HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-03 Bozeman, l\~ontana October 3, 1951 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in re[;uler session i,., the Commis$ior, ::1oom, Cit;y Hall PuildinL, V'Jednesday flfternoon, October 3, 1951 at l:OC o'clod;- L i'. IrF>sent were Hayo, L:Jwe, Commissioner S~cor, CCfiililiss ioner Healy, City Manager Henderson. Ci t:/ Attorne:,' Lovela e8 rmd the Ac tlL'; Clerk when the following Froceedings were had: I Kinutes of tLe 19st regule.I' session were read, und it was r::o\"ed by Commissioner h,~aly, secor.ded b;y Con:missioncr Secor, e-,n t the minutes be ':"II-roved es read end U;e moti on waG carried by the followi Lb Aye And ho vote: tholia votil'lL Aye being Mayor Lowe, Con'missioner Secor anc I..,cl!nmissioner Eealy; those voting No, none. Rerorts The following rerorts were presented: Arnual Helort and Sertember ReIort of thp Fire Chief September. 1951, re[orts of Water Collector and lolice Judge. It was !floved by COlT'u,:\5ssioner Secor. seconded b;y C01YC:2issiorler Healy, tLat t::e rerorts be accerted and or-derod filed and the motion wes carried by the i'ollowin(; Aye and No vote: tbose va tin:; Ji~'e beht, )f.ayor Lowe. Commissioner Secor and Commissi,mer Healy; ttose vothlb I:o. none. Hearing - Parking Iv:Iaintenance Assessment - Resolution No. 7lS The l.,rrlaber stated that this was the time ar.d plAce set for U:e fublle }lnnrinC; on the assessmer.l. for the maintenance of Larkin.;s for the J"ear 1951. He I resented the ",ffi,1pV it :J1' l--ubl iC8tior. of the Fotice. and stated that no protests l08ve beeE filed end no one is I resent to Ir'Jtest. Ee r: resented Resalution No. 713. entitled: I A RSS~LFnOh OF m~ CO!';<',:ISSIOr OF TEE CITY OF BOZ"Sl,:.Al';. Lf:;VYII.:G lu\D ASSESSn:G A SrC;CUL ASSSSS~,'E}T OF TA:<:r,;S TIm; ;'lJ~ TFi',; };IDFERTY m S:V8CIAL nrr~Oll";J;'s}~T I~IST1:;CTS:} TBE CITY OF BOZ1-~!.'AI. CJTiT:TY Of GALLATn:, STATE 'OF 1\,(ETA1A. FOR Tm.:; t:An Tr::JI'ArCE OF IA1KU:GS 1':) DEFR4Y TE~ CO$:' OF MAlli'TAINING Ti:E rA.ftKINGSWI':'EIN SAID SIBCIAL n'}'ROY~I/rENT DISTRICTS OF TFE CITY OF POZST'AN FOR THE YEAR 1%1. It was moved by COllrnissioner Healy, seconded by Corrunissioner Secor, th!':lt the resolutior, be fina1J.~' rassed end adopted. and the motion was carried b;y the following Aye end 1<0 votet those votinG Aye being; lVlayor Lowe. Commissioner Secor and Commissioner Haaly; those voting Io, rlone. Hearing - LightinG Assessment - Resolution No. 714 The Manager stated that this was the tLne and rlaee set for the rublic hearinG on the assessr:1ent for the eost of maintemd';ce and of'eration of street liGhtinG d:istricts jor the year 1951. Ee rresented the affide.vi t of' rublication of the Notice. and stated tha t no ITotests have been f:i led and no oIte is ! res- ent to rrotest. He rresented Resolution No. 714, entitled: A ~-sSOU'TIOI'J OF TIlE cmrMIssror: OT TIlE CITY or BQZZE.:AK 1TO~TAl\A, L~=V'r:r:;G AND ASSESS:I'G LIGflTUG DISTRICT r,:AIJiTEt'AhCE AND ELECTRICAL Cl'RR!:.'NT COSTS FOR SfECIAL B'}lI.OV::;;,iENT LIGHTING DISTlnCTS NtT'EEHS 361. 362. 284, 288. 289. 290, 295 A\'D 300 OF THE CITY OF' BOZh'fAl". }-l'RSrAJ-,iT TO TrE r;{o- \TJSIONS OF SECTIONS 5266 R.C.}'l. 1935. It was moved by Commissioner Secor. seconded by Commissioner Healy. that the resolution be finelly rassed and adopted, end the moti on was carried by the following Aye and ro vote: tl.ofie votinc:; AJre beinL Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Secor and Conunissioner Healy; those vat-illS No, r;one. I Hearing - Street Sr--rlnkling Assessment - Resolution No. 715 The Manager stl".ted that this was the time enc I hee set fe-'r the fl,blie hearinz on the asSeSSllleYlt for the cost of sfrinkHng streets for the year 1951. He Iresentec1 the effidavit of rublication of the Notice. and stated that no protests have been filed ar d no one is rresent to lrotest. He rresented Resolution No. 715. entitled: A H1<~SJL1JTION OF TEE COI'lUSSIOK OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAn LBVYH:G ANV ASSESS:;TG A SlECJAL ASSE;SSl\;lENT OF TAX1<~S 1..11'0]\1 ALL TIIg FROJERTY IN STREr.:T S:V-(HiKLING DISTRICTS OF TEE C TTY OF BOZEMN. COtJNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF' ]';TOlJTA.\JA. TO DEFRAY S1'..'VENTY-FTvE rERC'~NT 01' TE!~ COST OF' S}RHKLII\G STREETS WITED: SAID STREET SFRINKLING DISTRICTS OF TES CITY OF EOZEffA1\ fOR THE Y~AR 1951. It wes moved by Commissioner Healy. seconded by Commissioner Secor. ttat the res'Jlution be fim,11,y 6~) 70 f-e.ssed and ad0it.ed. and the motion was carried bJ~ the following Aye and No vot':!; those vot;ine; Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Secor and Com.r:lissioner Healy; those voting No. none. Hearing - Garbage Assessment - Resolution No. 716 The Manager stated that this WEtS thetirne and rlace set for th8 rublie hsarinr; of the RBsessment for the cost of collecting and disrosing of garbage for the year 1951. Ile presented the affidavit of l-uClication of the Notice. and stated that no l;rotests have been filed and no one is Iresent to rrotest. He rresented R,solution No. 716, entitled: A HESOLIJTION OF THE GG:if'::ISSIGr-' OF TB'~ CITY OF P0ZE~.1.AJ:, }'ONTAFA, LEVYJ1\G AND ASSESSII\G A Sr-SCIAL ASSESS1lENT OF TAXJ~S UfOl; ALL REAL r:tO}~RTY n: THi:~ CITY OF DOZEMAl'~. COnTY OF GAlLA.TIN, STATE OF lWNTPJI'A, ST<:RVI,;ED AND FRO!.) 'NEICE GAH8AGB WA5COLL!~CTED AAD REMOVm DUR ING THE YEAR 1951, TO 'SEFRAY THE COST Mm EXPENSE 01- COLLECTING AND DISFOSING OF GARBAGE n:DER THE FROVI- SIONS OF ORDH:A!\CE NO. 696 OF' TIlE CITY OF BOZEMAN. It was moved by Conunissioner Secor, seconded by Cormnissioner Healy. that the resolution be finally passed and edol-ted. and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 10 vote; those voting k,le being Mayor Lowe. COlmnissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those voting No, llOne. Assessment W & C 1951 - Resolution No. 717 The Jl,lanacer stated the.t the resolution levy5ng the assessment in the amount of ~5,121.26 for Miscellaneous Walks mid Curbs for 1951 has been prepared. He presented Resolution No. 717. entitled: A RSSOL1JTJ01\ OF TIre:: CWMISSTOl, OF TEE CITY OF B0ZEMlIl: LBVYING AND ASSESSIEG A Sn;CIAL ASSESSI'JENT OF TAXT~S l'FON CERTAIN f'!lOfERTIES IN THE CITY OF BOZEJlJAN. COUl':1'Y OF GALLATn~. STATS OF MONTANA. TO DEFRAY THf<~ COST OF Cm:STRlJCTH:GAND INSTALLING AJi:D/OR REPAIRING j,nSGELLANEOUS SIDEWALKS A.lilD CURBS DURING TBE YEAR 1951. It was moved by Commissioner Healy. seconded by Commissioner Secor, that Resolution 717 be rro- visionally [Assed and adopted and October 10. 1951 be set as the date for hearinG of y,rotests. end the motion we,s carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinG Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Secor and Commissioner Healy; those votint; No, none. Claims for the Month Claims Nos. 2087-B to 2291 inclusive, were presented on the various funds as follows; General FarkinG Meter 'NateI' 13.903.25 957.56 3,430.26 10,197.69 L098.31 1, EJ 53 . 20 1, E30 .29 15.00 2,008.22 86.15 1,587.80 -~---- C 1"'\ <..' u. LJ.. v. Librery lark C mno ter;y Band GarbaGe 101 ice Reserve Withholding Tax Tot a 1 - 36.467.73 The Manager stated th8t he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and lawful claims sgainst the City of Bozeman and recommended th!Jt warran ts be drawn for their rayment. After examina- tion of the cIs ims in detail by the City Cormni ssion, it was moved by Commiss ioner Healy. seconded b;'l COllrrnissioner Secor, that the claims be aI_proved and warrants dravm for their payment, and the motion WfJS carried by the following Aye and };) vote: those voting Aye beinG Mayor Lowe. COI':missioner Healy and CommisEicner Secor; those voting No. none. Sick Leave lolicy The Manager stated that in accordance with the Iolicy rreviously edclpted by the City Conunission in reGard to sick leave for City emrloyees, it. was l~ossible for an employee injured on tho job to draw both his sick leave f'&Y and comperlsation from the Industrial Accident Board. thus actuall;y receivinr; more money than if he were workirlg. After discu.ssion, it wes moved by Conunissioner Secor. seconded by Commissioner Healy, that it be the policy of tl.e City of Bozeman to pay employees injured on the job for sick leave due them less emounts IF' id such ern[loyees as -Workmen' s Compensation, and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and t;o vote; those voting Aye beinG lV:'e,yor Lowe. Commissioner Hee.ly and Commissioner Secor; those votinG No, none. I I I 71. I Liability Insurance on City Vehicles A renewal insurance palicy with the Truck Insurence Exchan::;e to cover all cit;yr verdcles for l_l;.blic liability with *,10,000/$30,000 limits and property damaGe with $5,000 lim5.t was l'resented.. The policy was AIIToved as to form by the City Attorney whereupon it was moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy, that the policy be a:nroved and ecee! ted, end the motion WGS carried by the followi:q; Aye and No vote: those votinG Aye beinG Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy end Commissioner Secorj those voting No, none. Condi tional Acceptf,nce Town Hous e Paving The City Manager presented a contract between the City of Bozeman and Hat:bertY-~,'lessr'ler, Contrgetors, for Town House Inc. Conditions were as follows; 1.. Haggerty-Messmer [uarantees to build the I-aving on South Trecy Avenue and East Hardson, adjacent to TOlffl1 House apartments, up to pro:per [rRde witt aTlroved meterie.ls. 2. The City Engineer will be notified before any blacktop is mixed end shall have E'tUthority to inspect and Bpprove such material. 3. Blackto~ surfacing shall be placed under the sUFervision of the City Ensineer and shell be l3.J:.proved by him. 4. The above work shall be comr"leted and BTfroved by June 30th, 1952. 5. A r-erformance bond, cash or surety, in the amount of $1,500.00 shall be I-osted with the City t;ueranteeinz. the satisfactory cOlnl_letion of this work. The City Manager r-resented e rerformance bond in the amount of :Jrl, 500.00, written by the Firemen's I'und Inderrmity Co. for the HaEgerty-Messmer Co. 'i'he bond and contract were alI-Toved as to form by the City Attorney, end it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by Commissioner Secor, that the bond be aecer-ted, and the Mayor and Clerk of the Commission be authorized to sign the contract in behalf of the City of Bozeman, end the motion was c!'J.rried by the followinG Aye and No vote; those votir:g Aye being Mayor Lowe, Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those voting No, none. A letter to Town House, Inc., stating; that the r.aviq; on South Tracy AVenue end Eu't Harrison St. adjacent to ToWIl House, Inc. was acceptable to the City of Bozeman subJect to conditions of' a contract between the Ci ty of Bozeman and Haggerty-Messmer. was AI-proved by the Com;nissior.. Awardin6 Bid - Fluoridation Equipment The City Manager read a letter from the State B08rd of Health recerdinf:: fh'orid8tion equipnent bids received by thl'! City of Boz aman on September 18, 1951. The 1 etter s La ted thet the Boe rd cons id8re~: the equipment offered either by Wallace &: Tiernan Sales (;oq:oration or Infilco, Inc., 9.8 meetinc thRir afFrovsl. The bid of Wallace & Tierne_n Sales Corporation in the net eIDount of t3, 256.00 bid the low bid; it wes moved by Commissioner Secor, seconded by Commissioner Healy. thet their bid be BcceI-ted and the motion wes carried by the following Aye IJl1U No vote: those votinb Aye being; I\1E\yor lowe, Conunissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those votinG No, none. fayment and Responsibility for Night Firemen The City Manager stated that it has been the policy of the City of BozernarJ to rrovide sleering quarters in the Fire Hall for two college students. In return these students answer night fire cHIls and are laid ~3.00 for each such call. This method frovides no payment of rremiums to rrovide insurance for such students in case of injury on a call, and provides a serious question as to the City's liebili ty. After discussion, it wes moved by Commissioner Healy, seconc.ed by Commissioner Sacor, that the Cit,r Mana[;er be authorized to hire not more than three college s h.,cents to sleer ir~ the fire stl"tion anc answer nigl";t fire calls et selp,ries not to exceed :tt50.00 each rer month, and to p'y Industrial Accident Board rremiums on such sala ries, and that such students be charced for qU8rt8rs an amount not to 8yceed I I 72 :1<35.00 per month, and the motion was carried ]JY the followine; Aye and Ko vote: those voting Aye being Mayor LQwe, COllll'lisdoner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those va tine; No, none. Purchase of Truck for Street Department The City Manager stated that it hes been the }Qlicy of the City to purchase a new truck each year for the Street Department and to trade in one of the older trucks. Exanination of the budget for 1951 indicates that funds are aveile.ble for such purpose this year, and the Manager requested authority to make this furchase. After di scuss ion. it wes moved by Commis sioner Peely, seconded by Commiss ioner Secor. that the Clerk of the Commission be directed to advertise for bids for a new 2~ TQn truck with dump body, and the motion was carried b~r the following Aye and NJ vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe. COlTuniss ioner Healj' and Commissioner Secor; thQse voting; No, none. Adjournment There beint; no further business to come before the Commission at this tire, it was moved by Commissioner Healy, seconded by COInJllissioner Secor. that the meeting: adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 110 vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Lowe. Commissioner Healy and Commissioner Secor; those vo tint; No, nor,e. B -~. Actin;::; Clerk of the I I I