HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-27 17r7 . a ~ozpm"n. Mont"T1P Allg11S+ 27th. 10S8 "['h<> Commis"'inn of "['h<> Ci t,y "'f ~"'?:"'m"Tl m"'+' in rpglll'H' s<>s"'ir-n ; n Vl<> C"'mmic;c;i"'n Ro"'m. r:i t,~r R" 11 R"i 1 rlinO', W",dnesrl"" . ^11 g:ns+ ?"th. 191:;8.. ~t, l~no ",f~l"'c~ p. M. 'Pre"''''nt. w"'r'" M"'T"''''' El"wi n , C"rnmj"'sio"'e"'" S,.,.qnsnn} r:o""m; s"'inner p"r"'. Cit.v Mt>r1.<!l'7e"'" H"'nrlel"s"'n. C; tv lIttnrnpv T 0"81 <'lee pnri the (;1'" r1' , 'rh", fnl1o"'ing nr"'ceerlinp's ',Terp h",rl. I Mt1'"'ute'" o~ +h'" r"g1'lRl" meetinp nf ^"g'lSt, 20th, 105P ",..,d s~e0ip] mept,inv nn ^"g"st ?t;tn, 1058 wprp rPR rl . It l,r"'" moverl hV Cnmmi sc;i onpr S"'Rflsnn.. s"'c"'nnerl 'hv Commi ",qi nTlPr 'R"'r'J th,,+ the m; nnte'" o~ tlop rpO'ul"..... m"eting: ,onri s::,ed, p 1 me""t; n g: 'he "!,T1ro\T""d ~ c; re"rl. "nrl the mot,inn 1,'1 q c~ rri. "'d h" t,n '" f"ll o,.n T1P' ll~re ",..,rl ]\Tn vnte~ t,n"8'" vnting ll:,re hei n 0' M~~TnT" Erwi n : Commissioner S'-'R1'"'Snn Rnrl Comm;qsir-T1"'l" ppr"'~ t.hns" vnt,;"'''' Nn. ""o"'e. Recommendation of Planning Board -- Extending City Limits to the West The 1:Ipcomm"nrl"tj"rs r-f th" B'"'zpm"n (ii t,v-ronnhr P1 Anninp 'R"p.....d t,o "'xtend t,ho ci tv 1 im4.t.3 +" +ho w"'s+ !In,4 ;os qpt f 0 .....t1'" in fll11 in tho mi '''''It,e'' "f " qT1"'C;"J meptJ1'"'g' nf' t,h" Cnmm;"'S;nT1 hp1rl 0'" lI'l/!,lS+ ;::>q,h, 191:;8 w"rp co"'s; r'lpr"'d. Tt. WRS moved h~T (iommi c;9; nn"'r ~l",,""snn. "'er,01'"'nnd h:'T C"mm;'-'s;nn'"'r P"'r"". tn"'t t.h", r"cr-mm"'nrl'1+i"nC' of' thp Pl ""ni "'<T Pn".....d h~T "::,!,r",vpn "t"n "cc"':;,ter'l "1'"'d +}1", mnt.j"n 1.T"'" ,.." ""'ri on 1-,~, t.h 0 f'n11 "wi n'" ^-;re "nn TlTn v"tp. +.nns<> v"ti 't'<"lI~re 'hpi "'" M,,;rnr E""Wi n; r.ommi"'s;nnpr c;"t;:),., snn "1'"'''1 nnl"'"lrni ~R~ n-nClr TL:..'"lr,..... t n08" vnti 1'"' P' lITn, "'o>:e. Liabili ty Insurance Policy Renewed Pr("\T',",,,,,,ls +0 +"11""''''; ",n 1 iA'h; 1 i+" in"'l""'''Tce fer the (i-;t,r ef PnzemR1'"' ""'"or'" :""'e"".,n+p,4 ,,'" f" 11 0"'''' ~ A"'n""l """"Y"o.ml""m lor" j t.e 9" r'nJ'Y'np nH . .,.,,,,n,,,,,pccn+i"a PR~if'j,.. T>:n em,.,; +H 1:0. 11: ?I,?f\.nl, \Ta,~ J ~"'I''t" TY'lQ"'Y1~Y'Irp r01"<"l-n~Y"l""!"r .....e!'re'" "'r1t.i nrr n<>n<=>r.q1 (':R",,,,,li+H ('n. c)':1I:;t:;.on - ..." , T+. '.r"'-' mnHpn h,r (;nmm; "''''; rn"p..... ~:;,,''''''sn]1, ",pr,n)'1rlpr'l y.,~r I:nrn11"is",;(ynpr P"r'"') that, the T'n1i "'~T nf t)-,,, r,.an"'r;:, 1 1 r""",,,,,li+v ('omT'R1'""r hI" rpl1Pw<=>d Rnrl t,n", m"t,ir-n '""", Cp ..........i on 'h~r t.ne fo 11 nl,ri ,., ",Ave Rnn I,Tr, v"tp ~ + r,nq", "nt,; '" '" A,r,-, y.,"'inp' Me"""'" F,,...,,,..1 "'_ r'"mmi ",qi n1'"'p"", C;',,.,,ncw-,, R'lrl C0mmi~c~~~o~ ~~~~. thnco \Tnt; "'('"' n" ]1nn'" .' Resolution No. 910 - Parking Maintenance for 1958 'T'n;.-, '^fA" th~ time .q]1n !,~ace qet f"0l" pub 1 ir: he"1d 'lP nn 1 e"~ring assef'sment rnr care of T'arkings for the year 1958. Affidavit of publication of Notice was prespnted. No one was present to protest And, no written protests having he en filed, Resolution No. 910. "1S nresented 'lnd nrovisioni1lly DPssed Rt the meeting of AUg'Ust 20th, 1958. WAS presented for finRl p,ossage. It WAS moved hv Commissioner SWRnson, seconded by Commissioner Berg, th"t the resolution be finRlly T1<lssed Rnd Rdonted ond the motion was c;:Jrried by the following A,re <lnd No vote ~ those voting Ave being' Mayor Erwin, Commissioner SWAnson RTld Commissioner Berg. those voting: no, none. Resolution No. 911 - Sprinkling Assessment for 1958 This WRS the time ond nl~ce set for nuhlic he~ring on leVYing ~ssessment for street snrinklinp' for the ve"'r 1958. ^ffid"vit of nublic"tion of Notice ~s T1resented. No one W"1 s T1resent, to T1rotes+. !lnd. no written Drotests l1"vinp' heen filed, Resolution No. 911- ;os Dresented "nd Drovision" llv DRssed "t, the meeting of August. 20th. 1958. WA.S T1resented for fin:ol D"SS"p'e. It WI> s moved hv Commissioner Rerg:. I seconded bv Commissioner Sw:>nson. th"t the resolution 'he finR 1ly rn.ssed'md "do...-,ted "nd the motion w"s CArried hy the following live "nd No vote~ "['hose voting live 'heing MFl.vor Erwin. Commissioner S~nson"nd Commissioner Rerp': t,hose voting No, none. Resolution No. 912 -- Lighting Assessment for 1958 Tllis W;lS the time ,ond T'l"ce set for nublic heAring on levvinE! "ssessment for tne severR J sneci"'l lighting districts for the ye"r 1958. P.-f'fid'lvit of T1ublicRtion of Notice w:>s '"'resent,ed. No -:me W'"'S "'-'re- sent to ~rotest And. no writ,ten Drotests nAving been filed. Resolution No. 912. ~t) ::,resented Rnd nro- visionnllv D"ssed 'It tne meeting of August 20th. 19'18. W"8 nresented for fin'll D"SS'l p'e. It W"S moved '176 'hy Conunissioner SWBl1son, seconded bv Conunissioner RArp', +,hRr, the resolution 'he fin:'111'lT D"lssed '1nd Rdonted :ond the motion W's carried lw the following ^~re :ond No vote! those voting A-:re 'heing Ml'l'ror Erwin. Conunissioner SWI'Inson :ond Conunissioner Berg~ those voting No~ none. Resolution No. 913 -- Assessment for S.l.D. 392 This W"l'" the time '1nd T11Ace set for mblic he'1ring on levving <>sses"ment for const.ruction of S::,eci"'l Imr-rovemen+ District No. 392. A ffidnvi t of DublicA+ion of Not,ice WAS ~resented. No I one ","",s nresent to r-rotest, ;md. no written nro+est,s hAvin&': neen filed, Resolution No. 913 ,"1 S Y'resen+ed Rnd T'rovisioni111~r nAssed 1'1+ the meetinp' of August, 2nth, 19158. 'WiS p"'''esented for fin'll n"ss" ge. It was moved hv Conunissioner Berg. seconded rnr Conunissioner Sv.I'Rnson. th'lt tJw~ resolution ne finall~r nAssed Rnd Rdo'"'ted And th",- motion W"1S cR,rried lw the following A're "nd No vote! t.hose vot.ing ^'re heinl! M"~ror Erwi n; Commissioner SW"l't'ison "nd Conunissi oner BAr"'; t,hns'" voting No., none- Resolution No. 914 -- Snow Removal for 1959 This W"ls the time "nd nlAre set for nuhlic he"ring on lev-rin!" "ssesc,ment, for snow remoVAl for 19'18. A -rfid8vi + of Dllblic"tion of Notice W"S "'resen+ed. No one 'WlS nresent to Y'rotest, And. no written :;,rotests h<>ving 'heen filed, Resolution No. 014, "s ~resAn+ed "nd '"'rovi"iom ll~r F'ssed 'It, the meeting of A1'/2;'1S+ 20th. 19')8. W"'S :!"resent.ed for fiml ;,A"s"ge. It W'S moved rr'T Corrunissioner SWlnson, seconded by Commissioner 'Rerg: t.hAt thp resolution he fin"llv nnsspd"'nd ,"Idor-ted "'nd V's motion 11"8 c" rried h~r the followl.ng t"re "'nd No vot,e ~ thosp voting A7re 'heine: M'1:,ror Erwi.n- Commissioner S1<T8'1S0n 'Hld Commissioner 'Rer!" ~ those vot.ing No, none. Installation of Street Light. A re"'''e:=;+ for A "'tl"eet. liO'h+, At, the intersect,inn nf 'T'rRcy t,venue And Clevel"nr1 Street. W"S I renorted. It W'S moved h~r Commissioner Perp'. seconded 'hv r.ommis'"'ioner SW"1nson, that tho City MR't'ia"'e'" he allthori'i',ed to hR"e tho Mont''''t'ifJ POv.Ter COl')1n<>nv inst.A'l A. street lig"t "t this in+e-"- section"nd th'" m"tio't'i W'S (''1-''ried 'h,r th<' fo]lowine:~"e "nel No vote! those vot.i't'ie: tnre 'hei.na' M"'''or Erw:i n . Commissioner S',,,,,nson"nd Commissioner Rer....~ +hasp vot.ing lITo.. none. Maintenance of North Rouse Avenue A ,.,omml1ni.CRt i on from the St,A te Hi P'hW"'~T Commi sqion WAq reA d notifvinp' the Ci t.y t,h'lt Feder'" 1 Ai d Second"rv Pro.;ed USi7n (8), (nqy; TIP' on Nort.h ROl'sP t,'renue) WRS complet.ed on J1l1,r ?/,th. 19'18 nnd t.hAt resronsibilibT for m"inten"nr.e of t,his (I.78? miles of street reveY'ted to t.he Ci+v of 'Rozem0n "!.<:; of' t";o+, com:!"leti on d"t.e "lS rer :!"r8ViO'lS Agl"eempnt b",-hreen +h'" Cit,v anH the Hi P-hwy Der>,q-,.tme't'it. Report R"'Dort of' tne DiY'e,.,t"r af Fjf''1't'ic'" far t.re mnnt,h of ,July,. 19')8 1,t'tS nresented. It W".s mo,red 'l-,v Comm;ssianer S"W""nsnn. spconded 'h,r nO"1missioner 'Rer,.., thgt tre rero-,.t 'he ,~cP:!"t,ed"nd ordered fi] ed ",..,d +h'" motion WI'lS ('<>-"ried 'h~r tJ.,p fa] 1ow:i.n~ A~Te anrJ. No vote: t,h0SP v0tinp' A~re he;n'" M'1vor Erwin. r;ommi s",iom~r SW1ns"n Ann C0mmi "'sioYler 'Rer~~ th0sP yoti't'i!'" lITo; none. Installation of 250' Concrete pipe at South Side Reservoir I tBgeerty-Messmer Company has presented a proposal to do various items of work on the Water System Improvement Project which are over and above that included in their contract. Included in their proposal were the followinl':: H<ml 181' concrete pipe from City Lot ne"Lr the City Dump to the South Sid,e R.eservoir site $ .70 ner foot Instnll ,qbove nine -'s renl<>CE1nel1t for old, existin/"". vitrified clAy 18" sunT1lv line $ 4.60 ner foot Install concrete collrtrs on concrete Y'ine which they instRll w11ere conditions of th,-,t ~ine so re,.,uire $7').00 each .177 It W"'s moved by Conunissioner SWInson, seconded bv Commissioner Rerg, th,.,t thp City M"mrrer be "nd is hereby ':l uthorized to hire H!:1 P;R'ert-.:r-Messmer Comn1.nv to h<'1 ul the reouired :ol.mount of nine 8nd to re!,ln ce <'1nnroxim'ltelv 250' of the old vitrified cl"y nine extendinp" south from the ,junction hox of the two sUDDly lines at the South Side Reservoir"nd the motion ~s c"'rried h" the followin!! {I"8"nd No vote: those votinp; A;.re heing M9vor Erwin, Corrunissioner SW"nson '1nd Conunissioner Rerg~ I those voting No. no~e. Request tc Build Retainer Wall at First National Bank ,A request from the First N8 tion<'1.I R"nk to construct '" six-inch ret" iner W"ll '" round the sidewo 11: entr,"1nce ,jrJ the west side of their 'huildin!! to nrevent flood woters from !!etting into their huildin!" ws re'1d. It WlS moved by Conunissioner Ber!", seconded by Corrunissioner Swanson, th?t the rel1uest be gr!'lnted conditioned on the plRns for the ret!'liner W111 hein'" "lD!,roved nv t,he City Enrrinec,' !,rior to imt" lln tion "nd the motion W"S cA,rrierl ty the following Aye and l;Q vote: those vaUnt Aye bejng; Mayor Srwin. GOl'missioner Swanson and CO'Tlmissioner Berg; those votinb No. none. Separate Water and Sewer Services for Each Dwelling In connection with nronosed remodeJing of " p'''r''JP'e ?t 2?0 South Rozem"n to m",ke it int.o JiYino- aU'1rters. t.he owner !,ro!,oses to extend W"'ter 8nd sewer services to it fro'" tne nresent residence on this rronertv. Present policy of the City renuires ser"r"te W"ter "nd sewer services to e"ch sef"rqte nuildinp' "lnd the Ruilding Ins:,ector h"s therefor refused t.o "nnrove W"ter"nd sewer connections to this nuildinO' in Question. Difficulties "risinO' from snch services wllich h"ve "heen exteJ'1ded from one "'uil din..... to "nother were fointed out. It W" s tii ""edpd "hv the Commission th"'t tl1e nresent "olicy "'e co.....tinued "nd th"t no exce-ntion 'he m"de in this C"ge. I Water Improvement Project - Final Estimate Pro-nosed fin"'] estim"'tes on the contr"cts of St"tewide Plum'hinp' "nd Hentinrr Comn"nv. H<>p:,:ertv-Messme"" ComnpniT "nd 1,01112: Construction ComT'''nv on thp W!'lt,er Svst,em Im,\""rovefl1ent fro;eet, "'s ....ecei ved from Mo....rison-M"ierle. Inc., were fresented. ^ctio'" on them W"'S rleferred -nendinf! furt"er check to he m"de of them "nn pw:>;ting the requirerl certific'1te from Mo-rrison-M"'ierJe. Inc. t.h"t tl1....se cnntr"ct<> h"ve neen cOfl1T11eted. Adjournment 'T'here 'heinp' no fUrther "'usiness to come "'efore the Comi ssio"'" "t tris time. it "W"s moved hiT Commissioner Swnson. qeco""ded hv Commissioner R"'rO' t,tl"t tl1'" meet,i.,.,g "d,io11rTl. "nd the motioY'! W"S J c"rri""d 'hv +he foJlo...d.,..,p' ^~re "nd No vote~ those votinO' ^~re "'ein..... M"'ror Erwin, r.ommissioner Sl'''''''son ""'d r.ommis9io"'e-r R"r:,": +,hnse vnting No; none. lit-test: I/A:~ #aJrl~12 ~~ GJ.Ark of the Corruni9sioY'! M" ror - I