HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-26 66 Bozeman, Montana September 26, 1951 The Corrnniss ion of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall BuildinE, Wednesday afternoon. September 26. 1951 at 1:00 0' clock 1-. M. Present were Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Healy, Conunissioner Secor, City Ivbnager Henderson, Gi ty Attorney Lovelace and the Acting Clerk when the followinG proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the minutes be aI-lroved as read ar:d the motion was carried by the following Aye and 1>'0 vote: those votinc Aye beinG ll:ayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Cormnissioner Healy; those votine: :No, none. Resolution No. '(13 - FHrking lllaintenance Assessment The Manager steted that a resolution levying: the assessment for the cost of maintenance of park- ings irL the amount of' $5,733.88 for 1951 has be8n r,repared. He presented Resolution No. 713, entitled: A RE80L1JTION OF TIlE COT,};1ISSION OF THE OTY OF BOZEJI~A}:, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SIECIAL ASSESS~f.El;T OF TAXBS lJfOK ALL THE IROFF.RTY IN Si'ECIAL mIROVEr,n~li'T DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF I30ZEMAK, COUliTY OF' GALLATIT" STAT1~ OF MOFTANA, FOR TIlE 1:!AIl:TENANCE OF rARKU;GS TO DEFRAY THS COST OF MAlI TAThH:G TEE FARKINGSWITHIN SAID SFT~C IAL IMFROV'SIvIENT DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF BOZFJU.K FOR TEE YBP,R 1951. It was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by COlnmissioner Secor, that the Resolution be rro- visionally rassed and October 3, 1951 be set as the date for heerinG of protests, and the motion was ce.rried by the following; Aye and 1;0 vote: those voting Aye beinG l;;ayor Lowe, Cornn:issioner Secor aDd Corrunissioner ;:ealy; t.hose votinG; ro, nane. Resolution No. 714 - Lig:ht Maintenance Assessment The lVienaGer sta t;ed that a resolution levyinc the assessment for the C;)st. of ma:intenance and areration of street li;htinG districts in the amount of ~1,6e5.96 for 1951 has been lrepared. LIe rres81;teel Resolution No. 714, entitled: A RSSOL1JTION OF TLr~ CO~'!,'ISSION OF TIm CITY OF BOZli;J\lAK lI':m:Tl\XA, LEVYIEG .AND ASSESSnG LIGETn:G DISTRICT LiAINTEFMCE Al-:r BLECTRICAL CURR\'NT COSTS FOR SfEC 11\1. ILl HOVSUB1>lT LIGETU;G DISTRICTS Nl:I.lBER~; 361. 362, 2':::.4, 288, 289, 290, 295 AND 300 OF THE CITY Of BOZ:SI\:A1~, rURSUANT TO TIlE lRO- VISIOKS:.H' SECTIUI:3 5266 R.C.},:. 1935. It was movec by COI'l;nissioner Secor. seco!,ded 1y CommisG ioner Healy, that the Resolution be pro- visiorwlly res sed and :)ctoller 3, 1951 be set. as U:e date for hourinL of protests. 9no. the motion was corded by the following Aye and 1\0 vote: those voting Aye being L1nyor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Cormnissioner Healy; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 715 - Street SI,rinklint; Assessment The Mar8Ler stated that a resolution levying the ,'1ssessrnent for the cost of srrirlkli:c;; streets it; the amount of :;il,072.36 for 1951 has been prepared. Ee l_reserltec. Resolution ~o. 715, entitled: A l1SS0Ll)TI01'.' OF TE;:~ Cma,:ISSIOI\ 01 TIll; CITY OJ' BO Z';;;\ 'Ai, L2VYII"G AND ASSESSn;C~ A SIJ:;CIAt ASSSSSHF2,.T 01- TAXES UIor l\L1, TES lROFEHTY IN STHP.;;;T S}qI~,'KLn.G DISTIUCTS OF TIl'~: CITY OF BO-;:E~!:Al';, con:1Y OF GALLATII" STATE OF EOT\TARA, 1'0 DEFRAY SEVEETY-FIVE fERCEl\T OF ThE COST OF SlE:::NKLI1,C STR:;ETS ViITHIN SAID STREET SnnrKLING DlSTRIC1'S OF TIm CITY OF BOZEr,.lA1, FOR TIrE Y,';AR 1951. :a was moved by COI;u:nissioner Healy, seconded by COlTllllissioner Secor, that the~tesoJutioJ:1 be l:.ro- visionally p:ssed and Jctober 3, HI51 be set as the elate for henrir:~L of i rotests, end the motion was carried by the fo11owint:; Aye and No vote: those voting; Aye beinG Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor GEd Conmlis sioner Healy; those votinG No, none. -- Resolution No. 716 - Garbage Assessment The Menacer stated that a resolution levyir.g the assessment for the cost of' collec tinG garbage in the amount of ~23,633.16 for 1851 has been prer-ared. He presented Resolution 1\0. 716, entitled: A HESOLl1TIOh OF TEE COI.'llHSSION OF THE CITY OF' BOZ:~l:'Ali', MOl\TA1\A, L:<;VYING fJiJD ASSESSnW A SFECIAL ASSESSI:li;;NT OF 'LKKES llFOt ALL ~EAI" FROFERTY IF 11':1~ CITY :)F BOZEMAN, CO'L'1\'TY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, SERVICED AVD F'ROJ! WHICH GARBAGE WAS COLLSCTED M-JD RElilOVED Dl:"'RING TE".: Yi'~AR 1951, TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXl'ENSF; OF COLLV,CTUG llND DISIOSnW OF GARBAGE UIDER TEE fRO'lI- SIONS OF OHnINAl'C.s NO. 696 OF TEE CITY OF BOZEMAN. It was moved b;y COI':.missioner Secor. seconded by Commissioner Eealy, tlwt the Res01ution be I I I fi7 I rrovir;ionally Fassed and October 3, 1~51 be set as the date for tearinG of FTotests, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 10 vote: those votinG Aye being Itayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and CO:hnissioner Healy; those votine; No, none. Acce1:tance of Townhouse favement Question The City Manager stated that he has received a verbal request from officers of TownlJOuse, Inc. for a statemer..t from the City of Bozeman that pavemen+ recently laid on South Tracy AveYm8 8.TH) East Harrison Street, adjacent to Townhouse, Inc. r roperty, meets with p 11 city requirements and sf 9cifica- tions . It was eXIl ained the t, in accordance ,'1jth e. verbal aGreement wi th Townhouse, Inc., the City excavated both of these streets several months 8[;0 in rreF8ration for them to be raved. The City ;7wde no agreement to finish erede or otherwise prepare these streets for reving. In return Townhouse, Inc. aGreed to install curbs alonG tbeir Iroperty and on the west side of Tracy Avenue and to ins tall a cravel base and blacktop pavement on the south half of Harrison Street and tLe :'ull width of Tracy Avenue adjacent to theSr property. After these streets had been excavated, U;e Cit.y r~r:",ineer ren levels Hnd set stakes and markers to show the required finished level of' the streets. Shortly there- after the Standard Construction Company, e.s contractor or sub-contractor for Townhouse, Inc., hauled gravel onto these streets as base for pavement. No check wes made by the City :of' the amount of gravel or of the grade to which it brought the level of the street.s. On or about Sertember 15t.h, which wes arFroximately three months after the gra.vel had been Ie id, the Standard Construction laid tLe blacktop mat on the existinG gravel surface. This was done wiU0nt notice to the Cit:r. t, survey of these streets now shows that the finished surface is from 3/4 inch to four inches below wh8. t should be the finished grade. It wes moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by COJl'JTlissioner Secor, that the Cit;y Manager be instructed to inform rownhouse, Inc. that the F8ving done on these streets does not meet requirements or srecii'ications of the City of Bozeman and that it will have to be built ul to pro[er crade before it will be considered as meeting city requirements and the m:1tion was carried by the followinG Aye and 1.0 vote: those voting Aye being; Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Cor'lmissioner I!:ealy; those votinG No, nor,e. Claim - Powell Construction Co. Claim No. 2087A of the Fowell Construction Co. in the amount of :;'702.31 on the "if 0; C 1951 fund was presented. The Manager stated that this claim covers the finel estimate and Fayment in full for sidewalk wo rk done by Fowell Construction Co. under their 1951 contract and that it is a true and lawful claim against the City of Bozeman and recommended that it be :I-:aid with Misc. 'ii & C, 1951 bonds. After examination, it was moved by Commissioner Secor, secJnded bJ' Commissioner Healy, that a warrant be drawn for the payment of the claim and the motion was carried by the followinG AYA and No vote: tIlose voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Conu:Jissioner Healy; those votinc 1<0, n::me. Contilu:~tion Certificate for Gas &; llumbing; Bond - W. G. Hickey The continuation certificate of the Montana Air Conditioninc Go. (';v'. G. and Irene Hickey) for a gas fitter's bond in the amount of $2,000.00 and plumbing bond in the amount of ~500.00 were rresented. The certificates were aplroved as to form by the City Attorney, whereupon it wps moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Corrunissioner Healy, that the certificates be approved and accepted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and }.!O vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Com.missioner Heal;y; those voting No, none. Meetings - American 't1ater Norks Association The City Manager requested authority to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee of the A. Vi. -.L A. on September 29, 1951 and a testimonial dinner to be held on October 5, 1951 to honor ioil.r. H. B. Foote on his retirement from the State Boerd of Health, both of these meetint;s to be held in Helena. It W8.S moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Corrunissioner Secor, that, it being in the public I I 68 interest, City fuanager Henderson be authorized to attend these meetings and his eXfenses be paid from the Water :F'und, and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and 1\0 vote: those voting Aye beint; Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Heal y and COlTl."'llissioner Secor; those voting; No, none. Aajournment There being; no further bus iness to come before the Conunission !'J.t this time, it was moved by Corrunissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the meeting adjourn end the motion was and Commissioner Secor; those votinL; ~Cl. none. fL ~ Mayor - I carried by the followinL Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe, COTIU'lissioner Healy ~.~. Acting Clerk of the I I