HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05-17 City Commission Packet Materials - A3. Spratt CUP MEMORANDUM DATE: May 30, 2017 REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Addi Jadin, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Continuance of the public hearing on application 17131, Spratt Conditional Use Permit to Allow Personal and Convenience Services in the M-1 (Light Manufacturing) Zoning District AGENDA DATE & ITEM TYPE: June 5, 2017: Action _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: Prior to the noticed public hearing on May 22, 2017, staff presented a memo to the City Commission and the applicant recommending a change to Recommended Condition of Approval No. 3 of the staff report for the aforementioned application (see attachment). The proposed change was based on a concern that condition no. 3, as written, caused a conflict with the requirements of Bozeman Municipal Code regarding timing of installation of improvements. After discussion with the applicant, the applicant requested that the public hearing be continued to allow staff to clarify the intent of Recommended Conditions of Approval, specifically condition nos. 2 and 3. Therefore, at the public hearing, the City Commission voted unanimously to continue the item to June 5, 2017. After further discussion including staff from the City of Bozeman Engineering and Community Development Departments, the conditions as originally written in the staff report have been determined to meet the intent of Section 38.19.110.E.3. and to be in compliance with Bozeman Municipal Code. Attachment: Change of Condition Memo dated May 22, 2017 345 MEMORANDUM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO: City Commission FROM: ADDI JADIN, ASSOCIATE PLANNER RE: CORRECTION TO CUP CONDITION OF APPROVAL #3, 17131 STAFF REPORT FOR SPRATT OFFICE BUILDING DATE: May 22, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Existing Condition #3 on page 6 of staff report (page 196 of Commission Packet) If the special improvement district to upgrade Manley Road to a City Standard Collector Street is not approved prior to the occupancy request, the asphalt path adjacent to the property along Manley Road must be replaced by the applicants with a concrete surface per the City of Bozeman Concrete Class 1 Trail per standard drawing 02529-17 or applicants must provide financial guarantee of improvements through an approved improvements agreement meeting the requirements of Bozeman Municipal Code. Proposed Condition #3: Prior to occupancy, the asphalt path adjacent to the property along Manley Road must be replaced with a concrete surface per the City of Bozeman Concrete Class 1 Trail per standard drawing 02529-17 346 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 1 of 17 17131, Staff Report for Spratt Office Building Personal and Convenience Services – Conditional Use Permit Date: City Commission Public Hearing May 22, 2017 Project Description: A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow personal and convenience services in a new office building in the M-1 (light manufacturing) zoning district. Project Location: The property is described as Lot 3A, Block 2 of Gallatin Park Subdivision, Section 36, Township One South (T01S), Range Five East (R05E), P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana and addressed as 304 Gallatin Park Drive. Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17131 and move to approve the conditional use permit with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Report Date: May 11, 2017 Staff Contact: Addi Jadin, Associate Planner Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues There are no unresolved issues. Project Summary This is a proposal for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for “personal and convenience services” within the M-1 light manufacturing zoning district in a new 25,423 square-foot, 3-story commercial building on a 2-acre lot. Personal and convenience services is defined as “businesses offering services such as barbershops, beauty shops, tailors, shoe repair, tattooing, massage, laundromats, laundry and dry cleaning pickup and delivery stations, and similar uses. Some production of finished goods may occur as an activity accessory to the delivery of services.” Application #17131 was submitted by applicant and owner, Cynthia Spratt, 3604 Good Medicine Way, and representative, Greg Stagg, 1010 O’Connell Drive. An approved CUP is required for personal and convenience services within the M-1 zoning district. The property is designated in the community growth policy as Industrial. The applicants have also submitted Site Plan application #17130. 347 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 2 of 17 The Development Review Committee reviewed the CUP application on April 19 and May 10, 2017 and recommends approval with staff conditions. No public comment has been received on the application. Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the recommended conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non-compliance with the applicable CUP criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to Staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. 348 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 3 of 17 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................. 1 Project Summary ............................................................................................................... 1 Alternatives ........................................................................................................................ 2 SECTION 1 – MAP SERIES ....................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 2 – REQUESTED RELAXATION / DEVIATIONS / VARIANCES ............................ 6 SECTION 3 – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL .............................................. 6 SECTION 4 – CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROVISIONS OF THE BMC ............................... 7 SECTION 5 – CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS ........................... 8 SECTION 6 – RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ................................................ 8 SECTION 7 – STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS .................................................................... 8 Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. ............................................ 8 Applicable Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC ........... 13 APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY ........................................ 15 APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND ......................... 16 APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ........................................................... 16 APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF .................................... 17 FISCAL EFFECTS .................................................................................................................... 17 ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 17 349 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 4 of 17 SECTION 1 – MAP SERIES FIGURE 1 - ZONING 350 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 5 of 17 FIGURE 2 - FUTURE LAND USE 351 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 6 of 17 FIGURE 3 - SUBJECT SITE PLAN SECTION 2 – REQUESTED RELAXATION / DEVIATIONS / VARIANCES No relaxations/deviations or variances have been requested as part of this application. SECTION 3 – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, do not in any way create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 2. The intersection of Manley Road and Griffin Drive must be upgraded to level of service C or better or a waiver must be approved meeting the criteria of Section 38.24.060.B.4.b of Bozeman Municipal Code prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. If the special improvement district to upgrade Manley Road to a City Standard Collector Street is not approved prior to the occupancy request, the asphalt path adjacent to the property along Manley Road must be replaced by the applicants with a concrete surface per the City of Bozeman Concrete Class 1 Trail per standard drawing 02529-17 or applicants must provide financial guarantee of improvements Project Location 352 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 7 of 17 through an approved improvements agreement meeting the requirements of Bozeman Municipal Code. 4. Any expansion of this use or facility is not permitted unless reviewed and approved as required under the applicable regulations of the Bozeman Municipal Code. SECTION 4 – CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROVISIONS OF THE BMC A. Section 38.19.110.F BMC states that the right to a conditional use permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the Conditional Use Permit procedure. All special conditions and code provisions shall constitute restrictions running with the land, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing by the applicant prior to commencement of the use and shall be recorded as such with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s Office by the property owner prior to the final site plan approval or commencement of the use. All of the conditions and code provisions specifically stated under any conditional use listed in this title shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successor or assigns. This is a required final step in the CUP process. The City will provide the document to record. B. Sections 38.19.110.I and 38.34.160 BMC describe the process for termination/revocation of a conditional use permit approval: 1. Conditional use permits are approved based on an analysis of current local circumstances and regulatory requirements. Over time these things may change and the use may no longer be appropriate to a location. A conditional use permit will be considered as terminated and of no further effect if: a. After having been commenced, the approved use is not actively conducted on the site for a period of two continuous calendar years; b. Final zoning approval to reuse the property for another principal or conditional use is granted; c. The use or development of the site is not begun within the time limits of the final site plan approval in 38.19.120 2. A conditional use which has terminated may be reestablished on a site by either, the review and approval of a new conditional use permit application, or a determination by the planning director that the local circumstances and regulatory requirements are essentially the same as at the time of the original approval. A denial of renewal by the planning director may not be appealed. If the planning director determines that the conditional use permit may be renewed on a site then any conditions of approval of the original conditional use permit are also renewed. 3. If activity begins for which a conditional use permit has been given final approval, all activities must comply with any conditions of approval or code 353 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 8 of 17 requirements. Should there be a failure to maintain compliance the city may revoke the approval through the procedures outlined in Section 38.34.160. SECTION 5 – CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS None identified. SECTION 6 – RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Project: Spratt Office Building Personal and Convenience Services – CUP Application: 17131 The Development Review Committee reviewed the CUP application on April 19 and May 10, 2017. The DRC found the application to be sufficient for review and made a motion to recommend approval of the CUP with the staff conditions. The City Commission will consider the proposal on May 22, 2017. The City Commission public hearing will occur at 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT, in the City Commission room at 6 p.m. SECTION 7 – STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis in this report is a summary of the completed review. Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.19.100, BMC. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, do not in any way create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1. Conformance to and consistency with the City’s adopted growth policy The property is located in the M-1 light manufacturing zoning district and is designated as industrial in the Growth Policy. As stated in the Growth Policy, the industrial classification: …provides areas for the uses which support an urban environment such as manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation hubs. Development within these areas is intensive and is connected to significant transportation corridors. In order to protect the economic base and necessary services represented by industrial uses, uses which would be detrimentally impacted 354 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 9 of 17 by industrial activities are discouraged. Although use in these areas is intensive, these areas are part of the larger community and shall meet basic standards for landscaping and other site design issues and be integrated with the larger community. In some circumstances, uses other than those typically considered industrial have been historically present in areas which were given an industrial designation in this growth policy. Careful consideration must be given to public policies to allow these mixed uses to coexist in harmony. Adjoining properties are industrial to the north and south, administrative/professional to the west, and the East Gallatin Recreation Area is located across Manly Road to the east. All adjoining private properties are planned for industrial uses. The property is within the City’s municipal service area and otherwise complies with the goals and objectives of the growth policy. No conflicts between the proposed use and the growth policy have been identified. For more detailed information on the growth policy designation please see Appendix A. 2. Conformance to this chapter, including the cessation of any current violations The project, if approved, will conform to the Bozeman Municipal Code. There are no documented violations of the BMC for this property. 3. Conformance with all other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations Plans will be evaluated for consistency and against the requirements of the International Building Code (IBC) at the time a building permit application is submitted. 4. Relationship of site plan elements to conditions both on and off the property, including: a. Compatibility with, and sensitivity to, the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods and other approved development relative to architectural design, building mass and height, neighborhood identity, landscaping, historical character, orientation of buildings on the site and visual integration; The proposed building and site layout is intended to be a transition point between the rural residential uses of the County to the north, the mixed-use/light industrial uses within the Gallatin Park Subdivision and the parkland to the east. The building is located at the corner of the industrial subdivision adjacent to the East Gallatin Recreation Area’s pond and beach area. Because of the openness of the public park in this area, the building is highly visible from within the park and from a nearby residential subdivision to the east. However, the building incorporates several design 355 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 10 of 17 features to provide compatibility with, and sensitivity to, the immediate environment of the site and adjacent neighborhoods. The building features 2 wings that are interrupted at their vertex by a silo-shaped tower serving as the main entry and café area on the ground floor and providing circulation to the 2nd and 3rd floors. At the silo, the southern wing of the building slants away from Manley Road, further breaking up the perceived mass of the structure from the east. The gabled roof with dormer windows helps reduce the bulk of the 3rd story. Architectural details such as ornamental trim and windows establish a pattern and rhythm on exterior walls and the building employs a change in roof height and form over the café area to mitigate the building’s scale. Furthermore, the building provides an entrance through the café patio area to provide an amenity for park and trail users. 5. The impact of the proposal on the existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions The property is within ½ mile from the intersection of Manley Road and Griffin Drive which is operating at a level of service (LOS) “D”. The applicants have applied for a waiver from the LOS requirements of Section 38.24.060 but because the right-of-way necessary for the required intersection improvements have not been obtained, the waiver cannot be approved. Either the waiver must be approved or the intersection must be upgraded prior to issuance of a building permit. The application provides ample parking for the proposed uses, as follows: Retail stores & services 37.61 Offices 17.32 Restaurants, Cafes 14.62 Basement Storage 6.93 Total Required: Provided: 76.48 (76) 76 (4 ADA) 6. Pedestrian and vehicular ingress, egress and circulation The Bozeman Design Objectives Plan calls for a linkage of various functions and spaces on site with pedestrian ways to link in a coordinate system. The building provides a pedestrian pathway from the patio area to the existing trail along Manley Road. During DRC review, City Engineering noted that the asphalt path adjacent to the property on Manley Road has severely deteriorated and a condition of approval requires that the trail be upgraded prior to receiving an occupancy permit. 356 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 11 of 17 For vehicles, as previously noted, the site plan denotes ingress/egress to the site from Gallatin Valley Drive and the existing alley that abuts the property on the southwest corner. There is a shared reciprocal access easements for this alley that was established to serve this part of the Gallatin Park Subdivision. The applicants requested and were approved for a modification of property access standards as allowed in Section 38.24.090.H.3 of Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) to allow the access onto Gallatin Valley Drive to be nearer than the required 40 feet to the access of a property within the same subdivision. An acceptable bicycle rack is shown to be provided off the southwest corner of the building in accordance with Section 18.46.040.E. 7. Landscaping, including the enhancement of buildings, the appearance of vehicular use, open space, and pedestrian areas, and the preservation or replacement of natural vegetation The landscape design is required to meet the standard of 15 points (M-1 zoning without residential adjacency). The proposed landscaping plan demonstrates that 17 points are met and details the plants utilized to achieve the required number of points. The required street (boulevard) trees and parking lot landscaping are also shown to be provided. 8. Open space Exclusive of required yard setbacks and interior parking lot setbacks for this site plan, open space was provided for the Gallatin Park Subdivision as part of the subdivision and PUD approval. 9. Building location and height The proposed building’s silo-like circulation and restaurant area is 27 feet from Manley Road at it’s nearest point (20 foot front setback required). The façade of the north wing is set back nearly 36-1/2 feet and the south wing slants away from Manley Road being no closer than 50 feet. The mechanical equipment and garbage enclosure are located internally to the site and will be screened to mitigate view from the property to the south. The maximum building height allowed in the M-1 District is 45 feet. The applicant’s proposed building height is 45 feet with the silo’s domed rotunda roof extending slightly above as allowed in Section 38.21.060. 10. Setbacks The required and provided setbacks for this project are as follows: Structures 357 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 12 of 17 Front – 20 feet required; 27 feet provided along Manley Road and 20 feet provided along Gallatin Park Drive (patio area extends to setback at one point and radiates away along southeast side of silo). Rear – 3 feet required; over 250 feet provided Side – 3 feet required; 10 feet provided Parking and loading areas Front – 20 feet required; no parking is provide along Manley Road and parking is setback 20 feet from Gallatin Park Drive. Side and Rear – Zero feet required; zero feet provided along south property line, approximately 15 feet provided along west property line and parking is approximately 50 feet from the rear property line. 11. Lighting Lighting proposed with the Site Plan application conforms to code requirements to protect dark skies and neighborhood character. 12. Provisions for utilities, including efficient public services and facilities Adequate provisions for utilities were ensured during the DRC site plan review. 13. Site surface drainage Engineering reviewed and approved the site surface draining during the DRC review process. 14. Loading and unloading areas No formal loading and unloading area is required or proposed for the property. 15. Grading A grading and drainage plan was reviewed and approved by the City Engineering Department during the DRC review process. 16. Signage No signage is proposed with this application. The applicant is aware of the requirement for a sign permit to be reviewed and approved by the City. 17. Screening Adequate screening is provided for the ground-mounted mechanical equipment on the southwest corner of the building. 358 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 13 of 17 18. Overlay district provisions The property is not located in an overlay district. 19. Other related matters, including relevant comment from affected parties No public comment was received with regard to this project as of the writing of this report. If public comment is received prior to the City Commission public hearing, it will be forwarded to the City Commission members 20. If the development includes multiple lots that are interdependent for circulation or other means of addressing requirement of this title, whether the lots are either: a. Configured so that the sale of individual lots will not alter the approved configuration or use of the property or cause the development to become nonconforming; or b. The subject of reciprocal and perpetual easements or other agreements to which the City is a party so that the sale of individual lots will not cause one or more elements of the development to become nonconforming The reciprocal easement for the Alley that serves this lot and others on the south end of the Gallatin Park Subdivision is already in place. 21. Compliance with Article 43 of Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code Not applicable. 22. Phasing of development The application does not include phasing. Applicable Conditional Use Permit Review Criteria, Section 38.19.110, BMC E. In addition to the review criteria of Section 38.19.100, the review authority shall, in approving a conditional use permit, determine favorably as follows: 1. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading and landscaping are adequate to properly relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity; Staff finds the site adequate to accommodate the use proposed. Ample parking has been provided onsite to accommodate the proposed personal and convenience services. In meeting these parking requirements, the building may be converted to light manufacturing if demand changes in the future. The building leaves ample setbacks—going beyond what is required but providing pedestrian-scale interest—and the area 359 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 14 of 17 left undeveloped is provided along the street front so that parking can be internal to the lot. The building design employs many architectural features to property relate to adjacent land uses. 2. That the proposed use will have no material adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof; Staff finds the use of the building for personal and convenience services will not have any material adverse effect upon the abutting properties with the recommended conditions of approval as identified in Section 3. With the Community Development recommended conditions of approval and required code provisions, the application complies with the Unified Development Code. There is adequate parking, pedestrian access, capacity for trash disposal and municipal service to serve the proposed use. 3. That any additional conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: a. Regulation of use; b. Special yards, spaces and buffers; c. Special fences, solid fences and walls; d. Surfacing of parking areas; e. Requiring street, service road or alley dedications and improvements or appropriate bonds; f. Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress; g. Regulation of signs; h. Requiring maintenance of the grounds; i. Regulation of noise, vibrations and odors; j. Regulation of hours for certain activities; k. Time period within which the proposed use shall be developed; l. Duration of use; m. Requiring the dedication of access rights; and n. Other such conditions as will make possible the development of the City in an orderly and efficient manner. 360 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 15 of 17 Staff finds the proposed use in conformance to these criteria. Staff does not find it necessary to impose additional conditions specific to this particular property. Staff has identified, through the review process, recommended project conditions that are included to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare. Please see the recommended Conditions of Approval and findings within this report. F. In addition to all other conditions, the following general requirements apply to every conditional use permit granted: 1. That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure; and 2. That all of the conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing, and shall be recorded as such with the County Clerk and Recorder's Office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final plan approval or commencement of the conditional use. The necessary recording of documents will be addressed as part of the final site plan process and will be required prior to approval of the final site plan. The necessary recording of documents must be addressed prior to occupancy of the tenant space. A document to be recorded will be provided by the City following preliminary approval. Code Provision A is cited in Section 4 of this report as relates to Conditional Use Permit approval. APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses The property is located in the M-1 light manufacturing zoning district, which has the intent “to provide for the community's needs for wholesale trade, storage and warehousing, trucking and transportation terminals, light manufacturing and similar activities. The district should be oriented to major transportation facilities yet arranged to minimize adverse effects on residential development, therefore, some type of screening may be necessary.” Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Industrial” in the Bozeman Community Plan. The industrial classification provides areas for the uses which support an urban environment such as manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation hubs. Development within these areas is intensive and is connected to significant transportation corridors. In order to protect the economic base and necessary services represented by industrial uses, uses which would be detrimentally impacted by industrial activities are discouraged. Although use in these areas is 361 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 16 of 17 intensive, these areas are part of the larger community and shall meet basic standards for landscaping and other site design issues and be integrated with the larger community. In some circumstances, uses other than those typically considered industrial have been historically present in areas which were given an industrial designation in this growth policy. Careful consideration must be given to public policies to allow these mixed uses to coexist in harmony. APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description: An application was submitted to the Department of Community Development on March 22, 2017. The application requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow personal and convenience services in the M-1 light industrial zoning district. The proposed location is 304 Gallatin Park Drive, across from the East Gallatin Recreation Area. The property is described as Lot 3A, Block 2 of Gallatin Park Subdivision, Section 36, Township One South (T01S), Range Five East (R05E), P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The Gallatin Park Subdivision includes a variety of light manufacturing and office uses. Parking is detailed in this report under Section 7, item 5. to meet the following intended uses described in the application which include individually rented salon and spa suites on the first and second floors, a first floor coffee/sandwich shop with patio facing the East Gallatin Recreation Area, and a third floor intended for office space. No deviations or variances are requested with this application. The conditions of approval must be signed and recorded and must be submitted to the Department of Community Development prior to occupancy. At its May 10, 2017 meeting, the Development Review Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the CUP application with the recommended conditions identified in this report. APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Noticing was provided pursuant to Section 38.40.030, BMC. Notice was sent to property owners within 200 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property via USPS first class mail at least 15 and not more than 45 days prior to the expected decision by the City Commission. Notice was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on April 30 and May 7, 2017. Notice was posted on site on April 28, 2017. No public comment has been received for this application. If public comment is received prior to the City Commission public hearing, it will be forwarded to the City Commission members. 362 17131 Staff Report for Spratt Office Building - CUP Page 17 of 17 APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Property Owner and Applicant: Cynthia Spratt, 3604 Good Medicine Way, Bozeman, MT 59715 Representative: Greg Stagg, 1010 O’Connell Dr, Bozeman, MT 59715 Report By: Addi K. Jadin, Associate Planner FISCAL EFFECTS No unusual fiscal effects have been identified. ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. Application Materials 363 364 365 366 CUP Conditional Use Permit Required Materials CUP Page 1 of 2 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, N1, SP and SP1 (if new construction) Recommended Forms: Required Forms: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED MATERIALS APPLICATION SETS 3 total sets are required that include 1 copy of every item below bound or folded into 8½ x 11 or 8½ x 14 sets Complete and signed development review application form A1 Plan sets that include all conditional use permit checklist items below unless otherwise provided in another application type Only If new building construction, plan sets that include all required items listed on the site plan checklist forms SP and SP1 Standard application sets required plan sizes: 2 sets that include full size 24 x 36 inch plans 1set that include 11 x 17 inch plans 2-digital versions of all materials (JPEG or PDF) on separate CD-ROMs or USB drives. Individual files must be provided at 5MB or less in size. Files shall be named according to naming protocol. Notes: All plans must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½ x 11 inches or larger than 24 x 36 inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Plans that are rolled or not bound into sets will not be accepted. NOTICING MATERIALS Completed and signed property adjoiners certificate form N1and materials APPLICATION FEE Base fee $1,508 Additional application fees may apply if new construction. Application types and fees are cumulative. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 1. Project Narrative providing a thorough description of what uses are being proposed and how they will function on the site and including detailed responses to the following: a. Response to the requirement that requires that the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and topography to accommodate such use, and all yards, spaces walls and fences, parking loading and landscaping are adequate to property relate such use with the land and uses in the vicinity; b. Response to the requirement that the proposed use will have not materials adverse effect upon the abutting property. Persons objecting to the recommendations of review bodies carry the burden of proof; and c. Response to the requirement of any special conditions of approval necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare 2. Location/vicinity map, including area within one-half mile of the site 3. Site plan with north arrow showing property dimensions, location of buildings, parking, driveways, off street loading, landscaping, location of utilities, access, pedestrian facilities, and use location. Suggested scale of 1 inch to 20 feet, but not less than 1 inch to 100 feet. 4. Floor plans showing floor layout including square footage and proposed use for each room and area within the building. Suggested scale of ¼ to one foot. 5. For alcohol production sales and serving and gaming uses the floor plan shall show complete floor layout of restaurant with production/manufacturing/kitchen uses, gaming area and restaurant serving areas (seating) by location and square footage 6. Parking calculations for all uses, including detailed calculations of deductions, if proposed 367 Conditional Use Permit Required Materials CUP Page 2 of 2 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, N1, SP and SP1 (if new construction) Recommended Forms: Required Forms: CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net 368 369 370 Conditional Use Permit Checklist 1. Project Narrative: A three story building. The first floor will consist of 20 individually rented salon and spa suites, which may include a mixture of estheticians, nail technicians, hairdressers, and masseuses. The center portion of the first floor is a speculative coffee/ sandwich shop, overlooking the lake, with a patio out to the lawn. The second floor will duplicate the salon and spa suites on the first floor. The third floor will be all speculative general office space. a.) The building will meet city code requirements, in size and height. The building is architecturally designed to fit the topography and size of the lot with a design intent to capture the views of the Bridger Mountains and adjacent lake. The building is striking and brings old world design and classic style to the area. Views from the park across the water and the Sunfish subdivision homes will be enhanced by the building, as it will block the view of the congested properties of the industrial area situated between N 7th and the railroad. Our plan is to provide an opportunity for salon and spa professionals to service our community and work in this rapidly developing part of Bozeman. Currently, there is a similar salon and spa space in more of the southwest area of the city that is full and has a waiting list. Our market research over the past year and the market research of our marketing company, Classic Ink, has guided us into determining the appropriate sized building and required work space needed for each salon and spa tenant. We have also spent the last year studying the demographics of salon and spa professionals and we have determined that our 40 spaces will be supported by the over 1500 salon and spa licensees in the Gallatin Valley. Along with this use, we are providing the potential for a modest sized coffee/sandwich shop, which by drawing patrons will help support the salon business. It will also support the myriad of other businesses, the nearby residences and even the recreationalists making use of the East Gallatin Recreation Area. Neighborhood patrons will be able to walk to our building and utilize the services, with easy access off Manley Road and the surrounding trail system. These businesses will provide an excellent amenity to the city, and in particular those people living and working in the northern side of Bozeman. This lot has a professionally landscaped plan. We are creating an attractive “park like” setting between the building and Manley Rd. The building is situated away from Manley Rd., more than minimum setbacks, to create this space. The space will include flower beds, blooming trees and a patio leading out to the lawn. A walking trail will connect from the patio to the sidewalk. The building is lovely, softening the industrial feel of the area. Our dumpster area will be secluded and unobtrusive to public view. The dumpster and chillers will be surrounded by attractive fences. Sufficient off street parking is provided - see calculations. With the use of this space not being industrial in nature, a loading area is not required. b.) The parking lot will meet city expectations to accommodate all required parking - refer to attached site plan and parking calculations. Neighboring properties will not be encroached upon by our parking lot due to the use of curbs. Our parking lot is convenient to our own building and we have no concern that other nearby parking lots would be more conducive to use by our clients than our own parking; therefore, unlikely overflow would be to Gallatin Park Drive. 371 We have spoken to the director of Reach, on the west property boundary, to discuss the possibility of a shared access agreement. He stated he would not make use of a driveway there and wants it to be exclusively green space on his lot. He voiced no concerns about the driveway along the common property boundary, as drawn on our site plan. We’ve considered possible concerns that neighboring property owners may have. One concern may be the generation of more traffic in the area. This concern is being remedied by the already scheduled upgrading of the Griffin Dr. and Manley Rd. intersection and the future SIP of Manley Rd. all the way to to the county line. This plan includes parking on both sides of Manley Rd, a center turning lane, sidewalks and bike lanes. Our project did not initiate these changes. Neighbors may also be concerned about hours of operation. Normal hours of operation would be 8-6 with professionals occasionally working later. With our use not being light industrial in nature, our noise impact will be negligible. The only noise generated would be the occasional car entering or leaving the parking lot. We hope the neighbors will be pleased with the esthetic beauty of our building and the quiet businesses that will reside there. Development will continue in the subdivision, and considering its’ M-1 zoning, that development could instead be of the noisy and unattractive variety. As we’ve been around the city obtaining bids and speaking to service professionals in the business, we are continually encouraged by the excited and positive comments on our building style. We feel that the beauty and use of the building is a benefit to the neighboring community and visitors and are hopeful they will feel the same. Overall, Gallatin Park Subdivision and the nearby area has a myriad of businesses. There is not one overriding type of business, but a very large variety. There is general office space, a vet clinic, a wine distributor, a sign manufacturing business, other light manufacturing, a restoration business, a financial services business, Reach, a cleaning business, an HVAC sales business and HVAC service business, medical supply ditribution business and a brewery just up the road. Our business will flow with the nature of the area, enhancing the variety and bringing entrepreneurial job opportunity to Bozeman. c.) Our use of space is a salon and spa service business. We do not forsee any condition that could be placed on this project per Section 38.19.110.E.3. This includes no special conditions regarding approval necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. 372 SP Site Plan Required Materials SP Page 1 of 1 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1, N1 Recommended Forms: Presentation of submitted plans and specifications SITE PLAN REQUIRED MATERIALS APPLICATION SETS 3 total sets are required that include 1 copy of every item below bound or folded into 8½ x 11 or 8½ x 14 sets. Complete and signed development review application form A1. Plan sets that include all required items listed on the site plan checklist form SP1. If demolition, checklist items in form DEM Standard application sets required plan sizes: 2 sets that include full size 24 x 36 inch plans 1 set that include 11 x 17 inch plans 2-digital versions of all materials (JPEG or PDF) on separate CD-ROMs or USB drives. Individual files must be provided at 5MB or less in size. Files shall be named according to naming protocol. Notes: All plans must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½ x 11 inches or larger than 24 x 36 inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Plans that are rolled or not bound into sets will not be accepted. NOTICING MATERIALS Completed and signed property adjoiners certificate form N1 and materials. APPLICATION FEE Base fee $2,155 If includes dwellings add: $118 per dwelling unit If includes nonresidential uses add: $542 per 1000 square feet of nonresidential gross building area up to 30,000 square feet. $255 per 1000 square feet of non residential gross building area over initial 30,000 square feet unless proposed building is four or more stories. If the proposed building is four or more stories in height, use $102 per 1000 square feet of nonresidential gross building area over initial 30,000 square feet. If deviation add: $221 per deviation Application types and fees are cumulative. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net 373 374 SP Site Plan Required Materials SP Page 1 of 1 Revision Date 1-05-16 Required Forms: A1, SP1, N1 Recommended Forms: Presentation of submitted plans and specifications SITE PLAN REQUIRED MATERIALS APPLICATION SETS 3 total sets are required that include 1 copy of every item below bound or folded into 8½ x 11 or 8½ x 14 sets. Complete and signed development review application form A1. Plan sets that include all required items listed on the site plan checklist form SP1. If demolition, checklist items in form DEM Standard application sets required plan sizes: 2 sets that include full size 24 x 36 inch plans 1 set that include 11 x 17 inch plans 2-digital versions of all materials (JPEG or PDF) on separate CD-ROMs or USB drives. Individual files must be provided at 5MB or less in size. Files shall be named according to naming protocol. Notes: All plans must be drawn to scale on paper not smaller than 8½ x 11 inches or larger than 24 x 36 inches. The name of the project must be shown on the cover sheet of the plans. If 3-ring binders will be used, they must include a table of contents and tabbed dividers between sections. Plans that are rolled or not bound into sets will not be accepted. NOTICING MATERIALS Completed and signed property adjoiners certificate form N1 and materials. APPLICATION FEE Base fee $2,155 If includes dwellings add: $118 per dwelling unit If includes nonresidential uses add: $542 per 1000 square feet of nonresidential gross building area up to 30,000 square feet. $255 per 1000 square feet of non residential gross building area over initial 30,000 square feet unless proposed building is four or more stories. If the proposed building is four or more stories in height, use $102 per 1000 square feet of nonresidential gross building area over initial 30,000 square feet. If deviation add: $221 per deviation Application types and fees are cumulative. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street 59715 (FED EX and UPS Only) PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 1.4 1.41.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.20.2 0.20.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 23.428.323.7 1/4"C, 3#81#10 GND4MB-20,22,24SERVICEDISCONNECTSWITCHNWE PADMOUNTEDTRANSFORMERNWE METERCT CABINET31POLE BASEDIAMETERPROJECT ANCHOR BOLTS ABOVE TOP OFBASE. PROVIDE DOUBLE NUTS FORLEVELING UNIT (ONE ABOVE AND ONEBELOW BASE FLANGE). GROUT VOIDBETWEEN BASE FLANGE AND TOP OFCONCRETE. HAND FINISH. TEMPLATE TOBE FURNISHED BY POLE MANUFACTURER.REINFORCEDCONCRETE BASE, BYELECTRICALCONTRACTORSEE SITE PLANFOR BRANCHCIRCUIT WIRINGEDGE OFCURB ORPAVED AREAEDGE OF SIDEWALKBASE COVER#3 TIES"B"1 1/2" MIN. FINISH GROUT45 DEGREE CHAMFERBUSH CONDUIT ENDSFINISHEDGRADE LINEANCHOR BOLTS TO BEFURNISHED BY POLEMANUFACTURERHAND HOLEPROVIDE FUSE(S) IN CIRCUIT TOBALLAST. FUSE SIZE AS REQUIREDBY LUMINAIRE MANUFACTURER1'-7" LAP3"CLRVERTICAL BARS#3 TIES @12"POLEHEIGHT20' OR LESS30' OR LESS40' OR LESSPOLE BASEDIAMETERVERTICALBARSDEPTH BELOW GRADEUNRESTRAINED"A" "B" "C1""20" 5-#5 6'-0""24" 6-#6 7'-0""30" 8-#6 9'-0"18" MIN"C1"MIN3"6"MIN36" MIN12" MIN2"1 1/2"UNRESTRAINED AT BASENO RIGID SURFACE AT GROUNDLINESTUB SEPARATE 1"CONDUIT FORSECURITY. EXTENDTO PULLBOX. PROVIDESTUB OUT WHEN NOCAMERA EXISTS."A"GENERAL NOTES#SHEET WORK NOTESA.B.COMPLY WITH 2014 NEC AND APPLICABLE CODES/STANDARDS.SHARED NEUTRALS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR SINGLE PHASE BRANCHCIRCUITS. 1/4"C, 2#8, 1#10 GND. BURY MINIMUM 24" BELOW GRADE.ROUTE CIRCUIT THROUGH LIGHTING TIME CLOCK.PROVIDE (2) 2" CONDUITS TO TELEPHONE BOARD IN BASEMENT.TERMINATE AS DIRECTED BY TELCO AND CATV COMPANY.VERIFY CONDUIT/CONDUCTOR/CIRCUIT BREAKER SIZE WITH WELLPUMP PROVIDER PRIOR INSTALLATION.®8 0 0 . 7 5 7 . 9 5 2 2w w w . c t a g r o u p . c o mNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - PRELIMINARY DESIGNREVISIONSSITE LIGHTINGCALCULATIONSE101SPRATT OFFICE BUILDINGPROJECT DESCRIPTION LINE 2CTA # SPRATT_OFFBLDG | L:\APRIL 2017CHECKED BY | BRONEC© 2017 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY | KAUFMAN1 5/2/17 REVISED PARKINGLOTNSITE LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULEFIXTUREMOUNTINGLAMPFIXTUREVOLTAGEFIXTUREWATTAGEREMARKSCOUNTTYPE MFR. CATALOG NUMBER LOC. TYPE HEIGHT TYPE NO. LUMENSE1 RAB SLIM26Y WALL SURFACE 7' - 6" LED 1 3452 120 26 WALL MOUNTED, ARCHITECTURAL LED FIXTURE30PL LITHONIA DSX0 LED 20C 700 40K TFTM 120 SPA DDBXD SITE POLE 20' - 0" LED 1 4440 120 35 SINGLE HEAD, POLE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE, NOTE #26NOTES:1. PROVIDE WITH: LITHONIA SSS 20 5C DM19 DDB ANCHOR BASE POLE. 1" = 20'-0"E1011SITE LIGHTING CALCULATIONS401 402 403 404 405 406 SLIM26Y 12, 18 and 26 Watt SLIM wallpacks are ultra efficient and deliver impressive light distribution with a compact low-profile design that's super easy to install as a downlight or uplight. Color: Bronze Weight: 4.5 lbs Project:Type: Prepared By:Date: Driver Info Type:Constant Current 120V:0.27A 208V:0.17A 240V:0.15A 277V:0.13A Input Watts:30W Efficiency:87% LED Info Watts:26W Color Temp:3000K Color Accuracy:70 CRI L70 Lifespan:100000 Lumens:3,452 Efficacy:116 LPW Technical Specifications Listings UL Listing: Suitable for wet locations. Suitable for mounting within 1.2m (4ft) of the ground. DLC Listed: This product is listed by Design Lights Consortium (DLC) as an ultra-efficient premium product that qualifies for the highest tier of rebates from DLC Member Utilities. DLC Product Code: P6GMC1KT ADA Compliant: SLIM™ is ADA Compliant. Dark Sky Approved: The International Dark Sky Association has approved this product as a full cutoff, fully shielded luminaire. IESNA LM-79 & LM-80 Testing: RAB LED luminaires have been tested by an independent laboratory in accordance with IESNA LM- 79 and LM-80, and have received the Department of Energy "Lighting Facts" label. Construction IP Rating: Ingress Protection rating of IP66 for dust and water Cold Weather Starting: Minimum starting temperature is -40° F (-40° C) Maximum Ambient Temperature: Suitable for use in 104° F (40°C) ambient temperatures Thermal Management: Superior heat sinking with internal Air-Flow fins. Housing: Precision die-cast aluminum housing. Mounting: Heavy-duty mounting bracket with hinged housing for easy installation. Recommended Mounting Height: Up to 22 ft. Lens: Tempered glass lens. Reflector: Specular thermoplastic. Gaskets: High-temperature silicone Finish: Formulated for high-durability and long lasting color. Green Technology: Mercury and UV free. RoHS compliant components. Polyester powder coat finish formulated without the use of VOC or toxic heavy metals. LED Characteristics LED: Multi-chip, long-life LED. Lifespan: 100,000-hour LED lifespan based on IES LM-80 results and TM-21 calculations. Color Consistency: 3-step MacAdam Ellipse binning to achieve consistent fixture-to-fixture color. Color Stability: LED color temperature is warrantied to shift no more than 200K in CCT over a 5 year period. Color Uniformity: RAB's range of CCT (Correlated Color Temperature) follows the guidelines for the American National Standard for Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting (SSL) Products, ANSI C78.377- 2015. Electrical Driver: Constant Current, Class 2, 100-277V, 50/60 Hz., 6KV surge protection, 720mA, 100-277VAC 0.4 Amps, Power Factor 99%. Other Buy American Act Compliant: This product is a COTS item manufactured in the United States, and is compliant with the Buy American Act. Recovery Act (ARRA) Compliant: This product complies with the 52.225-21 "Required Use of American Iron, Steel, and Manufactured Goods-- Buy American Act-- Construction Materials (October 2010). GSA Schedule: Suitable in accordance with FAR Subpart 25.4. Need help? Tech help line: (888) RAB-1000 Email: sales@rabweb.com Website: www.rabweb.com Copyright © 2014 RAB Lighting Inc. All Rights Reserved Note: Specifications are subject to change at any time without notice Page 1 of 2 407 SLIM26Y Technical Specifications (continued) Other California Title 24: See SLIM26/D10 for a 2013 California Title 24 compliant product. Any additional component requirements will be listed in the Title 24 section under technical specifications on the product page. HID Replacement Range: Replaces 175W Metal Halide. Optical BUG Rating: B1 U0 G0 BUG Rating: B1 U0 G0 Dimensions Features Full cutoff, fully shielded LED wallpack Can be used as a downlight or uplight Contractor friendly features for easy installation 100,000-hour LED Life 5-Year Warranty Ordering Matrix Family Watts Color Temp Finish Photocell Dimming SLIM 26 = 26W 18 = 18W 12 = 12W Blank = 5000K (Cool) Y = 3000K (Warm) N = 4000K (Neutral) Blank = Bronze W = White Blank = No Photocell /PC = 120V Button /PC2 = 277V Button /PCT = 120-277V Twistlock Blank = No Dimming /D10 = Dimmable Need help? Tech help line: (888) RAB-1000 Email: sales@rabweb.com Website: www.rabweb.com Copyright © 2014 RAB Lighting Inc. All Rights Reserved Note: Specifications are subject to change at any time without notice Page 2 of 2 408 409 410 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com © 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. DSX0-LED Rev. 02/07/17 Page 1 of 6 D-SeriesSize 0LED Area Luminaire Specifications Catalog Number Notes Type EPA:0.95 ft2 (.09 m2) Length:26” (66.0 cm) Width:13” (33.0 cm) Height:7” (17.8 cm) Weight (max):16 lbs(7.25 kg) Hit the Tab key or mouse over the page to see all interactive elements. L H W Ordering Information EXAMPLE: DSX0 LED 40C 1000 40K T3M MVOLT SPA DDBXD DSX0 LED Series LEDs Drive current Color temperature Distribution Voltage Mounting DSX0 LED Forward optics 20C 20 LEDs (one engine) 40C 40 LEDs (two engines) Rotated optics1 30C 30 LEDs (one engine) 530 530 mA 700 700 mA 1000 1000 mA (1 A) 30K 3000 K 40K 4000 K 50K 5000 K AMBPC Amber phosphor converted2 T1S Type I short T2S Type II short T2M Type II medium T3S Type III short T3M Type III medium T4M Type IV medium TFTM Forward throw medium T5VS Type V very short T5S Type V short T5M Type V medium T5W Type V wide BLC Backlight control2,3 LCCO Left corner cutoff2,3 RCCO Right corner cutoff2,3 MVOLT 4 120 4 208 4 240 4 277 4 347 5 480 5 Shipped included SPA Square pole mounting RPA Round pole mounting WBA Wall bracket SPUMBA Square pole universal mounting adaptor 6 RPUMBA Round pole universal mounting adaptor 6 Shipped separately KMA8 DDBXD U Mast arm mounting bracket adaptor (specify finish)7 Control options Other options Finish (required) Shipped installed PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only (no controls) 8 PER5 Five-wire receptacle only (no controls) 8,9 PER7 Seven-wire receptacle only (no controls) 8,9 DMG 0-10V dimming extend out back of honsing for external control (no controls) 10 DCR Dimmable and controllable via ROAM® (no controls) 11 PIR Bi-level, motion/ambient sensor, 8-15’ mounting height, ambient sensor enabled at 5fc 12 PIRH Bi-level, motion/ambient sensor, 15-30’ mounting height, ambient sensor enabled at 5fc 12 PIR1FC3V Bi-level, motion/ambient sensor, 8-15’ mounting height, ambient sensor enabled at 1fc12 PIRH1FC3V Bi-level, motion/ambient sensor, 15-30’ mounting height, ambient sensor enabled at 1fc12 BL30 Bi-level switched dimming, 30% 13,14 BL50 Bi-level switched dimming, 50% 13,15 PNMTDD3 Part night, dim till dawn 15 PNMT5D3 Part night, dim 5 hrs 15 PNMT6D3 Part night, dim 6 hrs 15 PNMT7D3 Part night, dim 7 hrs 15 FAO Field adjustable output16 Shipped installed HS House-side shield 17 SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V) 18 DF Double fuse (208, 240, 480V) 18 L90 Left rotated optics 1 R90 Right rotated optics 1 DDL Diffused drop lens17 BS Bird spikes DDBXD Dark bronze DBLXD Black DNAXD Natural aluminum DWHXD White DDBTXD Textured dark bronze DBLBXD Textured black DNATXD Textured natural aluminum DWHGXD Textured white Capable Luminaire This item is an A+ capable luminaire, which has been designed and tested to provide consistent color appearance and system-level interoperability. • All configurations of this luminaire meet the Acuity Brands’ specification for chromatic consistency • This luminaire is A+ Certified when ordered with DTL® controls marked by a shaded background. DTL DLL equipped luminaires meet the A+ specification for luminaire to photocontrol interoperability1 • This luminaire is part of an A+ Certified solution for ROAM®2 or XPoint™ Wireless control networks, providing out-of-the-box control compatibility with simple commissioning, when ordered with drivers and control options marked by a shaded background1 To learn more about A+, visit www.acuitybrands.com/aplus. 1. See ordering tree for details. 2. A+ Certified Solutions for ROAM require the order of one ROAM node per luminaire. Sold Separately: Link to Roam; Link to DTL DLLA+ Capable options indicated by this color background. 411 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com © 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. DSX0-LED Rev. 02/07/17 Page 2 of 6 Visit Lithonia Lighting’s POLES CENTRAL to see our wide selection of poles, accessories and educational tools. *Round pole top must be 3.25” O.D. minimum. **For round pole mounting (RPA) only. DSX0 shares a unique drilling pattern with the AERIS™ family. Specify this drilling pattern when specifying poles, per the table below. DM19AS Single unit DM29AS 2 at 90° * DM28AS 2 at 180° DM39AS 3 at 90° * DM49AS 4 at 90° * DM32AS 3 at 120° ** Example: SSA 20 4C DM19AS DDBXD Tenon O.D.Single Unit 2 at 180°2 at 90°3 at 120°3 at 90°4 at 90° 2-3/8”AST20-190 AST20-280 AST20-290 AST20-320 AST20-390 AST20-490 2-7/8”AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 4”AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 Tenon Mounting Slipfitter ** Drilling Top of Pole 0.563” 2.650” 1.325”0.400”(2 PLCS) Template #8 To see complete photometric reports or download .ies files for this product, visit Lithonia Lighting’s D-Series Area Size 0 homepage. Photometric Diagrams Isofootcandle plots for the DSX0 LED 40C 1000 40K. Distances are in units of mounting height (20’).Test No. LTL23456P25 tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.Test No. LTL23451P25 tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.Test No. LTL23422P25 tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 Test No. LTL23457P25 tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 4 3 2 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 4 3 2 1 0 4321 T5MT4M HST3MT1S LEGEND 0.1 fc 0.5 fc 1.0 fc Ordering Information NOTES1 30 LEDs (30C option) and rotated options (L90 or R90) only available together. 2 AMBPC is not available with BLC, LLCO or RCCO. 3 Not available with HS or DDL.4 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V (50/60 Hz). Specify 120V, 208V, 240V or 277V options only when ordering with fusing (SF, DF options). 5 Not available with single board, 530mA product (20C 530 or 30C 530). Not available with BL30, BL50 or PNMT options. 6 Existing drilled pole only. Available as a separate combination accessory; for retrofit use only: PUMBA (finish) U; 1.5 G vibration load rating per ANCI C136.31. 7 Must order fixture with SPA mounting. Must be ordered as a separate accessory; see Accessories information. For use with 2-3/8” mast arm (not included). 8 Photocell ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. See accessories. Shorting Cap be order for correct operation when photocontrol is present.9 If ROAM® node required, it must be ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. Not available with DCR. Node with integral dimming.10 DMG option for 347V or 480V requires 1000mA. 11 Specifies a ROAM® enabled luminaire with 0-10V dimming capability; PER option required. Additional hardware and services required for ROAM® deployment; must be purchased separately. Call 1-800-442-6745 or email: sales@roamservices.net. N/A with PER5, PER7, BL30, BL50 or PNMT options. Node without integral dimming. Mvolt only. Not available with 347V and 480V. Not available with PIRH1FC3V.12 PIR and PIR1FC3V specify the SensorSwitch SBGR-10-ODP control; PIRH and PIRH1FC3V specify the SensorSwitch SBGR-6-ODP control; see Outdoor Control Technical Guide for details. Dimming driver standard. Ambient sensor disabled when ordered with DCR. Separate on/off required. Not available with PNMT options. PIR and PIRH options are used with PER5 and PER7, additional leads from receptacle are terminated and non-functioning. When PIR and PIRH options are selected with DCR, old style ROAM node must be used or PIRH and PIRH will not function correctly.13 Requires an additional switched circuit. 14 Dimming driver standard. MVOLT only. Not available with 347V, 480V, DCR, PER5, PER7 or PNMT options. Not available with PIR1FC3V and PIRH1FC3V.15 Dimming driver standard. MVOLT only. Not available with 347V, 480V, DCR, PER5, PER7, BL30 or BL50. Not available with PIR1FC3V and PIRH1FC3V. Separate on/off required.16 Dimming driver standard. Not available with PER5, PER7, DMG, DCR, BL30, BL50, PNMT, PIR, PIRH, PIR1FC3V and PIRH1FC3V.17 Not available with BLC, LCCO and RCCO distribution. Also available as a separate accessory; see Accessories information. 18 Single fuse (SF) requires 120V, 277V or 347V. Double fuse (DF) requires 208V, 240V or 480V. 19 Requires luminaire to be specified with PER option. Ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. 20 For retrofit use only.AccessoriesOrdered and shipped separately. Controls & Shields DLL127F 1.5 JU Photocell - SSL twist-lock (120-277V) 19 DLL347F 1.5 CUL JU Photocell - SSL twist-lock (347V) 19 DLL480F 1.5 CUL JU Photocell - SSL twist-lock (480V) 19 DSHORT SBK U Shorting cap 19 DSX0HS 20C U House-side shield for 20 LED unit 17 DSX0HS 30C U House-side shield for 30 LED unit 17 DSX0HS 40C U House-side shield for 40 LED unit 17 DSX0DDL U Diffused drop lens (polycarbonate) 17 PUMBA DDBXD U*Square and round pole universal mount-ing bracket adaptor (specify finish)20 KMA8 DDBXD U Mast arm mounting bracket adaptor (specify finish) 7 For more control options, visit DTL and ROAM online. 412 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com © 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. DSX0-LED Rev. 02/07/17 Page 3 of 6 Performance Data Current (A) Number of LEDs Drive Current (mA)System Watts 120 208 240 277 347 480 20C 530 35 0.34 0.22 0.21 0.20 ---- 700 45 0.47 0.28 0.24 0.22 0.18 0.14 1000 72 0.76 0.45 0.39 0.36 0.36 0.26 30C 530 52 0.51 0.31 0.28 0.25 ---- 700 70 0.72 0.43 0.37 0.34 0.25 0.19 1000 104 1.11 0.64 0.56 0.49 0.47 0.34 40C 530 68 0.71 0.41 0.36 0.33 0.25 0.19 700 91 0.94 0.55 0.48 0.42 0.33 0.24 1000 138 1.45 0.84 0.73 0.64 0.69 0.50 Electrical Load Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from 0-40°C (32-104°F). Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Ambient Lumen Multiplier 0°C 32°F 1.02 10°C 50°F 1.01 20°C 68°F 1.00 25°C 77°F 1.00 30°C 86°F 1.00 40°C 104°F 0.99 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data references the extrapolated performance projections for the platforms noted in a 25°C ambient, based on 10,000 hours of LED testing (tested per IESNA LM-80-08 and projected per IESNA TM-21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below. For other lumen maintenance values, contact factory. Operating Hours 0 25,000 50,000 100,000 Lumen Maintenance Factor DSX0 LED 20C 1000 1 0.98 0.96 0.93 DSX0 LED 40C 1000 1 0.98 0.95 0.90 DSX0 LED 40C 700 1 0.99 0.99 0.99 413 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com © 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. DSX0-LED Rev. 02/07/17 Page 4 of 6 Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08. Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. Contact factory for performance data on any configurations not shown here. Forward Optics LEDs Drive Current (mA) System Watts Dist. Type 30K (3000 K, 70 CRI) 40K (4000 K, 70 CRI) 50K (5000 K, 70 CRI) AMBPC (Amber Phosphor Converted) Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW 20C (20 LEDs) 530 mA 35 W T1S 4,079 1 0 1 117 4,380 1 0 1 125 4,408 1 0 1 126 2,541 1 0 1 73 T2S 4,206 1 0 1 120 4,516 1 0 1 129 4,544 1 0 1 130 2,589 1 0 1 74 T2M 4,109 1 0 1 117 4,413 1 0 1 126 4,440 1 0 1 127 2,539 1 0 1 73 T3S 4,104 1 0 1 117 4,407 1 0 1 126 4,435 1 0 1 127 2,558 1 0 1 73 T3M 4,142 1 0 1 118 4,447 1 0 1 127 4,475 1 0 1 128 2,583 1 0 1 74 T4M 4,198 1 0 1 120 4,508 1 0 1 129 4,536 1 0 1 130 2,570 1 0 1 73 TFTM 4,135 1 0 1 118 4,440 1 0 2 127 4,468 1 0 2 128 2,540 1 0 1 73 T5VS 4,368 2 0 0 125 4,691 2 0 0 134 4,720 2 0 0 135 2,650 1 0 0 76 T5S 4,401 2 0 2 126 4,725 2 0 0 135 4,755 2 0 0 136 2,690 1 0 0 77 T5M 4,408 2 0 1 126 4,734 3 0 1 135 4,763 3 0 1 136 2,658 2 0 0 76 T5W 4,344 3 0 1 124 4,664 3 0 1 133 4,693 3 0 1 134 2,663 2 0 1 76 BLC 3,071 1 0 1 88 3,297 1 0 1 94 3,318 1 0 1 95 LCCO 2,983 1 0 1 85 3,204 1 0 1 92 3,224 1 0 1 92 RCCO 2,983 1 0 1 85 3,204 1 0 1 92 3,224 1 0 1 92 700 mA 45 W T1S 5,181 1 0 1 115 5,563 1 0 1 124 5,598 1 0 1 124 3,144 1 0 1 70 T2S 5,342 1 0 1 119 5,736 1 0 1 127 5,772 1 0 1 128 3,203 1 0 1 71 T2M 5,219 1 0 1 116 5,605 1 0 1 125 5,640 1 0 1 125 3,141 1 0 1 70 T3S 5,213 1 0 1 116 5,598 1 0 1 124 5,633 1 0 1 125 3,165 1 0 1 70 T3M 5,260 1 0 1 117 5,649 1 0 2 126 5,684 1 0 2 126 3,196 1 0 1 71 T4M 5,332 1 0 1 118 5,725 1 0 2 127 5,761 1 0 2 128 3,179 1 0 1 71 TFTM 5,252 1 0 2 117 5,640 1 0 2 125 5,675 1 0 2 126 3,143 1 0 1 70 T5VS 5,548 2 0 0 123 5,958 2 0 0 132 5,995 2 0 0 133 3,278 2 0 0 73 T5S 5,589 2 0 0 124 6,002 2 0 0 133 6,039 2 0 0 134 3,328 2 0 0 74 T5M 5,599 3 0 1 124 6,012 3 0 1 134 6,050 3 0 1 134 3,288 2 0 1 73 T5W 5,517 3 0 1 123 5,924 3 0 1 132 5,961 3 0 1 132 3,295 2 0 1 73 BLC 3,909 1 0 1 87 4,198 1 0 1 93 4,224 1 0 1 94 LCCO 3,798 1 0 1 84 4,078 1 0 1 91 4,104 1 0 1 91 RCCO 3,798 1 0 1 84 4,078 1 0 1 91 4,104 1 0 1 91 1000 mA 72 W T1S 7,085 1 0 1 98 7,608 2 0 2 106 7,656 2 0 2 106 T2S 7,305 1 0 1 101 7,845 2 0 2 109 7,894 2 0 2 110 T2M 7,138 1 0 2 99 7,665 2 0 2 106 7,713 2 0 2 107 T3S 7,129 1 0 1 99 7,656 2 0 2 106 7,704 2 0 2 107 T3M 7,194 1 0 2 100 7,725 2 0 2 107 7,773 2 0 2 108 T4M 7,292 1 0 2 101 7,830 2 0 2 109 7,879 2 0 2 109 TFTM 7,183 1 0 2 100 7,713 1 0 2 107 7,761 1 0 2 108 T5VS 7,588 2 0 0 105 8,148 3 0 0 113 8,199 3 0 0 114 T5S 7,644 2 0 0 106 8,208 2 0 0 114 8,259 2 0 0 115 T5M 7,657 3 0 1 106 8,222 3 0 1 114 8,274 3 0 1 115 T5W 7,545 3 0 1 105 8,102 3 0 2 113 8,153 3 0 2 113 BLC 5,162 1 0 1 72 5,543 1 0 2 77 5,578 1 0 1 77 LCCO 5,015 1 0 2 70 5,386 1 0 2 75 5,419 1 0 2 75 RCCO 5,015 1 0 2 70 5,386 1 0 2 75 5,419 1 0 2 75 Performance Data Lumen Output 414 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com © 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. DSX0-LED Rev. 02/07/17 Page 5 of 6 Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08. Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. Contact factory for performance data on any configurations not shown here. Forward Optics LEDs Drive Current (mA) System Watts Dist. Type 30K (3000 K, 70 CRI) 40K (4000 K, 70 CRI) 50K (5000 K, 70 CRI) AMBPC (Amber Phosphor Converted) Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW 40C (40 LEDs) 530 mA 68 W T1S 7,926 2 0 2 117 8,511 2 0 2 125 8,564 2 0 2 126 4,878 1 0 1 72 T2S 8,172 2 0 2 120 8,775 2 0 2 129 8,830 2 0 2 130 4,969 1 0 1 73 T2M 7,985 2 0 2 117 8,574 2 0 2 126 8,628 2 0 2 127 4,874 1 0 1 72 T3S 7,975 1 0 2 117 8,564 2 0 2 126 8,617 2 0 2 127 4,910 1 0 1 72 T3M 8,047 2 0 2 118 8,642 2 0 2 127 8,696 2 0 2 128 4,958 1 0 2 73 T4M 8,157 1 0 2 120 8,759 2 0 2 129 8,813 2 0 2 130 4,932 1 0 2 73 TFTM 8,035 1 0 2 118 8,628 2 0 2 127 8,682 2 0 2 128 4,876 1 0 2 72 T5VS 8,488 2 0 0 125 9,115 3 0 0 134 9,172 3 0 0 135 5,086 2 0 0 75 T5S 8,550 2 0 0 126 9,182 3 0 1 135 9,239 3 0 1 136 5,163 2 0 0 76 T5M 8,565 3 0 1 126 9,198 3 0 2 135 9,255 3 0 2 136 5,102 3 0 1 75 T5W 8,440 3 0 2 124 9,063 3 0 2 133 9,120 3 0 2 134 5,112 3 0 1 75 BLC 6,142 1 0 2 90 6,595 1 0 2 97 6,636 1 0 2 98 LCCO 5,967 1 0 2 88 6,407 1 0 2 94 6,447 1 0 2 95 RCCO 5,967 1 0 2 88 6,407 1 0 2 94 6,447 1 0 2 95 700 mA 91 W T1S 10,066 2 0 2 111 10,810 2 0 2 119 10,877 2 0 2 120 6,206 2 0 2 68 T2S 10,379 2 0 2 114 11,145 2 0 2 122 11,215 2 0 2 123 6,322 2 0 2 69 T2M 10,141 2 0 2 111 10,890 2 0 2 120 10,958 2 0 2 120 6,201 2 0 2 68 T3S 10,129 2 0 2 111 10,877 2 0 2 120 10,945 2 0 2 120 6,247 1 0 2 69 T3M 10,221 2 0 2 112 10,975 2 0 2 121 11,044 2 0 2 121 6,308 2 0 2 69 T4M 10,359 2 0 2 114 11,124 2 0 2 122 11,194 2 0 2 123 6,275 1 0 2 69 TFTM 10,205 2 0 2 112 10,958 2 0 3 120 11,027 2 0 3 121 6,203 1 0 2 68 T5VS 10,781 3 0 0 118 11,576 3 0 1 127 11,649 3 0 1 128 6,569 2 0 0 72 T5S 10,860 3 0 1 119 11,662 3 0 1 128 11,734 3 0 1 129 6,569 2 0 0 72 T5M 10,879 3 0 2 120 11,682 3 0 2 128 11,755 3 0 2 129 6,491 3 0 1 71 T5W 10,719 3 0 2 118 11,511 4 0 2 126 11,583 4 0 2 127 6,504 3 0 2 71 BLC 7,819 1 0 2 86 8,396 1 0 2 92 8,448 1 0 2 93 LCCO 7,596 1 0 2 83 8,157 1 0 2 90 8,208 1 0 2 90 RCCCO 7,596 1 0 2 83 8,157 1 0 2 90 8,208 1 0 2 90 1000 mA 138 W T1S 13,767 2 0 2 100 14,783 3 0 3 107 14,876 3 0 3 108 T2S 14,194 2 0 2 103 15,242 3 0 3 110 15,338 3 0 3 111 T2M 13,869 2 0 2 101 14,893 3 0 3 108 14,986 3 0 3 109 T3S 13,852 2 0 2 100 14,875 2 0 2 108 14,968 2 0 2 108 T3M 13,978 2 0 2 101 15,010 3 0 3 109 15,104 3 0 3 109 T4M 14,168 2 0 2 103 15,214 3 0 3 110 15,309 3 0 3 111 TFTM 13,956 2 0 3 101 14,987 2 0 3 109 15,080 2 0 3 109 T5VS 14,744 3 0 1 107 15,832 3 0 1 115 15,931 4 0 1 115 T5S 14,852 3 0 1 108 15,948 3 0 1 116 16,048 3 0 1 116 T5M 14,878 4 0 2 108 15,976 4 0 2 116 16,076 4 0 2 116 T5W 14,660 4 0 2 106 15,742 4 0 2 114 15,840 4 0 2 115 BLC 10,325 1 0 2 75 11,087 1 0 2 80 11,156 1 0 2 81 LCCO 10,031 2 0 2 73 10,771 2 0 3 78 10,839 2 0 3 79 RCCO 10,031 2 0 2 73 10,771 2 0 3 78 10,839 2 0 3 79 Performance Data Lumen Output 415 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com © 2011-2017 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. DSX0-LED Rev. 02/07/17 Page 6 of 6 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The sleek design of the D-Series Size 0 reflects the embedded high performance LED technology. It is ideal for many commercial and municipal applications, such as parking lots, plazas, campuses, and pedestrian areas. CONSTRUCTION Single-piece die-cast aluminum housing has integral heat sink fins to optimize thermal management through conductive and convective cooling. Modular design allows for ease of maintenance and future light engine upgrades. The LED driver is mounted in direct contact with the casting to promote low operating temperature and long life. Housing is completely sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants (IP65). Low EPA (0.95 ft2) for optimized pole wind loading. FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a zinc-infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multi-stage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling. Available in both textured and non-textured finishes. OPTICS Precision-molded proprietary acrylic lenses are engineered for superior area lighting distribution, uniformity, and pole spacing. Light engines are available in 3000 K, 4000 K or 5000 K (70 CRI) or optional 3000 K (70 minimum CRI) or 5000 K (70 CRI) configurations. The D-Series Size 0 has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime FriendlyTM product, meaning it is consistent with the LEED® and Green GlobesTM criteria for eliminating wasteful uplight. ELECTRICAL Light engine(s) configurations consist of 20, 30 or 40 high-efficacy LEDs mounted to metal-core circuit boards to maximize heat dissipation and promote long life (up to L99/100,000 hours at 25°C). Class 1 electronic drivers are designed to have a power factor >90%, THD <20%, and an expected life of 100,000 hours with <1% failure rate. Easily serviceable 10kV or 6kV surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2). INSTALLATION Included mounting block and integral arm facilitate quick and easy installation. Stainless steel bolts fasten the mounting block securely to poles and walls, enabling the D-Series Size 0 to withstand up to a 3.0 G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. The D-Series Size 0 utilizes the AERISTM series pole drilling pattern (template #8). Optional terminal block and NEMA photocontrol receptacle are also available. LISTINGS UL Listed for wet locations. Light engines are IP66 rated; luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for -40°C minimum ambient. U.S. Patent No. D672,492 S. International patent pending. DesignLights Consortium® (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY 5-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at: www.acuitybrands.com/CustomerResources/Terms_and_conditions.aspx Note: Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25 °C. Specifications subject to change without notice. L90 and R90 Rotated Optics LEDs Drive Current (mA) System Watts Dist. Type 30K (3000 K, 70 CRI) 40K (4000 K, 70 CRI) 50K (5000 K, 70 CRI) AMBPC (Amber Phosphor Converted) Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW Lumens B U G LPW 30C (30 LEDs) 530 mA 52 W T1S 6,130 2 0 2 118 6,583 2 0 2 127 6,624 2 0 2 127 3,841 2 0 2 74 T2S 6,321 2 0 2 122 6,787 2 0 2 131 6,830 3 0 3 131 3,912 2 0 2 75 T2M 6,176 2 0 2 119 6,632 3 0 3 128 6,673 3 0 3 128 3,837 2 0 2 74 T3S 6,168 2 0 2 119 6,624 3 0 3 127 6,665 3 0 3 128 3,866 2 0 2 74 T3M 6,224 3 0 3 120 6,684 3 0 3 129 6,726 3 0 3 129 3,904 2 0 2 75 T4M 6,309 3 0 3 121 6,775 3 0 3 130 6,817 3 0 3 131 3,884 2 0 2 75 TFTM 6,215 3 0 3 120 6,673 3 0 3 128 6,715 3 0 3 129 3,839 2 0 2 74 T5VS 6,565 2 0 0 126 7,050 2 0 0 136 7,094 2 0 0 136 4,005 2 0 0 77 T5S 6,613 2 0 0 127 7,102 2 0 0 137 7,146 2 0 0 137 4,065 2 0 0 78 T5M 6,625 3 0 1 127 7,114 3 0 1 137 7,159 3 0 1 138 4,017 2 0 1 77 T5W 6,528 3 0 1 126 7,010 3 0 2 135 7,054 3 0 2 136 4,025 3 0 1 77 BLC 4,747 2 0 2 91 5,098 2 0 2 98 5,130 2 0 2 99 LCCO 4,612 1 0 2 89 4,953 1 0 2 95 4,984 1 0 2 96 RCCO 4,612 1 0 2 89 4,953 1 0 2 95 4,984 1 0 2 96 700 mA 70 W T1S 7,786 2 0 2 111 8,361 3 0 3 119 8,413 3 0 3 120 4,783 2 0 2 68 T2S 8,028 2 0 2 115 8,620 3 0 3 123 8,674 3 0 3 124 4,873 2 0 2 70 T2M 7,844 3 0 3 112 8,423 3 0 3 120 8,476 3 0 3 121 4,779 2 0 2 68 T3S 7,834 3 0 3 112 8,413 3 0 3 120 8,465 3 0 3 121 4,815 2 0 2 69 T3M 7,905 3 0 3 113 8,489 3 0 3 121 8,542 3 0 3 122 4,862 3 0 3 69 T4M 8,013 3 0 3 114 8,604 3 0 3 123 8,658 3 0 3 124 4,837 3 0 3 69 TFTM 7,893 3 0 3 113 8,476 3 0 3 121 8,529 3 0 3 122 4,781 3 0 3 68 T5VS 8,338 2 0 0 119 8,954 3 0 0 128 9,010 3 0 0 129 4,988 2 0 0 71 T5S 8,400 2 0 0 120 9,020 3 0 1 129 9,076 3 0 1 130 5,063 2 0 0 72 T5M 8,414 3 0 1 120 9,036 3 0 2 129 9,092 3 0 2 130 5,003 3 0 1 71 T5W 8,291 3 0 2 118 8,903 3 0 2 127 8,959 3 0 2 128 5,013 3 0 1 72 BLC 6,044 2 0 2 86 6,490 3 0 3 93 6,530 3 0 3 93 LCCO 5,872 1 0 2 84 6,305 1 0 2 90 6,345 1 0 2 91 RCCO 5,872 1 0 2 84 6,305 1 0 2 90 6,345 1 0 2 91 1000 mA 104 W T1S 10,648 3 0 3 102 11,434 3 0 3 110 11,506 3 0 3 111 T2S 10,979 3 0 3 106 11,789 3 0 3 113 11,863 3 0 3 114 T2M 10,727 3 0 3 103 11,519 3 0 3 111 11,591 3 0 3 111 T3S 10,714 3 0 3 103 11,505 3 0 3 111 11,577 3 0 3 111 T3M 10,812 3 0 3 104 11,610 4 0 4 112 11,682 4 0 4 112 T4M 10,958 3 0 3 105 11,767 3 0 3 113 11,841 3 0 3 114 TFTM 10,795 3 0 3 104 11,592 3 0 3 111 11,664 4 0 4 112 T5VS 11,404 3 0 0 110 12,245 3 0 1 118 12,322 3 0 1 118 T5S 11,487 3 0 1 110 12,336 3 0 1 119 12,413 3 0 1 119 T5M 11,508 3 0 2 111 12,357 4 0 2 119 12,434 4 0 2 120 T5W 11,339 4 0 2 109 12,176 4 0 2 117 12,252 4 0 2 118 BLC 7,981 3 0 3 77 8,570 3 0 3 82 8,624 3 0 3 83 LCCO 7754 1 0 2 75 8326 2 0 2 80 8378 2 0 2 81 RCCO 7754 1 0 2 75 8326 2 0 2 80 8378 2 0 2 81 Performance Data 416 Catalog Number Notes Type OUTDOOR POLE-SSS FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE — Square Straight Steel is a general purpose light pole for up to 39-foot mounting heights. This pole provides a robust yet cost effective option for mounting area lights and floodlights. CONSTRUCTION — Pole Shaft: The pole shaft is of uniform dimension and wall thickness and is made of a weldable-grade, hot-rolled, commercial-quality steel tubing with a minimum yield of 55 KSI (11-gauge, .1196"), or 50 KSI (7-gauge, .1793"). Shaft is one-piece with a full-length longitudinal high-frequency electric resistance weld. Uniformly square in cross-section with flat sides, small corner radii and excellent torsional qualities. Available shaft widths are 4", 5" and 6". Pole Top: A top cap is provided for all poles that will receive drilling patterns for side-mount luminaire arm assemblies or when ordered with PT option. Handhole: A reinforced handhole with grounding provision is provided at 18" from the base. Positioning the handhole lower may not be possible and requires engineering review; consult Tech Support-Outdoor for further information. Every handhole includes a cover and cover attachment hardware. The handhole has a nominal dimension of 2.5" x 5". Base Cover: A durable ABS plastic two-piece full base cover, finished to match the pole, is provided with each pole assembly. Additional base cover options are available upon request. Anchor Base/ Bolts: Anchor base is fabricated from steel that meets ASTM A36 standards and can be altered to match existing foundations; consult factory for modifications. Anchor bolts are manufactured to ASTM F1554 Standards grade 55, (55 KSI minimum yield strength and tensile strength of 75-95 KSI). Top threaded portion (nominal 12") is hot-dipped galvanized per ASTM A-153. HARDWARE – All structural fasteners are high-strength galvanized carbon steel. All non-structural fasteners are galvanized or zinc-plated carbon steel or stainless steel. FINISH – Standard powder-coat finishes include Dark Bronze, White, Black, Medium Bronze and Natural Aluminum colors. Classic finishes include Sandstone, Charcoal Gray, Tennis Green, Bright Red and Steel Blue colors. Architectural Colors and Special Finishes are available by quote and include, but are not limited to Hot-dipped Galvanized, Paint over Hot-dipped Galvanized, RAL Colors, Custom Colors and Extended Warranty Finishes. Factory-applied primer paint finish is available for customer field-paint applications. WARRANTY — 1-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at: www.acuitybrands.com/CustomerResources/Terms_and_conditions.aspx NOTE: Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. Specifications subject to change without notice. Anchor Base Poles SSS SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL SSS SSS Series Nominal fixture mounting height Nominal shaft base size/wall thickness1 Mounting2 Options Finish10 SSS (See technical information table.) (See technical information table.)Tenon mounting PT Open top (includes top cap) T20 2-3/8" O.D. (2" NPS) T25 2-7/8" O.D. (2-1/2" NPS) T30 3-1/2" O.D. (3" NPS) T35 4" O.D. (3-1/2" NPS) KAC/KAD/KSE/KSF/KVR/KVF Drill mounting3 DM19 1 at 90° DM28 2 at 180° DM28 PL 2 at 180° with one side plugged DM29 2 at 90° DM39 3 at 90° DM49 4 at 90° CSX/DSX/AERIS™/OMERO™ Drill mounting3 DM19AS 1 at 90° DM28AS 2 at 180° DM29AS 2 at 90° DM39AS 3 at 90° DM49AS 4 at 90° AERIS™ Suspend drill mounting3, 4 DM19AST_1 at 90° DM28AST_2 at 180° DM29AST_2 at 90° DM39AST_3 at 90° DM49AST_4 at 90° OMERO™ Suspend drill mounting3, 4 DM19MRT_1 at 90° DM28MRT_2 at 180° DM29MRT_2 at 90° DM39MRT_3 at 90° DM49MRT_4 at 90° Shipped installed L/AB Less anchor bolts VD Vibration damper TP Tamper resistant handhile cover fasteners HAxy Horizontal arm bracket (1 fixture)5, 6 FDLxy Festoon outlet less electrical5 CPL12/xy 1/2" coupling5 CPL34/xy 3/4" coupling5 CPL1/xy 1" coupling5 NPL12/xy 1/2" threaded nipple5 NPL34/xy 3/4" threaded nipple5 NPL1/xy 1" threaded nipple5 EHHxy Extra handhole5, 7 MAEX Match existiing 8 USPOM United States point of manufacture9 IC Interior coating10 Standard colors DDB Dark bronze DWH White DBL Black DMB Medium bronze DNA Natural aluminum Classic colors DSS Sandstone DGC Charcoal gray DTG Tennis green DBR Bright red DSB Steel blue Architectural Colors and Special Finishes11 Galvanized, Paint over Galvanized, RAL Colors, Custom Colors and Extended Warranty Finishes available. ORDERING INFORMATION Lead times will vary depending on options selected. Consult with your sales representative. Example: SSS 20 5C DM19 DDB See footnotes next page. 417 POLE-SSS OUTDOOR: One Lithonia Way Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 800-279-8041 www.lithonia.com ©1994-2016 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 12/20/16 SSS Square Straight Steel Poles NOTES: 1. Wall thickness will be signified with a "C" (7 Gauge) or a "G" (11-gauge) in nomenclature. "C" - 0.1196" "G" - 0.1793. 2. PT open top poles include top cap. When ordering tenon mounting and drill mounting for the same pole, follow this example: DM28/T20. The combination includes a required extra handhole. 3. The drilling template pattern to be used for a particular luminaire depends on the luminaire that is used. Refer to the Technical Data Section of the Outdoor Binder for Drilling Templates. Matrix with Generic Template Link at http://www.acuitybrands.com/-/ media/Files/Acuity/Resources/Tools-and-Documents/Pole%20Resources/ Pole%20Anchorage/Matrix%20Document/AnchorBoltMatrix.pdf?la=en 4. Insert "1" or "2" to designate fixture size; e.g. DM19AST2. 5. Specify location and orientation when ordering option. For "x": Specify the height above the base of pole in feet or feet and inches; separate feet and inches with a "-". Example: 5ft = 5 and 20ft, 3 in = 20-3 For "y": Specify orientation from handhole (A,B,C,D) Refer to the Handhole Orientation diagram below. Example: 1/2" coupling at 5' 8 ", orientation C: SSS 20 5C DM19 CPL12/5-8BC DDB 6. Horizontal arm is 18" x 2-3/8" O.D. tenon standard, with radius curve providing 12" rise and 2-3/8" O.D.. 7. Combination of tenon-top and drill mount includes extra handhole. 8. Must add original order number of existing pole(s). 9. Use when mill certifications are required. 10. Provides enhanced corrosion resistance. 11. Additional colors available; see www.lithonia.com/archcolors or Archi- tectural Colors brochure (Form No. 794.3). Available by formal quote only, consult factory for details. TECHNICAL INFORMATION — EPA (ft2) WITH 3-SECOND GUST PER AASHTO 2013 Series Mounting Height (ft)Shaft Base Size 90 MPH Max. weight 100 MPH Max. weight 110 MPH Max. weight 120 MPH Max. weight 130 MPH Max. weight 140 MPH Max. weight 150 MPH Max. weight SSS 10 4C 20 500 16 400 13 325 10.5 263 8.5 213 7 175 6 150 SSS 12 4C 16 400 13 325 10 250 8 200 6.5 163 5 125 4 100 SSS 14 4C 13.5 338 10 250 7.5 188 6 150 4.5 113 3.5 88 2.5 63 SSS 16 4C 10.5 263 7.5 188 5.5 138 4 100 3 75 1.5 38 1 25 SSS 18 4C 8 200 5.5 138 4 100 2.5 63 1.5 38 0.5 13 -- SSS 20 4C 6 150 4 100 2.5 63 1 25 ------ SSS 20 5C 10 250 7 175 4.5 113 2.5 63 1 25 ---- SSS 20 5G 14 350 10 250 7 175 5 125 3 75 1.5 38 0.5 13 SSS 25 4C 2 50 0.5 13 ---------- SSS 25 4G 5.5 138 3 75 1.5 38 -------- SSS 25 5C 4.5 113 2 50 ---------- SSS 25 5G 7.5 188 4.5 113 2 50 0.5 13 ------ SSS 30 4G 1.5 38 ------------ SSS 30 5C -------------- SSS 30 5G 2.5 63 ------------ SSS 30 6G 11 275 6 150 2.5 63 -------- SSS 35 5G -------------- SSS 35 6G 4 100 ------------ SSS 39 6G -------------- IMPORTANT: • These specifications are intended for general purposes only. Lithonia reserves the right to change material or design, without prior notice, in a continuing effort to upgrade its products. AASHTO 2013 criteria is the most conservative existing EPA calculation. For poles not showing EPA values under AASHTO 2013, EPA values may exist under commercial criteria. Consult Outdoor Tech support to obtain these values. IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES: • Do not erect poles without having fixtures installed. • Factory-supplied templates must be used when setting anchor bolts. Lithonia Lighting will not accept claim for incorrect anchorage placement due to failure to use Lithonia Lighting factory templates. • If poles are stored outside, all protective wrapping must be removed immediately upon delivery to prevent finish damage. • Lithonia Lighting is not responsible for the foundation design. BASE DETAIL 18" A C HANDHOLE ORIENTATION A Handhole B C D POLE DATA Shaft base size Bolt circle A Bolt projection B Base square C Template description Anchor bolt description Anchor bolt and template number 4"C 8" – 9"2-3/4"–4"8"ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB18-0 ABSSS-4C 4"G 8" – 9"2-3/4"–4"8"ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB30-0 ABSSS-4G 5"10" – 12"3-3/8"–4"11"ABTEMPLATE PJ50010 AB36-0 ABSSS-5 6"11" – 13"3-3/8"–4"12-1/2"ABTEMPLATE PJ50011 AB36-0 N/A 418 ABCUPUPA2011A2022A2012A2031NHLJMI982A303_______________3A301_______________1A301_______________2A301_______________GAECFB6543217A2021A2023A2033KD4A301_______________172 SFSTAIR010128 SFHALL0111311 SFMECH ROOM002164 SFSTAIR001ABOVEABOVE1A302_______________40' - 0"111213141516101438 SFSTORAGE003995 SFBREAKROOM006R 29' - 0"11' - 0"4' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0"4' - 0"11' - 0"40' - 0"98' - 0"78' - 0"20' - 0"98' - 0"20' - 0"78' - 0"6"78' - 0"6"6"6"6"78' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"78' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"11' - 0"4' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0"4' - 0"11' - 0"010JAN009A004A007A005A006A4' - 0"10' - 0"4"UP390 SFMECHANICALROOM009261 SFMECHANICALROOM00845 SFELEV. EQUIP.004350 SFELEV LOBBY005988 SFSTORAGE007®8 0 0 . 7 5 7 . 9 5 2 2w w w . c t a g r o u p . c o mREVISIONSFOUNDATION PLANA100SPRATT OFFICE BUILDINGLEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3A BLOCK 2, 304 GALLATIN PARK DRIVE - TOWNSHIP 1S, RANGE 5ECTA # SPRATT_OFFBLDG | L:\SPRATT\OFFBLDG\BIMCAD\Revit3-7-2017CHECKED BY | DL© 2016 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDOWNER: CYNTHIA SPRATT 3604 GOOD MEDICINE WAY - BOZEMAN, MT. 59715CTA ArchitectsEngineers - Great Falls,MT - Doug Lorello406-452-3321DRAWN BY | JWS | DL 1/8" = 1'-0"A1001BASEMENTWINDS5.0° STD.DECLINATIONEWSNREFERENCE NORTH16850010000Scale in FeetScale in mmSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"419 ABCUPDNDNUPA2011A2022A2012A2031NHLJMI910' - 0"82A303_______________3A301_______________1A301_______________2A301_______________GAECFB654321778' - 0"20' - 0"98' - 0"40' - 0"11' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"4' - 0"11' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"774 SFCORRIDOR108752 SFCORRIDOR106792 SFSPECULATIVESPACE132200 SFPATIO134129 SFMALERESTROOM104116 SFFEMALERESTROOM105159 SFSTAIR109166 SFSTAIR107175 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE110172 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE111173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE112173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE113173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE114175 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE115173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE116173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE117173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE118174 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE119176 SFRoom120172 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE122173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE123172 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE124175 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE125173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE126173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE127173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE128173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE12913' - 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BOZEMAN, MT. 59715CTA ArchitectsEngineers - Great Falls,MT - Doug Lorello406-452-3321DRAWN BY | JWS | DL 1/8" = 1'-0"A1011FIRST FLOOR PLANWINDS5.0° STD.DECLINATIONEWSNREFERENCE NORTH16850010000Scale in FeetScale in mmSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"420 ABCDNDNUPA2011A2022A2012A2031NHLJMI982A303_______________3A301_______________1A301_______________2A301_______________GAECFB6543217A2021A2023A203310' - 0"78' - 0"20' - 0"98' - 0"40' - 0"11' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"4' - 0"11' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"78' - 0"40' - 0"11' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"4' - 0"11' - 0"15' - 0"122 SFMALERESTROOM204134 SFFEMALERESTROOM205762 SFCORRIDOR206174 SFSTAIR207781 SFCORRIDOR208154 SFSTAIR209175 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE210172 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE211173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE212173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE213173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE214176 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE215173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE216173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE217173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE218174 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE219175 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE220173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE221173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE222173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE223173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE224175 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE225173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE226173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE227173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE228173 SFPERSONALANDCONVENIENCESERVICESPACE229KD4A301_______________1A302_______________UPDN11121314151610WASH230TYP2' - 11 11/32"1' - 5 3/4"6"3' - 10 11/16"5' - 2 5/8"3' - 10 11/16"13' - 0"98' - 0"20' - 0"78' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"78' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"6"4' - 0"1' - 8"4' - 0"5' - 4"3' - 10"1' - 4"4' - 4"1' - 4"4' - 2"2"1' - 2"KKKKKKKIKKKIKKKKKKKKKKII209A204A230A226A224A227A223A228A225A222A221A229A220A205A207A219A218A217A213A214A216A215A211A212A210A6' - 6"3' - 6"10' - 7"2' - 7 1/4"6"60.00°UPDNROOF ABOVEFUTURE CAFEAREA®8 0 0 . 7 5 7 . 9 5 2 2w w w . c t a g r o u p . c o mREVISIONSSECOND FLOOR PLANA102SPRATT OFFICE BUILDINGLEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3A BLOCK 2, 304 GALLATIN PARK DRIVE - TOWNSHIP 1S, RANGE 5ECTA # SPRATT_OFFBLDG | L:\SPRATT\OFFBLDG\BIMCAD\Revit3-7-2017CHECKED BY | DL© 2016 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDOWNER: CYNTHIA SPRATT 3604 GOOD MEDICINE WAY - BOZEMAN, MT. 59715CTA ArchitectsEngineers - Great Falls,MT - Doug Lorello406-452-3321DRAWN BY | JWS | DL 1/8" = 1'-0"A1021SECOND FLOOR PLANWINDS5.0° STD.DECLINATIONEWSNREFERENCE NORTH16850010000Scale in FeetScale in mmSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"421 ABCDNA2011A2022A2012A2031NHLJMI982A303_______________3A301_______________1A301_______________2A301_______________GAECFB6543217A2021A2023A2033KD4A301_______________79 SFMALERESTROOM30476 SFFEMALERESTROOM3051637 SFSPECULATIVESPACE306154 SFSTAIR3071753 SFSPECULATIVESPACE308139 SFSTAIR30978' - 0"20' - 0"98' - 0"40' - 0"11' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"4' - 0"11' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"40' - 0"11' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"4' - 0"11' - 0"1A302_______________DNUP11121314151610UP20' - 0"78' - 0"98' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"1' - 7"5' - 2"1' - 7"1' - 7"5' - 2"1' - 7"1' - 7"5' - 2"1' - 7"2' - 4"8' - 4"2' - 4"1' - 7"5' - 2"1' - 7"78' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"2' - 4"8' - 4"2' - 4"78' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"2' - 4"8' - 4"2' - 4"12' - 8 5/8"4' - 11 3/8"7' - 8"2' - 6 1/2"10' - 7"8' - 10 1/2"8' - 9 1/2"7' - 8"3' - 8"11' - 10"1' - 4 3/4"2' - 4"8' - 4"2' - 4"307A306A305A308A304A309ADDDDDDDDFFDDDDDDDDFF3"4' - 0"1' - 6"4' - 0"3"1' - 8"8' - 4"DN®8 0 0 . 7 5 7 . 9 5 2 2w w w . c t a g r o u p . c o mREVISIONSTHIRD FLOOR PLANA103SPRATT OFFICE BUILDINGLEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3A BLOCK 2, 304 GALLATIN PARK DRIVE - TOWNSHIP 1S, RANGE 5ECTA # SPRATT_OFFBLDG | L:\SPRATT\OFFBLDG\BIMCAD\Revit3-7-2017CHECKED BY | DL© 2016 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDOWNER: CYNTHIA SPRATT 3604 GOOD MEDICINE WAY - BOZEMAN, MT. 59715CTA ArchitectsEngineers - Great Falls,MT - Doug Lorello406-452-3321DRAWN BY | JWS | DL 1/8" = 1'-0"A1031THIRD FLOORWINDS5.0° STD.DECLINATIONEWSNREFERENCE NORTH16850010000Scale in FeetScale in mmSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"422 ABCNHLJMI98GAECFB654321720' - 0"98' - 0"78' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"KD1112131415161020' - 0"78' - 0"98' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"GDL - BALCONYWINDOWS TYP.THIS LOCATION78' - 0"GDL - BALCONYWINDOWS TYP.THIS LOCATION2' - 6"78' - 0"2' - 6"GGL - V21ROOF WINDOWTHIS LOCATIONGGL - V21ROOF WINDOWTHIS LOCATION15 .0 0°15.00°15.00°30.00°GGHHGGHH8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"16" / 12"2' - 0"2' - 0"11' - 0"18' - 0"11' - 0"2' - 0"R 30' - 10"2' - 0"11' - 0"18' - 0"11' - 0"EQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQ8" / 12"8" / 12"®8 0 0 . 7 5 7 . 9 5 2 2w w w . c t a g r o u p . c o mREVISIONSROOF PLANA105SPRATT OFFICE BUILDINGLEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3A BLOCK 2, 304 GALLATIN PARK DRIVE - TOWNSHIP 1S, RANGE 5ECTA # SPRATT_OFFBLDG | L:\SPRATT\OFFBLDG\BIMCAD\Revit3-7-2017CHECKED BY | Checker© 2016 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDOWNER: CYNTHIA SPRATT 3604 GOOD MEDICINE WAY - BOZEMAN, MT. 59715CTA ArchitectsEngineers - Great Falls,MT - Doug Lorello406-452-3321DRAWN BY | Author 1/8" = 1'-0"A1051ROOF PLANWINDS5.0° STD.DECLINATIONEWSNREFERENCE NORTH16850010000Scale in FeetScale in mmSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"423 24 2424242424 6'-0"3'-0"1'-0"5"5'-4"5'-10"1'-4"51/4"8"PRECAST CONCRETE CAP6x6x3/16" TUBE STEEL CORNERPOSTS#4 DOWEL AT 24" OC EXTEND24" MIN INTO CMU(2) #4 BARS CONT.6" CONCRETE, THICKENED EDGESLAB WITH #5 BARS AT 18" OCEW.(2) #4 BARS AT BOTTOM EDGE AND#5 BAR AT PERIMETER EDGE.6" ENGINEERED FILL COMPACTED TO ASTM 695TYPICALSEE SHEET A101 FOR OVERALLDIMENSIONSMAIN SCREENCORNER COLUMNINTERMEDIATESUPPORTCOMPOSITE MAT'LDARK GREYCOMPOSITE DECKINGMATERIAL WITH1_4" SPACEFASTEN TO STEELFRAME1x1x16 GA TUBE STEELSUPPORT FRAME. HORIZAT 12" OC AND FASTENEDTO SUPPORT COLUMNS6x6x3/16" TUBE STEEL SUPPORTPRIMED AND PAINTED BLACKWELD PYRAMID SHAPE ON TOPTO DRAIN WATER AWAYWELD 12"x12"x1/4" BASE PLATETO SUPPORT AND ANCHOR TOCONCRETE WITH (4)3/8"x6"EPOXY ANCHORSEIFS BRICK TO MATCH MAINBUILDINGFIRST FLOOR100' - 0"SECOND FLOOR110' - 6"THIRD FLOOR121' - 0"MEZZANINE130' - 11"MAX RIDGE145' - 0"14' - 1"9' - 11"10' - 6"10' - 6"9BASEMENT90' - 4"11121314151610BBBBKKKKDDKKKKKKDKKDHHKKKKDDKKKKDKKDKKHH21' - 0"18' - 3 19/32"ASPHALT SHINGLES OVER ICE AND WATERSHIELD ON SIPS PANELSTILTING SKY WINDOWSWITH BALCONYDORMER ROOF, TO BE SAME CONST.AS MAIN ROOFVINYL CLAD WOOD WINDOWS WITHLOW E INSULATED GLAZINGTYPICAL EXTERIOR PERIMETER WALLTO BE EIFS, 1" RIGID INSUL, OVERSIP's PANELS. TRIM AND ACCENT TOBE EIFS, APPLIED OVER MAIN FIELDCENTER SILO ROOF TO BE CONSTRUCTEDOF PREFAB. TRUSSES (FIELD CUT TO SHAPE)WITH (2) LAYERS OF 1/2" OSB TO FORM SHAPEWITH ICE AND WATER SHIELD AND ASPHALTSHINGLES.CENTER SILO WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.FUTURE CAFE WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.PATIO TRELLIS CONSTRUCTIONTO BE REDWOOD MEMBERSSEALED - TYPICALGRADE SEE SITE PLAN16" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"16" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"5531544224FIRST FLOOR100' - 0"SECOND FLOOR110' - 6"THIRD FLOOR121' - 0"MEZZANINE130' - 11"MAX RIDGE145' - 0"NHLJMIKBASEMENT90' - 4"ASPHALT SHINGLES OVER ICE AND WATERSHIELD ON SIPS PANELSTILTING SKY WINDOWS16" 12"8" 12"16" 12"8" 12"DORMER ROOF, TO BE SAME CONST.AS MAIN ROOFVINYL CLAD WOOD WINDOWS WITHLOW E INSULATED GLAZINGTYPICAL EXTERIOR PERIMETER WALLTO BE EIFS, 1" RIGID INSUL, OVERSIP's PANELS. TRIM AND ACCENT TOBE EIFS, APPLIED OVER MAIN FIELDCENTER SILO ROOF TO BE CONSTRUCTEDOF PREFAB. TRUSSES (FIELD CUT TO SHAPE)WITH (2) LAYERS OF 1/2" OSB TO FORM SHAPEWITH ICE AND WATER SHIELD AND ASPHALTSHINGLES.CENTER SILO WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.FUTURE CAFE WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.PATIO TRELLIS CONSTRUCTIONTO BE REDWOOD MEMBERSSEALED - TYPICALEXTERIOR UTILITY ENCLOSURE TOBE EIFS BRICK AND STEEL PANELSCREENS TO ALLOW FOR AIRFLOWSEE DETAIL THIS SHEETGRADE SEE SITE PLAN16" 12"8" 12"8" 12"16" 12"16" 12"8" 12"5515441114®8 0 0 . 7 5 7 . 9 5 2 2w w w . c t a g r o u p . c o mREVISIONSEXTERIORELEVATIONSA201SPRATT OFFICE BUILDINGLEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3A BLOCK 2, 304 GALLATIN PARK DRIVE - TOWNSHIP 1S, RANGE 5ECTA # SPRATT_OFFBLDG | L:\SPRATT\OFFBLDG\BIMCAD\Revit3-7-2017CHECKED BY | DL© 2016 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDOWNER: CYNTHIA SPRATT 3604 GOOD MEDICINE WAY - BOZEMAN, MT. 59715CTA ArchitectsEngineers - Great Falls,MT - Doug Lorello406-452-3321DRAWN BY | JWS | DL 1/8" = 1'-0"A2012EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A2011NORTH ELEVATIONEXTERIOR FINISH LEGENDEIFS COLOR #1 SANDLEWOOD BEIGE W/TUCSON GLAZE ( MAIN FIELD)EIFS COLOR #2LUCENT YELLOW SW6400 (SILO CONNECTION CORRIDORS)EIFS COLOR #3GRAVEL GREY (ACCENT TRIM)EIFS BRICK COLOR - SANDLEWOOD BEIGE WITH DARK MORTAR (AT SILO AND FUTURE CAFE)ASPHALT SHINGLE TO BE GAF TIMBERLINE - CHARCOAL (COLOR)12345 3/4" = 1'-0"A2013UTILITY/DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE424 FIRST FLOOR100' - 0"SECOND FLOOR110' - 6"THIRD FLOOR121' - 0"86543217BASEMENT90' - 4"ASPHALT SHINGLES OVER ICE AND WATERSHIELD ON SIPS PANELSTILTING SKY WINDOWSWITH BALCONYDORMER ROOF, TO BE SAME CONST.AS MAIN ROOFVINYL CLAD WOOD WINDOWS WITHLOW E INSULATED GLAZINGTYPICAL EXTERIOR PERIMETER WALLTO BE EIFS, 1" RIGID INSUL, OVERSIP's PANELS. TRIM AND ACCENT TOBE EIFS, APPLIED OVER MAIN FIELDCENTER SILO ROOF TO BE CONSTRUCTEDOF PREFAB. TRUSSES (FIELD CUT TO SHAPE)WITH (2) LAYERS OF 1/2" OSB TO FORM SHAPEWITH ICE AND WATER SHIELD AND ASPHALTSHINGLES.CENTER SILO WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.FUTURE CAFE WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.PATIO TRELLIS CONSTRUCTIONTO BE REDWOOD MEMBERSSEALED - TYPICALGRADE SEE SITE PLAN16" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8 " / 1 2 "1 6" / 12"5454131224FIRST FLOOR100' - 0"SECOND FLOOR110' - 6"THIRD FLOOR121' - 0"MEZZANINE130' - 11"MAX RIDGE145' - 0"NHLJMIKBASEMENT90' - 4"ASPHALT SHINGLES OVER ICE AND WATERSHIELD ON SIPS PANELSTILTING SKY WINDOWSWITH BALCONYDORMER ROOF, TO BE SAME CONST.AS MAIN ROOFVINYL CLAD WOOD WINDOWS WITHLOW E INSULATED GLAZINGTYPICAL EXTERIOR PERIMETER WALLTO BE EIFS, 1" RIGID INSUL, OVERSIP's PANELS. TRIM AND ACCENT TOBE EIFS, APPLIED OVER MAIN FIELDCENTER SILO ROOF TO BE CONSTRUCTEDOF PREFAB. TRUSSES (FIELD CUT TO SHAPE)WITH (2) LAYERS OF 1/2" OSB TO FORM SHAPEWITH ICE AND WATER SHIELD AND ASPHALTSHINGLES.CENTER SILO WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFSAPPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.FUTURE CAFE WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.PATIO TRELLIS CONSTRUCTIONTO BE REDWOOD MEMBERSSEALED - TYPICALGRADE SEE SITE PLANUTILITY YARD ENCLOSURESEE 3/A20116" 12"8" 12"8" 12"16" 12"544551114FIRST FLOOR100' - 0"SECOND FLOOR110' - 6"THIRD FLOOR121' - 0"MEZZANINE130' - 11"GAECFBDBASEMENT90' - 4"IFIIF106AASPHALT SHINGLES OVER ICE AND WATERSHIELD ON SIPS PANELSEIFS BRICK ACCENT TRIMDORMER ROOF, TO BE SAME CONST.AS MAIN ROOFVINYL CLAD WOOD WINDOWS WITHLOW E INSULATED GLAZINGTYPICAL EXTERIOR PERIMETER WALLTO BE EIFS, 1" RIGID INSUL, OVERSIP's PANELS. TRIM AND ACCENT TOBE EIFS, APPLIED OVER MAIN FIELDCENTER SILO ROOF TO BE CONSTRUCTEDOF PREFAB. TRUSSES (FIELD CUT TO SHAPE)WITH (2) LAYERS OF 1/2" OSB TO FORM SHAPEWITH ICE AND WATER SHIELD AND ASPHALTSHINGLES.CENTER SILO WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.FUTURE CAFE WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFS APPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.PATIO TRELLIS CONSTRUCTIONTO BE REDWOOD MEMBERSSEALED - TYPICALGRADE SEE SITE PLAN16" 12"16" 12"8" 12"8" 12"8" 12"8" 12"16" 12"5455441®8 0 0 . 7 5 7 . 9 5 2 2w w w . c t a g r o u p . c o mREVISIONSEXTERIORELEVATIONSA202SPRATT OFFICE BUILDINGLEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3A BLOCK 2, 304 GALLATIN PARK DRIVE - TOWNSHIP 1S, RANGE 5ECTA # SPRATT_OFFBLDG | L:\SPRATT\OFFBLDG\BIMCAD\Revit3-7-2017CHECKED BY | DL© 2016 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDOWNER: CYNTHIA SPRATT 3604 GOOD MEDICINE WAY - BOZEMAN, MT. 59715CTA ArchitectsEngineers - Great Falls,MT - Doug Lorello406-452-3321DRAWN BY | JWS | DL 1/8" = 1'-0"A2021SOUTH EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A2022SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A2023SOUTH WEST ELEVATIONEXTERIOR FINISH LEGENDEIFS COLOR #1 SANDLEWOOD BEIGE W/TUCSON GLAZE ( MAIN FIELD)EIFS COLOR #2LUCENT YELLOW SW6400 (SILO CONNECTION CORRIDORS)EIFS COLOR #3GRAVEL GREY (ACCENT TRIM)EIFS BRICK COLOR - SANDLEWOOD BEIGE WITH DARK MORTAR (AT SILO AND FUTURE CAFE)ASPHALT SHINGLE TO BE GAF TIMBERLINE - CHARCOAL (COLOR)12345425 FIRST FLOOR100' - 0"SECOND FLOOR110' - 6"THIRD FLOOR121' - 0"MEZZANINE130' - 11"9BASEMENT90' - 4"111213141516109' - 8"10' - 6"10' - 6"KKKKKKDDDKKDGGKKKKKKDDDKKDIFIIFGGASPHALT SHINGLES OVER ICE AND WATERSHIELD ON SIPS PANELSTILTING SKY WINDOWSWITH BALCONYDORMER ROOF, TO BE SAME CONST.AS MAIN ROOFVINYL CLAD WOOD WINDOWS WITHLOW E INSULATED GLAZINGTYPICAL EXTERIOR PERIMETER WALLTO BE EIFS, 1" RIGID INSUL, OVERSIP's PANELS. TRIM AND ACCENT TOBE EIFS, APPLIED OVER MAIN FIELDCENTER SILO ROOF TO BE CONSTRUCTEDOF PREFAB. TRUSSES (FIELD CUT TO SHAPE)WITH (2) LAYERS OF 1/2" OSB TO FORM SHAPEWITH ICE AND WATER SHIELD AND ASPHALTSHINGLES.CENTER SILO WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFSAPPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.ENTRY ROOF AND DORMER ROOF TOBE SIPs PANELS WTH ICE AND WATERSHIELD AND ASPHALT SHINGLESEYEBROW DORMER TO BESTICK FRAMED AND SHEATHEDGRADE SEE SITE PLANMAIN EIFS FEILD COLORMECHANICAL LOUVERMATCHING EXISTING EIFSCOLORSEE CIVIL SHEETS FOR GRADING ANDSITE INFORMATION16" / 12"8" / 12"16" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"551131545542443154FIRST FLOOR100' - 0"SECOND FLOOR110' - 6"THIRD FLOOR121' - 0"MEZZANINE130' - 11"86543217BASEMENT90' - 4"9' - 11"10' - 6"10' - 6"9' - 8"KKKKKKDDDKKDGGASPHALT SHINGLES OVER ICE AND WATERSHIELD ON SIPS PANELSTILTING SKY WINDOWSWITH BALCONYDORMER ROOF, TO BE SAME CONST.AS MAIN ROOFTYPICAL EXTERIOR PERIMETER WALLTO BE EIFS, 1" RIGID INSUL, OVERSIP's PANELS. TRIM AND ACCENT TOBE EIFS, APPLIED OVER MAIN FIELDCENTER SILO ROOF TO BE CONSTRUCTEDOF PREFAB. TRUSSES (FIELD CUT TO SHAPE)WITH (2) LAYERS OF 1/2" OSB TO FORM SHAPEWITH ICE AND WATER SHIELD AND ASPHALTSHINGLES.CENTER SILO WALL CONSTRUCTIONWOOD FRAMED WALLS WITH OSB SHTG1" OF RIGID INSULATION AND EIFSAPPLIEDFAUX BRICK SYSTEM.ENTRY ROOF AND DORMER ROOF TOBE SIPs PANELS WTH ICE AND WATERSHIELD AND ASPHALT SHINGLESEYEBROW DORMER TO BESTICK FRAMED AND SHEATHEDALUMINUM ENTRY DOORAND FRAME - SEE SCHEDSEE CIVIL SHEETS FOR GRADING ANDSITE INFORMATION16" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12"8" / 12" 8" / 12"5455551234®8 0 0 . 7 5 7 . 9 5 2 2w w w . c t a g r o u p . c o mREVISIONSEXTERIORELEVATIONSA203SPRATT OFFICE BUILDINGLEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3A BLOCK 2, 304 GALLATIN PARK DRIVE - TOWNSHIP 1S, RANGE 5ECTA # SPRATT_OFFBLDG | L:\SPRATT\OFFBLDG\BIMCAD\Revit3-7-2017CHECKED BY | DL© 2016 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDOWNER: CYNTHIA SPRATT 3604 GOOD MEDICINE WAY - BOZEMAN, MT. 59715CTA ArchitectsEngineers - Great Falls,MT - Doug Lorello406-452-3321DRAWN BY | JWS | DL 1/8" = 1'-0"A2031WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"A2033WEST ELEVATIONEXTERIOR FINISH LEGENDEIFS COLOR #1 SANDLEWOOD BEIGE W/TUCSON GLAZE ( MAIN FIELD)EIFS COLOR #2LUCENT YELLOW SW6400 (SILO CONNECTION CORRIDORS)EIFS COLOR #3GRAVEL GREY (ACCENT TRIM)EIFS BRICK COLOR - SANDLEWOOD BEIGE WITH DARK MORTAR (AT SILO AND FUTURE CAFE)ASPHALT SHINGLE TO BE GAF TIMBERLINE - CHARCOAL (COLOR)12345426 6'-0"3'-0"6'-0"3'-0"13'-4" FINAL LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED BY MECHANICAL UNIT SELECTION 8'-4" SOUTH ELEVATION EAST/WEST ELEVATION PANEL HINGED AND LOCKABLE ON EAST SIDE HOLD COMPOSITE SLATS 1" APART TO ALLOW FOR AIRFLOW NOTE: SEE DETAIL 3 ON SHEET A201 FOR ENCLOSURE CONSTRUCTION. GRADE LINE OF THICKENED EDGE 14" = 1'-0" 14" = 1'-0" GREAT FALLS, MT p 406.452.3321 f 406.454.1873 ® REVISIONTAG SHEET NAMEREF SHEET CHECKED BY Drawing1.dwg | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED©SPRATT OFFICE BUILDING BOZEMAN, MONTANA SPRATT OFFICE FEN-01A201 1 FEN-01 LORELLO2015 427 428 429 430 431