HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Task Order 1 - HDR Engineering, Inc. - Water Reclamation Facilities On-Call Engineering ServicesExhibit A to Professional Services Agreement TASK ORDER NUMBER 01 Issued under the authority of Professional Services Agreement between the City of Bozeman and HDR Engineering, Inc. for: A range of professional and technical services related to operations and maintenance of the City f Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility, including but not necessarily limited to engineering design, preparation of construction documents, project bidding, and construction administration services for various improvement projects. This Task Order is dated M&I , 2017 between City of Bozeman (City) and HDR Engineering, Inc. (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: Brian Heaston Contractor: Dan Harmon SCOPE OF WORK: (attach additional sheet(s) as required) A. UFAT Elutriation Modifications: HDR shall assist with evaluation of the elutriation water process flows and mixing intensity in the existing Unified Fermentation and Thickening (UFAT) System, and will develop up to three Options for modification of the pumping and piping system design/installation to enhance the elutriation of Volatile Fatty Acids (UFAs). HDR will utilize the technical services of Mario Bensich (HDR) and/or Rob Bauer (formerly from Clean Water Services in Tigard, Oregon) for assistance in conducting an evaluation workshop on the Fermenter modification Options. HDR and Clean Water Services share the patent on the Unified Fermentation and Thickening process employed at Bozeman, and Rob Bauer was one of the original technical experts involved with the development of the process. A single Technical Evaluation and Modifications Options Workshop will be conducted via telephone and NetMeeting with City of Bozeman Staff and Rob Bauer to review and select the recommended modification Option. It is assumed that up to eight (8) hours of Mr. Benisch and up to eight (8) manhours of Mr. Bauer's time will be included for the review and Option recommendation effort. The HDR Project Manager and Project Engineer will participate in the telephone Workshop. It is anticipated that the physical work for the recommended modifications will be completed by the City of Bozeman in-house. HDR will complete a brief technical memorandum that summarizes the modification Options considered, and will provide an overview of the Recommended Option. The technical memorandum will be accompanied by sketch(es) that depict the recommended modifications, and will also include equipment and materials specifications appended to the memorandum for the recommended Option. Should the recommended modifications become more effort than the City would like to perform in-house, development of a formal procurement document will be added as an additional Task Order to the Professional Services Agreement. B. Solids Handling Air Exchange Memorandum: The City of Bozeman has identified a limitation in the amount of air exchange within the dewatering area of the new Digester Control Building No. 2, and is currently experiencing a shortage of available heating capacity from the WRF's hot water system. The current air movement within the Digester Control Building No. 2 (Solids Handling Building) requires that heated air directed through the adjoining Utilidor be ventilated from the lower level of the Digester Control Building No. 2 in lieu of transferring the Utilidor air to the upper level of the Digester Control Room before ventilating from the building. HDR has suggested an alternative air movement concept where the heated makeup air from the Utilidor be used as makeup air for the upper level of WRF Task Order No. 1 the Digester Control Building No. 2. Modification of the air movement concept would result in a better makeup air supply to the upper dewatering level of the building, and would reduce the amount of heating required for the building. The modification of alternative air movement concept will require an exception to the NFPA 820 code by the local administrative authority in order to legally implement. HDR shall write a brief memorandum on the recommended alternative operation of the HVAC air movement systems for the Digester Control Building No. 2, and will include sketch(es) using the original facility as -built mechanical drawings that show recommended air movement modifications and duct modifications. The memorandum will be developed for the City of Bozeman's use in discussion with the local administrative authority (City Building Department), with the intent to obtain an exception to the NFPA 820 through air monitoring and other operating actions that would allow transfer of heated air from the Utilidor from the lower level of the Digester Control Building No. 2 to the upper level of the room before exhausting from the building. C. UV Building Hot Water Piping Modifications: The hot water loop, located in the existing Utilidor of the WRF, has hot water supply and hot water return connections serving the Utilidor. Due to the location of these service connections with respect to the hot water boilers and other secondary heat loops, performance of the hot water loop system will perform better if the connections for hot water supply and hot water return are reversed. Modification of piping connections can be accomplished within the Utilidor, at the location where the supply and return connect to the main hot water loop piping. HDR shall design modifications to the UV Building hot water piping and provide a modification drawing (in the form of annotated picture(s) and key notes) for inclusion in the City's WRF Small Works Project No. 1 bid package (drawings and specifications). HDR will ensure the Small Works Project construction bidding documents to include this work item. D. Hoist Monorail Capacity Rating The City of Bozeman received request form the Montana State Department of Labor and Industries to provide formal load rating for two hoist monorails on-site (lower level of the Blower Building and Boiler Room of the Digester Control Building) that are currently not marked for load capacity. HDR has collected monorail size information, conducted field measurements and has collected pictures of the two existing installations. HDR shall conduct a structural evaluation and perform a load rating of the two (2) hoist monorails for the Montana Department of Labor and Industries inspection rating compliance. HDR will provide a brief memorandum that provides the recommended load ratings that the City should use for physically marking each installation. E. Digesters No. 1 and No. 2 and Administration Building Roofing Replacement The City of Bozeman has identified that the roofing system on Digester No. 1, Digester No. 2 and the associated Administration Building requires replacement. The existing roofing system will also be impacted by construction activities associated with the mixer replacements associated with the digesters. HDR shall develop a roofing replacement specification and single roof system replacement drawing for the subject structures to be incorporated into the Small Works Project No. 1 Contract package. Work on the roofing system replacement will be incorporated into the project, to be completed following construction associated with both Digester No. 1 and Digester No. 2. The TPO roofing system, installed as part of the WRF Phase 1 project is assumed as the roofing system to be used for the replacement project. Temporary roof protection will be required by the Contract Documents while construction is ongoing at the Digesters until the roof replacement can be completed. WW Task Order No. 1 2 F. Small Works Project No. 1 Contract Document Completion and Bid Assistance HDR completed a DRAFT Contract package that included the mixer replacement for Digester No. 1 and Digester No. 2, secondary clarifier launder covers and weir replacement, piping modifications in Digester Complex No. 2, WAS pump replacement and associated mechanical and electrical. The City has requested to add the following items to the Contract Documents including: • Digester No. 1 cleaning • Roofing replacement for existing Digester No. 1, existing Digester No. 2 and the associated Administration Building. • Bidding services for administration of the project bid and contract award. • Construction observation and engineering assistance services for the Small Works Contract No. 1. HDR will add the above additional work items to the contract package, address preliminary review comments received from the City's project manager, complete an estimated probable construction cost estimate, develop a final bid document including specifications and drawings in .pdf and camera-ready format, print DRAFT up to four (4) documents for agency and building department review (if required) and submit to the City for agency and Building Department review. It is assumed the City will lead acquisition of any necessary building permits. HDR will coordinate notification to MDEQ through a letter submittal of project intent. It is assumed the project will be treated by MDEQ as a routine maintenance project, and no detailed MDEQ review and approval will be necessary for completion of the project. HDR will provide the City a DRAFT Bid Advertisement for the City's use in formal advertisement of the project, and will print six (6) sets of Contract bid documents for use in contract bidding and agency notification. It is assumed the City will pay for the necessary bid advertisement. HDR will develop a project preliminary bid list of known constructors capable of completing the project work, and will contact these firms to notify them of the project and promote project bidding. It is assumed a project preliminary bid conference will not be conducted for the project, and contractor access to the site will be coordinated through HDR's Bozeman office and the City's on-site plant personnel. It is assumed that the City plant personnel will make the site available to perspective contractors. HDR will coordinate the digital disposition of contract bid documents, and will manage the formal bidders list for the project. Digital Contract documents will also be made available in hard copy format for a no -refundable fee. Costs for documents will be used to offset the cost for printing and shipping. At the end of the bid period, printing charges and planset revenues will be reconciled and either credited back to the City of Bozeman or additional costs charged to the project as applicable. HDR will provide bid administrative assistance including responding to telephone call inquiries, development of up to one (1) bid Addenda, and will participate in the receipt of formal project bids. HDR will assist the City in evaluation of the project bids, and will provide the City with a formal recommendation for Contract award. It is assumed the City will issue the formal Contract Award notification and will administer the signing and execution of the Contract. COMPENSATION: The anticipated level of effort for the above Task items are based upon the following manhour projection presented in Attachment 1. The anticipated cost for services for the above Task items, to be completed on a Time and Materials Basis and not to exceed without prior authorization, are shown on Attachment 2. WRF Task Order No. 1 HDR shall be reimbursed on a Time and Materials basis not to exceed the budget amounts presented, without prior written authorization from the City of Bozeman. HDR shall notify the City of Bozeman prior to executing additional work, and shall not proceed with additional work without written authorization from the City of Bozeman. HDR shall invoice no more often than monthly for services provided in the prior month. The provisions of the Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement and any Special Terms and Conditions and/or Exhibits or Attachments to this Task Order shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the companies have executed this Task Order: CitN o Bozeman By: Title: &J10IN4 N~(D15-9 Date: Z" z -/J -7 WRF Task Order No. 1 4 HDR /Enaineerina, Inc. By: (142�x Title: V r Date: 03 3 I .L'o I Fed. ID. No. q1- M 015A Exhibit 1 City of Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility On Call Services Task Order No. 1 Engineering Fee Estimate 1LL Subtasks to be completed on a time and materials basis in accordance with Article 6.2 the On Call Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement Key Personnel Billing Rate HDR Labor CategorV Attachment 1: City of Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility Construction On Call Services Task Order No. 1 Staff Hour Estimate DM - Design Manager Design Manager $195 QA1 - Quality Assurance Principal $240 QA3 - Quality Assurance Section Manager $195 DT1 - Design Team Engineer II DM QA3 DT1 DT2 DT3 HDR Engineering, Inc. DT4 OPS TS1 TS2 TS3 CAD1 ADM1 ADM2 Subtotal Hours OPS - Operations Specialist TOTAL A UFAT System Elutration Modifications Project Architect $216 TS2 - Technical Support Supervising Engineer Ill $206 TS3 - Technical Support Engineer III $188 CAD - CAD Technician CADD Technician $112 ADM1 - Project Controller Accounting/Administration $100 ADM2 - Project Assistant Evaluate and Design $59 8 Page 1 of 1 8 8 8 2 34 Hours sub -total 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 8 2 0 34 34 B Solids Handling Air Exchange Memorandum Solids Handling Air Exchange Memorandum 4 2 1 7 Hours sub -total 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 7 C UV Building Hot Water Piping Modifications: Design 1 1 4 8 2 16 Hours sub -total 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 2 0 16 16 D Hoist Monorail Structural Load Rating Load Rating Memorandum 1 4 1 6 Hours sub -total 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 6 6 E Digesters No.'1 and No.i2 and Administration Building Roofing Replacement Design 8 24 24 56 0 Hours sub -total 8 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 56 56 F Small Works Project No 1 Contract Document Completion and, Bid Assistance Contract Develol ment 8 8 24 40 24 104 0 Hours sub -total 8 8 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 400 24 104 104 Total Personnel Hours 29 9 0 0 63 0 0 0 4 8 80 6 24 223 223 1LL Subtasks to be completed on a time and materials basis in accordance with Article 6.2 the On Call Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement Key Personnel Billing Rate HDR Labor CategorV DM - Design Manager Design Manager $195 QA1 - Quality Assurance Principal $240 QA3 - Quality Assurance Section Manager $195 DT1 - Design Team Engineer II $144 DT2 - Design Team Engineer 1 $138 DT3 - Design Team Engineer 1 $138 DT4 - Design Team Engineer II $144 OPS - Operations Specialist Senior Operations $195 TS1 - Technical Support Project Architect $216 TS2 - Technical Support Supervising Engineer Ill $206 TS3 - Technical Support Engineer III $188 CAD - CAD Technician CADD Technician $112 ADM1 - Project Controller Accounting/Administration $100 ADM2 - Project Assistant Clerical $59 Copy of Copy of WRF On Call Budgets Task No.1_Rev 2.0_djh_kw Page 1 of 1 5/5/2017 Exhibit II City of Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility On Call Services Task Order No. 1 Engineering Fee Estimate Attachment 2: Task Order Cost Summary Task Task Description Direct Labor Expenses By Task I Task Total A UFAT System Elutration Modifications $ 5,259.84 $ 1,650.00 $ 6,909.84 B Solids Handling Air Exchange Memorandum $ 1,155.62 $ - $ 1,155.62 C UV Building Hot Water Piping Modifications $ 2,036.03 $ $ 2,036.03 D Hoist Monorail Structural Load Rating $ 1,059.23 $ $ 1,059.23 E Digesters No. 1 and No. 2 and Administration Building Roofing Replacement $ 7,552.00 $ - $ 7,552.00 F Small Works Project No. 1 Contract Document Completion and Bid Assistance $ 12,331.01 $ 640.00 $ 12,971.01 G Small Works Project No. 1 Construction Assistance (Future Task) $ - $ - $ - Total Labor and Expenses Cost by Task $ 29,393.73 $ 2,290.00 $ 31,683.73 Expense Summary Expenses Outside Consultant Rob Bauer $ 1,600.00 Travel Expenses $ 400.00 Mapping/Photos/Surveys $ - Printing and Photocopying $ 290.00 Total Expenses $ 2,290.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED ENGINEERING SERVICES FEE $ 31,683.73 Copy of Copy of WRF On Call Budgets Task No.1_Rev 2.0_djh_kw Page 1 of 1 5/5/2017