HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-04-30 12fi Bozeman, Montana April 30, 1952 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Wednesday afternoon, April 30, 1952 at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe, Commissioner Erwin, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace, and the Cle rk when the following: proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded I by Commissioner Erwin, that the minutes be aI-proved as read. ~ld the motion was carried by the follow- in~ Aye and No vote: those votin~ Aye bein~ Mayor Secor, Commissioner Erwin and COlmniss ioner Lowe; those votinc No, none. Licenses for Peddlers A communication from the Merchants Division of the Chamber of Connnerce was read asking the City Commission to adopt an ordinance to control and regulate peddlers within the city. A survey made by I said division of business firms in the city showed various recommendations including the following: L 1m increase in the license fee for peddlers. 2. Require the posting of a bond by feddlers. Cl Adopt a Nuisance Ordinance. oJ. 4. Adoption of the "Green River" Ordinance. Representatives of this cornmi ttee of the Chamber of Commerce have been invited to appear and discuss this matter wi th the City Commission. Sewer Rate -- Husch's - 803 North Wallace At the request of Mr. Herman Rusch, the sewer service charge for Rusch's Cold Storage, 803 North Wallace was considered. Investigation shows that water consumption at this address has freatly reduced since the removal of the Cullir;an Soft Water to another location. Mr. Rusch states that for cooling condensors and compressors, he has a well from which water is recircutated, and this water does not go I into the sanitary sewer system. The average monthly water bill for the past two years at this address is $9.52. and on this basis the sewer charge would be $7.62. It was recommended that the sewer charge be based on the average monthly water bill for two years, instead of four winter months over a three- year period. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Connnissioner Erwin, that the recommendation be apr roved and accepted, and the rate set for the sewer charge as $7.62 beginninG April 1, 1952, and continue until the next regular time for adjustinr: sewer rates, and the motion was carried b:v the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those votin~ No, none. S1-ring Clean-Up Week It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that Sprin[" Clean-Up Week be set for the week beginning May 12, 1952, and the motion was carried by the followin~ Aye and No vote: those votinr; Aye being Mayor Secor, Conunissi oner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. North Rouse Street on Urban Highway System A communication from the State Hig:hway Commiss:ion was read, stating that in order to include I North Rouse Street on the Federal Aid Urban System. it will be necessary for the City Commission to adopt a resolution asking that this be done, and deletinr: it from the Federal Aid Secondary System. It was decided that before this action is taken, further investigation should be made in order to get all the pertinent information thought necessary. Heports The reports of the police Judg,e for the months of March and April, 1952 were presented. It was moved by COIl@issioner Rrwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, t27 none. Chief of Folice Haas and Assistant Fire Chief Penttila gave a report on the Explosive Reconnaissance School which they attended in Butte, April 28, 1952. City Engineer Waldorf gave a progress report on the street improvement distdct for the south- west part of the city. Beer License - T. E. Stump I The application for a city wholesale beer license of Theodore E. Stump was presented and read. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the application be arproved and the license issued and the motion was carried by the followine; Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those votin~ No, none. Warm Water for Showers at Swimming Fool The Manager reported a very unsatisfactory condition for obtaining hot water for the showers at the swimming pool. He reported that F. J. Trunk & Son would install a heating coil in the present boiler for a net price of $500.00. After consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Coromi s s ioner Lowe, that subject to the approval of the Recreation Board the firm of F. J. Trunk & Son install such a heating coil, conciitioned on its bein~ a guaranteed job, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Secor, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those votinr, No, none. Adjournment 'rhere beinc no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the meetini!, adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye end No vote: those voting Aye beinl!; Mayor Secor, Commissioner Lowe I and Commissioner Erwin; those voting No, none. __tu,i2L Mayor Attest: ~~~ Clerk of the City Commisslon I