HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-09-10 ;182 Bozeman, Montana Sertember 10, 1958 The Commission of The City of Bor:eman 'net in rec;ular session in the Conunissior; Room, City Hell Builcing" ~fednesday , Sertember 10, 1958, at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swensorl, Co~missioner Berg, City Man8€er Henderson, City Attorney Lovelace Hnd the Clerk. The follow- ing proceedings were had: Minutes of the lest regular session were read e.nd j t wes moved by Commissioner Swanson, secor;ded I by Commissioner Berg, that the minutes be aPFToved as reed and the motion was carried by the follow- in.; Aye end No vote: those voting Aye beins Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. Bids for Truck - Park DeFartment This was the time and place set for oper,in[ bids for a truck to be used in the Park Department. Affidavit of publication of :Kotice to Bidders was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Berg, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the bids be o:pened And read Bno the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No, none. The following bids were opened and read: Rol fe &; Hood - *-2,283.82 - $2,316.76 h orthern Auto Co. - 2,073.33 - - - Bozeman Motors - 2,147.37 - - - Owenhouse Hardware Co. - 2,119.00 - - - The bids were referred to the City Engineer and the Park Superintendent for tabulation and recom- mendations. Proposeo Addition ta Building - 116 Sout,h Tracy August Gnehm was present and presented a model of a proposed addition to a building at 116 South I Tra cy. The roof of the proposed eddition is to be of heavy ceder shakes which would not comf'ly with the Building Ordinance in this Fire Zone. Mr. Gnehm asked that, because of the nature and style of this rroposed structure ano because it would Cr'}8te no aHreciable hazerd to any adjoining buildings, an excel_tion be made to the requirements of the Building Cooe in this case to permit him to use the fToI;osed roof meterials. The matter was referred to the Fire Chief and Building Inspector for recornmendations. Rer'orts 'l11e following; re:Forts for the month of AUGust, 1958 were presented: Water Collector Folice Judge It wps moved by Commissioner Swenson, seconded by Commissioner Bert, that the reIorts be accepted and orderec1 filed ano the motion was carried by the following Aye ano No vote: those votins Aye beint', Mayor E;rwin, Cornmissioner Swanson and Commiss ioner Berg; those voting No, none. Claims C 18 ims ~ 0 s . 2666 to 2681 inclusive were presented as follows: S. 1. D. - - - ;);.8,747.66 llVeter System Improvement - - 1,397.40 I TOTAL -- -- -- -- ~lO, 145.06 The lIlan8g;er stated he hes audited these cleims ar'd fines them to be true and lawiul claiTIls against -- the City of BozemBn fwd reco'!imends that w8rrants be issued for their payment. Arter e:xe,mination of tlJe Cle ims, it w~s moved ty Commissioner Ber~, seconded by Commissioner Swanson, that the cll3iins be al}roved and warrants issued for their Fayment and the mot ion W8.S carried by the following Aye and l~ 0 vote: those votini:: Aye bej nc lv.ayor E:rw-in, Cornmissioner Swenson ane COY!lmisE'ioner BerG; those voting No, nJrle. .1sa Cancellation of Electrical Bond -- Vincent H. Hodis A request from the Hartford I'ire Insurance Com:reny to cancel the electrical bond of Vincent H. Eodis wes preflented. It was moved by Con;missioner .swanson, seconded by Commissioner Ber.::;, tha t the bond be cancelled as of this date and tLe motion was carried by tbe following Aye and Ko vote: t!ose votinG Aye bcir::t; Ivieyor Erwin, Co::missioner Swanson ane Corrrm.issi')~er BerG; those votinc ro, none. Fro}osal to Sell McAdow Ditch to City I A rrorose J. from the Montana .Flour Mills ComfsPY to sell to the City of Bozeman their water arlo ditcr' rights in the McAdow ditch wes reed. Action wes deferred :fendinG!:' further clo eck wi th the Street SUFerin tendent and City Engirleer. Requ::;st to Cut Curb for Driveway -- 10 North iHllson A request fro~ Rolfe and Wood. Inc. . to instAl] a dri vew?v I'd, 10 Iiorth .villson Avenue/iT'S] rcsertecJ. It weB moved by Conmissioner Barb' seconded ty Commiss:iorer 0wanso::, tli!J t the request be 6r?~+e~ find the TnJ+-i'_-m was carri"r:_ "., :":,,, i c~lowin6 Aye ard 1,0 vo te: ,:,l!8Se 'j')tiL6 p~,,: [-d16 :;;8yor Ervvjn. C~)Irlmissioner S'Nnnson '.led Commissioner Berg; thol'e v otinL Eo, n:Jr,e. Profosal to Act as Trustee for Cemetery Permanent Care Funds A written rrorosRl frorr the Union Bank &: Trust Co:n:-:Any 10 rct !Jt, trus~,,,,e f'Y!'" the Cemet8,';' r'''rrnre':'nt Care 1 ur;ds was reac'. l:o accbn was taker. FendinG iurther jnvesti6eticr;. --. Federal Aie for Purcrwse of Mobile Units for Cj ty Vehicles An,lication forms for fe':eral funds to A ie' "'l" thp "ur('l--'~"e ')1 inchil" rR~in "'C";'Tlli"'llt fO~-"-le .....~. ......" 1" ,.,.......,"'"" J '-' ".'., L __ oJ .....:.._ ";".;..' .:' '~'.I' r01:';ce err P'C(; for tIie i'<)rk. Street anc ','["ter Surerintender.h: I errs w~r8 rrescrted. If: W"'S moved L:y C om.rnis~; 1.01')(" r Swans or:, seconded b;y Commissioner Berg, that the C:ity l\>L:-t:,er be authorized to iile tr:ese aaUcfitions lIrith the office of the Director of Civil Defense of the State of r,jortar.8 and the :notion 1 WAS carried by the following Aye ane No vote: thos e voting: Aye being Meyor Erwin, Cornmis s ion er Swanson And Co~nissioller BerL; those voting Ko. none. Confirmation of Lawrence b. Stiff as Ioliceman A co;nmunj cation from Chief of r)lice SaunrJers WR.S reF' c1 reco:nmendr:s the cord ir,na tior. of Lawrence H. 8tH]' as 8 regulf'r member of the Folice LeI-8rtment AS of Ser-temter 1, BES_. he h8vin6 SBt j sie ct )rily comrleted the required six months of rrobetionery service. It was moved by Comaiissioner Berg, secoccJed by Corr:mis$ bner Swansorl. thA t the recorrunenda tion be an:;roved and Lawrence L. Stiff be confirmed as a re€,ular member of the f:Jlice Lerartment ana the ~otion was carried b~l the following Aye ane Ti:o vote: those voting; Aye being Mayor Erwin. Co~~issioner Swanson ana Commissioner Bert; those voting Eo. none. Resolution No. 916 - Garbage Assessment 1958 '" itcsolut:i<m No. 916 levying essessment for collection of Garbage for the yc"'r 1958 :in the amount of ~43,138.78 W8S presented, entitled: A HESOL 1] TIOr; Q:F THi::' COI'jiinSS 101 or TEF; CITY OF BOZT~MAi\i, Ivl0ETA.1\A, LBVY I]\JG AND ASSESSING A SP'CIAL ASSBSSNENT OF' TAX'k;S [PO}; J-.J_L R3AL }'?OF'S'\TY E TI'~; CIT" OF ?OZl'-:MAN, COnny OF GALI-AT n;. STATE OF fjiOKTANA, SERVIC;<;D 1J\ D FROM 'i'.'hIeE GAPBAGE WAS COLU:CTBD liNT; RE?:OVSD IX RH;G 11JE YEAR 1958. TO [,I~FRAY TEE COST At\r Ti'XF'lNSE OF COLLBCTlNGAND DISTOSING OF GARSAGC; r1~DER THE I'RJ- VISIONS or om:'J1ANCB NO. 696 OF THE CITY OF BOZS1~Al\. I It we.'" r:loved by Commission'?r Ber6' seconded by Commissioner :;'wanson, thAt the resolution be f!'ovisional1y adopted and September 17th, 1958 be set as the date for hepr1LG Frotests and U;e motion W6.S carried by the following Aye and No vote: those votini,;\Aye being .Mayor Erwin, Commissioner SWansor.l pnQ Com--,rn.issioner Ber,;; those voting No, none. Releeoe of R. T. P'~terson from Contract for Salvage at City Dump ~ritten request from a. 1. FE'terson to be released from the contrF:ct for selvege rights at th-= City Dump was reed. It WRS moved by Commissioner Berg;, seconded by Co:unissioner Swar,son, thst the City Attorney .184 rrepere 13 form of rele8se for Mr. Feterson and the motion was carried by the following, Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Erwin, Commissioner Swanson end Conunissioner BerEi those votinE :tilo. none. Ad j ou rnmen t There being no further business to come before the Commission At this time. it was moved by Commissioner Swanson, seconded by Commiss ioner BerL. th!:'t the meeting adjourn a_nd the motion was I carried by the following Aye and N'J vote: those voting Aye being Mayo~ Erwin. Conmlissioner Swanson and Commissioner Berg; those voting No. none. _~~h -Ai) ~~- . --<0 ./ l~ayor ATTBS T: :~~~~~ Clerk of the City Corrunission ~ 1 I .