HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Contract Agreement - Hydro Logistics, LLC. - City Hall Landscape Improvement ProjectCity Hall Irrigation Ci t y H a l l I r r i g a t i o n Mi k e G r a y , D i r e c t o r o f F a c i l i t i e s S e r v i c e s em a i l : m g r a y @ b o z e m a n . n e t 3.2.2017 1984 Proff IRRIGATION LEGEND Zone Valve MP Rotator Controller Isolation Valve Quick Connect C ZONE # GPMVALVE SIZE ## # Lateral Line Mainline and Wire Drip Irrigation Wire IRRIGATION NOTES 2. Mainline piping and all lateral piping is 1” 100psi PE pipe or Sch40 PVC. 3. Wiring shall be 18ga. multi-strand. 1. The plan is diagrammatic for piping, wiring, and head locations. Adjust all piping and heads when obvious obstructions or grade changes exist. 4. Sprinkler head spacing and location dictate type of MP Rotator nozzle. 5. All visible existing system components to be removed. All existing valve box locations to be filled in and compacted with topsoil. Sprinkler heads to be removed. Disturbed areas to be reseeded. 7. The Irrigation Controller shall be removed from its current location in the mechanical room and installed on the outside of the building within a supplied cabinet at the designated location. In the event that a new alternate controller is desired, contractor shall be notified by owner prior to project for installation costs. 6. A new mainline and conduit are to be connected to the underside of the existing bridge by the irrigation contractor. The pipe and conduit shall be fastened securely and placed out of visible sight lines. 8. Existing wiring currently routed from the mechanical room to the indicated POC shall be utilized to control valve # 10. It is the responsibility of the irrigation contractor to make all necessary wire-splices to provide continuity from the controller to the valve. 9. The existing spray heads on zone # 10 shall be retrofitted with MP Rotator nozzles. 10. The only sleeving currently installed lies beneath the east parking lot entrance apron on Lamme St. 12. Irrigation Contractor shall adjust all sprinklers to provide proper radius and to minimize overspray onto buildings, sidewalks, roads, etc. 13. Irrigation Contractor shall install an automatic rain shut-off sensor. Sensor should not be mounted under treesor building eaves, in areas affected by sprinkler system, or areas prone to vandalism. 11. Electrical and manual valves to be installed in 12” standard valve boxes. 14. Owner is responsble for new backflow installation, mounting the control cabinet, and routing power to new controller location. 15. All information to be field verified by Irrigation Contractor prior to installation. 14. All plant materials in zones 10 and 11, shall be drip irrigated. Zone #12 is drip rings to existing trees. 1 2 3 4 51 8 31 7 D1 12 D1 10 31 3 151 4 151 5 101 2 91 1 31 3 61 6 31 9 D1 11 C POC