HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-13 .lfi7 Pozemen. Montana August 13. 1958 1118 Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regule r sess bn in the Commission Room. (1 ty Hall Buildin<.:. Wednesday. Ausus:, 13. 19b8. at 1:00 orclo~k F. V. Fresent were Mayor Erwin. Corrunissioner Swanson. Commissioner Bere, City Mens6er Henderson, City l~ttorr:.",y Lovel f;C~ and tllc Clerk. The follow- inb rrocecdings were had: I Ivdnutes of the lAst reGuler session were read and it wa,s moved by COimnissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the minutes be an:roved AS reed and the motior~ was carried by tile following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin. COtrJni~sicmer Swanson ane', Conmissioner Beq;; those voting No. none. Parade & Marine Day - Bozeman Boat Club A communication was read from the Bozeman EOAt Club requestinz, Iermission to sronsor f1 f"rade or:. AUGust 23, 19f8 an~ to f~rk five or six boats on Main Street on this date end 01 so t.o have tLe fOlir!.:l, Sf,turday in August of each year dedgnated as "Marine Dey". After consiferrlioIl, th~ Commission sta tea it wos not possible to set a remanent date as "M8rine Lay". It wes moved. by Comm:issioner Berb' seconded by Conunissioner Swanson, thet August 23. 1958 be (~esigna tea e s "Ma rine Day" i or 1958 ~md ths t the requests to hold a parade and to f8rk boats on Main Street on that day as set forth in the communication be g;ranted and the motion wes carried by the following Aye end No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner BerL; those voting No. none. Vacating POrtion of Alley in Block "C", Original Towns i te Ine fetition to veca te a f,ortioIl of the alley in Block "c" of the Orif,inel Towns i te, presE'rted At the meeting of July 30. 1958. wes further considered. It was moved by Commissioner Swenson, seconde6 I by Mayor Erwin. that the City Attorney be instructed to preI-sre a resolution of intention to vacate the requested portion of the said alley end the motion WBS carried by the following Aye and 10 vote: those votinc; Aye being Mayor Erwin and Commissioner Swanson; those voting Ko, none. Cornrllissioner Beq; did not vote. Street Light - Bozeman & Lamme A request has been received for a street light at the intersection of Lamme Street and North Rozeman Avenue. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Conmissioner Bere. that tLe City Manager be authorized to have the Montana Fower Company install an intersection light at this location !3nd the motion was cBrried by the following; Aye and No vote: those vo tint, Aye being; ~jayor Erwin. Corr~issioner Swanson and Comnissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Change Order for Sfecial Improvement Districts Proposed ChanGe Order No.9 was presented by Hoskins & ASsociates to cover cost of edjusUng; "roured-in-I"lece" mar;[wles in various locations in Srecia1 Improvement Listricts where foving is now being constructed. It was ex}lained that this is work over and above thet described in the s}.ecifica- tions for adjustinG manhole rins and covers to grade. There are nine such manholes which require rebuilding at a unit price of t169.00 each which is $94.00 above the unit price for adjusting manhole I rings and covers. It was moved by Commissioner Berg. seconded by Commissioner Swenson. that the change order be approved and the Mayor and the Clerk of the Cormniss ion be authorized to sign it fo r the City of Bo zeman and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin. Corrunis sioner Swanson and CommiSSioner Berg; those voting; No. none. Chenge Order - S. I. D. No. 385 Change Order No. 10. prepared by R. Doskins &; Associctes et the request of the City Manager. to provide hot-flent mix instead of road-mix for the surfacing of SIecial Improvement District No. 385 .ltl8 (Black Avenue from Story to College) wes I-'resented. The additional cost will be a~}roximately i554.00. It was m'Jved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Cornrniss ioner Berg. that this change order be approved and the Mayor and the Clerk 0 f the Commission be authorized to sign it and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and Co~nissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Delegate to Library Conference I A request from Margaret Hileman. Librarian. was read asking; }iermission to attend the Facific Northwest Librarian Association meeting in Victoria. B. C.. SeI-tember 4th to 6th. 1958. It wes moved by Conuniss ioner Berg,. seconded by Commiss ioner Swanson, that the request be granted and that her eXJ?enses be paid from the Library Fund and the motion was carried by the following Aye and 'No vote: those voting Aye beinE Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson end Cornrnissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Ref 0 rts The following reports for the month of July. 1958 were presented: WRter Collector Cashier Cemetery Board It was moved by Cor;;missioner Swenson. seconded by Commissioner Eerg. that the reI-orts be accelted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin. Conunissioner Swanson end Commissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Gas Tax Refund Claim A claim to the State Board of Equalization in the amount of $995.28 for refund of state gasoline tax was J?resented. It was moved by Co~unissioner Berg. seconded by Commissioner Swanson. that the City Manager be authorized to present the claim to the State Board of Equalization and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beinG Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swenson end I Conunissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Claim for Surplus Material of Statewide Plumbing & Heating Co. Claim No. 2377. in the amount 0 f ~3. Ei38. 54. of Statewide Plumbing and Heating; Company. for surI,lus material from the Water Improvement Project was presented. The Manager stated the inventory has been checked and the mBterial turned over to the City of Bozeman. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Commissioner Berg. that tbe clAim be 8I_rroved and a warrant issued for its payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and ~o vote: those voting Aye be ing Mayor Er-win, Comrniss ioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Patching of Street Pavement An estimate of $1.074.50 from Hagg,erty-Messmer Company. to reIlace apI,roximately 1800 square feet of pavement on Story Street be'b'Jeen Fifth and Sixth Avenues and on Dickerson Street between Fourth and :Fifth Avenue was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. secJnded by Commiss ioner Berg. that the City Manager be authorized to employ Haggerty-l.'lessmer Company to do this patching work at the unit prices bid a~d the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being, J\liayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner BerG; those voting No. none. Addi tionall~ork for Via ter System Improvement Project I A communication from MQrrison-Maierle. Inc. was read. statirg the 'Iiater Improvement Project is esserJtielly complete in accordance wi th l-lans and sIecUications but recommending that various i terns of wo rk. not included in the specifications. should yet be done. Those items are as follows: 1. Re)lA ce the old. existing. 18" vitrified cley su:nly line with 18" re-inforced concrete - I ire for 250 ft. sout!'. irom the junction box of the two sUPFly lines At the Southside Reservoir at once and extero tha t reI-If cement for en Bddi tiona 1 300 it. when required right-ai-way hes be2n secured. 2. Replace affroxirr~tely 600 it. of the old. ex i s tj ng . 18 in. vitrified clay pipe. extend- - - ing south from t.he junction box where HiP ]'jew fl.:1J. ol,~ sl'U1y lines jairl s~_, the .1 t}f} r,ew rre-sediaer..totioIJ basin with 18", re-inforced concrete fipe. 3. Instell a pror:er drein in the meter box at tte Souths ice Reservoir. - 4. Install /J mecharic8l1y cleaned screen at inlet to supply lir.e pt diversior. dam - in llYfllite Canyon. <: Install Flank covers on junction boxes which a re open et the rese~'voir and pt the ... - I Frs-sedimentation basin. 6. lr.s ta 11 fences around the Booster Station and the Fresedimentation t'!isin. - 7. LAndscepe and seed areas at the new Southside Reservoir and 9t the FresecJimenta_ - t ior. Bas in. The letter further recommended th<lt tbese items be ~one by nebotie1ion or selPrate contract with some local contractor and unc1er the supervision of the City Engineer. After consideratiorl of ell of these items, the Ci ty Manager was ins true ted to inunedia tely neg,otiate for the purchase of surI,lus and reject concrete pife, left from the 1.ipe line Cc:lntrBct recently completed and stored at Bozeman, in sufficient amount to make the reconunended rei Ie cements of clay IJipe. Offer of City of Butte for Sale of Tractor Rejected Ihe m9tter of the purchasing of e used tractor trom the (;i t:v of Butte was furt]-ler cor,sidered. It was decided that the City is not interested in Furches ine.; this tractor. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this ti:ne, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Con~issioner Berg. that the nlE'etinE adjourn and the motiey] was I carried by the tollowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye be ing Mayor Erwin, Commiss ioner Swanson and COIT~issioner Berg; those voting No. none. ~~A_L)~_ . ----- Mayor ATTES T: ~/~A:~~~ lerk of the City Commission I , -