HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-17 City Commission Packet Materials - A3. Discussion on Desired Attributes and Qualifications Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Dennis M. Taylor Interim City Manager SUBJECT: Continued discussion of desired attributes and qualifications of the city manager with the director team MEETING DATE: May 3, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Discussion/Action RECOMMENDATION: Consider the Interim City Manager’s recommendations and provide direction regarding the development of a list of desired attributes, qualifications, skills, experiences, and the preferred management style of the next city manager for the City of Bozeman SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to direct the Interim City Manager to work with the successful executive search firm and the Human Resources Director to develop a draft list of desired attributes, qualifications, skills, and preferred management style considerations for further City Commission discussion and in preparation for developing the candidate profile. BACKGROUND: On April 20, 2017, the City Commission voted to contract with a professional executive search firm that specializes in conducting executive searches to assist the City Commission with the city manager recruitment and selection process. At the first meeting concerning the city manager recruitment process, the City Commission began to discuss a path to prepare for the recruitment and selection of the next city manager. Selecting a city manager is perhaps the most important decision that the City Commission will make for Bozeman community. Proper planning and professional assistance ensures a deliberate, thorough, well-defined and successful process. The basic questions the City Commission must answer are: (1) How does the City Commission conduct a recruitment to the fill city manager vacancy? (2) What are some of the best practices that help the City Commission, Interim City Manager, Human Resource Director, other City staff and the executive search firm navigate the recruitment, selection, and negotiation processes to find the individual who is best suited to serve as the next Bozeman city manager. 10 One best practice is for the City Commission to prepare a profile of the attributes, qualifications, skills, experiences and management style of the “ideal” candidate. The Human Resources Director facilitated a discussion of attributes and qualification desired by the City Commission at the City Commission meeting on April 20th. The list on the next two pages is a summary of City Commission’s initial discussion of attributes, qualifications and characteristics. Attributes/Characteristics- Overview • Distinguishing feature – unlike any other position in the organization, this position reports directly to the City Commission. Attributes and Qualifications • Being able to effectively work with governmental administrators • Healthy attitude toward conflict • Transparency • Positively receive criticism • Experienced… leads dynamic org forward • Ethical • Demonstrated willingness to use good judgment o Proactive - out in front of commission and public • See far ahead • Must be able to communicate to commission the reality of a situation • Anticipate issues and future events • Accountability o Position of leading not following o Risk management o Credit-giver and blame-taker • Proactive – looking ahead • Integrity, transparency, ethical • Works well in dynamic environment • Prioritization (ability to prioritize) • High communication skills o Ability to thoroughly (and redundantly) communicate • Ethics • Transparency • Listen to staff • Focus on people (community, affordable housing, growth experience, exp with homeless/mental health issues) o Someone who can get around in the community and connect with all  Not just connecting with a small portion of the community • Expertise with local option taxes • Equal Pay • Vision (visionary leadership) 11 • Communication (writing, speaking, listening, staff, neighbors) • Pushing the envelope (anticipation, helping us to think out of our box and about things that are coming • Ethics/trust • Teambuilding o Investing in people o Builds trust • Nurturing (mentoring) leader o Helps staff relate to and succeed with commission (pivot point) • Benevolent, but firm leader o Says “this is the way we’re going to go” BUT listens • Ability to juggle multiple bosses • Analyzing, prioritizing, inspiring (successful prioritization) o Ability to get buy-in from commission and staff • Strong personality o Ability to work with all 5 bosses, and o Pushing own agenda • Empathy • Emotional intelligence The Interim City Manager asked the City’s leadership team to prepare a similar list of attributes and qualification that will be shared with the City Commission at their next meeting. The Interim City Manager, Assistant City Managers and the Department Directors are available to discuss desired attributes, qualification, skills, experiences and management style of an “ideal” candidate if the City Commission wishes to engage in a dialogue with key City staff at the City Commission meeting. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: Once the executive search firm has been selected and is available to meet with the City Commission, some of the unresolved issues may include; 1. What is the anticipated timeline for the executive search team to begin meeting with the City Commission? 2. What are the attributes, qualifications, skills, experiences and management style of the “ideal” city manager candidate? 3. What are the key issues and opportunities facing the City and the next city manager? 4. How will the city manager compensation be considered? 5. What is selection schedule and calendar? 6. What is the city manager selection budget? 7. How and by whom will applicants be screened? 8. How will the public be involved? 9. How and what information will be made public? 10. Who will serve on interview panels? 11. How and with what information will the media be involved? 12. How will the preferred candidate be selected? 13. Who will negotiate the terms of the employment agreement with the preferred candidate? ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. 12 FISCAL EFFECTS: Unknown at this time. Attachment: ICMA Guidelines for Selecting a Local Government Administrator 13