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Bozeman. ~ontana
July 30th, 1956
The Commission of 1he City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall
Building, "Nednesday, July 3uth, lS 5E:. , at 1:00 o'clock F.~. Present were l.~ayor Erwin, Commissioner Eerg,
Commissioner Swenson, City Manager Henderson, City Attorney Lovelac'? and the Clerk. The ioll owing pro-
ceedings were had:
Minutes of t},e last reGular session were read, and it was moved by Com. Swanson, seconded by Corrunis- I
sioner Berg that the minutes be a~proved as reac, and the motion was cflrried by the followinG Aye End 1:0
vote; those voting Aye bejngMeyor 1i;rwin, Conmlissior,er SWAnson And Commissioner }Jerg; thos e voti ng 1.0, none.
Petition to Vacate Portion of Alley in Block C. Original Townsite
cl . n. !;lor'Y"ow , attorney representing, the Securi ty Bank & Trust Com~a.ny, arpeared before the Commis sian
to present a petition from his client and others to have the west 96.5 feet of the alley in Block C. Orig-
inal Townsite of Bozemar;, closed. In exchanGe therefor the Security Bank &; Trust Company presented deeds
to the south ten feet of properties e butting on the north side of this alley which would permit the re-
mainder of the existing alley to Le widened to thirty feet begirming at the eest line of Lot 29 of said
Block C and extendir,g west e distance of 143.5 feet and they Hlso proposed to deed an alley twenty feet
in width to extend from the above described thirty foot alley to Babcock Street. the east line of this
twenty foot alley to be 21.5 feet west from and parallel to the west line of Lot 29 of said Block c.
The petitioners further request th~lt the City secure the required right-of-way for an elley twenty feet
ir width extending from thp- e!lst line of Lots 8 and 29 of said Block C to Rouse Avenue. The ma1ter was
referred to the City Manager, City Engineer end City Attorney for study and reconunendations.
Sidewalk on Nest Side of Eleventh between College end Alde-r's on
iv. W. Talbott, district manager of Montana fower Company, was l-resent relative to certain trans- 1
mission line poles, owned by his cor:rpany, which are set in the west side of ElevenU, Avenue between
Alden'on and Collek.,e Streets and which they have been instructed to move to cleer the alignment of
new sidewalk which the City hes order'=d them to build along their property. There a re four f-oles in-
vol ved andiVlr. Talbott stated that one of theBe poles in particular is so situated in relation to their .
main "dis- connect" switches thvt to move it would i rNol ve lere;e and unreasonsble eXi--ense. Le, there fore;
again requested th,::\t sidewalk in this block be moved BI;proxim8tely 1.8 feet further out from rroperty
line than is normal alignment to permit leaving these l-oles in their present loca tion. After de te iled
consideration of the circumstances. it wa s moved by Commis s i one r Swanson, seconded qy Commissioner Berg,
tha t subject to the "\. prove.l of the othe r owners in the block. theei ty Engir.eer be authorized to set
the line of the sidewalk on the w,:,st side of the street in question so as to not ir.terf'er with existing
power poles. and the motion WFJS carried by the follow~ng llye and Io vote; those voting Aye being Mayor
Erwin, Commissioner Swenson and Commissioner Bert, those votinc Wo, none.
Bond & Contract - SID 404 & 405
Bond and contract of' Kiely Construction Company for construction of Speciel Improvement lHstricts No.
404 and 405 were presented. The bonds ar.d contracts were alproved e s to form by the City .Attorney. 1t we s
moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson. that the bond and contract be aHroved and I
the !,iayor and the Clerk of the Commis sion be authorized to sign the contracts for the City of Bozeman,
and the motion Wl'lS c~:rried by the following Aye and lQ vote; those vot: ng Aye being Mayor :kwin, Com-
missioner Swanson and ComtrliSsioner Berg, those voting No, none.
Offer to Sell International Tractor fro:: City of Butte
A communication was read from 'N. F. Bonnelly, Mayor of the Oi ty of' But te, offering to sell to the
City of Bozeman, an International Tractor ('1' D - 14 K) for a net amount of :ir6.000.00 f.o.b. Boz eman .
This tractor is equ.\pped with a Drott "Bull Clam" loader end has been looked over by persormell from this
City with a view to its possible purchase and use in a sanitary land fill operation for garbege disf'osal.
Action on the offer was tabled.
Closing Willson Aver;ue for Street Dance for Jaycee Rodeo
Request has been received from the Jr. Chamber of Commerce to have South Willson Avenue. between
Mai n and Babcock Street I closed on the evening of August 6th. 1958 for a street dance to be.held i~ con-
nection with their annual Rodeo. It was moved by Commissioner Berg. seconded by Commissioner Swanson. tha t
the request be granted. and the motLm was carried b' the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beirg
I Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none.
Benners Across 1.ain Street for Jaycee Rodeo
A request from the Jr. Chamber of Commerce to place banners across Main Street to decorate for and
advertise the Jaycee Rodeo was reported. '1he request was approved provided proper liability insurance
and permission from owners of buildings is obtained.
Change Orders Nos. I': 6. and 7. - S.I.D. Nos. 386. 390 and 393
The following change orders were presented by Harold Foskins & Associated:
Change Order No.5. Special Improvement District No. 386.
Replacement of sidewalk caused by the location of the combination
curb and gutter. Approximate cost ~lOd.OO.
Change Order No.6. Special Imfrovement District No. 3~)O.
Jlace surplus excavation iI- an alley so owners wi 11 hBve access to their
property. Approximate cost not to exceed ~20u.OO
Change Order No. 7. Specia 1 Improvement District No. 393.
Replace paving in the irtersection of ColleGe Avenue and Eleventh Avenue.
Estimated cost ~692.75. 8f which one-half will be char~eeble to the district
and one-half to be paid from City funds.
It was moved by Commi sioner Berg. seconded by (,ommi ssioner Swanson that the B: ove change orders
be afproved. and the motion was crried by the following Aye and ~o vote; those voting Aye bejng Mayor
Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and Gommissioner Berg; those voting No. none.
1 Wa ter ImlJrovement Project - COlnrletion Dates Estab lished for Stat ewide
John Morrison. president of Morrison-Maierle. Inc. . and Max L. Burdick. president of Statewide
Flumbing (,; Beating Co.. were present to discuss completion dates for Fh..se I and Phase II of the Aeter
Improvement Project. Mr. Morrison reported on the dates work was completed and inspectec. Af'ter con-
s iderB tion. it was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson that to establish the
completion dates as basis for final Fayment to Statewide Plumbing 5: He8ting Company, and from which
guarantee dates on the contract should start. FhAse I, wi th the pipe 1 ine on Black Avenue from College
Street to Garfield Street deleted from Phase I and added t:J Phase II. be considered complete as of
October 1. 1957 with the exception of the pavement fatching; and the completion date for the pavement
patching be set as of June 20th. 19 b8 ; that Fhase II'be considered complete as of June 17th. 19b8. these
completion dates to be concurred in by Statewide Plumbing &: HeAting C;ompany, and also subject to the
Consulting Engineers establishing these dates as finsl comfletion by written notice to the City and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and 1\0 vote; those vobng Aye be~irJg Mayor Emir'. Conunissio~er
Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none.
fayment of r,stimete No. 11 to Sta tewide
Claim No. 2064 in the anount of $15.380.41 covering Engineer's Estimate No. 11. for Strl tewide flumb-
I in€: 6:: Heating COffipeny on their contract on the Water System Improvement Froject, was presented. It WRS
moved by Commissioner Swanson, secor'ded by Commissioner Berg. thAt the claim be approved and a wlJrrant
it sued for its paymentl. and the motion was cforried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye
being Mayor Erwir. Commissioner Swanson and Conunissioner Berg; those v0ting J\o. D0ne.
lIiater ImI rovement }roject - Purch",se of Surplus Materials
Max Burdick, [resident of Stetewide Plumbing &: Beating Co.. sts\;ed tI18t his company hes a considerlJule
amount of m<terial left on [wrld from the Water Syst""n: 111 r:)Ve.'l~Lt h'oject whicb tL::,y -.vil= sell to the Ci ty
s t cost p. ice. lIe was informed thot. if an uF- t.o-de te inventory of the me. te riP. 1 5s furriishec. if : t is
usuable material Bnd if an acceptable bill of sale is furnished with it. the City will look with fevor on
purchasing it.
Al-'propri8tioL Ord::.nence~o. 607 - Provisionally Fessage
The City Ivlanp6er reviewed the proposed budget for the fiscal ye8r ending June 30tL. 1959. Bnd Ordinance
No. bu7 was presented, ent i tl ed:
BO lEMA},]. MOI\TJ\I~A FOR TF~: nSCAL Y:<~l',R ENDING JUN1': 30th. 1959.
It 8S moved by Commissioner Berg. seconded by Commissbner Swanson that the OrdirJar~ce be provi-
sionally adopted and Auc"ust 6th. 1958 be set as the date for public hea.ring. and the motion was cfJrried
by the following Aye and ]\'0 vote; those votinG Aye being liayor Ervdr.. Commis sioner Swanson FrJd Commis sioner
Berg; those voting No. none.
Salary Ordinance No. 806
No. 806
The annual S81ary Ordinance/covering salaries of Heads of Departments 8r;d of employees who are direct
arpoir.:.tees of the Commission. was l-'resented. enti1ied:
It was moved by Conunissioner Swanson. sec)nded by Commissioner Berg. thut the Ordinance be passed
and adopted, and the motion was cc,rried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye bejng J\ll9yor
Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and CommissiOLer Berg; those voting No, none.
CommendatiolJ. fo Folice Chief Saunders
A comrr.unica tion from Bob Donlin. Supervisor . Hunter Safety Section of the Sta te Fish & Game COlTunissim
wes read commending Chief of police C. v. Saunders for his outstanding work wi th the youth of this conunun- 1
i ty in the "hunter Safety Program". It was moved by Corr~ission8r Berg. seconded by Commissioner Swanson
thet permanent record of thi s commendation be made in these minutes Bud one copy of it be delivered to
Chief Seunders.and one copy placed in his y,ersonnel file and the motion was cerried by the following
Aye and 1\0 vote; those voting Aye behg, Mayor':rwin. Goounissioner Swanson and Commissioner Eerg; those
voting No, none.
Intersection Light - Rouse b8tween Ma-jn i';; Babcock
Request has been received to have an intersection light installed et the alley on Rou,e Avenue between
Maill & Babcock Street. It was moved by Commissioner Berg. sec::mded by Commissioner Swar.:.son that the City
Manager be authorized to have the N;ontana Fower COlllI-any install an intersection light at this location.
and the motion was carr:b d by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Erwir:, Commis-
sioner Swenson end Commissioner Berg, those voting Ko. none.
Garbage _ Amendment 1:0 Purchese Order for Garbage Truck
The matter of having a special garbaGe container londing attachment installed at the factory on the
garbage truck recently ordered from the Owenhouse Hardware Corr~any was considered. It was moved by Com-
missioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson that the order for the truck be amended to include tnis
loading at;tacPJIlent at an additional cost of ;jj,300.UO. and the motion was cerried by the followinG Aye and I
10 vote; those voting Aye be:Lng lV~o.yor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and Commissj oner Berg; those voting NO.I,one.
l'here being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it wes moved by Commis-
sioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson that the meetihg adjourn. and th0 ~otion was carrie6 by the
following Aye and No vote j those voting Aye being Mayor B"win. Commissioner Swanson and Corrunissioner Berg.
those v oting No, none.
Attest: dA/4~~~~7T--,J
Clerk of the Commission M#~.(2~- .