HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-24 Bozeman, Montana July 24. 1967 The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room. City Hall Building, Wednesday. July 24, 1957 at l.OO o'clock P. M. Present were Mayor Swanson~ Commissioner Erwin~ Commissioner Low.~ City Manager Henderson, Administrative Assistant Sales, City Attorney Lovelace and the Clerk. The following proceedings were hada 1 Minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Erwin. seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votea those voting Aye being Mayor Swenson, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lcwe; those voting No, none. Bids.. Misc. W & C 1967 This was the time and place set for the opening of bids for the construction and/or repair of Misc. W & C for 1967. Affidavit of publication of the Notioe to Bidders was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seoonded by Commissioner Erwin, that the bids be opened and read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No. none. The following bids were opened and read. AI Jones Mecklenburg & Gower W. D. Howells i3~466.50 3,419.75 3,916.00 After tabulation and ohecking of the bids by the City Engineer, it was moved by Commissioner Lowe~ seconded by Commissioner Erwin~ that the bid of Mecklenburg & Gower be accepted. and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No votel those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin 1 and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No. none. Installation of Water Supply Line for Sprinkler System - Teslow, Inc. Request has been received from teslow, Inc. for a six or eight inch water service to their mills at 901 No. Wallace to serve 8S a stand-by supply for a sprinkler system. Similar services have been extended to other flour mills and the oannery at the owners' expense. It was moved by Commissioner Enrin~ seoonded by Commissioner Lowe. that the requested water service be extended at the expense of Teslaw. Inc. and the motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner LoweJ those voting No~ none. Claim for Gas Refund A claim to the State Board of equalization for refund of state gasoline tax paid by the City of Bozeman in the amount of $1,217.02 was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe, seoonded by Commissioner Erwin, that the Ci~ Manager be authorized to file this claim against the State Board of Equalization in this amount for state gasoline tax refund~ and the motion oarried by the following Aye and No vote, those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No. none. Report 1 The report of The Director of Finance for the month of June~ 1957 was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the report be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Maintenance of Gaging Station on East Gallatin River Discontinued Contract was presented for the City's annual contribution toward the maintenanoe of the Gaging Station on the East Gallatin River. The City Manager recommends the City of Bozeman discontinue its contribution as the value received does not seem commensurate with the cost. .. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe. that the City of Bozeman ,~J.9!J :100 discontinue their annual contribution for the maintenance of the Gaging Station on the East Gallatin River~ and the motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Petition for Paving. North Eighth.. Main to Mendenhall Petition signed by owners of property on North Eighth Avenue requesting the establishment of a Special Improvement District for pa.ving on North Eighth from Main to Mendenhall Streets was presented. It was moved by Commissioner Lowe~ seconded by Commissioner Erwin, that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare the necessary data based on which the City Attorney shall prepare a resolution of intention to create this district and the motion carried by the following ~e and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson. Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No~ none. Resolution No. 853 - Intention to Create S. I. D. No. 398 The City Attorney, as instructed, has prepared the resolution of intention to create S. I. D. No. 398, paving west of Eighth Avenue between Koch end Main Streets. Resolution No. 853 was presented, enti tledz A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMliliT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 398 OF' THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE FURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING A PAVE- MENT PROJECT ON WEST CURT IBS STREET FROM SOUTH EIGHTH AVENUE TO SOUTH TWELFl'H AVENUE~ ON WEST OLIVE STREET FROM SOUTH EIGHTH AVENUE TO SOlJ1'HTENTH AVENUE~ ON SOUTH NINTH AVENUE AND SOUTH TENTH AVENUE FROM WEST MAIN STREET ro WEST KOCH STREET, AND ON SOUTH ELEVENTH AVENUE AND SOUTH TWELFTH AVENUE FROM WEST CURTISS STREET TO WEST KOCH STREET, SAID PROJECT TO INCLUDE THE CON.. STRUCTION OF COMBINATION CURBS AND GUTTERS, GRAVEL BASE COURSE, CRUSHED GRAVEL CUSHION COURSE, AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE COURSE, AND OTHER 1<<)RK INCIDENTAL THERETO. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seconded by Commissioner Lowe, that the Resolution be passed and adopted and August l4, 1957 be set as the date for hearing protests. and the motion carried by the following Aye and No votel those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No, none. Budget for 1957-58 The City Manager presented and explained the proposed budget for the fiscal year ending June 30th~ 1958. Ordinance No. 799 was pre8ented~ entitled a AN ORDINANCE APFROPRIATING MON IEB FOR EXPENDITURES DEEMED NECESSARY AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE ETC., OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30th, 1958. It was moved by Commissioner Erwin, seoonded by Commissioner Lowe, that the ordinance be pro- visionally passed and July 31st, 1957 be set as the date for public hearing and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Are being Mayor Swanson, CODlllissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No. none. Overnight Camping in City Parks The number of tourists who camp out at night appears to be increasing and many inquiries are received as to where in the City such people can set up tents for overnight camping. Pe~ission has been given from time to time for such camps to be set up in Bogert Park, that park having facilities where outdoor fire can be built. City water and toilet faoilities are available, and it not being maintained with lawn as in other City parks. It was cited that this policy would be continued until and unless there is complaint because of the number of oampers in this park. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time. it was moved by Commissioner Erwin~ seoonded by Commissioner Lowe, that the meeting adjourn and the motion carried b:y the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Mayor Swanson, Commissioner Erwin and Commissioner Lowe; those voting No~ none. ---- - /:,: ;,/' /-~/~-;/ -- i.... ____... .,.,. .... ~ ,.. .., . / I / --.---..-- ; e) /;Jf/,/ ft ~_ - - A_;: Mayor >t;. - I ..... I l , Attestz ,~~~ Clerk of e Ci ty Commission 1 1 1