HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-20 . :\'70 Bozeman. Montana August 20. 1958 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room. City Hal I Bui Iding, Wednesday, August 20. 1958. at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson. Commissioner Berg. City Manager Henderson. City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk. The fol lowing proceedings were had: Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded I by Commissioner Berg. that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the fol lowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Extension of City Lhli ts -West of Eleventh &; North of Main Herbert Kirk and Henry Spomer were present to present the petition of Spomer Construction Company and others to have the Cleveland Sub-division brought into the City. Mr. Spomer stated that he is ready to start construction of residencep in this sub-division and it is of great importance that these and other properties in the immediate area be served by city water from the water main in the street on which these properties abut. Mr. Kirk stated that Miss Marguerite Kirk. who owns the land on which the Cleveland sub-division abuts on the west. is also ready to have approximately eight acres of that land brought into the city. It was explained to these gentlemen that. since these properties are not contiguous to the present city limits. it would be necessary to. at the same time. bring in sufficient of the property intervening between their property and the present city I imits so as to make the entire area being brought in contiguous to the city. After detai led discussion. the City Manager was instructed to inform Bozeman High School that the City is ready to consider taking its ground. abutting the city at North Eleventh Avenue. together with other property in that area, into I the city. Kirk and Spomer were informed that. with positive assurance that land including the Cleveland Sub-division wi I I be brought into the City as soon as required legal procedure can be completed, the City Commission thought that an agreement could be worked out to make immediate connections to the City's water system of lots in the Cleveland Sub-division. lroposfJ.l for Eq,dpment for Sa' itary LanG Fill Carl Bakkun. representing the Industrial Equipment Company. Bi I I ings. Montana. appeared before the Commission to present a proposal of his organization to furnish a tractor for use in operating a san i tary land fi I I method of garbage disposal for a total cost of $16.700.00. f.o.b. Bozeman, or a monthly rental price of $523.32. which rental would apply on the purchase pric~ of the tractor. No action was taken in the matter. Re~airs to Boiler at City Hall Necessity of immediately replacing the flues i n the bo i I er in the City Hal I was reported. Estimated cost wi I I be approximately $845.00. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Commissioner Berg. that the City Manager be authorized to have this work done and the motion was carried by the fol lowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson I and Commissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Resdution No. 915 _ Intention to Vacate Portion of Alley - Block C, Origina.l Townsite The City Attorney. as instructed. has prepared a resolution of intention to vacate a portion of the al ley in Block C, Original Townsite. Resolution No. 915 was presented entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION TO VACATE A PORTION OF AN ALLEY IN BLOCK "C". ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. It was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the resolution be I passed and adopted and September 3. 1958 be set as the date for publ ic hearing and the motion was - .171 carried by the following Aye and.No vote:,-those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No. none, Bids for Truck - Park Defartment A need exists for a new. 1/2 ton, pick-up truck for the Park Department and the Manager presented Specifications for a new truck recommended to meet this need. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Commissioner Berg. that the Clerk of the I Commission be authorized to advertise for bids for a truck as recommended. bids to be opened September 10. 1958. and the motion was carried by the fol lowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin. Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Rej ort - Audit of Via ter F'tmd 8nt: 'IV. ~'" 1. F'und The annual audit. as provided in Ordinance No. 800. by a Certified Publ ic Accountant, of the Water Fund accounts and the Water System Improvement Fund was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Commissioner Berg. that the audit be accepted and ordered fi led and the motion was carried by the fol lowing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none, Re s)l ution No. 910 - Perking Maintenance Assessment Resolution No. 910 levying the assessment in the amount of $2.271.77 for the meintenance of prkings during 1958 was presented. entitled: A RESJLUTIOI\ QI. THE CQ'lv1ISSIOK OF THE CITY Or i;ozsr"rM. V;VYING ANI ASSESSING A SlECAL ASSESS- MENT OF TAXES l;JON 1\1.L THE H~OPERTY n: sr;:;;Cyp.,L n~P10\Ir.:J\"ENT DISTRICTS Of THE CITY OF BOZEMA.!'''. C8t1n'Y or GALLATIN. STATE OF MONTANA. fOR TFT!; MAH'TE.'NAKCE OF' Plt,iKINGS TO I;F.:FRAY THE COST Ol- MAn.:TAINIKG THE FARKTNGS -/iITHIN SAID SFSCIAL IYP~OVEMENT :~ISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF saZSMAN FOR THE YBAR 1958. It WAS moved by Commissioner BerL. secJnded by Cow~issioner Swenson. that the resolution be [ro- I visionally adopted and August 27th. 1958 be set as the date for heerine; protests. and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor E~in. Commissioner Swanson " and Co:nmissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Res:)lution No. 911 - SFdnkling Assessment Resolution No. 911. levying the assessment in the amount of $2,074.44 for street srrinkling for tl:e year 1958 was presented, entitledl A RESOLlJTION Ol- nIE COMMISSIOIl OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESS- M'SNT O} TAXES U'OK ALL THE PROPERTY IN STREET SFRIJ\KLING DISTRICTS OF 'mE CITY OF BOZEMJili, COUNTY OF GALLATIN. STATE OF' MONTANA. '1'0 DEFRAY SEVE1TY-FIVE FERCENT OF THE COST OF Sr!'Ul\KlIKG STREETS WITHIN SAID STREET SPRINKLING DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF BOZ~~P.K FOR THE; EAR 1958. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by COlrunissioner Berg. that the resolution be I,rovisional1y adopted end August 27th. 1958 be set as the date for hearing }Jrotests and the motion was carried by the followin~ Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Iv:ayor Er"Nin. Commissioner Swanson and Corrunissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Resolution N:=>. 912 - Lighting; Assessment Resolution Ng. 912. levying the essessment in the amOlmt of '-4.110.24 for various 1ightine; districts for the year 1958 was presented. entitledl I A RESOU'I'ION OI' TH~; Cm"MISSIOl\' OF THE CITY OF B02J%!AN. MONTANA. LE"vYI1:G ANI; ASSESSING LIGHT- lI'G LJSTRICT lI~AINT'SN1\NCB AND l';LECTRICft..L Cl'RREKT COSTS FOR SP~CI AI. WFROVEHPNT LIGHTnG mSTRICTS OF TIrS CITY OF BOZEMMI. FCRStANT TO THB 1~OVI2Im-;S 01' SECTION 11-2252 R. Cor-!. 1947. It wes moved by Commissioner Berg. seconded by Commissioner Swanson. that the resolution be rrovisionally edopted and AUi::ust 27th. 1958 be set a.s the date for rearing I,rotests and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: t.hose voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner S'\ianson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Resolution No. 913 - Assessment for ~. I. D. #392 Ree 01 u t ion No. 913 levying the asses sment in the 'mount of .106,121. 60 fa r the cons tructi on of - - ,172 Speciel Imfrovement District ro. 392 WHS fresented, en titled: A RESCL1~TI01; 01 TH'~ COl'JiMISSIQ!I or TPSCI'l'Y 0\ BOZEMA}1. MONTAlA, LG;VYING AND ASSESSIl<G A SfECIAL ASSESSMEtT OF TAXES lnONALL TRS PWPSRTY IN SF8CIAL PHT!OVgMENT DISTRICT lJO. 392 n; fEE :CITY OF BO ZEMAl' , C01!}iTv OF GALLArn:, STATE OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY THE COST (ll" CJNS1RtCTING AND N'iliKING TIle; HT:'.OVEl'I!"::llTS'Nl'l'EI1\: SAID SFECIAL DiF<WVEMENT mSTRICT NO. 392. It wes moved by COTJnissioner Swenson. seconded by Commissioner Ben:,. thet the resolution be f,rov:i sionelly adopt ed pno AULust 27th, 1958 be set 8 s the dete for he a ring; :rrotests ~nd the motion was carried by the following .Aye Rnd l"o vote: thQ28 voting Aye being L:ayor Erwin, Conunie s ioner SWRnson I Bnd Commissioner Bers; those voting No, none. Res:)lution 10. 914 - SI,OW Assessment Resolution tlo. 914 levyim.; the assessment in tbe amount of $187. EO, for snow removal for the year 1958 was rresented, entitled: A HES"l'~TION OF 1T": CO"IdSSIJJ\ O} TEl;~ (;IT" OT EOZF:,Ul, L0:VYIFG AND ASSESSnG A SlSCH,L ASS"SSSlt!~~}}T O} T1\..xV,S ural. CERTAIt\ rr;OFSRTP:S IN n:,,: CITY OI' F028I'Al, COUNT'Y OF Gl'\lIATE, :TATT~ Or IOl;TfJ:A, T0~EyqP\Y TIjT~ CJST JJ RSJlilOVAL :)j s~,;OJ fOR THI!, Y7AR 1857-E8 Hi?S~'f.rT TO r:l.O\!r~IOrs e)} ORDnANCE NO. 502 ~'TITLED: "M: ORr;n:Jll\CB I"QVIrING }JT\. TE'; RT~!\~oVnJl ShO:; AiT let<: nwT', TEl;; SITE'VALI\S 11\ Tb\ ClT': 01' P.OZli;;,~A} ANT, ;{C;r-SALHG JPD::r ANG": NO. 385, T;~j\~ T 1 ~:t'LED: 1M: Q'{QjUJJCS rr)o'fI~EG lJR TP;; '{'~=.' 0 V/J... 0 I Sl,; :)':'f p.n: Ie S, "IRT, ill. iT AJi,r OTE r::It OBSTRlCTIOl" FROM S JDB'JiiALhS ON ],;l\lN STREET BT:TTEEN -SJol.U.C'S .A\TT<;I.q:,l~AfE' }:lfHTF AVP} Fr<: n. TES CITY <)F Bi)ZSl,~AN,II. It Wf.'S 'reeved by Corr:missioner ;:;erb. sec:m6ed by Commissioner Swanson, the. t the res ,)lu tior. be rro- v1sione.lly Flcorted and AUc,ust 27th. 1958 be set as the date for hearing protests and the motion was carried b~/ tLe following Aye BEd No vote: those voting Aye being l'.J.:>yor El..,.,in, Con;Jnissioner Swanson and Cor:unissioncr BerG; those voting Ko. none. Delegates to Fire School Bt polson Fire Chief FenttilB recommends thp t two firemen be authorized to f1ttend tLe Fire School to be 1.elo ir: r")lson, Au[ust 27th ta 30th, 19 f8. It waf) movcc 11y CO"Jrlissi.::;ner 3l:rS, sec::mced by C;)lTUnissioner Swar.s 01", >> U,pt ptter:r:(lDCe of' two fi!"cinen be !n:thoriz':od ~s recolrJlienc'ed 9nd that treir ex} er:E'es be raid I from tLe General rUEd ~md the motion was CEl. rried by the fol1,y[ il1bA.ye and 1: 0 vote: those votinG Aye beins;';lsyor ::-~rv'liL, Co'"!:rnissioner Swenson or.d CO;,];',issior.-:r Eeq:,; those votin0 Ko, none. Water System froject - Claim for Right-oi-r.~ay Damages Ll'.:li'n r (). 237;)::1 i Ch~ rles H. G: L0ris l'L. ~". Glle , in tLe "TTlount oi ~168.30 for ric;ht-of-way dam8Gcs 8d,a1flst U;E' 'i~ater System Im~rovement h.:nd W8S rreser,tcd. After excminotior of the clAim, it W93 moved. b\' Cor:lluisslor:.er Swanson, sBc0nded by Co~missioner Ber~, the t the clpim be Blf-roved snd e warrant issued for :i.ts Iayment and the moti'~m wes carried lJy the followinG Aye end No vote: those votinL Aye beinG i'::8yor ~,rwiL, COimnis s ioner Swens 01;. ",nd Corrunis s i one r Be q~; that's votinG; No. none. Ordinance Eo. b07 ~- Arrropriation Ordinance Affidevit of Iu1:1icati01: of the p,m;u81Aarorr18tion QrdiJuHlce for the f:i::ccBl ypf,r endinG June 30th, 1959 wes rreserted, tosether with the ArproFriation Ordinance :No. 807. entitled: 1\l~ ORIr;]:i'H!CB AH'IOFRIH11G ~'OI'IES lO'{ B"XJ "TI::rrj'tJ'~BS D?,l~T;BD l(17.CBSSARY PN;; IN ACCOHDJll;CS WI TIS Br:r::,E1'ARY R1J.:<.l1IRSM'SKTS FOR n,ll'TEl,ANCC ETC., OF 'I'D', ~iIt1\ICJFAL GOVER}I'W~t/I' O} TEJi.: CITY Or E,JZSMM' , IilONTJI,NA Fon TE'S FISCAl" '(Ti~P.R. EKDING JU~S 30tb, 1G59. It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by Commissioner Berg. that the Ordinance be finally passed ~md adopted ant the motion was carried by the following Aye 8nc 1\') vote~ those votinG Aye being Mayor Erwin, L:ommissioner Swanson end Cor.-anissioner EerL; those voting No, none. I Offer to FurcLpse Reject Fipe -- lv-Inch The ManaGer reTorted he hAS checked or; Ib-inch reject rife from the Water Improvement Iroject and tLere is 8irroximately 540 feet of such pi~e rvailab1e in Bozeman. It was moved by Conunissioner BerG' sec)nded by Conuuissioner Swanson. thet the City Manager be euthorized to offer the Elk River Concrete Froc1ucts Co~npBny $975.00 for this 18-inch reject I~ipe pno the motion was carried by the following Aye end No vote: those votint:; Aye being; Me:, or Erwin. Co:nmissioner Swanson and COITmissioner BerG; those votinG 1;0, none. - .17:3 Option to Purchase Reject Pipe -- 21-Inch It was moved by Commissioner Swenson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, that the City 1~nager be authorized to take an option on 600 feet of 21-inch reject concrete I"ipe from the Blk River Concrete Products Company end the motion W9.S carried by the following Aye :_:nd :No vote: thos e vo ti nc; Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Co.nlissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Approval of Bid for ivater Line to Hyelite View Addition I John Morrison, Pres ident of M9rrison-Maierle. Inc. . and C. V. Henderson. rerresen tint; the Bozeman Deeconess Hospital Board, were present and presented A tptuletion of bids received for the installation of a fourteen-inch cast iron water main to serve the Hyelite View Addition. They recommended tha t the bid of the Budd f1 umbing end Bee tin!; Co.. on Location #1 - Alternate "AIt, in the amount of ~27 ,235.00, be an:roved es the lowest accertable bid. It wes moved by Commissioner BerG' seconced by Commissioner Swanson, tha t. uron satisfcctory rroof being furnished that this water main will be IlPced in a street, road or otber I:ublic Ill" ce or thet. where it may be necessary to install such main in p"ivate FroFerty. a right-of-w!?"y easement &cceptaLle to the City of Bozeme_n vdll be furnished prior to such installetion. the bid of Duc:d Flumbj"ng; and Heating Company be arproved for acceptance by the Bozeman Deaconess EO'Fi tal Board and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinc; Aye being lvlayorErwin. COifi!Ilissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Recommendation for Nlill Levy by Gallatin County for f'lEtnnin6 BOB-re Budget Need for funds to meet a f'!'oposed bUdGet of the Ci ty-County I-lsrming, Board was discussed. In view of the feet that the City he,s reid all eXlense of this Board during the fest year, it has been an unofficial uncJerstanding that Gallatin County woul(: pay thet eXF,ense c:uring the current fiscal yea r. 1 It was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconded by CO~i!Ilissioner Berg. that the County Commissioners of Galletin County be r2quested to levy a tax egainst the Froperty wHhin the aree of the Mester Plan which has been approved by the Flanning Board in sufficient amount to meet the budGet require- ments 01 thet Board in the current fiscal year and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votinc Aye being Mayor Erwin. Co;~issioner Swanson end Commissioner Berg; those voting No. none. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Swanson. seconcied by Commissioner Berg. that the meeting adjourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye beinG Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those votinll;; No. none. ~~(.fZ &-- , ,~ ATTESTl I ~~~~~ Clerk of the City Commission