HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-15-17 City Commission Packet Materials - A1. Interim City Manager Strategic Plan for the Next 3-5 years Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Dennis M. Taylor Interim City Manager SUBJECT: Staff recommendation on strategic plan process and adoption of the vision/vision statements/strategies section of the City’s strategic plan for the next three to five years MEETING DATE: May 15, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action   RECOMMENDATION: Consider the interim city manager’s recommendations and provide direction regarding the next steps in the strategic planning process and the proposed timeline and approve the Strategic Plan Vision, Vision Statements and Strategies sections of the City’s strategic plan for the next three to five years. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to adopt the Strategic Plan Vision, Vision Statements and Strategies recommended by the interim city manager and direct the interim city manager to work with staff to prepare recommended action plans and draft priorities for consideration at the August 14, 2017 City Commission meeting. BACKGROUND: Every successful City organization needs a strategy and a plan. The City’s strategic plan will address both long-term aspirations and short-term benchmarks. Informed by the preferences of the City Commission, the availability of staff and financial resources; the City will develop a focused strategic plan to achieve identified strategies within a defined time horizon. To these ends, on February 9, 2016 the City Commission authorized the city manager to sign a professional service agreement with HDR Engineering to facilitate the development of a strategic plan for the City of Bozeman. The stated purpose of this plan is to determine the strategic priorities of the City and its citizens and to identify the key strategic results be achieved in the next three to five years. The plan and process as detailed in the scope of work included robust community and City Commission participation in the creation of the draft Vision, Vision Statement and Strategies. The draft Vision, Vision Statement and Strategies are ready for City Commission review, discussion and adoption. After an extensive citizen engagement process in November and December of 2016 and a facilitated City Commission/Department Director session in March 2017, the interim city manager recommends that the City Commission review, revise (if necessary) and adopt the proposed Strategic Plan Vision, Vision Statements and direct the interim city manager to prepare action plans for strategic City projects, tasks and desired outcomes for FY18, FY19 and FY20. 60 2 City staff is currently working on strategic action plans anticipated by the draft strategies. These action plans will guide the City operations for the next three to five years. The interim city manager seeks City Commission direction and action regarding timelines and processes to complete the strategic planning process and produce a draft City Strategic Plan for Commission review. Action plans for each strategic priority will include: 1. Ongoing work, 2. Tasks and projects identified in other adopted city plans, 3. The responsible people for each task, project or desired outcome, and 4. A suggested budget. The interim city manager and staff will prepare detailed draft action plans and recommended priorities for consideration by the City Commission on August 14, 2017 and September 18, 2017. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: The interim city manager will identify overall staff capacity, current workloads and an estimate of the relative time, complexity and the costs for each new strategic priority, task, project or desired outcome and prepare recommended strategic priorities and the sequencing of tasks, projects and desired outcomes for the next three fiscal years with detail draft action plans for consideration by the City Commission in August and September. Strategic questions include: 1. How can the City Commission and City staff work more effectively together to balance the demands for service with City’s resources? 2. How can the City effectively manage growth and development to better serve the economic, social and environmental needs of the Bozeman community? 3. How can the City better communicate with and satisfy residents, community members and key stakeholders? 4. How can the City find adequate resources to sustain the desired level of services now and in the future and more equitably share the burden of providing City services? ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: None. Anticipated work to prepare draft action plans will be led by the interim city manager and current staff members. Attachment: Draft Strategic Plan Vision, Vision Statements and Strategies 61   City of Bozeman Strategic Plan Components May 4 DRAFT 1        STRATEGIC PLAN  Vision, Vision Statements,   and Strategies   (REVISED DRAFT WITH INPUT FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF (NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016)   AND FINALIZED BY THE COMMISSION MARCH 2017)  DRAFT May 4, 2017        62   City of Bozeman Strategic Plan Components May 4 DRAFT 2      Vision  Revised draft with input from staff and commission (November/December 2016)   and finalized by the Commission (March 2017)  Bozeman remains a safe, inclusive community, fostering civic engagement and creativity,  with a thriving diversified economy, a strong environmental ethic, and a high quality of  life as our community grows and changes.     Strategic Plan Vision Statements  Revised draft with input from staff and commission (November/December 2016)   and finalized by the Commission (March 2017)         #1) An Engaged Community. We foster a culture of engagement and civic leadership based on  innovation and best practices involving community members of all backgrounds and perspectives.  #2) An Innovative Economy.  We grow a diversified and innovative economy leveraging our natural  amenities, skilled and creative people, and educational resources to generate economic opportunities.  #3) A Safe, Welcoming Community.  We embrace a safe, healthy, welcoming and inclusive community.  #4) A Well‐Planned City.  We maintain our community's quality of life as it grows and changes,  honoring our sense of place and the 'Bozeman feel' as we plan for a livable, affordable, more   connected city.  #5) A Creative, Learning Culture.  We expand learning, education, arts, expression and creativity   for all ages.  #6) A Sustainable Environment. We cultivate a strong environmental ethic, protecting our clean air,  water, open spaces and climate, and promote environmentally sustainable businesses and lifestyles.   #7) A High Performance Organization.  We operate as an ethical, high performance organization  anticipating future needs, utilizing best practices, and striving for continuous improvement.       63   City of Bozeman Strategic Plan Components May 4 DRAFT 3    Strategic Plan Vision Statements with Strategies  Revised draft with input from staff and commission (November/December 2016)   and finalized by the Commission (March 2017)  Vision Statement # 1 ‐‐ An Engaged Community. We foster a culture of engagement and civic leadership based  on innovation and best practices involving community members of all backgrounds and perspectives.  STRATEGIES    1.1. Outreach.  Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community  and our partners.   1.2. Community Engagement.  Broaden and deepen engagement of the community in city government,  inviting input from the community’s stakeholders.  1.3. Public Agencies Collaboration.  Foster successful collaboration with other public agencies (Gallatin  County, Montana State University, K‐12 school districts, etc.) – and build on these successes.  1.4. Business & Institutional Partnerships.  Explore opportunities for partnerships with key business  groups and non‐profit organizations.   Vision Statement #2 ‐‐ An Innovative Economy.  We grow a thriving, diversified, and innovative economy  leveraging our natural amenities, skilled and creative people, and educational resources to generate economic  opportunities.  STRATEGIES    2.1. Business Growth. Support retention and growth of both the traded and local business sectors while  welcoming and encouraging new and existing businesses.   2.2. Infrastructure Investments. Strategically invest in infrastructure as a mechanism to encourage  economic development.    2.3. Workforce Development.  Support education and workforce development initiatives to improve the  skills of our citizens.  2.4. Partnerships to Spur Economic Vitality.  Pursue opportunities that connect creativity, innovation,  and the arts to economic development, governance, and education to improve the quality of life and  enhance the business climate in Bozeman.   Vision Statement #3 ‐‐ A Safe, Welcoming Community.  We embrace a safe, healthy, welcoming, and inclusive  community.  STRATEGIES      3.1. Public Safety.  Support high quality public safety programs, facilities, and leadership.   3.2. Health & Safety Education & Awareness.  Improve education and public awareness concerning  emergency services, criminal justice, and social health issues and services.  64   City of Bozeman Strategic Plan Components May 4 DRAFT 4    3.3. Friendly Community. Ensure Bozeman continues to welcome diverse groups of people through  policies and public awareness.   3.4. Active Recreation.  Facilitate and promote recreational opportunities and active health programs  and facilities.    Vision Statement #4 ‐‐ A Well‐Planned City. We maintain our community's quality of life as it grows and  changes, honoring our sense of place and the 'Bozeman feel' as we plan for a livable, affordable, more connected  city.  STRATEGIES    4.1. Informed Conversation on Growth.  Continue developing an in‐depth understanding of how  Bozeman is growing and changing and proactively address change in a balanced and coordinated  manner.   4.2. High Quality Urban Approach.  Continue to support high quality planning, ranging from building  design to neighborhood layouts, while pursuing urban approaches to issues such as multimodal  transportation, infill, density, connected trails and parks, and walkable neighborhoods.   4.3. Strategic Infrastructure Choices.  Prioritize long‐term investment and maintenance for existing and  new infrastructure.   4.4. Vibrant Downtown, Districts & Centers.  Promote a healthy, vibrant Downtown, Midtown,  commercial districts, and neighborhood centers – including higher densities and intensification of use  in these key areas.     4.5. Housing & Transportation Choices.  Vigorously encourage, through a wide variety of actions, the  development of sustainable and lasting housing options for underserved individuals and families and  improve mobility options that accommodate all travel modes.     Vision Statement #5 ‐‐ A Creative, Learning Culture.  We expand education, arts, expression, and creativity for  all ages.   STRATEGIES   5.1. Civic and Cultural Infrastructure.  Expand Bozeman’s civic and cultural “infrastructure” as the city  grows.     5.2. Support for Public Art.  Encourage and support partnerships for public art and other arts and  cultural initiatives in the city.  5.3. Partnerships for Education and Learning.  Strengthen and support partnerships for arts and culture  with a wide variety of individuals, organizations, and institutions to enhance and improve education and  learning in Bozeman.      65   City of Bozeman Strategic Plan Components May 4 DRAFT 5    Vision Statement #6 ‐‐ A Sustainable Environment. We cultivate a strong environmental ethic; protect our clean  air, water, open spaces and climate; and promote environmentally sustainable businesses and lifestyles.  STRATEGIES   6.1. Clean Water Supplies.  Ensure adequate supplies of clean water.    6.2. Air Quality.  Protect local air quality. Note: Include in action: work w/neighboring communities  6.3. Climate Action.  Reduce community and municipal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, increase the  supply of clean and/or renewable energy, and foster related businesses.     6.4. Adaptation and Mitigation.  Increase the community’s resiliency and preparedness in response to  climate change.     6.5. Parks, Trails & Open Space.  Support the maintenance and expansion of an interconnected system  of parks, trails and open space    Vision Statement #7 ‐‐ A High Performance Organization.  We operate as an ethical high performance  organization, anticipating future needs, utilizing best practices and striving for continuous improvement.  STRATEGIES     7.1. Values‐driven Culture. Promote a values‐driven organizational culture that reinforces ethical  behavior, exercises transparency and maintains the community’s trust.  7.2. Employee Excellence.  Continue to recruit, retain and value a diverse, well‐trained, qualified and  motivated team members capable of delivering best superior performance in their service to the  community.  7.3. Best Practices, Creativity and Foresight. Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and  constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City.  7.4. Performance Metrics.  Utilize key performance and cost measures to monitor, track and improve  the planning and delivery of City programs and services, and promote greater accountability,  effectiveness and efficiency.    7.5. Funding for City Programs & Services.  Develop equitable and sustainable sources of revenue.      66