission action, including a recommendation to adopt
a revised or new park master plan, where appropriate.
The application requires submitting a project narrative and a project layout illustration or
site plan showing where the proposed items would be located. Larger projects may require
Development Committee Review if the existing park master plan needs to be modified. DRC
review requires a set of plans to be prepared by a design professional (landscape architect,
architect, or engineer) including layout of all proposed features, details (or manufacturer
cut sheets) for proposed improvements, landscaping, and irrigation as well as a cost
estimate for the project. The TOP Manager will work with applicants to assist with the
preparation and submittal of the necessary plans, which may require use of some of the
requested cash-in-lieu funds to pay for design and engineering services.
Project Design and Implementation
All CIL park development projects will be managed by the Parks Department. All
applicable City standards, policies, and procedures must be followed. In any case for which
the applicant is authorized to manage work in the park, a License Agreement with the party
performing the work must be approved by the Parks Department and City Commission to
ensure proper insurance and liability coverages are provided.
All proposed improvements become the property of the City and shall be
maintained in good condition by the entity currently responsible for maintenance of the
park in which they are installed (i.e., by the HOA or by the City). The Parks Department
reserves the right to make adjustments to the improvements for safety and security
considerations and as needed to maintain public facilities according to department
Please complete all sections of the application. Attach additional pages as necessary.
Contact the TOP Manager if you need assistance (phone: 582-2908).
Park Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Project: __________________________________________________________________________________
Location of project within the park and nearest cross-streets: ______________________________
Applicant (Organizatioin):_______________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone#: ___________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________
Mailing Address of Applicant: __________________________________________________________________
Please provide a brief description of the project. Describe existing conditions in the park,
proposed improvements, why they are needed, and a desired time frame for completion.
Additional Submittal Requirements – Attachments
1. Please provide the following:
a. Site layout drawing (site plan) with dimensions of proposed improvements at 1” =
20’ feet or larger scale as well as existing features in the area of the park.
b. Details or manufacturer cut sheets of the proposed site improvements
c. Basic cost estimate
d. Copy of the current park master plan with location of proposed features indicated.
Park master plans may be obtained from the Community Development Office (406-
582-2260). The plat for any public park may be found by clicking on “Link to Plat”
on the City’s GIS map: http://gisweb.bozeman.net/Html5Viewer/?viewer=maps
2. Describe the process utilized for obtaining public input and support for the project (HOA
meetings, neighborhood survey, etc.).
3. Describe how the project relates to the goals and stated needs of the City’s Park, Recreation,
Open Space, and Trails Plan.
4. Describe all committed match funding, in-kind services, materials donations, and volunteer
labor for the proposed project (not required for making a request).
5. Describe the development project source(s) of cash-in-lieu (if known). Call the Community
Development office for the latest information (406-582-2260) or check the City website
map for current projects: http://gis.bozeman.net/flexviewers/planning/